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Description of the species of Bivalvia (Astartella concentrica (Conrad) of Bashkirian (early Late Carboniferous) age from Nohutluk Tepe sequence (Aladağ, Eastern Taurids) and its palaeogeographic distribution

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3, 13 - 24, 01.04.2005



  • Aksay, A., 1980. Toroslar’da fasiyes yönünden farklı bir Alt Karbonifer istifi (Aladağ Bölgesi). Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 23, 193- 199.
  • Ballevre, M., and Lardeux, H., 2005. Signification pa- leoecologique et paleogeographique des bivalves du Carbonifere inferieur du bas- sin d’Ancenis (Masif armoricain). Comptes Rendus Paleovol, 4, 109-121.
  • Bagheri, S., and Stampfli, G. M., 2003. The Pale- otethys suture in Central Iran. Geophysi- cal Research Abstracts, 5, 96-97.
  • Blumenthal, M. M., 1952. Toroslar’da Yüksek Aladağ silsilesinin coğrafyası, stratigrafisi ve tek- toniği hakkında yeni etüdler. MTA Yayını, Seri D, 6, 136s.
  • Conrad, T. A., 1842. Description of new species of organic remains belonging to the Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous Systems of the United States. Academy of Natural Scienses Philadelphia, Journal of Paleon- tology, 41, 1195-1196.
  • Davydov, V. I., and Leven, E. J., 2003. Correlation of Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) and Lower Permian (Cisuralian) marine depo- sits of Peri-Tethys. Palaeogeography, Pa- laeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 196, 39- 57.
  • Demirel, İ. H. ve Tekinli, U. K., 1993. Gondvanya Platformu Paleozoyik-Triyas stratigrafisi. A. Suat Erk Jeoloji Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, 3-9.
  • Dickins, J. M., 1963. Permian Pelecypods and Gast- ropods from Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophy- sics, Department of National Development Commen Wealth of Australia Bulletin, 63, 1-150.
  • Dumont, J. F. ve Lys, M., 1973. Pisidya Torosları otoktonunda (Göller Bölgesi) bulunan Gökdağ Karbonifer Serisinin tanımlanması (Viziyen, Baflkiriyen). Cumhuriyetin 50. Yı- lı Yerbilimleri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 192-203.
  • Eagar, R. M. C., and Belt, E. S., 2003. Succession, palaeoecology, evolution, and speciation of Pennsylvanian non-marine bivalves, Northern Appalachian Basin, USA. Geolo- gical Journal, 28, 109-143.
  • saptanan Bivalvia türüyle desteklenmifltir.
  • Elias, M. K., 1957. Late Mississippian fauna from the Redoak Hollow Formation of southern Ok- lahoma: Part 3. Pelecypoda. Journal of Paleontology, 31 (4), 737-784.
  • Fedorowski, J., 1981. Carboniferous Corals-distribu- tion and sequence. Acta Paleontologica Polonica, 26 (2), 327-338.
  • Flügel, H. W., 1972. The development of the Proto- tethys during the Paleozoic of Near East. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaon- tologie, 10, 602-610.
  • Flügel, H. W., and Hubmann, B., 1993. Palaontologie und Plattentektonik am Beispiel proto-und palaotethyder Korallenfaunen. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 136 (1), 27-37.
  • Gabb, W. M., 1859. Descriptions of two new species of Carboniferous fossils, brought from Fort Belknap, Texas. C. Moore (ed.), Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Proce- edings, 11.
  • Gabb, W. M., 1860. Illustrations of some fossils desc- ribed in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences. T. A. Conrad and W. M. Gabb (eds), Academy of Natural Scien- ces of Philadelphia Proceedings, 12.
  • Garcia-Bellido, D. C., and Rodriquez, S., 2005. Pala- eobiogeographical relationships of porife- ran and coral assemblages during the late Carboniferous and the closure of the wes- tern Palaeotethys sea-Panthalassan Oce- an connection. Palaeogeography, Pala- eoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 219, 321- 331.
