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Spor Yönetiminde Kriz İletişimi: İmaj Tamir Teorisi ve Durumsal Kriz İletişim Teorisi

Yıl 2023, , 355 - 370, 25.02.2023


Krizler örgütlerce yaygın olarak değerli bir kaynak olarak kabul edilen kurumsal itibara zarar verici tehdit unsurlarıdır. Kurumsal itibar paydaşlar ve onların algıları ve atıfları ile şekillendiğinden kriz yönetiminde gerçekleştirilecek iletişim faaliyetlerinin önemi son derece büyüktür. Bu doğrultuda, çalışmanın amacı kriz iletişimi literatüründe önce çıkan Bill Benoit'in (1995) İmaj Tamir Teorisi ve Timothy Coombs’un (1995) Durumsal Kriz İletişim Teorisi’ni spor alanında ele almaktır. Öncelikle kriz yönetimi ve iletişimi ile ilgili kavramsal çerçeve çizilmiş, araştırmaya temel alınan ilgili teoriler ve varsayımları açıklanmış, sonrasında ise uluslararası ve ulusal spor literatüründe gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar değerlendirilerek kuramların alana katkıları ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç olarak yazınımızda ilgili teoriler çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilen çalışmaların oldukça sınırlı olduğu tespit edilmiş ve gerek vaka analizi gerekse deneysel tasarım çalışmaların alana katkılar sağlayacağı öngörülmüştür.  


  • Argan, M. ve Katırcı, H. (2015). Spor pazarlaması. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık.
  • Atılgan, D. ve Kaplan, T. (2018). Crisis management in sport. Uluslararası Medeniyet Çalışmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 72-79.
  • Bapçum, K. (2012). Olimpiyatlar tarihinden unutulmaz kahramanlar inanılmaz olaylar. Ötüken Neşriyat.
  • Benoit, W. L. (1995). Sears’ repair of its auto service image: Image restoration discourse in the corporate sector. Communication Studies, 46(1-2), 89-105.
  • Benoit, W. L. (1997). Image repair discourse and crisis communication. Public Relations Review, 23(2), 177-186.
  • Benoit, W. L. (2000). Another visit to the theory of image restoration strategies. Communication Quarterly, 48(1), 40-43.
  • Benoit, W. L. (2015). Accounts, excuses, and apologies: Image repair theory and research (2nd ed.). State University of New York Press.
  • Benoit, W. L. ve Hanczor, R. S. (1994). The Tonya Harding controversy: An analysis of image restoration strategies. Communication Quarterly, 42(4), 416-433.
  • Brockner, J. ve Hayes James, E. (2008). Toward an understanding of when executives see crisis as opportunity. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44(1), 94-115.
  • Brown, N. A., Brown, K. A. ve Billings, A. C. (2015). “May no act of ours bring shame” fan-enacted crisis communication surrounding the Penn State sex abuse scandal. Communication & Sport, 3(3), 288-311.
  • Burnett, J. J. (1998). A strategic approach to managing crises. Public Relations Review, 24(4), 475-488.
  • Can, H. (2005). Organizasyon ve yönetim. Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Chalip, L. (2006). Toward a distinctive sport management discipline. Journal of Sport Management, 20, 1-21.
  • Coombs, W. T. (1995). Choosing the right words: The development of guidelines for the selection of the “appropriate” crisis-response strategies. Management Communication Quarterly, 8(4), 447-476.
  • Coombs, W. T. (1998). An analytic framework for crisis situations: Better responses from a better understanding of the situation. Journal of Public Relations Research, 10(3), 177-191.
  • Coombs, W. T. (1999). Information and compassion in crisis responses: A test of their effects. Journal of Public Relations Research, 11(2), 125-142.
  • Coombs, W. T. (2007). Protecting organization reputations during a crisis: The development and application of situational crisis communication theory. Corporate Reputation Review, 10(3), 163-176.
  • Coombs, W. T. (2014). Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding (4. ed.). SAGE
  • Coombs, W. T. (2015). The value of communication during a crisis: Insights from strategic communication research. Business Horizons, 58(2), 141-148.
