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The 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (Italy): Its characteristics and implications for earthquake science and earthquake engineering

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 235 - 257, 01.04.2009



  • Accelerometric National Network (RAN), 2009. Italian Department of Civil Protection, DPC, 2009. (http://www.protezionecivi-
  • Ambraseys, N.N., 1988. Engineering seismology. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 17, 1-105.
  • APAT, 2006. Carta Geologica d’Italia alla sca- la 1:50.000 - Foglio n. 359 “L’Aquila”. S.EL.CA. Firenze.
  • Aydan, Ö., 1997. Seismic characteristics of Tur- kish earthquakes. Turkish Earthquake Foundation, TDV/TR 97-007, 41, İstan- bul.
  • Aydan, Ö., 2000. An stress inference method based on structural geological features for the full-stress components in the earth’s crust. Yerbilimleri, 22, 223-236.
  • Aydan, Ö., 2007. The inference of seismic and strong motion characteristics of eart- hquakes from faults with a particular emphasis on Turkish earthquakes. Pro- ceedings of the 6th National Earthqu- ake Engineering Conference of Turkey, Istanbul, pp. 563-574.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kawamoto, T., 1987. Toppling failure of discontinuous rock slopes and their stabilisation Journal of Japan Mining Society, 103(1197), 763-770 (in Japanese).
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kawamoto, T., 1992. The sta- bility of slopes and underground ope- nings against flexural toppling and the- ir stabilization. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 25 (3), 143-165.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Ohta, Y., 2006. The characteris- tics of strong ground motions in the ne- ighbourhood of earthquake faults and their evaluation. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Records and Issu- es of Recent Great Earthquakes in Ja- pan and Overseas. EEC-JSCE, Tokyo, pp. 114-120.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Tokashiki, N., 2007. Some da- mage observations in Ryukyu Limes- tone Caves of Ishigaki and Miyako is- lands and their possible relations to the
  • Meiwa Earthquake. Journal of the
  • School of Marine Science and Techno- logy, 5 (1), 23-39.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kumsar, H., 2009. An experi- mental and theoretical approach on the modeling of sliding response of rock wedges under dynamic loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (DOI:
  • 1007/s00603-009-0043-3).
  • Aydan, Ö., Shimizu, Y., and Ichikawa, Y., 1989.
  • The effective failure modes and stability
  • of slopes in rock mass with two discon
  • tinuity sets. Rock Mechanics and Rock
  • Engineering, 22(3), 163-188.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ulusay, R., Kumsar, H., Sönmez, H., and Tuncay, E., 1998. A site investiga- tion of June 27, 1998 Adana-Ceyhan Earthquake. Turkish Earthquake Foun- dation, Report No. TDV/DR 006-03, İs- tanbul.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ulusay, R., Hasgür, Z., and Taşkın, B. 2000a. A site investigation of Koca- eli earthquake of August 17, 1999. Tur- kish Earthquake Foundation, Report No.TDV/DR 08-49, İstanbul.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ulusay, R., Kumsar, H., and Tuncay, E., 2000b. Site investigation and engi- neering evaluation of the Düzce-Bolu earthquake of November 12, 1999. Tur- kish Earthquake Foundation, Report No.
  • TDV/DR 095-51, 307, İstanbul.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ulusay, R., and Atak, V.O., 2008. Evaluation of ground deformations in- duced by the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake (Turkey) at selected sites on shorelines. Environmental Geology, 54, 165-182.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ohta, S., and Hamada, M., 2009. Ge- otechnical evaluation of slope and gro- und failures during the 8 October 2005 Muzaffarabad Earthquake, Pakistan. Journal of Seismology (DOI:10.1007/ s10950-008-9146-7).
  • Bagh, S., Chiaraluce, L., De Gori, P., Moretti, M., Govoni, A., Chiarabba, C., Di Bar- tolomeo, P., and Romanelli, M., 2007. Background seismicity in the Cent- ral Apennines of Italy: The Abruzzo re- gion case study. Tectonophysics, 444, 80-92.
  • Bertini, T., Bosi, C., and Galadini, F., 1989. La conca di Fossa-S. Demetrio dei Vestini. In: CNR, Centro di Studio per la Geolo- gia Tecnica, ENEA, P.A.S.: “Elementi di tettonica pliocenico-quaternaria ed indi
  • zi di sismicita olocenica nell’Appennino
  • laziale-abruzzese”. Societa Geologica
  • Italiana, L’Aquila, pp. 26-58.
  • Bigi, G., Cosentino, D., Parotto, M., Sartori, M., and Scandone, P., 1990. Structural mo- del of Italy and gravity map. CNR – Pro- getto Finalizzato Geodinamica, Qua- derni de “La Ricerca Scientifica” 114 (3).
  • EC8 (CEN, Eurocode 8), 1994. Design provisi- ons for earthquake resistance of struc- tures. European ENV 1998. Comite Eur- peen de Normalisation, Brussels.
  • Devoti, R., Riguzzi, F., Cuffaro, M., and Doglio- ni, C., 2008. New GPS costraints on the kinematics of the Appeninnes subduc- tion. Earth Planet Science Letter (doi:
  • 1016/j.epsl.2008.06.031).
  • ERI, 2009. 2009 April 06 Central Italy Eart- hquake. Strong Motion Seismology Group. saigai/20090406eq/20090406.html.
  • Fukushima, Y., Tanaka, T., and Kataoka, S.,
  • A new attenuation relationship for
  • peak ground acceleration derived from
  • strong-motion accelerograms, Proce
  • edings of the 9th World Conference
  • on Earthquake Engineering 2, Tokyo
  • Kyoto, Japan, pp. 343-348.
  • HARVARD, 2009.Source process. http://www.
  • INGV, 2009. Special page on L’Aquila earthqua- ke.
  • Kumsar, H., Aydan, Ö., and Ulusay, R., 2000. Dynamic and static stability of rock slo- pes against wedge failures. Rock Mec- hanics and Rock Engineering, 33 (1), 31-51.
  • Kuribayashi, E., and Tatsuoka, F., 1979. Brief review of soil liquefaction during eart- hquakes in Japan. Soils and Foundati- ons, 15 (4), 81-92.
  • Joyner, W.B., and Boore, D.M., 1981. Peak ho- rizontal acceleration and velocity from strong motion records from the 1979 Imperial Valley California Earthquake. Bullettin of Seismological Society of America, 71(6), 2011-2038.
  • Luca, de Luca, Marcucci, S., Milana, G.., and Sano, T., 2005. Evidence of low- frequency amplification in the city of L’Aquila, Central Italy, through a multi- disciplinary approach including strong- and weak-motion data, ambient noi- se, and numerical modeling. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 95, 1469 - 1481.
  • Ohta, Y., and Aydan, Ö., 2007a. Integration of ground displacement from acceleration records. Proceedings of the JSCE Eart- hquake Engineering Symposium, Tok- yo, pp. 1046-1051.
  • Ohta, Y., and Aydan, Ö., 2007b. An integrati- on technique for ground displacement from acceleration records and its app- lication to actual earthquake records.
  • Journal of the School of Marine Scien
  • ce and Technology, 5 (2), 1-12.
  • Petitta, M., and Tallini, M., 2003. Groundwater resources and human impacts in a Qu- aternary intramontane basin (L’Aquila Plain, Central Italy). Water International, 28 (1), 57-69.
  • Port and Harbour Research Institute of Japan,
  • Handbook on Liquefaction Re
  • mediation of Reclaimed Land. Balkema.
  • Tallini, M., Giamberardino, A., Ranalli, D., and Scozzafava, M., 2004a. GPR survey for investigation in building foundations. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Ra- dar; Delft, Netherlands, pp. 395-397.
  • Tallini, M., Ranalli, D., Scozzafava, M., and Ma- nocorda, G., 2004b. Testing a new low- frequency GPR antenna on karst envi- ronments of Central Italy. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar; Delft, Net- herlands, pp. 133-135.
  • Tokashiki, N., and Aydan, Ö., 2008. The stability assessment of natural rock structures in Ryukyu limestone. Proceedings of the 5th Asian Rock Mechanics Sympo- sium (ARMS5), Tehran, pp. 1515-1522.
  • USGS, 2009. Magnitude 6.3 – Central Italy.
  • Yamanaka, Y., 2009. Central Italy earthquake. Na- goya University Earthquake research Center. sanchu/Seismo_Note/2009/NGY15.html.

