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Denizli horozlarında glandula uropygialis morfolojisinin araştırılması: 3 Tesla MRG ve histolojik inceleme

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 95 Sayı: 2, 149 - 157, 15.06.2024


Bu çalışma, Türkiye için endemik bir tür olan Denizli horozunun preen bezini (glandula uropygialis) hem makroskopik olarak hem de manyetik rezonans görüntüleme ile incelemek ve histolojik oluşumunu sunmak amacıyla yapıldı. Beş yetişkin Denizli horozunun kullanıldığı çalışmamızın sonuçları, şimdiye kadar bu konuda yapılan diğer çalışmalarla büyük oranda benzer olmasına karşılık, diğer türlerden farklı olarak, her iki loba ait her yöne dallanmış sekonder sinusların, bezin istmus bölgesinde birbirine açılarak iki lobu birbirine bağlayan geçiş kanalları oluşturduğu gözlendi. MR görüntülerinde preen bezinin yüksek miktarda yağ salgılamasına bağlı olarak parlak beyaz hiper-ekoik özellikler görüldü. Bu sebeple preen bezinin çevre dokulardan kolayca izole edilebildiği belirlendi. Denizli horozundaki bezin bir çift simetrik bilateral loba sahip olduğu ve her iki tarafta yer aldığı MR elde edilen görüntülerinde de gözlendi. Loblar arası geçiş sayesinde, primer kanallardan birinin herhangi bir nedenle tıkanması durumunda bezden dışarı salgı akışının devamlılığının sağlanabildiği ve böylece tıkanmaya bağlı olumsuzlukların engellenebildiği düşünülmektedir.

Proje Numarası

This research is not supported by any Project.


