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Yıl 2022, , 1267 - 1292, 12.09.2022


Yapay zeka, son yıllarda yeni teknolojik değişimlerle birlikte gelişen teknik konulardan biridir. Yapay zekanın günlük hayatımıza girmesiyle, makina öğrenmesi ve yapay zekayı yöneten yasal ve etik konular üzerine tartışmalar yaşanmaktadır. Bu noktada, yapay zeka teknolojilerinin kullanımı ve özellikle kişisel verilerin korunmasıyla ilgili çelişkili durumlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. 1995 yılında, kişisel verilerin AB sınırları içinde işlenmesini düzenleyen ve bireyler için veri gizliliği ve güvenlik standartları sağlayan 95/46 Avrupa Veri Koruma Direktifi kabul edilmiştir. Direktif, kişisel verilerin korunmasına ilişkin daha katı kurallar ve yeni kavramlar getiren AB Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü (GDPR) ile 25 Mayıs 2018 tarihinde yürürlükten kaldırılmıştır.GDPR , hukuki niteliği nedeniyle sadece AB ülkeleri için değil, AB içinde veri işleme ile ilgili tüm faaliyetleri yürütenler için de bağlayıcı kurallar içermektedir. Son yıllarda, teknolojinin gelişmesi ve farklı teknolojilere bağlı olarak verilerin işlenmesi teknik olarak değişmiş ve verilere erişim hiç olmadığı kadar kolaylaşmıştır. Bu teknolojilerin bir sonucu olarak, büyük veri ve yapay zeka kavramları ortaya çıkmış, yeni elektronik cihazların geliştirilmesi ve robotların daha fazla kullanılmaya başlanması ile yapay zeka kavramı günlük hayatımıza girmiştir. Ancak, bu gelişmelerle birlikte yapay zeka kullanımı ve data işlenmesine ilişkin bazı yasal sorular da ortaya çıkmıştır. Son zamanlarda, taslak olarak hazırlanan Yapay Zeka Tüzüğü, Veri Yönetişim Tüzüğü, Veri Yasası ve Avrupa Sağlık Veri Alanı gibi önümüzdeki yıllarda AB mevzuatına girmesi muhtemel görünen, bazı yeni düzenlemeler bulunmaktadır. GDPR dahil olmak üzere, bu yeni düzenlemelerin birbirlerini nasıl etkileyeceği konusunda belirsizlikler vardır. Bu makalede, teknolojik uygulamalar çerçevesinde, Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü dikkate alınarak, yapay zekanın AB mevzuatında gelişimi ve önümüzdeki yıllarda AB’de yürülüğe girmesi planlanan, yeni hukuki düzenlemelere ilişkin değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Arat, Tugay/Aslan, M. Mert (2021) “Sosyal Medyada Veri Güvenliği ve Kişisel Mahremiyet Sorunu” Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, S:35, s.387-401.
  • Ashley, Kevin (2011) The Case-Based Reasoning Approach Ontologies For Analogical Legal Argument. In: Sartor G, Casanovas P, Biasiotti M, Fernández-Barrera M (eds) Approaches to legal: ontologies law governance and technology series. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Ashley, Kevin (1991) Reasoning With Cases And Hypotheticals In Hypo Int J Man Mach Stud pp.753–796.
  • Bozkurt Yüksel, A. Ebru (2022) “Avrupa Komisyonu’nun Yapay Zekâ Tüzük Teklifi’ne Genel Bir Bakiş”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, S:51, s.19-46.
  • Buchholtz, Gabriella (2020) “Artificial Intelligence and Legal Tech: Challenges to the Rule of Law”, Regulating Artificial Intelligence (Eds. Thomas Wischmeyer/ Timo Rademacher) Switzerland, Springer, pp.175-198.
  • Buocz, T. Julius (2018) “Artificial Intelligence in Court Legitimacy Problems of AI Assistance in the Judiciary”, Retskraft – Copenhagen Journal of Legal Studies, V:2, N:1.
