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Diagenesis and low grade metamorphism of Karakaya Complex units in the NW Anatolia

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 193 - 212, 01.04.2009



  • Altınlı, D., 1975. Orta Sakarya jeolojisi. Cumhuri- yetin 50. Yılı Yerbilimleri Kongresi Bildi- riler Kitabı, Ankara, s. 159-191.
  • Árkai, P., 1991. Chlorite crystallinity: an empi- rical approach and correlation with il- lite crystallinity, coal rank and mine- ral facies as exemplified by Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks of northeast Hun- gary. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 9, 723-734.
  • Bailey, S.W., 1980. Summary of recommenda- tions of AIPEA nomenclature commit- tee on clay minerals. American Minera- logist, 65, 1-7.
  • Bailey, E.B., 1988. X-ray diffraction identificati- on of the polytypes of mica, serpenti- ne, and chlorite. Clays and Clay Mine- rals, 36, 193-213.
  • Bailey, E.B., and McCallien, W.J., 1950. The An- kara melange and the Anatolian Thrust. Nature, 166, 938-941.
  • Bailey, E.B., and McCallien, W.J., 1953. Serpen- tinite lavas, the Ankara melange and the Anatolian Thrust. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburg, 62, 403-442.
  • Bingöl, E., Akyürek, B. ve Korkmazer, B., 1975. Biga Yarımadası’nın jeolojisi ve Kara- kaya Formasyonunun bazı özellikleri. Cumhuriyetin 50. Yılı Yerbilimleri Kong- resi Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, s. 70-77.
  • Bozkaya, Ö., and Yalçın, H., 2004. New mine- ralogic data and implications for the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Alanya Nappes, Central Tauride Belt,
  • Turkey. International Geology Review, 46, 347-365.
  • Bozkaya, Ö. ve Yalçın, H., 2007. X-ışını difraktog- ramlarında kil minerallerinin karmaşık piklerinin çözümlenmesi: Türkiye’den örnekler. 13. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Isparta, s. 16-31.
  • Brindley, G.W., 1961. Chlorite minerals. In: The
  • X-ray Identification and Crystal Structu
  • res of Clay Minerals. G. Brown (ed.), Mi
  • neralogical Society, London, pp. 242- 296.
  • Brindley, G.W., 1980. Quantitative X-ray mineral analysis of clays. In: Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and Their X-ray Iden- tification, G.W. Brindley, and G. Brown (eds.), Mineralogical Society, London, pp. 411-438.
  • Brown, G., and Brindley, G.W., 1980. X-ray diffraction procedures for clay mine- ral identification. In: Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and Their X-ray Iden- tification. G.W. Brindley, and G. Brown (eds.), Mineralogical Society, London, pp. 305-360.
  • Chagnon, A., et Desjardins, M., 1991. Determi- nation de la composition de la chlori- te par difraction et möicroanalayse aux rayons X. Canadian Mineralogist, 29, 245-254.
  • D’Amico, C., Innocenti, C., e Sassi, F.P., 1987. Magmatismo e Metamorfismo. Unio- ne Tipografico Editrice Torinese, Tori- no, Italy.
  • Drits, V.A., Plançon, B., Sakharov, B.A., Besson, G., Tsipursky, S.I., and Tchoubar, C.,
  • Diffraction effects calculated for
  • structural models of K-saturated mont
  • morillonite containing different types of
  • defects. Clay Minerals, 19, 541-561.
  • Ehlers, E.G., and Blatt, H., 1982. Petrology: Ig- neous, Sedimentary and Metamorp- hic. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, USA.
  • Erol, O., 1956. Ankara güneydoğusundaki Elma Dağı ve çevresinin jeolojisi ve jeomorfo- lojisi üzerine bir araştırma. Maden Tet- kik Arama Dergisi, Seri D 9.