  • Coombs, W. T. ve Holladay, S. J. (2002). Helping crisis managers protect reputational assets: Initial tests of the situational crisis communication theory. Management Communication Quarterly, 16(2), 165-186.
  • Coombs, W. T. ve Holladay, S. J. (2014). How publics react to crisis communication efforts: Comparing crisis response reactions across sub-arenas. Journal of Communication Management, 18(1), 40-57.
  • Coombs, W. T. ve Holladay, S.J. (1996). Communication and attributions in a crisis: An experimental study in crisis communication, Journal of Public Relations Research, 8(4), 279-295.
  • Ekmekçi, R. (2016). Spor yönetime giriş: temel konular. N. Basım ve M. Argan (Ed.), Spor yönetimi içinde (s. 1-32). Detay Yayıncılık
  • Favorito, J. (2012). Sports publicity a practical approach (2nd. ed.). Routledge.
  • Fink, S. (1986). Crisis management: planning for the inevitable. American Management Association.
  • Fink, S. (2013). Crisis communications: The definitive guide to managing the message. McGraw Hill Professional.
  • Guis, M. ve Johnson, D. (2000). Race and compensation in professional football. Applied Economics Letters, 7, 73-75.
  • Heath, R. L. ve Millar D. P. (2004). A rhetorical approach to crisis communication: Management, communication processes, and strategic responses. D. P. Millar ve R. L. Heath (Ed.), Responding to crisis: A rhetorical approach to crisis communication içinde (s. 1-17). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Jennings, A. (1996). The new lord of the rings: Olympic corruption and how to buy gold medals. Simon & Shuster.
  • Jordan, T. ve Smith, D. (2013). Crisis Communication in Sport Management: Research Aides Crisis Response Selection. KAHPERD Journal, 51(1), 26-33.
  • Kara, T. (2020). Sosyal medyada kriz iletişimi: Futbol taraftarlığı perspektifi. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12(1), 71-82.
  • Katırcı, H. ve Uztuğ, F. (2009). Spor kulüplerinde iletişim yönetimi: Türkiye profesyonel futbol liglerinde yer alan spor kulüplerinin iletişim uygulamalarına ilişkin araştırma. Anadolu Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(1), 149-168.
  • Korkmazyürek, H. ve Basım, H. N. (2009). İş modeli ve kriz yönetimi. Siyasal Yayınevi.
  • Kruse, N. W. (1981). Apologia in team sport. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 67(3), 270-283.
  • Messner, M. A. (1990). When bodies are weapons: Masculinity and violence in sport. International Review For The Sociology of Sport, 25(3), 203-220.
  • Mitroff, I. I. (1994). Crisis management and environmentalism: A natural fit. California Management Review, 36(2), 101-113.
  • Mitroff, I. I., Shrivastava, P. ve Udwadia, F. E. (1987). Effective crisis management. Academy of Management Perspectives, 1(4), 283-292.
  • Ndlela, M. N. (2019). Crisis communication: A stakeholder approach. Palgrave McMillan.
  • Oxford Sözlük. (2022). Crisis. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary içinde. adresinden 16 Şubat 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Pfeffer, J. ve Salancik, G. (1978) The external control of organizations: A resource dependence perspective. Harper & Row.
  • Pira, A. ve Sohodol, Ç. (2015). Kriz yönetimi. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Richards Jr, O., Wilson, C., Boyle, K. ve Mower, J. (2017). A knockout to the NFL’s reputation?: A case study of the NFL’s crisis communications strategies in response to the Ray Rice scandal. Public Relations Review, 43(3), 615-623.
  • Russell C. L. (2005). An Overview of the Integrative Research Review. Progress in Transplantation. 15(1), 8-13.
  • Sağlık Sözlüğü. (2022) Tıbbi kontraendikasyon. Sağlık sözlüğü içinde. Erişim adresi: adresinden 18 Mart 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Santana, G. (1998). Sports tourism and crisis management. Journal of Sport Tourism, 4(4), 12-29.
  • Sato, S., Ko, Y.J., Park, C. & Tao, W. (2015). Athlete reputational crisis and consumer evaluation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15(4), 434-453.
