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Çevrimiçi Marka Topluluklarında Satın Alma Niyeti: Tüketicinin Güçlenmesinin Etkisi

Yıl 2023, , 697 - 712, 21.12.2023


The developments in the technologies of communication, new media, and mobile applications evolved the consumer experience and empowered them in their relationships with the brands. This paper investigates the impact of this natural progression taking into consideration the purchase intention, consumer satisfaction and trust in the brand. The data for the study is collected from 312 Facebook users, members of many brand communities on the social platform. The analysis realized using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed significant relation-ship firstly between consumer empowerment and trust and secondly between satisfaction and trust. Satisfaction and trust are also significantly linked to purchase intention. However, the results showed no significant relation between empowerment and satisfaction. These results and their implications will pave the way for managerial recommendations and avenues for further research.
Key Words: Consumer Empowerment, Satisfaction, Trust, Purchase Intention
JEL Classification: M30, M31


  • Akhavannasab, S., Dantas, D., Senecal, S. (2018). Consumer empowerment in consumer–firm relationships: Conceptual framework and implications for research. Academy of Marketing Science Review 8 (3–4): 214–227.
  • Alegre C., Cladera M. (2009). Analyzing the effect of satisfaction and previous visits on tourist intentions to return, European Journal of Marketing, 43, 5, 670-685.
  • Allagui A., Temessek A. (2005). The loyalty of users of the services of an Internet portal: Proposal and testing of an integrator model. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Marketing Trends in Europe. 1-29, 5/8/2005.
  • Anderson C., Galinsky A. (2006). Power, optimism, and risk-taking, European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 511-536.
  • Anderson R.E., Srinivasan S.S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework, Psychology and Marketing, 20, 2, 123-138.
  • Arnould E., Price L. (2003). River Magic: Extraordinary Experience and the Extended Service Encounter, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 24-45.
  • Bagozzi R., Gopinath M., Nyer P. (1999). The role of emotions in marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27, 2, 184-206.
  • Belanche, D., Flavian, C., Pérez-Rueda, A. (2019). Consumer empowerment in interactive advertising and eWOM consequences: the PITRE model, Journal of Marketing Communications, 26, 1, 1-20. Berry L.L. (1995). Relationship marketing of services-growing interest, emerging Journal perspectives, Academy of Marketing Science, 23,4, 236-245.
  • Bloemer J., Odekerken-Schröder G. (2002). Store satisfaction and store loyalty explained by customer- and store-related factors. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining. Behavior, 15, 68-80.
  • Brinol P., Petty R.E., Valle C., Rucker D.D. Becerra A. (2007) The effects of message recipients' power before and after persuasion: A self-validation analysis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 6, 1040-1053.
  • Chouk I., Perrien J. (2005). La confiance du consommateur vis-à-vis d’un marchand internet : Proposition dꞌune échelle de mesure, Revue Française du Marketing, 205, 5-20.
  • Cyril, S., Smith, B. J., Renzaho, A. (2016). Systematic review of empowerment measures in health promotion. Health Promotion International 31 (4): 809–826.
  • Delafrooz N., Paim L., Khatibi A. (2011). Understanding consumer's internet purchase intention in Malaysia, African Journal of Business Management, 5,3,2837-2846.
  • Del Bucchia C., Miltgen, C. L., Russell, C. A., Burlat, C. (2021) Empowerment as latent vulnerability in techno-mediated consumption journeys, Journal of Business Research, 124, 629-651,
  • Deshpande R. (2002). Performance companies, International Journal of Medical Marketing, 2,3,225-232.
  • Ellen J., Mark S. (1999). The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships, Journal of Marketing, 63, 2, 70-87.
  • Elliot D. (2006). The evolution of the empowered consumer, European Journal of Marketing, 40,9,1106-1121.
  • Fichbein F.M., Ajzen I. (1975) Belief, attitude, intention, and behaviour: An introduction to theory and research. Don Mills: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
  • Fornell C., Larcker D.F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error, Journal of Marketing Research, 18-1, 39-50.
  • Fournier S., Glen Mick D. (1999), Rediscovering satisfaction, Journal of Marketing, 63, 5-23.
  • Ganesan S. (1994). Determinants of long-term orientation buyer-seller relationship, Journal of Marketing, 58,2,1-19.
  • Garbarino, E., Johnson, M. (2015). The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 63. 10.2307/1251946.
  • Geyskens I., Steenkamp J.B., Scheer L.K. Kumar N. (1996). The effects of trust and interdependence on relationship commitment: A transatlantic study, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13,4,303-317. Gronroos C. (1996). Relationship marketing: strategic and tactical implications, Management Decisions, 34,5-14.
  • Gurviez P., Korchia M. (2002). Proposition dꞌune échelle de mesure multidimensionnelle de la confiance dans la marque, RAM, 17,3,1-21.
  • Ha S., Stoel L. (2012). Online apparel retailing: roles of e-shopping quality and experiential e-shopping motives. Journal of Services Management, 23,2,197-215.
  • Hagel J. Armstrong A. G. (1997). Net Gain: Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities, Harvard Business School Press Boston, MA, USA.
  • Hajli N., Sims J. Z. A., Richard M. (2015). A social commerce investigation of the role of trust in a social networking site on purchase intentions, Journal of Business Research, 71, 133-141.
  • Harrison D.A., Newman D.A., Roth P.L. (2006). How important are job attitudes? Meta-Analytic comparisons of integrative behavioral outcomes and time sequences, Academy of Management Journal, 49,2,5-325.
  • Hennig-Thurau T., Kevin P.G., Dwayne D.G. (2002). Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes: An Integration of Relationship benefits and Relationship Quality, Journal of Services Research, 4, 3, 230-247.
  • Hsieh S. H., Crystal T. Lee, Timmy H. Tseng, (2022) Psychological empowerment and user satisfaction: Investigating the influences of online brand community participation, Information & Management, 59, 1,103570.
  • Huffman C., Kahn. B. E. (1998). Variety for Sale: Mass Customization or Mass Confusion?, Journal of Retailing, 74, 491-513.
  • Hunter L., Gurnefeld I. (2008). When does consumer empowerment lead to satisfied customers? Some mediating and moderating effects of the empowerment–satisfaction link, Journal of Research for Consumer, 15,1-14.
  • Igalens, J., Roussel, P. (2009). A study of The Relationships between Compensation Package, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 1003-1025
  • Jarvenpaa S.L., Tractinsky N., Saarinen L. (1999). Consumer trust in an Internet store: a cross-cultural validation. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 5, 2, 1–33.
  • Jeong M., Oh H., Gregoire M. (2003). Conceptualizing web site quality and its consequences in the lodging industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22, 2,161-175.