  • Garfunkel, Z., 2004. Origin of the Eastern Mediterra- nean basin; a reevalution. Tectonophy- sics, 391, 11-34.
  • Girty, G. H., 1915. Fauna of the Wewoka Formation of Oklahoma. U.S. Geological Survey Bul- letin, 544.
  • Golonka, J., and Ford, D., 2000. Pangean (Late Car- boniferous-Middle Jurassic) paleoenviron- ment and lithofacies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,161, 1- 34.
  • Gordon, M. JR., and Pojeta, J. JR., 1975. Pelecypo- da and Rostroconchia of the Amsden For- mation (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian) of Wyoming. U. S. Geological Survey Pro- fessional Paper, 848.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., Göncüoğlu, Y., Kozur, H. W., and Kozlu, H., 2004. Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Geyik Dağı Unit in the Eastern Taurids (Turkey): New age data and implications for Gondwanan Evolution. Geologica Carphatica, 55 (6), 433-447.
  • Güvenç, T., Demirel, İ. H. ve Tekinli, U. K., 1994. Lavrasya ve Gondvanya arasında kalan Orta Doğunun Üst Paleozoyik paleocoğ- rafyası ve Paleozoyik stratigrafisi. Türkiye 10. Petrol Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Anka- ra, 94-111.
  • Hoare, R. D., Sturgeon, M. T., and Kindt, E. A., 1979. Pennsylvanian marine Bivalvia and Rost- roconchia of Ohio. Ohio Geological Sur- vey Bulletin, 67, 1-77.
  • Hoare, R. D., Heaney, M. J., and Mapes, R. H., 1989. Bivalves (Mollusca) from the Imo Formati- on (Mississipian, Chesterian) of North- Central Arkansas. Journal of Paleonto- logy, 63 (5), 582-603.
  • Iflık, A., 1981. Nohutlu Tepe Alt Karbonifer istifinin fo- raminifer biyostratigrafisi (Aladağ Bölgesi, Doğu Toroslar). Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 24, 79-84.
  • Izart, A., Stephenson, R., Vai, G. B., Vachard, D., Nindre, Y. L., Vaslet, D., Fauvel, P. J., Süss, P., Kossovaya, O., Chen, Z., Maslo, A., and Stovba, S., 2003. Sequence stra- tigraphy and correlation of late Carbonife- rous and Permian in the CIS, Europe, Tethyan area, North Africa, Arabia, China, Gondwanaland and the USA. Palaeoge- ography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoeco- logy, 196, 59-84.
  • Kalvoda, J., 2003. Carboniferous foraminiferal Pale- obiogeography in Turkey and implications for plate tectonic reconstructions. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 109, 255-266.
  • Kozlu, H., Göncüoğlu, M. C., Sarmiento, G. N., and Gül, M. A., 2002. Mid-Ordovician (Late Darriwillian) Conodonts from the Sout- hern-Central Taurides, Turkey: Geological implications. Turkish Journal of Earth Sci- ences, 11, 113-126.
  • Kranz, P. M., 1974. Computer simulaiton of fossils assemblage formation under conditions of anastrophic burial. Journal of Paleonto- logy, 48 (4), 800-808.
  • Lintz, J., 1958. The Fauna of the Ames and Brush Creek Shales of the Conemaugh Forma- tion of Western Maryland. Journal of Pale- ontology, 32, 97-112.
  • Manger, W. L., and Saunders, W. B., 1980. Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) ammonoids from the North American midcontinent. Jo- urnal of Paleontology, 54 (2-3), 1-56.
  • McChesney, J. H., 1868. Descriptions of fossils from the Paleozoic rocks of the western states, with illustrations. Transactions of the Chi- cago Academy of Sciences, 1, 1-57.
