Afsarinejad, M., 1999. Numerical Modeling of Inclined Seams. PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, UK, (in Persian)
Ajalloeian, R., 2000. Empirical Rock Failure Cri- teria. Daneshjoo Press, Hamedan, Iran, (in Persian)
Ataee, M., 2005. Underground Mining (Special subjects). Vol.Three, Shahrood Univer- sity Press, Shahrood, Iran, (in Persian)
Bieniawski, Z. T., 1979. The Geomechanics Classification in Rock Engineering App- lications. Proceedings of the 4th Inter- national Congress on Rock Mechanic, ISRM, Montreux
Bieniawski, Z.T., 1984. Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling. Balkema, Net- herlands
Butcher, R.J., 2001. Application of The Coal Mine Roof Rating System in South Af- rican collieries. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, S.S. Peng et al., West Virginia University. Morgantown
Das, S.K., 2000. Observations and classificati- on of roof strata behavior over longwall coal mining panels in India. Internatio- nal Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mi- ning Sciences, 37: 585-597
Goodman, R. E.,1989. Introduction to Rock Mechanics. 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York
Hoek, E., and Brown, E.T., 1997. Practical Es- timates of Rock Mass Strength. Inter- national Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 34: 1165-1186
Hoek, E., et al., 2002. Hoek-Brown Failure Cri- terion–2002 Edition. Proceedings of the 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Toronto, Canada
Kidybinski, A., 1977. Methods of Investigations, Estimation and Classification of Roof in Mines in the U.S.A. for the Selecti- on of Suitable Mechanized Supports for Longwalls. Final report submitted to U.S. Department of Energy, DOE/TIC- 11483: 116
Kidybinski, A., 1979. Experience With Hard Rock Penetrometers Used for Mine Rock Stability Predictions. Procee- dings of the 4th International Congress on Rock Mechanic, ISRM, Montreux, France
Kidybinski, A., 1982. Classification of Rocks for Longwall Caveability. Proceedings State-of-the-Art of Ground Control in Longwall Mining and Mining Subsiden- ce, SME-AIME
Korovkin, U. A., 1980. On the Classification of the Roofs of Mechanized Coal Faces. Ugol, 1: 18-22
Mark, C., 1999. Application of the Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) to extended cuts. Mining Engineering, 51: 52– 56
Mark, C., Molinda, G.M. and Barton, T., 2002. New Developments With The Coal Mine Roof Rating. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Gro- und Control in Mining. S.S. Peng et al., West Virginia University, Morgantown
Molinda, G. and Mark, C., 1994. The Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) A Practical Rock Mass Classification for Coal Mines. U.S. Bureau of mines, IC 9387: 83
Morsy, K., et al., 2006. Multiple Seam Mining In- teractions - A Case Study. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, S.S. Peng et al., West Virginia University. Morgan- town
Oraee, K. 2002, Underground Coal Mining. Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (in Persi- an)
Pabdana, Inc., 1987, Technical Report of Exp- loration in Pabdana Coal Mine, (in Per- sian)
Peng, S., 1978. Coal Mine Ground Control. John Wiley & Sons, New York
Peng, S.S. and Chiang, H.S., 1982. Roof Sta- bility in Longwall Coal Faces. Procee- dings of the 1st International Conferen- ce on Underground Stability, Vancou- ver, Canada
Peng, S.S. and Chiang, H.S., 1984. Longwall Mining. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Rocscience, Inc., 1999. Phase2 Verification ma- nual. Version 2.1
Rocscience, Inc., 2001. Phase2 model program reference manual
Saeedi, G., et al., 2010. Numerical Modeling of Out-Of-Seam Dilution in Longwall Ret- reat Mining. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47: 533-543
Sheorey, P.R., et al., 1989. An Empirical Failu- re Criterion for Rocks and Jointed Rock Masses. Engineering Geology, 26: 141- 159
Singh, T.N. and Dubey, B.K., 1994. Caveability Study of a Competent Roof - A Case Study. Proceedings of the 13th Interna- tional Conference on Ground Control in Mining, S.S. Peng et al. ,West Virginia University. Morgantown
Singh, G.S.P. and Singh, U.K., 2009. A Nume- rical Modeling Approach for Assess- ment of Progressive Caving of Strata and Performance of Hydraulic Powered Support in Longwall Workings. Compu- ters and Geotechnics, 36: 1142–1156
