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Tax Capacity and Tax Effort in Turkiye and the European Union Countries: An Empirical Application

Yıl 2023, , 817 - 840, 21.12.2023


An efficient tax system is pivotal for effectively implementing fiscal policy and fostering economic development. The extent to which a tax system realizes its full potential determines its efficacy. Nevertheless, existing literature highlights that various economic, social, demographic, and institutional factors can impose limitations on realizing potential tax capacity, thereby constraining the level of tax effort. In this context, this research’s principal objective is to assess tax efforts spanning 1995 to 2021 for 27 European Union member states, 3 European Economic Area nations, and Turkiye. Within this framework, our regression analysis attempts to unveil the influence of critical factors affecting taxable capacity, including sectors with inherent tax challenges, international trade dynamics, the scope of the shadow economy, and the level of financial development. The findings of our study shed light on several noteworthy trends. Northern European countries exhibit a notably higher level of tax effort than the remaining sample countries and Turkiye, which lags behind the sample’s average tax effort level. Furthermore, the study postulates that enhancing financial development and curbing the shadow economy can contribute to the expansion of fiscal space by bolstering tax capacity.
Key Words: Tax Capacity, Tax Effort, Tax Policy, Panel Data Analysis
JEL Classification: H20, E62, 023


  • Alfirman, L. (2003). Estimating stochastic frontier tax potential: can Indonesian local governments increase tax revenues under decentralization? (Working Paper 03-19). Retrieved from University of Colorado, Center for Economic Analysis Department of Economics website:
  • Amoh, J. K. (2019). An estimation of the taxable capacity, tax effort and tax burden of an emerging economy: evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 9(3), 12-21.
  • Andoh, F. K. (2017). Taxable capacity and effort of Ghana’s value-added tax. African Review of Economics and Finance, 9(2), 255-284.
  • Atsan, E. (2017). The determinants of tax capacity and tax effort in Turkey for the period of 1984-2012. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(4), 214-234.
  • Aydin, M. and Bozatli, O. (2022). Do transport taxes reduce air pollution in the top 10 countries with the highest transport tax revenues? A country-specific panel data analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(36), 54181-54192.
  • Bahl, R. (1972). A representative tax system approach to measuring tax effort in developing countries. IMF Staff Papers, 1, 87-124.
  • Bahl, R. W. (1971). A regression approach to tax effort and tax ratio analysis. IMF Staff Papers,18(3), 570-612.
  • Baltagi, B. H., and Wu, P. X. (1999). Unequally spaced panel data regressıons wıth ar(1) dısturbances. Econometric Theory, 15(6), 814-823.
  • Bird, R. M., Martinez-Vazquez, J., & Torgler, B. (2008). Tax effort in developing countries and high income countries: the impact of corruption, voice and accountability. Economic Analysis and Policy, 38(1), 55-71.
  • Bird, R. M., Martinez-Vazquez, J., & Torgler, B. (2014). Societal institutions and tax effort in developing countries. Annals of Economics and Finance, 15(1), 301-351.
  • Bozatlı, O. (2021). Dual income tax system and applicability in Turkey. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30(1), 92-104.
  • Brafu-Insaidoo, W. and Obeng, C. K. (2020). Estimating Ghana’s tax capacity and effort. (Working Paper, 338). Retrieved from African Economic Research Consortium, Research Department website:
  • Breusch, T. S. and Pagan, A. R. (1980). The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Brun, J.-F. and Diakite, M. (2016). Tax potential and tax effort: an empirical estimation for non-resource tax revenue and vat’s revenue (Working Paper, 10). Retrieved from CERDİ website:
  • Chelliah, R. J., Baas, H. J., & Kelly, M. R. (1975). Tax ratios and tax effort in developing countries, 1969-71, IMF Staff Papers, 22(1), 187-205.
  • Chigome, J. and Robinson, Z. (2021). Determinants of tax capacity and tax effort ın Southern Afrıca: an empirical analysis. Applied Economics, 53(60), 6927-6943.
  • Cyan, M., Martinez-Vazquez, J., & Vulovic, V. (2013). Measuring tax effort: does the estimation approach matter and should effort be linked to expenditure goals? (Working Paper, 13-08). Retrieved from Georgia State University, International Center for Public Policy website:
  • Dalamagas, B., Palaios, P., & Tantos, S. (2019). A new approach to measuring tax effort. Economies, 7(3), 77.
