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Stratigraphy, benthic foraminifera and paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Ortaköy-Barcın Plateau Cretaceous sequence (Central Taurides, Antalya Nappes, Gündoğmuş)

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 9 - 40, 22.04.2021


The Ortaköy-Barcın Plateau Cretaceous sequence is located in the Antalya nappes outcropping throughout the Akseki-Güzelsu-Köprülü which is in northern of the Gündoğmuş (Antalya). The sequence begins with Albian limestones containing mainly Pseudonummoloculina aurigerica, Praechrysalidina infracretacea, Nezzazata isabellae, Trochamminoides coronus, Glomospira urgoniana, Vercorsella arenata, Cuneolina parva and they are conformably overlain by the Cenomanian limestones including Sellialveolina viallii, Ovalveolina maccagnoae, Biplanata peneropliformis, Pseudorhapydionina dubia, Pseudolituonella sp., Biconcava bentori, Merlingina cretacea, Chrysalidina gradata, Cuneolina pavonia, Coxites zubairensis. The Albian-Cenomanian limestones that contain frequently breccia levels represent peritidal environments of restricted inner platform exposed to short-term subaerially. They are composed of dominantly fenestral/birdseye mudstone, fenestral/laminated peloidal packstone to grainstone, and foraminiferal wackestone. The Albian-Cenomanian inner platform sequence is disconformably overlain by the Maastrichtian limestones deposited in slope to basin, mainly containing Orbitoides media-megaloformis, Lepidorbitoides sp., Siderolites cf. S. calcitrapoides, Omphalocyclus sp. The Maastrichtian sequence is composed of bioclastic limestone and alternation of chert-bearing micritic limestone and calciturbidite. The bioclastic limestone and calciturbidite have the feature of bioclastic packstone to grainstone microfacies containing larger benthic foraminifera and the chert-bearing micritic limestones have the feature of pelagic wackestone microfacies including planktonic foraminifera. The data obtained reveal that the Maastrichtian slope to basin facies overlying the unconformity developed after a rapid subsidence of the platform due to tectonism.


  • Arnaud-Vanneau, A. ve Premoli Silva, I., 1995. Biostratigraphy and systematic description of benthic foraminifers from mid–Cretaceous shallow–water carbonate platform sediments at sites 878 and 879 (Mıt and Takuyo–Daisan Guyots). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results (199-219), 144 s.
  • Arnaud-Vanneau, A. ve Sliter, W. V., 1995. Early Cretaceous shallow–water benthic foraminifers and fecal pellets from leg 143 compared with coeval faunas from the Pacific Basin, Central America, and the Tethys. Winterer, E. L., Sager, W. W., Firth, J. V., Simon, J. M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 143, 537-564.
  • Blumenthal, M. M., 1951. Batı Toroslarda Alanya Ard Ülkesinde Jeolojik Araştırmalar, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, D, 5, 194 s.
  • Brunn, J.H., Dumont, J.F., De Graciansky, P.C., Gutnic, M., Juteau, T., Marcoux, J., Monod, O. ve Poisson, A., 1971. Outline of the geology of the western Taurides. In: Campbell, A.S. (Editor), Geology and History of Turkey. Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya, Tripoli, pp. 225-255.
  • Calvez, H. 1988. Pseudonummoloculina aurigerica n. gen., n. sp. et Dobrogelina? angulata n. sp., deux foraminifères nouveaux de l’Albien calcaire des Pyrenees Franco–Espagnoles. Revue de Paléobiologie, spec. 2, 391-399.
  • Chiocchini, M., Chiocchini, R.A., Didaskalou, P. ve Potetti, M., 2008. Microbiostratigrafia del Triassico superiore, Giurassico e Cretacico in facies di piattaforma carbonatica del Lazio centroemeridionale e abruzzo: revisone finale. In: Chiocchini, M. (Ed.), Memorie Descrittive della carta Geologica d'Italia, Torino, 84, 5-170.
  • Chiocchini M., Farinacci A., Mancinelli A., Molinari V. ve Potetti M., 1994. Biostratigrafia a foraminiferi, dasicladali e ealpionelle delle successioni carbonatiche mesozoiche dell'Appennino centrale (Italia). A. Mancinelli, (Ed.), Biostratigrafia dell'Italia centrale. Studi Geologici Camertl, Camerino, 9-129.
