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Middle-Late Miocene Spalacidae (Mammalia) From Western Anatolia, and the Phylogeny of the Family

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 1, 141 - 168, 01.02.2011



  • Akgün, F. and Sözbilir, H. 2001. A palynostra- tigraphic approach to the SW Anatoli- an molasse basin: Kale-Tavas molas- se and Denizli molasse. Geodinamica Acta, 14, 71-93.
  • Becker-Platen, J. D. 1970. Lithostratigraphisc- he Untersuchungen im Känozoikum
  • Südwest-Anatoliens (Türkei). Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch, Hanno- ver , 97, 1- 244. Bendukidze, O. G. 1993. Small mammals from the Miocene of southwestern
  • Kazakhstan and Turgai. Metsniereba, Tibilissi, 139 p. (in Russian). Bendukidze, O. G., de Bruijn, H. and van den Hoek Ostende, L. 2009. A revision of Late Oli- gocene associations of small mammals from the Aral Formation (Kazakhstan) in the National Museum of Georgia, Tbilisi. Palaeodiversity, 2, 343-377.
  • Black, C. C., Krishtalka, L. and Solounias, N. Mammalian fossils of Samos and Pikermi. Part 1. The Turolian rodents and insectivores of Samos. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 49, 359-378. Bolliger, T. 1999. Family Anomalomyidae. In:
  • The Miocene Land Mammals of Euro- pe, G. E Rössner, and K. Heissig (eds), Verlag Dr. Friederich Pfeil, München, pp. 389–394. Bozkurt, E. 2003. Origin of NE-trending basins in western Turkey. Geodinamica Acta, , 61-81.
  • De Bruijn, H. 1984. Remains of the mol-rat Mic- rospalax odessanus Topachevski, from
  • Karaburun (Greece, Macedonia) and the family Spalacidae. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetens- chappen, B 87, 417-425. De Bruijn, H., Hussain, S. T. and Leinders, J. J. M. 1981. Fossil rodents from the Mur- ree formation near Banda Daud Shah,
  • Kohat, Pakistan. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap- pen, B 84, 71-99. De Bruijn, H., Daams, R., Daxner-Höck, G., Fahlbusch, V., Ginsburg, L., Mein, P. and Morales, J. 1992. Report of the RCMNS working group on fossil mam- mals, Reisensburg 1990. Newsletter on Stratigraphy, 26, 65-118.
  • De Bruijn, H., van den Hoek Ostende, L., Kristkoiz-Boon, E., Rummel, M., Theoc- haropoulos, C. and Ünay E. 2003. Ro- dents, lagomorphs and insectivores from the middle Miocene hominoid lo- cality of Çandir 2 (Turkey). Courier Fors- chungsinstitut Senckenberg, 240, 51–87.
  • De Bruijn, H., Mayda, S., van den Hoek Ostende, L., Kaya, T. and Saraç, G. 2006. Small mammals from the Early Miocene of Sa- buncubeli (Manisa, S.W. Anatolia, Tur- key. Beitrage Paläontologie, 30, 57-87.
  • Engesser, B. 1980; Insectivora und Chiroptera
  • (Mammalia) aus dem Neogen der Turkei. Schweizerische Paläontologische Ab- handlungen, 102, 45-149. Flynn, L. J. 1982. Systematic revision of Siwa- lik Rhizomyidae. Geobios, 15, 327-389.
  • Flynn, L. J. 2009. The antiquity of Rhizomys and independent acquisition of fossori- al traits in subterranean muroids. Bulle- tin of the American Museum of Natural History, 331, 128-156.
  • Gaziry, A. W. 1976. Jungtertiäre Mastodonten aus Anatolien (Turkei). Geologische Jahrbuch, B 22, 1-143.
  • Gürer, Ö. F. and Yilmaz, Y. 2002. Geology of the Ören and surrounding areas, SW Anatolia.
  • Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 11, 1-13. Gürer, Ö. F., Sarıca-Filoreau, N., Özburan, M., Sangu, E. and Doğan, B. 2009.
  • Progressive development of the Büyük Menderes Graben based on new data, Western Turkey. Geological Magazine, , 652-673. Hakyemez, Y. 1989. Geology and stratigraphy of the Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the Kale-Kurbalik area. Denizli- southwestern Turkey. Mineral Rese- arch and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) Bulletin, 109, 1-14.
