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Performans Sanatında Gıda ile Mimari Mekana İnsan Sonrası Müdahaleler

Yıl 2023, , 1 - 8, 11.08.2023


İnsan sonrası (posthuman) çalışmalar Batı merkezli Hümanist düşüncenin insan-merkezli ve düalist bakış açısını eleştiren disiplinlerarası araştırmalardır. Bu araştırmalarda insan ve insan olmayan faillerin ilişkileri ekoloji, antroposen, feminizm, teknoloji gibi konular bağlamında tıp, sosyoloji, hukuk, tarih, sanat, tasarım ve mimarlık gibi disiplinlerle incelenmektedir. İnsan sonrası çalışmaların sanat ve mimarlık alanlarındaki araştırmalarla kesişiminde zaman, mekan ve beden kavramları öne çıkmaktadır ve bu kavramlar da daha çok sanallık, dijitallik, sibermekan, sosyal medya, metaverse, zaman yolculuğu, yaşlanma karşıtlığı, beden dondurma (cryonics) gibi konularla ele alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ise mimarlık ve insan sonrası kesişimini performans sanatıyla ilişkili olarak mekan ve müdahale olgularıyla ele almak ve bu kesişimde gıdayı disiplinlerarası bir sanat medium’u olarak öneren bir araştırma ortaya koymaktır. Gıda bir malzeme olarak sanat ve tasarımda kullanılagelmiştir ancak bir sanat ve mimari müdahale medium’u olarak insan sonrası kapsamında araştırılmamıştır. Bu kapsamda akademik kaynaklar ve uygulama örnekleri üzerinden literatür taraması yapılmış ve nitel bir araştırma yöntemiyle yeni öneriler geliştirmek amacıyla bu çalışmalar yeniden yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmalarda insan sonrası çalışmaların odağında olan post-düalist yaklaşımın Fluxus sanatçılarının event’lerinde de yer aldığı gözlemlenmiştir ve sanatçı/izleyici, sanat/gündelik hayat, kamusal/özel gibi düalizmleri sorunsallaştırarak eleştirdikleri görülmüştür. Bu performanslarda gıdanın sadece bir sanat malzemesi olmadığı, sanatçılara teknik, yaratıcı, eleştirel ve sanatsal olanaklarıyla yeni bağlamlar sunan bir medium olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu bağlamda kamusal ya da özel, iç ya da dış mekanlara uygulanan mimari müdahalelerin ise inşa etmek, yıkmak, yerinden etmek, kazmak, doldurmak, kaplamak gibi eylemlerin ötesine geçerek, gıda gibi yaratıcılığı zorlayan bir medium’un açığa çıkardığı performatif eylemlerle birleşmesi ile zaman, beden ve mekanın immateryal, sezgisel ve duyusal yorumları vurgulanmış ve akademik literatüre bu bağlamda alternatif bakış açıları sunan bir katkı oluşturmasına niyet edilmiştir.


