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Yıl 2016, , 84 - 112, 22.07.2017



Suriye iç savaşı bölgede güç boşlukları
doğmasına neden olmuş, bu durum iki aktörün ortaya çıkmasında ve güç
kazanmasında etkili olmuştur. Bunlardan PYD/YPG’nin Rojava, DAEŞ’in ise İslam
Devleti adında tek taraflı egemenlik iddiasında bulunması, o zamana dek
Suriye’de sadece Esad rejimini tehdit olarak gören Türkiye açısından Suriye
kaynaklı tehditleri arttırmıştır. Fırat Kalkanı Operasyonunun nedenlerini
neo-klasik realist bir perspektiften arayan çalışmada bu tehditler, hükümet
istikrarı, seçkin konsensüsü ve sosyal bütünlük gibi ara değişkenler etrafında
analiz edilmiştir. Suriye kaynaklı tehditlerin Türkiye’nin siyasi seçkinleri ile
Türk kamuoyundaki algısının benzer şekilde olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma,
Fırat Kalkanı Operasyonunun gerekçelerinin Suriye’deki güç dengesizliklerinin
ortaya çıkardığı tehditler ve Batı ile yaşanan güven bunalımı olduğunu ortaya

Anahtar Kelimeler: Fırat Kalkanı Operasyonu, Suriye, PYD,
DAEŞ, Rojava



The Syrian civil war has caused power
gaps in the region. This has been influential in the emergence of two actors
and their empowerment. Decleration of unilateral sovereignty by PYD/ YPG in the
name of Rojava and DAESH in the name of Islamic State has increased the threats
originating from Syria towards Turkey, which regarded only Assad regime as a
threat in Syria until then. In this article the causes of Operation Euphrates
Shield are put forward from a neo-classical realist perspective, through which
threats were analyzed around intermediate variables such as government
stability, elite consensus and social cohesion. It is seen that the threats
originating from Syria are similar to the perception of the political elites of
Turkey and of Turkish public. This study reveals the reasons for the Operation
Euphrates Shield are the threats of power imbalances in Syria and the crisis of
confidence with the West.

Key Words: Operation Euphrates Shield, Syria,  PYD, DAESH, Rojava



  • Abramowitz, Morton, Henry J. Barkey: “Turkey's Transformers: The AKP Sees Big,” Foreign Affairs, C: LXXXVIII, No:6, 2009, 118-128.
  • Acun, Can, Bünyamin Keskin: “PKK'nın Kuzey Suriye Örgütlenmesi: PYD-YPG”, 2016, SETA Rapor, (Çevrimiçi)
  •, 12.12.2016
  • AKP; (2016), “Parti Programı”,, 14.12.2016
  • Al Araby; (2016), “Turkey asks NATO allies to enforce Syria no-fly zone”, 12.12.2016
  • Anadolu Agency; (2013), “Turkey's efforts for the Geneva II”, 24.10.2016
  • Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı: “A Kurdish Autumn Becomes Turkey’s Long Winter” April 19, 2016, Center for American Progress. (Çevrimiçi), 12.11.2016
  • Barfi, Barak: “Ascent of the PYD and the SDF,” April 2016, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy Research Notes, No:32 (Çevrimiçi), 11.12.2016
  • Barkey, Henry J.: “Turkey's Syria Predicament,” Survival, C: LVI, No:6, 2014, 113-134.
  • Başbakanlık; (2012), “Başbakan Erdoğan 5. Geleneksel Ankara'daki Yabancı Misyon Şefleri ve Büyükelçiler İftar Yemeğine katıldı.”,, 10.12.2016
  • Başbakanlık; (2016), “Başbakan Yıldırım Diyarbakır’da Doğu ve Güneydoğu Yatırım Destek Hamlesi Tanıtım Programında Konuştu.”,, 10.12.2016
  • BBC; (2012), “Suriye ile ilgili tehdit algımız değişti.”, 14.12.2016
  • BBC; 2016, “President Obama: Ground troops in Syria would be a mistake”
  •, 05.12.2016
  • Becker, Michael E. v.d.: “Reviving the Russian empire: the Crimean intervention through a neoclassical realist lens,” European Security, C:XXV, No:1, 2016, 112-133.
