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Geological Evolution of the Ulukışla Basin (Late CretaceousEocene) Central Anatolia, Turkey

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 141 - 168, 01.03.2011


The Ulukışla Basin (Central Anatolian, Turkey) developed between the Menderes-Taurides Platform and the NiğdeKırşehir Metamorphic Massif. Evidence from the basin fill indicates that it evolved with asymmetric tectonics. An extensional phase (the Late Cretaceous-Late Paleocene) developed after subduction of the northern branch of Neotethyan Ocean. The narrow southern margin of Ulukışla Basin evolved over and in front of the Alihoca Ophiolites (remnant of the Neotethyan ocean floor) and it has been characterized with deposition of the agglomerates, limestone olistoliths, sandstones and mudstones in submarine slope to deep marine environment. At the same time, in the initially the relatively deep then shallow marine environment, broad northern part of the basin includes relatively fine-grained sandstones and mudstones overlying by reef limestone, which is interfingered with volcanic rocks. Depend on compressional phase (the Late Paleocene and Early Eocene), the basin evolved with the effect of regional tectonics; patch reefs formed over the volcanic highlands. In addition, volcanics interfingered with clastics that contain limestone and volcanic rock fragments. Basin evolution and inversion in this tectonic regime has been strongly influenced by deviations originated from overall northward motion of the African-Arabian plates. Other controls on the sedimentation and basin evolution are local tectonics, sea level changes and irregularity of basement topography.


  • Akgünlü, F., 2003. Benthic Foraminifera Asso- ciation of the Tertiary Sequence in Ça- mardı (Niğde-Turkey) Region. Çukurova University Institute of Basic and Appli- ed Science, MSc Thesis, 76 p. (unpub- lished, in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Alpaslan, M., Frei, R., Boztuğ, D., Kurt, M. A. and Temel, A., 2004. Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd Isotopic Constrains Indica- ting Enriched-Mantle Sources for Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Volcanism, Central Anatolia, Turkey. International Geology Review 46 (11), 1022-1041.
  • Alpaslan, M., Boztuğ, D., Frei, R., Temel, A. and Kurt, M.A., 2006. Geochemical and Pb- Sr-Nd isotopic composition of the ultra- potassic volcanics from the extension- related Çamardı-Ulukışla Basin, Niğ- de Province, Central Anatolia, Turkey,
  • Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 27 (5), 613-627.
  • Baş, H., Ayhan, A. and Atabey, E., 1986. Petro- logical and Geochemical Properties of the Ulukışla-Çamardı (Niğde) Volcanics. Geological Engineering Journal of Tur- key 26, 27-34.
  • Binks, R.M. and Fairhead, J.D., 1992. A pla- te tectonic framework for the evolu- tion of the Cretaceous rift basins in West and Central Africa. In: Geodyna- mics of Rifting, Case History studies on Rifts: North and South America, Africa- Arabia. (ed. P.A. Ziegler), Tectonoph- ysics, 213 (2), 141–151.
  • Boccaletti, M., Dainelli, P., Angelucci, A., Arush, M.A., Cabdulqaadir, M.M., Nafissi, P., Piccoli, G. and Robba, E., 1988. Fol- ding of the Mesozoic cover in SW So- malia: a compressional episode related to the early stages of Indian Ocean evo- lution. J. Pet. Geol. 11, 157–168.
  • Boggs, S., 1987. Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Macmillan Publ. Co., New York, 784 p.
  • Bosworth, W., 1992. Mesozoic and early Terti- ary rift tectonics in East Africa. Tecto- nophysics 209, 115-137.
  • Bouma, A.H., 1962. Sedimentology of some flysch deposits. A graphic approach to facies interpretation: Elsevier, Amster- dam.
  • Cater, J. M. L., Hanna, S. S., Ries, A. C. and
  • Turner, P., 1991. Tertiary Evolution of
  • the Sivas Basin, Central Turkey. Tecto
  • nophysics 195, 29-46.
  • Clark, M. and Robertson, A., 2002. The role of the Early Tertiary Ulukışla Basin, Sout- hern Turkey, in Suturing of the Meso
  • zoic Tethys Ocean. Journal of the Ge
  • ological Society, London 159, 673–690.
