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Mineralogy of the Kraubath-type magnesite deposits of the Khuzdar area, Balochistan, Pakistan

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 169 - 180, 01.04.2009


Mineralogical studies of the magnesite deposits in the Khuzdar District, Balochistan, Pakistan were made using the Xray diffraction (XRD) technique. These Kraubath-type magnesite deposits are hosted within serpentinized harzburgites, associated with Bela Ophiolite of Cretaceous age. The deposits occur as cryptocrystalline veins of stockwork-type, possessing botryoidal and bone habits. The ultramafic rocks of Bela Ophiolite were subjected to serpentinization. The hydrothermal fluids leached out Mg, Ca, Fe and other elements from the serpentinized rocks and finally carbonation of these ions resulted in the formation of their hydroxides and carbonates of different combinations to produce these deposits. The XRD analysis of the ores revealed a high magnesite content in association with artinite, brucite, huntite, Femagnesite, dolomite, calcite and Mg-calcite. Initially, at low temperatures and low partial pressure from carbon dioxide (PCO2), metastable hydroxides and carbonates are formed, and these are gradually converted into a stable magnesite phase. The low abundance of allied minerals reflects the relatively high temperature conditions and PCO2 that convert metastable minerals into their stable magnesite phase. The study revealed an increasing temperature and PCO2
from brucite through artinite, hydromagnesite, huntite, and dolomite to magnesite. Principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation matrix analysis were also utilized to reveal the genetic affiliation that existed between these minerals.