  • Kappelman, J., Duncan, A., Feseha, M., Lunk- ka, J.-P., Ekart, D., McDowell, F., Ryan, T. M. & Swisher III, C C. 2003. Chrono- logy. In: Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap Formation, Turkey,
  • M. Fortelius, J. Kappelman, S. Şen and R. L. Bernor (eds.), Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 41-66. Klein Hofmeijer, G. & de Bruijn, H. 1985. The mammals from the Lower Miocene of
  • Aliveri (Island of Evia, Greece). Part 4: The Spalacidae and Anomalomyidae: Proceedings of the Koninklijke Neder- landse Akademie van Wetenschappen, B 88, 185-198. Koçyiğit, A. 1984. Güneybatı Türkiye ve yakın dolayında levha içi yeni tektonik gelişim.
  • Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 27, 1-16. [In Tur- kish, with English abstract]. Kuss, S. E. & Storch, G. 1978. Eine
  • Säugetierfauna (Mammalia: Artiodact- yla, Rodentia) des älteren Pleistozäns von der Insel Kalymnos (Dodekanés, Griechenland). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monat- schefte ,1978, 206-227.
  • Lopatin, A. V. 2004. The Early Miocene small mammals from the North Aral region (Ka- zakhstan) with special reference to their biostratigraphic significance. Paleontolo- gical Journal, 38, suppl. 3, 217-323.
  • Maddison, W. P. and Maddison, D. R. 2009.
  • Mesquite: a modular system for evo- lutionary analysis. Version 2.72. http:// Mehely, L. 1908. Prospalax priscus (Nhrg), die pliocäne Stammform der heutigen
  • Spalax-Arten. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 6, 305-316. Musser, G. G. and Carleton, M. D. 2005. Su- perfamily Muroidea. In: Mammal Spe- cies of the World: a Taxonomic and Ge- ographic Reference, 3rd edition, D. E.
  • Wilson and D. M. Reeder (eds.), Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp. 894-1531.
  • Nesin, V. A. and Nadachowski, A. 2001. Late
  • Miocene and Pliocene small mammal faunas (Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Ro- dentia) of Southeastern Europe. Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 44, 107-135. Nevo, E., Filippucci, M. G., Redi, C., Simson, S., Heth, G. and Beiles, A. 1995. Karyoty- pe and genetic evolution in speciation of subterranean mole rats of the genus
  • Spalax in Turkey. Biological Journal of Linnean Society, 54, 203–229. Popov V. V. 2004. Pliocene small mammals
  • (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, La- gomorpha. Rodentia) from Muselie- vo (North Bulgaria). Geodiversitas, 26 , 491. Rummel, M. 1998. Die Cricetiden aus dem Mit- tel- und Obermiozän der Türkei. Docu- menta Naturae, 123, 1-300.
  • Saraç, G. 2004. Türkiye omurgali fosil yataklari.
  • MTA Derleme Report, No 10609, 218 p.
  • Sarıca-Filoreau, N. 2002. Faunes de rongeurs néogènes et quaternaires des grabens d’Anatolie occidentale. Systématique, biochronologie et implications tecto- niques. PhD Thesis, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 343 p.
  • Sarıca, N. and Şen, S. 2003. Spalacidae (Ro- dentia). In: Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap Formation, Tur- key, M. Fortelius, J. Kappelman, S. Şen and R. L. Bernor (eds.), Columbia Uni- versity Press, New York, pp. 141-162.
  • Schmidt-Kittler, N. 1976. Raubtiere aus dem
  • Jungtertiär Kleinasiens. Palaeontolg- raphica, A 155, 1-131. Sen, S. 1977. La faune de rongeurs pliocène de Çalta (Ankara, Turquie). Bulletin du
  • Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sciences de la Terre, 61, 89-171. Sickenberg, O., Becker-Platen, J.D., Benda, L., Berg, D., Engesser, B., Gaziry, W., Heissig, K., Hünermann, K.A., Sonda- ar, P.Y., Schmidt-Kittler, N., Staesche, K. Staesche, U., Steffens, P. and Tobi- en, H. 1975. Die Gliederung des höhe- ren Jungtertiärs und Altquartärs in der Turkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Be- deutung für die internationale Neogen
  • Stratigraphie. Geologische Jahrbuch, B15, 1-167. Staesche, U. and Sondaar, P. Y. 1979. Hippa- rion aus dem Vallesium und Turolium
  • (Jungtertiär) der Türkei. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 33, 35-79. Tchernov, E. 1986. The rodents and lagomorphs from ’Ubeidiya formation’ :systema- tics, paleoecology and biogeography.
