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Analysis of Digital Services Act of the European Union

Yıl 2023, , 387 - 419, 31.07.2023


The enlargement of the digital economy in the common market and the rising number of intermediary services on the digital arena signify the importance of the term information society. As a result of the enhancing digital economy, there is also the need to create a safe digital environment in order to guarantee protection of human rights and consumer rights. In light of these aspects, the European Union puts into effect the Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA determines the obligations of the intermediary services on the digital medium and aims to harmonize the law of digital platforms within the common market. When doing this, the law has to ensure the freedom of speech, diversity of media and freedom of digital entrepreneurship on one hand; and on the other, it has to specify the legal boundaries of digital platforms in order to deal with the risks of disinformation, mobbing and actions aiming to deceive consumers or users. This article will try to summarize and convey the systematical formation of the Digital Services Act.


  • AB Komisyon, “Adapting liability rules to the digital age and circular economy”, Ref.Ares(2021)4266516 - 30/06/2021, < have-your-say/initiatives/12979-Product-Liability-Directive-Adapting-liability-rules-tothe-digital-age-circular-economy-and-global-value-chains_en> s.e.t. 15.03.2023.
  • Berberich, Matthias/ Seip, Fabian/ Mueller Hengeler (2021) “Der Entwurf des Digital Services Act, GRUR-Prax 1, s.4-7.
  • BEUC, The European Consumer Organization, 17.06.2022, < sites/default/files/publications/beuc-x-2022-067_online_marketplaces_must_be_includ ed_in_the_pld_letter_to_commissionaire_breton.pdf> s.e.t. 23.03.2023.
  • Bolger v., LLC - 53 Cal. App. 5th 431, 267 Cal. Rptr. 3d 601 (2020). Busch, Christoph (2019) “When Product Liability Meets the Platform Economy: A European Perspective on Oberdorf v. Amazon”, EuCML 5, s.173-174.
  • Busch, Christoph/ Mak, Vanessa (2021) “Putting the Digital Services Act in Context:
  • Bridging the Gap Between EU Consumer Law and Platform Regulation”, EuCML 3, s.109-115.
  • Büyüksağiş, Erdem (2022) “Extension of Strict Liability to E-Retailers”, Journal of European Tort Law 13(1), s.64-86.
  • Dregelies, Max (2022) “Digital Services Act”, MMR 12, s.1033-1038.
  • Euronews, <> s.e.t. 01.02.2023.
  • European Law Institute (ELI), “Guiding Principles for Updating the Prodcut Liability Directive for the Digital Age”, 21.01.2021 < user_upload/p_eli/Publications/ELI_Guiding_Principles_for_Updating_the_PLD_for_t he_Digital_Age.pdf> s.e.t. 13.03.2023.
  • European Law Institute (ELI), “Model Rules on Online Platforms”, Report of the European Law Institute, < p_eli/Publications/ELI_Model_Rules_on_Online_Platforms.pdf> s.e.t. 23.03.2023.
  • European Parliamentary Research Service, “Liability of Online Platforms”, PE 656.318- February 2021, < 2021/656318/EPRS_STU(2021)656318_EN.pdf> s.e.t. 13.03.2023.
  • Faust, Florian (2016) “Digitale Wirtschaft - Analoges Recht: Braucht das BGB ein Update?”, NJW-Beil 2, s.29-32.
  • Gerdermann, Simon/ Spindler, Gerald (2023a) “Das Gesetz über digitale Dienste (Digital Services Act) (Teil 1)”, GRUR (1-2), s.3-11.
  • Gerdermann, Simon/ Spindler, Gerald (2023b) “Das Gesetz über digitale Dienste (Digital Services Act) (Teil 2)”, GRUR 3, s.115-125.
  • Hung, Alison (2021) “Keeping Consumers in the Dark: Addressing “Nagging” Concerns and Injury”, Columbia Law Review 121/8, s.2483- 2520.
  • Kuhlmann, Simone (2023) “Der Digital Services Act und Seine Folgen für das nationale Medeienrecht”, ZUM 3, s.170-177.
  • L’Oréal SA and Others v. eBay International AG and Others, ABAD, ECLI:EU:C:2011:474.
  • Loomis v Amazon.Com LLC, 2021 WL 1608878 (Cal App. April 26, 2021).
  • Metzger, Axel (2022) Titel 2a. Vertrage über digitale Produkte, MüKoBGB, 9 Aufl. C.H. BECK, München.
  • Müller, Klaus (2022) “Künftige Plattformregulierung und effektive Durchsetzung in Deutschland”, MMR- Beilage, s.1007-1011.
  • Oberdorf v. Amazon. Com Inc. (3rd Cir 2019).
  • Perkins v. LinkedIn, 53 F. Supp. 3d 1222 (N.D. Cal. 2014).
  • Raue, Benjamin/ Heesen, Hendrik (2022) “Der Digital Services Act”, NJW 49, s.3537- 3543.
  • Sabrina Wathelet v. Garage Bietheres & Fils SPRL, ABAD, C-149/15, EU:C:2016:840.
  • Schmid, Gregor/ GREWE, Max (2021) “Digital Services Act: Neues “Grundgesetz für Onlinedienste”?”, MMR 4, s.279-282.
  • Sotiris Papasavvas v O Fileleftheros Dimosia Etaireia Ltd., ABAD, C-291/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2209.
  • Spindler, Gerald (2023) “Die Zukunft des europäischen Haftungsrechts für Internet- Provider - der Digital Services Act”, MMR 1, s.73-78.
  • Veldt, Gitta (2023) “The New Product Liability Proposal - Fit for the Digital Age or in Need of Shaping Up?”, EuCML 1, s.24-31.
  • Weinzerl, Quirin (2020) “Dark patterns als Herausforderung für das Recht”, NVwZ- Extra 15, s.1-11.
  • Youtube and Cyando, ABAD, ECLI:EU:C:2021:503.

Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası'nın Değerlendirmesi

Yıl 2023, , 387 - 419, 31.07.2023


Dijital ekonominin giderek büyümesi ve dijital hizmet sağlayıcılarının sayısının artması ile birlikte bilgi toplumu önemli bir kavram haline gelmiştir. Bu değişen yapı nedeniyle Avrupa Birliği’nde, temel hakların ve kişilik haklarının korunması yanında tüketicinin korunması gibi hususlar açısından güvenli bir online mecra için belirli yükümlülüklerin netleştirilmesi gerekmiştir. Dijital Hizmetler Yasası (DSA) ile farklı hizmet sağlayıcılarının sorumluluklarının kapsamı ve yükümlülükleri belirlenirken, ortak pazarın da üye ülkeler açısından uyumlu hale getirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu yenilikçi dijital pazarlar bakımından bir yandan fikir hürriyeti, medya çeşitliliği ve yeni girişimciler açısından özgürlükçü yapının korunması gerekirken; diğer yandan ise hukuka aykırı içerik kavramı kapsamında dezenformayon, mobbing ve tüketici ya da kullanıcıların aldatılması gibi hususlar karşısında da belirli sorumluluk esaslarının daha net bir şekilde belirlenmesi gerekliliği bu tüzüğün yürürlüğe girmesine etki etmiştir. İşbu makale, DSA uyarınca getirilen düzenlemelerin sistematiğini ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir.


