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Geochemistry of the Esence granitoid (Göksun-Kahramanmaraş), SE Turkey

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 1 - 13, 01.02.2005



  • Akıman, O., Erler, A., Göncüoğlu, M.C., Güleç, N., Geven, A., Türeli, T.K., and Kadıoğlu, Y.K., 1993. Geochemical characteristics of granitoids along the western margin of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex and their tectonic implications. Geological Jo- urnal, 28, 371-382.
  • Aktafl, G., and Robertson A.H.F., 1984. The Maden complex, SE Turkey: evolution of a Ne- otethyan continental margin. In: J.E, Di- xon, and A.H.F, Robertson (ed.), The Ge- ological Evolution of the Eastern Mediter- ranean, Geological Society of London Special Publication, 17, 375-402.
  • Alpaslan, M., and Boztuğ D., 1997. The co-existence of the syn-COLG and post-COLG plutons in the Yıldızeli area (W-Sivas). Turkish Jo- urnal of Earth Sciences, 6, 1-12.
  • Aydın, N.S., and Önen, A.P., 1999. Field, petrograp- hic and geochemical features of the Bara- nadağ quartz monzonite of the Central Anatolian granitoids, Turkey. Turkish Jour- nal of Earth Sciences, 8, 113-123.
  • Aydın, F., Karslı, O., and Sadıklar, M.B., 2003. Mine- ralogy and chemistry of biotites from eas- tern Pontide granitoid rocks, NE Turkey: some petrological implications for granito- id magmas. Chemie der Erde, 63, 163- 182.
  • Batchelor, B., and Bowden, P., 1985. Petrogenetic in- terpretation of granitoid rock series using multicationic parameters. Chemical Ge- ology, 48, 43-55.
  • Beyarslan, M., and Bingöl, A.F., 2000. Petrology of a supra-subduction zone ophiolite (Elazığ, Turkey). Canadian Journal of Earth Scien- ces, 37, 1411-1424.
  • Boztuğ, D., 1998. Post-collisional central Anatolian alkaline plutonism, Turkey. Turkish Jour- nal of Earth Sciences, 7, 145-165.
  • Boztuğ, D., Yılmaz, S ve Keskin,Y., 1994. İç-Doğu Anadolu alkalin provensindeki Kösedağ plütonu (Suflehri-KD Sivas) doğu kesimi- nin petrografisi, petrokimyası ve petroje- nezi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 37, 1-14.
  • Boztuğ, D., Debon, F., İnan, S., Tutkun, S.Z., Avcı, N., and Keskin, Ö., 1997. Comparative ge- ochemistry of four plutons from the Creta- ceous-Palaeogene Central-Eastern Ana- tolian alkaline province (Divriği region, Si- vas, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Earth Sci- ences, 6, 95-115.
  • Çoğulu, H.E., 1975. Gümüflhane ve Rize yörelerinde petrolojik ve jeokronolojik arafltırmalar. İTÜ Yayınevi, 1034, 112 s.
  • Delaloye, M., and Bingöl, E., 2000. Granitoids from western and northwestern Anatolia: geoc- hemistry and modeling of geodynamic evolution. International Geology Review, 42, 241-268.
  • Dilek, Y., Thy, P., Hacker, B., and Grundvig, S., 1999. Structure and petrology of Tauride ophiolites and mafic dyke intrusions (Tur- key): implications for the Neotethyan oce- an. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 111, 1192-1216.
  • Ekici, T. ve Boztuğ, D., 1997. Anatolid-Pontid çarpıfl- ma sisteminin pasif kenarında yeralan Yozgat batolitinde Syn-COLG ve Post- COLG granitoid birlikteliği. Yerbilimleri (Geosound), 30, 519-538.
  • Erler, A. ve Bayhan, H., 1995. Orta Anadolu granito- yidleri’nin genel değerlendirmesi ve sorun- ları. Yerbilimleri, 17, 49-67.
  • Erler, A., and Göncüoğlu, M.C., 1996. Geologic and tectonic setting of the Yozgat batholith, northern Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey. International Geology Review, 38, 714-726.
