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Investigation of near-surface structures using multi-channel analysis ofsurface waves

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 65 - 75, 01.03.2008



  • Bath, M., 1973. Introduction to the Theory of Seismology. A Halsted Press Book, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.
  • Bingöl, O., 2005. Menderes Magensiası/Magne- sia on the Meander: Theatron. Homer
  • Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Dobrin, M.B., and Savit, C.H., 1988. Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. McGraw- Hill Book Co., New York.
  • Erişen, B., Akkuş, İ., Uygur, N., and Koçak, A.,
  • Turkish Geothermal Inventory.
  • MTA General Directory, Ankara.
  • Filiz, Ş., Tarcan, G. ve Gemici, Ü., 1999. Ger- mencik (Aydın) jeotermal alanlarının hidrojeo- kimyasal açıdan incelenmesi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 1 (1), 41-64.
  • Gucunski, N., and Wood, R.D., 1991. Instrumen- tation for SASW testing, Recent advan- ces in instrumentation, data acquisition and testing in soil dynamics, S. K. Bha- tia and G. W. Blaney (eds.), American Society of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Special Publication. No. 29, pp. 1–16.
  • Heisey, J.S., Stokoe II, K. H., and Meyer, A. H.,
  • Moduli of pavement systems
  • from spectral analysis of surface waves.
  • Transportation Research Research Re
  • cord No. 852, 22-31.
  • Miller, R.D., Xia, J., and Park, C.B., 1999. Using MASW to map bedrock in Olathe, Kan- sas. Open-file Report-Kansas Survey 99-9.
  • Nazarian, S., Stokoe, K.H., and Hudson, W.R.,
  • Use of spevtral analysis of surfa
  • ce waves method for determination of moduli and thicknesses of pavement systems. Transportation Research Re- cord, 930, 38-45.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., and Xia, J., 1998. Ima- ging dispersion curves of surface waves on multi-channel record. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts , pp. 1377-1380.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., and Xia, J., 1999a. Multi-channel analysis of surface wa- ves (MASW). Geophysics, 64, 800-808.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., Xia, J., Hunter, J.A., and Harris, J.B., 1999b. Higher mode ob- servation by the MASW method. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, pp. 524–527.
  • Sanchez-Salinero, I., Roesset, J.M., Shao, K.Y., Stokoe II, K.H., and Rix, G. J., 1987. Analytical evaluation of variables affec- ting surface wave testing of pavements.
  • Transportation Research, 1136, 86–95.
  • Sheriff, R.E., 1991. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics. Third edition, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
  • Sheu, J.C., Stokoe II, K.H., and Roesset, J.M.,
  • Effect of reflected waves in SASW
  • testing of pavements: Transportation
  • Research, 1196, 51–61.
  • Steeples, D.W., and Miller, R.D., 1990. Seismic- reflection methods applied to enginee- ring, environmental, and groundwater problems. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Investigations in Ge- ophysics, 5, S.H. Ward (ed.), 1: Review and Tutorial, 1-30.
  • Stokoe II, K.H., and Nazarian, S., 1983. Effec- tiveness of ground improvement from spectral analysis of surface waves. Pro- ceeding of the Eighth European Confe- rence on Soil Mechanics and Foundati- on Engineering, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Stokoe II, K.H., Rix, G.J., and Nazarian, S., 1989. In-situ seismic testing with surface wave. Proceedings of 12th Internatio- nal Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 331–334.
  • Stokoe, K.H., II, Wright, G.W., James, A.B., and
  • Jose, M.R., 1994. Characterization of
  • geotechnical sites by SASW method.
  • In: Geophysical Characterization of Si
  • tes, R.D. Woods, (ed.), Oxford Publis- hers, New Delhi.
  • Xia, J., Miller, R.D., Park, C.B., Hunter, J.A., and Harris, J. B., 1999. Evaluation of the MASW technique in unconsolidated sediments. Proceedings of the 69th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Ex- panded Abstracts, pp. 437–440.
  • Xia, J., Miller, R.D., and Park, C.B., 2000. Ad- vantages of calculating shear-wave ve- locity from surface waves with higher modes. The Society of Exploration Ge- ophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, pp. 1295–1298.
Yıl 2008, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 65 - 75, 01.03.2008