  • Clark, M. and Robertson, A., 2005. Uppermost Cretaceous–Lower Tertiary Ulukışla Basin, south-central Turkey: sedimen- tary evolution of part of a unified basin complex within an evolving Neotethyan suture zone. Sedimentary Geology 173, 15–51.
  • Cronin, B.T. and Kidd, R.B., 1998. Heterogene- ity and lithotype distribution in ancient deep-sea canyons: Point Lobos deep- sea canyon as a reservoir analogue. Se- dimentary Geology 115, 315–349.
  • Çevikbaş, A. and Öztunalı, Ö., 1992. Geology of the Ulukışla-Çamardı (Niğde) Deposi- tional Basin after Maastrichtian, Bulle- tin of Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) 114, 155-172 (in Turkish, with English abstract).
  • Demirtaşlı, E., Turhan, N., Bilgin, A. Z. and Se- lim, M., 1984. Geology of the Bolkar Mountains. In: Tekeli, O. and Göncüoğ- lu, M.C. (Eds.), Geology of the Taurus Belt, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Geology of the Tau- rus Belt, pp. 125-141.
  • Dunham, R. J., 1962. Classification of carbona- te rocks according to depositional tex- ture. In: W. E. Ham (Ed.), Classification of carbonate rocks, Amer. Assoc. Pet- roleum Geologists Mem. pp. 108-121.
  • Embry, A.F. and Klovan, J. E., 1971. A Late Devonian ReefTract on Northeastern Banks Island. Bulletin of Canadian Pet- roleum Geology, v. 19, p. 730-781.
  • Fournier, F., Montaggioni, L., Borgoma- no, J., 2004. Paleoenvironments and high-frequency cyclicity from Ceno
  • zoic South-East Asian shallow wa
  • ter carbonates: a case study from the Oligo-Miocene buildups of Ma- lampaya (Offshore Palawan, Philippi- nes). Marine and Petroleum Geology 21, 1–21.
  • Golonka, J., 2004. Plate tectonic evolution of the southern margin of Eurasia in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Tectonoph- ysics 381, 235– 273.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., 1986. Geochronological data from the Southern Part (Niğde Area) of the Central Anatolian Massif: Bulletin of Mineral Research and Exploration Insti- tute of Turkey (MTA) 105/106, 111-124.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., Toprak, G. M. V., Kuşçu, İ., Erler, A. and Olgun, E., 1991. Geology of the Western Part of the Central Ana- tolian Massif, Part I: Southern Part An- kara, Turkey, METU-TPAO Project Re- port, 140 pp (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Görür, N., Oktay, F. Y., Seymen, I., and Şengör, A. M. C., 1984. Palaeotectonic Evolution of the Tuzgölü Basin Complex, Central
  • Turkey: Sedimentary Record of a Neo
  • tethyan Closure. In: Dixon, J. E. and Ro
  • bertson, A. H. F. (Eds.), The Geological
  • Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean,
  • Geological Society of London, Special
  • publication 17, pp. 467-482,
  • Görür, N., Tüysüz, O., and Şengör, A. M. C.,
  • Tectonic Evolution of the Central
  • Anatolian Basins. International Geology Review 40, 831-850.
  • Görür, N. and Tüysüz, O., 2001. Cretaceous to Miocene Palaeogeographic Evolution of Turkey: Implications for Hydrocar- bon Potential. Journal of Petroleum Ge- ology 24, 119-146.
  • Guezou, J. C., Temiz, H., Poisson, A. and Gür- soy, H., 1996. Tectonics of the Sivas Basin: The Neogene Records of the Anatolian Accretion along the Inner Ta- uride Suture. International Geology Re- view 88, 901-925.
  • Guiraud,R., Binks, R. M., Fairhead, J. D. and Wil- son, M., 1992. Chronology and geody- namic setting of Cretaceous-Cenozoic rifting in West and Central Africa. Tec- tonophysics 213 (1-2), 227-234.
  • Guiraud, R. and Bosworth, W., 1997. Senonian basin inversion and rejuvenation of rif- ting in Africa and Arabia: synthesis and implications to plate-scale tectonics.