  • Moore, R. C., 1964. Treatise on invertebrate paleon- tology, Mollusca 6 Bivalvia. Geological So- ciety of America, Universty of Kansas, Part N, Vol. 2.
  • Nicol, D., 1955. Morphology of Astartella a primitive Heterodont Pelecypod. Journal of Paleon- tology, 29, 155-158.
  • Nicolaus, H. J., 1963. Zur Stratigraphie und Fauna der crenistria-Zone im Kulm des Rheinisc- hen Schiefergebirges. Beihefte zum Ge- ologischen Jahrbuch, 53, 1-264.
  • Okan, Y. ve Hoflgör, İ., 2005. Mikropaleontoloji, An- kara Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ders Notu (yayımlanmamıfl).
  • Okay, İ. A., 2004. Türkiye’nin jeolojisinde Paleo-Ne- otetis problemi. 57. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurul- tayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 8-9.
  • Okuyucu, C., 2003. Anadolu platformu Gjeliyen (Geç Karbonifer)-Erken Sakmariyen (Erken Permiyen) fusulin faunası (KD Yahyalı, Kayseri; KB Aydıncık, İçel; KB Seydiflehir, Konya), doğu ve orta Toroslar. 56. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Anka- ra, 201-202.
  • Quiroz-Barroso, S. A., and Perrilliat, M. C., 1998. Pennsylvanian Bivalves from the Ixtalte- pec Formation, Mexico. Journal of Paleon- tology, 72 (6), 1011-1024.
  • Renjie, Z., and Daoping, Y., 1993. Stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic summary of Carboni- ferous marine bivalves of China. Journal of Paleontology, 67 (5), 850-856.
  • Richter, E., and Amler, M. R. W., 1994. Bivalven und Rostroconchien aus dem Velberter Kalk von Velbert (Unter-Karbon; Bergisches Land). Geologica et Palaeontologica, 28, 103-139.
  • Robertson, A. H. F., Ustaömer, T., Picket, E. A., Col- lins, A. S., Andrew, T., and Dixon, J. E., 2004. Testing models of Late Paleozoic- Early Mesozoic orogeny in western Tur- key: support for an evolving poen-Tethys model. Journal of Geological Society, 161 (3), 501-511.
  • Schönlaub, H. P., 1992. Stratigraphy, Biogeography and Paleoclimatology of the Alpine Pale- ozoic and its implications for Plate Move- ments. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bun- desanstalt, 135 (1), 381-418.
  • Smith, A. G., 1996. Some aspects of the Phanerozo- ic paleogeographic evolution of Eurpoe. Zeitschrift der Deutchen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 147 (2), 147-168.
  • Stampfli, G. M., and Borel, G. D., 2002. A plate tec- tonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozo- ic constrained by dynamic plate boundari- es and restored synthetic oceanic isoch- rons. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 196, 17-33.
  • Stanley, S. M., 1972. Functional morphology and evolution of bissally attached bivalve mol- lusks. Journal of Paleontology, 46, 165- 212.
  • Tekeli, O., Aksay, A., Ertan-Evren, İ., Iflık, A. ve Ür- gün, M. B., 1981.Toros ofiyolit projeleri, Aladağ projesi. MTA Rapor No. 6976 (ya- yımlanmamıfl).
  • Tekeli, O., Aksay, A., Ürgün, M. B., and Iflık, A., 1984. Geology of the Aladağ Mountains. In: O. Tekeli, and C. M. Göncüoğlu (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposi- um on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, An- kara, 143-158.
  • Thomas, H.D., 1928. An upper Carboniferous fauna from the Amotape Mountains, Northwes- tern Peru. Geological Magazine, 65, 146- 301.
  • Tolluoğlu, A. Ü., ve Sümer, E. Ö., 1995. Gondavana kuzeyi Anadolu Mikrokıtası Erken Pale- ozoyik evrim modeli. Türkiye Jeoloji Kuru- mu Bülteni, 38 (2), 1-22.