Singh, G.S.P. and Singh, U.K., 2010. Prediction of Caving Behavior of Strata and Opti- mum Rating of Hydraulic Powered Sup- port for Longwall Workings. Internatio- nal Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mi- ning Sciences, 47: 1–16
Staff, J., 1982. Roof Classification Scheme for
The Slightly Inclined Coal Seams. Coal
Science and Technology, 9: 2-5
Tabas, Inc., 1995, Technical Report of Explora- tion in Parvadeh Coal Mine, (in Persian)
Tahoony, Sh., 2009. Strength of Materials. Par- saeen Press, Tehran, Iran, (in Persian)
Unrug, K. and Szwilski, B., 1982. Method of Roof Quality Prediction. Proceedings of State Of The Art Of Ground Control in Longwall Mining And Mining Subsiden- ce, Chugh, Y.P. and Karmis, SME OF AIME
Wang, J.A., Park, H.D.,2003. Coal mining above a confined aquifer. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Scien- ces, 40: 537–551
Whittles, D.N., et al., 2007. The Development of a Coal Measure Classification (CMC) and Its Use for Prediction of Geomec- hanical Parameters. International Jour- nal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sci- ences, 44: 496–513
Xie, H., Chen, Z. and Wang, J., 1999. Three- Dimensional Numerical Analysis of De- formation and Failure During Top Coal Caving. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36: 651-658
Yasitli, N.E. and Unver, B., 2005. 3D numeri- cal Modeling of Longwall Mining With Top-Coal Caving. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Scien- ces, 42: 219–235
A Model for Determining the Breaking Characteristics of Immediate Roof in Longwall Mines
Nowadays, the longwall mining is one of the most prevalent methods being used in coal mines. For the safety and success of such mines, one of the most important parameters is determination of the periodic roof weighting interval. As a matter of fact periodic roof weighting interval (PRWI) is not selected. Design and selection of support in this mining method should be correctly selected considering PRWI. Consequently, the current paper tries to develop a new model for determining the periodic roof weighting interval of coal mines. For this, the roof weighting interval is modeled by applying an analytical method and presented a model for determining the roof weighting interval. The results are compared with some case studies at coal mines. It is found that that the proposed model can confidently be used for determining the roof weighting interval in coal mines.
Afsarinejad, M., 1999. Numerical Modeling of Inclined Seams. PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, UK, (in Persian)
Ajalloeian, R., 2000. Empirical Rock Failure Cri- teria. Daneshjoo Press, Hamedan, Iran, (in Persian)
Ataee, M., 2005. Underground Mining (Special subjects). Vol.Three, Shahrood Univer- sity Press, Shahrood, Iran, (in Persian)
Bieniawski, Z. T., 1979. The Geomechanics Classification in Rock Engineering App- lications. Proceedings of the 4th Inter- national Congress on Rock Mechanic, ISRM, Montreux
Bieniawski, Z.T., 1984. Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling. Balkema, Net- herlands
Butcher, R.J., 2001. Application of The Coal Mine Roof Rating System in South Af- rican collieries. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, S.S. Peng et al., West Virginia University. Morgantown
Das, S.K., 2000. Observations and classificati- on of roof strata behavior over longwall coal mining panels in India. Internatio- nal Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mi- ning Sciences, 37: 585-597
Goodman, R. E.,1989. Introduction to Rock Mechanics. 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York
Hoek, E., and Brown, E.T., 1997. Practical Es- timates of Rock Mass Strength. Inter- national Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 34: 1165-1186
Hoek, E., et al., 2002. Hoek-Brown Failure Cri- terion–2002 Edition. Proceedings of the 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Toronto, Canada
Kidybinski, A., 1977. Methods of Investigations, Estimation and Classification of Roof in Mines in the U.S.A. for the Selecti- on of Suitable Mechanized Supports for Longwalls. Final report submitted to U.S. Department of Energy, DOE/TIC- 11483: 116