  • Tectonophysics 282, 39-82.
  • Gül, M and Eren, M., 2003. The Sedimentary Characteristics of Dağpazarı Patch Reef (Middle Miocene, Mut-İçel/Tur- key). Carbonates and Evaporites 18 (1), 51-62.
  • Gül, M., 2007. Effects of Antecedent Topog- raphy on Reefal Carbonate Depositi- on: Early-Middle Miocene of the Adana Basin, S Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Science 31 (1), 18-34.
  • Gürer, Ö. F. and Aldanmaz, E., 2002. Origin of the Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary Se- dimentary Basins within the Tauride- Anatolide Platform in Turkey. Geologi- cal Magazine 139 (2), 191-197.
  • Heckel, P.H., 1972. Recognition of ancient shal- low marine environments. In: Rigby,
  • J.K., Hamblin, W.K. (Eds.), Recognition
  • of Ancient Sedimentary Environments.
  • Society of Economic Palaeontologists
  • and Mineralogists Spec. Publ. No.: 16, pp. 226–286.
  • İşler, F., 1988. Mineralogic-Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation of the Çifte- han (Niğde) Volcanics. Geological Bul- letin of Turkey 31, 29-36,
  • Kalelioğlu, Özgür, Zorlu, K., Kurt, M.A., Gül, M. and Güler, C., 2009. Delineating com- positionally different dykes in the Ulukla basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey) using computer-enhanced multi-spectral re- mote sensing data. International Jour- nal of Remote Sensing 30 (11), 2997— 3011.
  • Ketin, İ. and Akarsu, İ., 1965. Report about the Geology of Ulukışla Tertiary Basin
  • TPAO Report No: 339 (in Turkish, un- published).
  • Koçyiğit, A. and Beyhan, A., 1998. A new Intra- continental Transcurrent Structure: the Central Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey.
  • Tectonophysics 284, 317-336.
  • Kurt, M.A., 2004. Mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical investigations of the gabbroic and dioritic dykes cuts the Ulukışla (Niğde) volcano-sedimentary sequence. Mersin University, Physical and Applied Science Institute, MSc the- sis. 71 pp. (in Turkish with English abs- tract, unpublished).
  • Mutti, E. and Ricci, L.F., 1972. Le türbiditi dell’ Appenino settentrionale: introduzione del analizi di facies. Soc. Geol. Italiana, Mem. 11, 161–199.
  • Mutti, E., 1992. Turbidite Sandstones, AGIP S. P. A. pp. 275
  • Nazik, A. and Gökçen, N., 1989. Stratigraphical Interpretation of Ulukışla Tertiary Se- quence according to Foraminifera and Ostracoda Fauna. Geological Bulletin of Turkey 32(1-2), 89-99.
  • Okay A.I., Tansel, İ. and Tüysüz, O., 2001. Ob- duction, subduction and collision as ref- lected in the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene sedimentary record of western
  • Turkey. Geological Magazine 138, 117- 142.
  • Oktay, F. Y., 1982. Stratigraphy and Geological evolution of the Ulukışla and Surroun- ding Area. Geological Bulletin of Turkey 25 (1), 15-23,
  • Özgül, N., 1984. Stratigraphy and tectonic evo- lution of the Central Taurides. Geology of the Bolkar Mountains. In: Tekeli, O. and Göncüoğlu, M.C. (Eds.), Geology of the Taurus Belt, Proceedings of the In- ternational Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, pp. 77-90.
  • Pettijohn, F. J., Potter, P. E. and Siever, R., 1987. Sand and Sandstone. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 553.
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  • Robertson, A. H. F. and Dixon, J. E., 1984. Int- roduction: Aspects of the Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean. In: Dixon, J. E. and Robertson, A. H. F. (Eds.), The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Meditararnean, Geological So- ciety of London, Special publication 14, pp. 1-74.
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  • Şengör, A. M. C. and Yılmaz, Y., 1981. Tethyan Evolution of Turkey: A Plate Tectonic Approach. Tectonophysics 75, 181-241.