  • Chiocchini, M., Mancinella, A. ve Romano, A., 1984. Stratigraphic distribution of Benthic Foraminifera in the Aptian, Albian and Cenomanian carbonate sequences of the Aurunci and Ausoni Mountains (Southern Lazio, Italy). Benthos '83; 2nd Int. Symp. Benthic Foraminifera, Pau and Bordeaux, March 1984, 161-181. ISSN 0181–0901. ISBN 2–901026–14–1.
  • Chiocchini, M., Pampaloni, M. L. ve Pichezzi, R. M., 2012. Microfacies e microfossili delle successioni carbonatiche mesozoiche del Lazio et dell' Abruzzo (Italia centrale) Cretacico. Mem. per Serv. Descr. della Carta Geol. d'It, ISPRA, Serv. Geol. d'Ir. –Dip. Dif. Suolo–Roma, 17, 269 s.
  • Cvetko Tešović, B., Glumac, B. ve Bucković, D., 2011. Integrated biostratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian to Albian) Adriatic–Dinaridic carbonate platform deposits in Istria, Croatia. Cretaceous Research, 32, 301-324.
  • Dunham, R.J., 1962. Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional texture. In: Ham, W.E. (Ed.), Classification of carbonate rocks, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 1, 108-121.
  • Embry, A.F. ve Klovan, J. E., 1971. A Late Devonian reef tract on northeastern Banks Island, Northwest Territories. Canadanian Society of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 33, 730-781.
  • Flügel, E., 2004. Microfacies of carbonate rocks: analysis, interpretation and application. Springer, 976 s.
  • Folk, R. L., 1959, Practical petrographic classification of limestones. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 43, 1-38.
  • Folk, R. L., 1962, Spectral subdivision of limestone types. In: Ham, W.E. (Ed.), Classification of carbonate Rocks-A Symposium. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 1, 62-84.
  • Frijia, G., Parente, M., Di Lucia, M. ve Mutti, M., 2015. Carbon and strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous (CenomanianeCampanian) shallow-water carbonates of southern Italy: Chronostratigraphic calibration of larger foraminifera biostratigraphy. Cretaceous Research, 53, 110-139.
  • Görmüş, M. ve Meriç, E., 2000. Unusual forms of orbitoidal foraminifera in the Maastrichtian of Turkey. Cretaceous Research, 21, 801-812.
  • Hottinger, L., Drobne, K. ve Caus, E., 1989. Late Cretaceous, larger, complex miliolids (Foraminifera) endemic in the Pyrenean faunal province. Facies. 21, 99-134.
  • Husinec, A., Velić, I. ve Sokač, B., 2009. Diversity patterns in mid–Cretaceous benthic foraminifers and Dasycladalean algae of the southern part of the Mesozoic Adriatic platform, Croatia. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), ISBN 978–1–56576–137–7, 153–170.
  • Kalafatçıoğlu, A., 1973. Geology of the western part of Antalya Bay. MTA Bulletin, 81, 31–84.
  • Lefèvre, R., 1967, Un nouvel éleément de la géologie du Taurus lycien: les nappes d'Antalya (Turquie): C. r. Seances Acad. Sci., Paris, 265, 1365-1368.
  • Loeblich, A. R. ve Tappan, H., 1985. Some new and redefined genera and families of agglutinated foraminifera II. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 15, 3, 175-217.
  • Mancinelli, A. ve Chiocchini, M. 2006. Cretaceous benthic foraminifers and calcareous algae from Monte Cairo (southern Latium, Italy). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 45/1, 91-113.
  • Marcoux, J., 1979. Antalya Naplarının genel yapısı ve Tetis güney kenarı paleocoğrafyasındaki yeri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 33, 1-5.
  • Monod, O., 1977. Recherches géologiques dans le Taurus occidental au sud de Beyşehir (Turquie). Ph.D. Thesis. Université de Paris-Sud Orsay (unpublished).
  • Monod, O., 1978. Güzelsu Akseki Bölgesindeki Antalya napları üzerine açıklama (Orta Batı Toroslar, Türkiye). Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 21, 27-29.
  • Özgül, N., 1976. Torosların bazı temel jeolojik özellikleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 19, 65-78.
  • Özgül, N., 1984. Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of The Central Taurides. Tekeli, O., Göncüoğlu, M.C. (Ed.), Geology of the Taurus Belt. Proceedings. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute-Geological Society of Turkey, Ankara, pp. 77–90.
  • Özgül, N., 1997. Bozkır-Hadim-Taşkent (Orta Toroslar'ın kuzey kesimi) dolayında yer alan tektono-stratigrafik birliklerin stratigrafisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 119, 113-174.