  • Denizli horozu [Online]. 2006 [cited 2024 Jan 13]; Available from: URL:
  • Ozdoğan N, Gürcan IS. Denizli ve gerze yerli tavuk ırklarında yumurta verimine ait bazı özellikler. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 2006;46(2):13-21.
  • Tuncer PB, Kinet H, Ozdoğan N, Demiral ÖO. Evaluation of some spermatological characteristics in denizli Cocks. J Fac Vet Med Univ Erciyes 2006;3(1):37-42.
  • Demirsoy A. Yaşamın temel kuralları omurgalılar/amniyota (sürüngenler, kuşlar ve memeliler). 1st ed. Ankara: Meteksan AŞ; 1992.
  • Keskin N, Ili P. Denizli horozu genital sistemi üzerinde histokimyasal araştırmalar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet Bil Derg 2011;6(3):231-237.
  • Jacob J, Ziswiler V. The uropygial gland. In: Farner DS, King JR, Parkes KC, editör. Avian biology: Volume VI. 1st ed. New York: Academic Press; 1982. p. 199-324.
  • Moyer BR, Rock AN, Clayton DH. Experimental test of the importance of preen oil in rock doves (Columba livia). The Auk 2003;120:490-496.
  • Sadoon AH. Histological study of european starling uropygial gland (Sturnus vulgaris). International Journal of Poultry Science 2011;10:662-664.
  • Cakır A, Bakıcı C, Batur B. Evcil Kanatlı Hayvanların Anatomisi. 1st ed. Ankara: Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2024.
  • Salibian A, Montalti D. Physiological and biochemical aspects of the avian uropygial gland. Braz J Biol 2019;69(2):437-446.
  • Harem IS, Kocak-Harem M, Turan-Kozlu T, Akaydin-Bozkurt Y, Karadağ-Sarı E, Altunay H. Histologic structure of the uropygial gland of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 2010;41:148-151.
  • Martín-Vivaldi M, Ruiz-Rodríguez M, Soler JJ, Peralta-Sánchez JM, Méndez M, Valdivia E, Martín-Platero AM, Martínez-Bueno M. Seasonal, sexual and developmental differences in hoopoe Upupa epops preen gland morphology and secretions: evidence for a role of bacteria. Journal of Avian Biology 2009;40:191-205.
  • Chen YH, Peh HC, Roan SW. Establishment of uropygial gland growth curves for white, three-way crossed mule ducklings. Braz J Poultry Sci 2015;17:209-217.
  • Demircioğlu I, Yılmaz B, Filikci K, Das A. A morphometric and histometric analysis of the effect of mint oil (Mentha piperita) supplementation at different levels to quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) rations on glandula uropygialis. F Ü Sağ Bil Vet Derg 2019;33(3):185-189.
  • Yılmaz B, Yılmaz R. Peçeli baykuşlarda (Tyto alba) glandula uropygialis’in morfolojik ve histolojik analizi. J Res Vet Med 2020;39(2):143-8.
  • Reynolds S. The anatomy and histomorphology of the uropygial gland in new zealand endemic species. New Zealand; Massey University. A master thesis; 2013.
  • Moreno-Rueda G. Uropygial gland size correlates with feather holes, body condition and wingbar size in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. J.Avian Biol 2010;41:229-236.
  • Stettenheim PR. The integumentary morphology of modern birds – an overview. American Zoology 2000;40:461-477.
  • Yılmaz B, Harem IS, Demircioğlu I, Özyiğit G, Bozkaya F. Anatomic, morphometric and histological features of Glandula uropygialis in Aseel roosters and hens. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2018;34(2):65-70.
  • King AS, McLelland J. Form and function in birds. 1st ed. London: Academic Press;1985.
  • Sara Q, Malentacchi C, Delfino C, Brunasso AMG, Delfino G. Adaptive evolution of secretory cell lines in vertebrate skin. Caryologia 2006;59:187-206.
  • Lucas AM, Stettenheim PR. Avian anatomy: Integument Agriculture Handbook 362. 1st ed. Washington; United States Department of Agriculture;1972.
  • Sawad AA. Morphological and histological study of uropygial gland in moorhen (Gallinula choropus). International Journal of Poultry Science 2006;5:938-941.
  • Pepperberg IM, Howell KS, Banta PA, Patterson DK, Meister M. Measurement of grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) trachea via magnetic resonance imaging, dissection, and electron beam computed tomography. Journal of Morphology 1998;238: 81-91.
  • Guglielmo CG, McGuire LP, Gerson AR, Seewagen CL. Simple, rapid and non-invasive measurement of fat, lean and total water masses of live birds using quantitative magnetic resonance. J Ornithol 2011;152(1):75-85.
  • Vellema M, Verschueren J, Meir VV, Linden AV. A customizable 3-dimensional digital atlas of the canary brain in multiple modalities. Neurolmage 2011;57:352-361.
  • Bartels T, Brinkmeier J, Portmann S, Baulain U, Zinke A, Junghanns MEK, Boos A, Wolf P, Kummerfeld N. Magnetic resonance imaging of intracranial tissue accumulations in domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos f.dom.) with feather crests. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2001;42:254-258.
  • Graham JE, Werner JA, Lowestine LJ, Wallack ST, Tell LA. Periorbital liposarcoma in an african grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 2003;17(3):147-153.
  • Reneerkens J, Versteegh MA, Schneider AM, Piersma T, Burtt EH. Seasonally changing preen-wax composition: Red Knots (Calidris canutus) flexible defense against feather-degrading bacteria. The Auk 2008;125(2): 285-290.
  • Mostachio GQ, De‐Oliveira LD, Carciofi AC, Vicente WR. The effects of anesthesia with a combination of intramuscular xylazine–diazepam–ketamine on heart rate, respiratory rate and cloacal temperature in roosters. Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia 2008;35(3):232-236.
  • Crossmon GA. Modification of mallory's connective tissue stain with a discussion of principles involved. Anat Rec 1937;69:33-8.
  • Balkaya H, Ozdemir D, Ozudogru Z, Kara H, Erbas E. A study on the anatomic and histological structures of magpie (Pica pica) glandula uropygialis. Van Vet J 2016;27(1):21-4.
  • Stangier N, Sandhöfer S, Mosig A, Distler C. The uropygial gland of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo): I Morphology. Journal of Ornithology 2023;164:591-603.
  • Yılmaz B, Yılmaz R. Yeşilbaş Ördeklerde (Anas platyrhynchos) Glandula uropygialis’in makroanatomik ve histolojik özellikleri. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg 2019;8(2):214-20.
  • Mobini B, Ziaii A. Comparative histological study of the preen of broiler and native chicken. Veterinary Research Bulletin 2011;6:121–128.