  • Genç, fi.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1997. An example of post-collisional magmatism in northwes- tern Anatolia: the Kızderbent volcanics (Armutlu Peninsula, Turkey). Turkish Jour- nal of Earth Sciences, 6, 33-42.
  • Genç, fi.C., Yiğitbafl, E. ve Yılmaz, Y., 1993. Berit metaofiyolitinin jeolojisi. Suat Erk Jeoloji Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, 37-52.
  • Gençalioğlu-Kuflçu, G., Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Kuflçu, İ., 2001. Post-collisional magmatism on the northern margin of the Taurides and its geological implications: geology and petro- logy of the Yahyalı-Karamadazı granitoid. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 10, 103-119.
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Türeli, K.T., 1994. Alpine colli- sional type granitoids from western Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey. Jo- urnal of Kocaeli University Earth Sciences, 1, 39-46.
  • Güçtekin, A., Köprübaflı, N. ve Aldanmaz, E., 2004. Karabiga (Çanakkale) granitoyidinin je- okimyası. Yerbilimleri, 29, 29-38.
  • Harker, A., 1909. The Natural History of Igneous Rocks. London, Metheuen, 384 pp.
  • Helvacı, C., and Griffin, W.L., 1983. Rb-Sr geochro- nology of the Bitlis massif, Avnik (Bingöl) area, SE Turkey. Journal of Geological So- ciety, 13, 255-265.
  • İlbeyli, N., and Pearce, J.A., 1997. Petrogenesis of the collision-related Anatolian granitoids, Turkey. European Union of Geosciences (EUG) 9, Strasbourg-France, 502.
  • İlbeyli, N., Pearce, J.A., Thirlwall, M.F., and Mitchell, J.G., 2004. Petrogenesis of collision-rela- ted plutonics in central Anatolia, Turkey. Lithos, 72, 163-182.
  • Irvine, T.N., and Baragar, W.R.A., 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volkanic rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8, 523-548.
  • Karig, D.E., and Kozlu, H., 1990. Late Paleogene-Ne- ogene evolution of the triple junction near Marafl, south-central Turkey. Journal of Geological Society, 147, 1023-34.
  • Karslı, O., Aydın, F., and Sadıklar, M.B., 2002. Geot- hermobarometric investigation of the Ziga- na granitoid, Eastern Pontides, Turkey. In- ternational Geology Review, 44, 277-286.
  • Kelling, G., Gökçen, S.L., Floyd, P.A., and Gökçen, N., 1987. Neogene tectonics and plate convergence in the eastern Mediterrane- an: new data from southern Turkey. Ge- ology, 15, 425-429.
  • Ketin, İ., 1983. Türkiye Jeolojisine Genel Bir Bakıfl. İTÜ Kütüphanesi,1259, 595s.
  • Maniar, P.D., and Piccoli, P.M., 1989. Tectotic discri- mination of granitoids. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 6,129-198.
  • Parlak,O., and Delaloye, M., 1999. Precise 40Ar/39Ar ages from the metamorphic sole of the Mersin ophiolite (Southern Turkey). Tecto- nophysics, 301, 145-158.
  • Parlak, O., and Rızaoğlu, T., 2004. Geodynamic sig- nificance of granitoid intrusions in the sout- heast Anatolian orogeny (Turkey). Proce- edings of 5th International Eastern Medi- terranean Geology Symposium, Thessalo- niki, Greece, Abstracts, 157.
  • Parlak, O., Önal, A., Höck, V., Kürüm, S., Delaloye, M., Bağcı, U., and Rızaoğlu, T., 2002. In- verted metamorphic zonation beneath the Yüksekova ophiolite in SE Anatolia. 1st In- ternational Symposium of Faculty of Mines (İTÜ) on Earth Science and Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey, Abstracts, 133.
  • Parlak, O., Höck, V., Kozlu, H., and Delaloye, M., 2004. Oceanic crust generation in an is- land arc tectonic setting, SE Anatolian oro- genic belt (Turkey). Geological Magazine, 141, 583-603.
  • Pearce, J.A., Harris, N.B.W., and Tindle, A.G., 1984. Trace element discrimination diagram for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks. Journal of Petrology, 25, 956-983.
