Early Ludlovian (early Late Silurian) palynomorphs from the Palaeozoic of Çamda¤, NW Anatolia, Turkey
Yıl 2005,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 61 - 73, 01.02.2005
İskra Lakova
M. Cemal Göncüoğlu
In the Çamda¤ area in north-western Anatolia, newly discovered tectonic slices including the Shale-Siltstone Member of the F›nd›kl› formation yielded a diverse palynological association with determinable acanthomorphic acritarchs and prasinophyte algae and tabular structures. From these, the short-ranging species Ammonidium ludlowense, Eisenackidium wenlockium, Gorgonisphaeridium listeri listeri and G. succinum are of biostratigraphical interest as they are restricted to the early Ludlow. This is so far the first early Late Silurian palynological data from
NW Turkey and suggests that the deposition in the Çamda¤ area was more proximal, compared with the correlative units in the Perigondwanan ‹stanbul and Balkan Terranes.
- Arpat, E., Tütüncü, K., Uysal, fi., and Göğer, E., 1978. The Cambrian-Devonian successi- on in Safranbolu area. Proceedings of the 32th Annual Meeting of the Geological So- ciety of Turkey, 67-68.
- Aydın, M., Serdar, H.S., fiahintürk, Ö., Yazman, M., Çokuğrafl, R., Demir, O. ve Özçelik, Y., 1987. Çamdağ (Sakarya) - Sünnicedağ (Bolu) yöresinin jeolojisi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 30, 1-14.
- Burgess, N.D., and Edwards, D., 1991. Classification of uppermost Ordovician to Lower Devoni- an tubular and filamentous macerals from the Anglo-Welsh Basin. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 106, 41-66.
- Dean, W.T., and Monod, O., 1990. Revised stratig- raphy and relationship of Lower Palaeozo- ic rocks, eastern Taurus Mountains, south central Turkey. Geological Magazine, 125, 333-347.
- Dean, W.T., Martin, F., Monod, O., Demir, O., Ric- kards, R.B., Bultynck, P., and Bozdoğan, N., 1997. Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy, Karadere - Zirze area, Central Pontides, northern Turkey. In: M.C. Göncüoğlu, and A.S. Derman, (eds.), Early Paleozoic in NW Gondwana, Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists Special Publication, 3, 32-38.
- Dean, W.T., Monod, O., Rickards, R.B., Demir, O., and Bultynck, P., 2000. Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy and palaeontology, Karadere- Zirze area, Pontus Mountains, northern Turkey. Geological Magazine, 137, 555- 582.
- Deflandre, G., 1945. Microfossiles des calcaires silu- riens de la Montagne Noire. Annales de paleontologie, 31, 41-75.
- Deflandre, G., and Deflandre-Rigaud, M., 1965. Fic- hier micropaleontologique general – Serie 13. Acritarches II. Archives originales, Centre de documentation, CNRS, Nr 402.
- Demirtafllı, E., 1984. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the area between Silifke and Anamur, Central Taurus Mountain. In: Geology of the Ta- urus Belt, O. Tekeli, and M.C. Göncüoğlu (eds.), Mineral Research Exploration Spe- cial Publication, 101-118.
- Derman, A.S., and Tuna, E., 2000. Geology of the western Black Sea. In: S. Derman, and N. Görür (eds.), Black Sea Rift sequences. AAPG Inagural Regional Conference Field Trip Guide Book, 121 pp.
- Dorning, K.J., 1981. Silurian acritarchs from the the type Wenlock and Ludlow of Shropshire, England. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 34, 175-203.
- Downie, C., 1959. Hysrtichospheres from the Silurian Wenlock Shale of England. Palaeonto- logy, 2, 56-71.
- Erkmen, U., and Bozdoğan, N., 1979. Acritarchs from the Dadafl Formation in southeast Turkey. Geobios, 1, 2-3.
- Gedik, İ., and Önalan, M., 2002. Çamdağ (Sakarya İli) Paleozoyik stratigrafisine ait yeni göz- lemler. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 14, 61-76.