Exploring the morphology of the glandula uropygialis in Denizli rooster: 3 tesla MRI and histological investigation

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 95 Sayı: 2, 149 - 157, 15.06.2024


The aim of this study was to examine the preen gland (uropygial gland) of Denizli rooster, an endemic species for Turkey, both macroscopic and by magnetic resonance imaging and to present its histological formation. Five adult male subjects were used for this study. Although some of the findings of the preen gland in Denizli rooster were quite similar to the previous studies on the various avian species, widely branching secondary sinuses of the both two lobes of the gland were formed different from those. It was observed that the sinuses of these two lobes were connected to each other by forming passageway at the isthmus region of the gland. MR images showed bright white hyper-echoic features due to high fat secretion of the preen gland. Therefore, it was determined that the preen gland could be easily isolated from the surrounding tissues. It was also observed in the MR images that the gland in the Denizli cock has a pair of symmetrical bilateral lobes and is located on both sides. This connection gave rise to thought that the problems occurred by the blockage of the one of the primary canals can be solved by the compensation of another canal connected through this passageway. Thus, the secretion of the gland could be maintained properly.

Proje Numarası

This research is not supported by any Project.


The authors would like to thank Prof.Dr. Ayhan Özkul for on the biological behavior of the Denizli rooster and for his support in obtaining the animals.


