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İşgücü Çevikliği Literatürünün Bibliyometrik Analizi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 30. YönOrg 2022, 251 - 272, 30.12.2022


Rekabetin küresel boyutta yaşanması, teknolojik gelişmelerdeki hız, işgücü profilinde ve iş yapış şekillerinde meydana gelen değişimler, piyasaları etkileyen öngörülemeyen unsurların sayısındaki artış gibi çeşitli nedenler, örgütler ve çalışanlar açısından çeviklik konusunu önemli hale getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda, giderek daha fazla araştırmacı ve uygulamacının ilgisini cezbeden işgücü çevikliği alanındaki literatürün genel durumunu ortaya koymak ve alanın bilimsel gelişimi hakkında değerlendirme yapmak çalışmanın temel amacıdır. Bu amaçla Scopus veri tabanı üzerinden ulaşılan 52 makale bibliyografik analize tabi tutulmuş; araştırma sorularına cevap ararken performans analizi ve bilimsel alan haritalama tekniklerinden yararlanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarında, çeşitli disiplinlerin alana katkı sağladığı görülmektedir. Alanın nasıl bir gelişme gösterdiğinin belirlenmesi için elde edilen sonuçlar, işgücü çevikliği literatürünün 2002-2017 ile 2018-2022 yılları arasında iki ayrı dönemde incelenebileceğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, araştırmaların ikinci dönemden itibaren artış göstermekte olduğu ve alanın, bireysel faktörlere ağırlık verme yönünde bir gelişme gösterdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. 


  • Abrishamkar, M. M., Abubakar, Y. A. ve Mitra, J. (2021). The influence of workforce agility on high-growth firms: The mediating role of innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 22(3), 146-160.
  • Ajgaonkar, S., Neelam, N. G. ve Wiemann, J. (2021). Drivers of workforce agility: A dynamic capability perspective. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
  • Al-Faouri, A. H., Al-Nsour, M. M. ve Al-Kasasbeh, M. M. (2014). The impact of workforce agility on organizational memory. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 12(4), 432-442.
  • Al-Kasasbeh, A., Halim, M. A. S. ve Omar, K. (2016). E-HRM, workforce agility and organizational performance: A review paper toward theoretical framework. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(15), 10671-10685.
  • Alavi, S. ve Abd-Wahab, D. (2013). A review on workforce agility. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5(16), 4195-4199.
  • Alavi, S. Wahab, D. A. Muhamad, N. ve Arbab Shirani, B. (2014). Organic structure and organisational learning as the main antecedents of workforce agility. International Journal of Production Research, 52(21), 6273–6295.
  • Alavi, S. (2016). The influence of workforce agility on external manufacturing flexibility of Iranian SMEs. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 8(1), 111-127.
  • Almahmeed, G. ve Salih, A.A. (2021). Validity of the workforce agility (WFA) attributes for measuring the performance development “Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis”. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20(2), 1-10.
  • Bağış, M. (2021). Bibiyometrik araştırmalarda kullanılan başlıca analiz teknikleri. O. Öztürk ve G. Gürler (Ed.), Bir literatür incelemesi aracı olarak bibliyometrik analiz içinde (s. 53-66). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Braun, T. J., Hayes, B. C., DeMuth, R. L. F. ve Taran, O. A. (2017). The development, validation, and practical application of an employee agility and resilience measure to facilitate organizational change. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10(4), 703-723.
  • Breu, K., Hemingway, C. J., Strathern, M. ve Bridger, D. (2002). Workforce agility: The new employee strategy for the knowledge economy. Journal of Information Technology, 17(1), 21-31.
  • Cai, Z., Huang, Q., Liu, H. ve Wang, X. (2018). Improving the agility of employees through enterprise social media: The mediating role of psychological conditions. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), 52-63.
  • Chonko, L. B. ve Jones, E. (2005). The need for speed: Agility selling. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 25(4), 371-382.
  • Doeze-Jager-van-Vliet, S. B., Born, M. P. ve Van-der-Molen, H. T. (2019). Using a portfolio-based process to develop agility among employees. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 30(1), 39-60.
  • Doeze Jager, S. B., Born, M. P. ve Van-der Molen, H. T. (2021). The relationship between organizational trust, resistance to change and adaptive and proactive employees' agility in an unplanned and planned change context. Applied Psychology. 71(2), 436-460.