  • Charountaki, Marianna: “Kurdish policies in Syria under the Arab Uprisings: a revisiting of IR in the new Middle Eastern order,” Third World Quarterly, No: XXXVI, No:2, 2015, 337-356.
  • CHP; (2016), “Parti Programı”,, 13.12.2016
  • Chudziak, Mateusz: “A constitution for Erdoğan Consequences of the political conflict in Turkey”, 01.06.2016, Warsaw, Center for Eastern Studies, (Çevrimiçi),, 10.12.2016
  • Cumhuriyet; (2016), “Kılıçdaroğlu: Esad El Bab’da değil Şam’da.”, 14.12.2016
  • Dinçer Bahadır, Mustafa Kutlay: “The Arab Spring: A Game Changer in Turkey-EU Relations?” Perspectives on European Politics And Society, C:XIV, No:4), 2013, 418-430.
  • Dışişleri Bakanlığı; (2016), “Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’nun İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Boris Johnson ile Gerçekleştirdiği Ortak Basın Toplantısı”,, 15.12.2016
  • Ensor, Josie: “UN proves Assad regime dropped chemical bombs on civilians.”, 07.01.2017
  • Görener, Aylin Ş., Meltem Ş. Ucal: “The Personality and Leadership Style of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy,” Turkish Studies, C:XII, No:3, 2011, 357-381.
  •; (2016), “Bahçeli: ' Washington Yönetiminin Pyd-Ypg'yi Silahlandırması Tamamiyle Art Niyetliliktir.'”(Çevimiçi),, 14.12.2016
  • Habertürk; (2012), “Kılıçdaroğlu Esad’a yüklendi.”, 14.12.2016
  • Hao, Yufan , Ying Hou: “Chinese Foreign Policy Making: A Comparative Perspective,” PublicAdministration
  • HDP; (2016), “Parti Programı”,, 14.12.2016
  • Humud, Carla E., Christopher M. Blanchard, Mary Beth Nikitin: “Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S. Response,” 6 January 2016, Congressional Research Service, (Çevrimiçi), 01.12.2016
  • Hürriyet Daily News; (2016), “Turkey ‘deported 3,719 foreign fighters”, 12.12.2016
  • J. Barkey, Henry: “Syria's Dark Shadow Over US-Turkey Relations”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, C:XIV, No:4, s.25-36, (Çevrimiçi),, 12.11.2016
  • Kitchen, Nicholas: “Systemic pressures and domestic ideas: a neoclassical realist model of grand strategy formation,” Review of International Studies, C: XXXVI, No:1, 2010, s.117.
  • Kök, Recep: “ABD'nin Ortadoğu Projesi ve Enerji Koridorlarınınn Merkezindeki Türkiye”, (Çevrimiçi),, 20.12.2016
  • Larrabee, F. Stephen: “Turkey and the Changing Dynamics of the Kurdish Issue,” Survival, C: LVII, No:2, 2016, 67-73.
  • Larrabee, F. Stephen: “Turkey as a US security partner”, 2008, pp. 7-18, (Çevrimiçi),, 12.12.2016
  • Lawson, Fred H.: “Explaining the Spread of Ethnosectarian Conflict: Syria's Civil War and the Resurgence of Kurdish Militancy in Turkey,” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, C: XXII, No:4, 478-496.
  • MacMillan, Catherine: “Turkey's Carnivalesque Challenge to the EU's Monologue: A Response to Nykanen,” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, C:XXIV, No:1, 2015, 117-131.
  • Mahfudh, Aqueel : “Syria and Turkey: a turning point or a historical bet?”, Doha: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, February 2012, (Çevrimiçi),, 10.12.2016
  • McLean, Wayne: “Understanding Divergence between Public Discourse and Turkish Foreign Policy Practice: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis,” Turkish Studies, C:XVI, No:4, 2015, 449-464.
  • Milliyet; (2015), “DAEŞ konusunda ABD ile anlaştık.”, 11.12.2016
  • Milliyet; (2015), “Fırat’ın batısı kırmızı çizgi.”,, 24.01.2017
  • Milliyet; (2016), “CHP’den şartlı destek.”, 14.12.2016
  • Morgenthau, Hans : Politics among nations (1st ed.). New York, Knopf, 1967.