  • Khalifa M., Liu, V. (2007). Online consumer retention:contingent effects of online shopping habit and online shopping experience, European Journal of Information Systems, 16, 780– 792.
  • Khong K.W., Onyemeh N.C., Chong A. (2013). BSEM estimation of network effect and customer orientation empowerment on trust in social media and network environment, Expert Systems with Applications, 40,4858-4870.
  • Kim D.J., Ferrin D.L., Rao H.R. (2008). A Trust-Based Consumer Decision-Making Model in Electronic Commerce: The Role of Trust, Perceived Risk, and Their Antecedents, Decision Support Systems, 44,2,544-564.
  • Kim S., Park H. (2013). Effects of various characteristics of social commerce on consumers' trust and trust performance. International Journal of Information Management, 33, 2, 318– 332.
  • Kim S., Stoel L. (2017). Apparel retailers: website quality dimensions and satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 011, 2, 109-117.
  • Kozinets, R., Ferreira, D. A.; Chimenti, P. (2021) How Do Platforms Empower Consumers? Insights from the Affordances and Constraints of Reclame Aqui, Journal of Consumer Research, 48, 3, 428–455 Labrecque L.I., Esche J., V.D., Mathwick C., Novak, T.P. Hofacker C.F. (2013). Consumer Power: Evolution in the Digital Age, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 27, 257-269.
  • Lankton N.K., Wilson E.V., Mao E. (2010). Antecedents and determinants of information technology habit. Information and Management, 47,5,300-307.
  • Ling, K., Lau, T. C., Piew, T. (2010). The Effects of Shopping Orientations, Online Trust and Prior Online Purchase Experience toward Customers’ Online Purchase Intention., International Business Research, 3. 10.
  • Liu S.Q. Mattila. A. (2017). Airbnb: online targeted advertising, sense of power, and consumer decisions, International Journal of Hospiality Management, 60,33-41.
  • Liu, C., Bao, Z., Zheng, C. (2019). Exploring consumers' purchase intention in social commerce: an empirical study based on trust, argument quality, and social presence, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31, 2, 378-397.
  • McKnight D.H., Choudhury V., Kacmar C. (2002). Developing and Validating Trust Measures for E-Commerce: An Integrative Typology, Information Systems Research, 13, 3, 334-359. Midha V. (2012).Impact of consumer empowerment on online trust: An examination across genders, Decision Support Systems, 54,198-205.
  • Moon J., Kim Y. (2001). Extending the TAM for a World-Wide-Web context, Information and Management, 38, 217-230.
  • Morgan R.M., Hunt S.D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of of relationship marketing, Journal of Marketing, 58, 20-38.
  • Palmer A., Koenig-Lewis N. (2009). An experiential, social-network-based approach to direct marketing. Direct Marketing an International Journal, 3,3, 162-176.
  • Park J., Stoel L. (2005). Effect of brand familiarity, experience and information on online apparel purchase, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33, 2, 148-160.
  • Perrien J., Ricard L., Graf R. (1999). Le défi du marketing relationnel, RAM, 14,3, 189-205.
  • Pruche L. (2012). Empowerment du consommateur par internet : quelles conséquences pour la relation commerciale en point de vente, Actes du Congrès de lꞌAssociation Française du Marketing, 1-18.
  • Pruche L. (2013). Internet et empowerment perçu du consommateur lors de l’achat d’un séjour touristique, Actes du congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 1-23.
  • Pruche L., Bertrandias L., Vernette E. (2015) L’empowerment psychologique du consommateur par lors internet d’un achat de service, 31ème Congrès Annuel de l’Association Française de Marketing, Marrakech, Palais des congrès Ryad Mogador, 1-20, 5/8/2015.
  • Pu W.P., Chen K., Shieh M. (2015). The effect of co-design and flow experience on customer satisfaction and purchase intention online, Business Management and Economics, 3,4,59-66.
  • Ramani G., Kumar V. (2008). Interaction orientation and firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 72, 27-45.
  • Raza M.A., Siddiquei A.N., Awan H.M., Bukhari K. (2012). Relationship between service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and revisit intention in hotel industry, Interdisciplinary Journal of Computer Research in Business, 4, 8,788-805.
  • Rezabakhsh B., Bornemann D., Hansen U.,Schrader U. (2005). Consumer power: A comparison of the Old Economy and the Internet Economy, Journal of Consumer Policy, 29, 3-36.
  • Ribbink D., Van Riel Allard C.R., Liljander V., Streukens S. (2004). Comfort your Online Customer: Quality, Trust, and Loyalty on the Internet, Management Services Quality, 14,6,446– 456.
  • Richard L. (1993). Cognitive, Affective, and Attribute Bases of the Satisfaction Response, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 3, 418–430.
  • Sirdeshmukh D., Singh J., Sabol B. (2002). Consumer trust, value and loyalty in relational exchanges, Journal of Marketing, 66, 1, 15-37.
  • Sirieix L., Dubois P.L. (1999) Vers un modèle qualité-satisfaction intégrant la confiance?. RAM, 14, 3, 1-22.
  • Smith, J. B., Barclay, W.B. (1997). The effects of organizational differences and trust on the effectiveness of selling partner relationships, Journal of Marketing, 61, pp. 3-21
  • Spreitzer G. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement and Validation, Academy of Management Journal, 38, 5, 1442-1465.
  • Srinivasan S. S., Anderson R., Ponnavolu K. (2002). Customer Loyalty in E-commerce: An Exploration of its Antecedents and Consequences, Journal of Retailing, 27, 279-295.
  • Toufaily E., Rajaobelina L., MathieuFallu J., Ricard,L., Graf R. (2009). Les caractéristiques relationnelles du site Web ont-elles un impact sur la confiance des clients en ligne?, Revue Management et Avenir, 2, 32, 192-209.
  • Van Dyke T., MidhaV., Nemati H. (2007). The Effect of Consumer Privacy Empowerment on Trust and Privacy Concerns in E-Commerce, Electronic Markets, 17,1, 68-81.
  • Wathieu L., Brenner L., Carmon Z., Chattopadhyay A., Drolet A., Gourville J., Muthukrishnan A.V., Novemsky N., Ratner R., Wertenbroch K., Wu G. (2002). Consumer Control and Empowerment: A primer, Marketing Letters, 13, 3, 297-305.
  • Winterich K.P., ZhangY. (2014). Accepting Inequality Deters Responsibility: How Power Distance Decreases Charitable Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 2, 274-293.
  • Yoon, Sung-Joon. (2002). The antecedents and consequences of trust in online-purchase decisions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 16, 47, 63.
  • Zimmermann M.A. (1995). Psychological empowerment : Issues and illustrations, American Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23,5, 581-599.