- Ghienne, J.F., Kozlu, H., Dean, W.T., Günay, Y., and Monod O., 2001. Discovery of the nort- hernmost Gondwanian evidence of an Up- per Ordovician glacier: southern Turkey. Terra Abstracts, 11, 103.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., 1997. Distribution of Lower Pale- ozoic rocks in the Alpine terranes of Tur- key. In: M.C. Göncüoğlu, and A.S. Der- man (eds.), Early Paleozoic in NW Gond- wana, Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists Special Publication, 3, 13-23.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Kozlu, H., 2000. Early Palaeo- zoic evolution of the NW Gondwanaland: data from southern Turkey and surroun- ding regions. Gondwana Research, 3, 315-323.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Kozur, H.W., 1998. Facial de- velopment and thermal alteration of Siluri- an rocks in Turkey. In: J.C. Guiterrez-Mar- co, and I. Rabano, (eds.), Proceedings of 1998 Field-Meeting, IUGS Subcomission on Silurian Stratigraphy, Temas Geologi- co-Mineros, 23, 87-90.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Kozur, H.W., 1999. Remarks on the pre-Variscan development in Tur- key. In: U. Linnemann, T. Heuse, O. Fat- ka, P. Kraft, R. Brocke, and B.T. Erdtmann (eds.), Prevariscan Terrane Analyses of “Gondwanean Europa”, Schriften des Sta- atlichen Museums, Mineralogie- Geologie Dresden 9, 137-138.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Sachanski, V., 2003. The first record of Late Llandoverian (Telychian) graptolites from the Çamdağ area, NW Turkey. C.R. Academy Bulgarian Science, 56(3), 37-42.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., Dirik, K., and Kozlu, H., 1997. Ge- neral characteristics of pre-Alpine and Al- pine Terranes in Turkey: Explanatory no- tes to the terrane map of Turkey. Annales Geologique de Pays Hellenique, 37, 515- 536.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., Kozur, H., Turhan, N., and Göncü- oğlu, Y., 2000. Stratigraphy of the Silurian- Lower Carboniferous rock units in Konya area (Kütahya-Bolkardağ belt, Central Turkey). Proceedings of the 1st Congres- so Iberico de Paleontologia, 227-228.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., Göncüoğlu, Y., Kozlu, H., and Ko- zur, H.W., 2005. Palaeozoic stratigraphy of the eastern Taurides, Turkey: Implicati- ons for Gondwanan Evolution. Geologica Carphatica, 66, 433-447.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., Lakova, I, Kozlu, H., and Sachans- ki, V., 2003. The Silurian of the İstanbul unit in the Çamdağ area, NW Turkey. In: G. Ortega, and G.F. Acenolaza (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Grap- tolite Conference and Field Meeting of the International Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy, Serie Correlacion Geologica, 18, 129-131.
- Haas, W., 1968. Das Altpaleozoikum von Bithynien (Nordwest Türkei). Neues Jahrbuch Ge- ologie- Paleontologie Abhandlungen, 131(2), 178-242.
- Kaya, O., 1973. İstanbul Paleozoyiği. Ege Üniversite- si Yayını No: 40, 143 s.
- Kaya, O., 1988. İstanbul Ordoviziyen ve Siluriyeni. Yerbilimleri, 4, 1-22.
- Kipman, E., 1974. Sakarya Çamdağ (Kestanepınar- Yassıgeçit köyleri arası) deniz çökeltisi de- mir cevherinin jeolojisi. Istanbul Üniversi- tesi Fen Fakültesi Monografi Serisi, 25, 72 s.
- Kozlu, H., Göncüoğlu, Y., Sarmiento, G.N., and Gön- cüoğlu, M.C., 2002. First finding of Late Si- lurian conodonts from the “Orthoceras Li- mestones”, Çamdağ area, NW Turkey: Preliminary constraints for the paleogeog- raphy. Geologica Balcanica, 31, 3-12.
- Kozur, H., 1999. A review of systematic position and stratigraphic value of Mullerispheridae. Bolletino Societa Paleontologia Italiana, 38, 197-206.
- Lakova, I., 1985. Chitinozoa from the Pridolian and Gedinian in the borehole R-Dalgodelsi (NW Bulgaria). Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 46, 213-220 (in Bulga- rian).
- Lakova, I., 1992. Calpichitina (Calpichitina) acollaris (Eisenack, 1959) from the Silurian (Wen- lock) of the Moesian Platform, NE Bulga- ria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 53, 89-94.
- Lakova, I., 2001. Dispersed tubular structures and fi- laments from Upper Silurian - Middle De- vonian marine deposits of North Bulgaria and Macedonia. Geologica Balcanica, 30(3-4), 29-42.
- Lakova, I., and Yanev, S.N., 1989. Contribution to the subdivision and dating of part of the Pale- ozoic sequence in northeast Bulgaria ba- sed on the OP-2 Michalic parametric well. C.R. Academy Bulgarian Science, 42(8), 51-53.
