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Investigation of the seismic damage caused to the Gunung Sitoli (Tögi-Ndrawa) cave by the 2005 Great Nias earthquake

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1, 1 - 15, 01.02.2008



  • Aydan, Ö., 1989. The stabilisation of rock engi- neering structures by rockbolts. PhD Thesis, Nagoya University, Japan.
  • Aydan, Ö., 1990. The effect of rockbolts on arc- hing. Madencilik, 30(2), 33-40 (in Tur- kish).
  • Aydan, Ö., 2002. The inference of the earthqua- ke fault and strong motions for Kutch earthquake of January 26, 2001. Pro- ceedings of the Symposium on the Re- cords and Lessons from the Recent Large Domestic and Overseas Eart- hquakes. Japan Earthquake Enginee- ring Society, Tokyo, 135-140.
  • Aydan, Ö., 2006. Geological and seismological aspects of Kashmir earthquake of Octo- ber 8, 2005 and a geotechnical evalu- ation of induced failures of natural and cut slopes. Journal of the School of Ma- rine Science and Technology, Tokai University, 4(1), 25-44.
  • Aydan, Ö., 2007. Inference of seismic characte- ristics of possible earthquakes and liqu- efaction and landslide risks from active faults (in Turkish). The Proceedings of 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering of Turkey, Istanbul, Vol.1, 563-574.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kawamoto, T., 1992. The stabi- lity of slopes and underground ope- nings against flexural toppling and their stabilisation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 25(3), 143-165.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Dalgıç, S., 1998. Prediction of deformation of 3-lanes Bolu tunnels through squeezing rocks of North Ana- tolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). Reg. Symp. On Sedimentary Rock Engineering, Ta- ipei, 228-233.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kawamoto, T., 2000. The as- sessment of mechanical properties of rock masses through RMR rock classifi- cation system. GeoEng2000, UW0926, Melbourne, Australia (on CD).
  • Aydan, Ö., and Ohta, Y., 2006. The characteris- tics of strong ground motions in the ne- ighborhood of earthquake faults and their evaluation. A Symposium on the Records and Lessons from the recent large domestic and overseas earthqua- kes. Japan Earthquake Engineering Society, Tokyo, 114-120.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Tokashiki, N., 2007. Some da- mage observations in Ryukyu limesto- ne caves of Ishigaki and Miyako Islands and their possible relations to 1771 Meiwa earthquake. Journal of the School of Marine Science and Techno- logy, Tokai University, 6(1), 23-40.
  • Aydan, Ö., Miwa, S., Kodama, H., and Suzuki, T. 2005. The characteristics of M8.7 Ni- as earthquake of March 28, 2005 and induced tsunami and structural dama- ges, Journal of the School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai Univer- sity, 3(2), 66-83.
  • Aydan, Ö., Miwa, S., Kodama, H., and Suzuki, T., 2007. Support activities of JSCE and EWoB-Japan for Nias Island follo- wing the Great Nias earthquake of 2005. The International Symposium on Disaster in Indonesia (ISDI): Problems & Solutions, Paper No: MS-3 (on CD).
  • Aydan, Ö., Tano, H., and Geniş, M., 2008. As- sessment of long-term stability of an abandoned room and pillar undergro- und lignite mine. Turkish Journal of Rock Mechanics, 16, 1-22 (in Turkish).
  • Barton, N., 1976. Unsupported underground openings. In Rock Mechanics Meeting, Swedish Rock Mechanics research Fo- undation, Stockholm, 61-94.
  • Barton, N., Lien, R., and Lunde, I., 1974. Engi- neering classification of rock masses for the design of tunnel supports. Rock Mechanics, 6(4), 189-239.
  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1974. Geomechanics classi- fication of rock masses and its appli- cation in tunnelling. Proceddings of the Third International Congress on Rock Mechanics, ISRM, Denver, IIA, 27-32.
  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1989. Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Borges, J. F., Caldeira, B., and Bezzeghoud, M., 2005. Source Rupture Process of the Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquake (M=8.6) of 28 March 2005. Preliminary results., Ap- ril, 2005.
  • Djamal, B., Gunawan, W., Simandjuntak, T.O., and Ratman, N., 1994. Geological map of Nias Sheet, Sumatera. Geological Research and Development Center.
  • Forti, P., 1998. Seismotectonic and paleoseis- mic studies from speleothems: The sta- te of the art: Han 98-Tectonique: Karst et Seismes, 79–81.
  • Gilli, E., 1999. Evidence of paleoseismicity in a flowstone of the Observatoire cave (Monaco). Geodinamica Acta, 12, 159–168.
  • Gilli, E., Levret, A., Sollogoub, P., and Delange, P., 1999. Research on the February 18, 1996, earthquake in the caves of the Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet area (eastern Pyrenees, France. Geodinamica Acta, 12, 143–158.
  • HARVARD, 2005. Harvard Centroid Moment Tensor, Department of Earth and Pla- netary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
  • Konca, A.O., Hjorleifsdottir, V., Song, T. A., Avouac, J.P., Helmberger, D.V., Chen Ji, Sieh K., Briggs, R., and Meltzner, A., 2006. Rupture Kinematics of the 2005 Mw 8.6 Nias–Simeulue Earthquake from the Joint Inversion of Seismic and Ge- odetic Data. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97(1A), S307–S322,
  • Lang, B., 1994. Span design for entry type ex- cavations. M.Sc. Thesis, British Colum- bia University, Vancouver, BC.
  • OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordinati- on of Humanitarian Affairs), 2005. Eart- hquake OCHA Situation Report No.2, Indonesia Earthquake, 28 March, 2005.,, Ap- ril, 2005.
  • Tokashiki, N., and Aydan, Ö., 2003. Characte- ristics of Ryukyu Limestone and its utili- zation as a building stone in historical and modern structures. International Symposium on Industrial Minerals and Building Stones, Istanbul, 311-318.
  • USGS, 2005. U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center, Gol- den, CO, USA. Magnitude 8.7 Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, 2005 March 28 16:09:36 UTC. http://earthqua-, USA, April, 2005.
  • Yagi, Y., 2005. Magnitude 8.7 Northern Sumatra Earthquake. Building Research Institute. gi/eq/Sumatra2005/.
  • Yamanaka, K., 2005. Earthquake in Indonesia, March 28, 2005 (Magnitude 8.7), EIC Seismology Note, No.164. Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (in Japanese), April, 2005. BOŞ SAYFA