Yıl 2023, , 697 - 712, 21.12.2023



  • Akhavannasab, S., Dantas, D., Senecal, S. (2018). Consumer empowerment in consumer–firm relationships: Conceptual framework and implications for research. Academy of Marketing Science Review 8 (3–4): 214–227.
  • Alegre C., Cladera M. (2009). Analyzing the effect of satisfaction and previous visits on tourist intentions to return, European Journal of Marketing, 43, 5, 670-685.
  • Allagui A., Temessek A. (2005). The loyalty of users of the services of an Internet portal: Proposal and testing of an integrator model. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Marketing Trends in Europe. 1-29, 5/8/2005.
  • Anderson C., Galinsky A. (2006). Power, optimism, and risk-taking, European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 511-536.
  • Anderson R.E., Srinivasan S.S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework, Psychology and Marketing, 20, 2, 123-138.
  • Arnould E., Price L. (2003). River Magic: Extraordinary Experience and the Extended Service Encounter, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 24-45.
  • Bagozzi R., Gopinath M., Nyer P. (1999). The role of emotions in marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27, 2, 184-206.
  • Belanche, D., Flavian, C., Pérez-Rueda, A. (2019). Consumer empowerment in interactive advertising and eWOM consequences: the PITRE model, Journal of Marketing Communications, 26, 1, 1-20. Berry L.L. (1995). Relationship marketing of services-growing interest, emerging Journal perspectives, Academy of Marketing Science, 23,4, 236-245.
  • Bloemer J., Odekerken-Schröder G. (2002). Store satisfaction and store loyalty explained by customer- and store-related factors. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining. Behavior, 15, 68-80.
  • Brinol P., Petty R.E., Valle C., Rucker D.D. Becerra A. (2007) The effects of message recipients' power before and after persuasion: A self-validation analysis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 6, 1040-1053.
  • Chouk I., Perrien J. (2005). La confiance du consommateur vis-à-vis d’un marchand internet : Proposition dꞌune échelle de mesure, Revue Française du Marketing, 205, 5-20.
  • Cyril, S., Smith, B. J., Renzaho, A. (2016). Systematic review of empowerment measures in health promotion. Health Promotion International 31 (4): 809–826.
  • Delafrooz N., Paim L., Khatibi A. (2011). Understanding consumer's internet purchase intention in Malaysia, African Journal of Business Management, 5,3,2837-2846.
  • Del Bucchia C., Miltgen, C. L., Russell, C. A., Burlat, C. (2021) Empowerment as latent vulnerability in techno-mediated consumption journeys, Journal of Business Research, 124, 629-651,
  • Deshpande R. (2002). Performance companies, International Journal of Medical Marketing, 2,3,225-232.
  • Ellen J., Mark S. (1999). The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships, Journal of Marketing, 63, 2, 70-87.
  • Elliot D. (2006). The evolution of the empowered consumer, European Journal of Marketing, 40,9,1106-1121.
  • Fichbein F.M., Ajzen I. (1975) Belief, attitude, intention, and behaviour: An introduction to theory and research. Don Mills: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
  • Fornell C., Larcker D.F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error, Journal of Marketing Research, 18-1, 39-50.
  • Fournier S., Glen Mick D. (1999), Rediscovering satisfaction, Journal of Marketing, 63, 5-23.
  • Ganesan S. (1994). Determinants of long-term orientation buyer-seller relationship, Journal of Marketing, 58,2,1-19.
  • Garbarino, E., Johnson, M. (2015). The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 63. 10.2307/1251946.
  • Geyskens I., Steenkamp J.B., Scheer L.K. Kumar N. (1996). The effects of trust and interdependence on relationship commitment: A transatlantic study, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13,4,303-317. Gronroos C. (1996). Relationship marketing: strategic and tactical implications, Management Decisions, 34,5-14.
  • Gurviez P., Korchia M. (2002). Proposition dꞌune échelle de mesure multidimensionnelle de la confiance dans la marque, RAM, 17,3,1-21.
  • Ha S., Stoel L. (2012). Online apparel retailing: roles of e-shopping quality and experiential e-shopping motives. Journal of Services Management, 23,2,197-215.
  • Hagel J. Armstrong A. G. (1997). Net Gain: Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities, Harvard Business School Press Boston, MA, USA.
  • Hajli N., Sims J. Z. A., Richard M. (2015). A social commerce investigation of the role of trust in a social networking site on purchase intentions, Journal of Business Research, 71, 133-141.
  • Harrison D.A., Newman D.A., Roth P.L. (2006). How important are job attitudes? Meta-Analytic comparisons of integrative behavioral outcomes and time sequences, Academy of Management Journal, 49,2,5-325.
  • Hennig-Thurau T., Kevin P.G., Dwayne D.G. (2002). Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes: An Integration of Relationship benefits and Relationship Quality, Journal of Services Research, 4, 3, 230-247.
  • Hsieh S. H., Crystal T. Lee, Timmy H. Tseng, (2022) Psychological empowerment and user satisfaction: Investigating the influences of online brand community participation, Information & Management, 59, 1,103570.
  • Huffman C., Kahn. B. E. (1998). Variety for Sale: Mass Customization or Mass Confusion?, Journal of Retailing, 74, 491-513.
  • Hunter L., Gurnefeld I. (2008). When does consumer empowerment lead to satisfied customers? Some mediating and moderating effects of the empowerment–satisfaction link, Journal of Research for Consumer, 15,1-14.
  • Igalens, J., Roussel, P. (2009). A study of The Relationships between Compensation Package, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 1003-1025
  • Jarvenpaa S.L., Tractinsky N., Saarinen L. (1999). Consumer trust in an Internet store: a cross-cultural validation. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 5, 2, 1–33.
  • Jeong M., Oh H., Gregoire M. (2003). Conceptualizing web site quality and its consequences in the lodging industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22, 2,161-175.
  • Khalifa M., Liu, V. (2007). Online consumer retention:contingent effects of online shopping habit and online shopping experience, European Journal of Information Systems, 16, 780– 792.
  • Khong K.W., Onyemeh N.C., Chong A. (2013). BSEM estimation of network effect and customer orientation empowerment on trust in social media and network environment, Expert Systems with Applications, 40,4858-4870.
  • Kim D.J., Ferrin D.L., Rao H.R. (2008). A Trust-Based Consumer Decision-Making Model in Electronic Commerce: The Role of Trust, Perceived Risk, and Their Antecedents, Decision Support Systems, 44,2,544-564.
  • Kim S., Park H. (2013). Effects of various characteristics of social commerce on consumers' trust and trust performance. International Journal of Information Management, 33, 2, 318– 332.
  • Kim S., Stoel L. (2017). Apparel retailers: website quality dimensions and satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 011, 2, 109-117.