  • Bashir, E., 2008. Geology and geochemistry of magnesite ore deposits of Khuzdar area, Balochistan. PhD Thesis, Univer- sity of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan (un- published).
  • Bashir, E., Naseem, S., Naseem, S., Sheikh, S.A., and Shirin, K., 2004. Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of Baran Lak magnesite and associated rocks, Khuzdar, Balochistan, Pakistan. Geo- logical Bulletin University of Peshawar, 37, 155-166.
  • Botha, A., and Strydom, C.A., 2001. Preparati- on of a magnesium hydroxy carbonate from magnesium hydroxide. Hydrome- tallurgy, 62, 175-183.
  • Canaveras, J.C., Sanchez-Moral, S., Sanz- Rubio, E., and Hoyos, M., 1998. Meteo- ric calcitization of magnesite in Mioce- ne lacustrine deposits (Calatayud ba- sin, NE Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 119,183-194.
  • Canterford, J.H., Tsambourakis, G., and Lam- bert, B., 1984. Some observati- ons on the properties of dypingite, Mg(CO)(OH)·5HO, and related mi- nerals. Mineralogical Magazine, 48, 437-442.
  • Chen, G., and Tao, D., 2004. Effect of soluti- on chemistry on floatability of magnesi- te and dolomite. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 74, 343-357.
  • Davies, P.J., Bubela, B., and Ferguson, J., 1977. Simulation of carbonate diagenetic pro- cesses: formation of dolomite, huntite and monohydrocalcite by the reactions between nesquehonite and brine. Che- mical Geology, 19, 187-214.
  • Deelman, J.C., 2003. Low-temperature forma- tion of dolomite and magnesite. Com- pact Disc Publications, Geology Series, Eindhoven.
  • Deer, W.R., Howie, R.A., and Zussman, J., 1992.
  • An Introduction to the Rock-Forming
  • Minerals. Longman, Essex, U.K.
  • Demir, F., and Dönmez, B., 2008. Optimization of the dissolution of magnesite in citric acid solutions. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 87, 60-64.
  • Dollase, W.A., and Reeder, R.J., 1986. Crystal structure CaMg3(CO3)4, with X-ray powder data. American Mineralogist, 71, 163-166.
  • Frost, R.L., Bahfenne, S., Graham, J., and Mar- tens, W.N., 2008. Thermal stability of artinite, dypingite and brugnatellite— Implications for the geosequestration of green house gases. Thermochimica Acta, 475(1-2), 39-43.
  • Gartzos, E., 2004, Comparative stable isotopes study of the magnesite deposits of Gre- ece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 36, 196-203.
  • Haurie, L., Fernandez, A.I., Velasco, J.I., Chi- menos, J.M., Lopez-Cuesta, J.M., and Espiell, F., 2007. Effects of milling on the thermal stability of synthetic hydro- magnesite. Materials Research Bulletin, 42(6), 1010-1018.
  • Hora, Z.D., 1998. Ultramafic-hosted chrysotile asbestos, in geological fieldwork 1997. British Columbia Ministry of Employ- ment and Investment, Paper 1998-1, pp. 24K-1 to 24K-4.
  • Horstetler, P.B., Coleman, R.G., and Evans, B.W., 1996. Brucite in alpine serpenti- nites. American Mineralogist, 51, 75-98.
  • Kangal, O., and Güney, A., 2006. A new industri- al mineral: Huntite and its recovery. Mi- nerals Engineering, 19, 376-378.
  • Khan, M., Kerr, A.C., and Mahmood, K., 2007, Formation and tectonic evolution of the Cretaceous–Jurassic Muslim Bagh op- hiolitic complex, Pakistan: Implications for the composite tectonic setting of ophiolites. Journal of Asian Earth Sci- ences, 31,112-127.
  • Khan, N., Dollimore, D., Alexander, K., and Wil- burn, F.W., 2001. The origin of the exot- hermic peak in the thermal decompo- sition of basic magnesium carbonate.
  • Thermochimica Acta, 367, 321-333.
  • Laçin, O., Dönmez, B., and Demir, F., 2005. Dis- solution kinetics of natural magnesite in acetic acid solutions. International Jo- urnal of Mineral Processing, 75, 91-99.
  • Lippmann, F., 1973. Sedimentary Carbonate Minerals. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Liu, K., Cheng, H., and Zhow, J., 2004. Investi- gation of brucite-fiber-reinforced conc- rete. Cement and Concrete Research, 34, 1981-1986.
  • Möller, P. (ed.), 1989. Magnesites. Monograph Ser. Mineral Deposits 28, Gebr. Bornt- rdger, Berlin-Stuttgart.
  • Miyashiro, A., 1994. Metamorphic Petrology. GRS Press.
  • Okada, T., Utsumi, W., Kaneko, H., Yamakata, M., and Shimomura, O., 2002. In-situ
  • X-ray observations of the decompositi
  • on of brucite and the graphite-diamond
  • conversion in aqueous fluid at high
  • pressure and temperature. Physics and
  • Chemistry of Minerals, 29, 439-445.
  • Papenguth, H.W., Krumhans, J.L., Bynum, R.V., Wang, Y., Kelly, J.W., Anderson, H.A., and Nowak, E.J., 2000. Status of re- search on magnesium oxide backfill. 23p. lets/purl/760032-7sCKZ/webviewab- le/760032.pdf.
  • Pohl, W., and Siegl, W., 1986. Sediment-hosted magnesite deposits. In: K.H. Wolf (ed.), Handbook of Stratabound and Strati- form Ore Deposits, Elsevier, Amster- dam, 14, pp. 223-310.
  • Ross, M., and Nolan, R.P., 2003. History of as- bestos discovery and use and asbestos- related disease in context with the oc- currence of asbestos within ophiolite complexes. Geological Society of Ame- rica, Special Paper, 273, 447-470.
  • Sasvári, T., and Kondela, J., 2007. Demons- tration of Alpine structural phenome- na at the structure of magnesite depo- sit Jelšava - Dşbrava Massif. Metalugi- ja, 46(2), 117-122.
  • Sawada, Y., Yamaguchi, J., Sakurai, O., Ue- matsu, K., Mizutani, N., and Kato, M.,
  • Thermal decomposition of ba- sic magnesium carbonates under high- pressure gas atmosphere. Thermochi- mica Acta, 32(1-2), 277-291.
  • Schroll, E., 2002. Genesis of magnesite depo- sits in the view of isotope geochemistry. Boletim Paranaense de Geociências, 50, 59-68.
  • Sheth, H.C., 2008, Do major oxide tectonic discrimination diagrams work? Evalu- ating new log-ratio and discriminant- analysis-based diagrams with Indian Ocean mafic volcanics and Asian ophi- olites. Terra Nova, 20, 229-236.
  • Simandl, G.J., Paradis, S., and Irvine, M., 2007. Brucite-the mineral of the future. Geos- cience Canada, 34(2), 57.
  • Simandl, G.J., Simandl, J., and Debreceni, A., 2001. Hydromagnesite-magnesite re- sources: potential flame retardant ma- terial. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, 327-336.
  • Stamatakis, M.G., 1995. Occurrence and gene- sis of huntite-hydromagnesite assemb- lages, Kozani basin, Greece-important new white fillers and extenders. Applied Earth Science, 104, B179-B210.
  • Wilson, S.A., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., Thom,
  • J.M., Anderson, R.G., Raudsepp, M.,
  • Gabites, J.E., and Southam, G., 2009.
  • Carbon dioxide fixation within mine
  • wastes of ultramafic-hosted ore depo
  • sits: Examples from the Clinton Creek
  • and Cassiar chrysotile deposits, Cana
  • da. Economic Geology, 104(1), 95-112.
  • Yalçın, H., and Bozkaya, Ö., 2004. Ultramafic- rock-hosted vein sepiolite occurrences in the Ankara Ophiolitic Melange, Cent- ral Anatolia, Turkey. Clays and Clay Mi- nerals, 52(2), 227-239.
  • Zedef, V., Russell, M.J., Fallick, A.E., and Hall, A.J., 2000. Genesis of vein stockwork and sedimentary magnesite and hydro- magnesite deposits in the ultrama- fic terranes of southwestern Turkey: A stable isotope study. Economic Geo- logy, 95, 429-446.