  • Torsvik, T.H., and Cooks, L. R. M., 2004. Earth geog- raphy from 400 to 250 Ma: a palaeomag- netic; faunal and facies review. Journal of the Geological Society, 161, 555-572.
  • Wendt, J., Kaufmann, B., Belka, Z., Farsan, N., and Bavandpur, A. K., 2005. Devonian/Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies pat- terns and palaeogeography of Iran part 3. Northern and central Iran. Acta Geologica Polonica, 55 (1), 31-97.
  • Zanchi, A., Garzanti, E., Larghi, C., Angiolini, L., and Gaetani., 2003. The Variscan orogeney in Chios (Greece): Carboniferous accretion along a Palaeotethyan active margin. Ter- ra Nova, 15, 213-223. LEVHA 1 / PLATE 1
  • Nohutluk formasyonunundaki Bivalvia örnekleri.
  • Bivalve sample from the Nohutluk formation.
  • İnce taneli kuvars kumtaflı litolojisinden alınmıfl bivalv örnekleri.
  • Bivales types taken from quartz lithology.
  • a. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842), sağ kapak.
  • a. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842),right valve.
  • b. Konsantrik lamelleri belirgin Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842).
  • b. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842) with clear concentric lamalla

Nohutluk Tepe (Aladağlar, Doğu Toroslar) istifinde bulunan Başkiriyen (erken Geç Karbonifer) yaşlı Bivalvia türü Astartella concentrica (Conrad)'nın tanımı ve paleocoğrafik dağılımı

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3, 13 - 24, 01.04.2005


Bu çalıflmada, Nohutluk Tepe istifinde (Yahyalı güneyi, Kayseri, Merkezi Türkiye) ilk kez tanımlanan Baflkiriyen(erken Geç Karbonifer) yafllı Bivalvia türü Astartella concentrica (Conrad)’nın tanımı yapılmıfl ve bu türünpaleocoğrafik dağılımı incelenmifltir


  • Aksay, A., 1980. Toroslar’da fasiyes yönünden farklı bir Alt Karbonifer istifi (Aladağ Bölgesi). Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 23, 193- 199.
  • Ballevre, M., and Lardeux, H., 2005. Signification pa- leoecologique et paleogeographique des bivalves du Carbonifere inferieur du bas- sin d’Ancenis (Masif armoricain). Comptes Rendus Paleovol, 4, 109-121.
  • Bagheri, S., and Stampfli, G. M., 2003. The Pale- otethys suture in Central Iran. Geophysi- cal Research Abstracts, 5, 96-97.
  • Blumenthal, M. M., 1952. Toroslar’da Yüksek Aladağ silsilesinin coğrafyası, stratigrafisi ve tek- toniği hakkında yeni etüdler. MTA Yayını, Seri D, 6, 136s.
  • Conrad, T. A., 1842. Description of new species of organic remains belonging to the Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous Systems of the United States. Academy of Natural Scienses Philadelphia, Journal of Paleon- tology, 41, 1195-1196.
  • Davydov, V. I., and Leven, E. J., 2003. Correlation of Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) and Lower Permian (Cisuralian) marine depo- sits of Peri-Tethys. Palaeogeography, Pa- laeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 196, 39- 57.
  • Demirel, İ. H. ve Tekinli, U. K., 1993. Gondvanya Platformu Paleozoyik-Triyas stratigrafisi. A. Suat Erk Jeoloji Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, 3-9.
  • Dickins, J. M., 1963. Permian Pelecypods and Gast- ropods from Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophy- sics, Department of National Development Commen Wealth of Australia Bulletin, 63, 1-150.
  • Dumont, J. F. ve Lys, M., 1973. Pisidya Torosları otoktonunda (Göller Bölgesi) bulunan Gökdağ Karbonifer Serisinin tanımlanması (Viziyen, Baflkiriyen). Cumhuriyetin 50. Yı- lı Yerbilimleri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 192-203.