  • Dyer L. ve Shafer R. A. (2003). Dynamic organizations: Achieving marketplace and organizational agility with people. R. Peterson ve E. Mannix (Ed.), Leading and managing people in the dynamic organization içinde (s. 1-57), Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Franco, C. ve Landini, F. (2020). Organizational drivers of innovation: The role of workforce agility. Economics Department Working Papers 2020-EP01, Department of Economics, Parma University (Italy).
  • Gunasekaran, A. (1999). Agile manufacturing: A framework for research and development. International Journal of Production Economics, 62, 87–105.
  • Gürler, G. (2021). Bibliyometrik araştırmalarda ilgili literatüre ilişkin veri setinin oluşturulma süreci. O. Öztürk ve G. Gürler (Ed.), Bir literatür incelemesi aracı olarak bibliyometrik analiz içinde (s. 53-66). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Griffin, B. ve Hesketth, B. (2003). Adaptable behaviors for successful work and career adjustment. Australian Journal of Psychology, 55, 65-73.
  • Harsch, K. ve Festing, M. (2020). Dynamic talent management capabilities and organizational agility – A qualitative exploration. Human Resource Management, 59(1), 43-61.
  • Hopp, W. J. ve Van Oyen, M. P. (2004). Agile workforce evaluation: A framework for cross-training and coordination. IIE Transactions, 36(10), 919–940.
  • Jannah, S. M. (2021). Developing innovation ecosystem between cross-sector industry players through human resource quality improvement. The South East Asian Journal of Management, 15(1), 19-35.
  • Jin, C. L., Chen, T., Wu, S. Y. ve Yang, Y. L. (2020). Exploring the impact of stress on burnout: A mathematical model and empirical research. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 1-8.
  • Kidd, P. T. (1994). Agile Manufacturing: Forging New Frontiers. Addison- Wesley.
  • Lai, H., Pitafi, A. H., Hasany, N. ve Islam, T. (2021). Enhancing employee agility through information technology competency: An empirical study of China. SAGE Open, 11(2).
  • Leask, C. ve Ruggunan, S. A (2021). Temperature reading of covid-19 pandemic employee agility and resilience in South Africa. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 47, 1853.
  • Lim, Y. S., Halim, H. A. ve Ramayah, T. (2021). Agile or not? The upsurge of digcomp and social media usage among teachers. Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling, 5(2).
  • Lu, Y. ve Ramamurthy, K. (2011). Understanding the link between information technology capability and organizational agility: An empirical exam. MIS Quarterly, 35(4), 931-954.
  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Davila, A. ve Moder, S. (2021). Who fits into the digital workplace? Mapping digital self-efficacy and agility onto psychological traits. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  • Menon, S. ve Suresh, M. (2020). Enablers of workforce agility in engineering educational institutions. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 13(2), 504-539.
  • Muduli, A. (2013). Workforce agility: A review of literatüre. IUP Journal of Management Research, 12(3), 59-60.
  • Muduli, A. (2016). Exploring the facilitators and mediators of workforce agility: An empirical study. Management Research Review, 39(12), 1567-1586.
  • Muduli, A. (2017). Workforce agility: Examining the role of organizational practices and psychological empowerment. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 36(5), 46-56.
  • Muduli, A. ve Pandya, G. (2018). Psychological empowerment and workforce agility. Psychological Studies, 63(3), 276-285.
  • Munteanu, A. I., Bibu, N., Nastase, M., Cristache, N. ve Matis, C. (2020). Analysis of practices to increase the workforce agility and to develop a sustainable and competitive business. Sustainability, 12(9), 3545.
  • Müceldili, B., Tatar, B. ve Erdil, O. (2020). Can curious employees be more agile? The role of cognitive style and creative process engagement in agility performance. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39(6), 39-52.
  • Oztürk, O. (2020). Bibliometric review of resource dependence theory literature: An overview. Management Review Quarterly. 71, 525–552.
  • Öztürk, O. (2021). Bibliyometrik araştırmaların tasarımına ilişkin bir çerçeve. O. Öztürk ve G. Gürler (Ed.), Bir literatür incelemesi aracı olarak bibliyometrik analiz içinde (s. 33-52). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Park, S. ve Park, S. (2021). How can employees adapt to change? Clarifying the adaptive performance concepts. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 32(1), 1-15.
