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Yıl 2020, , 175 - 196, 29.07.2020


Devletler uzaydaki ulusal faaliyetlerinden dolayı Uzay Anlaşması'nın VI. maddesi hükmünce ve aynı anlaşmanın VII. maddesi ve Sorumluluk Sözleşmesi'ne uygun olarak uzay araçlarının vermiş olduğu zararlardan dolayı sorumluluk taşımaktadır. Uzaydaki özel faaliyetler Devletler tarafından izne ve devamlı takip koşuluna uyulduğu müddetçe serbest bırakılmıştır. Uzay alanındaki özel kişilerin yükselişi hem ekonomik hem de stratejik anlamda büyük rol oynayan iç hukuk düzenlemelerinin sayısının çoğalmasının altında yatmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, Devletler’in nasıl bir şekilde iç hukuklarında düzenleme yapmaları gerektiği konusunda bir yükümlülük bulunmamaktadır. Ancak, kanun şeklinde yapılan bir iç düzenleme hukuk politikalarının daha açık ve rekabetçi bir şekilde ortaya konmasını sağlamaktadır.Bu bağlamda, uzay teknolojilerinin gelişmesi ve uzay pazarının globalleşmesiyle, Türkiye'nin deuzay operasyonlarına ilişkin kanun çıkarması bir gereklilik halini almıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı uzay hukukunun bu yönde Türkiye'de gelişimini sağlamak maksadıyla birtakım önerilerde bulunmaktır. Bu kapsamda, karşılaştırmalı bir yaklaşım izlenecektir. Diğer ülkelerin deneyimleri bizim için yol gösterici olacaktır.


