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Late Holocene Paleoflora of Lake Van Northern Basin

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 141 - 168, 01.03.2011



  • Acarlar, M., Bilgin, E., Elibol, E., Erkal., T., Gedik, İ., Güner, E., Hakyemez, Y., Şen, A.M., Oğuz, M.F., ve Umut, M., 1991. Van Gölü Doğu ve Kuzeyinin Jeolojisi. MTA Genel Müd. Jeoloji Etüt Dairesi Yayını, Rapor No: 9469, 94 s. (yayınlanmamış).
  • Al-Ameri, T. K., Jassi, S. Y., 2011, Environmen- tal changes in the wetlands of Southern Iraq based on palynological studies. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Volu- me 4, Numbers 3-4.
  • Beug, H. J., 2004. Leitfaden der Pollenbestim- mung. Germany,542 s.
  • Bottema, S., 1986. A Late Quaternary Pollen Diagram From Lake Urmia (Northwest Iran). Review of Palaeobotany and Paly- nology, 47. 241-261.
  • Bottema, S., 1986. A Late Quaternary Pollen Diagram From Lake Urmia (Northwest Iran). Review of Palaeobotany and Paly- nology, 47. 241-261.
  • Bottema, S., 1995. Holocene vegetation of the
  • Van area: palynological and chronologi
  • cal evidence from Söğütlü, Turkey. Ve
  • getation History and Archaeobotany,(4): 187-193.
  • De Geer, G., 1912. A geochronology of the last
  • 000 years. Proc. 11th Internat. Geo
  • logical Congress 1910: 241- 253.
  • Degens, E.T., and Kurtman, F., 1978. The Ge- ology of Lake Van. Rept. 169, The Mi- neral Research and Exploration Institu- te of Turkey. 158 pp.
  • Deneflea, M., Lezineb, A. M., Fouachec, E., Du- faurec, J.J., 2000. A 12,000-Year Pollen Record from Lake Maliq, Albania, Qu- aternary Research Volume 54, Issue 3.
  • Eken, G., Bozdoğan, M., İsfendiyaroğlu, S., Kı- lıç, D.T., ve Lise, Y., 2006. Türkiye’nin Önemli Doğa Alanları. Doğa Derneği, Ankara.
  • Erdtman, G., 1943. An Introduction to Pollen Analysis. USA. Choronica Botanica Company. 238 s.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. 1989. Textbook of pollen analysis. 4th edition. John Wiley &Sons Ltd. Norway. 328 s.
  • Fajvus, G. M., 1995. On the origin of mountain steppes of Armenia. Thaiszia-Journal of Botany, 5:153-158.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., Turhan, N., 1985. Bitlis Me- tamorfik kuşağı orta bölümünün temel jeolojisi.M.T.A. Raporu, Rapor No:7707, Ankara. 225.
  • Hajar, L., Khater, C., Cheddadi, R., 2008. Vege- tation changes during the late Pleisto- cene and Holocene in Lebanon: a pol- len record from the Bekaa Valley. The Holocene, 18 / 7.
  • Hunt, C.O., Elrishi, H.A., Gilbertson, D.D., Grat- tan, J., McLaren, S., Pyatt, F.B., Rush- worth, G., Barker, G.W., 2004. Early- Holocene environments in the Wadi Faynan, Jordan. The Holocene, 14 / 6.
  • Hussein, K. M., 2006. Climatic Characteristics of The Late Pleistocene and Holocene Continental Deposits From Southwes- tern Syria Based on Palynological Data. Darwiniana, 44 / 2.
  • Kelts, K., Briegel, U., Ghilardi, K., Hsu, K., 1986.
  • The limnogeology-ETH coring system.
  • Aquatic Sciences – Research Across
  • Boundaries 48, 104–115.
  • Kempe, S., Degens, E.T., 1978. Lake Van varve record: the past 10,420 years. In: De- gens, E.T., Kurtman, F. (Eds.), Geology of Lake Van. MTA Press, Ankara, pp. 56–63.