  • Patil, M. ve Suresh, M. (2019). Modelling the enablers of workforce agility in IoT projects: A TISM approach. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 20(2), 157-175.
  • Paul, M., Jena, L. K. ve Sahoo, K. (2020). Workplace spirituality and workforce agility: A psychological exploration among teaching professionals. Journal of Religion and Health, 59(1), 135-153.
  • Petermann, M. K. H. ve Zacher, H. (2021). Development of a behavioral taxonomy of agility in the workplace. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 14(6), 1383-1405.
  • Pitafi, A. H., Liu, H. ve Cai, Z. (2018). Investigating the relationship between workplace conflict and employee agility: The role of enterprise social media. Telematics and Informatics, 35(8), 2157-2172.
  • Pitafi, A. H., Kanwal, S. ve Pitafi, A. (2019). Effect of enterprise social media and psychological safety on employee’s agility: Mediating role of communication quality. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 12(1), 1-26.
  • Pitafi, A. H., Rasheed, M. I., Kanwal, S. ve Ren, M. (2020). Employee agility and enterprise social media: The Role of IT proficiency and work expertise. Technology in Society, 63.
  • Pitafi, A. H. ve Ren, M. (2021). Predicting the factors of employee agility using enterprise social media: Moderating effects of enterprise social media-related strain. Internet Research, 31(5), 1963-1990.
  • Plonka, F. S. (1997). Developing a lean and agile workforce. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 7(1), 11–20.
  • Rani, P. U., Cynthia, A. R., Priyankaa, S. ve Kandaswamy, K. M. (2019). A flat organization model for agile workforce with reference to holacracy. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1525-1527.
  • Saeed, I., Khan, J., Zada, M., Ullah, R., Vega-Muñoz, A. ve Contreras-Barraza, N. (2022). Towards examining the link between workplace spirituality and workforce agility: Exploring higher educational institutions. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 15, 31-49.
  • Salmen, K. ve Festing, M. (2021). Paving the way for progress in employee agility research: A systematic literature review and framework. International Journal of Human Resource Management.
  • Scopus. (2022). adresinden Şubat 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Sharifi, H. ve Zhang, Z. (1999). A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organisations: An introduction. International Journal of Production Economics, 62(1-2), 7–22.
  • Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W. ve Layer, J. K. (2007). A review of enterprise agility: Concepts, frameworks, and attributes. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37, 445–460.
  • Sherehiy, B. (2008). Relationships between agility strategy, work organization and workforce agility [Doctor of Philosophy]. Department of Industrial Engineering University of Louisville.
  • Sherehiy, B. ve Karwowski, W. (2014). The relationship between work organization and workforce agility in small manufacturing enterprises. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44(3), 466-473.
  • Sohrabi, R., Asari, M. ve Hozoori, M. J. (2014). Relationship between workforce agility and organizational intelligence (Case study: The companies of “Iran high council of informatics”). Asian Social Sciences, 10(4), 279-287.
  • Soliman, M., Di Virgilio, F., Figueiredo, R. ve Sousa, M. J. (2021). The impact of workplace spirituality on lecturers' attitudes in tourism and hospitality higher education institutions. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, 100826.
  • Srivastava, S. ve Gupta, P. (2021). Workplace spirituality as panacea for waning well-being during the pandemic crisis: A SDT perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
  • Storme, M., Suleyman, O., Gotlib, M. ve Lubart, T. (2020). Who is agile? An investigation of the psychological antecedents of workforce agility. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39(6), 28-38.
  • Sumukadas, N. ve Sawhney, R. (2004). Workforce agility through employee involvement. IIE Transactions, 36(10), 1011-1021.
  • Şimşir, İ. (2021). Bibliyometri ve bibliyometrik analize ilişkin kavramsal çerçeve. O. Öztürk ve G. Gürler (Ed.) Bir literatür incelemesi aracı olarak bibliyometrik analiz içinde (s. 7-31). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Tamtam, F. ve Tourabi, A. (2020). A framework for measuring workforce agility: Fuzzy logic approach applied in a Moroccan manufacturing company. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 5(3), 411-418.
  • Thayyib, P. V. ve Khan, M. A. (2021). Do demographics influence workforce agility score of tax professionals in Bangalore, India?. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 40(4), 34-49.
