Yıl 2019,
, 157 - 180, 19.03.2019
Duygu Seçkin Halaç
Cansu Güloğlu
- Atman, Ü. (2012). İşyerinde psikolojik terör: Mobbing. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Dergisi, 3: 157-172
- Berry, C. M., Carpenter, N.C. & Barratt, C.L. (2012). Do other reports of counterproductive work behavior provide an incremental contribution over self-reports? A meta analytic comparison. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(3): 613-636.
- Boddy, C.R. (2014). Corporate psychopaths, conflicts, employee affective well-being and counterproductive work behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 121: 107-121.
- Bozbel, S. & Palaz, S. (2007). İsyerinde psikolojik taciz (mobbing) ve hukuki sonuclari[mobbing in the workplace and its legal consequences]. TISK Akademi, 1: 66-81.
- Çobanoğlu, Ş. (2005). Mobbing: İşyerinde duygusal saldırı ve mücadele yöntemleri. İstanbul: Timaş
- Davenport, N., Schwartz, R. D. & Elliot, G.P. (2003). Mobbing: İşyerinde duygusal taciz (Çev: O. C. Önertoy,), İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık
- Demir, Y. & Çavuş, M.F. (2009). Mobbing’in kişisel ve örgütsel etkileri üzerine bir araştırma. Niğde Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 2(1): 13-23.
Emerson, R. M. (1976). Social exchange theory. Annual Review of Sociology, 2: 335–362.
- Erdoğan, İ. (2007). Pozitivist metodoloji - Bilimsel araştırma tasarımı istatistiksel yöntemler, analiz ve yorumu (2). Ankara: Erk
- Fox, S., Spector, P.E. & Miles, D. (2001). Counterproductive work behavior in response to job stressors and organizational justice: Some mediator and moderator tests for autonomy and emotions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59: 291-309.
- Gökçe, A. T. (2008). Mobbing: İşyerinde yıldırma nedenleri ve başa çıkma yöntemleri. Ankara: Öğreti
- Huber, B. (1994). Mobbing. Psychoterror am Arbeitsplatz. Niedernhausen: Falken
- Hutton, S. & Gates, D. (2008). Workplace incivility and productivity losses among direct care staff. AAOHN Journal, 56(4), 168-175.
International Labor Organization (ILO). (2002). Framework guidelines for addressing workplace violence in the health sector. Geneva
- Jex, S.M. & Britt, T.E. (2008). Occupational stress and employee health. Organizational psychology: A scientist-practitioner approach, 199-232.
- Jockin, V., Arvey, R.D. & McGue, M. (2001). Perceived victimization moderates self-reports of workplace aggression and conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86:1262–1269
- Koopman, C., Pelletier, K.R, Murray, J.F., Sharda, C.E. vd. (2002). Stanford presenteeism scale: Health status and employee productivity. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 44(1): 14-20.
- Leymann, H. (1990). Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces. Violence and Victims, 5(2): 119-126.
- Leyman, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2): 165-184.
- Leymann, H. The Mobbing Encyclopedia. 05.11.2013 www.leymann.se/English/12210E.HTM, www.leymann.se/English/12220E.HTM, www.leymann.se/English/11110E.HTM, www.leymann.se/English/12100E.HTM
- Leymann, H. & Gustafsson, A. (1996). Mobbing at work and the development of post-traumatic stress disorders. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2): 251-275.
- Lim, S., & Cortina, L.M. (2005). Interpersonal mistreatment in the workplace: The interface and impact of general incivility and sexual harassment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(3): 483–496.
- Marks, M.L., Hackett, E.J., Mirvis, P.H. & Grady Jr., J.F. (1986). Employee participation in a quality circle program: Impact on quality of work life, productivity and absenteeism. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(1): 61-69.
- Ones, S.D. (2002). Introduction to special issue on counterproductive behaviors at work. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 10(1/2): 1-4.
- Pearson, C.M., Andersson, L.M. & Porath, C.L. (2000). Assessing and attacking workplace incivility. Organizational Dynamics, 29(2): 123-137.
- Penney, L.M. & Spector, P.E. (2005). Job stress, incivility, and counterproductive work behavior (CWB): The moderating role of negative affectivity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26: 777–796.
- Rayner, C. & Hoel, H. (1997). A summary review of literature relating to workplace bullying. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 7: 181-191.