- Le Herisse, A., 1989. Acritarches et kystes d’algues prasinophycees du Silurien de Gotland, Suede. Palaeontographica Italiana, 76, 57-302.
- Lister, T.R., 1970. The acritarchs and Chitinozoa from the Wenlock and Ludlow Series and Millichope areas, Shropshire. Part 1. Mo- nograph of the Palaeontographical Soci- ety, 124, 100 pp.
- Molyneux, S.G., Le Herisse, A., and Wicander, R., 1996. Paleozoic phytoplankton. In: J. Jan- sonius and D.C. McGregor (eds.), Palyno- logy: Principles and applications; AASP Foundation, 2, 493-529.
- Mullins, G.L., 2001. Acritarchs and prasinophyte al- gae of the Elton Group, Ludlow Series of the type area. Monograph of the Palaeon- tographical Society, 155, 154 pp.
- Okay, A.I., 1989. Tectonic units and sutures in the Pontides, northern Turkey. In: A.M.C. fiengör, (ed.), Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan Region, Kluwer Academical Pub- lishers Amsterdam, 109-116.
- Önalan, M., 1982. Pendik bölgesi ile adaların jeoloji- si ve sedimanter özellikleri. Doçentlik Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Yer Bilimleri Fakülte- si, 156 s (yayımlanmamıfl).
- Paeckelmann, W., 1938. Neue Beitraege zur Kennt- nis der Geologie, Paleontologie und Pet- rography der Umgegend von Konstantino- pel. Abhandlungen preussischer Geolo- gischen Landesamt, 186, 1-202.
- Sachanski, V.V., 1998. Ordovician, Silurian and De- vonian graptolites from Bulgaria. In: J.C. Guiterrez-Marco, and I. Rabano (eds.), Proceedings of the 1998 Field-Meeting, IUGS Subcomission on Silurian Stratig- raphy, Temas Geologico-Mineros, 23, 255-257.
- Sachanski, V., and Tenchov, Y., 1993. Lithostratig- raphic subdivision of the Silurian sedi- ments in the core of Svoge Anticline. Revi- ew of the Bulgarian Geological Society 54, 71-81 (in Bulgarian).
- Sarjeant, W.A.S., and Stancliffe, R.P.W., 1994. The Micrhystridium and Veryhachium comple- xes (Acritarcha: Acanthomorphitae and Polygonomorphitae): a taxonomic reconsi- deration. Micropaleontology, 41, 1-77.
- fiengör, A.M.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1981. Tethyan evo- lution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75, 181-241.
- Spasov, Ch., and Yanev, S., 1966. Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic sediments in from the sub- surface of NE Bulgaria. Proceedings of the Geological Institute, Sofia 15, 25-77 (in Bulgarian).
- Stockmans, F.W., and Williere, Y., 1963. Les Hystric- hospheres ou mieux les Acritarches du Si- lurien belge. Sondage de la Brasserie Lust a Courtrai (Kortrijk). Bulletin de la Societe Belge de geologie, de paleontologie et d’hydrogeologie, 71, 450-481.
- Steemans, P., Le Herisse, A., and Bozdoğan, N., 1996. Ordovician and Silurian cryptospo- res and miospores from southeastern Tur- key. Review of Palaeobotany and Palyno- logy, 93, 35-76.
- Walliser, O.H., 1964. Conodonten des Silurs. Ab- handlungen Hessische Landesamt für Bo- denforschung, 41, 1-106.
- Wellman, C.H., 1995. “Phytoderis” from Scottish Silu- rian and Lower Devonian continental de- posits. Review of Paleobotany and Paly- nology, 84, 255-279.
- Yalçınlar, İ., 1956. Note on the graptolite-bearing Si- lurian schists in İstanbul. İstanbul Üniver- sitesi Coğrafya Dergisi, 4, 157-160.
- Yanev, S.N., 1992. Contribution to the elucidation of pre-Alpine evolution in Bulgaria based on sedimentological data from the marine Pa- leozoic. Geologica Balcanica, 22(2), 3-31.
- Yanev, S.N., 1998. Silurian sequences from different Paleozoic terranes in Bulgaria, and their paleogeographic implications. In: J.C.Gu- iterrez-Marco and I. Rabano (eds.), Proce- edings of the 1998 Field-Meeting, IUGS Subcomission on Silurian Stratigraphy, Temas Geologico-Mineros, 23, 137-140.