  • In: Les mammifères du Pléistocène inférieur de la vallée du Jourdain à Ou- beidiyeh, E. Tchernov (ed.), Mémoires et Travaux du Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem 5, 235-350. Topachevski, V. O. 1969. Fauna of the USSR:
  • Mammals, molerats, Spalacidae. Aka- demia Nauk USSR, n.s. 99, 1-247. Ünay, E. 1978. Pliospalax primitivus n. sp. (Ro- dentia, Mammalia) and Anomalomys gaudryi Gaillard from the Anchitherium fauna of Sariçay (Turkey). Türkiye Jeo- lojii Kurumu Büllteni, 21, 121-128.
  • Ünay, E. 1981. Middle and Upper Miocene ro- dents from the Bayraktepe section (Ça- nakkale, Turkey). Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, B 84, 217-238.
  • Ünay, E. 1990. A new species of Pliospalax (Ro- dentia, Mammalia) from the Middle Mi- ocene of Pasalar, Turkey. Journal of Human Evolution, 19, 445-453.
  • Ünay, E., 1996, On fossil Spalacidae (Rodentia)
  • In: The Evolution of Western Eurasian Neogene Mammal Faunas, R. L. Bernor, V. Falbusch and H. W Mittmann (eds.), Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 246–252. Ünay, E. 1999. Family Spalacidae. In: The Mio- cene Land Mammals of Europe, G. E.
  • Rössner and K. Heissig (eds.), Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München, pp. 359-364. Ünay, E. and Göktaş, F. 1999. Late Early Mio- cene and Quaternary small mammals in the surroundings of Söke (Aydın): Pre- liminary results. Geological Bulletin of
  • Turkey, 42, 99-113 (in Turkish). Ünay, E. and Göktaş, F. 2000. Small mammal biochronology of the Early Miocene lig- nitiferous sediments around Kınık (Gör- des): preliminary results. Geological
  • Bulletin of Turkey, 43, 1-5 (in Turkish). Vasileiadou, K. and Sylvestrou, I. A. 2009. The Late Miocene Mammal Faunas of the Mytilinii Basin, Samos Island, Greece:
  • New Collection. 4. Micromammals. Be- itrage für Paläontologie, 31, 37–55. Yilmaz, Y., Genç, S. C., Gürer, Ö .F., Bozcu, M., Yilmaz, K., Karacik, Z., Altunkaynak, S. and Elmas, A. 2000. When did the west- ern Anatolian grabens begin to develop?
  • In: Tectonics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surrounding Area, E. Bozkurt, J. A. Winchester and J. D. A. Piper (eds.), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 173, 353-384. Appendix 1. Selected outgroup and ingroup species for phylogenetic analysis of Spalacidae. Ek 1. Spalacidae ailesinin filojeni analizi için dikkate alınan aile dışı (outgroup) ve aile içi (in- group) türlerin listesi. Eucricetodon (Atavocricetodon) kurthi de Bruijn et al., 2003 from Süngülü, northeastern Turkey,
  • Eocene/Oligocene boundary, outgroup species Aralocricetodon schokensis Bendukidze, 1993 from Altyn Schokysu, Kazakhstan, Late Oli- gocene, after Lopatin 2004 and Bendukidze et al. 2009, outgroup species
  • Debruijnia arpati Ünay, 1996 from Keseköy, Turquie, MN3
  • Heramys eviensis Klein Hofmeijer and de Bruijn, from Aliveri, Evia Island, Greece, MN4 Heramys anatolicus Sarıca and Şen 2003 from
  • Sinap Tepe Loc. 4, Turkey, MN9 Sinapospalax marmarensis (Ünay, 1990) from Pasalar, Turkey, MN5/6
  • Sinapospalax cf. marmarensis from Çandir, Tur- key, MN 6, after de Bruijn et al. 2003
  • Sinapospalax primitivus (Ünay, 1978) from Sar- içay, Turkey, MN7/8
  • Sinapospalax canakkalensis (Ünay, 1981) from
  • Bayraktepe-1, Turkey, MN7/8 Sinapospalax canakkalensis from Sinap Tepe Loc. 65, Turkey, MN8, after Sarıca and Şen Sinapospalax berdikensis n. sp. from Berdik-1, Turkey, MN7/8 Sinapospalax sinapensis Sarıca and Şen, 2003 from Sinap Tepe Loc. 84, Turkey, MN9
  • Sinapospalax incliniformis Sarıca and Şen, 2003 from Sinap Tepe Loc. 41, Turkey, MN9
  • Pliospalax complicatus n. sp. from Amasya, Turkey, MN13 Pliosplax compositodontus Topachevski, 1969 from Andreevka, Ukraine, Late Meotian.