  • Achilleas, Philippe (2009) “La loi relative aux opérations spatiales du 3 juin 2008” Revue juridique de l'économie publique, n° 660, étude 2.
  • Cakir,Tugrul (2017) “La compétence personnelle en droit spatial : un principe interprété différemment par les Etats”, Revue Française de Droit Aérien et Spatial (Fransız Hava ve Uzay Hukuku dergisi), 281/1, s. 65-73.
  • Cakir,Tugrul (2017) “La garantie de l’État dans la loi française relative aux opérations spatiales : un atout de la politique juridique de la France ?”, Zeitschriftfür Luft-undWeltraumrecht (Alman Hava ve UzayHukukuDergisi), 66/1, s.104-112.
  • Cakir, Tugrul (2017) “International Cooperation as an Essential Part of the Galileo Programme”, European Center of Space Law (ECSL) Young Lawyers’ Symposium, European Space Agency Hq, Paris/Fransa, 18/03/2017.
  • Cakir, Tugrul (2017) “The Public Service Exemption in the Space Protocol in light of thatfound in the Luxembourg Protocol”, Proceedings of 59th International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Colloquium on the law of Outer Space, s.111-124.
  • Cakir,Tugrul (2019) “From the unilateral Acts of States towards Unilateralism in Space Law”, Proceedings of 61th International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Colloquium on the law of Outer Space, s.15-30.
  • Cakir,Tugrul (2020) “Lessourcesdudroit de l’espace”: Hobe, Stephan/Achilleas,Philippe (Editörler), 50 years of Space Law-Space Law in 50 years, The Hague, Center for Studies and research of the Hague Academy of International Law, s.83-126.
  • Conseil d’État (2006) Pour une politique juridique des activités spatiales, Paris.
  • Couston, Mireille (2004) “Spatioéthique : Réflexions sur la teneur éthique du droit spatial”, Revue Française de Droit Aérien et Spatial (Fransız Hava ve Uzay Hukuku dergisi), 2004/4, s.398-434.
  • Dunk, Frans von der (2011) “The Origins of Autorisation: Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty and International Space Law”: Dunk, Frans von der (Editör), National space legislation in Europe, Leiden, Boston, MartinusNijhoff publishers, s.3-28.
  • Dunk, Franz von der (2015) “International spacelaw”: Dunk,Fransvon der/TronchettiFabio (Editörler), Handbook of Space Law, Cheltenham, Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, s.29-126.
  • Gerhard, Michael/Schroghl, Kai Uwe (2002) “Report of the 'Project 2001' Working Group on National Space Legislation”: Bockstiegel, Karl-Heinz, ‘Project 2001’ – Legal Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space, Recommendations and conclusions to develop the present state of the law, Koln, Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, s. 529-564.
  • Gerhard, Michael (2009) “Article VI”: Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe (Editörler), Cologne Commentary on Space Law: Volume I, Outer Space Treaty, Koln, Carl Heymanns Verlag, s.103-125.
  • Hays, Peter/ Lutes, Charles (2007) “Towards a theory of spacepower”, Space Policy, 23/4 Kasım, s. 206-209.
  • Hobe, Stephan(2009) “Article I”: Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe (Editörler), Cologne Commentary on Space Law: Volume I, Outer Space Treaty, Koln, Carl Heymanns Verlag, s.25-43.
  • Kerrest, Armel/Smith, Lesley Jane (2009) “Article VII”: Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe (Editörler), Cologne Commentary on Space Law: Volume I, Outer Space Treaty, Koln, Carl Heymanns Verlag, s.126-145.
  • Marboe, Irmgard (2015) “National spacelaw”: Dunk, Fransvon der/Tronchetti, Fabio(Editörler), Handbook of Space Law, Cheltenham, Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, s.127-204.
  • Ministère de la recherche, Direction de la Technologie (2002) L’évolution du droit de l’espace en France.
  • Stewart, John T. (1980), “Emerging Patterns of a Private International Space Law Regime - Evolutionary or Revolutionist”, 23th Proceedings of 61th International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Colloquium on the law of Outer Space, s.201-208.
  • Traa-Engelman, HannekeLouise (1993) Commercial utilization of Outer Space, Law and practice, Dordrecht/Boston/London, MartinusNijhoffPublishers.
  • Zhao, Yun (2015) National Space Law in China an Overview of the Current Situation and Outlook for the Future, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff.
  • ABD Kanunu, Chapter 509, Title 51 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), National and Commercial Space Programs, Bill H.R.3237, 18 december 2010.
  • Avustralya Kanunu, Space Activities Act 1998 Act No. 123 of 1998 as amended by Space Activities Amendment (Launches and Returns) Act 2018.
  • Avusturya Kanunu, Austrian Federal Law on the Authorisation of Space Activities and the Establishment of a National Space Registry (Austrian Outer Space Act, adopted by the National Council on 6 December 2011, entered into force on 28 December 2011).
  • Belçika Kanunu, Law of 17 September 2005 on the Activities of Launching, Flight Operation or Guidance of Space Objects consolidatedtext as revised by the Law of 1 December 2013 (B.O.J. of 15 January 2014).
  • Büyük Britanya Kanunu, Space Industry Act, Chapter 5, 15 march 2018.
  • Danimarka Kanunu, Outer Space Act, Act no. 409 of 11 May 2016.
  • Finlandiya Kanunu, Act on Space Activities (63/2018); İsveç Kanunu, Act on Space Activities (1982:963)
  • Fransa Kanunu, Loi n° 2008-518 du 3 juin 2008 relativeauxopérationsspatiales, Journal Officiel de la RépubliqueFrançaisedu 4 juin 2008.
  • Güney Afrika Kanunu, Space affairs Act, Statutes of the Republic of South Africa- Trade and Industry No. 84 of 1993.
  • Güney Kore Kanunu, Space Development Promotion Act, Law Number 7538 May 31, 2005. Hollanda Kanunu, Rules Concerning Space Activities and the Establishment of a Registry of Space Objects (Space Activities Act) Bill (13.06.06).
  • Kazakistan Kanunu, Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Space Activities, 6 January 2012, No. 528-IV.
  • Norveç Kanunu, Act on launching objects from Norwegian territory etc. into outer space. 13 June. No. 38. 1969.
  • Rusya Federasyonu Kanunu, Law of the Russian Federationaboutspaceactivity, Decree No. 5663-1 of the Russian House of Soviets.
  • Yeni Zelanda Kanunu, Outer Space and High-altitudeActivities Act 2017, Public Act 2017 No 29.