  • Morrow, James D.: “Arms versus allies: trade-offs in the search for security,” International Organization, C: XLVII, No: 2, 1993, s.207.
  • NTV; (2016) “Bahçeli’den Fırat Kalkanı Açıklaması”,,Bx9J_KzWx0a8bAduZ5lcmw, 14.12.2016
  • NTV; (2016), “Puşkov: Erdoğan haklı, ABD terör örgütlerine destek veriyor”,,tFsLoqgOzUWutyKmrVkdzw, 07.01.2017
  • Orhan, Oytun: “ABD’nin Suriye’de IŞİD’le Mücadele Stratejisi ve Türkiye”, Orsam, Kasım 2014, (Çevrimiçi), 12.12.2016
  • Phinnemore, David, Erhan İçener: “Holding the door half (?) open: the EU and Turkey 10 years on,” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, C: XIV No: 4, 2016, 446-462.
  • Review, C: LXIX, December 2009, 136-141.
  • Rose, Gideon: “Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy,” World Politics, C: LI, No:1, 1998, 144-172.
  • Sabah; (2016). “CHP’li Tanrıkulu: PYD bir terror örgütü değil”, 14.12.2016
  • Salih, Cale: “Turkey, The Kurds and The Fight Against Islamic State”, European Council on Foreign Relations, September 2015, (Çevrimiçi),, 15.12.2016
  • Saynur Derman Giray, Hande Oba: “Making a Determination from the Operational Code of a New and Influential Actor: President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan,” Bilig, No:79, 2016, 44-67.
  • Schweller, Randall: “International Relations and Scientific Progress: Structural Realism Reconsidered,” Perspectives on Politics, C: II, No: 2, 2004, 427-428.
  • Schweller, Randall: “Unanswered Threats: A Neoclassical Realist Theory of Underbalancing,” International Security, C: XXIX, No: 2, 2004, 159-201.
  • Semin, Ali: “Suriye Krizindeki İç Dinamikler: PYD Denklemi”, Bilgesam Analiz/Orta Doğu, 23 Temmuz 2015, (Çevrimiçi),, 12.12.2016
  • Sly, Liz: “Pentagon does about-face on U.S. troops wearing Kurdish militia patches in Syria”, 27 Mayıs 2016, (Çevrimiçi),, 14.12.2016, 12.12.2016
  • Sputnik; (2016), “Erdoğan: Türkiye Şangay Beşlisi İçerisinde Niçin Olmasın Diyorum”,, 12.12.2016
  • Sputnik; (2017), “Türkiye’nin öncelikleri arasında Esad’ın geleceği yok.”, 03.01.2017
  • “Turkey's Syria role risks instability at home, isolation abroad,” Strategic Comments, C: XX, No:8, 2016, i-ii.
  • T24; (2014), “Kılıçdaroğlu: YPG terror örgütü değil, vatanını kurtarmak için oluşum.”,274588, 14.12.2016
  • Tanış, Tolga: “US-Turkey Relations at a Breaking Point over the Kurds,” Turkish Policy Quarterly, C: XIV, No: 4, 2016, 67-75.
  • Taşpınar, Ömer: “Turkey’s Strategic Vision and Syria,” The Washington Quarterly, C:XXXV, No:3, 2012, s.127-149.
  • TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı; (2016), “Kudüs Sempozyumu Konuşması”,,14.12.2016
  • TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı; (2016), “Suriyeli Kardeşlerimize Vatandaşlık Vereceğiz”, 14.12.2016
  • TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı; (2016), “Türkiye’nin Yeni Güvenlik Konsepti” Konferansında Yaptıkları Konuşma”,, 03.12.2016
  • The Global Coalition Against Daesh; (2017),, 07.01.2017
  • The National Interest; (2016), “How America Can Work with Turkey without Losing Syria's Kurds,”, 10.12.2016
  • Thornton, Rod: “Problems with the Kurds as proxies against Islamic State: insights from the siege of Kobane,” Small Wars & Insurgencies, C: XXVI, No: 6, 2015, 865-885.