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  • Yılmaz, Y., Tüysüz, O., Yigitbaş, E., Genç, Ş. C. and Şengör, A. M. C., 1997. Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Pontides. In: A. G. Robinson (Ed.), Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region, American As- sociation of Petroleum Geologists Me- moir no: 68, pp.183-226.
  • Ziegler, P.A., 1987a. Compressional Intra-Plate Deformation in the Alpine Foreland-an introduction. Tectonophysics 137, 1-5.
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Ulukışla Havzasının (Geç Kretase-Eosen) Jeolojik Evrimi, Orta Anadolu, Türkiye

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 141 - 168, 01.03.2011


Ulukışla Havzası (Orta Anadolu, Türkiye) Menderes-Toros Bloğu ve Niğde-Kırşehir Metamorfik Masifi arasında gelişmiştir. Havzaya ait dolguların sunduğu kanıtlar, havzanın asimetrik bir şekilde evrimleştiğini göstermektedir. Genişlemeli faz (Geç Kretase – Geç Paleosen) Neotetis Okyanusu kuzey kolu tabanının yitime uğraması sonrasında gelişmiştir. Ulukışla Havzası’nın dar güney kenarı, Alihoca Ofiyoliti (Neotetis Okyanus tabanı kalıntısı) üzerinde ve önünde gelişmiş olup, deniz altı yamacından derin denize uzanan ortamlarda, aglomera, kireçtaşı olistolitleri, kumtaşları ve kiltaşlarının çökelimi ile karakterize edilir. Aynı anda, başlangıçta göreceli derin denizel sonrasında sığ denizel ortamda, havzanın daha geniş olan kuzey kısımları, volkanik kayaçlarla ara katkılı resifal kireçtaşlarınca üzerlenen ince-taneli kumtaşları ve kiltaşları içermektedir. Bölgesel tektonik şartların değişmesi ile gelişen sıkışma fazına (Geç Paleosen – Erken Eosen) bağlı olarak, volkanik yükseltiler ve/veya topografik yükseltiler üzerinde yama resifleri gelişmiştir. Ek olarak, volkanikler, kireçtaşı ve volkanik kayaç parçaları içeren kırntılılarla ardalanmaktadır. Havza evrimi ve tektonik rejimdeki terslenme, Arap – Afrika plakalarının kuzeye doğru hareketlerinde oluşan sapmalardan güçlüce etkilenmiştir. Çökelme ve havza evriminde etkili olan diğer faktörler ise yersel tektonik etkiler, deniz seviyesi değişimleri ve temel topografyasının düzensizliğidir


  • Akgünlü, F., 2003. Benthic Foraminifera Asso- ciation of the Tertiary Sequence in Ça- mardı (Niğde-Turkey) Region. Çukurova University Institute of Basic and Appli- ed Science, MSc Thesis, 76 p. (unpub- lished, in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Alpaslan, M., Frei, R., Boztuğ, D., Kurt, M. A. and Temel, A., 2004. Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd Isotopic Constrains Indica- ting Enriched-Mantle Sources for Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Volcanism, Central Anatolia, Turkey. International Geology Review 46 (11), 1022-1041.
  • Alpaslan, M., Boztuğ, D., Frei, R., Temel, A. and Kurt, M.A., 2006. Geochemical and Pb- Sr-Nd isotopic composition of the ultra- potassic volcanics from the extension- related Çamardı-Ulukışla Basin, Niğ- de Province, Central Anatolia, Turkey,
  • Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 27 (5), 613-627.
  • Baş, H., Ayhan, A. and Atabey, E., 1986. Petro- logical and Geochemical Properties of the Ulukışla-Çamardı (Niğde) Volcanics. Geological Engineering Journal of Tur- key 26, 27-34.
  • Binks, R.M. and Fairhead, J.D., 1992. A pla- te tectonic framework for the evolu- tion of the Cretaceous rift basins in West and Central Africa. In: Geodyna- mics of Rifting, Case History studies on Rifts: North and South America, Africa- Arabia. (ed. P.A. Ziegler), Tectonoph- ysics, 213 (2), 141–151.