  • Perinçek, D., and Kozlu, H., 1984. Stratigraphy and structural relations of the units in the Afflin- Elbistan-Doğanflehir region (Eastern Ta- urus). Proceedings of International Symposium, Geology of Taurus Belt, An- kara, Turkey, 181-198.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., 2002. Overview of the genesis and emplacement of Mesozoic ophiolites in the Eastern Mediterranean Tethyan re- gion. Lithos, 65, 1-67.
  • fiengör, A.M.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1981. Tethyan evo- lution of Turkey : a plate tectonic appro- ach. Tectonophysics, 75,181-241.
  • Tarhan, N., 1986. Doğu Toroslarda Neotetisin kapa- nımına iliflkin granitoyid magmalarının ev- rimi ve kökeni. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 107, 95-112.
  • Tatar, S., and Boztuğ, D., 1998. Fractional crystalliza- tion and magma mingling/mixing proces- ses in the monzonitic association in the SW part of the composite Yozgat batholite (fiefaatli-Yerköy, SW Yozgat). Turkish Jo- urnal of Earth Sciences, 7, 215-230.
  • Wilson, M., 1989. Igneous Petrogenesis: A Global Tectonic Approach. Chapman & Hall, Lon- don, 466 pp.
  • Yalınız, M.K., Aydın, N.S., Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Par- lak, O., 1999. Terlemez quartz monzonite of Central Anatolia (Aksaray-Sarıkara- man): age, petrogenesis and geotectonic implications for ophiolite emplacement. Geological Journal, 34, 233-242.
  • Yazgan, E., and Chessex, R., 1991. Geology and tec- tonic evolution of the southeastern Tauri- des in the region of Malatya. Turkish Asso- ciation of Petroleum Geologists, 3, 1-42.
  • Yılmaz, O., 1971. Etude petrographique et geochro- nologique de la region de Cacas. PhD Thesis, Universite de Science et Medicale de Grenoble, France, 230 pp.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1978. Bitlis massif and ophiolite relations- hip around Gevafl, Van. Proceedings of 4th Turkish Petroleum Congress, 88-93.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1990. Allochthonous terranes in the Teth- yan Middle east: Anatolia and surrounding regions. Philosophical Transactions of Ro- yal Society of London, A 331, 611-24.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1993. New evidence and model on the evolution of the Southeast Anatolian oro- gen. Geological Society of America Bulle- tin, 105, 251-271.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Gürpınar, O., Kozlu, H., Gül, M.A., Yiğit- bafl, E., Yıldırım, M., Genç, fi.C. ve Kes- kin, M., 1987. Kahramanmarafl kuzeyinin jeolojisi (Andırın-Berit-Engizek-Nurhak- Binboğa Dağları). Türkiye Petrolleri A.O. Rapor No: 2028, 218 s (unpublished).
  • Yılmaz, Y., Yiğitbafl, E., and Genç, fi.C., 1993. Ophi- olitic and metamorphic assemblages of Southeast Anatolia and their significance in the geological evolution of the orogenic belt. Tectonics, 12 (5), 1280-1297.