  • AB Komisyon, “Adapting liability rules to the digital age and circular economy”, Ref.Ares(2021)4266516 - 30/06/2021, < have-your-say/initiatives/12979-Product-Liability-Directive-Adapting-liability-rules-tothe-digital-age-circular-economy-and-global-value-chains_en> s.e.t. 15.03.2023.
  • Berberich, Matthias/ Seip, Fabian/ Mueller Hengeler (2021) “Der Entwurf des Digital Services Act, GRUR-Prax 1, s.4-7.
  • BEUC, The European Consumer Organization, 17.06.2022, < sites/default/files/publications/beuc-x-2022-067_online_marketplaces_must_be_includ ed_in_the_pld_letter_to_commissionaire_breton.pdf> s.e.t. 23.03.2023.
  • Bolger v., LLC - 53 Cal. App. 5th 431, 267 Cal. Rptr. 3d 601 (2020). Busch, Christoph (2019) “When Product Liability Meets the Platform Economy: A European Perspective on Oberdorf v. Amazon”, EuCML 5, s.173-174.
  • Busch, Christoph/ Mak, Vanessa (2021) “Putting the Digital Services Act in Context:
  • Bridging the Gap Between EU Consumer Law and Platform Regulation”, EuCML 3, s.109-115.
  • Büyüksağiş, Erdem (2022) “Extension of Strict Liability to E-Retailers”, Journal of European Tort Law 13(1), s.64-86.
  • Dregelies, Max (2022) “Digital Services Act”, MMR 12, s.1033-1038.
  • Euronews, <> s.e.t. 01.02.2023.
  • European Law Institute (ELI), “Guiding Principles for Updating the Prodcut Liability Directive for the Digital Age”, 21.01.2021 < user_upload/p_eli/Publications/ELI_Guiding_Principles_for_Updating_the_PLD_for_t he_Digital_Age.pdf> s.e.t. 13.03.2023.
  • European Law Institute (ELI), “Model Rules on Online Platforms”, Report of the European Law Institute, < p_eli/Publications/ELI_Model_Rules_on_Online_Platforms.pdf> s.e.t. 23.03.2023.
  • European Parliamentary Research Service, “Liability of Online Platforms”, PE 656.318- February 2021, < 2021/656318/EPRS_STU(2021)656318_EN.pdf> s.e.t. 13.03.2023.
  • Faust, Florian (2016) “Digitale Wirtschaft - Analoges Recht: Braucht das BGB ein Update?”, NJW-Beil 2, s.29-32.
  • Gerdermann, Simon/ Spindler, Gerald (2023a) “Das Gesetz über digitale Dienste (Digital Services Act) (Teil 1)”, GRUR (1-2), s.3-11.
  • Gerdermann, Simon/ Spindler, Gerald (2023b) “Das Gesetz über digitale Dienste (Digital Services Act) (Teil 2)”, GRUR 3, s.115-125.
  • Hung, Alison (2021) “Keeping Consumers in the Dark: Addressing “Nagging” Concerns and Injury”, Columbia Law Review 121/8, s.2483- 2520.
  • Kuhlmann, Simone (2023) “Der Digital Services Act und Seine Folgen für das nationale Medeienrecht”, ZUM 3, s.170-177.
  • L’Oréal SA and Others v. eBay International AG and Others, ABAD, ECLI:EU:C:2011:474.
  • Loomis v Amazon.Com LLC, 2021 WL 1608878 (Cal App. April 26, 2021).
  • Metzger, Axel (2022) Titel 2a. Vertrage über digitale Produkte, MüKoBGB, 9 Aufl. C.H. BECK, München.
  • Müller, Klaus (2022) “Künftige Plattformregulierung und effektive Durchsetzung in Deutschland”, MMR- Beilage, s.1007-1011.
  • Oberdorf v. Amazon. Com Inc. (3rd Cir 2019).
  • Perkins v. LinkedIn, 53 F. Supp. 3d 1222 (N.D. Cal. 2014).
  • Raue, Benjamin/ Heesen, Hendrik (2022) “Der Digital Services Act”, NJW 49, s.3537- 3543.
  • Sabrina Wathelet v. Garage Bietheres & Fils SPRL, ABAD, C-149/15, EU:C:2016:840.
  • Schmid, Gregor/ GREWE, Max (2021) “Digital Services Act: Neues “Grundgesetz für Onlinedienste”?”, MMR 4, s.279-282.
  • Sotiris Papasavvas v O Fileleftheros Dimosia Etaireia Ltd., ABAD, C-291/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2209.
  • Spindler, Gerald (2023) “Die Zukunft des europäischen Haftungsrechts für Internet- Provider - der Digital Services Act”, MMR 1, s.73-78.
  • Veldt, Gitta (2023) “The New Product Liability Proposal - Fit for the Digital Age or in Need of Shaping Up?”, EuCML 1, s.24-31.
  • Weinzerl, Quirin (2020) “Dark patterns als Herausforderung für das Recht”, NVwZ- Extra 15, s.1-11.
  • Youtube and Cyando, ABAD, ECLI:EU:C:2021:503.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk

İpek Çevik 0000-0003-2186-8581

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Çevik, İ. (2023). Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi(2), 387-419.
AMA Çevik İ. Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi. YBHD. Temmuz 2023;(2):387-419. doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.1273986
Chicago Çevik, İpek. “Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2023): 387-419.
EndNote Çevik İ (01 Temmuz 2023) Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 2 387–419.
IEEE İ. Çevik, “Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi”, YBHD, sy. 2, ss. 387–419, Temmuz 2023, doi: 10.33432/ybuhukuk.1273986.
ISNAD Çevik, İpek. “Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 2 (Temmuz 2023), 387-419.
JAMA Çevik İ. Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi. YBHD. 2023;:387–419.
MLA Çevik, İpek. “Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 387-19, doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.1273986.
Vancouver Çevik İ. Avrupa Birliği Dijital Hizmetler Yasası’nın Değerlendirmesi. YBHD. 2023(2):387-419.