  • Kozinets, R., Ferreira, D. A.; Chimenti, P. (2021) How Do Platforms Empower Consumers? Insights from the Affordances and Constraints of Reclame Aqui, Journal of Consumer Research, 48, 3, 428–455 Labrecque L.I., Esche J., V.D., Mathwick C., Novak, T.P. Hofacker C.F. (2013). Consumer Power: Evolution in the Digital Age, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 27, 257-269.
  • Lankton N.K., Wilson E.V., Mao E. (2010). Antecedents and determinants of information technology habit. Information and Management, 47,5,300-307.
  • Ling, K., Lau, T. C., Piew, T. (2010). The Effects of Shopping Orientations, Online Trust and Prior Online Purchase Experience toward Customers’ Online Purchase Intention., International Business Research, 3. 10.
  • Liu S.Q. Mattila. A. (2017). Airbnb: online targeted advertising, sense of power, and consumer decisions, International Journal of Hospiality Management, 60,33-41.
  • Liu, C., Bao, Z., Zheng, C. (2019). Exploring consumers' purchase intention in social commerce: an empirical study based on trust, argument quality, and social presence, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31, 2, 378-397.
  • McKnight D.H., Choudhury V., Kacmar C. (2002). Developing and Validating Trust Measures for E-Commerce: An Integrative Typology, Information Systems Research, 13, 3, 334-359. Midha V. (2012).Impact of consumer empowerment on online trust: An examination across genders, Decision Support Systems, 54,198-205.
  • Moon J., Kim Y. (2001). Extending the TAM for a World-Wide-Web context, Information and Management, 38, 217-230.
  • Morgan R.M., Hunt S.D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of of relationship marketing, Journal of Marketing, 58, 20-38.
  • Palmer A., Koenig-Lewis N. (2009). An experiential, social-network-based approach to direct marketing. Direct Marketing an International Journal, 3,3, 162-176.
  • Park J., Stoel L. (2005). Effect of brand familiarity, experience and information on online apparel purchase, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33, 2, 148-160.
  • Perrien J., Ricard L., Graf R. (1999). Le défi du marketing relationnel, RAM, 14,3, 189-205.
  • Pruche L. (2012). Empowerment du consommateur par internet : quelles conséquences pour la relation commerciale en point de vente, Actes du Congrès de lꞌAssociation Française du Marketing, 1-18.
  • Pruche L. (2013). Internet et empowerment perçu du consommateur lors de l’achat d’un séjour touristique, Actes du congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 1-23.
  • Pruche L., Bertrandias L., Vernette E. (2015) L’empowerment psychologique du consommateur par lors internet d’un achat de service, 31ème Congrès Annuel de l’Association Française de Marketing, Marrakech, Palais des congrès Ryad Mogador, 1-20, 5/8/2015.
  • Pu W.P., Chen K., Shieh M. (2015). The effect of co-design and flow experience on customer satisfaction and purchase intention online, Business Management and Economics, 3,4,59-66.
  • Ramani G., Kumar V. (2008). Interaction orientation and firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 72, 27-45.
  • Raza M.A., Siddiquei A.N., Awan H.M., Bukhari K. (2012). Relationship between service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and revisit intention in hotel industry, Interdisciplinary Journal of Computer Research in Business, 4, 8,788-805.
  • Rezabakhsh B., Bornemann D., Hansen U.,Schrader U. (2005). Consumer power: A comparison of the Old Economy and the Internet Economy, Journal of Consumer Policy, 29, 3-36.
  • Ribbink D., Van Riel Allard C.R., Liljander V., Streukens S. (2004). Comfort your Online Customer: Quality, Trust, and Loyalty on the Internet, Management Services Quality, 14,6,446– 456.
  • Richard L. (1993). Cognitive, Affective, and Attribute Bases of the Satisfaction Response, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 3, 418–430.
  • Sirdeshmukh D., Singh J., Sabol B. (2002). Consumer trust, value and loyalty in relational exchanges, Journal of Marketing, 66, 1, 15-37.
  • Sirieix L., Dubois P.L. (1999) Vers un modèle qualité-satisfaction intégrant la confiance?. RAM, 14, 3, 1-22.
  • Smith, J. B., Barclay, W.B. (1997). The effects of organizational differences and trust on the effectiveness of selling partner relationships, Journal of Marketing, 61, pp. 3-21
  • Spreitzer G. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement and Validation, Academy of Management Journal, 38, 5, 1442-1465.
  • Srinivasan S. S., Anderson R., Ponnavolu K. (2002). Customer Loyalty in E-commerce: An Exploration of its Antecedents and Consequences, Journal of Retailing, 27, 279-295.
  • Toufaily E., Rajaobelina L., MathieuFallu J., Ricard,L., Graf R. (2009). Les caractéristiques relationnelles du site Web ont-elles un impact sur la confiance des clients en ligne?, Revue Management et Avenir, 2, 32, 192-209.
  • Van Dyke T., MidhaV., Nemati H. (2007). The Effect of Consumer Privacy Empowerment on Trust and Privacy Concerns in E-Commerce, Electronic Markets, 17,1, 68-81.
  • Wathieu L., Brenner L., Carmon Z., Chattopadhyay A., Drolet A., Gourville J., Muthukrishnan A.V., Novemsky N., Ratner R., Wertenbroch K., Wu G. (2002). Consumer Control and Empowerment: A primer, Marketing Letters, 13, 3, 297-305.
  • Winterich K.P., ZhangY. (2014). Accepting Inequality Deters Responsibility: How Power Distance Decreases Charitable Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 2, 274-293.
  • Yoon, Sung-Joon. (2002). The antecedents and consequences of trust in online-purchase decisions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 16, 47, 63.
  • Zimmermann M.A. (1995). Psychological empowerment : Issues and illustrations, American Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23,5, 581-599.
Yıl 2023, , 697 - 712, 21.12.2023



  • Akhavannasab, S., Dantas, D., Senecal, S. (2018). Consumer empowerment in consumer–firm relationships: Conceptual framework and implications for research. Academy of Marketing Science Review 8 (3–4): 214–227.
  • Alegre C., Cladera M. (2009). Analyzing the effect of satisfaction and previous visits on tourist intentions to return, European Journal of Marketing, 43, 5, 670-685.
  • Allagui A., Temessek A. (2005). The loyalty of users of the services of an Internet portal: Proposal and testing of an integrator model. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Marketing Trends in Europe. 1-29, 5/8/2005.
  • Anderson C., Galinsky A. (2006). Power, optimism, and risk-taking, European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 511-536.
  • Anderson R.E., Srinivasan S.S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework, Psychology and Marketing, 20, 2, 123-138.
  • Arnould E., Price L. (2003). River Magic: Extraordinary Experience and the Extended Service Encounter, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 24-45.
  • Bagozzi R., Gopinath M., Nyer P. (1999). The role of emotions in marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27, 2, 184-206.