  • Braidotti, R. (2013). The Posthuman. Polity Press.
  • Braidotti, R. (2017, March, 1-2). Posthuman, All Too Human: The Memoirs and Aspirations of a Posthumanist (Oral Presentation). The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, New Haven, USA.
  • Bolter, J. D. (2016). Posthumanism. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [CrossRef]
  • Bröcker, R. (2017). Food as a Medium Between Art and Cuisine Rirkrit Tiravanija’s Gastronomic Installations. van der Meulen, N. & and Wiesel, J. (Eds). In Culinary Turn: Aesthetic Practice of Cookery (pp. 173−188). Transcript Verlag. [CrossRef]
  • Casanova J., Hernandez J., & Devesa R. (2014). Public space acupuncture: strategies and interventions for activating city life. Actar Publishers.
  • Caygill, H., Leeker, M., & Schulze, T. (Eds). (2017). Interventions in Digital Cultures: Technology, the Political, Methods. Meson Press.
  • Dobson, K. (2004, August, 1-4). Blendie (Oral Presentation). DIS ‘04: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques, Cambridge, USA. [CrossRef]
  • Dobson, K. (Feb 1, 2023). Blendie. 2004. Wired website.
  • Friedman, K., Sawchyn, L., & Smith, O. (2002). The Fluxus performance workbook. Performance Research E-Publications.
  • Haraway, D. (2016). Staying With The Trouble. Duke University Press. [CrossRef]
  • Hayles, N. K. (1999). How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. University of Chicago Press. [CrossRef]
  • Henri, A. (1974). Total Art: Environments, Happenings, and Performance. Oxford University Press.
  • Higgins, H. (2002). Fluxus Experience. University of California Press.
  • Higgins, H. (2011). Food: The Raw and The Fluxed. Baas, J. (Ed). Fluxus and the Essential Questions of Life (pp. 12-21). The University of Chicago Press.
  • I’m With You. (2016). Food & Performance. Live Art Development Agency.
  • Kaye, N. (2000). Site-specific art: performance, place, and documentation. Routledge.
  • Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, B. (2014). Playing to the Senses Food as a Performance Medium, Medium, Performance Research, 4(1), 1−30. 1999.10871639 [CrossRef]
  • Hübner, M., Klanten, R. (2010). Urban interventions: personal projects in public places. Gestalten.
  • Leach, N. (2015). Rethinking Architecture. Routledge.
  • Matta-Clark, G. (2017). Splitting, cutting, writing, drawing, eating. Fundação de Serralves.
  • Montano, L. (2001). Performance artists talking in the eighties: sex, food, money/fame, ritual/death. University of California Press.
  • Morris, C. (2000). Food. Food: An Exhibition By White Columns, New York. (pp. 28-32). Druck Verlag Kettler.
  • Oak & Fitch. (Feb 1, 2023). Orphic Memory Sausage. 2008. Gothamist website. umami-festival-urges-artists-to-play-with-their-food
  • Parr, A. (2010). The Deleuze Dictionary. Edinburgh University Press. [CrossRef]
  • Rakowitz, M. (Feb 1, 2023). Enemy Kitchen, 2003. Artist’s website.
  • Raviv, Y. (2010). Eating My Words: Talking About Food in Performance. InVisible Culture. 14(1), 8−31. https://doi. org/10.47761/494a02f6.0a30d2b8. [CrossRef]
  • Raviv, Y. (2017). Food and art: Changing Perspectives On Food As A Creative Medium. LeBesco, K & Naccarato, P. (Eds). In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Food and Popular Culture (pp. 197–210). Bloomsbury. [CrossRef]
  • Sholette, G. (2004). Interventionism and The Historical Uncanny. Sholette, G. & Thompson, N. (Eds). The Interventionists: Users’ Manual for the Creative Disruption of Everyday Life. (pp. 110-114). The MIT Press.
  • Stiles, K. (2003). Critical Terms for Art History. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Taylor, D. (2016). Performance. Duke University Press.
  • Tschumi, B. (1994). Architecture and Disjunction. The MIT Press.
  • Yurttaş, M. (Feb 1, 2023). Dark organic soil, 2020. Artist’s website.
  • Yurttaş, M. (Feb 1, 2023). Eggs and potatoes and eggs, 2019. Artist’s blog.


Yıl 2023, , 1 - 8, 11.08.2023


Posthuman studies are interdisciplinary studies that criticize the anthropocentric and dualist perspective of Western Humanist thought. In these studies, the relations between human and non-human agents are examined in the scope of subjects such as ecology, anthropocene, feminism, technology with disciplines such as medicine, sociology, law, history, art, design and architecture. At the intersection of posthuman studies within art and architecture, the concepts of time, space and body come to the fore as mostly discussed with topics such as virtuality, digitality, cyberspace, social media, metaverse, time travel, anti-aging, cryonics. The purpose of this study is to investigate the intersection of architecture and posthuman with the concepts of space and intervention in relation to performance art; and to assert a research that suggests food as an interdisciplinary art medium. Food has been used as a material in art and design, but as an artistic and architectural intervention medium it has not been investigated in the posthuman context. In this context, literature was reviewed on academic sources and applications, and these were reinterpreted to develop new suggestions with a qualitative research method. It’s observed that the post-dualist approach at the center of posthuman studies is placed in Fluxus events which problematize and criticize dualisms such as artist/audience, art/life, public/private. It was concluded that food isn’t just an art material in these performances; it's a medium that offers artists new contexts with its technical, creative and critical possibilities. Therefore as architectural interventions applied to public or private and indoor or outdoor spaces are going beyond the actions such as building, demolishing, displacing, excavating, filling, covering; and with a medium such as food challenging creativity, immaterial, intuitive and sensory interpretations of time, body and space are emphasized. In this context, it’s intended to create a contribution that offers alternative perspectives to the literature.