  • Kempe, S., Landmann, G., and Müller, G., 2002. A floating varve chronology from the last glacial maximum terrace of Lake Van/Turkey. Zeitschrift für Geomorpho- logie. (126): 97-114.
  • Keskin, M., 2003. Magma generation by slab steepening and breakoff beneath a subduction-accretion complex: An al- ternative model for collision-related volcanism in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Geophysical Research Letter, 30, (24): 8046-8050.
  • Kipfer, R., Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Baur, H., Ho- fer, M., Imboden, D.M., Signer, P., 1994. Injection of mantle type Helium into Lake Van (Turkey). The clue for quantif- ying deep water renewal. Earth and Pla- netary Science Letters 125, 357–370.
  • İnceoğlu, Ö., Pehlivan, S., 1987. İç Anadolu Böl- gesindeki Tuz Gölü Kuvaterner Tabaka- larında Palinolojik Bir Araştırma. DOĞA
  • TU Botanik D. 56-85.
  • Landmann, G., Reimer, A. and Kempe, S.,
  • a. Climatically Induced Lake Level
  • Changes at Lake Van, Turkey, During
  • the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 10 (4): 797-808.
  • Landmann, G., Reimer, A., Lemcke, G. and Kep- me, S., 1996b. Dating Late Glacial ab- rupt climate changes in the 14,570 long continuous varve record of Lake Van.
  • Turkey. Paleogegraphy, Paleoclimato
  • logy, Paleoecology, (122): 107-118.
  • Lemcke, G., 1996. Palaoklimarekonstruktion am Van See (Ostanatolien, Turkei). Diss. ETH Zurich, Nr. 11786, 182 pp.
  • Lemcke, G., Sturm, M., 1997. δ18O and Trace Element Measurements as Proxy for the Reconstruction of Climate Changes at Lake Van (Turkey): Preliminary Re- sults. NATO ASI Series (149): 653-676.
  • Litt, T., Krastel, S., Sturm, M., Kipfer, R., Örcen, S., Heumann, G., Franz, S. O., Ülgen, U. B., Niessen, F., 2009. ‘PALEOVAN’, In- ternational Continental Scientific Dril- ling Program (ICDP): site survey results and perspectives. Quaternary Science Reviews (28) 1555–1567.
  • Lotter A. E, Sturm M., Teranes J. L., Wehr- li B., 1997. Varve formation since 1885 and high-resolution varve analyses in hypertrophic Baldeggersee (Switzer- land). Aquatic Sciences, (59): 304-325.
  • Moore, P. D., Webb, J. A. and Collinson, M. E.
  • Pollen analysis. 2nd edition.
  • O’Sullivan, P. E., 1983. Annually-laminated lake sediments and the study of Quaternary environmental changes - a review. Qu- aternary Science Reviews, 1:245-313.
  • Oyan, V., Tolluoğlu. A.Ü., 2005. Bitlis Masifi’nde (Yolcular metamorfiti) Na-feldispat bakımından zengin lökogranitik kayaç- lar: Feldispat kaynağı olarak bir potan- siyel. Yerbilimleri, (26): 1-11.
  • Oyan, V., Keskin, M., Lebedev, V., Chugaev, A., Sharkov, E., 2011. Pliyosen yaşlı Etrüsk strato-volkanının magmatik evriminde kabuksal kirlenme-ayrımlaşma (AFC) ve magma karışımı işlemlerinin önemi, Van Gölü Kuzeydoğusu. 64.Türkiye Jeoloji kurultayı, 24-29 Nisan, Ankara.
  • Özdemir, Y., Karaoğlu, Ö., Tolluoğlu, A.Ü., Gü- leç, N., 2006. Volcanostratigraphy and petrogenesis of the Nemrut stratovol- cano (East Anatolia High Plateau): The most recent post-collisional volcanism in Turkey. Chemical Geology, (226): 189-211.