  • Shamansouri, E. ve Hashemi-Minabad, H. (2010). Causes of sport crises, ways of their elimination and a crisis-management strategic model. Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, 17(1), 79-83.
  • Shaw, S. ve Hoeber, L. (2003). "A strong man is direct and a direct woman is a bitch”: Gendered discourses and their influence on employment roles in sport organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 17, 347-375.
  • Slack, T. (2004). The Commercialisation of sport. Frank Cass.
  • Smart, C. ve Vertinsky, I. (1977). Designs for crisis decision units. Administrative Science Quarterly, 22(4), 640-657.
  • Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal of business research, 104, 333-339.
  • Tekin, M. ve Zerenler, M. (2012). İşletmelerde kriz yönetimi. Günay Ofset Matbaacılık.
  • Torraco, R. J. (2016). Writing Integrative Literature Reviews: Using the Past and Present to Explore the Future. Human Resource Development Review, 15(4), 404-428.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (2022). Kriz. Genel Türkçe Sözlüğü içinde. adresinden 16 Şubat 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Walton, T. (2001). The Sprewell/Carlesimo episode: Unacceptable violence or unacceptable. Sociology of Sport Journal, 18(3), 345-357.
  • White, A. ve Brackenridge, C. (1985). Who rules sport? Gender divisions in the power structure of British sports organisations from 1960. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 20(1-2), 95-107.
  • Wilson, B., Constantino, S. ve Westberg, K. (2010). A sport crisis typology: establishing a pathway for future research. Int. J. Sport Management and Marketing, 7, 21-32. ttps://
  • Yıldırım, A. (2017). Dijital spor iletişimi bağlamında Türk Milli Takımı’nda yaşanan krizin sosyal medyada yansıması. Yeni Medya Elektronik Dergisi, 1(1), 110-118.
  • Young, K., White, P. ve McTeer, W. (1994). Body talk: Male athletes reflect on sport, injury. Sociology of Sport Journal, 11, 175-194.
  • Yücel, A. S. (2014). Sporda kriz yönetimi: 3 Temmuz örneği. Akademik Bakış Dergisi. 40(Ocak-Şubat).

Crisis Communication in Sports Management: Image Repair Theory and Situational Crisis Communication Theory

Yıl 2023, , 355 - 370, 25.02.2023


Crises are threats to corporate reputation, which are widely accepted as a valuable resource by organisations. Since corporate reputation is shaped by stakeholders and their perceptions and attributions, the importance of communication activities to be carried out in crisis management are vital. In this context, the aim of the study is to discuss frequently used Image Repair Theory and Situational Crisis Communication Theory within the field of sports crisis management. Firstly, the concepts related to crisis management and communication are given; and the related theories and their assumptions are explained with their contributions to the literature. Then, the studies carried out in the international and national sports literature are evaluated. As a result, it is seen that the studies carried out within these theoretical frameworks in the literature are very limited; and it is foreseen that both case analysis and experimental design studies would contribute to the field.


  • Argan, M. ve Katırcı, H. (2015). Spor pazarlaması. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık.
  • Atılgan, D. ve Kaplan, T. (2018). Crisis management in sport. Uluslararası Medeniyet Çalışmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 72-79.
  • Bapçum, K. (2012). Olimpiyatlar tarihinden unutulmaz kahramanlar inanılmaz olaylar. Ötüken Neşriyat.
  • Benoit, W. L. (1995). Sears’ repair of its auto service image: Image restoration discourse in the corporate sector. Communication Studies, 46(1-2), 89-105.
  • Benoit, W. L. (1997). Image repair discourse and crisis communication. Public Relations Review, 23(2), 177-186.
  • Benoit, W. L. (2000). Another visit to the theory of image restoration strategies. Communication Quarterly, 48(1), 40-43.
  • Benoit, W. L. (2015). Accounts, excuses, and apologies: Image repair theory and research (2nd ed.). State University of New York Press.
  • Benoit, W. L. ve Hanczor, R. S. (1994). The Tonya Harding controversy: An analysis of image restoration strategies. Communication Quarterly, 42(4), 416-433.