  • Çekin, M. Serdar (2021) Yapay Zeka Teknolojilerinin Hukuki İşlem Teorisine Etkileri, 1.Baskı, İstanbul, On İki Levha Yayıncılık.
  • Daş, Resul/Gündüz, M. Zekeriya (2018) “Nesnelerin İnterneti: Gelişimi, Bileşenleri ve Uygulama Alanları”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, C:24, S:2, s.327-335.
  • Do Carmo, Tania/Rea, Stephen/Conaway, Evan/Emery, John/Raval, Noopur (2021) “The Law in Computation: What Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data Mean for Law and Society Scholarship”, Law and Policy, V:43, Issue 2, pp.170-199.
  • Edwards, Lilian (2019a) “Privacy and Data Protection1: What is Privacy? Human Right, National Law, Global Problem” Law, Policy and the Internet (Ed. Edwards, Lilian), Hart, UK, pp.52-75.
  • Edwards, Lilian (2019b) “Data Protection: Enter the General Data Protection”, Law, Policy and the Internet (Ed. Edwards, Lilian), Hart, UK, pp.77- 117.
  • Edwards, Lilian (2019c) “Data Protection and e Privacy: From Spam and Cookies to Big Data, Machine Learning and Profiling”, Law, Policy and the Internet (Ed. Edwards, Lilian), Hart, UK, pp.119- 164.
  • Edwards, Lilian/Veale, Michael (2017) “Slave to the Algorithm? Why a “Right to an Explanation” Is Probably not The Remedy You Are Looking For”, 16 Duke Law&Technology Review 18, pp.24-27.
  • Erdoğan, Gökhan (2021) “Yapay Zekâ Ve Hukukuna Genel Bir Bakiş”, Adalet Dergisi, S:66 s.117-192.
  • Francesconi, Enrico (2022) “The Winter, The Summer And The Summer Dream Of Artificial Intelligence In Law.”, Artif Intell Law, 30, pp.147–161 <>.
  • Fuster, G. González (2014) The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU, Springer, Brussels.
  • Gao, Jianxi/Li, Daqing/Havlin, Shlomo (2014), “From a Single Network to a Network of Networks”, National Science Review, V:1, Issue 3, pp.346-356.
  • Greenleaf, Graham (2012) “Korea’s New Act: Asia’s Toughest Data Privacy Law”, 117 Privacy Laws &Business International Report, pp.1-6.
  • Guadamuz, Andres (2019) “Internet Regulation”, Law, Policy and the Internet (Ed. Lilian Edwards), Hart, UK, pp.3-20.
  • Gülşen, İzzet (2019) Nesnelerin İnterneti: Vaatleri ve Faydaları, Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (ASEAD), V:6, N:8, pp.108.
  • Güneş Peschke, Seldağ/ Peschke, Lutz (2013) “Protection Of The Mediatized Privacy In The Social Media: Aspects Of The Legal Situation In Turkey And Germany”, Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi” C:17, S:2, s.857-884.
  • Güneş Peschke, Seldağ (2014) The Protection of Personality Rights From Roman Law Till Today, Ankara, Yetkin.
  • Güneş Peschke, Seldağ/Sayan, Ömer Fatih (2021) “A Comparative Study of Privacy Policies and Data Protection During the COVID-19 Pandemic Within Different Countries”, CORONALOGY: Multidisciplinary Academic Analysis in Perspective of Covid-19 (Eds Sefer DARICI, Ayşe Meriç YAZICI), De Greuter – Sciendo.
  • Hildebrandt, Mireille/Koops, Bert-Jaap (2010) “The Challanges of Ambient Law and Legal Protection in the Profiling Era”, Modern Law Review, V:73, No:3, p.428-460.
  • Kent, Bülent (2020) “Alman Hukukunda Sosyal Ağların Düzenlenmesi ve Alman Sosyal Ağ Kanunu”, Bilişim Hukuku Dergisi, C:2, S:1, s.1-46.
  • Kesa, Aleksandr/Kerikmae, Tanel (2020) “Artificial Intelligence and the GDPR Inevitablenemeses?”, Taltech Journal of European Studies, V:10, Issue 3, pp.67-90.