  • Boccaletti, M., Dainelli, P., Angelucci, A., Arush, M.A., Cabdulqaadir, M.M., Nafissi, P., Piccoli, G. and Robba, E., 1988. Fol- ding of the Mesozoic cover in SW So- malia: a compressional episode related to the early stages of Indian Ocean evo- lution. J. Pet. Geol. 11, 157–168.
  • Boggs, S., 1987. Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Macmillan Publ. Co., New York, 784 p.
  • Bosworth, W., 1992. Mesozoic and early Terti- ary rift tectonics in East Africa. Tecto- nophysics 209, 115-137.
  • Bouma, A.H., 1962. Sedimentology of some flysch deposits. A graphic approach to facies interpretation: Elsevier, Amster- dam.
  • Cater, J. M. L., Hanna, S. S., Ries, A. C. and
  • Turner, P., 1991. Tertiary Evolution of
  • the Sivas Basin, Central Turkey. Tecto
  • nophysics 195, 29-46.
  • Clark, M. and Robertson, A., 2002. The role of the Early Tertiary Ulukışla Basin, Sout- hern Turkey, in Suturing of the Meso
  • zoic Tethys Ocean. Journal of the Ge
  • ological Society, London 159, 673–690.
  • Clark, M. and Robertson, A., 2005. Uppermost Cretaceous–Lower Tertiary Ulukışla Basin, south-central Turkey: sedimen- tary evolution of part of a unified basin complex within an evolving Neotethyan suture zone. Sedimentary Geology 173, 15–51.
  • Cronin, B.T. and Kidd, R.B., 1998. Heterogene- ity and lithotype distribution in ancient deep-sea canyons: Point Lobos deep- sea canyon as a reservoir analogue. Se- dimentary Geology 115, 315–349.
  • Çevikbaş, A. and Öztunalı, Ö., 1992. Geology of the Ulukışla-Çamardı (Niğde) Deposi- tional Basin after Maastrichtian, Bulle- tin of Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) 114, 155-172 (in Turkish, with English abstract).
  • Demirtaşlı, E., Turhan, N., Bilgin, A. Z. and Se- lim, M., 1984. Geology of the Bolkar Mountains. In: Tekeli, O. and Göncüoğ- lu, M.C. (Eds.), Geology of the Taurus Belt, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Geology of the Tau- rus Belt, pp. 125-141.
  • Dunham, R. J., 1962. Classification of carbona- te rocks according to depositional tex- ture. In: W. E. Ham (Ed.), Classification of carbonate rocks, Amer. Assoc. Pet- roleum Geologists Mem. pp. 108-121.
  • Embry, A.F. and Klovan, J. E., 1971. A Late Devonian ReefTract on Northeastern Banks Island. Bulletin of Canadian Pet- roleum Geology, v. 19, p. 730-781.
  • Fournier, F., Montaggioni, L., Borgoma- no, J., 2004. Paleoenvironments and high-frequency cyclicity from Ceno
  • zoic South-East Asian shallow wa
  • ter carbonates: a case study from the Oligo-Miocene buildups of Ma- lampaya (Offshore Palawan, Philippi- nes). Marine and Petroleum Geology 21, 1–21.
  • Golonka, J., 2004. Plate tectonic evolution of the southern margin of Eurasia in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Tectonoph- ysics 381, 235– 273.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., 1986. Geochronological data from the Southern Part (Niğde Area) of the Central Anatolian Massif: Bulletin of Mineral Research and Exploration Insti- tute of Turkey (MTA) 105/106, 111-124.
  • Göncüoğlu, M. C., Toprak, G. M. V., Kuşçu, İ., Erler, A. and Olgun, E., 1991. Geology of the Western Part of the Central Ana- tolian Massif, Part I: Southern Part An- kara, Turkey, METU-TPAO Project Re- port, 140 pp (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Görür, N., Oktay, F. Y., Seymen, I., and Şengör, A. M. C., 1984. Palaeotectonic Evolution of the Tuzgölü Basin Complex, Central
  • Turkey: Sedimentary Record of a Neo
  • tethyan Closure. In: Dixon, J. E. and Ro
  • bertson, A. H. F. (Eds.), The Geological
  • Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean,
  • Geological Society of London, Special
  • publication 17, pp. 467-482,
  • Görür, N., Tüysüz, O., and Şengör, A. M. C.,
  • Tectonic Evolution of the Central
  • Anatolian Basins. International Geology Review 40, 831-850.