  • Pliosplax sotirisi de Bruijn et al., 1970 from Mar- itsa, Rhodes Island, Greece, MN14
  • Pliosplax cf. sotirisi from Mytilini B, Samos Is- land, Greece, MN12, after Black et al., 1980 and Vasileiadou and Sylvestrou, 2009
  • Pliosplax macoveii (Simionescu, 1930) from
  • Malusteni, Romania, MN15, after Topachevski, Pliosplax macoveii from Çalta, Turkey, MN15, after Şen 1977
  • Pliosplax tourkobouniensis de Bruijn and van der Meulen, 1975 from Tourkobounia-1, Greece, MN16
  • Spalax odessanus Topachevski, 1969 from
  • Odessa Catacombes, Ukraine, MN15 Spalax nehringi (Satunin, 1898) from Anatolia,
  • Recent, after Topachevski 1969
Yıl 2011, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 1, 141 - 168, 01.02.2011



  • Akgün, F. and Sözbilir, H. 2001. A palynostra- tigraphic approach to the SW Anatoli- an molasse basin: Kale-Tavas molas- se and Denizli molasse. Geodinamica Acta, 14, 71-93.
  • Becker-Platen, J. D. 1970. Lithostratigraphisc- he Untersuchungen im Känozoikum
  • Südwest-Anatoliens (Türkei). Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch, Hanno- ver , 97, 1- 244. Bendukidze, O. G. 1993. Small mammals from the Miocene of southwestern
  • Kazakhstan and Turgai. Metsniereba, Tibilissi, 139 p. (in Russian). Bendukidze, O. G., de Bruijn, H. and van den Hoek Ostende, L. 2009. A revision of Late Oli- gocene associations of small mammals from the Aral Formation (Kazakhstan) in the National Museum of Georgia, Tbilisi. Palaeodiversity, 2, 343-377.
  • Black, C. C., Krishtalka, L. and Solounias, N. Mammalian fossils of Samos and Pikermi. Part 1. The Turolian rodents and insectivores of Samos. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 49, 359-378. Bolliger, T. 1999. Family Anomalomyidae. In:
  • The Miocene Land Mammals of Euro- pe, G. E Rössner, and K. Heissig (eds), Verlag Dr. Friederich Pfeil, München, pp. 389–394. Bozkurt, E. 2003. Origin of NE-trending basins in western Turkey. Geodinamica Acta, , 61-81.
  • De Bruijn, H. 1984. Remains of the mol-rat Mic- rospalax odessanus Topachevski, from
  • Karaburun (Greece, Macedonia) and the family Spalacidae. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetens- chappen, B 87, 417-425. De Bruijn, H., Hussain, S. T. and Leinders, J. J. M. 1981. Fossil rodents from the Mur- ree formation near Banda Daud Shah,
  • Kohat, Pakistan. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap- pen, B 84, 71-99. De Bruijn, H., Daams, R., Daxner-Höck, G., Fahlbusch, V., Ginsburg, L., Mein, P. and Morales, J. 1992. Report of the RCMNS working group on fossil mam- mals, Reisensburg 1990. Newsletter on Stratigraphy, 26, 65-118.
  • De Bruijn, H., van den Hoek Ostende, L., Kristkoiz-Boon, E., Rummel, M., Theoc- haropoulos, C. and Ünay E. 2003. Ro- dents, lagomorphs and insectivores from the middle Miocene hominoid lo- cality of Çandir 2 (Turkey). Courier Fors- chungsinstitut Senckenberg, 240, 51–87.