  • Belanche, D., Flavian, C., Pérez-Rueda, A. (2019). Consumer empowerment in interactive advertising and eWOM consequences: the PITRE model, Journal of Marketing Communications, 26, 1, 1-20. Berry L.L. (1995). Relationship marketing of services-growing interest, emerging Journal perspectives, Academy of Marketing Science, 23,4, 236-245.
  • Bloemer J., Odekerken-Schröder G. (2002). Store satisfaction and store loyalty explained by customer- and store-related factors. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining. Behavior, 15, 68-80.
  • Brinol P., Petty R.E., Valle C., Rucker D.D. Becerra A. (2007) The effects of message recipients' power before and after persuasion: A self-validation analysis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 6, 1040-1053.
  • Chouk I., Perrien J. (2005). La confiance du consommateur vis-à-vis d’un marchand internet : Proposition dꞌune échelle de mesure, Revue Française du Marketing, 205, 5-20.
  • Cyril, S., Smith, B. J., Renzaho, A. (2016). Systematic review of empowerment measures in health promotion. Health Promotion International 31 (4): 809–826.
  • Delafrooz N., Paim L., Khatibi A. (2011). Understanding consumer's internet purchase intention in Malaysia, African Journal of Business Management, 5,3,2837-2846.
  • Del Bucchia C., Miltgen, C. L., Russell, C. A., Burlat, C. (2021) Empowerment as latent vulnerability in techno-mediated consumption journeys, Journal of Business Research, 124, 629-651,
  • Deshpande R. (2002). Performance companies, International Journal of Medical Marketing, 2,3,225-232.
  • Ellen J., Mark S. (1999). The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships, Journal of Marketing, 63, 2, 70-87.
  • Elliot D. (2006). The evolution of the empowered consumer, European Journal of Marketing, 40,9,1106-1121.
  • Fichbein F.M., Ajzen I. (1975) Belief, attitude, intention, and behaviour: An introduction to theory and research. Don Mills: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
  • Fornell C., Larcker D.F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error, Journal of Marketing Research, 18-1, 39-50.
  • Fournier S., Glen Mick D. (1999), Rediscovering satisfaction, Journal of Marketing, 63, 5-23.
  • Ganesan S. (1994). Determinants of long-term orientation buyer-seller relationship, Journal of Marketing, 58,2,1-19.
  • Garbarino, E., Johnson, M. (2015). The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 63. 10.2307/1251946.
  • Geyskens I., Steenkamp J.B., Scheer L.K. Kumar N. (1996). The effects of trust and interdependence on relationship commitment: A transatlantic study, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13,4,303-317. Gronroos C. (1996). Relationship marketing: strategic and tactical implications, Management Decisions, 34,5-14.
  • Gurviez P., Korchia M. (2002). Proposition dꞌune échelle de mesure multidimensionnelle de la confiance dans la marque, RAM, 17,3,1-21.
  • Ha S., Stoel L. (2012). Online apparel retailing: roles of e-shopping quality and experiential e-shopping motives. Journal of Services Management, 23,2,197-215.
  • Hagel J. Armstrong A. G. (1997). Net Gain: Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities, Harvard Business School Press Boston, MA, USA.
  • Hajli N., Sims J. Z. A., Richard M. (2015). A social commerce investigation of the role of trust in a social networking site on purchase intentions, Journal of Business Research, 71, 133-141.
  • Harrison D.A., Newman D.A., Roth P.L. (2006). How important are job attitudes? Meta-Analytic comparisons of integrative behavioral outcomes and time sequences, Academy of Management Journal, 49,2,5-325.
  • Hennig-Thurau T., Kevin P.G., Dwayne D.G. (2002). Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes: An Integration of Relationship benefits and Relationship Quality, Journal of Services Research, 4, 3, 230-247.
  • Hsieh S. H., Crystal T. Lee, Timmy H. Tseng, (2022) Psychological empowerment and user satisfaction: Investigating the influences of online brand community participation, Information & Management, 59, 1,103570.
  • Huffman C., Kahn. B. E. (1998). Variety for Sale: Mass Customization or Mass Confusion?, Journal of Retailing, 74, 491-513.
  • Hunter L., Gurnefeld I. (2008). When does consumer empowerment lead to satisfied customers? Some mediating and moderating effects of the empowerment–satisfaction link, Journal of Research for Consumer, 15,1-14.
  • Igalens, J., Roussel, P. (2009). A study of The Relationships between Compensation Package, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 1003-1025
  • Jarvenpaa S.L., Tractinsky N., Saarinen L. (1999). Consumer trust in an Internet store: a cross-cultural validation. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 5, 2, 1–33.
  • Jeong M., Oh H., Gregoire M. (2003). Conceptualizing web site quality and its consequences in the lodging industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22, 2,161-175.
  • Khalifa M., Liu, V. (2007). Online consumer retention:contingent effects of online shopping habit and online shopping experience, European Journal of Information Systems, 16, 780– 792.
  • Khong K.W., Onyemeh N.C., Chong A. (2013). BSEM estimation of network effect and customer orientation empowerment on trust in social media and network environment, Expert Systems with Applications, 40,4858-4870.
  • Kim D.J., Ferrin D.L., Rao H.R. (2008). A Trust-Based Consumer Decision-Making Model in Electronic Commerce: The Role of Trust, Perceived Risk, and Their Antecedents, Decision Support Systems, 44,2,544-564.
  • Kim S., Park H. (2013). Effects of various characteristics of social commerce on consumers' trust and trust performance. International Journal of Information Management, 33, 2, 318– 332.
  • Kim S., Stoel L. (2017). Apparel retailers: website quality dimensions and satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 011, 2, 109-117.
  • Kozinets, R., Ferreira, D. A.; Chimenti, P. (2021) How Do Platforms Empower Consumers? Insights from the Affordances and Constraints of Reclame Aqui, Journal of Consumer Research, 48, 3, 428–455 Labrecque L.I., Esche J., V.D., Mathwick C., Novak, T.P. Hofacker C.F. (2013). Consumer Power: Evolution in the Digital Age, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 27, 257-269.
  • Lankton N.K., Wilson E.V., Mao E. (2010). Antecedents and determinants of information technology habit. Information and Management, 47,5,300-307.
  • Ling, K., Lau, T. C., Piew, T. (2010). The Effects of Shopping Orientations, Online Trust and Prior Online Purchase Experience toward Customers’ Online Purchase Intention., International Business Research, 3. 10.
  • Liu S.Q. Mattila. A. (2017). Airbnb: online targeted advertising, sense of power, and consumer decisions, International Journal of Hospiality Management, 60,33-41.
  • Liu, C., Bao, Z., Zheng, C. (2019). Exploring consumers' purchase intention in social commerce: an empirical study based on trust, argument quality, and social presence, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31, 2, 378-397.