  • Tessarini, G. ve Saltorato, P. (2021). Workforce agility: A systematic literature review and a research agenda proposal. Innovar, 31(81).
  • Varshney, D. ve Varshney, N. K. (2020). Workforce agility and its links to emotional intelligence and workforce performance: A study of small entrepreneurial firms in India. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39(5), 35-45.
  • Wei, C., Pitafi, A. H., Kanwal, S., Ali, A. ve Ren, M. (2020). Improving employee agility using enterprise social media and digital fluency: Moderated mediation model. IEEE Access, 8, 68799-68810
  • Zhu, M., Sun, Y., Jeyaraj, A. ve Hao, J. (2021). Impact of task characteristics on employee agility: The moderating effect enterprise social media visibility. Internet Research, 31(3), 931-960.

Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature on Workforce Agility

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 30. YönOrg 2022, 251 - 272, 30.12.2022


Various reasons such as the global scale of competition, the speed of technological developments, changes in the workforce profile and business practices, the increase in the number of unpredictable factors affecting the markets make the issue of agility important for organizations and employees. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to reveal the general state of the literature in the field of workforce agility, which attracts the attention of more and more researchers and practitioners, and to assess the scientific development of the field. For this purpose, 52 articles accessed through the Scopus database are subjected to bibliographic analysis; performance analysis and scientific field mapping techniques are used while searching for answers to research questions. In the results of the analysis, it is seen that various disciplines contribute to the field. The results obtained to determine how the field is developing indicate that the workforce agility literature can be examined in two separate periods 2002-2017 and 2018-2022. In addition, it is concluded that the number of researches has been increasing since the second period and that the field has shown an improvement in the direction of focusing on individual factors.


  • Abrishamkar, M. M., Abubakar, Y. A. ve Mitra, J. (2021). The influence of workforce agility on high-growth firms: The mediating role of innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 22(3), 146-160.
  • Ajgaonkar, S., Neelam, N. G. ve Wiemann, J. (2021). Drivers of workforce agility: A dynamic capability perspective. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
  • Al-Faouri, A. H., Al-Nsour, M. M. ve Al-Kasasbeh, M. M. (2014). The impact of workforce agility on organizational memory. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 12(4), 432-442.
  • Al-Kasasbeh, A., Halim, M. A. S. ve Omar, K. (2016). E-HRM, workforce agility and organizational performance: A review paper toward theoretical framework. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(15), 10671-10685.
  • Alavi, S. ve Abd-Wahab, D. (2013). A review on workforce agility. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5(16), 4195-4199.
  • Alavi, S. Wahab, D. A. Muhamad, N. ve Arbab Shirani, B. (2014). Organic structure and organisational learning as the main antecedents of workforce agility. International Journal of Production Research, 52(21), 6273–6295.
  • Alavi, S. (2016). The influence of workforce agility on external manufacturing flexibility of Iranian SMEs. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 8(1), 111-127.
  • Almahmeed, G. ve Salih, A.A. (2021). Validity of the workforce agility (WFA) attributes for measuring the performance development “Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis”. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20(2), 1-10.
  • Bağış, M. (2021). Bibiyometrik araştırmalarda kullanılan başlıca analiz teknikleri. O. Öztürk ve G. Gürler (Ed.), Bir literatür incelemesi aracı olarak bibliyometrik analiz içinde (s. 53-66). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Braun, T. J., Hayes, B. C., DeMuth, R. L. F. ve Taran, O. A. (2017). The development, validation, and practical application of an employee agility and resilience measure to facilitate organizational change. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10(4), 703-723.
  • Breu, K., Hemingway, C. J., Strathern, M. ve Bridger, D. (2002). Workforce agility: The new employee strategy for the knowledge economy. Journal of Information Technology, 17(1), 21-31.
  • Cai, Z., Huang, Q., Liu, H. ve Wang, X. (2018). Improving the agility of employees through enterprise social media: The mediating role of psychological conditions. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), 52-63.
  • Chonko, L. B. ve Jones, E. (2005). The need for speed: Agility selling. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 25(4), 371-382.
  • Doeze-Jager-van-Vliet, S. B., Born, M. P. ve Van-der-Molen, H. T. (2019). Using a portfolio-based process to develop agility among employees. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 30(1), 39-60.