  • Lessig, Lawrence (1999) Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, New York, Basic Books.
  • Lipton, Jacqueline (2015) ReThinking Cyber Law A New Vision for Internet Law, UK, Edward Elgar.
  • Loevinger Lee (1949) “Jurimetrics: The Next Step Forward”, Minnesota Law Review (1796), V:44, N:4, p.455.
  • Lucchi, Nicola (2016) The Impact of Science and Technology on the Rights of the Individuals, Law, Governance and Technology Series 26, Springer, p. 4.
  • Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor/Cukier, Kenneth (2013) Big Data: A Revolution that will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, London, John Murray.
  • McCarty, L. Thorne (1984) Intelligent Legal Information Systems: Problems And Prospects In: Campbell C (Ed), Data processing and the Law Sweet and Maxwell, London, pp.125–151.
  • McCarty, L. Thorne (1990) “Artifcial Intelligence And Law: How To Get There From Here”, Ratio Juris, V:3, Issue 2, pp.189–200.
  • McLachlan, Scott/Kyrimi, Evangelia/Dube, Kudakwashe/Fenton, Norman/Schafer, Burkhard (2022) “The Self-Driving Car: Crossroads at the Bleeding Edge of Artificial Intelligence and Law”, Cornell University, Workingpaper, <>.
  • O’Doherty, Michael (2020) Internet Law, Bloomsbury Professional, Croydon.
  • Palmirani, Monica/Martoni, Michele/Rossi, Arianna/Bartolini, Cesare/Robaldo, Livio (2018) PrOnto: Privacy Ontology for Legal Reasoning.ğ In: Kő, A., Francesconi, E. (eds) Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective. EGOVIS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, V:11032. Springer, Cham.
  • Peschke, Lutz/Güneş Peschke, Seldağ/Gümüş Ağca, Yasemin/Seyfafjehi, Seyedehshahezad/Dündar, Irmak/Aydoğdu, Yasin (2022) “Reward Mechanisms In COVID-19 Tracking Apps And Its Impact On The Voluntary Participation Of The Public In Sustainable Innovation Processes”, Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi, S:39, s.54-72.
  • Purtova, Nadezhda (2018) “The Law of Everything. Broad Concept of Personal Data and Future of EU Data Protection Law”, Law, Innovation and Technology, V:10, Issue 1, pp.40-81.
  • Rissland Edwina/ Ashley Kevin (1987) “A Case-Based System For Trade Secrets Law”, In: Proceedings Of The First International Conference On Artificial Intelligence And Law, pp.60-66 ACM Press.
  • Savelka, Jaromir/Westermann, Hannes/ Benyekhlef, Karim/ Alexander, S. Charlotte/ Grant, Jayla/Amariles, David/Hamdani, Rajaa/Meeùs, Sebastien/Troussel, Aurore/ Araszkiewicz, Michal/Ashley, Kevin/Ashley, Alexandra/Branting, Karl/Falduti, Mattia/Grabmair, Matthias/Harašta, Jakub/Novotná, Tereza/Tippett, Elizabeth/Johnson, Shiwanni (2021) “Lex Rosetta: Transfer Of Predictive Models Across Languages, Jurisdictions, And Legal Domains” In: ACM (Ed.) Proceedings Of The Eighteenth International Conference On Artifcial Intelligence And Law, pp.129–138.
  • Serpanos, Dimitrios/Wolf, Marilyn (2018) Internet of Things – IoT Systems Architectures, Algorithms, Methodologies, Springer International Publishing.
  • Simitis, Spiross/Hornung, Gerrit/Döchmann, Indra Spieker genannt (2019) Datenschutzrecht, Baden Baden Nomos Kommentar, Nomos Storm, Marijn/ van der Wolk, Alex. In: RAIL: The Journal of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law, V:4, Issue 6 (November-December 2021), pp.451-458.
  • Singil, Nesrin (2022) “Yapay Zekâ ve İnsan Hakları”, Public and Private International Law Bulletin , C:42, S:1, s.121-158.