  • McKnight D.H., Choudhury V., Kacmar C. (2002). Developing and Validating Trust Measures for E-Commerce: An Integrative Typology, Information Systems Research, 13, 3, 334-359. Midha V. (2012).Impact of consumer empowerment on online trust: An examination across genders, Decision Support Systems, 54,198-205.
  • Moon J., Kim Y. (2001). Extending the TAM for a World-Wide-Web context, Information and Management, 38, 217-230.
  • Morgan R.M., Hunt S.D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of of relationship marketing, Journal of Marketing, 58, 20-38.
  • Palmer A., Koenig-Lewis N. (2009). An experiential, social-network-based approach to direct marketing. Direct Marketing an International Journal, 3,3, 162-176.
  • Park J., Stoel L. (2005). Effect of brand familiarity, experience and information on online apparel purchase, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33, 2, 148-160.
  • Perrien J., Ricard L., Graf R. (1999). Le défi du marketing relationnel, RAM, 14,3, 189-205.
  • Pruche L. (2012). Empowerment du consommateur par internet : quelles conséquences pour la relation commerciale en point de vente, Actes du Congrès de lꞌAssociation Française du Marketing, 1-18.
  • Pruche L. (2013). Internet et empowerment perçu du consommateur lors de l’achat d’un séjour touristique, Actes du congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 1-23.
  • Pruche L., Bertrandias L., Vernette E. (2015) L’empowerment psychologique du consommateur par lors internet d’un achat de service, 31ème Congrès Annuel de l’Association Française de Marketing, Marrakech, Palais des congrès Ryad Mogador, 1-20, 5/8/2015.
  • Pu W.P., Chen K., Shieh M. (2015). The effect of co-design and flow experience on customer satisfaction and purchase intention online, Business Management and Economics, 3,4,59-66.
  • Ramani G., Kumar V. (2008). Interaction orientation and firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 72, 27-45.
  • Raza M.A., Siddiquei A.N., Awan H.M., Bukhari K. (2012). Relationship between service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and revisit intention in hotel industry, Interdisciplinary Journal of Computer Research in Business, 4, 8,788-805.
  • Rezabakhsh B., Bornemann D., Hansen U.,Schrader U. (2005). Consumer power: A comparison of the Old Economy and the Internet Economy, Journal of Consumer Policy, 29, 3-36.
  • Ribbink D., Van Riel Allard C.R., Liljander V., Streukens S. (2004). Comfort your Online Customer: Quality, Trust, and Loyalty on the Internet, Management Services Quality, 14,6,446– 456.
  • Richard L. (1993). Cognitive, Affective, and Attribute Bases of the Satisfaction Response, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 3, 418–430.
  • Sirdeshmukh D., Singh J., Sabol B. (2002). Consumer trust, value and loyalty in relational exchanges, Journal of Marketing, 66, 1, 15-37.
  • Sirieix L., Dubois P.L. (1999) Vers un modèle qualité-satisfaction intégrant la confiance?. RAM, 14, 3, 1-22.
  • Smith, J. B., Barclay, W.B. (1997). The effects of organizational differences and trust on the effectiveness of selling partner relationships, Journal of Marketing, 61, pp. 3-21
  • Spreitzer G. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement and Validation, Academy of Management Journal, 38, 5, 1442-1465.
  • Srinivasan S. S., Anderson R., Ponnavolu K. (2002). Customer Loyalty in E-commerce: An Exploration of its Antecedents and Consequences, Journal of Retailing, 27, 279-295.
  • Toufaily E., Rajaobelina L., MathieuFallu J., Ricard,L., Graf R. (2009). Les caractéristiques relationnelles du site Web ont-elles un impact sur la confiance des clients en ligne?, Revue Management et Avenir, 2, 32, 192-209.
  • Van Dyke T., MidhaV., Nemati H. (2007). The Effect of Consumer Privacy Empowerment on Trust and Privacy Concerns in E-Commerce, Electronic Markets, 17,1, 68-81.
  • Wathieu L., Brenner L., Carmon Z., Chattopadhyay A., Drolet A., Gourville J., Muthukrishnan A.V., Novemsky N., Ratner R., Wertenbroch K., Wu G. (2002). Consumer Control and Empowerment: A primer, Marketing Letters, 13, 3, 297-305.
  • Winterich K.P., ZhangY. (2014). Accepting Inequality Deters Responsibility: How Power Distance Decreases Charitable Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 2, 274-293.
  • Yoon, Sung-Joon. (2002). The antecedents and consequences of trust in online-purchase decisions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 16, 47, 63.
  • Zimmermann M.A. (1995). Psychological empowerment : Issues and illustrations, American Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23,5, 581-599.
Yıl 2023, , 697 - 712, 21.12.2023



  • Akhavannasab, S., Dantas, D., Senecal, S. (2018). Consumer empowerment in consumer–firm relationships: Conceptual framework and implications for research. Academy of Marketing Science Review 8 (3–4): 214–227.
  • Alegre C., Cladera M. (2009). Analyzing the effect of satisfaction and previous visits on tourist intentions to return, European Journal of Marketing, 43, 5, 670-685.
  • Allagui A., Temessek A. (2005). The loyalty of users of the services of an Internet portal: Proposal and testing of an integrator model. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Marketing Trends in Europe. 1-29, 5/8/2005.
  • Anderson C., Galinsky A. (2006). Power, optimism, and risk-taking, European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 511-536.
  • Anderson R.E., Srinivasan S.S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework, Psychology and Marketing, 20, 2, 123-138.
  • Arnould E., Price L. (2003). River Magic: Extraordinary Experience and the Extended Service Encounter, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 24-45.
  • Bagozzi R., Gopinath M., Nyer P. (1999). The role of emotions in marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27, 2, 184-206.
  • Belanche, D., Flavian, C., Pérez-Rueda, A. (2019). Consumer empowerment in interactive advertising and eWOM consequences: the PITRE model, Journal of Marketing Communications, 26, 1, 1-20. Berry L.L. (1995). Relationship marketing of services-growing interest, emerging Journal perspectives, Academy of Marketing Science, 23,4, 236-245.
  • Bloemer J., Odekerken-Schröder G. (2002). Store satisfaction and store loyalty explained by customer- and store-related factors. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining. Behavior, 15, 68-80.
  • Brinol P., Petty R.E., Valle C., Rucker D.D. Becerra A. (2007) The effects of message recipients' power before and after persuasion: A self-validation analysis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 6, 1040-1053.
  • Chouk I., Perrien J. (2005). La confiance du consommateur vis-à-vis d’un marchand internet : Proposition dꞌune échelle de mesure, Revue Française du Marketing, 205, 5-20.