Esence granitoyidinin (Göksun-Kahramanmaraş) jeokimyası, GD Türkiye

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 1 - 13, 01.02.2005


Kahramanmaraş’ın kuzeyinde Göksun-Afşin arasındaki bölgede yeralan Esence granitoyidi Paleozoyik-Mezozoyik yaşlı Malatya metamorfitleri ve Geç Kretase yaşlı Göksun ofiyolitini kesmektedir. Esence granitoyidi, granodiyorit ve mikrogranitlerle temsil edilmektedir. Granodiyoritik kayaçlar boyları 5-30 cm arasında değişen amfibolcezengin mafik mikrogranuler enklavlar (MME) içerirken, mikrogranitler ise çok sayıda aplitik dayk içermektedir. Bukayaçlar sırasıyla granüler, mikrogranüler porfirik ve mikrografik dokular sunmaktadırlar. İntruzif kayaçlar, jeokimyasal incelemelere dayanarak, I tipi kalkalkalen granitoyid olarak yorumlanmıştır. Granitoyide ait kayaçlar, okyanus ortası sırtı granitlerine (ORG) göre normalize edilmiş örümcek diyagramında, yüksek iyon yarıçaplı (LIL) elementler (K, Rb, Ba, Th) bakımından zenginleşme ve HFS elementler (Hf, Zr, Sm, Y) bakımından tüketilme göstermekte ve dalma batma ile ilgili bir ortamı işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca tektonomagmatik ayırtlama diyagramları daEsence granitoyidinin volkanik yay ortamında oluştuğunu doğrulamaktadır. Arazi gözlemleriyle birleştirilmiş tüm jeokimyasal veriler, Esence granitoyidi için aşağıdaki oluşum evrimini önermektedir. Ofiyolitler ve bunlarla ilişkili metamorfik kayaçlar Geç Kretase’de Neotetis’in güney kolunda bir yitim zonu üzerinde oluşmuşlardır. Daha sonratüm bu birimler nap hareketleri sırasında Malatya-Keban platformunun tabanına tektonik olarak yerleşmişler veGeç Kretase’de volkanik yay ortamında oluşan Esence granitoyidi tarafından kesilmişlerdir


  • Akıman, O., Erler, A., Göncüoğlu, M.C., Güleç, N., Geven, A., Türeli, T.K., and Kadıoğlu, Y.K., 1993. Geochemical characteristics of granitoids along the western margin of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex and their tectonic implications. Geological Jo- urnal, 28, 371-382.
  • Aktafl, G., and Robertson A.H.F., 1984. The Maden complex, SE Turkey: evolution of a Ne- otethyan continental margin. In: J.E, Di- xon, and A.H.F, Robertson (ed.), The Ge- ological Evolution of the Eastern Mediter- ranean, Geological Society of London Special Publication, 17, 375-402.
  • Alpaslan, M., and Boztuğ D., 1997. The co-existence of the syn-COLG and post-COLG plutons in the Yıldızeli area (W-Sivas). Turkish Jo- urnal of Earth Sciences, 6, 1-12.
  • Aydın, N.S., and Önen, A.P., 1999. Field, petrograp- hic and geochemical features of the Bara- nadağ quartz monzonite of the Central Anatolian granitoids, Turkey. Turkish Jour- nal of Earth Sciences, 8, 113-123.
  • Aydın, F., Karslı, O., and Sadıklar, M.B., 2003. Mine- ralogy and chemistry of biotites from eas- tern Pontide granitoid rocks, NE Turkey: some petrological implications for granito- id magmas. Chemie der Erde, 63, 163- 182.
  • Batchelor, B., and Bowden, P., 1985. Petrogenetic in- terpretation of granitoid rock series using multicationic parameters. Chemical Ge- ology, 48, 43-55.
  • Beyarslan, M., and Bingöl, A.F., 2000. Petrology of a supra-subduction zone ophiolite (Elazığ, Turkey). Canadian Journal of Earth Scien- ces, 37, 1411-1424.
  • Boztuğ, D., 1998. Post-collisional central Anatolian alkaline plutonism, Turkey. Turkish Jour- nal of Earth Sciences, 7, 145-165.
  • Boztuğ, D., Yılmaz, S ve Keskin,Y., 1994. İç-Doğu Anadolu alkalin provensindeki Kösedağ plütonu (Suflehri-KD Sivas) doğu kesimi- nin petrografisi, petrokimyası ve petroje- nezi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 37, 1-14.
  • Boztuğ, D., Debon, F., İnan, S., Tutkun, S.Z., Avcı, N., and Keskin, Ö., 1997. Comparative ge- ochemistry of four plutons from the Creta- ceous-Palaeogene Central-Eastern Ana- tolian alkaline province (Divriği region, Si- vas, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Earth Sci- ences, 6, 95-115.
  • Çoğulu, H.E., 1975. Gümüflhane ve Rize yörelerinde petrolojik ve jeokronolojik arafltırmalar. İTÜ Yayınevi, 1034, 112 s.
  • Delaloye, M., and Bingöl, E., 2000. Granitoids from western and northwestern Anatolia: geoc- hemistry and modeling of geodynamic evolution. International Geology Review, 42, 241-268.
  • Dilek, Y., Thy, P., Hacker, B., and Grundvig, S., 1999. Structure and petrology of Tauride ophiolites and mafic dyke intrusions (Tur- key): implications for the Neotethyan oce- an. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 111, 1192-1216.