  • Roberts, N. , Eastwood, W. J., Kuzucuoglu, C., Fiorentino, G., and Caracuta, V., 2011. Climatic, vegetation and cultural chan- ge in the eastern Mediterranean during the mid-Holocene environmental transi- tion. The Holocene, 21/ 1
  • Schweizer, G., 1975. Untersuchungen zur Physiogeographie von Ostanatolien und Nordwestiran, geomorphologisc- he, klima- und hydrogeographische Studien im Vansee- und Rezaiyehsee- Gebiet. Tubinger Geogr. Studien, Tu- bingen. 145 s.
  • Simola, H., 1992. Structural elements in varved lake sediments. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper. 14:5-9.
  • Stevens, L.R., Wright Jr. H.E., Ito. E., 2001. Pro- posed changes in seasonality of clima- te during the Lateglacial and Holoce- ne at Lake Zeribar, Iran. The Holocene. (11,6): 747-755.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Özeren, S., Keskin, M., Sakınç, M., Özbakır, A.D., ve Kayan, I., 2008. Eastern Turkish high-plateau as a small
  • Turkish type orogen: Implications for
  • post-collisional crust-forming proces
  • ses in Turkic type orogens, Earth scien
  • ces Rewievs, 90: 1-48.
  • Şengün, M., 1984. Bitlis Masifi Tatvan güneyinin jeolojik/petrografik incelenmesi (Dokto- ra tezi, basılmamış). H.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Tolluoğlu, A. Ü., 1981. Mutki (Bitlis) Yöresi Me- tamorfiklerinin Petrografisi / Petroloji- si. (Yüksek lisans tezi, basılmamış). H.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Vermoere M., Smets E., Waelkens M., Vanhaver- beke H., Librecht I, Paulissen L., Vanhec- ke L., 2000. Late Holocene Environmen- tal Change and the Record of Human Im- pact at Gravgaz near Sagalassos, South- west Turkey. Journ. of Archaeological Science 27: 571-595.
  • Yasuda, Y., Kitagawa, H. and Nakagawa, T., 2000. The earliest record of major anthropoge- nic deforestation in the Ghab Valley, nort- hwest Syria: a palynological study. Qua- ternary International 73/74.
  • Wick, L., Lemcke, G., Strum, M., 2003. Eviden- ce of Lateglacial and Holocene clima- tic change and human impact in eastern anatolia: high resolution polen, charcoal, isotopic and geochemical records from the laminated sediments of Lake Van,
  • Turkey. The Holocene, 13 (5): 665-675.
  • Blackwell Scientific Publications.
  • Wodehouse, R.P., 1935. Pollen Grains. Their Structure, Identification and Significan- ce in Science and Medicine. McGraw-Hill Book Company. NewYork and London. 574 s.
Yıl 2011, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 141 - 168, 01.03.2011



  • Acarlar, M., Bilgin, E., Elibol, E., Erkal., T., Gedik, İ., Güner, E., Hakyemez, Y., Şen, A.M., Oğuz, M.F., ve Umut, M., 1991. Van Gölü Doğu ve Kuzeyinin Jeolojisi. MTA Genel Müd. Jeoloji Etüt Dairesi Yayını, Rapor No: 9469, 94 s. (yayınlanmamış).
  • Al-Ameri, T. K., Jassi, S. Y., 2011, Environmen- tal changes in the wetlands of Southern Iraq based on palynological studies. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Volu- me 4, Numbers 3-4.
  • Beug, H. J., 2004. Leitfaden der Pollenbestim- mung. Germany,542 s.
  • Bottema, S., 1986. A Late Quaternary Pollen Diagram From Lake Urmia (Northwest Iran). Review of Palaeobotany and Paly- nology, 47. 241-261.
  • Bottema, S., 1986. A Late Quaternary Pollen Diagram From Lake Urmia (Northwest Iran). Review of Palaeobotany and Paly- nology, 47. 241-261.