  • Dalton, H. (1954). Principles of public finance (23. bs). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD.
  • Davoodi, H. R. and Grigorian, D. A. (2007). Tax potential vs. tax effort: a cross-country analysis of Armenia’s stubbornly low tax collection (Working Paper, 07/106). Retrieved from International Monetary Fund website:
  • Eltony, M. N. (2002). The determinants of tax effort in Arab countries (Working Paper, 207). Retrieved from International Monetary Fund, Arab Planning Institute website:
  • Eurostat. (2023). Tax revenue statistics [Data Base]. Retrieved from:
  • Fenochietto, R. and Pessino, C. (2013). Understanding countries’ tax effort (Working Paper, 13-224) Retrieved from International Monetary Fund website:
  • Garg, S., Goyal, A., & Pal, R. (2017). Why tax effort falls short of tax capacity in Indian States: A stochastic frontier approach. Public Finance Review, 45(2), 232-259.
  • Gujarati, D. N. and Porter, D. C. (2009). Basic econometrics (5. eds). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
  • Gupta, A.S. (2007). determinants of tax revenue efforts in developing countries (Working Paper, 08-184) Retrieved from International Monetary Fund website:
  • Hausman, J. A. (1978). Specification tests in econometrics. Econometrica, 46(6), 1251-1271.
  • Huang, J.-T., Lo, K.-T., & She, P.-W. (2012). The impact of fiscal decentralization on tax effort of China’s local governments after the tax sharing system. The Singapore Economic Review, 57(01), 1250005.
  • IMF. (2023). Financial development and financial inclusion [Data Base]. Retrieved from:
  • Kawadia, G. and Suryawanshi, A. K. (2023). Tax effort of the Indian States from 2001–2002 to 2016–2017: a stochastic frontier approach. Millennial Asia, 14(1), 85-101.
  • Kızıltan, M. (2018). Analysis of local tax effort in Turkey with the new economic geography models approach (2007-2014) (Doctorate Thesis). Retrieved from:
  • Langford, B. and Ohlenburg, T. (2016). Tax revenue potential and effort an empirical investigation (Working Paper, S-43202-UGA-1). Retrieved form International Growth Centre website:
  • Le, T. M., Moreno-Dodson, B., & Bayraktar, N. (2012). Tax capacity and tax effort: extended cross-country analysis from 1994 to 2009 (Working Paper, 6252). Retrieved form The World Bank website:
  • Le, T. M., Moreno-Dodson, B., & Rojchaichaninthorn, J. (2008). Expanding taxable capacity and reaching revenue potential: cross-country analysis. Proceedings. Annual Conference on Taxation and Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the National Tax Association, 101, 384-397.
  • Liesegang, C. and Runkel, M. (2018). Tax competition and fiscal equalization under corporate income taxation. International Tax and Public Finance, 25(2), 311-324.
  • Lotz, J. R. and Morss, E. R. (1970). A theory of tax level determinants for developing countries. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 18(3), 328-341.
  • Lotz, J. R. and Morss, E. R. (1967). Measuring “tax effort” in developing countries, IMF Staff Papers, 14(3), 478-499.
  • Mahdavi, S. and Westerlund, J. (2018). Subnational government tax revenue capacity and effort convergence: New evidence from sequential unit root tests. Economic Modelling, 73, 174-183.
  • Martinez-Vazquez, J. and Boex, L. J. (1997). An analysis of alternative measures of fiscal capacity for regions of the Russian federation. (Working Paper, 97-4). Retrieved from Georgia State University, International Studies Program website:
  • Medina, L. and Schneider, F. (2018). Shadow economies around the world: what did we learn over the last 20 years? (Working Paper 18/017). Retrieved from International Monetary Fund website:
  • Mertens, J. B. (2003). Measuring tax effort in Central and Eastern Europe. Public Finance and Management, 3(4), 530-564.
  • Mikesell, J. (2007). Changing state fiscal capacity and tax effort in an era of devolving government, 1981–2003. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 37(4), 532-550. Morrissey, O., Von Haldenwang, C., Von Schiller, A., Ivanyna, M., & Bordon, I. (2016). Tax revenue performance and vulnerability in developing countries. The Journal of Development Studies, 52(12), 1689-1703.