  • Eroskay, O., 1965. Paşalar Boğazı-Gölpazarı sahasının jeolojisi. İstanbul Üniversite- si Fen Fakültesi Mecmuası, Seri B, 30, 133-170.
  • Foster, M.D., 1962. Interpretation of the compo- sition and a classification of the chlori- tes, U.S. Geological Survey Professio- nal Paper, 414-A, pp. 1-33.
  • Genç, Ş.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1995. Evolution of the Triassic continental margin, Nort- hwest Anatolia. Tectonophysics, 243, 193-207.
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., Dirik, K., and Kozlu, H., 1997. General chracteristics of pre-Alpine and Alpine Terranes in Turkey: Expla- natory notes to the terrane map of Tur- key. Annales Geologique de Pays Hel- lenique, 37, 515-536.
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., Turhan, N., Şentürk, K., Öz- can, A., and Uysal, Ş., 2000. A geotra- vers across NW Turkey: tectonic units of the central Sakarya region and the- ir tectonic evolution. In: E. Bozkurt, J. Winchester, and J.A. Piper (eds.), Tec- tonics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surrounding Area. Geological Soci- ety, London, Special Publications, 173, pp. 139-161.
  • Granit, Y., et Tintant, H., 1960. Observation pre- liminaires sur le Jurassic de la région de Bilecik (Turquie). C.R. Acar Science, 251, pp. 1801-1803.
  • Grathoff, G.H., and Moore, D.M., 1996. Illite polytype quantification using Wildfire© calculated X-ray diffraction patterns. Clays and Clay Minerals, 44, 835-842.
  • Guggenheim, S., Bain, D.C., Bergaya, F., Bri- gatty, M.F., Drits, A., Eberl, D.D., For- moso M.L.L., Galan, E., Merriman, R.J., Peacor, D.R., Stanjek, H., and Watana- be, T., 2002. Report of the AIPEA no- menclature committee for 2001: order, disorder and crystallinity in phyllosilica- tes and the use of the “Crystallinity In- dex”. Clay Minerals, 37, 389-393.
  • Guidotti, C.V., and Sassi, F.P., 1986. Classifica- tion and correlation of metamorphic fa- cies series by means of muscovite b data from low-grade metapelites, Neues
  • Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, 153, 363-380.
  • Hunziker, J.C., Frey, M., Clauer, N., Dallme- yer, R.D., Fredrichsen, H., Flehmig, W., Hochstrasser, K., Roggviler, P., and Schwander, H., 1986. The evoluti- on of illite to muscovite: Mineralogical and isotopic data from the Glarus Alps, Switzerland. Contributions to Minera- logy and Petrology, 92, 157-180.
  • Kisch, H.J., 1980. Illite crystallinity and coal rank associated with lowest-grade meta- morphism of the Taveyanne greywacke in the Helvetic zone of the Swiss Alps. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 73, 753- 777.
  • Kisch, H.J., 1990. Calibration of the anchizone: a critical comparison of illite “crystalli- nity” scales used for definition. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 8, 31-46.
  • Koçyiğit, A., 1987. Hasanoğlan (Ankara) yöresi- nin tektonostratigrafisi: Karakaya oro- jenik kuşağının evrimi. Yerbilimleri, 14, 269-293.
  • Krumm, S., 1996. WINFIT 1.2: version of No- vember 1996 (The Erlangen geological and mineralogical software collection) of WINFIT 1.0  : a public domain prog- ram for interactive profile-analysis un- der WINDOWS. XIII Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology, Praha, 1994.
  • Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica, 38, pp. 253-261.
  • Krushensky, R., Akçay, Y., and Karaege, E.,
  • Geology of the Karalar-Yeşiller
  • area, Northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Geo
  • logical Survey, 1461, 1-72.
  • Kübler, B., 1968. Evaluation quantitative du métamorphisme par la cristallinité de l’illite. Bulletin-Centre de Recherches Pau-SNPA, 2, 385-397.