  • Cyril, S., Smith, B. J., Renzaho, A. (2016). Systematic review of empowerment measures in health promotion. Health Promotion International 31 (4): 809–826.
  • Delafrooz N., Paim L., Khatibi A. (2011). Understanding consumer's internet purchase intention in Malaysia, African Journal of Business Management, 5,3,2837-2846.
  • Del Bucchia C., Miltgen, C. L., Russell, C. A., Burlat, C. (2021) Empowerment as latent vulnerability in techno-mediated consumption journeys, Journal of Business Research, 124, 629-651,
  • Deshpande R. (2002). Performance companies, International Journal of Medical Marketing, 2,3,225-232.
  • Ellen J., Mark S. (1999). The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships, Journal of Marketing, 63, 2, 70-87.
  • Elliot D. (2006). The evolution of the empowered consumer, European Journal of Marketing, 40,9,1106-1121.
  • Fichbein F.M., Ajzen I. (1975) Belief, attitude, intention, and behaviour: An introduction to theory and research. Don Mills: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
  • Fornell C., Larcker D.F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error, Journal of Marketing Research, 18-1, 39-50.
  • Fournier S., Glen Mick D. (1999), Rediscovering satisfaction, Journal of Marketing, 63, 5-23.
  • Ganesan S. (1994). Determinants of long-term orientation buyer-seller relationship, Journal of Marketing, 58,2,1-19.
  • Garbarino, E., Johnson, M. (2015). The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 63. 10.2307/1251946.
  • Geyskens I., Steenkamp J.B., Scheer L.K. Kumar N. (1996). The effects of trust and interdependence on relationship commitment: A transatlantic study, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13,4,303-317. Gronroos C. (1996). Relationship marketing: strategic and tactical implications, Management Decisions, 34,5-14.
  • Gurviez P., Korchia M. (2002). Proposition dꞌune échelle de mesure multidimensionnelle de la confiance dans la marque, RAM, 17,3,1-21.
  • Ha S., Stoel L. (2012). Online apparel retailing: roles of e-shopping quality and experiential e-shopping motives. Journal of Services Management, 23,2,197-215.
  • Hagel J. Armstrong A. G. (1997). Net Gain: Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities, Harvard Business School Press Boston, MA, USA.
  • Hajli N., Sims J. Z. A., Richard M. (2015). A social commerce investigation of the role of trust in a social networking site on purchase intentions, Journal of Business Research, 71, 133-141.
  • Harrison D.A., Newman D.A., Roth P.L. (2006). How important are job attitudes? Meta-Analytic comparisons of integrative behavioral outcomes and time sequences, Academy of Management Journal, 49,2,5-325.
  • Hennig-Thurau T., Kevin P.G., Dwayne D.G. (2002). Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes: An Integration of Relationship benefits and Relationship Quality, Journal of Services Research, 4, 3, 230-247.
  • Hsieh S. H., Crystal T. Lee, Timmy H. Tseng, (2022) Psychological empowerment and user satisfaction: Investigating the influences of online brand community participation, Information & Management, 59, 1,103570.
  • Huffman C., Kahn. B. E. (1998). Variety for Sale: Mass Customization or Mass Confusion?, Journal of Retailing, 74, 491-513.
  • Hunter L., Gurnefeld I. (2008). When does consumer empowerment lead to satisfied customers? Some mediating and moderating effects of the empowerment–satisfaction link, Journal of Research for Consumer, 15,1-14.
  • Igalens, J., Roussel, P. (2009). A study of The Relationships between Compensation Package, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 1003-1025
  • Jarvenpaa S.L., Tractinsky N., Saarinen L. (1999). Consumer trust in an Internet store: a cross-cultural validation. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 5, 2, 1–33.
  • Jeong M., Oh H., Gregoire M. (2003). Conceptualizing web site quality and its consequences in the lodging industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22, 2,161-175.
  • Khalifa M., Liu, V. (2007). Online consumer retention:contingent effects of online shopping habit and online shopping experience, European Journal of Information Systems, 16, 780– 792.
  • Khong K.W., Onyemeh N.C., Chong A. (2013). BSEM estimation of network effect and customer orientation empowerment on trust in social media and network environment, Expert Systems with Applications, 40,4858-4870.
  • Kim D.J., Ferrin D.L., Rao H.R. (2008). A Trust-Based Consumer Decision-Making Model in Electronic Commerce: The Role of Trust, Perceived Risk, and Their Antecedents, Decision Support Systems, 44,2,544-564.
  • Kim S., Park H. (2013). Effects of various characteristics of social commerce on consumers' trust and trust performance. International Journal of Information Management, 33, 2, 318– 332.
  • Kim S., Stoel L. (2017). Apparel retailers: website quality dimensions and satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 011, 2, 109-117.
  • Kozinets, R., Ferreira, D. A.; Chimenti, P. (2021) How Do Platforms Empower Consumers? Insights from the Affordances and Constraints of Reclame Aqui, Journal of Consumer Research, 48, 3, 428–455 Labrecque L.I., Esche J., V.D., Mathwick C., Novak, T.P. Hofacker C.F. (2013). Consumer Power: Evolution in the Digital Age, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 27, 257-269.
  • Lankton N.K., Wilson E.V., Mao E. (2010). Antecedents and determinants of information technology habit. Information and Management, 47,5,300-307.
  • Ling, K., Lau, T. C., Piew, T. (2010). The Effects of Shopping Orientations, Online Trust and Prior Online Purchase Experience toward Customers’ Online Purchase Intention., International Business Research, 3. 10.
  • Liu S.Q. Mattila. A. (2017). Airbnb: online targeted advertising, sense of power, and consumer decisions, International Journal of Hospiality Management, 60,33-41.
  • Liu, C., Bao, Z., Zheng, C. (2019). Exploring consumers' purchase intention in social commerce: an empirical study based on trust, argument quality, and social presence, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31, 2, 378-397.
  • McKnight D.H., Choudhury V., Kacmar C. (2002). Developing and Validating Trust Measures for E-Commerce: An Integrative Typology, Information Systems Research, 13, 3, 334-359. Midha V. (2012).Impact of consumer empowerment on online trust: An examination across genders, Decision Support Systems, 54,198-205.
  • Moon J., Kim Y. (2001). Extending the TAM for a World-Wide-Web context, Information and Management, 38, 217-230.
  • Morgan R.M., Hunt S.D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of of relationship marketing, Journal of Marketing, 58, 20-38.
  • Palmer A., Koenig-Lewis N. (2009). An experiential, social-network-based approach to direct marketing. Direct Marketing an International Journal, 3,3, 162-176.
  • Park J., Stoel L. (2005). Effect of brand familiarity, experience and information on online apparel purchase, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33, 2, 148-160.
  • Perrien J., Ricard L., Graf R. (1999). Le défi du marketing relationnel, RAM, 14,3, 189-205.