L’Aquıla (İtalya) depreminin özellikleri ve deprem bilimi ve mühendisliği açısından önemi

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 235 - 257, 01.04.2009


Moment büyüklüğü 6.3 olan L’Aquila depremi, İtalya’nın orta kesimindeki Abruzzi bölgesinde 6 Nisan 2009’da meydana gelmıştir. Deprem 294 kişinin yaşamını yitirmesine ve L’Aqulia kentinde ağır hasar meydana gelmesine neden olmuştur. Yazarlar, depremden hemen sonra depremin neden olduğu hasarı incelemişlerdir. Deprem normal bir faydan kaynaklanmış olup, özellikle fayın tavan bloğu üzerinde bulunan yerleşimlerde oldukça ağır hasarlara neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, L’aquila depreminin özellikleri ve deprem bilimi ve mühendisliğindeki önemi ile etkileri sunulmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra, yapılarda görülen ağır hasarlar ile bunların nedenleri sunulmuş ve tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca deprem tahmini yapıldığına ilişkin haberlerin doğruluğu bilimsel olarak incelenmiş ve bu öngörünün deprem tahmini için gerekli koşulları sağlamadığı görülmüştür. Gözlenen hasarlarının başlıca nedenleri, yapıların depreme karşı dirençlerinin düşük olması ve deprem yönetmeliklerinin uygulanmamış olmasıdır