  • Maxwell, D.T., and Hower, J., 1967. High-grade diagenesis and low-grade metamorp- hism of illite in the Precambrian Belt Se- ries. American Mineralogist, 52, 843-857.
  • Merriman, R.J., 2005. Clay minerals and sedi- mentary basin history. European Jour- nal of Mineralogy, 17, 7-20.
  • Merriman, R.J., and Frey, M., 1999. Patterns of very low-grade metamorphism in meta- pelitic rocks. In: M. Frey, and D. Robin- son (eds.), Low-Grade Metamorphism, Blackwell Science, pp. 61-107.
  • Merriman, R.J., Roberts, B., and Peacor, D.R.,
  • A transmission electron micros
  • copy study of white mica crystallite size
  • distribution in a mudstone to slate tran
  • sitional sequence, North Wales, UK.
  • Contributions to Mineralogy and Petro- logy, 106, 27-44.
  • Moore, D.M., and Reynolds, R.C., 1997. X-ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals. Oxford Uni- versity Press, New York.
  • MTA, 2002. 1:500 000 ölçekli Türkiye jeoloji ha- ritaları, İstanbul paftası. MTA Genel Mü- dürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Okay, A.İ., 2000. Was the Late Triassic orogeny in Turkey caused by the collision of an oceanic plateau. E. Bozkurt, J.A. Winc- hester, and J.D.A. Piper (eds.), Tecto- nics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surrounding Area, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 173, pp. 25-41.
  • Okay, A.İ., and Göncüoğlu, M.C., 2004. The Ka- rakaya Complex: A review of data and concepts. Turkish Journal of Earth Sci- ences, 13, 77-95.
  • Okay, A.İ., Siyako, M. ve Bürkan, K.A., 1990. Biga Yarımadası’nın jeolojisi ve tektonik evrimi. Türkiye Petrol Jeologları Derne- ği Bülteni, 2, 83-121.
  • Pickett, E.A., and Robertson, A.H.F., 1996. For- mation of the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic Karakaya Complex and rela- ted ophiolites in NW Turkey by palae- otethyan subduction-accretion. Journal of the Geological Society London, 153, 995-1009.
  • Pickett, E.A., and Robertson, A.H.F., 2004. Sig- nificance of the Triassic volcanogenic Nilüfer Unit for Paleotethys and the Ka- rakaya suture zone in NW Turkey. Tur- kish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, 97- 143.
  • Pickett, E.A., Robertson, A.H.F., and Dixon,
  • J.E., 1995. The Karakaya Complex, NW
  • Turkey: A Palaeo-Tethyan accretionary
  • complex. In: A. Erler, T. Ercan, E. Bin
  • göl, and S. Örçen (eds.), Geology of the
  • Black Sea Region, Mineral Research
  • and Exploration, Ankara, Special Pub
  • lication, pp. 11-18.
  • Reynolds, R.C.Jr., 1985. NEWMOD A Com- puter Program for the calculation of one-dimensional diffraction patterns of mixed-layered clays. 8 Brook Rd. Ha- nover, N.H.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., and Dixon, J.E., 1984. Intro- duction: aspects of the geological evo- lution of the Eastern Mediterranean. In:
  • J.E. Dixon, and A.H.F. Robertson (eds.),
  • The Geological evolution of the Eastern
  • Mediterranean, Geological Society of
  • London, Special Publications, 17, pp. 1-74.
  • Ronov, A.B., Mikhailovskaya, M.S., and Solod- kova, I.I., 1963. Evolution of the che- mical and mineralogical composition of arenaceous rocks. In: Chemistry of the Earth’s Crust, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., The Israel Program for Scientific Translation, 1, pp. 212-262.
  • Saner, S., 1978. The depositional associati- ons of upper Cretaceous-Palaecene- Eocene times in central Sakarya and petroleum exploration possibilities. Proceedings of 4th Petroleum Cong- ress of Turkey, Ankara, pp. 95-115.