  • Ekici, T. ve Boztuğ, D., 1997. Anatolid-Pontid çarpıfl- ma sisteminin pasif kenarında yeralan Yozgat batolitinde Syn-COLG ve Post- COLG granitoid birlikteliği. Yerbilimleri (Geosound), 30, 519-538.
  • Erler, A. ve Bayhan, H., 1995. Orta Anadolu granito- yidleri’nin genel değerlendirmesi ve sorun- ları. Yerbilimleri, 17, 49-67.
  • Erler, A., and Göncüoğlu, M.C., 1996. Geologic and tectonic setting of the Yozgat batholith, northern Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey. International Geology Review, 38, 714-726.
  • Genç, fi.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1997. An example of post-collisional magmatism in northwes- tern Anatolia: the Kızderbent volcanics (Armutlu Peninsula, Turkey). Turkish Jour- nal of Earth Sciences, 6, 33-42.
  • Genç, fi.C., Yiğitbafl, E. ve Yılmaz, Y., 1993. Berit metaofiyolitinin jeolojisi. Suat Erk Jeoloji Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, 37-52.
  • Gençalioğlu-Kuflçu, G., Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Kuflçu, İ., 2001. Post-collisional magmatism on the northern margin of the Taurides and its geological implications: geology and petro- logy of the Yahyalı-Karamadazı granitoid. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 10, 103-119.
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Türeli, K.T., 1994. Alpine colli- sional type granitoids from western Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey. Jo- urnal of Kocaeli University Earth Sciences, 1, 39-46.
  • Güçtekin, A., Köprübaflı, N. ve Aldanmaz, E., 2004. Karabiga (Çanakkale) granitoyidinin je- okimyası. Yerbilimleri, 29, 29-38.
  • Harker, A., 1909. The Natural History of Igneous Rocks. London, Metheuen, 384 pp.
  • Helvacı, C., and Griffin, W.L., 1983. Rb-Sr geochro- nology of the Bitlis massif, Avnik (Bingöl) area, SE Turkey. Journal of Geological So- ciety, 13, 255-265.
  • İlbeyli, N., and Pearce, J.A., 1997. Petrogenesis of the collision-related Anatolian granitoids, Turkey. European Union of Geosciences (EUG) 9, Strasbourg-France, 502.
  • İlbeyli, N., Pearce, J.A., Thirlwall, M.F., and Mitchell, J.G., 2004. Petrogenesis of collision-rela- ted plutonics in central Anatolia, Turkey. Lithos, 72, 163-182.
  • Irvine, T.N., and Baragar, W.R.A., 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volkanic rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8, 523-548.
  • Karig, D.E., and Kozlu, H., 1990. Late Paleogene-Ne- ogene evolution of the triple junction near Marafl, south-central Turkey. Journal of Geological Society, 147, 1023-34.
  • Karslı, O., Aydın, F., and Sadıklar, M.B., 2002. Geot- hermobarometric investigation of the Ziga- na granitoid, Eastern Pontides, Turkey. In- ternational Geology Review, 44, 277-286.
  • Kelling, G., Gökçen, S.L., Floyd, P.A., and Gökçen, N., 1987. Neogene tectonics and plate convergence in the eastern Mediterrane- an: new data from southern Turkey. Ge- ology, 15, 425-429.
  • Ketin, İ., 1983. Türkiye Jeolojisine Genel Bir Bakıfl. İTÜ Kütüphanesi,1259, 595s.
  • Maniar, P.D., and Piccoli, P.M., 1989. Tectotic discri- mination of granitoids. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 6,129-198.
  • Parlak,O., and Delaloye, M., 1999. Precise 40Ar/39Ar ages from the metamorphic sole of the Mersin ophiolite (Southern Turkey). Tecto- nophysics, 301, 145-158.
  • Parlak, O., and Rızaoğlu, T., 2004. Geodynamic sig- nificance of granitoid intrusions in the sout- heast Anatolian orogeny (Turkey). Proce- edings of 5th International Eastern Medi- terranean Geology Symposium, Thessalo- niki, Greece, Abstracts, 157.