  • Bath, M., 1973. Introduction to the Theory of Seismology. A Halsted Press Book, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.
  • Bingöl, O., 2005. Menderes Magensiası/Magne- sia on the Meander: Theatron. Homer
  • Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Dobrin, M.B., and Savit, C.H., 1988. Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. McGraw- Hill Book Co., New York.
  • Erişen, B., Akkuş, İ., Uygur, N., and Koçak, A.,
  • Turkish Geothermal Inventory.
  • MTA General Directory, Ankara.
  • Filiz, Ş., Tarcan, G. ve Gemici, Ü., 1999. Ger- mencik (Aydın) jeotermal alanlarının hidrojeo- kimyasal açıdan incelenmesi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 1 (1), 41-64.
  • Gucunski, N., and Wood, R.D., 1991. Instrumen- tation for SASW testing, Recent advan- ces in instrumentation, data acquisition and testing in soil dynamics, S. K. Bha- tia and G. W. Blaney (eds.), American Society of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Special Publication. No. 29, pp. 1–16.
  • Heisey, J.S., Stokoe II, K. H., and Meyer, A. H.,
  • Moduli of pavement systems
  • from spectral analysis of surface waves.
  • Transportation Research Research Re
  • cord No. 852, 22-31.
  • Miller, R.D., Xia, J., and Park, C.B., 1999. Using MASW to map bedrock in Olathe, Kan- sas. Open-file Report-Kansas Survey 99-9.
  • Nazarian, S., Stokoe, K.H., and Hudson, W.R.,
  • Use of spevtral analysis of surfa
  • ce waves method for determination of moduli and thicknesses of pavement systems. Transportation Research Re- cord, 930, 38-45.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., and Xia, J., 1998. Ima- ging dispersion curves of surface waves on multi-channel record. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts , pp. 1377-1380.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., and Xia, J., 1999a. Multi-channel analysis of surface wa- ves (MASW). Geophysics, 64, 800-808.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., Xia, J., Hunter, J.A., and Harris, J.B., 1999b. Higher mode ob- servation by the MASW method. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, pp. 524–527.
  • Sanchez-Salinero, I., Roesset, J.M., Shao, K.Y., Stokoe II, K.H., and Rix, G. J., 1987. Analytical evaluation of variables affec- ting surface wave testing of pavements.
  • Transportation Research, 1136, 86–95.
  • Sheriff, R.E., 1991. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics. Third edition, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
  • Sheu, J.C., Stokoe II, K.H., and Roesset, J.M.,
  • Effect of reflected waves in SASW
  • testing of pavements: Transportation
  • Research, 1196, 51–61.
  • Steeples, D.W., and Miller, R.D., 1990. Seismic- reflection methods applied to enginee- ring, environmental, and groundwater problems. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Investigations in Ge- ophysics, 5, S.H. Ward (ed.), 1: Review and Tutorial, 1-30.
  • Stokoe II, K.H., and Nazarian, S., 1983. Effec- tiveness of ground improvement from spectral analysis of surface waves. Pro- ceeding of the Eighth European Confe- rence on Soil Mechanics and Foundati- on Engineering, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Stokoe II, K.H., Rix, G.J., and Nazarian, S., 1989. In-situ seismic testing with surface wave. Proceedings of 12th Internatio- nal Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 331–334.
  • Stokoe, K.H., II, Wright, G.W., James, A.B., and
  • Jose, M.R., 1994. Characterization of
  • geotechnical sites by SASW method.
  • In: Geophysical Characterization of Si
  • tes, R.D. Woods, (ed.), Oxford Publis- hers, New Delhi.
  • Xia, J., Miller, R.D., Park, C.B., Hunter, J.A., and Harris, J. B., 1999. Evaluation of the MASW technique in unconsolidated sediments. Proceedings of the 69th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Ex- panded Abstracts, pp. 437–440.
  • Xia, J., Miller, R.D., and Park, C.B., 2000. Ad- vantages of calculating shear-wave ve- locity from surface waves with higher modes. The Society of Exploration Ge- ophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, pp. 1295–1298.

Çok-kanallı yüzey dalgası analizi kullanılarak yüzeye-yakın yapıların araştırılması

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 65 - 75, 01.03.2008


Bu çalışmada, sığ yeraltı yapılarının incelenmesinde Rayleigh tipi yüzey dalgalarının dispersif özelliğinden yararlanılmıştır. Yüzey dalgaları, diğer tüm sismik dalga türleri arasında en güçlü enerjiye ve en yüksek sinyal/gürültü oranına sahiptir. Çok-kanallı yüzey dalgası analizi sonuçlarının doğruluğu, veri eldesinde kullanılan sismik kaynak, yakın açılım, jeofon aralığı ve jeofon frekansı gibi parametrelere bağlıdır. Yüzey dalgası analizinin yapı ve ortam kestirimindeki başarısı ve uygun parametre seçimi Magnesia antik kentinde yapılan arazi çalışmasında gerçekleştirilen deneme ölçüleriyle irdelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, 24 kanallı bir sismograf, 4.5 Hz ve 14 Hz olmak üzere iki farklı P jeofonu ve enerji kaynağı olarak da 8 kg’lık bir balyoz kullanılmıştır. Jeofon frekansının değişim etkisini test etmek amacıyla jeofon aralığı sabit tutularak ve farklı yakın açılım uzaklıklarıyla çok-kanallı veri kayıtları elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, bir boyutlu yüzey dalgası analizi ve doğrusal olmayan en küçük kareler algoritmasına dayanan ters-çözüm yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Deneme sonuçları; sığ yeraltı yapılarının araştırılmasında yakın açılım uzaklığının jeofon aralığının yaklaşık üç katı olmasının uygun olacağını ve farklı yakın açılım uzaklıkları için elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırıldığında 14 Hz ’lük jeofon kullanımının sismik kaynak ve jeofon aralığı dikkate alındığında 4.5 Hz ’e göre daha başarılı olduğunu göstermiştir