  • Sassi, F.P., and Scolari, A., 1974. The b value of the potassic white micas as a ba- rometric indicator in low-grade meta- morphism of pelitic schists. Contribu- tions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 45, 143-152.
  • Stampfli, G.M., Mosar, J., Faure, P., Pillevu- it, A., and Vannay, J.-C., 2001. Permo- Mesozoic evolution of the Western tethys realm: The Neotethys East Medi- terranean basin connection. In: P. Zieg- ler, W. Cavazza, A.H.F. Robertson, and
  • A. Crasquin-Soleau (eds.), Peri-tethyan
  • rift/wrench basins and passive mar
  • gins, Peri-Tethys Memoir 5. Mémoires
  • du Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle, pp. 51-108.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1984. The Cimmeride Orogenic System and the Tectonics of Eurasia. Geological Society of America, Speci- al Paper, 195, Washington.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1981. Tethyan evolution of Turkey, a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75, 181- 241.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Yılmaz, Y., and Sungurlu, O.,
  • Tectonics of the Mediterrane
  • an Cimmerides: nature and evolution
  • of the western termination of Paleo
  • Tethys. In: J.E. Dixon, and A.H.F. Ro
  • bertson (eds.), The Geological Evoluti
  • on of the Eastern Mediterranean, Geo
  • logical Society, London, Special Publi
  • cations, 17, pp. 77-112.
  • Tekeli, O., 1981. Subduction complex of pre- Jurassic age, Northern Anatolia, Turkey. Geology, 9, 68-72.
  • Tetiker, S., 2009. Batı-Orta Pontidler’deki (Balı- kesir, Bursa ve Tokat yöreleri) Karaka- ya Karmaşığı birimlerinin mineralojik- petrografik ve jeokimyasal incelenme- si. Doktora Tezi, Cumhuriyet Üniversi- tesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sivas (ya- yımlanmamış).
  • Warr, L.N., and Rice, A.H.N., 1994. Interlabora- tory standartization and calibration of clay mineral crystallinity and crystallite size data. Journal of Metamorphic Ge- ology, 12, 141-152.
  • Yalçın, H. ve Bozkaya, Ö., 2002. Hekimhan (Ma- latya) çevresindeki Üst Kretase yaş- lı volkaniklerin alterasyon mineralojisi ve jeokimyası: Denizsuyu-kayaç etkile- şimine bir örnek. Cumhuriyet Üniversi- tesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi Seri A-Yerbilimleri, 19, 81-98.
  • Yılmaz, A., 1981. Tokat ile Sivas arasındaki böl- gede bazı volkanitlerin petrokimyasal özellikleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bül- teni, 24, 51-58.
Yıl 2009, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 193 - 212, 01.04.2009



  • Altınlı, D., 1975. Orta Sakarya jeolojisi. Cumhuri- yetin 50. Yılı Yerbilimleri Kongresi Bildi- riler Kitabı, Ankara, s. 159-191.
  • Árkai, P., 1991. Chlorite crystallinity: an empi- rical approach and correlation with il- lite crystallinity, coal rank and mine- ral facies as exemplified by Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks of northeast Hun- gary. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 9, 723-734.
  • Bailey, S.W., 1980. Summary of recommenda- tions of AIPEA nomenclature commit- tee on clay minerals. American Minera- logist, 65, 1-7.
  • Bailey, E.B., 1988. X-ray diffraction identificati- on of the polytypes of mica, serpenti- ne, and chlorite. Clays and Clay Mine- rals, 36, 193-213.
  • Bailey, E.B., and McCallien, W.J., 1950. The An- kara melange and the Anatolian Thrust. Nature, 166, 938-941.
  • Bailey, E.B., and McCallien, W.J., 1953. Serpen- tinite lavas, the Ankara melange and the Anatolian Thrust. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburg, 62, 403-442.