  • Sönmez Çakır, Fatma/Aytekin, Alper/Tüminçin, Alper Fatma (2018) Nesnelerin İnterneti ve Giyilebilir Teknolojiler, Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, C:4, S:5, s.84-95.
  • Specht, Louisa/Mantz, Reto (2019) Handbuch Europisches und deutsches Dateschutzrecht, Beck, Munich.
  • Sümer, S. Yağmur (2021) “Ceza Yargılamasının Geleceği: Robot Hakim“ Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C:23, S:2, s.1543-1591.
  • Ulenaers, Jasper (2020) “The Impact of Articial Intellgence on the Right to a Fair Trial: Towards a Robot Judge?”, Asian Journal of Law and Economics, V:11 No:2, pp.1.
  • Valery, Stepenko/Lyudmila, Dreval/Sergei, Chernov/Viktor, Shestak (2022) “EU Personal Data Protection Standards and Regulatory Framework”, Journal of Applied Security Research, Vol.17 Issue 2, p.190-207.
  • Wachter, Sandra (2018) “The GDPR and the Internet of Things: A Three-Step Transparency Model”, Law, Innovation and Technology, V:10, N:2.
  • Walters, Robert/Novak, Marco (2021) Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection & the Law, Springer, Singapore.
  • Walton, Douglas (2006) Fundamentals Of Critical Argumentation, Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
  • Zeytin, Zafer/Gençay, Eray (2019) “Hukuk ve Yapay Zekâ: E-kişi, Mali Sorumluluk ve Bir Hukuk Uygulaması”, Türk Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C:1, S:1, s.39-70.


Yıl 2022, , 1267 - 1292, 12.09.2022


Artificial Intelligence is one of the most debated topics of the last decade which is developed by the new technological changes. With the introduction of AI into our daily lives, discussions occurred on machine learning and the legal and ethical issues governing artificial intelligence. At that point, conflicting situations emerged regarding the use of AI technologies, especially data issues and bias. In 1995, European Data Protection Directive, EU Directive 95/46 was passed which regulated the processing of personal data within the borders of EU and provided data privacy and security standards for the individuals. The Directive was repealed on 25th May 2018 by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which brings new concepts with more strict rules on the protection of personal data. Due to its legal nature, GDPR includes binding rules not only for EU countries but also for those who carry out all activities related to data processing inside EU. With the development of technology and depending on different IT techniques, data processing has changed and access to data became easier than ever. As a result of these technologies, the concepts of big data and artificial intelligence have been widely discussed and the development of new electronic devices and the implementation of more use of robots have brought some legal questions into practice. Recently, there are some new regulations that seem likely to enter EU legislation in the next years, such as Artificial Intelligence Act, Data Governance Act, Data Act, and European Health Data Space. There is uncertainty for the next years, about how new regulations will affect each other including GDPR. This paper aims to discuss artificial intelligence, including GDPR and the new legal developments in the EU legislation within the technological implementations.


  • Arat, Tugay/Aslan, M. Mert (2021) “Sosyal Medyada Veri Güvenliği ve Kişisel Mahremiyet Sorunu” Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, S:35, s.387-401.
  • Ashley, Kevin (2011) The Case-Based Reasoning Approach Ontologies For Analogical Legal Argument. In: Sartor G, Casanovas P, Biasiotti M, Fernández-Barrera M (eds) Approaches to legal: ontologies law governance and technology series. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Ashley, Kevin (1991) Reasoning With Cases And Hypotheticals In Hypo Int J Man Mach Stud pp.753–796.
  • Bozkurt Yüksel, A. Ebru (2022) “Avrupa Komisyonu’nun Yapay Zekâ Tüzük Teklifi’ne Genel Bir Bakiş”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, S:51, s.19-46.
  • Buchholtz, Gabriella (2020) “Artificial Intelligence and Legal Tech: Challenges to the Rule of Law”, Regulating Artificial Intelligence (Eds. Thomas Wischmeyer/ Timo Rademacher) Switzerland, Springer, pp.175-198.
  • Buocz, T. Julius (2018) “Artificial Intelligence in Court Legitimacy Problems of AI Assistance in the Judiciary”, Retskraft – Copenhagen Journal of Legal Studies, V:2, N:1.