  • Bath, M., 1973. Introduction to the Theory of Seismology. A Halsted Press Book, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.
  • Bingöl, O., 2005. Menderes Magensiası/Magne- sia on the Meander: Theatron. Homer
  • Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Dobrin, M.B., and Savit, C.H., 1988. Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. McGraw- Hill Book Co., New York.
  • Erişen, B., Akkuş, İ., Uygur, N., and Koçak, A.,
  • Turkish Geothermal Inventory.
  • MTA General Directory, Ankara.
  • Filiz, Ş., Tarcan, G. ve Gemici, Ü., 1999. Ger- mencik (Aydın) jeotermal alanlarının hidrojeo- kimyasal açıdan incelenmesi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 1 (1), 41-64.
  • Gucunski, N., and Wood, R.D., 1991. Instrumen- tation for SASW testing, Recent advan- ces in instrumentation, data acquisition and testing in soil dynamics, S. K. Bha- tia and G. W. Blaney (eds.), American Society of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Special Publication. No. 29, pp. 1–16.
  • Heisey, J.S., Stokoe II, K. H., and Meyer, A. H.,
  • Moduli of pavement systems
  • from spectral analysis of surface waves.
  • Transportation Research Research Re
  • cord No. 852, 22-31.
  • Miller, R.D., Xia, J., and Park, C.B., 1999. Using MASW to map bedrock in Olathe, Kan- sas. Open-file Report-Kansas Survey 99-9.
  • Nazarian, S., Stokoe, K.H., and Hudson, W.R.,
  • Use of spevtral analysis of surfa
  • ce waves method for determination of moduli and thicknesses of pavement systems. Transportation Research Re- cord, 930, 38-45.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., and Xia, J., 1998. Ima- ging dispersion curves of surface waves on multi-channel record. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts , pp. 1377-1380.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., and Xia, J., 1999a. Multi-channel analysis of surface wa- ves (MASW). Geophysics, 64, 800-808.
  • Park, C.B., Miller, R.D., Xia, J., Hunter, J.A., and Harris, J.B., 1999b. Higher mode ob- servation by the MASW method. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, pp. 524–527.
  • Sanchez-Salinero, I., Roesset, J.M., Shao, K.Y., Stokoe II, K.H., and Rix, G. J., 1987. Analytical evaluation of variables affec- ting surface wave testing of pavements.
  • Transportation Research, 1136, 86–95.
  • Sheriff, R.E., 1991. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics. Third edition, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
  • Sheu, J.C., Stokoe II, K.H., and Roesset, J.M.,
  • Effect of reflected waves in SASW
  • testing of pavements: Transportation
  • Research, 1196, 51–61.
  • Steeples, D.W., and Miller, R.D., 1990. Seismic- reflection methods applied to enginee- ring, environmental, and groundwater problems. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Investigations in Ge- ophysics, 5, S.H. Ward (ed.), 1: Review and Tutorial, 1-30.
  • Stokoe II, K.H., and Nazarian, S., 1983. Effec- tiveness of ground improvement from spectral analysis of surface waves. Pro- ceeding of the Eighth European Confe- rence on Soil Mechanics and Foundati- on Engineering, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Stokoe II, K.H., Rix, G.J., and Nazarian, S., 1989. In-situ seismic testing with surface wave. Proceedings of 12th Internatio- nal Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 331–334.
  • Stokoe, K.H., II, Wright, G.W., James, A.B., and
  • Jose, M.R., 1994. Characterization of
  • geotechnical sites by SASW method.
  • In: Geophysical Characterization of Si
  • tes, R.D. Woods, (ed.), Oxford Publis- hers, New Delhi.
  • Xia, J., Miller, R.D., Park, C.B., Hunter, J.A., and Harris, J. B., 1999. Evaluation of the MASW technique in unconsolidated sediments. Proceedings of the 69th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Ex- panded Abstracts, pp. 437–440.
  • Xia, J., Miller, R.D., and Park, C.B., 2000. Ad- vantages of calculating shear-wave ve- locity from surface waves with higher modes. The Society of Exploration Ge- ophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, pp. 1295–1298.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Çağrı Çaylak Bu kişi benim

Coşkun Sarı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2008
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Çaylak Ç, Sarı C (01 Mart 2008) Çok-kanallı yüzey dalgası analizi kullanılarak yüzeye-yakın yapıların araştırılması. Yerbilimleri 29 2 65–75.