  • Pruche L. (2012). Empowerment du consommateur par internet : quelles conséquences pour la relation commerciale en point de vente, Actes du Congrès de lꞌAssociation Française du Marketing, 1-18.
  • Pruche L. (2013). Internet et empowerment perçu du consommateur lors de l’achat d’un séjour touristique, Actes du congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 1-23.
  • Pruche L., Bertrandias L., Vernette E. (2015) L’empowerment psychologique du consommateur par lors internet d’un achat de service, 31ème Congrès Annuel de l’Association Française de Marketing, Marrakech, Palais des congrès Ryad Mogador, 1-20, 5/8/2015.
  • Pu W.P., Chen K., Shieh M. (2015). The effect of co-design and flow experience on customer satisfaction and purchase intention online, Business Management and Economics, 3,4,59-66.
  • Ramani G., Kumar V. (2008). Interaction orientation and firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 72, 27-45.
  • Raza M.A., Siddiquei A.N., Awan H.M., Bukhari K. (2012). Relationship between service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and revisit intention in hotel industry, Interdisciplinary Journal of Computer Research in Business, 4, 8,788-805.
  • Rezabakhsh B., Bornemann D., Hansen U.,Schrader U. (2005). Consumer power: A comparison of the Old Economy and the Internet Economy, Journal of Consumer Policy, 29, 3-36.
  • Ribbink D., Van Riel Allard C.R., Liljander V., Streukens S. (2004). Comfort your Online Customer: Quality, Trust, and Loyalty on the Internet, Management Services Quality, 14,6,446– 456.
  • Richard L. (1993). Cognitive, Affective, and Attribute Bases of the Satisfaction Response, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 3, 418–430.
  • Sirdeshmukh D., Singh J., Sabol B. (2002). Consumer trust, value and loyalty in relational exchanges, Journal of Marketing, 66, 1, 15-37.
  • Sirieix L., Dubois P.L. (1999) Vers un modèle qualité-satisfaction intégrant la confiance?. RAM, 14, 3, 1-22.
  • Smith, J. B., Barclay, W.B. (1997). The effects of organizational differences and trust on the effectiveness of selling partner relationships, Journal of Marketing, 61, pp. 3-21
  • Spreitzer G. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement and Validation, Academy of Management Journal, 38, 5, 1442-1465.
  • Srinivasan S. S., Anderson R., Ponnavolu K. (2002). Customer Loyalty in E-commerce: An Exploration of its Antecedents and Consequences, Journal of Retailing, 27, 279-295.
  • Toufaily E., Rajaobelina L., MathieuFallu J., Ricard,L., Graf R. (2009). Les caractéristiques relationnelles du site Web ont-elles un impact sur la confiance des clients en ligne?, Revue Management et Avenir, 2, 32, 192-209.
  • Van Dyke T., MidhaV., Nemati H. (2007). The Effect of Consumer Privacy Empowerment on Trust and Privacy Concerns in E-Commerce, Electronic Markets, 17,1, 68-81.
  • Wathieu L., Brenner L., Carmon Z., Chattopadhyay A., Drolet A., Gourville J., Muthukrishnan A.V., Novemsky N., Ratner R., Wertenbroch K., Wu G. (2002). Consumer Control and Empowerment: A primer, Marketing Letters, 13, 3, 297-305.
  • Winterich K.P., ZhangY. (2014). Accepting Inequality Deters Responsibility: How Power Distance Decreases Charitable Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 2, 274-293.
  • Yoon, Sung-Joon. (2002). The antecedents and consequences of trust in online-purchase decisions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 16, 47, 63.
  • Zimmermann M.A. (1995). Psychological empowerment : Issues and illustrations, American Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23,5, 581-599.

Purchase Intention in Online Brand Communities: The Effect of Consumer Empowerment

Yıl 2023, , 697 - 712, 21.12.2023


İletişim, yeni medya ve mobil uygulama teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, tüketici deneyimini geliştirdi ve markalarla olan ilişkilerinde tüketicileri güçlendirdi. Bu çalışma, bu doğal ilerlemenin etkisini, satın alma niyetini, tüketici memnuniyetini ve markaya olan güveni dikkate alarak araştırmaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri, sosyal platformdaki birçok marka topluluğunun üyesi olan 312 Facebook kullanıcısından sağlanmıştır. Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (SEM) kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen analiz, öncelikle tüketicinin güçlenmesi ve güven arasında, ikinci olarak da memnuniyet ve güven arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Memnuniyet ve güven, satın alma niyetiyle de önemli ölçüde bağlantılıdır. Bununla birlikte, sonuçlar tüketici güçlenmesi ve memnuniyeti arasında anlamlı bir ilişki göstermemiştir. Bu sonuçlar ve çıkarımları, yönetimsel öneriler ve gelecek araştırmalara yön gösterecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Tüketicinin Güçlenmesi, Tüketici Memnuniyeti, Güven, Satın alma Niyeti
JEL Sınıflandırması: M30, M31


  • Akhavannasab, S., Dantas, D., Senecal, S. (2018). Consumer empowerment in consumer–firm relationships: Conceptual framework and implications for research. Academy of Marketing Science Review 8 (3–4): 214–227.
  • Alegre C., Cladera M. (2009). Analyzing the effect of satisfaction and previous visits on tourist intentions to return, European Journal of Marketing, 43, 5, 670-685.
  • Allagui A., Temessek A. (2005). The loyalty of users of the services of an Internet portal: Proposal and testing of an integrator model. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Marketing Trends in Europe. 1-29, 5/8/2005.
  • Anderson C., Galinsky A. (2006). Power, optimism, and risk-taking, European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 511-536.
  • Anderson R.E., Srinivasan S.S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework, Psychology and Marketing, 20, 2, 123-138.
  • Arnould E., Price L. (2003). River Magic: Extraordinary Experience and the Extended Service Encounter, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 24-45.
  • Bagozzi R., Gopinath M., Nyer P. (1999). The role of emotions in marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27, 2, 184-206.
  • Belanche, D., Flavian, C., Pérez-Rueda, A. (2019). Consumer empowerment in interactive advertising and eWOM consequences: the PITRE model, Journal of Marketing Communications, 26, 1, 1-20. Berry L.L. (1995). Relationship marketing of services-growing interest, emerging Journal perspectives, Academy of Marketing Science, 23,4, 236-245.
  • Bloemer J., Odekerken-Schröder G. (2002). Store satisfaction and store loyalty explained by customer- and store-related factors. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining. Behavior, 15, 68-80.
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Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Caner Dincer 0000-0002-8109-1412

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Dincer, C. (2023). Purchase Intention in Online Brand Communities: The Effect of Consumer Empowerment. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 30(4), 697-712.