  • Bottema, S., 1995. Holocene vegetation of the
  • Van area: palynological and chronologi
  • cal evidence from Söğütlü, Turkey. Ve
  • getation History and Archaeobotany,(4): 187-193.
  • De Geer, G., 1912. A geochronology of the last
  • 000 years. Proc. 11th Internat. Geo
  • logical Congress 1910: 241- 253.
  • Degens, E.T., and Kurtman, F., 1978. The Ge- ology of Lake Van. Rept. 169, The Mi- neral Research and Exploration Institu- te of Turkey. 158 pp.
  • Deneflea, M., Lezineb, A. M., Fouachec, E., Du- faurec, J.J., 2000. A 12,000-Year Pollen Record from Lake Maliq, Albania, Qu- aternary Research Volume 54, Issue 3.
  • Eken, G., Bozdoğan, M., İsfendiyaroğlu, S., Kı- lıç, D.T., ve Lise, Y., 2006. Türkiye’nin Önemli Doğa Alanları. Doğa Derneği, Ankara.
  • Erdtman, G., 1943. An Introduction to Pollen Analysis. USA. Choronica Botanica Company. 238 s.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. 1989. Textbook of pollen analysis. 4th edition. John Wiley &Sons Ltd. Norway. 328 s.
  • Fajvus, G. M., 1995. On the origin of mountain steppes of Armenia. Thaiszia-Journal of Botany, 5:153-158.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., Turhan, N., 1985. Bitlis Me- tamorfik kuşağı orta bölümünün temel jeolojisi.M.T.A. Raporu, Rapor No:7707, Ankara. 225.
  • Hajar, L., Khater, C., Cheddadi, R., 2008. Vege- tation changes during the late Pleisto- cene and Holocene in Lebanon: a pol- len record from the Bekaa Valley. The Holocene, 18 / 7.
  • Hunt, C.O., Elrishi, H.A., Gilbertson, D.D., Grat- tan, J., McLaren, S., Pyatt, F.B., Rush- worth, G., Barker, G.W., 2004. Early- Holocene environments in the Wadi Faynan, Jordan. The Holocene, 14 / 6.
  • Hussein, K. M., 2006. Climatic Characteristics of The Late Pleistocene and Holocene Continental Deposits From Southwes- tern Syria Based on Palynological Data. Darwiniana, 44 / 2.
  • Kelts, K., Briegel, U., Ghilardi, K., Hsu, K., 1986.
  • The limnogeology-ETH coring system.
  • Aquatic Sciences – Research Across
  • Boundaries 48, 104–115.
  • Kempe, S., Degens, E.T., 1978. Lake Van varve record: the past 10,420 years. In: De- gens, E.T., Kurtman, F. (Eds.), Geology of Lake Van. MTA Press, Ankara, pp. 56–63.
  • Kempe, S., Landmann, G., and Müller, G., 2002. A floating varve chronology from the last glacial maximum terrace of Lake Van/Turkey. Zeitschrift für Geomorpho- logie. (126): 97-114.
  • Keskin, M., 2003. Magma generation by slab steepening and breakoff beneath a subduction-accretion complex: An al- ternative model for collision-related volcanism in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Geophysical Research Letter, 30, (24): 8046-8050.
  • Kipfer, R., Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Baur, H., Ho- fer, M., Imboden, D.M., Signer, P., 1994. Injection of mantle type Helium into Lake Van (Turkey). The clue for quantif- ying deep water renewal. Earth and Pla- netary Science Letters 125, 357–370.
  • İnceoğlu, Ö., Pehlivan, S., 1987. İç Anadolu Böl- gesindeki Tuz Gölü Kuvaterner Tabaka- larında Palinolojik Bir Araştırma. DOĞA
  • TU Botanik D. 56-85.
  • Landmann, G., Reimer, A. and Kempe, S.,
  • a. Climatically Induced Lake Level
  • Changes at Lake Van, Turkey, During
  • the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 10 (4): 797-808.