  • De Bruijn, H., Mayda, S., van den Hoek Ostende, L., Kaya, T. and Saraç, G. 2006. Small mammals from the Early Miocene of Sa- buncubeli (Manisa, S.W. Anatolia, Tur- key. Beitrage Paläontologie, 30, 57-87.
  • Engesser, B. 1980; Insectivora und Chiroptera
  • (Mammalia) aus dem Neogen der Turkei. Schweizerische Paläontologische Ab- handlungen, 102, 45-149. Flynn, L. J. 1982. Systematic revision of Siwa- lik Rhizomyidae. Geobios, 15, 327-389.
  • Flynn, L. J. 2009. The antiquity of Rhizomys and independent acquisition of fossori- al traits in subterranean muroids. Bulle- tin of the American Museum of Natural History, 331, 128-156.
  • Gaziry, A. W. 1976. Jungtertiäre Mastodonten aus Anatolien (Turkei). Geologische Jahrbuch, B 22, 1-143.
  • Gürer, Ö. F. and Yilmaz, Y. 2002. Geology of the Ören and surrounding areas, SW Anatolia.
  • Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 11, 1-13. Gürer, Ö. F., Sarıca-Filoreau, N., Özburan, M., Sangu, E. and Doğan, B. 2009.
  • Progressive development of the Büyük Menderes Graben based on new data, Western Turkey. Geological Magazine, , 652-673. Hakyemez, Y. 1989. Geology and stratigraphy of the Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the Kale-Kurbalik area. Denizli- southwestern Turkey. Mineral Rese- arch and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) Bulletin, 109, 1-14.
  • Kappelman, J., Duncan, A., Feseha, M., Lunk- ka, J.-P., Ekart, D., McDowell, F., Ryan, T. M. & Swisher III, C C. 2003. Chrono- logy. In: Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap Formation, Turkey,
  • M. Fortelius, J. Kappelman, S. Şen and R. L. Bernor (eds.), Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 41-66. Klein Hofmeijer, G. & de Bruijn, H. 1985. The mammals from the Lower Miocene of
  • Aliveri (Island of Evia, Greece). Part 4: The Spalacidae and Anomalomyidae: Proceedings of the Koninklijke Neder- landse Akademie van Wetenschappen, B 88, 185-198. Koçyiğit, A. 1984. Güneybatı Türkiye ve yakın dolayında levha içi yeni tektonik gelişim.
  • Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 27, 1-16. [In Tur- kish, with English abstract]. Kuss, S. E. & Storch, G. 1978. Eine
  • Säugetierfauna (Mammalia: Artiodact- yla, Rodentia) des älteren Pleistozäns von der Insel Kalymnos (Dodekanés, Griechenland). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monat- schefte ,1978, 206-227.
  • Lopatin, A. V. 2004. The Early Miocene small mammals from the North Aral region (Ka- zakhstan) with special reference to their biostratigraphic significance. Paleontolo- gical Journal, 38, suppl. 3, 217-323.
  • Maddison, W. P. and Maddison, D. R. 2009.
  • Mesquite: a modular system for evo- lutionary analysis. Version 2.72. http:// Mehely, L. 1908. Prospalax priscus (Nhrg), die pliocäne Stammform der heutigen
  • Spalax-Arten. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 6, 305-316. Musser, G. G. and Carleton, M. D. 2005. Su- perfamily Muroidea. In: Mammal Spe- cies of the World: a Taxonomic and Ge- ographic Reference, 3rd edition, D. E.
  • Wilson and D. M. Reeder (eds.), Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp. 894-1531.
  • Nesin, V. A. and Nadachowski, A. 2001. Late
  • Miocene and Pliocene small mammal faunas (Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Ro- dentia) of Southeastern Europe. Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 44, 107-135. Nevo, E., Filippucci, M. G., Redi, C., Simson, S., Heth, G. and Beiles, A. 1995. Karyoty- pe and genetic evolution in speciation of subterranean mole rats of the genus
  • Spalax in Turkey. Biological Journal of Linnean Society, 54, 203–229. Popov V. V. 2004. Pliocene small mammals
  • (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, La- gomorpha. Rodentia) from Muselie- vo (North Bulgaria). Geodiversitas, 26 , 491. Rummel, M. 1998. Die Cricetiden aus dem Mit- tel- und Obermiozän der Türkei. Docu- menta Naturae, 123, 1-300.