  • Çekin, M. Serdar (2021) Yapay Zeka Teknolojilerinin Hukuki İşlem Teorisine Etkileri, 1.Baskı, İstanbul, On İki Levha Yayıncılık.
  • Daş, Resul/Gündüz, M. Zekeriya (2018) “Nesnelerin İnterneti: Gelişimi, Bileşenleri ve Uygulama Alanları”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, C:24, S:2, s.327-335.
  • Do Carmo, Tania/Rea, Stephen/Conaway, Evan/Emery, John/Raval, Noopur (2021) “The Law in Computation: What Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data Mean for Law and Society Scholarship”, Law and Policy, V:43, Issue 2, pp.170-199.
  • Edwards, Lilian (2019a) “Privacy and Data Protection1: What is Privacy? Human Right, National Law, Global Problem” Law, Policy and the Internet (Ed. Edwards, Lilian), Hart, UK, pp.52-75.
  • Edwards, Lilian (2019b) “Data Protection: Enter the General Data Protection”, Law, Policy and the Internet (Ed. Edwards, Lilian), Hart, UK, pp.77- 117.
  • Edwards, Lilian (2019c) “Data Protection and e Privacy: From Spam and Cookies to Big Data, Machine Learning and Profiling”, Law, Policy and the Internet (Ed. Edwards, Lilian), Hart, UK, pp.119- 164.
  • Edwards, Lilian/Veale, Michael (2017) “Slave to the Algorithm? Why a “Right to an Explanation” Is Probably not The Remedy You Are Looking For”, 16 Duke Law&Technology Review 18, pp.24-27.
  • Erdoğan, Gökhan (2021) “Yapay Zekâ Ve Hukukuna Genel Bir Bakiş”, Adalet Dergisi, S:66 s.117-192.
  • Francesconi, Enrico (2022) “The Winter, The Summer And The Summer Dream Of Artificial Intelligence In Law.”, Artif Intell Law, 30, pp.147–161 <>.
  • Fuster, G. González (2014) The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU, Springer, Brussels.
  • Gao, Jianxi/Li, Daqing/Havlin, Shlomo (2014), “From a Single Network to a Network of Networks”, National Science Review, V:1, Issue 3, pp.346-356.
  • Greenleaf, Graham (2012) “Korea’s New Act: Asia’s Toughest Data Privacy Law”, 117 Privacy Laws &Business International Report, pp.1-6.
  • Guadamuz, Andres (2019) “Internet Regulation”, Law, Policy and the Internet (Ed. Lilian Edwards), Hart, UK, pp.3-20.
  • Gülşen, İzzet (2019) Nesnelerin İnterneti: Vaatleri ve Faydaları, Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (ASEAD), V:6, N:8, pp.108.
  • Güneş Peschke, Seldağ/ Peschke, Lutz (2013) “Protection Of The Mediatized Privacy In The Social Media: Aspects Of The Legal Situation In Turkey And Germany”, Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi” C:17, S:2, s.857-884.
  • Güneş Peschke, Seldağ (2014) The Protection of Personality Rights From Roman Law Till Today, Ankara, Yetkin.
  • Güneş Peschke, Seldağ/Sayan, Ömer Fatih (2021) “A Comparative Study of Privacy Policies and Data Protection During the COVID-19 Pandemic Within Different Countries”, CORONALOGY: Multidisciplinary Academic Analysis in Perspective of Covid-19 (Eds Sefer DARICI, Ayşe Meriç YAZICI), De Greuter – Sciendo.
  • Hildebrandt, Mireille/Koops, Bert-Jaap (2010) “The Challanges of Ambient Law and Legal Protection in the Profiling Era”, Modern Law Review, V:73, No:3, p.428-460.
  • Kent, Bülent (2020) “Alman Hukukunda Sosyal Ağların Düzenlenmesi ve Alman Sosyal Ağ Kanunu”, Bilişim Hukuku Dergisi, C:2, S:1, s.1-46.