  • Ricou, L. E., Argyriadis, I. ve Lefèvre, R., 1974. Proposition d'une origine interne pour les nappes d'Antalya et le massif d'Alanya (Taurides occidentales, Turquie). Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr. 16(7), 107-111.
  • Robertson, A. H. F. ve Woodcock, N. H., 1981. Alakır Çay Group, Antalya Complex, SW Turkey: A deformed Mesozoic carbonate margin. Sedimentary Geology, 30, 95-131.
  • Sarı, B., 2009. Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Coniacian–Maastrichtian sequences of the Bey Dağları Autochthon, western Taurides Turkey: thin–section zonation. Cretaceous Research, 30, 1103-1132.
  • Sarı, B., Taslı, K. ve Özer, S., 2009. Benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous (Middle Cenomanian−Coniacian) sequences of the Bey Dağları Carbonate Platform, western Taurides, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 18/3, 393-425.
  • Schlagintweit, F., Kolodziej, B. ve Qorri, A., 2015. Foraminiferan–calcimicrobial benthic communities from Upper Cretaceous shallow–water carbonates of Albania (Kruja Zone). Cretaceous Research, 56, 432-446.
  • Schroeder, R. ve Neumann, N., 1985. Les grands foraminifères du Crétace moyen de la région méditerranénne. Geobios, Mémoire Special, 7, 161 s.
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  • Solak, C. ve Taslı, K., 2020. Phenacophragma oezeri n. sp., a benthic foraminifera from Albian shallow marine carbonates of the Geyik Dağı area (Southern Turkey). Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 50/4, 373-381.
  • Solak C., Taslı K. ve Koç, H., 2017. Biostratigraphy and facies analysis of the Upper Cretaceous–Danian? platform carbonate succession in the Kuyucak area, western Central Taurides, S Turkey. Cretaceous Research, 79, 43-63.
  • Solak C., Taslı K. ve Koç, H., 2020. An Albian-Turonian shallow-marine carbonate succession of the Bey Dağları (Western Taurides, Turkey): biostratigraphy and a new benthic foraminifera Fleuryana gediki sp. nov. Cretaceous Research, 108, 104321.
  • Solak C., Taslı K. ve Koç, H., 2021. Benthic foraminifera from the Albian shallow-marine limestones in the Geyik Dağı area (Central Taurides), southern Turkey. Journal of Paleontology, 1–21. doi:10.1017/jpa.2021.17.
  • Solak C., Taslı K. ve Özer S., 2014. Stratigraphy and Microfacies of Cretaceous Limestones in the Bornova Flysch Zone (Spil Mountain, Manisa, Western Turkey). In: Rocha R., Pais J., Kullberg J., Finney S. (Ed.), STRATI 2013. Springer Geology. Springer, Cham.
  • Solak, C., Taslı K. ve Sarı, B., 2015. Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Cretaceous carbonate successions in the Spil Mountain (Manisa, W Turkey). Cretaceous Research, 53, 1-18.
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Ortaköy-Barcın Yaylası (Orta Toroslar, Antalya Napları, Gündoğmuş) Kretase istifinin stratigrafisi, bentik foraminiferleri ve paleo-ortamsal yorumu

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 9 - 40, 22.04.2021


Ortaköy-Barcın Yaylası Kretase istifi, Gündoğmuş’un (Antalya) kuzeyinde Akseki-Güzelsu-Köprülü boyunca yüzlek veren Antalya napları içerisinde yer alır. İstif, başlıca Pseudonummoloculina aurigerica, Praechrysalidina infracretacea, Nezzazata isabellae, Trochamminoides coronus, Glomospira urgoniana, Vercorsella arenata, Cuneolina parva türlerini içeren Albiyen kireçtaşları ile başlar ve Sellialveolina viallii, Ovalveolina maccagnoae, Biplanata peneropliformis, Pseudorhapydionina dubia, Pseudolituonella sp., Biconcava bentori, Merlingina cretacea, Chrysalidina gradata, Cuneolina pavonia, Coxites zubairensis türlerini içeren Senomaniyen kireçtaşları ile uyumlu olarak üzerlenir. Sıklıkla breşik seviyeler içeren Albiyen-Senomaniyen kireçtaşları sınırlı iç platformun kısa süreli su-üstü koşullara maruz kalan gel-git çevresi ortamlarını temsil eder ve baskın olarak fenestral/kuşgözlü çamurtaşı, fenestral/laminalı peloidal istiftaşı-tanetaşı ve foraminiferal vaketaşlarından oluşur. Albiyen-Senomaniyen iç platform istifini, başlıca Orbitoides apiculata, Orbitoides media-megaloformis, Lepidorbitoides sp., Siderolites cf. S. calcitrapoides, Omphalocyclus sp. türlerini içeren yamaç-havza ortamlarında çökelmiş Maastrihtiyen kireçtaşları uyumsuz olarak üzerler. Maastrihtiyen istifi, biyoklastik kireçtaşı ve çörtlü mikritik kireçtaşı-kalsitürbidit ardalanmasından oluşur. Bu litolojilerden biyoklastik kireçtaşı ve kalsitürbiditler, iri bentik foraminiferli biyoklastik istiftaşı-tanetaşı, çörtlü mikritik kireçtaşı ise planktonik foraminiferli pelajik vaketaşı özelliğindedir. Elde edilen veriler, uyumsuzluğu üzerleyen Maastrihtiyen yamaç-havza fasiyeslerinin tektonizmaya bağlı olarak hızlı bir platform çöküşü sonrasında geliştiğini ortaya koymaktadır.