Khuzdar Bölgesi (Belucistan, Pakistan)’ndeki Kraubath tipi manyezit yataklarının mineralojisi

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 169 - 180, 01.04.2009


Khuzdar Bölgesi (Belucistan, Pakistan)’ndeki manyezit yataklarının mineralojisi X-ışınları kırınım tekniğiyle araştırılmıştır. Kraubath tipi bu manyezit yatakları, Kretase yaşlı Bela ofiyolitleriyle ilişkili serpantinleşmiş harzburjitler içinde yer almaktadır. Bu çökeller, kriptokristalin damarlar ve botriyodal ve kemiksi. özelliklere sahip ağsı yatak şeklinde oluşmuşlardır. Bela ofiyolitik kayaçları serpantinleşmeye maruz kalmışlardır. Hidrotermal akışkanlarca taşınan Mg, Ca, Fe ve serpantinleşmiş kayalardan gelen diğer elementler ve sonuçta bu iyonların karbonatlaşması, bunların hidroksitlerinin oluşumuyla ve farklı bileşimlerdeki karbonatların bu çökelleri oluşturmasıyla sonuçlanmıştır. Cevherlerin X-ışınları kırınım analizleri; artinit, brusit, huntit, Fe-manyezit, dolomit, kalsit ve Mg-kalistle ilişkili yüksek manyezit içeriğinin varlığını göstermektedir. İlk olarak, düşük sıcaklıkta ve düşük kısmi karbondioksit (PCO2) basıncı altında, tedricen duraylı manyezit fazına dönüşen yarı-duraylı hidroksitler ve karbonatlar oluşmuştur. Yabancı minerallerin azlığı, göreceli olarak yüksek sıcaklık koşullarına ve yarı-duraylı mineralleri manyezit fazına dönüştüren PCO2’ye işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışma, artan sıcaklığı ve arinit, hidromanyezit, huntit, dolomitten itibaren brusitten PCO2 artışını göstermiştir. Ayrıca asal bileşen analizi (PCA) ve korelasyon matriksi analizi bu mineraller arasında mevcut olan kökensel ilişknin araştırılmasıi için kullanılmıştır