  • Saraç, G. 2004. Türkiye omurgali fosil yataklari.
  • MTA Derleme Report, No 10609, 218 p.
  • Sarıca-Filoreau, N. 2002. Faunes de rongeurs néogènes et quaternaires des grabens d’Anatolie occidentale. Systématique, biochronologie et implications tecto- niques. PhD Thesis, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 343 p.
  • Sarıca, N. and Şen, S. 2003. Spalacidae (Ro- dentia). In: Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap Formation, Tur- key, M. Fortelius, J. Kappelman, S. Şen and R. L. Bernor (eds.), Columbia Uni- versity Press, New York, pp. 141-162.
  • Schmidt-Kittler, N. 1976. Raubtiere aus dem
  • Jungtertiär Kleinasiens. Palaeontolg- raphica, A 155, 1-131. Sen, S. 1977. La faune de rongeurs pliocène de Çalta (Ankara, Turquie). Bulletin du
  • Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sciences de la Terre, 61, 89-171. Sickenberg, O., Becker-Platen, J.D., Benda, L., Berg, D., Engesser, B., Gaziry, W., Heissig, K., Hünermann, K.A., Sonda- ar, P.Y., Schmidt-Kittler, N., Staesche, K. Staesche, U., Steffens, P. and Tobi- en, H. 1975. Die Gliederung des höhe- ren Jungtertiärs und Altquartärs in der Turkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Be- deutung für die internationale Neogen
  • Stratigraphie. Geologische Jahrbuch, B15, 1-167. Staesche, U. and Sondaar, P. Y. 1979. Hippa- rion aus dem Vallesium und Turolium
  • (Jungtertiär) der Türkei. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 33, 35-79. Tchernov, E. 1986. The rodents and lagomorphs from ’Ubeidiya formation’ :systema- tics, paleoecology and biogeography.
  • In: Les mammifères du Pléistocène inférieur de la vallée du Jourdain à Ou- beidiyeh, E. Tchernov (ed.), Mémoires et Travaux du Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem 5, 235-350. Topachevski, V. O. 1969. Fauna of the USSR:
  • Mammals, molerats, Spalacidae. Aka- demia Nauk USSR, n.s. 99, 1-247. Ünay, E. 1978. Pliospalax primitivus n. sp. (Ro- dentia, Mammalia) and Anomalomys gaudryi Gaillard from the Anchitherium fauna of Sariçay (Turkey). Türkiye Jeo- lojii Kurumu Büllteni, 21, 121-128.
  • Ünay, E. 1981. Middle and Upper Miocene ro- dents from the Bayraktepe section (Ça- nakkale, Turkey). Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, B 84, 217-238.
  • Ünay, E. 1990. A new species of Pliospalax (Ro- dentia, Mammalia) from the Middle Mi- ocene of Pasalar, Turkey. Journal of Human Evolution, 19, 445-453.
  • Ünay, E., 1996, On fossil Spalacidae (Rodentia)
  • In: The Evolution of Western Eurasian Neogene Mammal Faunas, R. L. Bernor, V. Falbusch and H. W Mittmann (eds.), Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 246–252. Ünay, E. 1999. Family Spalacidae. In: The Mio- cene Land Mammals of Europe, G. E.
  • Rössner and K. Heissig (eds.), Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München, pp. 359-364. Ünay, E. and Göktaş, F. 1999. Late Early Mio- cene and Quaternary small mammals in the surroundings of Söke (Aydın): Pre- liminary results. Geological Bulletin of
  • Turkey, 42, 99-113 (in Turkish). Ünay, E. and Göktaş, F. 2000. Small mammal biochronology of the Early Miocene lig- nitiferous sediments around Kınık (Gör- des): preliminary results. Geological
  • Bulletin of Turkey, 43, 1-5 (in Turkish). Vasileiadou, K. and Sylvestrou, I. A. 2009. The Late Miocene Mammal Faunas of the Mytilinii Basin, Samos Island, Greece:
  • New Collection. 4. Micromammals. Be- itrage für Paläontologie, 31, 37–55. Yilmaz, Y., Genç, S. C., Gürer, Ö .F., Bozcu, M., Yilmaz, K., Karacik, Z., Altunkaynak, S. and Elmas, A. 2000. When did the west- ern Anatolian grabens begin to develop?