  • Bingöl, E., Akyürek, B. ve Korkmazer, B., 1975. Biga Yarımadası’nın jeolojisi ve Kara- kaya Formasyonunun bazı özellikleri. Cumhuriyetin 50. Yılı Yerbilimleri Kong- resi Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, s. 70-77.
  • Bozkaya, Ö., and Yalçın, H., 2004. New mine- ralogic data and implications for the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Alanya Nappes, Central Tauride Belt,
  • Turkey. International Geology Review, 46, 347-365.
  • Bozkaya, Ö. ve Yalçın, H., 2007. X-ışını difraktog- ramlarında kil minerallerinin karmaşık piklerinin çözümlenmesi: Türkiye’den örnekler. 13. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Isparta, s. 16-31.
  • Brindley, G.W., 1961. Chlorite minerals. In: The
  • X-ray Identification and Crystal Structu
  • res of Clay Minerals. G. Brown (ed.), Mi
  • neralogical Society, London, pp. 242- 296.
  • Brindley, G.W., 1980. Quantitative X-ray mineral analysis of clays. In: Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and Their X-ray Iden- tification, G.W. Brindley, and G. Brown (eds.), Mineralogical Society, London, pp. 411-438.
  • Brown, G., and Brindley, G.W., 1980. X-ray diffraction procedures for clay mine- ral identification. In: Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and Their X-ray Iden- tification. G.W. Brindley, and G. Brown (eds.), Mineralogical Society, London, pp. 305-360.
  • Chagnon, A., et Desjardins, M., 1991. Determi- nation de la composition de la chlori- te par difraction et möicroanalayse aux rayons X. Canadian Mineralogist, 29, 245-254.
  • D’Amico, C., Innocenti, C., e Sassi, F.P., 1987. Magmatismo e Metamorfismo. Unio- ne Tipografico Editrice Torinese, Tori- no, Italy.
  • Drits, V.A., Plançon, B., Sakharov, B.A., Besson, G., Tsipursky, S.I., and Tchoubar, C.,
  • Diffraction effects calculated for
  • structural models of K-saturated mont
  • morillonite containing different types of
  • defects. Clay Minerals, 19, 541-561.
  • Ehlers, E.G., and Blatt, H., 1982. Petrology: Ig- neous, Sedimentary and Metamorp- hic. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, USA.
  • Erol, O., 1956. Ankara güneydoğusundaki Elma Dağı ve çevresinin jeolojisi ve jeomorfo- lojisi üzerine bir araştırma. Maden Tet- kik Arama Dergisi, Seri D 9.
  • Eroskay, O., 1965. Paşalar Boğazı-Gölpazarı sahasının jeolojisi. İstanbul Üniversite- si Fen Fakültesi Mecmuası, Seri B, 30, 133-170.
  • Foster, M.D., 1962. Interpretation of the compo- sition and a classification of the chlori- tes, U.S. Geological Survey Professio- nal Paper, 414-A, pp. 1-33.
  • Genç, Ş.C., and Yılmaz, Y., 1995. Evolution of the Triassic continental margin, Nort- hwest Anatolia. Tectonophysics, 243, 193-207.
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., Dirik, K., and Kozlu, H., 1997. General chracteristics of pre-Alpine and Alpine Terranes in Turkey: Expla- natory notes to the terrane map of Tur- key. Annales Geologique de Pays Hel- lenique, 37, 515-536.
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., Turhan, N., Şentürk, K., Öz- can, A., and Uysal, Ş., 2000. A geotra- vers across NW Turkey: tectonic units of the central Sakarya region and the- ir tectonic evolution. In: E. Bozkurt, J. Winchester, and J.A. Piper (eds.), Tec- tonics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surrounding Area. Geological Soci- ety, London, Special Publications, 173, pp. 139-161.
  • Granit, Y., et Tintant, H., 1960. Observation pre- liminaires sur le Jurassic de la région de Bilecik (Turquie). C.R. Acar Science, 251, pp. 1801-1803.