  • UN General Assembly, “Activities of the United Nations system in implementing the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, 2014, 1-150.
  • Waltz, Kenneth: “Structural Realism after the Cold War,” International Security, C:XXV, No:1, 2000, 5-41.
  • Ward, Clarissa – Lister, Tim: (2016). “Inside Syria”, 12.12.2016
  • Weiss, Matthew: “From constructive engagement to renewed estrangement? Securitization and Turkey’s deteriorating relations with its Kurdish minority,” Turkish Studies, C:XVII, No:4, 2016, 567-598.
  •; (2013) “Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Syria”, 07.01.2017
  • WSJ; (2014), “Our Non-Ally in Ankara”,, 07.01.2017
  • Yüksek Seçim Kurulu; (2015), “Genel Seçimleri Resmi Sonuçları”, 02.01.2017
  • Zakaria, Fareed: From wealth to power (1st ed., p. 198). Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1998.
Yıl 2016, , 84 - 112, 22.07.2017



  • Abramowitz, Morton, Henry J. Barkey: “Turkey's Transformers: The AKP Sees Big,” Foreign Affairs, C: LXXXVIII, No:6, 2009, 118-128.
  • Acun, Can, Bünyamin Keskin: “PKK'nın Kuzey Suriye Örgütlenmesi: PYD-YPG”, 2016, SETA Rapor, (Çevrimiçi)
  •, 12.12.2016
  • AKP; (2016), “Parti Programı”,, 14.12.2016
  • Al Araby; (2016), “Turkey asks NATO allies to enforce Syria no-fly zone”, 12.12.2016
  • Anadolu Agency; (2013), “Turkey's efforts for the Geneva II”, 24.10.2016
  • Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı: “A Kurdish Autumn Becomes Turkey’s Long Winter” April 19, 2016, Center for American Progress. (Çevrimiçi), 12.11.2016
  • Barfi, Barak: “Ascent of the PYD and the SDF,” April 2016, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy Research Notes, No:32 (Çevrimiçi), 11.12.2016
  • Barkey, Henry J.: “Turkey's Syria Predicament,” Survival, C: LVI, No:6, 2014, 113-134.
  • Başbakanlık; (2012), “Başbakan Erdoğan 5. Geleneksel Ankara'daki Yabancı Misyon Şefleri ve Büyükelçiler İftar Yemeğine katıldı.”,, 10.12.2016
  • Başbakanlık; (2016), “Başbakan Yıldırım Diyarbakır’da Doğu ve Güneydoğu Yatırım Destek Hamlesi Tanıtım Programında Konuştu.”,, 10.12.2016
  • BBC; (2012), “Suriye ile ilgili tehdit algımız değişti.”, 14.12.2016
  • BBC; 2016, “President Obama: Ground troops in Syria would be a mistake”
  •, 05.12.2016
  • Becker, Michael E. v.d.: “Reviving the Russian empire: the Crimean intervention through a neoclassical realist lens,” European Security, C:XXV, No:1, 2016, 112-133.
  • Charountaki, Marianna: “Kurdish policies in Syria under the Arab Uprisings: a revisiting of IR in the new Middle Eastern order,” Third World Quarterly, No: XXXVI, No:2, 2015, 337-356.
  • CHP; (2016), “Parti Programı”,, 13.12.2016
  • Chudziak, Mateusz: “A constitution for Erdoğan Consequences of the political conflict in Turkey”, 01.06.2016, Warsaw, Center for Eastern Studies, (Çevrimiçi),, 10.12.2016
  • Cumhuriyet; (2016), “Kılıçdaroğlu: Esad El Bab’da değil Şam’da.”, 14.12.2016
  • Dinçer Bahadır, Mustafa Kutlay: “The Arab Spring: A Game Changer in Turkey-EU Relations?” Perspectives on European Politics And Society, C:XIV, No:4), 2013, 418-430.
  • Dışişleri Bakanlığı; (2016), “Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’nun İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Boris Johnson ile Gerçekleştirdiği Ortak Basın Toplantısı”,, 15.12.2016
  • Ensor, Josie: “UN proves Assad regime dropped chemical bombs on civilians.”, 07.01.2017
  • Görener, Aylin Ş., Meltem Ş. Ucal: “The Personality and Leadership Style of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy,” Turkish Studies, C:XII, No:3, 2011, 357-381.