  • In: Tectonics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surrounding Area, E. Bozkurt, J. A. Winchester and J. D. A. Piper (eds.), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 173, 353-384. Appendix 1. Selected outgroup and ingroup species for phylogenetic analysis of Spalacidae. Ek 1. Spalacidae ailesinin filojeni analizi için dikkate alınan aile dışı (outgroup) ve aile içi (in- group) türlerin listesi. Eucricetodon (Atavocricetodon) kurthi de Bruijn et al., 2003 from Süngülü, northeastern Turkey,
  • Eocene/Oligocene boundary, outgroup species Aralocricetodon schokensis Bendukidze, 1993 from Altyn Schokysu, Kazakhstan, Late Oli- gocene, after Lopatin 2004 and Bendukidze et al. 2009, outgroup species
  • Debruijnia arpati Ünay, 1996 from Keseköy, Turquie, MN3
  • Heramys eviensis Klein Hofmeijer and de Bruijn, from Aliveri, Evia Island, Greece, MN4 Heramys anatolicus Sarıca and Şen 2003 from
  • Sinap Tepe Loc. 4, Turkey, MN9 Sinapospalax marmarensis (Ünay, 1990) from Pasalar, Turkey, MN5/6
  • Sinapospalax cf. marmarensis from Çandir, Tur- key, MN 6, after de Bruijn et al. 2003
  • Sinapospalax primitivus (Ünay, 1978) from Sar- içay, Turkey, MN7/8
  • Sinapospalax canakkalensis (Ünay, 1981) from
  • Bayraktepe-1, Turkey, MN7/8 Sinapospalax canakkalensis from Sinap Tepe Loc. 65, Turkey, MN8, after Sarıca and Şen Sinapospalax berdikensis n. sp. from Berdik-1, Turkey, MN7/8 Sinapospalax sinapensis Sarıca and Şen, 2003 from Sinap Tepe Loc. 84, Turkey, MN9
  • Sinapospalax incliniformis Sarıca and Şen, 2003 from Sinap Tepe Loc. 41, Turkey, MN9
  • Pliospalax complicatus n. sp. from Amasya, Turkey, MN13 Pliosplax compositodontus Topachevski, 1969 from Andreevka, Ukraine, Late Meotian.
  • Pliosplax sotirisi de Bruijn et al., 1970 from Mar- itsa, Rhodes Island, Greece, MN14
  • Pliosplax cf. sotirisi from Mytilini B, Samos Is- land, Greece, MN12, after Black et al., 1980 and Vasileiadou and Sylvestrou, 2009
  • Pliosplax macoveii (Simionescu, 1930) from
  • Malusteni, Romania, MN15, after Topachevski, Pliosplax macoveii from Çalta, Turkey, MN15, after Şen 1977
  • Pliosplax tourkobouniensis de Bruijn and van der Meulen, 1975 from Tourkobounia-1, Greece, MN16
  • Spalax odessanus Topachevski, 1969 from
  • Odessa Catacombes, Ukraine, MN15 Spalax nehringi (Satunin, 1898) from Anatolia,
  • Recent, after Topachevski 1969

Orta-Geç Miyosen Batı Anadolu Spalacidae (Mammalia) Fosillerinin Ailenin Evrimine Katkısı

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 1, 141 - 168, 01.02.2011


Köstebekler (Spalacidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) Türkiye’de Neojen ve Kuvaterner yaşlı faunalar içinde sıkça bulunanlardır. Erken Miyosen’den beri gösterdikleri güçlü evrim dinamiği nedeniyle, bu ailenin türleri Neojen ve Kuvaterner karasal tortulların yaşlandırılmasında başarılı olarak kullanılır. Bu yayında Batı Anadolu’da Orta-Geç Miyosen yaşlı üç lokasyonda bulunmuş Spalacidae fosilleri ve onların içerdiği iki yeni tür tanımlandı. Bu aileye katılan cinslerin tek kökenli olup olamadığını ve türler arasındaki evrimsel bağlantıları aramak için kladistik analiz yöntemi kullanıldı. Ailenin evrimsel sürecini ve yeraltı yaşamına uyma nedenlerini daha iyi anlamak