  • Grathoff, G.H., and Moore, D.M., 1996. Illite polytype quantification using Wildfire© calculated X-ray diffraction patterns. Clays and Clay Minerals, 44, 835-842.
  • Guggenheim, S., Bain, D.C., Bergaya, F., Bri- gatty, M.F., Drits, A., Eberl, D.D., For- moso M.L.L., Galan, E., Merriman, R.J., Peacor, D.R., Stanjek, H., and Watana- be, T., 2002. Report of the AIPEA no- menclature committee for 2001: order, disorder and crystallinity in phyllosilica- tes and the use of the “Crystallinity In- dex”. Clay Minerals, 37, 389-393.
  • Guidotti, C.V., and Sassi, F.P., 1986. Classifica- tion and correlation of metamorphic fa- cies series by means of muscovite b data from low-grade metapelites, Neues
  • Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, 153, 363-380.
  • Hunziker, J.C., Frey, M., Clauer, N., Dallme- yer, R.D., Fredrichsen, H., Flehmig, W., Hochstrasser, K., Roggviler, P., and Schwander, H., 1986. The evoluti- on of illite to muscovite: Mineralogical and isotopic data from the Glarus Alps, Switzerland. Contributions to Minera- logy and Petrology, 92, 157-180.
  • Kisch, H.J., 1980. Illite crystallinity and coal rank associated with lowest-grade meta- morphism of the Taveyanne greywacke in the Helvetic zone of the Swiss Alps. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 73, 753- 777.
  • Kisch, H.J., 1990. Calibration of the anchizone: a critical comparison of illite “crystalli- nity” scales used for definition. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 8, 31-46.
  • Koçyiğit, A., 1987. Hasanoğlan (Ankara) yöresi- nin tektonostratigrafisi: Karakaya oro- jenik kuşağının evrimi. Yerbilimleri, 14, 269-293.
  • Krumm, S., 1996. WINFIT 1.2: version of No- vember 1996 (The Erlangen geological and mineralogical software collection) of WINFIT 1.0  : a public domain prog- ram for interactive profile-analysis un- der WINDOWS. XIII Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology, Praha, 1994.
  • Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica, 38, pp. 253-261.
  • Krushensky, R., Akçay, Y., and Karaege, E.,
  • Geology of the Karalar-Yeşiller
  • area, Northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Geo
  • logical Survey, 1461, 1-72.
  • Kübler, B., 1968. Evaluation quantitative du métamorphisme par la cristallinité de l’illite. Bulletin-Centre de Recherches Pau-SNPA, 2, 385-397.
  • Maxwell, D.T., and Hower, J., 1967. High-grade diagenesis and low-grade metamorp- hism of illite in the Precambrian Belt Se- ries. American Mineralogist, 52, 843-857.
  • Merriman, R.J., 2005. Clay minerals and sedi- mentary basin history. European Jour- nal of Mineralogy, 17, 7-20.
  • Merriman, R.J., and Frey, M., 1999. Patterns of very low-grade metamorphism in meta- pelitic rocks. In: M. Frey, and D. Robin- son (eds.), Low-Grade Metamorphism, Blackwell Science, pp. 61-107.
  • Merriman, R.J., Roberts, B., and Peacor, D.R.,
  • A transmission electron micros
  • copy study of white mica crystallite size
  • distribution in a mudstone to slate tran
  • sitional sequence, North Wales, UK.
  • Contributions to Mineralogy and Petro- logy, 106, 27-44.
  • Moore, D.M., and Reynolds, R.C., 1997. X-ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals. Oxford Uni- versity Press, New York.
  • MTA, 2002. 1:500 000 ölçekli Türkiye jeoloji ha- ritaları, İstanbul paftası. MTA Genel Mü- dürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Okay, A.İ., 2000. Was the Late Triassic orogeny in Turkey caused by the collision of an oceanic plateau. E. Bozkurt, J.A. Winc- hester, and J.D.A. Piper (eds.), Tecto- nics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surrounding Area, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 173, pp. 25-41.