Yazar, arazi çalışmalarına ve planktonik foraminifer tayinlerine destek veren Prof. Dr. Kemal TASLI’ya (Mersin Üniversitesi), arazi çalışmalarına eşlik eden Dr. Hayati KOÇ’a (Mersin Üniversitesi) ve stratigrafik çatının iyileştirilmesine katkı yapan Dr. Mustafa ŞENEL’e (MTA) teşekkür eder. Değerli katkılarından dolayı iki hakeme (Prof. Dr. Murat GÜL ve anonim) ve ayrıca, ince kesitleri hazırlayan teknisyen Samet SALAR’a (Mersin Üniversitesi) teşekkür eder.


  • Arnaud-Vanneau, A. ve Premoli Silva, I., 1995. Biostratigraphy and systematic description of benthic foraminifers from mid–Cretaceous shallow–water carbonate platform sediments at sites 878 and 879 (Mıt and Takuyo–Daisan Guyots). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results (199-219), 144 s.
  • Arnaud-Vanneau, A. ve Sliter, W. V., 1995. Early Cretaceous shallow–water benthic foraminifers and fecal pellets from leg 143 compared with coeval faunas from the Pacific Basin, Central America, and the Tethys. Winterer, E. L., Sager, W. W., Firth, J. V., Simon, J. M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 143, 537-564.
  • Blumenthal, M. M., 1951. Batı Toroslarda Alanya Ard Ülkesinde Jeolojik Araştırmalar, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, D, 5, 194 s.
  • Brunn, J.H., Dumont, J.F., De Graciansky, P.C., Gutnic, M., Juteau, T., Marcoux, J., Monod, O. ve Poisson, A., 1971. Outline of the geology of the western Taurides. In: Campbell, A.S. (Editor), Geology and History of Turkey. Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya, Tripoli, pp. 225-255.
  • Calvez, H. 1988. Pseudonummoloculina aurigerica n. gen., n. sp. et Dobrogelina? angulata n. sp., deux foraminifères nouveaux de l’Albien calcaire des Pyrenees Franco–Espagnoles. Revue de Paléobiologie, spec. 2, 391-399.
  • Chiocchini, M., Chiocchini, R.A., Didaskalou, P. ve Potetti, M., 2008. Microbiostratigrafia del Triassico superiore, Giurassico e Cretacico in facies di piattaforma carbonatica del Lazio centroemeridionale e abruzzo: revisone finale. In: Chiocchini, M. (Ed.), Memorie Descrittive della carta Geologica d'Italia, Torino, 84, 5-170.
  • Chiocchini M., Farinacci A., Mancinelli A., Molinari V. ve Potetti M., 1994. Biostratigrafia a foraminiferi, dasicladali e ealpionelle delle successioni carbonatiche mesozoiche dell'Appennino centrale (Italia). A. Mancinelli, (Ed.), Biostratigrafia dell'Italia centrale. Studi Geologici Camertl, Camerino, 9-129.
  • Chiocchini, M., Mancinella, A. ve Romano, A., 1984. Stratigraphic distribution of Benthic Foraminifera in the Aptian, Albian and Cenomanian carbonate sequences of the Aurunci and Ausoni Mountains (Southern Lazio, Italy). Benthos '83; 2nd Int. Symp. Benthic Foraminifera, Pau and Bordeaux, March 1984, 161-181. ISSN 0181–0901. ISBN 2–901026–14–1.