  • Kesa, Aleksandr/Kerikmae, Tanel (2020) “Artificial Intelligence and the GDPR Inevitablenemeses?”, Taltech Journal of European Studies, V:10, Issue 3, pp.67-90.
  • Lessig, Lawrence (1999) Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, New York, Basic Books.
  • Lipton, Jacqueline (2015) ReThinking Cyber Law A New Vision for Internet Law, UK, Edward Elgar.
  • Loevinger Lee (1949) “Jurimetrics: The Next Step Forward”, Minnesota Law Review (1796), V:44, N:4, p.455.
  • Lucchi, Nicola (2016) The Impact of Science and Technology on the Rights of the Individuals, Law, Governance and Technology Series 26, Springer, p. 4.
  • Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor/Cukier, Kenneth (2013) Big Data: A Revolution that will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, London, John Murray.
  • McCarty, L. Thorne (1984) Intelligent Legal Information Systems: Problems And Prospects In: Campbell C (Ed), Data processing and the Law Sweet and Maxwell, London, pp.125–151.
  • McCarty, L. Thorne (1990) “Artifcial Intelligence And Law: How To Get There From Here”, Ratio Juris, V:3, Issue 2, pp.189–200.
  • McLachlan, Scott/Kyrimi, Evangelia/Dube, Kudakwashe/Fenton, Norman/Schafer, Burkhard (2022) “The Self-Driving Car: Crossroads at the Bleeding Edge of Artificial Intelligence and Law”, Cornell University, Workingpaper, <>.
  • O’Doherty, Michael (2020) Internet Law, Bloomsbury Professional, Croydon.
  • Palmirani, Monica/Martoni, Michele/Rossi, Arianna/Bartolini, Cesare/Robaldo, Livio (2018) PrOnto: Privacy Ontology for Legal Reasoning.ğ In: Kő, A., Francesconi, E. (eds) Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective. EGOVIS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, V:11032. Springer, Cham.
  • Peschke, Lutz/Güneş Peschke, Seldağ/Gümüş Ağca, Yasemin/Seyfafjehi, Seyedehshahezad/Dündar, Irmak/Aydoğdu, Yasin (2022) “Reward Mechanisms In COVID-19 Tracking Apps And Its Impact On The Voluntary Participation Of The Public In Sustainable Innovation Processes”, Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi, S:39, s.54-72.
  • Purtova, Nadezhda (2018) “The Law of Everything. Broad Concept of Personal Data and Future of EU Data Protection Law”, Law, Innovation and Technology, V:10, Issue 1, pp.40-81.
  • Rissland Edwina/ Ashley Kevin (1987) “A Case-Based System For Trade Secrets Law”, In: Proceedings Of The First International Conference On Artificial Intelligence And Law, pp.60-66 ACM Press.
  • Savelka, Jaromir/Westermann, Hannes/ Benyekhlef, Karim/ Alexander, S. Charlotte/ Grant, Jayla/Amariles, David/Hamdani, Rajaa/Meeùs, Sebastien/Troussel, Aurore/ Araszkiewicz, Michal/Ashley, Kevin/Ashley, Alexandra/Branting, Karl/Falduti, Mattia/Grabmair, Matthias/Harašta, Jakub/Novotná, Tereza/Tippett, Elizabeth/Johnson, Shiwanni (2021) “Lex Rosetta: Transfer Of Predictive Models Across Languages, Jurisdictions, And Legal Domains” In: ACM (Ed.) Proceedings Of The Eighteenth International Conference On Artifcial Intelligence And Law, pp.129–138.
  • Serpanos, Dimitrios/Wolf, Marilyn (2018) Internet of Things – IoT Systems Architectures, Algorithms, Methodologies, Springer International Publishing.
  • Simitis, Spiross/Hornung, Gerrit/Döchmann, Indra Spieker genannt (2019) Datenschutzrecht, Baden Baden Nomos Kommentar, Nomos Storm, Marijn/ van der Wolk, Alex. In: RAIL: The Journal of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law, V:4, Issue 6 (November-December 2021), pp.451-458.