  •; (2016), “Bahçeli: ' Washington Yönetiminin Pyd-Ypg'yi Silahlandırması Tamamiyle Art Niyetliliktir.'”(Çevimiçi),, 14.12.2016
  • Habertürk; (2012), “Kılıçdaroğlu Esad’a yüklendi.”, 14.12.2016
  • Hao, Yufan , Ying Hou: “Chinese Foreign Policy Making: A Comparative Perspective,” PublicAdministration
  • HDP; (2016), “Parti Programı”,, 14.12.2016
  • Humud, Carla E., Christopher M. Blanchard, Mary Beth Nikitin: “Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S. Response,” 6 January 2016, Congressional Research Service, (Çevrimiçi), 01.12.2016
  • Hürriyet Daily News; (2016), “Turkey ‘deported 3,719 foreign fighters”, 12.12.2016
  • J. Barkey, Henry: “Syria's Dark Shadow Over US-Turkey Relations”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, C:XIV, No:4, s.25-36, (Çevrimiçi),, 12.11.2016
  • Kitchen, Nicholas: “Systemic pressures and domestic ideas: a neoclassical realist model of grand strategy formation,” Review of International Studies, C: XXXVI, No:1, 2010, s.117.
  • Kök, Recep: “ABD'nin Ortadoğu Projesi ve Enerji Koridorlarınınn Merkezindeki Türkiye”, (Çevrimiçi),, 20.12.2016
  • Larrabee, F. Stephen: “Turkey and the Changing Dynamics of the Kurdish Issue,” Survival, C: LVII, No:2, 2016, 67-73.
  • Larrabee, F. Stephen: “Turkey as a US security partner”, 2008, pp. 7-18, (Çevrimiçi),, 12.12.2016
  • Lawson, Fred H.: “Explaining the Spread of Ethnosectarian Conflict: Syria's Civil War and the Resurgence of Kurdish Militancy in Turkey,” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, C: XXII, No:4, 478-496.
  • MacMillan, Catherine: “Turkey's Carnivalesque Challenge to the EU's Monologue: A Response to Nykanen,” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, C:XXIV, No:1, 2015, 117-131.
  • Mahfudh, Aqueel : “Syria and Turkey: a turning point or a historical bet?”, Doha: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, February 2012, (Çevrimiçi),, 10.12.2016
  • McLean, Wayne: “Understanding Divergence between Public Discourse and Turkish Foreign Policy Practice: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis,” Turkish Studies, C:XVI, No:4, 2015, 449-464.
  • Milliyet; (2015), “DAEŞ konusunda ABD ile anlaştık.”, 11.12.2016
  • Milliyet; (2015), “Fırat’ın batısı kırmızı çizgi.”,, 24.01.2017
  • Milliyet; (2016), “CHP’den şartlı destek.”, 14.12.2016
  • Morgenthau, Hans : Politics among nations (1st ed.). New York, Knopf, 1967.
  • Morrow, James D.: “Arms versus allies: trade-offs in the search for security,” International Organization, C: XLVII, No: 2, 1993, s.207.
  • NTV; (2016) “Bahçeli’den Fırat Kalkanı Açıklaması”,,Bx9J_KzWx0a8bAduZ5lcmw, 14.12.2016
  • NTV; (2016), “Puşkov: Erdoğan haklı, ABD terör örgütlerine destek veriyor”,,tFsLoqgOzUWutyKmrVkdzw, 07.01.2017
  • Orhan, Oytun: “ABD’nin Suriye’de IŞİD’le Mücadele Stratejisi ve Türkiye”, Orsam, Kasım 2014, (Çevrimiçi), 12.12.2016
  • Phinnemore, David, Erhan İçener: “Holding the door half (?) open: the EU and Turkey 10 years on,” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, C: XIV No: 4, 2016, 446-462.
  • Review, C: LXIX, December 2009, 136-141.
  • Rose, Gideon: “Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy,” World Politics, C: LI, No:1, 1998, 144-172.