- Yazman, M., and Çokuğrafl, R., 1984. Bolu-Kaynafl- lı-Mengen arasındaki alanın jeoloji raporu. TPAO Report No: 1747, 28 s (yayımlan- mamıfl).
Çamdağ Paleozoyiğinde Erken Ludloviyen (erken Geç Siluriyen) palinomorflar›, KB Anadolu
Yıl 2005,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 61 - 73, 01.02.2005
İskra Lakova
M. Cemal Göncüoğlu
KB Anadolu’da Çamda¤ yöresinde yeni saptanan bir tektonik dilimde yüzeylenen F›nd›kl› formasyonuna ait fieylSilttafl› Üyesi tan›mlanabilir özellikteki akantomorfik akritarklar, prasinofit algler ve yass› yap›lardan oluflmufl zengin bir palinolojik topluluk içermektedir. Bunlardan Ammonidium ludlowense, Eisenackidium wenlockium, Gorgonisphaeridium listeri listeri ve Gorgonisphaeridium succinum gibi türler k›sa konakl› olduklar›ndan biyostratigrafik aç›dan önemlidirler ve erken Ludloviyen yafl›na iflaret ederler. Bu bulgu, KB Anadolu’daki ilk erken Geç Siluriyen palinolojik bulgusudur ve bu dönemde Çamda¤ alan›n›n Perigondwana kökenli ‹stanbul ve Balkan tektonik birliklerine göre k›taya daha yak›n konumda oldu¤unu gösterir.
- Arpat, E., Tütüncü, K., Uysal, fi., and Göğer, E., 1978. The Cambrian-Devonian successi- on in Safranbolu area. Proceedings of the 32th Annual Meeting of the Geological So- ciety of Turkey, 67-68.
- Aydın, M., Serdar, H.S., fiahintürk, Ö., Yazman, M., Çokuğrafl, R., Demir, O. ve Özçelik, Y., 1987. Çamdağ (Sakarya) - Sünnicedağ (Bolu) yöresinin jeolojisi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 30, 1-14.
- Burgess, N.D., and Edwards, D., 1991. Classification of uppermost Ordovician to Lower Devoni- an tubular and filamentous macerals from the Anglo-Welsh Basin. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 106, 41-66.
- Dean, W.T., and Monod, O., 1990. Revised stratig- raphy and relationship of Lower Palaeozo- ic rocks, eastern Taurus Mountains, south central Turkey. Geological Magazine, 125, 333-347.
- Dean, W.T., Martin, F., Monod, O., Demir, O., Ric- kards, R.B., Bultynck, P., and Bozdoğan, N., 1997. Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy, Karadere - Zirze area, Central Pontides, northern Turkey. In: M.C. Göncüoğlu, and A.S. Derman, (eds.), Early Paleozoic in NW Gondwana, Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists Special Publication, 3, 32-38.
- Dean, W.T., Monod, O., Rickards, R.B., Demir, O., and Bultynck, P., 2000. Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy and palaeontology, Karadere- Zirze area, Pontus Mountains, northern Turkey. Geological Magazine, 137, 555- 582.
- Deflandre, G., 1945. Microfossiles des calcaires silu- riens de la Montagne Noire. Annales de paleontologie, 31, 41-75.
- Deflandre, G., and Deflandre-Rigaud, M., 1965. Fic- hier micropaleontologique general – Serie 13. Acritarches II. Archives originales, Centre de documentation, CNRS, Nr 402.
- Demirtafllı, E., 1984. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the area between Silifke and Anamur, Central Taurus Mountain. In: Geology of the Ta- urus Belt, O. Tekeli, and M.C. Göncüoğlu (eds.), Mineral Research Exploration Spe- cial Publication, 101-118.
- Derman, A.S., and Tuna, E., 2000. Geology of the western Black Sea. In: S. Derman, and N. Görür (eds.), Black Sea Rift sequences. AAPG Inagural Regional Conference Field Trip Guide Book, 121 pp.
- Dorning, K.J., 1981. Silurian acritarchs from the the type Wenlock and Ludlow of Shropshire, England. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 34, 175-203.
- Downie, C., 1959. Hysrtichospheres from the Silurian Wenlock Shale of England. Palaeonto- logy, 2, 56-71.
- Erkmen, U., and Bozdoğan, N., 1979. Acritarchs from the Dadafl Formation in southeast Turkey. Geobios, 1, 2-3.
- Gedik, İ., and Önalan, M., 2002. Çamdağ (Sakarya İli) Paleozoyik stratigrafisine ait yeni göz- lemler. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 14, 61-76.