Yıl 2020, , 175 - 196, 29.07.2020


States bear responsibility for their national space activities according to Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty and liability for damages caused by space objects under Article VII of the Outer Space Treaty and the Liability Convention. The activities of non-governmental entities in outer space have been permitted to the condition of authorization and continuing supervision by the appropriate State Party to the Outer Space Treaty. The emergence of non-governmental entities in the space field has been the origin of the multiplication of national space legislations, which have been economic and strategic tools for States.Nevertheless, States have no obligation to put in place a national space legislation relating to space operations, but it allows States to have a legal policy, which serves the development of local space industry.In this context, with the development of space technology and globalization of space market, the adoption of a national space operations act is also necessary in Turkey. The goal of this paper is to provide some recommendations to contribute to the progressive development of Space Law in Turkey. In this respect, a comparative approach will be used.


  • Achilleas, Philippe (2009) “La loi relative aux opérations spatiales du 3 juin 2008” Revue juridique de l'économie publique, n° 660, étude 2.
  • Cakir,Tugrul (2017) “La compétence personnelle en droit spatial : un principe interprété différemment par les Etats”, Revue Française de Droit Aérien et Spatial (Fransız Hava ve Uzay Hukuku dergisi), 281/1, s. 65-73.
  • Cakir,Tugrul (2017) “La garantie de l’État dans la loi française relative aux opérations spatiales : un atout de la politique juridique de la France ?”, Zeitschriftfür Luft-undWeltraumrecht (Alman Hava ve UzayHukukuDergisi), 66/1, s.104-112.
  • Cakir, Tugrul (2017) “International Cooperation as an Essential Part of the Galileo Programme”, European Center of Space Law (ECSL) Young Lawyers’ Symposium, European Space Agency Hq, Paris/Fransa, 18/03/2017.
  • Cakir, Tugrul (2017) “The Public Service Exemption in the Space Protocol in light of thatfound in the Luxembourg Protocol”, Proceedings of 59th International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Colloquium on the law of Outer Space, s.111-124.
  • Cakir,Tugrul (2019) “From the unilateral Acts of States towards Unilateralism in Space Law”, Proceedings of 61th International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Colloquium on the law of Outer Space, s.15-30.
  • Cakir,Tugrul (2020) “Lessourcesdudroit de l’espace”: Hobe, Stephan/Achilleas,Philippe (Editörler), 50 years of Space Law-Space Law in 50 years, The Hague, Center for Studies and research of the Hague Academy of International Law, s.83-126.
  • Conseil d’État (2006) Pour une politique juridique des activités spatiales, Paris.
  • Couston, Mireille (2004) “Spatioéthique : Réflexions sur la teneur éthique du droit spatial”, Revue Française de Droit Aérien et Spatial (Fransız Hava ve Uzay Hukuku dergisi), 2004/4, s.398-434.
  • Dunk, Frans von der (2011) “The Origins of Autorisation: Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty and International Space Law”: Dunk, Frans von der (Editör), National space legislation in Europe, Leiden, Boston, MartinusNijhoff publishers, s.3-28.
  • Dunk, Franz von der (2015) “International spacelaw”: Dunk,Fransvon der/TronchettiFabio (Editörler), Handbook of Space Law, Cheltenham, Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, s.29-126.
  • Gerhard, Michael/Schroghl, Kai Uwe (2002) “Report of the 'Project 2001' Working Group on National Space Legislation”: Bockstiegel, Karl-Heinz, ‘Project 2001’ – Legal Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space, Recommendations and conclusions to develop the present state of the law, Koln, Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, s. 529-564.
  • Gerhard, Michael (2009) “Article VI”: Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe (Editörler), Cologne Commentary on Space Law: Volume I, Outer Space Treaty, Koln, Carl Heymanns Verlag, s.103-125.
  • Hays, Peter/ Lutes, Charles (2007) “Towards a theory of spacepower”, Space Policy, 23/4 Kasım, s. 206-209.
  • Hobe, Stephan(2009) “Article I”: Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe (Editörler), Cologne Commentary on Space Law: Volume I, Outer Space Treaty, Koln, Carl Heymanns Verlag, s.25-43.
  • Kerrest, Armel/Smith, Lesley Jane (2009) “Article VII”: Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe (Editörler), Cologne Commentary on Space Law: Volume I, Outer Space Treaty, Koln, Carl Heymanns Verlag, s.126-145.
  • Marboe, Irmgard (2015) “National spacelaw”: Dunk, Fransvon der/Tronchetti, Fabio(Editörler), Handbook of Space Law, Cheltenham, Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, s.127-204.
  • Ministère de la recherche, Direction de la Technologie (2002) L’évolution du droit de l’espace en France.
  • Stewart, John T. (1980), “Emerging Patterns of a Private International Space Law Regime - Evolutionary or Revolutionist”, 23th Proceedings of 61th International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Colloquium on the law of Outer Space, s.201-208.
  • Traa-Engelman, HannekeLouise (1993) Commercial utilization of Outer Space, Law and practice, Dordrecht/Boston/London, MartinusNijhoffPublishers.
  • Zhao, Yun (2015) National Space Law in China an Overview of the Current Situation and Outlook for the Future, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff.
  • ABD Kanunu, Chapter 509, Title 51 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), National and Commercial Space Programs, Bill H.R.3237, 18 december 2010.
  • Avustralya Kanunu, Space Activities Act 1998 Act No. 123 of 1998 as amended by Space Activities Amendment (Launches and Returns) Act 2018.
  • Avusturya Kanunu, Austrian Federal Law on the Authorisation of Space Activities and the Establishment of a National Space Registry (Austrian Outer Space Act, adopted by the National Council on 6 December 2011, entered into force on 28 December 2011).
  • Belçika Kanunu, Law of 17 September 2005 on the Activities of Launching, Flight Operation or Guidance of Space Objects consolidatedtext as revised by the Law of 1 December 2013 (B.O.J. of 15 January 2014).
  • Büyük Britanya Kanunu, Space Industry Act, Chapter 5, 15 march 2018.
  • Danimarka Kanunu, Outer Space Act, Act no. 409 of 11 May 2016.
  • Finlandiya Kanunu, Act on Space Activities (63/2018); İsveç Kanunu, Act on Space Activities (1982:963)
  • Fransa Kanunu, Loi n° 2008-518 du 3 juin 2008 relativeauxopérationsspatiales, Journal Officiel de la RépubliqueFrançaisedu 4 juin 2008.
  • Güney Afrika Kanunu, Space affairs Act, Statutes of the Republic of South Africa- Trade and Industry No. 84 of 1993.
  • Güney Kore Kanunu, Space Development Promotion Act, Law Number 7538 May 31, 2005. Hollanda Kanunu, Rules Concerning Space Activities and the Establishment of a Registry of Space Objects (Space Activities Act) Bill (13.06.06).
  • Kazakistan Kanunu, Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Space Activities, 6 January 2012, No. 528-IV.
  • Norveç Kanunu, Act on launching objects from Norwegian territory etc. into outer space. 13 June. No. 38. 1969.
  • Rusya Federasyonu Kanunu, Law of the Russian Federationaboutspaceactivity, Decree No. 5663-1 of the Russian House of Soviets.
  • Yeni Zelanda Kanunu, Outer Space and High-altitudeActivities Act 2017, Public Act 2017 No 29.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk

Tuğrul Çakır 0000-0002-9360-9098

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Çakır, Tuğrul. “‘TÜRK UZAY OPERASYONLARINA İLİŞKİN KANUN’UN HAZIRLANMASI KONUSUNDA ÖNERİLER”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2020): 175-96.
EndNote Çakır T (01 Temmuz 2020) ‘TÜRK UZAY OPERASYONLARINA İLİŞKİN KANUN’UN HAZIRLANMASI KONUSUNDA ÖNERİLER. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 2 175–196.
IEEE T. Çakır, “‘TÜRK UZAY OPERASYONLARINA İLİŞKİN KANUN’UN HAZIRLANMASI KONUSUNDA ÖNERİLER”, YBHD, sy. 2, ss. 175–196, Temmuz 2020, doi: 10.33432/ybuhukuk.716180.
ISNAD Çakır, Tuğrul. “‘TÜRK UZAY OPERASYONLARINA İLİŞKİN KANUN’UN HAZIRLANMASI KONUSUNDA ÖNERİLER”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 2 (Temmuz 2020), 175-196.
MLA Çakır, Tuğrul. “‘TÜRK UZAY OPERASYONLARINA İLİŞKİN KANUN’UN HAZIRLANMASI KONUSUNDA ÖNERİLER”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 175-96, doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.716180.