  • Denizli horozu [Online]. 2006 [cited 2024 Jan 13]; Available from: URL:
  • Ozdoğan N, Gürcan IS. Denizli ve gerze yerli tavuk ırklarında yumurta verimine ait bazı özellikler. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 2006;46(2):13-21.
  • Tuncer PB, Kinet H, Ozdoğan N, Demiral ÖO. Evaluation of some spermatological characteristics in denizli Cocks. J Fac Vet Med Univ Erciyes 2006;3(1):37-42.
  • Demirsoy A. Yaşamın temel kuralları omurgalılar/amniyota (sürüngenler, kuşlar ve memeliler). 1st ed. Ankara: Meteksan AŞ; 1992.
  • Keskin N, Ili P. Denizli horozu genital sistemi üzerinde histokimyasal araştırmalar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet Bil Derg 2011;6(3):231-237.
  • Jacob J, Ziswiler V. The uropygial gland. In: Farner DS, King JR, Parkes KC, editör. Avian biology: Volume VI. 1st ed. New York: Academic Press; 1982. p. 199-324.
  • Moyer BR, Rock AN, Clayton DH. Experimental test of the importance of preen oil in rock doves (Columba livia). The Auk 2003;120:490-496.
  • Sadoon AH. Histological study of european starling uropygial gland (Sturnus vulgaris). International Journal of Poultry Science 2011;10:662-664.
  • Cakır A, Bakıcı C, Batur B. Evcil Kanatlı Hayvanların Anatomisi. 1st ed. Ankara: Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2024.
  • Salibian A, Montalti D. Physiological and biochemical aspects of the avian uropygial gland. Braz J Biol 2019;69(2):437-446.
  • Harem IS, Kocak-Harem M, Turan-Kozlu T, Akaydin-Bozkurt Y, Karadağ-Sarı E, Altunay H. Histologic structure of the uropygial gland of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 2010;41:148-151.
  • Martín-Vivaldi M, Ruiz-Rodríguez M, Soler JJ, Peralta-Sánchez JM, Méndez M, Valdivia E, Martín-Platero AM, Martínez-Bueno M. Seasonal, sexual and developmental differences in hoopoe Upupa epops preen gland morphology and secretions: evidence for a role of bacteria. Journal of Avian Biology 2009;40:191-205.
  • Chen YH, Peh HC, Roan SW. Establishment of uropygial gland growth curves for white, three-way crossed mule ducklings. Braz J Poultry Sci 2015;17:209-217.
  • Demircioğlu I, Yılmaz B, Filikci K, Das A. A morphometric and histometric analysis of the effect of mint oil (Mentha piperita) supplementation at different levels to quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) rations on glandula uropygialis. F Ü Sağ Bil Vet Derg 2019;33(3):185-189.
  • Yılmaz B, Yılmaz R. Peçeli baykuşlarda (Tyto alba) glandula uropygialis’in morfolojik ve histolojik analizi. J Res Vet Med 2020;39(2):143-8.
  • Reynolds S. The anatomy and histomorphology of the uropygial gland in new zealand endemic species. New Zealand; Massey University. A master thesis; 2013.
  • Moreno-Rueda G. Uropygial gland size correlates with feather holes, body condition and wingbar size in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. J.Avian Biol 2010;41:229-236.
  • Stettenheim PR. The integumentary morphology of modern birds – an overview. American Zoology 2000;40:461-477.
  • Yılmaz B, Harem IS, Demircioğlu I, Özyiğit G, Bozkaya F. Anatomic, morphometric and histological features of Glandula uropygialis in Aseel roosters and hens. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2018;34(2):65-70.
  • King AS, McLelland J. Form and function in birds. 1st ed. London: Academic Press;1985.
  • Sara Q, Malentacchi C, Delfino C, Brunasso AMG, Delfino G. Adaptive evolution of secretory cell lines in vertebrate skin. Caryologia 2006;59:187-206.
  • Lucas AM, Stettenheim PR. Avian anatomy: Integument Agriculture Handbook 362. 1st ed. Washington; United States Department of Agriculture;1972.
  • Sawad AA. Morphological and histological study of uropygial gland in moorhen (Gallinula choropus). International Journal of Poultry Science 2006;5:938-941.
  • Pepperberg IM, Howell KS, Banta PA, Patterson DK, Meister M. Measurement of grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) trachea via magnetic resonance imaging, dissection, and electron beam computed tomography. Journal of Morphology 1998;238: 81-91.
  • Guglielmo CG, McGuire LP, Gerson AR, Seewagen CL. Simple, rapid and non-invasive measurement of fat, lean and total water masses of live birds using quantitative magnetic resonance. J Ornithol 2011;152(1):75-85.
  • Vellema M, Verschueren J, Meir VV, Linden AV. A customizable 3-dimensional digital atlas of the canary brain in multiple modalities. Neurolmage 2011;57:352-361.
  • Bartels T, Brinkmeier J, Portmann S, Baulain U, Zinke A, Junghanns MEK, Boos A, Wolf P, Kummerfeld N. Magnetic resonance imaging of intracranial tissue accumulations in domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos f.dom.) with feather crests. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2001;42:254-258.
  • Graham JE, Werner JA, Lowestine LJ, Wallack ST, Tell LA. Periorbital liposarcoma in an african grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 2003;17(3):147-153.
  • Reneerkens J, Versteegh MA, Schneider AM, Piersma T, Burtt EH. Seasonally changing preen-wax composition: Red Knots (Calidris canutus) flexible defense against feather-degrading bacteria. The Auk 2008;125(2): 285-290.
  • Mostachio GQ, De‐Oliveira LD, Carciofi AC, Vicente WR. The effects of anesthesia with a combination of intramuscular xylazine–diazepam–ketamine on heart rate, respiratory rate and cloacal temperature in roosters. Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia 2008;35(3):232-236.
  • Crossmon GA. Modification of mallory's connective tissue stain with a discussion of principles involved. Anat Rec 1937;69:33-8.
  • Balkaya H, Ozdemir D, Ozudogru Z, Kara H, Erbas E. A study on the anatomic and histological structures of magpie (Pica pica) glandula uropygialis. Van Vet J 2016;27(1):21-4.
  • Stangier N, Sandhöfer S, Mosig A, Distler C. The uropygial gland of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo): I Morphology. Journal of Ornithology 2023;164:591-603.
  • Yılmaz B, Yılmaz R. Yeşilbaş Ördeklerde (Anas platyrhynchos) Glandula uropygialis’in makroanatomik ve histolojik özellikleri. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg 2019;8(2):214-20.
  • Mobini B, Ziaii A. Comparative histological study of the preen of broiler and native chicken. Veterinary Research Bulletin 2011;6:121–128.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Anatomi ve Fizyoloji

Barış Batur 0000-0001-9669-9917

Tuncer Kutlu 0000-0002-8771-1256

Caner Bakıcı 0000-0003-2413-3142

Hikmet Altunay 0000-0002-2983-8582

Gözde Yücel Tenekeci 0000-0002-2586-8346

Okan Ekim 0000-0002-3322-4161

Çağdaş Oto 0000-0002-2727-3768

Proje Numarası This research is not supported by any Project.
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 12 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 95 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Batur B, Kutlu T, Bakıcı C, Altunay H, Yücel Tenekeci G, Ekim O, Oto Ç. Exploring the morphology of the glandula uropygialis in Denizli rooster: 3 tesla MRI and histological investigation. Vet Hekim Der Derg. 2024;95(2):149-57.

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Veteriner Hekimler Derneği / Turkish Veterinary Medical Society