- Ghienne, J.F., Kozlu, H., Dean, W.T., Günay, Y., and Monod O., 2001. Discovery of the nort- hernmost Gondwanian evidence of an Up- per Ordovician glacier: southern Turkey. Terra Abstracts, 11, 103.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., 1997. Distribution of Lower Pale- ozoic rocks in the Alpine terranes of Tur- key. In: M.C. Göncüoğlu, and A.S. Der- man (eds.), Early Paleozoic in NW Gond- wana, Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists Special Publication, 3, 13-23.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Kozlu, H., 2000. Early Palaeo- zoic evolution of the NW Gondwanaland: data from southern Turkey and surroun- ding regions. Gondwana Research, 3, 315-323.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Kozur, H.W., 1998. Facial de- velopment and thermal alteration of Siluri- an rocks in Turkey. In: J.C. Guiterrez-Mar- co, and I. Rabano, (eds.), Proceedings of 1998 Field-Meeting, IUGS Subcomission on Silurian Stratigraphy, Temas Geologi- co-Mineros, 23, 87-90.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Kozur, H.W., 1999. Remarks on the pre-Variscan development in Tur- key. In: U. Linnemann, T. Heuse, O. Fat- ka, P. Kraft, R. Brocke, and B.T. Erdtmann (eds.), Prevariscan Terrane Analyses of “Gondwanean Europa”, Schriften des Sta- atlichen Museums, Mineralogie- Geologie Dresden 9, 137-138.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Sachanski, V., 2003. The first record of Late Llandoverian (Telychian) graptolites from the Çamdağ area, NW Turkey. C.R. Academy Bulgarian Science, 56(3), 37-42.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., Dirik, K., and Kozlu, H., 1997. Ge- neral characteristics of pre-Alpine and Al- pine Terranes in Turkey: Explanatory no- tes to the terrane map of Turkey. Annales Geologique de Pays Hellenique, 37, 515- 536.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., Kozur, H., Turhan, N., and Göncü- oğlu, Y., 2000. Stratigraphy of the Silurian- Lower Carboniferous rock units in Konya area (Kütahya-Bolkardağ belt, Central Turkey). Proceedings of the 1st Congres- so Iberico de Paleontologia, 227-228.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., Göncüoğlu, Y., Kozlu, H., and Ko- zur, H.W., 2005. Palaeozoic stratigraphy of the eastern Taurides, Turkey: Implicati- ons for Gondwanan Evolution. Geologica Carphatica, 66, 433-447.
- Göncüoğlu, M.C., Lakova, I, Kozlu, H., and Sachans- ki, V., 2003. The Silurian of the İstanbul unit in the Çamdağ area, NW Turkey. In: G. Ortega, and G.F. Acenolaza (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Grap- tolite Conference and Field Meeting of the International Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy, Serie Correlacion Geologica, 18, 129-131.
- Haas, W., 1968. Das Altpaleozoikum von Bithynien (Nordwest Türkei). Neues Jahrbuch Ge- ologie- Paleontologie Abhandlungen, 131(2), 178-242.
- Kaya, O., 1973. İstanbul Paleozoyiği. Ege Üniversite- si Yayını No: 40, 143 s.
- Kaya, O., 1988. İstanbul Ordoviziyen ve Siluriyeni. Yerbilimleri, 4, 1-22.
- Kipman, E., 1974. Sakarya Çamdağ (Kestanepınar- Yassıgeçit köyleri arası) deniz çökeltisi de- mir cevherinin jeolojisi. Istanbul Üniversi- tesi Fen Fakültesi Monografi Serisi, 25, 72 s.
- Kozlu, H., Göncüoğlu, Y., Sarmiento, G.N., and Gön- cüoğlu, M.C., 2002. First finding of Late Si- lurian conodonts from the “Orthoceras Li- mestones”, Çamdağ area, NW Turkey: Preliminary constraints for the paleogeog- raphy. Geologica Balcanica, 31, 3-12.
- Kozur, H., 1999. A review of systematic position and stratigraphic value of Mullerispheridae. Bolletino Societa Paleontologia Italiana, 38, 197-206.
- Lakova, I., 1985. Chitinozoa from the Pridolian and Gedinian in the borehole R-Dalgodelsi (NW Bulgaria). Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 46, 213-220 (in Bulga- rian).
- Lakova, I., 1992. Calpichitina (Calpichitina) acollaris (Eisenack, 1959) from the Silurian (Wen- lock) of the Moesian Platform, NE Bulga- ria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 53, 89-94.