  • Brockner, J. ve Hayes James, E. (2008). Toward an understanding of when executives see crisis as opportunity. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44(1), 94-115.
  • Brown, N. A., Brown, K. A. ve Billings, A. C. (2015). “May no act of ours bring shame” fan-enacted crisis communication surrounding the Penn State sex abuse scandal. Communication & Sport, 3(3), 288-311.
  • Burnett, J. J. (1998). A strategic approach to managing crises. Public Relations Review, 24(4), 475-488.
  • Can, H. (2005). Organizasyon ve yönetim. Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Chalip, L. (2006). Toward a distinctive sport management discipline. Journal of Sport Management, 20, 1-21.
  • Coombs, W. T. (1995). Choosing the right words: The development of guidelines for the selection of the “appropriate” crisis-response strategies. Management Communication Quarterly, 8(4), 447-476.
  • Coombs, W. T. (1998). An analytic framework for crisis situations: Better responses from a better understanding of the situation. Journal of Public Relations Research, 10(3), 177-191.
  • Coombs, W. T. (1999). Information and compassion in crisis responses: A test of their effects. Journal of Public Relations Research, 11(2), 125-142.
  • Coombs, W. T. (2007). Protecting organization reputations during a crisis: The development and application of situational crisis communication theory. Corporate Reputation Review, 10(3), 163-176.
  • Coombs, W. T. (2014). Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding (4. ed.). SAGE
  • Coombs, W. T. (2015). The value of communication during a crisis: Insights from strategic communication research. Business Horizons, 58(2), 141-148.
  • Coombs, W. T. ve Holladay, S. J. (2002). Helping crisis managers protect reputational assets: Initial tests of the situational crisis communication theory. Management Communication Quarterly, 16(2), 165-186.
  • Coombs, W. T. ve Holladay, S. J. (2014). How publics react to crisis communication efforts: Comparing crisis response reactions across sub-arenas. Journal of Communication Management, 18(1), 40-57.
  • Coombs, W. T. ve Holladay, S.J. (1996). Communication and attributions in a crisis: An experimental study in crisis communication, Journal of Public Relations Research, 8(4), 279-295.
  • Ekmekçi, R. (2016). Spor yönetime giriş: temel konular. N. Basım ve M. Argan (Ed.), Spor yönetimi içinde (s. 1-32). Detay Yayıncılık
  • Favorito, J. (2012). Sports publicity a practical approach (2nd. ed.). Routledge.
  • Fink, S. (1986). Crisis management: planning for the inevitable. American Management Association.
  • Fink, S. (2013). Crisis communications: The definitive guide to managing the message. McGraw Hill Professional.
  • Guis, M. ve Johnson, D. (2000). Race and compensation in professional football. Applied Economics Letters, 7, 73-75.
  • Heath, R. L. ve Millar D. P. (2004). A rhetorical approach to crisis communication: Management, communication processes, and strategic responses. D. P. Millar ve R. L. Heath (Ed.), Responding to crisis: A rhetorical approach to crisis communication içinde (s. 1-17). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Jennings, A. (1996). The new lord of the rings: Olympic corruption and how to buy gold medals. Simon & Shuster.
  • Jordan, T. ve Smith, D. (2013). Crisis Communication in Sport Management: Research Aides Crisis Response Selection. KAHPERD Journal, 51(1), 26-33.
  • Kara, T. (2020). Sosyal medyada kriz iletişimi: Futbol taraftarlığı perspektifi. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12(1), 71-82.
  • Katırcı, H. ve Uztuğ, F. (2009). Spor kulüplerinde iletişim yönetimi: Türkiye profesyonel futbol liglerinde yer alan spor kulüplerinin iletişim uygulamalarına ilişkin araştırma. Anadolu Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(1), 149-168.
  • Korkmazyürek, H. ve Basım, H. N. (2009). İş modeli ve kriz yönetimi. Siyasal Yayınevi.
  • Kruse, N. W. (1981). Apologia in team sport. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 67(3), 270-283.