  • Landmann, G., Reimer, A., Lemcke, G. and Kep- me, S., 1996b. Dating Late Glacial ab- rupt climate changes in the 14,570 long continuous varve record of Lake Van.
  • Turkey. Paleogegraphy, Paleoclimato
  • logy, Paleoecology, (122): 107-118.
  • Lemcke, G., 1996. Palaoklimarekonstruktion am Van See (Ostanatolien, Turkei). Diss. ETH Zurich, Nr. 11786, 182 pp.
  • Lemcke, G., Sturm, M., 1997. δ18O and Trace Element Measurements as Proxy for the Reconstruction of Climate Changes at Lake Van (Turkey): Preliminary Re- sults. NATO ASI Series (149): 653-676.
  • Litt, T., Krastel, S., Sturm, M., Kipfer, R., Örcen, S., Heumann, G., Franz, S. O., Ülgen, U. B., Niessen, F., 2009. ‘PALEOVAN’, In- ternational Continental Scientific Dril- ling Program (ICDP): site survey results and perspectives. Quaternary Science Reviews (28) 1555–1567.
  • Lotter A. E, Sturm M., Teranes J. L., Wehr- li B., 1997. Varve formation since 1885 and high-resolution varve analyses in hypertrophic Baldeggersee (Switzer- land). Aquatic Sciences, (59): 304-325.
  • Moore, P. D., Webb, J. A. and Collinson, M. E.
  • Pollen analysis. 2nd edition.
  • O’Sullivan, P. E., 1983. Annually-laminated lake sediments and the study of Quaternary environmental changes - a review. Qu- aternary Science Reviews, 1:245-313.
  • Oyan, V., Tolluoğlu. A.Ü., 2005. Bitlis Masifi’nde (Yolcular metamorfiti) Na-feldispat bakımından zengin lökogranitik kayaç- lar: Feldispat kaynağı olarak bir potan- siyel. Yerbilimleri, (26): 1-11.
  • Oyan, V., Keskin, M., Lebedev, V., Chugaev, A., Sharkov, E., 2011. Pliyosen yaşlı Etrüsk strato-volkanının magmatik evriminde kabuksal kirlenme-ayrımlaşma (AFC) ve magma karışımı işlemlerinin önemi, Van Gölü Kuzeydoğusu. 64.Türkiye Jeoloji kurultayı, 24-29 Nisan, Ankara.
  • Özdemir, Y., Karaoğlu, Ö., Tolluoğlu, A.Ü., Gü- leç, N., 2006. Volcanostratigraphy and petrogenesis of the Nemrut stratovol- cano (East Anatolia High Plateau): The most recent post-collisional volcanism in Turkey. Chemical Geology, (226): 189-211.
  • Roberts, N. , Eastwood, W. J., Kuzucuoglu, C., Fiorentino, G., and Caracuta, V., 2011. Climatic, vegetation and cultural chan- ge in the eastern Mediterranean during the mid-Holocene environmental transi- tion. The Holocene, 21/ 1
  • Schweizer, G., 1975. Untersuchungen zur Physiogeographie von Ostanatolien und Nordwestiran, geomorphologisc- he, klima- und hydrogeographische Studien im Vansee- und Rezaiyehsee- Gebiet. Tubinger Geogr. Studien, Tu- bingen. 145 s.
  • Simola, H., 1992. Structural elements in varved lake sediments. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper. 14:5-9.
  • Stevens, L.R., Wright Jr. H.E., Ito. E., 2001. Pro- posed changes in seasonality of clima- te during the Lateglacial and Holoce- ne at Lake Zeribar, Iran. The Holocene. (11,6): 747-755.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Özeren, S., Keskin, M., Sakınç, M., Özbakır, A.D., ve Kayan, I., 2008. Eastern Turkish high-plateau as a small
  • Turkish type orogen: Implications for
  • post-collisional crust-forming proces
  • ses in Turkic type orogens, Earth scien
  • ces Rewievs, 90: 1-48.