  • Bashir, E., 2008. Geology and geochemistry of magnesite ore deposits of Khuzdar area, Balochistan. PhD Thesis, Univer- sity of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan (un- published).
  • Bashir, E., Naseem, S., Naseem, S., Sheikh, S.A., and Shirin, K., 2004. Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of Baran Lak magnesite and associated rocks, Khuzdar, Balochistan, Pakistan. Geo- logical Bulletin University of Peshawar, 37, 155-166.
  • Botha, A., and Strydom, C.A., 2001. Preparati- on of a magnesium hydroxy carbonate from magnesium hydroxide. Hydrome- tallurgy, 62, 175-183.
  • Canaveras, J.C., Sanchez-Moral, S., Sanz- Rubio, E., and Hoyos, M., 1998. Meteo- ric calcitization of magnesite in Mioce- ne lacustrine deposits (Calatayud ba- sin, NE Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 119,183-194.
  • Canterford, J.H., Tsambourakis, G., and Lam- bert, B., 1984. Some observati- ons on the properties of dypingite, Mg(CO)(OH)·5HO, and related mi- nerals. Mineralogical Magazine, 48, 437-442.
  • Chen, G., and Tao, D., 2004. Effect of soluti- on chemistry on floatability of magnesi- te and dolomite. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 74, 343-357.
  • Davies, P.J., Bubela, B., and Ferguson, J., 1977. Simulation of carbonate diagenetic pro- cesses: formation of dolomite, huntite and monohydrocalcite by the reactions between nesquehonite and brine. Che- mical Geology, 19, 187-214.
  • Deelman, J.C., 2003. Low-temperature forma- tion of dolomite and magnesite. Com- pact Disc Publications, Geology Series, Eindhoven.
  • Deer, W.R., Howie, R.A., and Zussman, J., 1992.
  • An Introduction to the Rock-Forming
  • Minerals. Longman, Essex, U.K.
  • Demir, F., and Dönmez, B., 2008. Optimization of the dissolution of magnesite in citric acid solutions. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 87, 60-64.
  • Dollase, W.A., and Reeder, R.J., 1986. Crystal structure CaMg3(CO3)4, with X-ray powder data. American Mineralogist, 71, 163-166.
  • Frost, R.L., Bahfenne, S., Graham, J., and Mar- tens, W.N., 2008. Thermal stability of artinite, dypingite and brugnatellite— Implications for the geosequestration of green house gases. Thermochimica Acta, 475(1-2), 39-43.
  • Gartzos, E., 2004, Comparative stable isotopes study of the magnesite deposits of Gre- ece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 36, 196-203.
  • Haurie, L., Fernandez, A.I., Velasco, J.I., Chi- menos, J.M., Lopez-Cuesta, J.M., and Espiell, F., 2007. Effects of milling on the thermal stability of synthetic hydro- magnesite. Materials Research Bulletin, 42(6), 1010-1018.
  • Hora, Z.D., 1998. Ultramafic-hosted chrysotile asbestos, in geological fieldwork 1997. British Columbia Ministry of Employ- ment and Investment, Paper 1998-1, pp. 24K-1 to 24K-4.
  • Horstetler, P.B., Coleman, R.G., and Evans, B.W., 1996. Brucite in alpine serpenti- nites. American Mineralogist, 51, 75-98.
  • Kangal, O., and Güney, A., 2006. A new industri- al mineral: Huntite and its recovery. Mi- nerals Engineering, 19, 376-378.
  • Khan, M., Kerr, A.C., and Mahmood, K., 2007, Formation and tectonic evolution of the Cretaceous–Jurassic Muslim Bagh op- hiolitic complex, Pakistan: Implications for the composite tectonic setting of ophiolites. Journal of Asian Earth Sci- ences, 31,112-127.
  • Khan, N., Dollimore, D., Alexander, K., and Wil- burn, F.W., 2001. The origin of the exot- hermic peak in the thermal decompo- sition of basic magnesium carbonate.
  • Thermochimica Acta, 367, 321-333.
  • Laçin, O., Dönmez, B., and Demir, F., 2005. Dis- solution kinetics of natural magnesite in acetic acid solutions. International Jo- urnal of Mineral Processing, 75, 91-99.