  • Messner, M. A. (1990). When bodies are weapons: Masculinity and violence in sport. International Review For The Sociology of Sport, 25(3), 203-220.
  • Mitroff, I. I. (1994). Crisis management and environmentalism: A natural fit. California Management Review, 36(2), 101-113.
  • Mitroff, I. I., Shrivastava, P. ve Udwadia, F. E. (1987). Effective crisis management. Academy of Management Perspectives, 1(4), 283-292.
  • Ndlela, M. N. (2019). Crisis communication: A stakeholder approach. Palgrave McMillan.
  • Oxford Sözlük. (2022). Crisis. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary içinde. adresinden 16 Şubat 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Pfeffer, J. ve Salancik, G. (1978) The external control of organizations: A resource dependence perspective. Harper & Row.
  • Pira, A. ve Sohodol, Ç. (2015). Kriz yönetimi. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Richards Jr, O., Wilson, C., Boyle, K. ve Mower, J. (2017). A knockout to the NFL’s reputation?: A case study of the NFL’s crisis communications strategies in response to the Ray Rice scandal. Public Relations Review, 43(3), 615-623.
  • Russell C. L. (2005). An Overview of the Integrative Research Review. Progress in Transplantation. 15(1), 8-13.
  • Sağlık Sözlüğü. (2022) Tıbbi kontraendikasyon. Sağlık sözlüğü içinde. Erişim adresi: adresinden 18 Mart 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Santana, G. (1998). Sports tourism and crisis management. Journal of Sport Tourism, 4(4), 12-29.
  • Sato, S., Ko, Y.J., Park, C. & Tao, W. (2015). Athlete reputational crisis and consumer evaluation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15(4), 434-453.
  • Shamansouri, E. ve Hashemi-Minabad, H. (2010). Causes of sport crises, ways of their elimination and a crisis-management strategic model. Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, 17(1), 79-83.
  • Shaw, S. ve Hoeber, L. (2003). "A strong man is direct and a direct woman is a bitch”: Gendered discourses and their influence on employment roles in sport organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 17, 347-375.
  • Slack, T. (2004). The Commercialisation of sport. Frank Cass.
  • Smart, C. ve Vertinsky, I. (1977). Designs for crisis decision units. Administrative Science Quarterly, 22(4), 640-657.
  • Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal of business research, 104, 333-339.
  • Tekin, M. ve Zerenler, M. (2012). İşletmelerde kriz yönetimi. Günay Ofset Matbaacılık.
  • Torraco, R. J. (2016). Writing Integrative Literature Reviews: Using the Past and Present to Explore the Future. Human Resource Development Review, 15(4), 404-428.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (2022). Kriz. Genel Türkçe Sözlüğü içinde. adresinden 16 Şubat 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Walton, T. (2001). The Sprewell/Carlesimo episode: Unacceptable violence or unacceptable. Sociology of Sport Journal, 18(3), 345-357.
  • White, A. ve Brackenridge, C. (1985). Who rules sport? Gender divisions in the power structure of British sports organisations from 1960. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 20(1-2), 95-107.
  • Wilson, B., Constantino, S. ve Westberg, K. (2010). A sport crisis typology: establishing a pathway for future research. Int. J. Sport Management and Marketing, 7, 21-32. ttps://
  • Yıldırım, A. (2017). Dijital spor iletişimi bağlamında Türk Milli Takımı’nda yaşanan krizin sosyal medyada yansıması. Yeni Medya Elektronik Dergisi, 1(1), 110-118.
  • Young, K., White, P. ve McTeer, W. (1994). Body talk: Male athletes reflect on sport, injury. Sociology of Sport Journal, 11, 175-194.
  • Yücel, A. S. (2014). Sporda kriz yönetimi: 3 Temmuz örneği. Akademik Bakış Dergisi. 40(Ocak-Şubat).
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Halkla İlişkiler, İşletme , Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Şerife Örs 0000-0002-3055-9492

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Şubat 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Örs, Ş. (2023). Spor Yönetiminde Kriz İletişimi: İmaj Tamir Teorisi ve Durumsal Kriz İletişim Teorisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 14(37), 355-370.