  • Şengün, M., 1984. Bitlis Masifi Tatvan güneyinin jeolojik/petrografik incelenmesi (Dokto- ra tezi, basılmamış). H.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Tolluoğlu, A. Ü., 1981. Mutki (Bitlis) Yöresi Me- tamorfiklerinin Petrografisi / Petroloji- si. (Yüksek lisans tezi, basılmamış). H.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Vermoere M., Smets E., Waelkens M., Vanhaver- beke H., Librecht I, Paulissen L., Vanhec- ke L., 2000. Late Holocene Environmen- tal Change and the Record of Human Im- pact at Gravgaz near Sagalassos, South- west Turkey. Journ. of Archaeological Science 27: 571-595.
  • Yasuda, Y., Kitagawa, H. and Nakagawa, T., 2000. The earliest record of major anthropoge- nic deforestation in the Ghab Valley, nort- hwest Syria: a palynological study. Qua- ternary International 73/74.
  • Wick, L., Lemcke, G., Strum, M., 2003. Eviden- ce of Lateglacial and Holocene clima- tic change and human impact in eastern anatolia: high resolution polen, charcoal, isotopic and geochemical records from the laminated sediments of Lake Van,
  • Turkey. The Holocene, 13 (5): 665-675.
  • Blackwell Scientific Publications.
  • Wodehouse, R.P., 1935. Pollen Grains. Their Structure, Identification and Significan- ce in Science and Medicine. McGraw-Hill Book Company. NewYork and London. 574 s.

Van Gölü Kuzey Havzasının Geç Holosen Paleoflorası

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 141 - 168, 01.03.2011


Van Gölü Kuzey Havzasının taban çökellerinin paleoflora yapılandırması polen analizine dayanmaktadır ve bu çalışmanın temelini oluşturmaktadır. Tortullar 247 m su derinliğinden ve sondajlama yöntemi kullanılarak 5 ayrı parça halinde alınmıştır ve toplam olarak 5 metrelik istifi kapsamaktadır. Çalışılan istifin yaşlandırılması için, Van Gölü’nün farklı havzalarından elde edilmiş önceki çalışmalara ait, göreceli yaş verileri bulunan, polen diyagramlarındaki değişimler ile karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Buna göre, çalışılan istifin varv sayımına dayalı değişebilir yaşı günümüzden önce yaklaşık olarak 4000 yıldır. Palinolojik inceleme sonuçları, otsul polen (NAP) yüzdelerinin odunsu (AP) polen yüzdelerinden daha yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. Juglans ve Cerealia-tip gibi bazı polen tanelerinin başlangıç seviyeleri ve artışlarına göre üç polen zonu ayırt edilmiştir. Palinolojik içerik, son 4000 yıldır Van Gölü Kuzey Havzası çevresinde Zon1 ve Zon2 için step, Zon3 için antropojenik step varlığına işaret etmektedir


  • Acarlar, M., Bilgin, E., Elibol, E., Erkal., T., Gedik, İ., Güner, E., Hakyemez, Y., Şen, A.M., Oğuz, M.F., ve Umut, M., 1991. Van Gölü Doğu ve Kuzeyinin Jeolojisi. MTA Genel Müd. Jeoloji Etüt Dairesi Yayını, Rapor No: 9469, 94 s. (yayınlanmamış).
  • Al-Ameri, T. K., Jassi, S. Y., 2011, Environmen- tal changes in the wetlands of Southern Iraq based on palynological studies. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Volu- me 4, Numbers 3-4.
  • Beug, H. J., 2004. Leitfaden der Pollenbestim- mung. Germany,542 s.
  • Bottema, S., 1986. A Late Quaternary Pollen Diagram From Lake Urmia (Northwest Iran). Review of Palaeobotany and Paly- nology, 47. 241-261.