  • Doeze Jager, S. B., Born, M. P. ve Van-der Molen, H. T. (2021). The relationship between organizational trust, resistance to change and adaptive and proactive employees' agility in an unplanned and planned change context. Applied Psychology. 71(2), 436-460.
  • Dyer L. ve Shafer R. A. (2003). Dynamic organizations: Achieving marketplace and organizational agility with people. R. Peterson ve E. Mannix (Ed.), Leading and managing people in the dynamic organization içinde (s. 1-57), Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Franco, C. ve Landini, F. (2020). Organizational drivers of innovation: The role of workforce agility. Economics Department Working Papers 2020-EP01, Department of Economics, Parma University (Italy).
  • Gunasekaran, A. (1999). Agile manufacturing: A framework for research and development. International Journal of Production Economics, 62, 87–105.
  • Gürler, G. (2021). Bibliyometrik araştırmalarda ilgili literatüre ilişkin veri setinin oluşturulma süreci. O. Öztürk ve G. Gürler (Ed.), Bir literatür incelemesi aracı olarak bibliyometrik analiz içinde (s. 53-66). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Griffin, B. ve Hesketth, B. (2003). Adaptable behaviors for successful work and career adjustment. Australian Journal of Psychology, 55, 65-73.
  • Harsch, K. ve Festing, M. (2020). Dynamic talent management capabilities and organizational agility – A qualitative exploration. Human Resource Management, 59(1), 43-61.
  • Hopp, W. J. ve Van Oyen, M. P. (2004). Agile workforce evaluation: A framework for cross-training and coordination. IIE Transactions, 36(10), 919–940.
  • Jannah, S. M. (2021). Developing innovation ecosystem between cross-sector industry players through human resource quality improvement. The South East Asian Journal of Management, 15(1), 19-35.
  • Jin, C. L., Chen, T., Wu, S. Y. ve Yang, Y. L. (2020). Exploring the impact of stress on burnout: A mathematical model and empirical research. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 1-8.
  • Kidd, P. T. (1994). Agile Manufacturing: Forging New Frontiers. Addison- Wesley.
  • Lai, H., Pitafi, A. H., Hasany, N. ve Islam, T. (2021). Enhancing employee agility through information technology competency: An empirical study of China. SAGE Open, 11(2).
  • Leask, C. ve Ruggunan, S. A (2021). Temperature reading of covid-19 pandemic employee agility and resilience in South Africa. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 47, 1853.
  • Lim, Y. S., Halim, H. A. ve Ramayah, T. (2021). Agile or not? The upsurge of digcomp and social media usage among teachers. Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling, 5(2).
  • Lu, Y. ve Ramamurthy, K. (2011). Understanding the link between information technology capability and organizational agility: An empirical exam. MIS Quarterly, 35(4), 931-954.
  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Davila, A. ve Moder, S. (2021). Who fits into the digital workplace? Mapping digital self-efficacy and agility onto psychological traits. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  • Menon, S. ve Suresh, M. (2020). Enablers of workforce agility in engineering educational institutions. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 13(2), 504-539.
  • Muduli, A. (2013). Workforce agility: A review of literatüre. IUP Journal of Management Research, 12(3), 59-60.
  • Muduli, A. (2016). Exploring the facilitators and mediators of workforce agility: An empirical study. Management Research Review, 39(12), 1567-1586.
  • Muduli, A. (2017). Workforce agility: Examining the role of organizational practices and psychological empowerment. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 36(5), 46-56.
  • Muduli, A. ve Pandya, G. (2018). Psychological empowerment and workforce agility. Psychological Studies, 63(3), 276-285.
  • Munteanu, A. I., Bibu, N., Nastase, M., Cristache, N. ve Matis, C. (2020). Analysis of practices to increase the workforce agility and to develop a sustainable and competitive business. Sustainability, 12(9), 3545.
  • Müceldili, B., Tatar, B. ve Erdil, O. (2020). Can curious employees be more agile? The role of cognitive style and creative process engagement in agility performance. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39(6), 39-52.
  • Oztürk, O. (2020). Bibliometric review of resource dependence theory literature: An overview. Management Review Quarterly. 71, 525–552.