- Lakova, I., 2001. Dispersed tubular structures and fi- laments from Upper Silurian - Middle De- vonian marine deposits of North Bulgaria and Macedonia. Geologica Balcanica, 30(3-4), 29-42.
- Lakova, I., and Yanev, S.N., 1989. Contribution to the subdivision and dating of part of the Pale- ozoic sequence in northeast Bulgaria ba- sed on the OP-2 Michalic parametric well. C.R. Academy Bulgarian Science, 42(8), 51-53.
- Le Herisse, A., 1989. Acritarches et kystes d’algues prasinophycees du Silurien de Gotland, Suede. Palaeontographica Italiana, 76, 57-302.
- Lister, T.R., 1970. The acritarchs and Chitinozoa from the Wenlock and Ludlow Series and Millichope areas, Shropshire. Part 1. Mo- nograph of the Palaeontographical Soci- ety, 124, 100 pp.
- Molyneux, S.G., Le Herisse, A., and Wicander, R., 1996. Paleozoic phytoplankton. In: J. Jan- sonius and D.C. McGregor (eds.), Palyno- logy: Principles and applications; AASP Foundation, 2, 493-529.
- Mullins, G.L., 2001. Acritarchs and prasinophyte al- gae of the Elton Group, Ludlow Series of the type area. Monograph of the Palaeon- tographical Society, 155, 154 pp.
- Okay, A.I., 1989. Tectonic units and sutures in the Pontides, northern Turkey. In: A.M.C. fiengör, (ed.), Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan Region, Kluwer Academical Pub- lishers Amsterdam, 109-116.
- Önalan, M., 1982. Pendik bölgesi ile adaların jeoloji- si ve sedimanter özellikleri. Doçentlik Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Yer Bilimleri Fakülte- si, 156 s (yayımlanmamıfl).
- Paeckelmann, W., 1938. Neue Beitraege zur Kennt- nis der Geologie, Paleontologie und Pet- rography der Umgegend von Konstantino- pel. Abhandlungen preussischer Geolo- gischen Landesamt, 186, 1-202.
- Sachanski, V.V., 1998. Ordovician, Silurian and De- vonian graptolites from Bulgaria. In: J.C. Guiterrez-Marco, and I. Rabano (eds.), Proceedings of the 1998 Field-Meeting, IUGS Subcomission on Silurian Stratig- raphy, Temas Geologico-Mineros, 23, 255-257.
- Sachanski, V., and Tenchov, Y., 1993. Lithostratig- raphic subdivision of the Silurian sedi- ments in the core of Svoge Anticline. Revi- ew of the Bulgarian Geological Society 54, 71-81 (in Bulgarian).
- Sarjeant, W.A.S., and Stancliffe, R.P.W., 1994. The Micrhystridium and Veryhachium comple- xes (Acritarcha: Acanthomorphitae and Polygonomorphitae): a taxonomic reconsi- deration. Micropaleontology, 41, 1-77.
- fiengör, A.M.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1981. Tethyan evo- lution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75, 181-241.
- Spasov, Ch., and Yanev, S., 1966. Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic sediments in from the sub- surface of NE Bulgaria. Proceedings of the Geological Institute, Sofia 15, 25-77 (in Bulgarian).
- Stockmans, F.W., and Williere, Y., 1963. Les Hystric- hospheres ou mieux les Acritarches du Si- lurien belge. Sondage de la Brasserie Lust a Courtrai (Kortrijk). Bulletin de la Societe Belge de geologie, de paleontologie et d’hydrogeologie, 71, 450-481.
- Steemans, P., Le Herisse, A., and Bozdoğan, N., 1996. Ordovician and Silurian cryptospo- res and miospores from southeastern Tur- key. Review of Palaeobotany and Palyno- logy, 93, 35-76.
- Walliser, O.H., 1964. Conodonten des Silurs. Ab- handlungen Hessische Landesamt für Bo- denforschung, 41, 1-106.
- Wellman, C.H., 1995. “Phytoderis” from Scottish Silu- rian and Lower Devonian continental de- posits. Review of Paleobotany and Paly- nology, 84, 255-279.
- Yalçınlar, İ., 1956. Note on the graptolite-bearing Si- lurian schists in İstanbul. İstanbul Üniver- sitesi Coğrafya Dergisi, 4, 157-160.
- Yanev, S.N., 1992. Contribution to the elucidation of pre-Alpine evolution in Bulgaria based on sedimentological data from the marine Pa- leozoic. Geologica Balcanica, 22(2), 3-31.
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