  • Bottema, S., 1986. A Late Quaternary Pollen Diagram From Lake Urmia (Northwest Iran). Review of Palaeobotany and Paly- nology, 47. 241-261.
  • Bottema, S., 1995. Holocene vegetation of the
  • Van area: palynological and chronologi
  • cal evidence from Söğütlü, Turkey. Ve
  • getation History and Archaeobotany,(4): 187-193.
  • De Geer, G., 1912. A geochronology of the last
  • 000 years. Proc. 11th Internat. Geo
  • logical Congress 1910: 241- 253.
  • Degens, E.T., and Kurtman, F., 1978. The Ge- ology of Lake Van. Rept. 169, The Mi- neral Research and Exploration Institu- te of Turkey. 158 pp.
  • Deneflea, M., Lezineb, A. M., Fouachec, E., Du- faurec, J.J., 2000. A 12,000-Year Pollen Record from Lake Maliq, Albania, Qu- aternary Research Volume 54, Issue 3.
  • Eken, G., Bozdoğan, M., İsfendiyaroğlu, S., Kı- lıç, D.T., ve Lise, Y., 2006. Türkiye’nin Önemli Doğa Alanları. Doğa Derneği, Ankara.
  • Erdtman, G., 1943. An Introduction to Pollen Analysis. USA. Choronica Botanica Company. 238 s.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. 1989. Textbook of pollen analysis. 4th edition. John Wiley &Sons Ltd. Norway. 328 s.
  • Fajvus, G. M., 1995. On the origin of mountain steppes of Armenia. Thaiszia-Journal of Botany, 5:153-158.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., Turhan, N., 1985. Bitlis Me- tamorfik kuşağı orta bölümünün temel jeolojisi.M.T.A. Raporu, Rapor No:7707, Ankara. 225.
  • Hajar, L., Khater, C., Cheddadi, R., 2008. Vege- tation changes during the late Pleisto- cene and Holocene in Lebanon: a pol- len record from the Bekaa Valley. The Holocene, 18 / 7.
  • Hunt, C.O., Elrishi, H.A., Gilbertson, D.D., Grat- tan, J., McLaren, S., Pyatt, F.B., Rush- worth, G., Barker, G.W., 2004. Early- Holocene environments in the Wadi Faynan, Jordan. The Holocene, 14 / 6.
  • Hussein, K. M., 2006. Climatic Characteristics of The Late Pleistocene and Holocene Continental Deposits From Southwes- tern Syria Based on Palynological Data. Darwiniana, 44 / 2.
  • Kelts, K., Briegel, U., Ghilardi, K., Hsu, K., 1986.
  • The limnogeology-ETH coring system.
  • Aquatic Sciences – Research Across
  • Boundaries 48, 104–115.
  • Kempe, S., Degens, E.T., 1978. Lake Van varve record: the past 10,420 years. In: De- gens, E.T., Kurtman, F. (Eds.), Geology of Lake Van. MTA Press, Ankara, pp. 56–63.
  • Kempe, S., Landmann, G., and Müller, G., 2002. A floating varve chronology from the last glacial maximum terrace of Lake Van/Turkey. Zeitschrift für Geomorpho- logie. (126): 97-114.
  • Keskin, M., 2003. Magma generation by slab steepening and breakoff beneath a subduction-accretion complex: An al- ternative model for collision-related volcanism in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Geophysical Research Letter, 30, (24): 8046-8050.
  • Kipfer, R., Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Baur, H., Ho- fer, M., Imboden, D.M., Signer, P., 1994. Injection of mantle type Helium into Lake Van (Turkey). The clue for quantif- ying deep water renewal. Earth and Pla- netary Science Letters 125, 357–370.
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Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Güldem Kaplan Bu kişi benim

Sefer Örçen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Kaplan G, Örçen S (01 Mart 2011) Van Gölü Kuzey Havzasının Geç Holosen Paleoflorası. Yerbilimleri 32 2 141–168.