  • Öztürk, O. (2021). Bibliyometrik araştırmaların tasarımına ilişkin bir çerçeve. O. Öztürk ve G. Gürler (Ed.), Bir literatür incelemesi aracı olarak bibliyometrik analiz içinde (s. 33-52). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Park, S. ve Park, S. (2021). How can employees adapt to change? Clarifying the adaptive performance concepts. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 32(1), 1-15.
  • Patil, M. ve Suresh, M. (2019). Modelling the enablers of workforce agility in IoT projects: A TISM approach. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 20(2), 157-175.
  • Paul, M., Jena, L. K. ve Sahoo, K. (2020). Workplace spirituality and workforce agility: A psychological exploration among teaching professionals. Journal of Religion and Health, 59(1), 135-153.
  • Petermann, M. K. H. ve Zacher, H. (2021). Development of a behavioral taxonomy of agility in the workplace. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 14(6), 1383-1405.
  • Pitafi, A. H., Liu, H. ve Cai, Z. (2018). Investigating the relationship between workplace conflict and employee agility: The role of enterprise social media. Telematics and Informatics, 35(8), 2157-2172.
  • Pitafi, A. H., Kanwal, S. ve Pitafi, A. (2019). Effect of enterprise social media and psychological safety on employee’s agility: Mediating role of communication quality. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 12(1), 1-26.
  • Pitafi, A. H., Rasheed, M. I., Kanwal, S. ve Ren, M. (2020). Employee agility and enterprise social media: The Role of IT proficiency and work expertise. Technology in Society, 63.
  • Pitafi, A. H. ve Ren, M. (2021). Predicting the factors of employee agility using enterprise social media: Moderating effects of enterprise social media-related strain. Internet Research, 31(5), 1963-1990.
  • Plonka, F. S. (1997). Developing a lean and agile workforce. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 7(1), 11–20.
  • Rani, P. U., Cynthia, A. R., Priyankaa, S. ve Kandaswamy, K. M. (2019). A flat organization model for agile workforce with reference to holacracy. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1525-1527.
  • Saeed, I., Khan, J., Zada, M., Ullah, R., Vega-Muñoz, A. ve Contreras-Barraza, N. (2022). Towards examining the link between workplace spirituality and workforce agility: Exploring higher educational institutions. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 15, 31-49.
  • Salmen, K. ve Festing, M. (2021). Paving the way for progress in employee agility research: A systematic literature review and framework. International Journal of Human Resource Management.
  • Scopus. (2022). adresinden Şubat 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Sharifi, H. ve Zhang, Z. (1999). A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organisations: An introduction. International Journal of Production Economics, 62(1-2), 7–22.
  • Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W. ve Layer, J. K. (2007). A review of enterprise agility: Concepts, frameworks, and attributes. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37, 445–460.
  • Sherehiy, B. (2008). Relationships between agility strategy, work organization and workforce agility [Doctor of Philosophy]. Department of Industrial Engineering University of Louisville.
  • Sherehiy, B. ve Karwowski, W. (2014). The relationship between work organization and workforce agility in small manufacturing enterprises. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44(3), 466-473.
  • Sohrabi, R., Asari, M. ve Hozoori, M. J. (2014). Relationship between workforce agility and organizational intelligence (Case study: The companies of “Iran high council of informatics”). Asian Social Sciences, 10(4), 279-287.
  • Soliman, M., Di Virgilio, F., Figueiredo, R. ve Sousa, M. J. (2021). The impact of workplace spirituality on lecturers' attitudes in tourism and hospitality higher education institutions. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, 100826.
  • Srivastava, S. ve Gupta, P. (2021). Workplace spirituality as panacea for waning well-being during the pandemic crisis: A SDT perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
  • Storme, M., Suleyman, O., Gotlib, M. ve Lubart, T. (2020). Who is agile? An investigation of the psychological antecedents of workforce agility. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39(6), 28-38.
  • Sumukadas, N. ve Sawhney, R. (2004). Workforce agility through employee involvement. IIE Transactions, 36(10), 1011-1021.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Serap Demirler 0000-0002-6799-6469

Lale Oral Ataç 0000-0001-7261-7788

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Aralık 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 30. YönOrg 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirler, S., & Oral Ataç, L. (2022). İşgücü Çevikliği Literatürünün Bibliyometrik Analizi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 13(30. YönOrg 2022), 251-272.