  • Görür, N. and Tüysüz, O., 2001. Cretaceous to Miocene Palaeogeographic Evolution of Turkey: Implications for Hydrocar- bon Potential. Journal of Petroleum Ge- ology 24, 119-146.
  • Guezou, J. C., Temiz, H., Poisson, A. and Gür- soy, H., 1996. Tectonics of the Sivas Basin: The Neogene Records of the Anatolian Accretion along the Inner Ta- uride Suture. International Geology Re- view 88, 901-925.
  • Guiraud,R., Binks, R. M., Fairhead, J. D. and Wil- son, M., 1992. Chronology and geody- namic setting of Cretaceous-Cenozoic rifting in West and Central Africa. Tec- tonophysics 213 (1-2), 227-234.
  • Guiraud, R. and Bosworth, W., 1997. Senonian basin inversion and rejuvenation of rif- ting in Africa and Arabia: synthesis and implications to plate-scale tectonics.
  • Tectonophysics 282, 39-82.
  • Gül, M and Eren, M., 2003. The Sedimentary Characteristics of Dağpazarı Patch Reef (Middle Miocene, Mut-İçel/Tur- key). Carbonates and Evaporites 18 (1), 51-62.
  • Gül, M., 2007. Effects of Antecedent Topog- raphy on Reefal Carbonate Depositi- on: Early-Middle Miocene of the Adana Basin, S Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Science 31 (1), 18-34.
  • Gürer, Ö. F. and Aldanmaz, E., 2002. Origin of the Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary Se- dimentary Basins within the Tauride- Anatolide Platform in Turkey. Geologi- cal Magazine 139 (2), 191-197.
  • Heckel, P.H., 1972. Recognition of ancient shal- low marine environments. In: Rigby,
  • J.K., Hamblin, W.K. (Eds.), Recognition
  • of Ancient Sedimentary Environments.
  • Society of Economic Palaeontologists
  • and Mineralogists Spec. Publ. No.: 16, pp. 226–286.
  • İşler, F., 1988. Mineralogic-Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation of the Çifte- han (Niğde) Volcanics. Geological Bul- letin of Turkey 31, 29-36,
  • Kalelioğlu, Özgür, Zorlu, K., Kurt, M.A., Gül, M. and Güler, C., 2009. Delineating com- positionally different dykes in the Ulukla basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey) using computer-enhanced multi-spectral re- mote sensing data. International Jour- nal of Remote Sensing 30 (11), 2997— 3011.
  • Ketin, İ. and Akarsu, İ., 1965. Report about the Geology of Ulukışla Tertiary Basin
  • TPAO Report No: 339 (in Turkish, un- published).
  • Koçyiğit, A. and Beyhan, A., 1998. A new Intra- continental Transcurrent Structure: the Central Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey.
  • Tectonophysics 284, 317-336.
  • Kurt, M.A., 2004. Mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical investigations of the gabbroic and dioritic dykes cuts the Ulukışla (Niğde) volcano-sedimentary sequence. Mersin University, Physical and Applied Science Institute, MSc the- sis. 71 pp. (in Turkish with English abs- tract, unpublished).
  • Mutti, E. and Ricci, L.F., 1972. Le türbiditi dell’ Appenino settentrionale: introduzione del analizi di facies. Soc. Geol. Italiana, Mem. 11, 161–199.
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Toplam 100 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Kemal Zorlu Bu kişi benim

Selim İnan Bu kişi benim

Murat Gül Bu kişi benim

Nurdan İnan Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Ali Kurt Bu kişi benim

Musa Alpaslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Zorlu K, İnan S, Gül M, İnan N, Kurt MA, Alpaslan M (01 Mart 2011) Geological Evolution of the Ulukışla Basin (Late CretaceousEocene) Central Anatolia, Turkey. Yerbilimleri 32 2 141–168.