- Sabuncuğolu, Z. (2005). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi. Bursa: Alfa Aktüel
- Seçkin-Halaç, D. & Bulut, C. (2010). Mobbing: A review of Turkish literature. 11th Management International Conference (MIC), Kasım, Ankara
- Spector, E.P. & Fox, S. (2005). The stressor-emotion model of counterproductive work behavior (CWB). Ed. S. Fox & P. E. Spector, Counterproductive work behavior: Investigations of actors and targets. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
- Tetik, S. (2010). Mobbing kavramı: Birey ve örgütler açısından önemi. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(18): 81-89
- Tınaz, P. (2011). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz (Mobbing). İstanbul: Beta
- Tınaz, P. (2006). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz (Mobbing). Çalışma ve Toplum Dergisi, 4: (13-28)
- Turan, F. (2006) İşyerinde psikolojik yıldırma olgusu ve konuya ilişkin bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
- Vartia, M. (1996). The sources of bullying- psychological work environment and organizational climate. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2): 203-214.
- Vartia, M. (2001). Consequences of workplace bullying with respect to the well-being of its targets and the observers of bullying. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 27(1): 63-69. doi:10.5271/sjweh.588
- Vickers, H.M. (2010). Introduction—Bullying, mobbing, and violence in public service workplaces: The shifting sands of “acceptable” violence. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 32(1): 7-24.
- Wright, T.A. & Cropanzano, R. (1997) Well-being, satisfaction and job performance: Another look at the happy/productive worker thesis. in Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management, pp. 364–368.
- Wright, T.A. & Cropanzano, R. (2004). The role of psychological well-being in job performance: A fresh look at an age-old quest. Organizational Dynamics, 33(4): 338–351
- Yu, G.C. & Park, J.S. (2006). The effect of downsizing on the financial performance and employee productivity of Korean firms. International Journal of Manpower, 27(3): 230-250.
- Yuceturk, E.E. (2003). Bilgi çağında örgütlerin görünmeyen yüzü: Mobbing, 2. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 1-10.
- Zapf, D. & Einarsen, S. (2001). Bullying in the workplace: Recent trends in research and practice- an introduction. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4): 369-373. doi:10.1080/13594320143000807
- Zapf, D., Knorz, C. & Kulla, M. (1996). On the relationship between mobbing factors, and job content, social work environment, and health outcomes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2): 215-237.
İşyerinde Psikolojik Yıldırma Olgusunun Çalışan Verimliliği Üzerine Etkisi: MOSB’de Bir Saha Araştırması
Yıl 2019,
, 157 - 180, 19.03.2019
Duygu Seçkin Halaç
Cansu Güloğlu
1980’lerden beri gelişmiş ülkelerde araştırılmakta olan işyerlerinde
uygulanan psikolojik yıldırma (mobbing) son yıllarda ülkemizde de dikkat çeken
bir kavram haline gelmiştir. İşyerlerinde ortaya çıkan bu durumun çalışanlar,
örgüt ve toplum üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri düşünüldüğünde dikkatle ele
alınması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma, psikolojik yıldırma olgusunu incelemeyi ve
psikolojik yıldırma davranışları ile çalışan verimliliği arasındaki ilişkiyi
ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda Manisa Organize Sanayi Bölgesi’nde
beyaz yaka (ofis) çalışanlar üzerinde bir saha araştırması gerçekleştirilmiş olup,
psikolojik saldırı bileşenlerinden ilişkiye ve yapılan işe saldırılara maruz
kalan çalışanların verimliliğinin beklenenin aksine arttığı yönünde bulgulara
- Atman, Ü. (2012). İşyerinde psikolojik terör: Mobbing. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Dergisi, 3: 157-172
- Berry, C. M., Carpenter, N.C. & Barratt, C.L. (2012). Do other reports of counterproductive work behavior provide an incremental contribution over self-reports? A meta analytic comparison. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(3): 613-636.
- Boddy, C.R. (2014). Corporate psychopaths, conflicts, employee affective well-being and counterproductive work behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 121: 107-121.
- Bozbel, S. & Palaz, S. (2007). İsyerinde psikolojik taciz (mobbing) ve hukuki sonuclari[mobbing in the workplace and its legal consequences]. TISK Akademi, 1: 66-81.
- Çobanoğlu, Ş. (2005). Mobbing: İşyerinde duygusal saldırı ve mücadele yöntemleri. İstanbul: Timaş
- Davenport, N., Schwartz, R. D. & Elliot, G.P. (2003). Mobbing: İşyerinde duygusal taciz (Çev: O. C. Önertoy,), İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık
- Demir, Y. & Çavuş, M.F. (2009). Mobbing’in kişisel ve örgütsel etkileri üzerine bir araştırma. Niğde Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 2(1): 13-23.
Emerson, R. M. (1976). Social exchange theory. Annual Review of Sociology, 2: 335–362.
- Erdoğan, İ. (2007). Pozitivist metodoloji - Bilimsel araştırma tasarımı istatistiksel yöntemler, analiz ve yorumu (2). Ankara: Erk
- Fox, S., Spector, P.E. & Miles, D. (2001). Counterproductive work behavior in response to job stressors and organizational justice: Some mediator and moderator tests for autonomy and emotions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59: 291-309.