2005 Büyük Nias depreminin Gunung Sitoli (Tögi-Ndrawa) mağarasında neden olduğu sarsıntı hasarının incelenmesi

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1, 1 - 15, 01.02.2008


Aletsel dönem öncesi bölgelerin depremselliğinin niceliksel olarak değerlendirilmesi oldukça önemlidir. Son yıllarda karstik mağaralardaki sarkıt ve dikitlerde oluşan hasarlar, aletsel dönem öncesi depremselliğindeğerlendirilmesinde kullanılmaktadır. 2005 yılında meydana gelen Büyük Nias depreminde hasar gören NiasAdası karstik mağaradaki 2007 yılının Temmuz ayında incelenmiştir. Bu makalede önce 2005 Nias Adası’ndadepreminin sismo-tektonik ve kuvvetli yer hareket özellikleri kısaca sunulmuştur. Daha sonra Nias adasındaGunung Sitoli veya Tögi Ndrawa olarak adlandırılan karstik mağaradaki sarkıt ve dikitlerde meydana gelmiş hasarlar sunulmuş ve 2005 Nias adası depremi ile daha önceki depremler arasındaki ilişkiler tartışılmıştır. Buçalışmadan elde edilen en önemli sonuçlardan biri, hiç kuşkusuz, karstik mağaralardaki hasarların geçmiştekidepremlerin belirlenmesinde oldukça kullanılabilir olmasıdır. Bunun yanı sıra, yeraltı kaya yapısı olarak, karstikmağaranın duraylılığı görgül ve analitik yöntemlerle değerlendirilmiştir. Sarkıt ve dikitlerin deprem sırasındakihasar görme olasılığını incelemek üzere sismik katsayı yaklaşımına dayanan bir yöntem önerilmiş ve yapılandeğerlendirmeler tartışılmıştır