  • Eagar, R. M. C., and Belt, E. S., 2003. Succession, palaeoecology, evolution, and speciation of Pennsylvanian non-marine bivalves, Northern Appalachian Basin, USA. Geolo- gical Journal, 28, 109-143.
  • saptanan Bivalvia türüyle desteklenmifltir.
  • Elias, M. K., 1957. Late Mississippian fauna from the Redoak Hollow Formation of southern Ok- lahoma: Part 3. Pelecypoda. Journal of Paleontology, 31 (4), 737-784.
  • Fedorowski, J., 1981. Carboniferous Corals-distribu- tion and sequence. Acta Paleontologica Polonica, 26 (2), 327-338.
  • Flügel, H. W., 1972. The development of the Proto- tethys during the Paleozoic of Near East. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaon- tologie, 10, 602-610.
  • Flügel, H. W., and Hubmann, B., 1993. Palaontologie und Plattentektonik am Beispiel proto-und palaotethyder Korallenfaunen. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 136 (1), 27-37.
  • Gabb, W. M., 1859. Descriptions of two new species of Carboniferous fossils, brought from Fort Belknap, Texas. C. Moore (ed.), Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Proce- edings, 11.
  • Gabb, W. M., 1860. Illustrations of some fossils desc- ribed in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences. T. A. Conrad and W. M. Gabb (eds), Academy of Natural Scien- ces of Philadelphia Proceedings, 12.
  • Garcia-Bellido, D. C., and Rodriquez, S., 2005. Pala- eobiogeographical relationships of porife- ran and coral assemblages during the late Carboniferous and the closure of the wes- tern Palaeotethys sea-Panthalassan Oce- an connection. Palaeogeography, Pala- eoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 219, 321- 331.
  • Garfunkel, Z., 2004. Origin of the Eastern Mediterra- nean basin; a reevalution. Tectonophy- sics, 391, 11-34.
  • Girty, G. H., 1915. Fauna of the Wewoka Formation of Oklahoma. U.S. Geological Survey Bul- letin, 544.
  • Golonka, J., and Ford, D., 2000. Pangean (Late Car- boniferous-Middle Jurassic) paleoenviron- ment and lithofacies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,161, 1- 34.
  • Gordon, M. JR., and Pojeta, J. JR., 1975. Pelecypo- da and Rostroconchia of the Amsden For- mation (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian) of Wyoming. U. S. Geological Survey Pro- fessional Paper, 848.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., Göncüoğlu, Y., Kozur, H. W., and Kozlu, H., 2004. Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Geyik Dağı Unit in the Eastern Taurids (Turkey): New age data and implications for Gondwanan Evolution. Geologica Carphatica, 55 (6), 433-447.
  • Güvenç, T., Demirel, İ. H. ve Tekinli, U. K., 1994. Lavrasya ve Gondvanya arasında kalan Orta Doğunun Üst Paleozoyik paleocoğ- rafyası ve Paleozoyik stratigrafisi. Türkiye 10. Petrol Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Anka- ra, 94-111.
  • Hoare, R. D., Sturgeon, M. T., and Kindt, E. A., 1979. Pennsylvanian marine Bivalvia and Rost- roconchia of Ohio. Ohio Geological Sur- vey Bulletin, 67, 1-77.
  • Hoare, R. D., Heaney, M. J., and Mapes, R. H., 1989. Bivalves (Mollusca) from the Imo Formati- on (Mississipian, Chesterian) of North- Central Arkansas. Journal of Paleonto- logy, 63 (5), 582-603.
  • Iflık, A., 1981. Nohutlu Tepe Alt Karbonifer istifinin fo- raminifer biyostratigrafisi (Aladağ Bölgesi, Doğu Toroslar). Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 24, 79-84.