  • Accelerometric National Network (RAN), 2009. Italian Department of Civil Protection, DPC, 2009. (http://www.protezionecivi-
  • Ambraseys, N.N., 1988. Engineering seismology. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 17, 1-105.
  • APAT, 2006. Carta Geologica d’Italia alla sca- la 1:50.000 - Foglio n. 359 “L’Aquila”. S.EL.CA. Firenze.
  • Aydan, Ö., 1997. Seismic characteristics of Tur- kish earthquakes. Turkish Earthquake Foundation, TDV/TR 97-007, 41, İstan- bul.
  • Aydan, Ö., 2000. An stress inference method based on structural geological features for the full-stress components in the earth’s crust. Yerbilimleri, 22, 223-236.
  • Aydan, Ö., 2007. The inference of seismic and strong motion characteristics of eart- hquakes from faults with a particular emphasis on Turkish earthquakes. Pro- ceedings of the 6th National Earthqu- ake Engineering Conference of Turkey, Istanbul, pp. 563-574.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kawamoto, T., 1987. Toppling failure of discontinuous rock slopes and their stabilisation Journal of Japan Mining Society, 103(1197), 763-770 (in Japanese).
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kawamoto, T., 1992. The sta- bility of slopes and underground ope- nings against flexural toppling and the- ir stabilization. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 25 (3), 143-165.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Ohta, Y., 2006. The characteris- tics of strong ground motions in the ne- ighbourhood of earthquake faults and their evaluation. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Records and Issu- es of Recent Great Earthquakes in Ja- pan and Overseas. EEC-JSCE, Tokyo, pp. 114-120.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Tokashiki, N., 2007. Some da- mage observations in Ryukyu Limes- tone Caves of Ishigaki and Miyako is- lands and their possible relations to the
  • Meiwa Earthquake. Journal of the
  • School of Marine Science and Techno- logy, 5 (1), 23-39.
  • Aydan, Ö., and Kumsar, H., 2009. An experi- mental and theoretical approach on the modeling of sliding response of rock wedges under dynamic loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (DOI:
  • 1007/s00603-009-0043-3).
  • Aydan, Ö., Shimizu, Y., and Ichikawa, Y., 1989.
  • The effective failure modes and stability
  • of slopes in rock mass with two discon
  • tinuity sets. Rock Mechanics and Rock
  • Engineering, 22(3), 163-188.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ulusay, R., Kumsar, H., Sönmez, H., and Tuncay, E., 1998. A site investiga- tion of June 27, 1998 Adana-Ceyhan Earthquake. Turkish Earthquake Foun- dation, Report No. TDV/DR 006-03, İs- tanbul.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ulusay, R., Hasgür, Z., and Taşkın, B. 2000a. A site investigation of Koca- eli earthquake of August 17, 1999. Tur- kish Earthquake Foundation, Report No.TDV/DR 08-49, İstanbul.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ulusay, R., Kumsar, H., and Tuncay, E., 2000b. Site investigation and engi- neering evaluation of the Düzce-Bolu earthquake of November 12, 1999. Tur- kish Earthquake Foundation, Report No.
  • TDV/DR 095-51, 307, İstanbul.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ulusay, R., and Atak, V.O., 2008. Evaluation of ground deformations in- duced by the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake (Turkey) at selected sites on shorelines. Environmental Geology, 54, 165-182.
  • Aydan, Ö., Ohta, S., and Hamada, M., 2009. Ge- otechnical evaluation of slope and gro- und failures during the 8 October 2005 Muzaffarabad Earthquake, Pakistan. Journal of Seismology (DOI:10.1007/ s10950-008-9146-7).
  • Bagh, S., Chiaraluce, L., De Gori, P., Moretti, M., Govoni, A., Chiarabba, C., Di Bar- tolomeo, P., and Romanelli, M., 2007. Background seismicity in the Cent- ral Apennines of Italy: The Abruzzo re- gion case study. Tectonophysics, 444, 80-92.
  • Bertini, T., Bosi, C., and Galadini, F., 1989. La conca di Fossa-S. Demetrio dei Vestini. In: CNR, Centro di Studio per la Geolo- gia Tecnica, ENEA, P.A.S.: “Elementi di tettonica pliocenico-quaternaria ed indi