  • Chiocchini, M., Pampaloni, M. L. ve Pichezzi, R. M., 2012. Microfacies e microfossili delle successioni carbonatiche mesozoiche del Lazio et dell' Abruzzo (Italia centrale) Cretacico. Mem. per Serv. Descr. della Carta Geol. d'It, ISPRA, Serv. Geol. d'Ir. –Dip. Dif. Suolo–Roma, 17, 269 s.
  • Cvetko Tešović, B., Glumac, B. ve Bucković, D., 2011. Integrated biostratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian to Albian) Adriatic–Dinaridic carbonate platform deposits in Istria, Croatia. Cretaceous Research, 32, 301-324.
  • Dunham, R.J., 1962. Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional texture. In: Ham, W.E. (Ed.), Classification of carbonate rocks, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 1, 108-121.
  • Embry, A.F. ve Klovan, J. E., 1971. A Late Devonian reef tract on northeastern Banks Island, Northwest Territories. Canadanian Society of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 33, 730-781.
  • Flügel, E., 2004. Microfacies of carbonate rocks: analysis, interpretation and application. Springer, 976 s.
  • Folk, R. L., 1959, Practical petrographic classification of limestones. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 43, 1-38.
  • Folk, R. L., 1962, Spectral subdivision of limestone types. In: Ham, W.E. (Ed.), Classification of carbonate Rocks-A Symposium. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 1, 62-84.
  • Frijia, G., Parente, M., Di Lucia, M. ve Mutti, M., 2015. Carbon and strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous (CenomanianeCampanian) shallow-water carbonates of southern Italy: Chronostratigraphic calibration of larger foraminifera biostratigraphy. Cretaceous Research, 53, 110-139.
  • Görmüş, M. ve Meriç, E., 2000. Unusual forms of orbitoidal foraminifera in the Maastrichtian of Turkey. Cretaceous Research, 21, 801-812.
  • Hottinger, L., Drobne, K. ve Caus, E., 1989. Late Cretaceous, larger, complex miliolids (Foraminifera) endemic in the Pyrenean faunal province. Facies. 21, 99-134.
  • Husinec, A., Velić, I. ve Sokač, B., 2009. Diversity patterns in mid–Cretaceous benthic foraminifers and Dasycladalean algae of the southern part of the Mesozoic Adriatic platform, Croatia. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), ISBN 978–1–56576–137–7, 153–170.
  • Kalafatçıoğlu, A., 1973. Geology of the western part of Antalya Bay. MTA Bulletin, 81, 31–84.
  • Lefèvre, R., 1967, Un nouvel éleément de la géologie du Taurus lycien: les nappes d'Antalya (Turquie): C. r. Seances Acad. Sci., Paris, 265, 1365-1368.
  • Loeblich, A. R. ve Tappan, H., 1985. Some new and redefined genera and families of agglutinated foraminifera II. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 15, 3, 175-217.
  • Mancinelli, A. ve Chiocchini, M. 2006. Cretaceous benthic foraminifers and calcareous algae from Monte Cairo (southern Latium, Italy). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 45/1, 91-113.
  • Marcoux, J., 1979. Antalya Naplarının genel yapısı ve Tetis güney kenarı paleocoğrafyasındaki yeri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 33, 1-5.
  • Monod, O., 1977. Recherches géologiques dans le Taurus occidental au sud de Beyşehir (Turquie). Ph.D. Thesis. Université de Paris-Sud Orsay (unpublished).
  • Monod, O., 1978. Güzelsu Akseki Bölgesindeki Antalya napları üzerine açıklama (Orta Batı Toroslar, Türkiye). Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 21, 27-29.
  • Özgül, N., 1976. Torosların bazı temel jeolojik özellikleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 19, 65-78.
  • Özgül, N., 1984. Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of The Central Taurides. Tekeli, O., Göncüoğlu, M.C. (Ed.), Geology of the Taurus Belt. Proceedings. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute-Geological Society of Turkey, Ankara, pp. 77–90.
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Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Mühendislik
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Cemile Solak 0000-0003-1393-5625

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Kasım 2020
Kabul Tarihi 14 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Solak C (01 Nisan 2021) Ortaköy-Barcın Yaylası (Orta Toroslar, Antalya Napları, Gündoğmuş) Kretase istifinin stratigrafisi, bentik foraminiferleri ve paleo-ortamsal yorumu. Yerbilimleri 42 1 9–40.