  • Singil, Nesrin (2022) “Yapay Zekâ ve İnsan Hakları”, Public and Private International Law Bulletin , C:42, S:1, s.121-158.
  • Sönmez Çakır, Fatma/Aytekin, Alper/Tüminçin, Alper Fatma (2018) Nesnelerin İnterneti ve Giyilebilir Teknolojiler, Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, C:4, S:5, s.84-95.
  • Specht, Louisa/Mantz, Reto (2019) Handbuch Europisches und deutsches Dateschutzrecht, Beck, Munich.
  • Sümer, S. Yağmur (2021) “Ceza Yargılamasının Geleceği: Robot Hakim“ Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C:23, S:2, s.1543-1591.
  • Ulenaers, Jasper (2020) “The Impact of Articial Intellgence on the Right to a Fair Trial: Towards a Robot Judge?”, Asian Journal of Law and Economics, V:11 No:2, pp.1.
  • Valery, Stepenko/Lyudmila, Dreval/Sergei, Chernov/Viktor, Shestak (2022) “EU Personal Data Protection Standards and Regulatory Framework”, Journal of Applied Security Research, Vol.17 Issue 2, p.190-207.
  • Wachter, Sandra (2018) “The GDPR and the Internet of Things: A Three-Step Transparency Model”, Law, Innovation and Technology, V:10, N:2.
  • Walters, Robert/Novak, Marco (2021) Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection & the Law, Springer, Singapore.
  • Walton, Douglas (2006) Fundamentals Of Critical Argumentation, Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
  • Zeytin, Zafer/Gençay, Eray (2019) “Hukuk ve Yapay Zekâ: E-kişi, Mali Sorumluluk ve Bir Hukuk Uygulaması”, Türk Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C:1, S:1, s.39-70.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hukuk

Seldağ Güneş Peschke 0000-0003-3679-6525

Lutz Peschke 0000-0002-9513-3257

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Güneş Peschke, S., & Peschke, L. (2022). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE NEW CHALLENGES FOR EU LEGISLATION. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN’a Dekanlıkta 10. Yıl Anısına Teşekkür Armağanı(2022-2), 1267-1292.
AMA Güneş Peschke S, Peschke L. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE NEW CHALLENGES FOR EU LEGISLATION. YBHD. Eylül 2022;Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN’a Dekanlıkta 10. Yıl Anısına Teşekkür Armağanı(2022-2):1267-1292. doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.1104344
Chicago Güneş Peschke, Seldağ, ve Lutz Peschke. “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE NEW CHALLENGES FOR EU LEGISLATION”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN’a Dekanlıkta 10. Yıl Anısına Teşekkür Armağanı, sy. 2022-2 (Eylül 2022): 1267-92.
EndNote Güneş Peschke S, Peschke L (01 Eylül 2022) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE NEW CHALLENGES FOR EU LEGISLATION. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN’a Dekanlıkta 10. Yıl Anısına Teşekkür Armağanı 2022-2 1267–1292.
IEEE S. Güneş Peschke ve L. Peschke, “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE NEW CHALLENGES FOR EU LEGISLATION”, YBHD, c. Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN’a Dekanlıkta 10. Yıl Anısına Teşekkür Armağanı, sy. 2022-2, ss. 1267–1292, 2022, doi: 10.33432/ybuhukuk.1104344.
JAMA Güneş Peschke S, Peschke L. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE NEW CHALLENGES FOR EU LEGISLATION. YBHD. 2022;Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN’a Dekanlıkta 10. Yıl Anısına Teşekkür Armağanı:1267–1292.
MLA Güneş Peschke, Seldağ ve Lutz Peschke. “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE NEW CHALLENGES FOR EU LEGISLATION”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, c. Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN’a Dekanlıkta 10. Yıl Anısına Teşekkür Armağanı, sy. 2022-2, 2022, ss. 1267-92, doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.1104344.
Vancouver Güneş Peschke S, Peschke L. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE NEW CHALLENGES FOR EU LEGISLATION. YBHD. 2022;Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN’a Dekanlıkta 10. Yıl Anısına Teşekkür Armağanı(2022-2):1267-92.

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