Kidybinski, A., 1979. Experience With Hard Rock Penetrometers Used for Mine Rock Stability Predictions. Procee- dings of the 4th International Congress on Rock Mechanic, ISRM, Montreux, France
Kidybinski, A., 1982. Classification of Rocks for Longwall Caveability. Proceedings State-of-the-Art of Ground Control in Longwall Mining and Mining Subsiden- ce, SME-AIME
Korovkin, U. A., 1980. On the Classification of the Roofs of Mechanized Coal Faces. Ugol, 1: 18-22
Mark, C., 1999. Application of the Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) to extended cuts. Mining Engineering, 51: 52– 56
Mark, C., Molinda, G.M. and Barton, T., 2002. New Developments With The Coal Mine Roof Rating. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Gro- und Control in Mining. S.S. Peng et al., West Virginia University, Morgantown
Molinda, G. and Mark, C., 1994. The Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) A Practical Rock Mass Classification for Coal Mines. U.S. Bureau of mines, IC 9387: 83
Morsy, K., et al., 2006. Multiple Seam Mining In- teractions - A Case Study. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, S.S. Peng et al., West Virginia University. Morgan- town
Oraee, K. 2002, Underground Coal Mining. Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (in Persi- an)
Pabdana, Inc., 1987, Technical Report of Exp- loration in Pabdana Coal Mine, (in Per- sian)
Peng, S., 1978. Coal Mine Ground Control. John Wiley & Sons, New York
Peng, S.S. and Chiang, H.S., 1982. Roof Sta- bility in Longwall Coal Faces. Procee- dings of the 1st International Conferen- ce on Underground Stability, Vancou- ver, Canada
Peng, S.S. and Chiang, H.S., 1984. Longwall Mining. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Rocscience, Inc., 1999. Phase2 Verification ma- nual. Version 2.1
Rocscience, Inc., 2001. Phase2 model program reference manual
Saeedi, G., et al., 2010. Numerical Modeling of Out-Of-Seam Dilution in Longwall Ret- reat Mining. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47: 533-543
Sheorey, P.R., et al., 1989. An Empirical Failu- re Criterion for Rocks and Jointed Rock Masses. Engineering Geology, 26: 141- 159
Singh, T.N. and Dubey, B.K., 1994. Caveability Study of a Competent Roof - A Case Study. Proceedings of the 13th Interna- tional Conference on Ground Control in Mining, S.S. Peng et al. ,West Virginia University. Morgantown
Singh, G.S.P. and Singh, U.K., 2009. A Nume- rical Modeling Approach for Assess- ment of Progressive Caving of Strata and Performance of Hydraulic Powered Support in Longwall Workings. Compu- ters and Geotechnics, 36: 1142–1156
Singh, G.S.P. and Singh, U.K., 2010. Prediction of Caving Behavior of Strata and Opti- mum Rating of Hydraulic Powered Sup- port for Longwall Workings. Internatio- nal Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mi- ning Sciences, 47: 1–16
Staff, J., 1982. Roof Classification Scheme for
The Slightly Inclined Coal Seams. Coal
Science and Technology, 9: 2-5
Tabas, Inc., 1995, Technical Report of Explora- tion in Parvadeh Coal Mine, (in Persian)
Tahoony, Sh., 2009. Strength of Materials. Par- saeen Press, Tehran, Iran, (in Persian)
Unrug, K. and Szwilski, B., 1982. Method of Roof Quality Prediction. Proceedings of State Of The Art Of Ground Control in Longwall Mining And Mining Subsiden- ce, Chugh, Y.P. and Karmis, SME OF AIME
Wang, J.A., Park, H.D.,2003. Coal mining above a confined aquifer. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Scien- ces, 40: 537–551
Whittles, D.N., et al., 2007. The Development of a Coal Measure Classification (CMC) and Its Use for Prediction of Geomec- hanical Parameters. International Jour- nal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sci- ences, 44: 496–513
Xie, H., Chen, Z. and Wang, J., 1999. Three- Dimensional Numerical Analysis of De- formation and Failure During Top Coal Caving. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36: 651-658
Yasitli, N.E. and Unver, B., 2005. 3D numeri- cal Modeling of Longwall Mining With Top-Coal Caving. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Scien- ces, 42: 219–235
Noroozı A, Oraee K, Javadı M, Goshtasbı K, Khodadady H (01 Mart 2012) A Model for Determining the Breaking Characteristics of Immediate Roof in Longwall Mines. Yerbilimleri 33 2 193–203.