- Gökçe, A. T. (2008). Mobbing: İşyerinde yıldırma nedenleri ve başa çıkma yöntemleri. Ankara: Öğreti
- Huber, B. (1994). Mobbing. Psychoterror am Arbeitsplatz. Niedernhausen: Falken
- Hutton, S. & Gates, D. (2008). Workplace incivility and productivity losses among direct care staff. AAOHN Journal, 56(4), 168-175.
International Labor Organization (ILO). (2002). Framework guidelines for addressing workplace violence in the health sector. Geneva
- Jex, S.M. & Britt, T.E. (2008). Occupational stress and employee health. Organizational psychology: A scientist-practitioner approach, 199-232.
- Jockin, V., Arvey, R.D. & McGue, M. (2001). Perceived victimization moderates self-reports of workplace aggression and conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86:1262–1269
- Koopman, C., Pelletier, K.R, Murray, J.F., Sharda, C.E. vd. (2002). Stanford presenteeism scale: Health status and employee productivity. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 44(1): 14-20.
- Leymann, H. (1990). Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces. Violence and Victims, 5(2): 119-126.
- Leyman, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2): 165-184.
- Leymann, H. The Mobbing Encyclopedia. 05.11.2013 www.leymann.se/English/12210E.HTM, www.leymann.se/English/12220E.HTM, www.leymann.se/English/11110E.HTM, www.leymann.se/English/12100E.HTM
- Leymann, H. & Gustafsson, A. (1996). Mobbing at work and the development of post-traumatic stress disorders. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2): 251-275.
- Lim, S., & Cortina, L.M. (2005). Interpersonal mistreatment in the workplace: The interface and impact of general incivility and sexual harassment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(3): 483–496.
- Marks, M.L., Hackett, E.J., Mirvis, P.H. & Grady Jr., J.F. (1986). Employee participation in a quality circle program: Impact on quality of work life, productivity and absenteeism. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(1): 61-69.
- Ones, S.D. (2002). Introduction to special issue on counterproductive behaviors at work. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 10(1/2): 1-4.
- Pearson, C.M., Andersson, L.M. & Porath, C.L. (2000). Assessing and attacking workplace incivility. Organizational Dynamics, 29(2): 123-137.
- Penney, L.M. & Spector, P.E. (2005). Job stress, incivility, and counterproductive work behavior (CWB): The moderating role of negative affectivity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26: 777–796.
- Rayner, C. & Hoel, H. (1997). A summary review of literature relating to workplace bullying. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 7: 181-191.
- Sabuncuğolu, Z. (2005). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi. Bursa: Alfa Aktüel
- Seçkin-Halaç, D. & Bulut, C. (2010). Mobbing: A review of Turkish literature. 11th Management International Conference (MIC), Kasım, Ankara
- Spector, E.P. & Fox, S. (2005). The stressor-emotion model of counterproductive work behavior (CWB). Ed. S. Fox & P. E. Spector, Counterproductive work behavior: Investigations of actors and targets. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
- Tetik, S. (2010). Mobbing kavramı: Birey ve örgütler açısından önemi. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(18): 81-89
- Tınaz, P. (2011). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz (Mobbing). İstanbul: Beta
- Tınaz, P. (2006). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz (Mobbing). Çalışma ve Toplum Dergisi, 4: (13-28)
- Turan, F. (2006) İşyerinde psikolojik yıldırma olgusu ve konuya ilişkin bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
- Vartia, M. (1996). The sources of bullying- psychological work environment and organizational climate. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2): 203-214.
- Vartia, M. (2001). Consequences of workplace bullying with respect to the well-being of its targets and the observers of bullying. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 27(1): 63-69. doi:10.5271/sjweh.588
- Vickers, H.M. (2010). Introduction—Bullying, mobbing, and violence in public service workplaces: The shifting sands of “acceptable” violence. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 32(1): 7-24.
- Wright, T.A. & Cropanzano, R. (1997) Well-being, satisfaction and job performance: Another look at the happy/productive worker thesis. in Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, Academy of Management, pp. 364–368.
- Wright, T.A. & Cropanzano, R. (2004). The role of psychological well-being in job performance: A fresh look at an age-old quest. Organizational Dynamics, 33(4): 338–351
- Yu, G.C. & Park, J.S. (2006). The effect of downsizing on the financial performance and employee productivity of Korean firms. International Journal of Manpower, 27(3): 230-250.
- Yuceturk, E.E. (2003). Bilgi çağında örgütlerin görünmeyen yüzü: Mobbing, 2. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 1-10.
- Zapf, D. & Einarsen, S. (2001). Bullying in the workplace: Recent trends in research and practice- an introduction. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4): 369-373. doi:10.1080/13594320143000807
- Zapf, D., Knorz, C. & Kulla, M. (1996). On the relationship between mobbing factors, and job content, social work environment, and health outcomes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2): 215-237.