  • Ndiaye, M. B. O. and Korsu, R. D. (2014). Tax effort in ECOWAS countries. in D. Seck (Ed.), Regional Economic Integration in West Africa (ss. 137-158). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Nerlich, C. and Heinrich Reuter, W. (2015). fiscal rules, fiscal space and procyclical fiscal policy (Working Paper, 1872). Retrieved from European Central Bank website:
  • OECD. (2023). Tax revenue, [Data Base]. Retrieved from: Parfenova, L., Pugachev, A., & Podviezko, A. (2016). Comparative analysis of tax capacity in regions of Russia. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 22(6), 905-925.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Pessino, C. and Fenochietto, R. (2010). Determining countries’ tax effort. Revista de Economía Pública, 4(195), 65-87. Retrieved from:
  • Piancastelli, M. (2001). Measuring the tax effort of developed and developing countries: cross country panel data analysis - 1985/95 (Working Paper, 818). Retrieved from Institute of Applied Economic Research website:
  • Piancastelli, M. and Thirlwall, A. P. (2021). The determinants of tax revenue and tax effort in developed and developing countries: theory and new evidence 1996-2015. Nova Economia, 30, 871-892.
  • Pratomo, A. W. (2020). The effect of foreign direct investment on tax revenue in developing countries. Jurnal BPPK : Badan Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Keuangan, 13(1), 83-95.
  • Purohit, M. C. (2006). Tax efforts and taxable capacity of central and state governments. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(8), 747-755. Retrieved from:
  • Ricciuti, R., Savoia, A., & Sen, K. (2019). How do political institutions affect fiscal capacity? Explaining taxation in developing economies. Journal of Institutional Economics, 15(2), 351-380.
  • Rosen, H. S. and Gayer, T. (2010). Public finance (9. bs). Singapore: McGraw-HılL International Edition.
  • Sağbaş, İ. (2001). An econometric analysis of local fiscal response to revenue sharing in Turkey. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 19(1), 85-101.
  • Samimi, A. J., Zaroki, S., & Hadizade, A. (2009). Tax capacity and tax effort: evidence from Islamic Republic of Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal, 16(10), 1413-1422. Retrieved from:
  • Schneider, H. M. F. (2022). New covid-related results for estimating the shadow economy in the global economy in 2021 and 2022. International Economics and Economic Policy, 19(2), 299-313.
  • Stotsky, J. G. and WoldeMariam, A. (1997). Tax effort in Sub-Saharan Africa (Working Paper, 97/107). Retrieved from IMF African Department website:
  • Şen, H., Bulut-Çevik, Z. B., & Kaya, A. (2019). The Khaldun-Laffer curve revisited: a personal income tax-based analysis for Turkey. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, (57), 103-119.
  • Tanzi, V. (1992). Structural factors and tax revenue in developing countries: a decade of evidence. in G. I & W. L. A. (Ed.), Open Economies: Structural Adjustment and Agriculture (pp. 267-281). Cambridge, Ma: Cambridge University Press.
  • Truong, T. V. and Gash, D. N. (1979). Less-developed countries’ taxable capacity and economic integration: a cross-sectional analysis. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 61(2), 312-316.
  • Vallés Giménez, J. and Zárate Marco, A. I. (2017). Tax effort of local governments and its determinants: The Spanish case. Annals of Economics and Finance. Retrieved from:
  • World Bank. (2023). World development indicators [Data Base]. Retrieved from:
  • Yilmaz, Y., Hoo, S., Nagowski, M., Rueben, K. S., & Tannenwald, R. (2006). measuring fiscal disparities across the U.S. states: a representative revenue system/representative expenditure system approach, fiscal year 2002 (Working Paper 06-2). Federal Reserve bank of Boston, New England Public Policy Center. Retrieved from:
  • Zárate-Marco, A. and Vallés-Giménez, J. (2019). Regional tax effort in Spain. Economics, 13(1), 20190031.

Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerinde Vergi Kapasitesi ve Vergi Gayreti: Ampirik Bir Uygulama

Yıl 2023, , 817 - 840, 21.12.2023


Etkin bir vergi sisteminin özellikle maliye politikasının uygulanabilirliği ve ekonomik kalkınma süreci açısından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. En basit anlamıyla, bir vergi sisteminin etkinliği, potansiyelinin ne kadarının gerçekleştirildiğiyle ilgilidir. Bununla birlikte, literatürde ekonomik, sosyal, demografik ve kurumsal faktörlerin potansiyel vergi kapasitesinin gerçekleştirilmesinde bazı kısıtlamalar yaratabileceği ve vergi gayreti düzeyini sınırlayabileceği tartışılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmanın birincil amacı, 27 Avrupa Birliği, 3 Avrupa Ekonomik Bölgesi üyesi ve Türkiye için 1995-2021 döneminde vergi çabası düzeyini belirlemeye çalışmaktır. Bu bağlamda gerçekleştirilen regresyon tahmini, vergilendirmenin zor olduğu sektörler, uluslararası ticaret, kayıt dışı ekonomi ve finansal gelişme gibi vergileme kapasitesinin temel belirleyicilerinin etkilerini ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Ampirik bulgular vergi gayreti açısından Kuzey Avrupa ülkelerinin örneklemin geri kalanından daha iyi bir performans gösterdiği, Türkiye’nin ise örneklem ortalamasının altında olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca finansal gelişmenin iyileştirilmesi ve kayıt dışı ekonomi ile mücadelenin vergi kapasitesini artırarak mali alan oluşumuna katkı sağlayabileceği savunulmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Vergi Kapasitesi; Vergi Çabası, Vergi Politikası, Panel Veri Analizi
JEL Sınıflandırması: H20, E62, 023


  • Alfirman, L. (2003). Estimating stochastic frontier tax potential: can Indonesian local governments increase tax revenues under decentralization? (Working Paper 03-19). Retrieved from University of Colorado, Center for Economic Analysis Department of Economics website:
  • Amoh, J. K. (2019). An estimation of the taxable capacity, tax effort and tax burden of an emerging economy: evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 9(3), 12-21.
  • Andoh, F. K. (2017). Taxable capacity and effort of Ghana’s value-added tax. African Review of Economics and Finance, 9(2), 255-284.
  • Atsan, E. (2017). The determinants of tax capacity and tax effort in Turkey for the period of 1984-2012. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(4), 214-234.
  • Aydin, M. and Bozatli, O. (2022). Do transport taxes reduce air pollution in the top 10 countries with the highest transport tax revenues? A country-specific panel data analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(36), 54181-54192.
  • Bahl, R. (1972). A representative tax system approach to measuring tax effort in developing countries. IMF Staff Papers, 1, 87-124.
  • Bahl, R. W. (1971). A regression approach to tax effort and tax ratio analysis. IMF Staff Papers,18(3), 570-612.
  • Baltagi, B. H., and Wu, P. X. (1999). Unequally spaced panel data regressıons wıth ar(1) dısturbances. Econometric Theory, 15(6), 814-823.
  • Bird, R. M., Martinez-Vazquez, J., & Torgler, B. (2008). Tax effort in developing countries and high income countries: the impact of corruption, voice and accountability. Economic Analysis and Policy, 38(1), 55-71.
  • Bird, R. M., Martinez-Vazquez, J., & Torgler, B. (2014). Societal institutions and tax effort in developing countries. Annals of Economics and Finance, 15(1), 301-351.
  • Bozatlı, O. (2021). Dual income tax system and applicability in Turkey. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30(1), 92-104.
  • Brafu-Insaidoo, W. and Obeng, C. K. (2020). Estimating Ghana’s tax capacity and effort. (Working Paper, 338). Retrieved from African Economic Research Consortium, Research Department website:
  • Breusch, T. S. and Pagan, A. R. (1980). The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Brun, J.-F. and Diakite, M. (2016). Tax potential and tax effort: an empirical estimation for non-resource tax revenue and vat’s revenue (Working Paper, 10). Retrieved from CERDİ website:
  • Chelliah, R. J., Baas, H. J., & Kelly, M. R. (1975). Tax ratios and tax effort in developing countries, 1969-71, IMF Staff Papers, 22(1), 187-205.
  • Chigome, J. and Robinson, Z. (2021). Determinants of tax capacity and tax effort ın Southern Afrıca: an empirical analysis. Applied Economics, 53(60), 6927-6943.
  • Cyan, M., Martinez-Vazquez, J., & Vulovic, V. (2013). Measuring tax effort: does the estimation approach matter and should effort be linked to expenditure goals? (Working Paper, 13-08). Retrieved from Georgia State University, International Center for Public Policy website:
  • Dalamagas, B., Palaios, P., & Tantos, S. (2019). A new approach to measuring tax effort. Economies, 7(3), 77.