  • Lippmann, F., 1973. Sedimentary Carbonate Minerals. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Liu, K., Cheng, H., and Zhow, J., 2004. Investi- gation of brucite-fiber-reinforced conc- rete. Cement and Concrete Research, 34, 1981-1986.
  • Möller, P. (ed.), 1989. Magnesites. Monograph Ser. Mineral Deposits 28, Gebr. Bornt- rdger, Berlin-Stuttgart.
  • Miyashiro, A., 1994. Metamorphic Petrology. GRS Press.
  • Okada, T., Utsumi, W., Kaneko, H., Yamakata, M., and Shimomura, O., 2002. In-situ
  • X-ray observations of the decompositi
  • on of brucite and the graphite-diamond
  • conversion in aqueous fluid at high
  • pressure and temperature. Physics and
  • Chemistry of Minerals, 29, 439-445.
  • Papenguth, H.W., Krumhans, J.L., Bynum, R.V., Wang, Y., Kelly, J.W., Anderson, H.A., and Nowak, E.J., 2000. Status of re- search on magnesium oxide backfill. 23p. lets/purl/760032-7sCKZ/webviewab- le/760032.pdf.
  • Pohl, W., and Siegl, W., 1986. Sediment-hosted magnesite deposits. In: K.H. Wolf (ed.), Handbook of Stratabound and Strati- form Ore Deposits, Elsevier, Amster- dam, 14, pp. 223-310.
  • Ross, M., and Nolan, R.P., 2003. History of as- bestos discovery and use and asbestos- related disease in context with the oc- currence of asbestos within ophiolite complexes. Geological Society of Ame- rica, Special Paper, 273, 447-470.
  • Sasvári, T., and Kondela, J., 2007. Demons- tration of Alpine structural phenome- na at the structure of magnesite depo- sit Jelšava - Dşbrava Massif. Metalugi- ja, 46(2), 117-122.
  • Sawada, Y., Yamaguchi, J., Sakurai, O., Ue- matsu, K., Mizutani, N., and Kato, M.,
  • Thermal decomposition of ba- sic magnesium carbonates under high- pressure gas atmosphere. Thermochi- mica Acta, 32(1-2), 277-291.
  • Schroll, E., 2002. Genesis of magnesite depo- sits in the view of isotope geochemistry. Boletim Paranaense de Geociências, 50, 59-68.
  • Sheth, H.C., 2008, Do major oxide tectonic discrimination diagrams work? Evalu- ating new log-ratio and discriminant- analysis-based diagrams with Indian Ocean mafic volcanics and Asian ophi- olites. Terra Nova, 20, 229-236.
  • Simandl, G.J., Paradis, S., and Irvine, M., 2007. Brucite-the mineral of the future. Geos- cience Canada, 34(2), 57.
  • Simandl, G.J., Simandl, J., and Debreceni, A., 2001. Hydromagnesite-magnesite re- sources: potential flame retardant ma- terial. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, 327-336.
  • Stamatakis, M.G., 1995. Occurrence and gene- sis of huntite-hydromagnesite assemb- lages, Kozani basin, Greece-important new white fillers and extenders. Applied Earth Science, 104, B179-B210.
  • Wilson, S.A., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., Thom,
  • J.M., Anderson, R.G., Raudsepp, M.,
  • Gabites, J.E., and Southam, G., 2009.
  • Carbon dioxide fixation within mine
  • wastes of ultramafic-hosted ore depo
  • sits: Examples from the Clinton Creek
  • and Cassiar chrysotile deposits, Cana
  • da. Economic Geology, 104(1), 95-112.
  • Yalçın, H., and Bozkaya, Ö., 2004. Ultramafic- rock-hosted vein sepiolite occurrences in the Ankara Ophiolitic Melange, Cent- ral Anatolia, Turkey. Clays and Clay Mi- nerals, 52(2), 227-239.
  • Zedef, V., Russell, M.J., Fallick, A.E., and Hall, A.J., 2000. Genesis of vein stockwork and sedimentary magnesite and hydro- magnesite deposits in the ultrama- fic terranes of southwestern Turkey: A stable isotope study. Economic Geo- logy, 95, 429-446.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Erum Bashır Bu kişi benim

Shahid Naseem Bu kişi benim

Shamim Ahmed Sheıkh Bu kişi benim

Maria Kaleem Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Bashır E, Naseem S, Sheıkh SA, Kaleem M (01 Nisan 2009) Mineralogy of the Kraubath-type magnesite deposits of the Khuzdar area, Balochistan, Pakistan. Yerbilimleri 30 3 169–180.