  • zi di sismicita olocenica nell’Appennino
  • laziale-abruzzese”. Societa Geologica
  • Italiana, L’Aquila, pp. 26-58.
  • Bigi, G., Cosentino, D., Parotto, M., Sartori, M., and Scandone, P., 1990. Structural mo- del of Italy and gravity map. CNR – Pro- getto Finalizzato Geodinamica, Qua- derni de “La Ricerca Scientifica” 114 (3).
  • EC8 (CEN, Eurocode 8), 1994. Design provisi- ons for earthquake resistance of struc- tures. European ENV 1998. Comite Eur- peen de Normalisation, Brussels.
  • Devoti, R., Riguzzi, F., Cuffaro, M., and Doglio- ni, C., 2008. New GPS costraints on the kinematics of the Appeninnes subduc- tion. Earth Planet Science Letter (doi:
  • 1016/j.epsl.2008.06.031).
  • ERI, 2009. 2009 April 06 Central Italy Eart- hquake. Strong Motion Seismology Group. saigai/20090406eq/20090406.html.
  • Fukushima, Y., Tanaka, T., and Kataoka, S.,
  • A new attenuation relationship for
  • peak ground acceleration derived from
  • strong-motion accelerograms, Proce
  • edings of the 9th World Conference
  • on Earthquake Engineering 2, Tokyo
  • Kyoto, Japan, pp. 343-348.
  • HARVARD, 2009.Source process. http://www.
  • INGV, 2009. Special page on L’Aquila earthqua- ke.
  • Kumsar, H., Aydan, Ö., and Ulusay, R., 2000. Dynamic and static stability of rock slo- pes against wedge failures. Rock Mec- hanics and Rock Engineering, 33 (1), 31-51.
  • Kuribayashi, E., and Tatsuoka, F., 1979. Brief review of soil liquefaction during eart- hquakes in Japan. Soils and Foundati- ons, 15 (4), 81-92.
  • Joyner, W.B., and Boore, D.M., 1981. Peak ho- rizontal acceleration and velocity from strong motion records from the 1979 Imperial Valley California Earthquake. Bullettin of Seismological Society of America, 71(6), 2011-2038.
  • Luca, de Luca, Marcucci, S., Milana, G.., and Sano, T., 2005. Evidence of low- frequency amplification in the city of L’Aquila, Central Italy, through a multi- disciplinary approach including strong- and weak-motion data, ambient noi- se, and numerical modeling. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 95, 1469 - 1481.
  • Ohta, Y., and Aydan, Ö., 2007a. Integration of ground displacement from acceleration records. Proceedings of the JSCE Eart- hquake Engineering Symposium, Tok- yo, pp. 1046-1051.
  • Ohta, Y., and Aydan, Ö., 2007b. An integrati- on technique for ground displacement from acceleration records and its app- lication to actual earthquake records.
  • Journal of the School of Marine Scien
  • ce and Technology, 5 (2), 1-12.
  • Petitta, M., and Tallini, M., 2003. Groundwater resources and human impacts in a Qu- aternary intramontane basin (L’Aquila Plain, Central Italy). Water International, 28 (1), 57-69.
  • Port and Harbour Research Institute of Japan,
  • Handbook on Liquefaction Re
  • mediation of Reclaimed Land. Balkema.
  • Tallini, M., Giamberardino, A., Ranalli, D., and Scozzafava, M., 2004a. GPR survey for investigation in building foundations. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Ra- dar; Delft, Netherlands, pp. 395-397.
  • Tallini, M., Ranalli, D., Scozzafava, M., and Ma- nocorda, G., 2004b. Testing a new low- frequency GPR antenna on karst envi- ronments of Central Italy. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar; Delft, Net- herlands, pp. 133-135.
  • Tokashiki, N., and Aydan, Ö., 2008. The stability assessment of natural rock structures in Ryukyu limestone. Proceedings of the 5th Asian Rock Mechanics Sympo- sium (ARMS5), Tehran, pp. 1515-1522.
  • USGS, 2009. Magnitude 6.3 – Central Italy.
  • Yamanaka, Y., 2009. Central Italy earthquake. Na- goya University Earthquake research Center. sanchu/Seismo_Note/2009/NGY15.html.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ömer Aydan Bu kişi benim

Halil Kumsar Bu kişi benim

Selçuk Toprak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Aydan Ö, Kumsar H, Toprak S (01 Nisan 2009) L’Aquıla (İtalya) depreminin özellikleri ve deprem bilimi ve mühendisliği açısından önemi. Yerbilimleri 30 3 235–257.