  • Dalton, H. (1954). Principles of public finance (23. bs). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD.
  • Davoodi, H. R. and Grigorian, D. A. (2007). Tax potential vs. tax effort: a cross-country analysis of Armenia’s stubbornly low tax collection (Working Paper, 07/106). Retrieved from International Monetary Fund website:
  • Eltony, M. N. (2002). The determinants of tax effort in Arab countries (Working Paper, 207). Retrieved from International Monetary Fund, Arab Planning Institute website:
  • Eurostat. (2023). Tax revenue statistics [Data Base]. Retrieved from:
  • Fenochietto, R. and Pessino, C. (2013). Understanding countries’ tax effort (Working Paper, 13-224) Retrieved from International Monetary Fund website:
  • Garg, S., Goyal, A., & Pal, R. (2017). Why tax effort falls short of tax capacity in Indian States: A stochastic frontier approach. Public Finance Review, 45(2), 232-259.
  • Gujarati, D. N. and Porter, D. C. (2009). Basic econometrics (5. eds). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
  • Gupta, A.S. (2007). determinants of tax revenue efforts in developing countries (Working Paper, 08-184) Retrieved from International Monetary Fund website:
  • Hausman, J. A. (1978). Specification tests in econometrics. Econometrica, 46(6), 1251-1271.
  • Huang, J.-T., Lo, K.-T., & She, P.-W. (2012). The impact of fiscal decentralization on tax effort of China’s local governments after the tax sharing system. The Singapore Economic Review, 57(01), 1250005.
  • IMF. (2023). Financial development and financial inclusion [Data Base]. Retrieved from:
  • Kawadia, G. and Suryawanshi, A. K. (2023). Tax effort of the Indian States from 2001–2002 to 2016–2017: a stochastic frontier approach. Millennial Asia, 14(1), 85-101.
  • Kızıltan, M. (2018). Analysis of local tax effort in Turkey with the new economic geography models approach (2007-2014) (Doctorate Thesis). Retrieved from:
  • Langford, B. and Ohlenburg, T. (2016). Tax revenue potential and effort an empirical investigation (Working Paper, S-43202-UGA-1). Retrieved form International Growth Centre website:
  • Le, T. M., Moreno-Dodson, B., & Bayraktar, N. (2012). Tax capacity and tax effort: extended cross-country analysis from 1994 to 2009 (Working Paper, 6252). Retrieved form The World Bank website:
  • Le, T. M., Moreno-Dodson, B., & Rojchaichaninthorn, J. (2008). Expanding taxable capacity and reaching revenue potential: cross-country analysis. Proceedings. Annual Conference on Taxation and Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the National Tax Association, 101, 384-397.
  • Liesegang, C. and Runkel, M. (2018). Tax competition and fiscal equalization under corporate income taxation. International Tax and Public Finance, 25(2), 311-324.
  • Lotz, J. R. and Morss, E. R. (1970). A theory of tax level determinants for developing countries. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 18(3), 328-341.
  • Lotz, J. R. and Morss, E. R. (1967). Measuring “tax effort” in developing countries, IMF Staff Papers, 14(3), 478-499.
  • Mahdavi, S. and Westerlund, J. (2018). Subnational government tax revenue capacity and effort convergence: New evidence from sequential unit root tests. Economic Modelling, 73, 174-183.
  • Martinez-Vazquez, J. and Boex, L. J. (1997). An analysis of alternative measures of fiscal capacity for regions of the Russian federation. (Working Paper, 97-4). Retrieved from Georgia State University, International Studies Program website:
  • Medina, L. and Schneider, F. (2018). Shadow economies around the world: what did we learn over the last 20 years? (Working Paper 18/017). Retrieved from International Monetary Fund website:
  • Mertens, J. B. (2003). Measuring tax effort in Central and Eastern Europe. Public Finance and Management, 3(4), 530-564.
  • Mikesell, J. (2007). Changing state fiscal capacity and tax effort in an era of devolving government, 1981–2003. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 37(4), 532-550. Morrissey, O., Von Haldenwang, C., Von Schiller, A., Ivanyna, M., & Bordon, I. (2016). Tax revenue performance and vulnerability in developing countries. The Journal of Development Studies, 52(12), 1689-1703.