  • Izart, A., Stephenson, R., Vai, G. B., Vachard, D., Nindre, Y. L., Vaslet, D., Fauvel, P. J., Süss, P., Kossovaya, O., Chen, Z., Maslo, A., and Stovba, S., 2003. Sequence stra- tigraphy and correlation of late Carbonife- rous and Permian in the CIS, Europe, Tethyan area, North Africa, Arabia, China, Gondwanaland and the USA. Palaeoge- ography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoeco- logy, 196, 59-84.
  • Kalvoda, J., 2003. Carboniferous foraminiferal Pale- obiogeography in Turkey and implications for plate tectonic reconstructions. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 109, 255-266.
  • Kozlu, H., Göncüoğlu, M. C., Sarmiento, G. N., and Gül, M. A., 2002. Mid-Ordovician (Late Darriwillian) Conodonts from the Sout- hern-Central Taurides, Turkey: Geological implications. Turkish Journal of Earth Sci- ences, 11, 113-126.
  • Kranz, P. M., 1974. Computer simulaiton of fossils assemblage formation under conditions of anastrophic burial. Journal of Paleonto- logy, 48 (4), 800-808.
  • Lintz, J., 1958. The Fauna of the Ames and Brush Creek Shales of the Conemaugh Forma- tion of Western Maryland. Journal of Pale- ontology, 32, 97-112.
  • Manger, W. L., and Saunders, W. B., 1980. Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) ammonoids from the North American midcontinent. Jo- urnal of Paleontology, 54 (2-3), 1-56.
  • McChesney, J. H., 1868. Descriptions of fossils from the Paleozoic rocks of the western states, with illustrations. Transactions of the Chi- cago Academy of Sciences, 1, 1-57.
  • Moore, R. C., 1964. Treatise on invertebrate paleon- tology, Mollusca 6 Bivalvia. Geological So- ciety of America, Universty of Kansas, Part N, Vol. 2.
  • Nicol, D., 1955. Morphology of Astartella a primitive Heterodont Pelecypod. Journal of Paleon- tology, 29, 155-158.
  • Nicolaus, H. J., 1963. Zur Stratigraphie und Fauna der crenistria-Zone im Kulm des Rheinisc- hen Schiefergebirges. Beihefte zum Ge- ologischen Jahrbuch, 53, 1-264.
  • Okan, Y. ve Hoflgör, İ., 2005. Mikropaleontoloji, An- kara Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ders Notu (yayımlanmamıfl).
  • Okay, İ. A., 2004. Türkiye’nin jeolojisinde Paleo-Ne- otetis problemi. 57. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurul- tayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 8-9.
  • Okuyucu, C., 2003. Anadolu platformu Gjeliyen (Geç Karbonifer)-Erken Sakmariyen (Erken Permiyen) fusulin faunası (KD Yahyalı, Kayseri; KB Aydıncık, İçel; KB Seydiflehir, Konya), doğu ve orta Toroslar. 56. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Anka- ra, 201-202.
  • Quiroz-Barroso, S. A., and Perrilliat, M. C., 1998. Pennsylvanian Bivalves from the Ixtalte- pec Formation, Mexico. Journal of Paleon- tology, 72 (6), 1011-1024.
  • Renjie, Z., and Daoping, Y., 1993. Stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic summary of Carboni- ferous marine bivalves of China. Journal of Paleontology, 67 (5), 850-856.
  • Richter, E., and Amler, M. R. W., 1994. Bivalven und Rostroconchien aus dem Velberter Kalk von Velbert (Unter-Karbon; Bergisches Land). Geologica et Palaeontologica, 28, 103-139.
  • Robertson, A. H. F., Ustaömer, T., Picket, E. A., Col- lins, A. S., Andrew, T., and Dixon, J. E., 2004. Testing models of Late Paleozoic- Early Mesozoic orogeny in western Tur- key: support for an evolving poen-Tethys model. Journal of Geological Society, 161 (3), 501-511.