  • Okay, A.İ., and Göncüoğlu, M.C., 2004. The Ka- rakaya Complex: A review of data and concepts. Turkish Journal of Earth Sci- ences, 13, 77-95.
  • Okay, A.İ., Siyako, M. ve Bürkan, K.A., 1990. Biga Yarımadası’nın jeolojisi ve tektonik evrimi. Türkiye Petrol Jeologları Derne- ği Bülteni, 2, 83-121.
  • Pickett, E.A., and Robertson, A.H.F., 1996. For- mation of the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic Karakaya Complex and rela- ted ophiolites in NW Turkey by palae- otethyan subduction-accretion. Journal of the Geological Society London, 153, 995-1009.
  • Pickett, E.A., and Robertson, A.H.F., 2004. Sig- nificance of the Triassic volcanogenic Nilüfer Unit for Paleotethys and the Ka- rakaya suture zone in NW Turkey. Tur- kish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, 97- 143.
  • Pickett, E.A., Robertson, A.H.F., and Dixon,
  • J.E., 1995. The Karakaya Complex, NW
  • Turkey: A Palaeo-Tethyan accretionary
  • complex. In: A. Erler, T. Ercan, E. Bin
  • göl, and S. Örçen (eds.), Geology of the
  • Black Sea Region, Mineral Research
  • and Exploration, Ankara, Special Pub
  • lication, pp. 11-18.
  • Reynolds, R.C.Jr., 1985. NEWMOD A Com- puter Program for the calculation of one-dimensional diffraction patterns of mixed-layered clays. 8 Brook Rd. Ha- nover, N.H.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., and Dixon, J.E., 1984. Intro- duction: aspects of the geological evo- lution of the Eastern Mediterranean. In:
  • J.E. Dixon, and A.H.F. Robertson (eds.),
  • The Geological evolution of the Eastern
  • Mediterranean, Geological Society of
  • London, Special Publications, 17, pp. 1-74.
  • Ronov, A.B., Mikhailovskaya, M.S., and Solod- kova, I.I., 1963. Evolution of the che- mical and mineralogical composition of arenaceous rocks. In: Chemistry of the Earth’s Crust, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., The Israel Program for Scientific Translation, 1, pp. 212-262.
  • Saner, S., 1978. The depositional associati- ons of upper Cretaceous-Palaecene- Eocene times in central Sakarya and petroleum exploration possibilities. Proceedings of 4th Petroleum Cong- ress of Turkey, Ankara, pp. 95-115.
  • Sassi, F.P., and Scolari, A., 1974. The b value of the potassic white micas as a ba- rometric indicator in low-grade meta- morphism of pelitic schists. Contribu- tions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 45, 143-152.
  • Stampfli, G.M., Mosar, J., Faure, P., Pillevu- it, A., and Vannay, J.-C., 2001. Permo- Mesozoic evolution of the Western tethys realm: The Neotethys East Medi- terranean basin connection. In: P. Zieg- ler, W. Cavazza, A.H.F. Robertson, and
  • A. Crasquin-Soleau (eds.), Peri-tethyan
  • rift/wrench basins and passive mar
  • gins, Peri-Tethys Memoir 5. Mémoires
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  • Şengör, A.M.C., Yılmaz, Y., and Sungurlu, O.,
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  • Tetiker, S., 2009. Batı-Orta Pontidler’deki (Balı- kesir, Bursa ve Tokat yöreleri) Karaka- ya Karmaşığı birimlerinin mineralojik- petrografik ve jeokimyasal incelenme- si. Doktora Tezi, Cumhuriyet Üniversi- tesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sivas (ya- yımlanmamış).