  • Ndiaye, M. B. O. and Korsu, R. D. (2014). Tax effort in ECOWAS countries. in D. Seck (Ed.), Regional Economic Integration in West Africa (ss. 137-158). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Nerlich, C. and Heinrich Reuter, W. (2015). fiscal rules, fiscal space and procyclical fiscal policy (Working Paper, 1872). Retrieved from European Central Bank website:
  • OECD. (2023). Tax revenue, [Data Base]. Retrieved from: Parfenova, L., Pugachev, A., & Podviezko, A. (2016). Comparative analysis of tax capacity in regions of Russia. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 22(6), 905-925.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Pessino, C. and Fenochietto, R. (2010). Determining countries’ tax effort. Revista de Economía Pública, 4(195), 65-87. Retrieved from:
  • Piancastelli, M. (2001). Measuring the tax effort of developed and developing countries: cross country panel data analysis - 1985/95 (Working Paper, 818). Retrieved from Institute of Applied Economic Research website:
  • Piancastelli, M. and Thirlwall, A. P. (2021). The determinants of tax revenue and tax effort in developed and developing countries: theory and new evidence 1996-2015. Nova Economia, 30, 871-892.
  • Pratomo, A. W. (2020). The effect of foreign direct investment on tax revenue in developing countries. Jurnal BPPK : Badan Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Keuangan, 13(1), 83-95.
  • Purohit, M. C. (2006). Tax efforts and taxable capacity of central and state governments. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(8), 747-755. Retrieved from:
  • Ricciuti, R., Savoia, A., & Sen, K. (2019). How do political institutions affect fiscal capacity? Explaining taxation in developing economies. Journal of Institutional Economics, 15(2), 351-380.
  • Rosen, H. S. and Gayer, T. (2010). Public finance (9. bs). Singapore: McGraw-HılL International Edition.
  • Sağbaş, İ. (2001). An econometric analysis of local fiscal response to revenue sharing in Turkey. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 19(1), 85-101.
  • Samimi, A. J., Zaroki, S., & Hadizade, A. (2009). Tax capacity and tax effort: evidence from Islamic Republic of Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal, 16(10), 1413-1422. Retrieved from:
  • Schneider, H. M. F. (2022). New covid-related results for estimating the shadow economy in the global economy in 2021 and 2022. International Economics and Economic Policy, 19(2), 299-313.
  • Stotsky, J. G. and WoldeMariam, A. (1997). Tax effort in Sub-Saharan Africa (Working Paper, 97/107). Retrieved from IMF African Department website:
  • Şen, H., Bulut-Çevik, Z. B., & Kaya, A. (2019). The Khaldun-Laffer curve revisited: a personal income tax-based analysis for Turkey. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, (57), 103-119.
  • Tanzi, V. (1992). Structural factors and tax revenue in developing countries: a decade of evidence. in G. I & W. L. A. (Ed.), Open Economies: Structural Adjustment and Agriculture (pp. 267-281). Cambridge, Ma: Cambridge University Press.
  • Truong, T. V. and Gash, D. N. (1979). Less-developed countries’ taxable capacity and economic integration: a cross-sectional analysis. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 61(2), 312-316.
  • Vallés Giménez, J. and Zárate Marco, A. I. (2017). Tax effort of local governments and its determinants: The Spanish case. Annals of Economics and Finance. Retrieved from:
  • World Bank. (2023). World development indicators [Data Base]. Retrieved from:
  • Yilmaz, Y., Hoo, S., Nagowski, M., Rueben, K. S., & Tannenwald, R. (2006). measuring fiscal disparities across the U.S. states: a representative revenue system/representative expenditure system approach, fiscal year 2002 (Working Paper 06-2). Federal Reserve bank of Boston, New England Public Policy Center. Retrieved from:
  • Zárate-Marco, A. and Vallés-Giménez, J. (2019). Regional tax effort in Spain. Economics, 13(1), 20190031.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Maliye Politikası
Bölüm Makaleler

Şeref Can Serin 0000-0001-8575-9128

Murat Demir 0000-0002-1466-1104

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Serin, Ş. C., & Demir, M. (2023). Tax Capacity and Tax Effort in Turkiye and the European Union Countries: An Empirical Application. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 30(4), 817-840.