  • Schönlaub, H. P., 1992. Stratigraphy, Biogeography and Paleoclimatology of the Alpine Pale- ozoic and its implications for Plate Move- ments. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bun- desanstalt, 135 (1), 381-418.
  • Smith, A. G., 1996. Some aspects of the Phanerozo- ic paleogeographic evolution of Eurpoe. Zeitschrift der Deutchen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 147 (2), 147-168.
  • Stampfli, G. M., and Borel, G. D., 2002. A plate tec- tonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozo- ic constrained by dynamic plate boundari- es and restored synthetic oceanic isoch- rons. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 196, 17-33.
  • Stanley, S. M., 1972. Functional morphology and evolution of bissally attached bivalve mol- lusks. Journal of Paleontology, 46, 165- 212.
  • Tekeli, O., Aksay, A., Ertan-Evren, İ., Iflık, A. ve Ür- gün, M. B., 1981.Toros ofiyolit projeleri, Aladağ projesi. MTA Rapor No. 6976 (ya- yımlanmamıfl).
  • Tekeli, O., Aksay, A., Ürgün, M. B., and Iflık, A., 1984. Geology of the Aladağ Mountains. In: O. Tekeli, and C. M. Göncüoğlu (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposi- um on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, An- kara, 143-158.
  • Thomas, H.D., 1928. An upper Carboniferous fauna from the Amotape Mountains, Northwes- tern Peru. Geological Magazine, 65, 146- 301.
  • Tolluoğlu, A. Ü., ve Sümer, E. Ö., 1995. Gondavana kuzeyi Anadolu Mikrokıtası Erken Pale- ozoyik evrim modeli. Türkiye Jeoloji Kuru- mu Bülteni, 38 (2), 1-22.
  • Torsvik, T.H., and Cooks, L. R. M., 2004. Earth geog- raphy from 400 to 250 Ma: a palaeomag- netic; faunal and facies review. Journal of the Geological Society, 161, 555-572.
  • Wendt, J., Kaufmann, B., Belka, Z., Farsan, N., and Bavandpur, A. K., 2005. Devonian/Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies pat- terns and palaeogeography of Iran part 3. Northern and central Iran. Acta Geologica Polonica, 55 (1), 31-97.
  • Zanchi, A., Garzanti, E., Larghi, C., Angiolini, L., and Gaetani., 2003. The Variscan orogeney in Chios (Greece): Carboniferous accretion along a Palaeotethyan active margin. Ter- ra Nova, 15, 213-223. LEVHA 1 / PLATE 1
  • Nohutluk formasyonunundaki Bivalvia örnekleri.
  • Bivalve sample from the Nohutluk formation.
  • İnce taneli kuvars kumtaflı litolojisinden alınmıfl bivalv örnekleri.
  • Bivales types taken from quartz lithology.
  • a. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842), sağ kapak.
  • a. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842),right valve.
  • b. Konsantrik lamelleri belirgin Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842).
  • b. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842) with clear concentric lamalla
Yıl 2005, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3, 13 - 24, 01.04.2005



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  • Nohutluk formasyonunundaki Bivalvia örnekleri.
  • Bivalve sample from the Nohutluk formation.
  • İnce taneli kuvars kumtaflı litolojisinden alınmıfl bivalv örnekleri.
  • Bivales types taken from quartz lithology.
  • a. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842), sağ kapak.
  • a. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842),right valve.
  • b. Konsantrik lamelleri belirgin Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842).
  • b. Astartella concentrica (Conrad, 1842) with clear concentric lamalla
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yavuz Okan Bu kişi benim

İzzet Hoşgör Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Okan Y, Hoşgör İ (01 Nisan 2005) Nohutluk Tepe (Aladağlar, Doğu Toroslar) istifinde bulunan Başkiriyen (erken Geç Karbonifer) yaşlı Bivalvia türü Astartella concentrica (Conrad)’nın tanımı ve paleocoğrafik dağılımı. Yerbilimleri 26 3 13–24.