  • Braidotti, R. (2013). The Posthuman. Polity Press.
  • Braidotti, R. (2017, March, 1-2). Posthuman, All Too Human: The Memoirs and Aspirations of a Posthumanist (Oral Presentation). The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, New Haven, USA.
  • Bolter, J. D. (2016). Posthumanism. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [CrossRef]
  • Bröcker, R. (2017). Food as a Medium Between Art and Cuisine Rirkrit Tiravanija’s Gastronomic Installations. van der Meulen, N. & and Wiesel, J. (Eds). In Culinary Turn: Aesthetic Practice of Cookery (pp. 173−188). Transcript Verlag. [CrossRef]
  • Casanova J., Hernandez J., & Devesa R. (2014). Public space acupuncture: strategies and interventions for activating city life. Actar Publishers.
  • Caygill, H., Leeker, M., & Schulze, T. (Eds). (2017). Interventions in Digital Cultures: Technology, the Political, Methods. Meson Press.
  • Dobson, K. (2004, August, 1-4). Blendie (Oral Presentation). DIS ‘04: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques, Cambridge, USA. [CrossRef]
  • Dobson, K. (Feb 1, 2023). Blendie. 2004. Wired website.
  • Friedman, K., Sawchyn, L., & Smith, O. (2002). The Fluxus performance workbook. Performance Research E-Publications.
  • Haraway, D. (2016). Staying With The Trouble. Duke University Press. [CrossRef]
  • Hayles, N. K. (1999). How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. University of Chicago Press. [CrossRef]
  • Henri, A. (1974). Total Art: Environments, Happenings, and Performance. Oxford University Press.
  • Higgins, H. (2002). Fluxus Experience. University of California Press.
  • Higgins, H. (2011). Food: The Raw and The Fluxed. Baas, J. (Ed). Fluxus and the Essential Questions of Life (pp. 12-21). The University of Chicago Press.
  • I’m With You. (2016). Food & Performance. Live Art Development Agency.
  • Kaye, N. (2000). Site-specific art: performance, place, and documentation. Routledge.
  • Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, B. (2014). Playing to the Senses Food as a Performance Medium, Medium, Performance Research, 4(1), 1−30. 1999.10871639 [CrossRef]
  • Hübner, M., Klanten, R. (2010). Urban interventions: personal projects in public places. Gestalten.
  • Leach, N. (2015). Rethinking Architecture. Routledge.
  • Matta-Clark, G. (2017). Splitting, cutting, writing, drawing, eating. Fundação de Serralves.
  • Montano, L. (2001). Performance artists talking in the eighties: sex, food, money/fame, ritual/death. University of California Press.
  • Morris, C. (2000). Food. Food: An Exhibition By White Columns, New York. (pp. 28-32). Druck Verlag Kettler.
  • Oak & Fitch. (Feb 1, 2023). Orphic Memory Sausage. 2008. Gothamist website. umami-festival-urges-artists-to-play-with-their-food
  • Parr, A. (2010). The Deleuze Dictionary. Edinburgh University Press. [CrossRef]
  • Rakowitz, M. (Feb 1, 2023). Enemy Kitchen, 2003. Artist’s website.
  • Raviv, Y. (2010). Eating My Words: Talking About Food in Performance. InVisible Culture. 14(1), 8−31. https://doi. org/10.47761/494a02f6.0a30d2b8. [CrossRef]
  • Raviv, Y. (2017). Food and art: Changing Perspectives On Food As A Creative Medium. LeBesco, K & Naccarato, P. (Eds). In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Food and Popular Culture (pp. 197–210). Bloomsbury. [CrossRef]
  • Sholette, G. (2004). Interventionism and The Historical Uncanny. Sholette, G. & Thompson, N. (Eds). The Interventionists: Users’ Manual for the Creative Disruption of Everyday Life. (pp. 110-114). The MIT Press.
  • Stiles, K. (2003). Critical Terms for Art History. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Taylor, D. (2016). Performance. Duke University Press.
  • Tschumi, B. (1994). Architecture and Disjunction. The MIT Press.
  • Yurttaş, M. (Feb 1, 2023). Dark organic soil, 2020. Artist’s website.
  • Yurttaş, M. (Feb 1, 2023). Eggs and potatoes and eggs, 2019. Artist’s blog.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Mustafa Kemal Yurttaş 0000-0003-1958-3309

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

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