amacıyla da bilinen bütün fosil türlerin diş yapıları incelendi. Elde edilen sonuçlar, Spalacidae ailesinin, daha önceki çalışmalarda da belirtildiği gibi, büyük bir olasılıkla Anadolu’da Oligosenden beri bilinen Cricetidae ailesinden Erken Miyosen veya öncesinde türediğini kanıtlar. Kısa sürede Anadolu çevresindeki bölgelere de ulaşan bu ailenin azami dağılımı Kuvaterner’de gerçekleşir. Köstebeklerin salt yeraltı yaşamına uyuşları büyük olasılıkla Geç Miyosen döneminde açık ortamların Batı Asya ve Güneydoğu Avrupa’da yaygınlaşmasına bağlanabilir


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  • In: Tectonics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surrounding Area, E. Bozkurt, J. A. Winchester and J. D. A. Piper (eds.), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 173, 353-384. Appendix 1. Selected outgroup and ingroup species for phylogenetic analysis of Spalacidae. Ek 1. Spalacidae ailesinin filojeni analizi için dikkate alınan aile dışı (outgroup) ve aile içi (in- group) türlerin listesi. Eucricetodon (Atavocricetodon) kurthi de Bruijn et al., 2003 from Süngülü, northeastern Turkey,
  • Eocene/Oligocene boundary, outgroup species Aralocricetodon schokensis Bendukidze, 1993 from Altyn Schokysu, Kazakhstan, Late Oli- gocene, after Lopatin 2004 and Bendukidze et al. 2009, outgroup species
  • Debruijnia arpati Ünay, 1996 from Keseköy, Turquie, MN3
  • Heramys eviensis Klein Hofmeijer and de Bruijn, from Aliveri, Evia Island, Greece, MN4 Heramys anatolicus Sarıca and Şen 2003 from
  • Sinap Tepe Loc. 4, Turkey, MN9 Sinapospalax marmarensis (Ünay, 1990) from Pasalar, Turkey, MN5/6
  • Sinapospalax cf. marmarensis from Çandir, Tur- key, MN 6, after de Bruijn et al. 2003
  • Sinapospalax primitivus (Ünay, 1978) from Sar- içay, Turkey, MN7/8
  • Sinapospalax canakkalensis (Ünay, 1981) from
  • Bayraktepe-1, Turkey, MN7/8 Sinapospalax canakkalensis from Sinap Tepe Loc. 65, Turkey, MN8, after Sarıca and Şen Sinapospalax berdikensis n. sp. from Berdik-1, Turkey, MN7/8 Sinapospalax sinapensis Sarıca and Şen, 2003 from Sinap Tepe Loc. 84, Turkey, MN9
  • Sinapospalax incliniformis Sarıca and Şen, 2003 from Sinap Tepe Loc. 41, Turkey, MN9
  • Pliospalax complicatus n. sp. from Amasya, Turkey, MN13 Pliosplax compositodontus Topachevski, 1969 from Andreevka, Ukraine, Late Meotian.
  • Pliosplax sotirisi de Bruijn et al., 1970 from Mar- itsa, Rhodes Island, Greece, MN14
  • Pliosplax cf. sotirisi from Mytilini B, Samos Is- land, Greece, MN12, after Black et al., 1980 and Vasileiadou and Sylvestrou, 2009
  • Pliosplax macoveii (Simionescu, 1930) from
  • Malusteni, Romania, MN15, after Topachevski, Pliosplax macoveii from Çalta, Turkey, MN15, after Şen 1977
  • Pliosplax tourkobouniensis de Bruijn and van der Meulen, 1975 from Tourkobounia-1, Greece, MN16
  • Spalax odessanus Topachevski, 1969 from
  • Odessa Catacombes, Ukraine, MN15 Spalax nehringi (Satunin, 1898) from Anatolia,
  • Recent, after Topachevski 1969
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Nuran Sarıca Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Şen Ş, Sarıca N (01 Şubat 2011) Orta-Geç Miyosen Batı Anadolu Spalacidae (Mammalia) Fosillerinin Ailenin Evrimine Katkısı. Yerbilimleri 32 1 141–168.