  • Aydan, Ö., 1989. The stabilisation of rock engi- neering structures by rockbolts. PhD Thesis, Nagoya University, Japan.
  • Aydan, Ö., 1990. The effect of rockbolts on arc- hing. Madencilik, 30(2), 33-40 (in Tur- kish).
  • Aydan, Ö., 2002. The inference of the earthqua- ke fault and strong motions for Kutch earthquake of January 26, 2001. Pro- ceedings of the Symposium on the Re- cords and Lessons from the Recent Large Domestic and Overseas Eart- hquakes. Japan Earthquake Enginee- ring Society, Tokyo, 135-140.
  • Aydan, Ö., 2006. Geological and seismological aspects of Kashmir earthquake of Octo- ber 8, 2005 and a geotechnical evalu- ation of induced failures of natural and cut slopes. Journal of the School of Ma- rine Science and Technology, Tokai University, 4(1), 25-44.
  • Aydan, Ö., 2007. Inference of seismic characte- ristics of possible earthquakes and liqu- efaction and landslide risks from active faults (in Turkish). The Proceedings of 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering of Turkey, Istanbul, Vol.1, 563-574.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kawamoto, T., 1992. The stabi- lity of slopes and underground ope- nings against flexural toppling and their stabilisation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 25(3), 143-165.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Dalgıç, S., 1998. Prediction of deformation of 3-lanes Bolu tunnels through squeezing rocks of North Ana- tolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). Reg. Symp. On Sedimentary Rock Engineering, Ta- ipei, 228-233.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kawamoto, T., 2000. The as- sessment of mechanical properties of rock masses through RMR rock classifi- cation system. GeoEng2000, UW0926, Melbourne, Australia (on CD).
  • Aydan, Ö., and Ohta, Y., 2006. The characteris- tics of strong ground motions in the ne- ighborhood of earthquake faults and their evaluation. A Symposium on the Records and Lessons from the recent large domestic and overseas earthqua- kes. Japan Earthquake Engineering Society, Tokyo, 114-120.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Tokashiki, N., 2007. Some da- mage observations in Ryukyu limesto- ne caves of Ishigaki and Miyako Islands and their possible relations to 1771 Meiwa earthquake. Journal of the School of Marine Science and Techno- logy, Tokai University, 6(1), 23-40.
  • Aydan, Ö., Miwa, S., Kodama, H., and Suzuki, T. 2005. The characteristics of M8.7 Ni- as earthquake of March 28, 2005 and induced tsunami and structural dama- ges, Journal of the School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai Univer- sity, 3(2), 66-83.
  • Aydan, Ö., Miwa, S., Kodama, H., and Suzuki, T., 2007. Support activities of JSCE and EWoB-Japan for Nias Island follo- wing the Great Nias earthquake of 2005. The International Symposium on Disaster in Indonesia (ISDI): Problems & Solutions, Paper No: MS-3 (on CD).
  • Aydan, Ö., Tano, H., and Geniş, M., 2008. As- sessment of long-term stability of an abandoned room and pillar undergro- und lignite mine. Turkish Journal of Rock Mechanics, 16, 1-22 (in Turkish).
  • Barton, N., 1976. Unsupported underground openings. In Rock Mechanics Meeting, Swedish Rock Mechanics research Fo- undation, Stockholm, 61-94.
  • Barton, N., Lien, R., and Lunde, I., 1974. Engi- neering classification of rock masses for the design of tunnel supports. Rock Mechanics, 6(4), 189-239.
  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1974. Geomechanics classi- fication of rock masses and its appli- cation in tunnelling. Proceddings of the Third International Congress on Rock Mechanics, ISRM, Denver, IIA, 27-32.
  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1989. Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Borges, J. F., Caldeira, B., and Bezzeghoud, M., 2005. Source Rupture Process of the Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquake (M=8.6) of 28 March 2005. Preliminary results., Ap- ril, 2005.
  • Djamal, B., Gunawan, W., Simandjuntak, T.O., and Ratman, N., 1994. Geological map of Nias Sheet, Sumatera. Geological Research and Development Center.
  • Forti, P., 1998. Seismotectonic and paleoseis- mic studies from speleothems: The sta- te of the art: Han 98-Tectonique: Karst et Seismes, 79–81.
  • Gilli, E., 1999. Evidence of paleoseismicity in a flowstone of the Observatoire cave (Monaco). Geodinamica Acta, 12, 159–168.
  • Gilli, E., Levret, A., Sollogoub, P., and Delange, P., 1999. Research on the February 18, 1996, earthquake in the caves of the Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet area (eastern Pyrenees, France. Geodinamica Acta, 12, 143–158.
  • HARVARD, 2005. Harvard Centroid Moment Tensor, Department of Earth and Pla- netary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
  • Konca, A.O., Hjorleifsdottir, V., Song, T. A., Avouac, J.P., Helmberger, D.V., Chen Ji, Sieh K., Briggs, R., and Meltzner, A., 2006. Rupture Kinematics of the 2005 Mw 8.6 Nias–Simeulue Earthquake from the Joint Inversion of Seismic and Ge- odetic Data. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97(1A), S307–S322,
  • Lang, B., 1994. Span design for entry type ex- cavations. M.Sc. Thesis, British Colum- bia University, Vancouver, BC.
  • OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordinati- on of Humanitarian Affairs), 2005. Eart- hquake OCHA Situation Report No.2, Indonesia Earthquake, 28 March, 2005.,, Ap- ril, 2005.
  • Tokashiki, N., and Aydan, Ö., 2003. Characte- ristics of Ryukyu Limestone and its utili- zation as a building stone in historical and modern structures. International Symposium on Industrial Minerals and Building Stones, Istanbul, 311-318.
  • USGS, 2005. U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center, Gol- den, CO, USA. Magnitude 8.7 Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, 2005 March 28 16:09:36 UTC. http://earthqua-, USA, April, 2005.
  • Yagi, Y., 2005. Magnitude 8.7 Northern Sumatra Earthquake. Building Research Institute. gi/eq/Sumatra2005/.
  • Yamanaka, K., 2005. Earthquake in Indonesia, March 28, 2005 (Magnitude 8.7), EIC Seismology Note, No.164. Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (in Japanese), April, 2005. BOŞ SAYFA
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ömer Aydan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2008
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Aydan Ö (01 Şubat 2008) 2005 Büyük Nias depreminin Gunung Sitoli (Tögi-Ndrawa) mağarasında neden olduğu sarsıntı hasarının incelenmesi. Yerbilimleri 29 1 1–15.