  • Parlak, O., Önal, A., Höck, V., Kürüm, S., Delaloye, M., Bağcı, U., and Rızaoğlu, T., 2002. In- verted metamorphic zonation beneath the Yüksekova ophiolite in SE Anatolia. 1st In- ternational Symposium of Faculty of Mines (İTÜ) on Earth Science and Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey, Abstracts, 133.
  • Parlak, O., Höck, V., Kozlu, H., and Delaloye, M., 2004. Oceanic crust generation in an is- land arc tectonic setting, SE Anatolian oro- genic belt (Turkey). Geological Magazine, 141, 583-603.
  • Pearce, J.A., Harris, N.B.W., and Tindle, A.G., 1984. Trace element discrimination diagram for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks. Journal of Petrology, 25, 956-983.
  • Perinçek, D., and Kozlu, H., 1984. Stratigraphy and structural relations of the units in the Afflin- Elbistan-Doğanflehir region (Eastern Ta- urus). Proceedings of International Symposium, Geology of Taurus Belt, An- kara, Turkey, 181-198.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., 2002. Overview of the genesis and emplacement of Mesozoic ophiolites in the Eastern Mediterranean Tethyan re- gion. Lithos, 65, 1-67.
  • fiengör, A.M.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1981. Tethyan evo- lution of Turkey : a plate tectonic appro- ach. Tectonophysics, 75,181-241.
  • Tarhan, N., 1986. Doğu Toroslarda Neotetisin kapa- nımına iliflkin granitoyid magmalarının ev- rimi ve kökeni. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 107, 95-112.
  • Tatar, S., and Boztuğ, D., 1998. Fractional crystalliza- tion and magma mingling/mixing proces- ses in the monzonitic association in the SW part of the composite Yozgat batholite (fiefaatli-Yerköy, SW Yozgat). Turkish Jo- urnal of Earth Sciences, 7, 215-230.
  • Wilson, M., 1989. Igneous Petrogenesis: A Global Tectonic Approach. Chapman & Hall, Lon- don, 466 pp.
  • Yalınız, M.K., Aydın, N.S., Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Par- lak, O., 1999. Terlemez quartz monzonite of Central Anatolia (Aksaray-Sarıkara- man): age, petrogenesis and geotectonic implications for ophiolite emplacement. Geological Journal, 34, 233-242.
  • Yazgan, E., and Chessex, R., 1991. Geology and tec- tonic evolution of the southeastern Tauri- des in the region of Malatya. Turkish Asso- ciation of Petroleum Geologists, 3, 1-42.
  • Yılmaz, O., 1971. Etude petrographique et geochro- nologique de la region de Cacas. PhD Thesis, Universite de Science et Medicale de Grenoble, France, 230 pp.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1978. Bitlis massif and ophiolite relations- hip around Gevafl, Van. Proceedings of 4th Turkish Petroleum Congress, 88-93.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1990. Allochthonous terranes in the Teth- yan Middle east: Anatolia and surrounding regions. Philosophical Transactions of Ro- yal Society of London, A 331, 611-24.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1993. New evidence and model on the evolution of the Southeast Anatolian oro- gen. Geological Society of America Bulle- tin, 105, 251-271.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Gürpınar, O., Kozlu, H., Gül, M.A., Yiğit- bafl, E., Yıldırım, M., Genç, fi.C. ve Kes- kin, M., 1987. Kahramanmarafl kuzeyinin jeolojisi (Andırın-Berit-Engizek-Nurhak- Binboğa Dağları). Türkiye Petrolleri A.O. Rapor No: 2028, 218 s (unpublished).
  • Yılmaz, Y., Yiğitbafl, E., and Genç, fi.C., 1993. Ophi- olitic and metamorphic assemblages of Southeast Anatolia and their significance in the geological evolution of the orogenic belt. Tectonics, 12 (5), 1280-1297.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Tamer Rızaoğlu Bu kişi benim

Osman Parlak Bu kişi benim

Fikret İşler Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Rızaoğlu T, Parlak O, İşler F (01 Şubat 2005) Esence granitoyidinin (Göksun-Kahramanmaraş) jeokimyası, GD Türkiye. Yerbilimleri 26 1 1–13.