  • Sabah; (2016). “CHP’li Tanrıkulu: PYD bir terror örgütü değil”, 14.12.2016
  • Salih, Cale: “Turkey, The Kurds and The Fight Against Islamic State”, European Council on Foreign Relations, September 2015, (Çevrimiçi),, 15.12.2016
  • Saynur Derman Giray, Hande Oba: “Making a Determination from the Operational Code of a New and Influential Actor: President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan,” Bilig, No:79, 2016, 44-67.
  • Schweller, Randall: “International Relations and Scientific Progress: Structural Realism Reconsidered,” Perspectives on Politics, C: II, No: 2, 2004, 427-428.
  • Schweller, Randall: “Unanswered Threats: A Neoclassical Realist Theory of Underbalancing,” International Security, C: XXIX, No: 2, 2004, 159-201.
  • Semin, Ali: “Suriye Krizindeki İç Dinamikler: PYD Denklemi”, Bilgesam Analiz/Orta Doğu, 23 Temmuz 2015, (Çevrimiçi),, 12.12.2016
  • Sly, Liz: “Pentagon does about-face on U.S. troops wearing Kurdish militia patches in Syria”, 27 Mayıs 2016, (Çevrimiçi),, 14.12.2016, 12.12.2016
  • Sputnik; (2016), “Erdoğan: Türkiye Şangay Beşlisi İçerisinde Niçin Olmasın Diyorum”,, 12.12.2016
  • Sputnik; (2017), “Türkiye’nin öncelikleri arasında Esad’ın geleceği yok.”, 03.01.2017
  • “Turkey's Syria role risks instability at home, isolation abroad,” Strategic Comments, C: XX, No:8, 2016, i-ii.
  • T24; (2014), “Kılıçdaroğlu: YPG terror örgütü değil, vatanını kurtarmak için oluşum.”,274588, 14.12.2016
  • Tanış, Tolga: “US-Turkey Relations at a Breaking Point over the Kurds,” Turkish Policy Quarterly, C: XIV, No: 4, 2016, 67-75.
  • Taşpınar, Ömer: “Turkey’s Strategic Vision and Syria,” The Washington Quarterly, C:XXXV, No:3, 2012, s.127-149.
  • TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı; (2016), “Kudüs Sempozyumu Konuşması”,,14.12.2016
  • TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı; (2016), “Suriyeli Kardeşlerimize Vatandaşlık Vereceğiz”, 14.12.2016
  • TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı; (2016), “Türkiye’nin Yeni Güvenlik Konsepti” Konferansında Yaptıkları Konuşma”,, 03.12.2016
  • The Global Coalition Against Daesh; (2017),, 07.01.2017
  • The National Interest; (2016), “How America Can Work with Turkey without Losing Syria's Kurds,”, 10.12.2016
  • Thornton, Rod: “Problems with the Kurds as proxies against Islamic State: insights from the siege of Kobane,” Small Wars & Insurgencies, C: XXVI, No: 6, 2015, 865-885.
  • UN General Assembly, “Activities of the United Nations system in implementing the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, 2014, 1-150.
  • Waltz, Kenneth: “Structural Realism after the Cold War,” International Security, C:XXV, No:1, 2000, 5-41.
  • Ward, Clarissa – Lister, Tim: (2016). “Inside Syria”, 12.12.2016
  • Weiss, Matthew: “From constructive engagement to renewed estrangement? Securitization and Turkey’s deteriorating relations with its Kurdish minority,” Turkish Studies, C:XVII, No:4, 2016, 567-598.
  •; (2013) “Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Syria”, 07.01.2017
  • WSJ; (2014), “Our Non-Ally in Ankara”,, 07.01.2017
  • Yüksek Seçim Kurulu; (2015), “Genel Seçimleri Resmi Sonuçları”, 02.01.2017
  • Zakaria, Fareed: From wealth to power (1st ed., p. 198). Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1998.
Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Fatih Bayezit

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayezit, F. (2017). DENGELEME DAVRANIŞI OLARAK FIRAT KALKANI OPERASYONU: NEOKLASİK REALİST BAKIŞ. Barış Araştırmaları Ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi, 4(2), 84-112.