  • Warr, L.N., and Rice, A.H.N., 1994. Interlabora- tory standartization and calibration of clay mineral crystallinity and crystallite size data. Journal of Metamorphic Ge- ology, 12, 141-152.
  • Yalçın, H. ve Bozkaya, Ö., 2002. Hekimhan (Ma- latya) çevresindeki Üst Kretase yaş- lı volkaniklerin alterasyon mineralojisi ve jeokimyası: Denizsuyu-kayaç etkile- şimine bir örnek. Cumhuriyet Üniversi- tesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi Seri A-Yerbilimleri, 19, 81-98.
  • Yılmaz, A., 1981. Tokat ile Sivas arasındaki böl- gede bazı volkanitlerin petrokimyasal özellikleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bül- teni, 24, 51-58.

KB Anadolu’daki Karakaya Karmaşığı birimlerinin diyajenezi-düşük dereceli metamorfizması

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 193 - 212, 01.04.2009


Bu çalışmada, KB Anadolu’da Sakarya Kompozit Birliği içerisinde yer alan Paleotetis ile ilişkili Permo-Triyas yaşlı Karakaya Karmaşığı’nın tanım ve oluşumuna, birimlerin diyajenetik-metamorfik özellikleri ortaya konularak katkıda bulunulması amaçlanmıştır. KB Anadolu’da Alt Karakaya birimlerinden Nilüfer biriminin alt kesimi mavişist, üst kesimi ise yeşilsist fasiyesindeki kayaçları içermektedir. Kireçtaşı blokları içeren Üst Karakaya birimlerini psamit, pelit ve karbonat kayaçları ile volkanikler temsil etmektedir. KB Anadolu’da Alt Karakaya biriminde bolluk sırasına göre fillosilikat (illit, klorit, stilpnomelan, smektit, kaolinit, C-S, I-S, C-V), feldispat, kalsit, kuvars, dolomit, piroksen (ojit, Ti-ojit), amfibol (hornblend, glokofan, tremolit/aktinolit, antofillit), hematit, epidot ve götit; Üst Karakaya birimlerinde kuvars, fillosilikat (illit, klorit, I-S, C-V, C-S, I-C, kaolinit, vermikülit, smektit), kalsit, dolomit, feldispat, epidot, ojit, hornblend, natrolit, hematit ve götit tanımlanmıştır. Nilüfer, Orhanlar ve Çal birimlerine ait trioktahedral şamozitik kloritler IIb; fenjitik bileşimli dioktahedral illitler 2M1+1M+1Md politipine sahiptir. Kübler indeksi (KI) ve Arkai indeksi (AI) verileri; Nilüfer biriminde düşük dereceli ankizon ve epizon, Hodul biriminde yüksek dereceli diyajenez, Orhanlar biriminde yüksek diyajenez-düşük dereceli ankizon, Çal biriminde ise düşük dereceli diyajenez derecesine karşılık gelmektedir. İllitlerin b0 değerleri Alt Karakaya birimlerinde orta-yüksek ve Üst Karakaya birimlerinde çoğunlukla orta basınç fasiyes serisini göstermektedir. Dokusal özellikler, mineral birliktelikleri, kil / fillosilikat mineral dönüşümleri, tipik indeks mineraller ve fillosilikatların kristalkimyasal verilerine göre; Alt Karakaya birimleri yüksek basınç-düşük sıcaklık ile temsil edilen sıkışmalı, Üst Karakaya birimleri ise ısı akışının etkili olduğu genişlemeli bir havzayı yansıtan diyajenetik/metamorfik özelliklere sahiptir


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Toplam 100 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sema Tetiker Bu kişi benim

Hüseyin Yalçın Bu kişi benim

Ömer Bozkaya Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Tetiker S, Yalçın H, Bozkaya Ö (01 Nisan 2009) KB Anadolu’daki Karakaya Karmaşığı birimlerinin diyajenezi-düşük dereceli metamorfizması. Yerbilimleri 30 3 193–212.