ARTHUR, A., (1999), 2000 e Do ru nsan Kaynaklar Ara t rmas . Hürriyet nsan Kaynaklar Gazetesi. stanbul: Do an Ofset Yay nc l k.
ARTI , Y., (1997), Ücret YönetimiHuman Resources, Aral k, 38.
BAKAN, ., (2002), Potential Effects of Job Satisfaction on Employees and Organizations: An International Review . International Management Development Association (IMDA) Eleventh World Business Congress Proceedings, July 10-14, Antalya, Turkey.
BAYSAL, A. C., ve PAKSOY, M., (1999), Mesle e Ba l l
n Çok Yönde ncelenmesinde Meyer-Allen Modeli
Ü. letme Fakültesi Dergisi 28(1),7-15.
BERRY, L. M., (1997), Psychlogy at Work, San Franscisco: Mc Graw Hill Companies nc.
BEER M., and SPECTOR M., (1985), Readings in Human Resource Management, New York, The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, Inc.
B NGÖL, D., (2001), letmelerde Davran , Beta Yay nlar , stanbul.
BRUSH, D.H., MOCH, M. K. ve POOYAN, A., (1987), Individual demographic differences and
job satisfaction . Journal of Occupational Behaviour. 8: 139.
BUCHKO, A. A., (1993), The Effects of Employee Ownership on Employee Attitudes: An Integrated Causal Modal and Path Analysis , Journal of Management Studies, 30(4), 633- 657.
CARRELL M.R., KUTM TZ F.E., ve ELBERT N.F., (1989), Personel Human Resource Management, Columbus, Ohio, Third Edition, Published by Merril Publishing Company.
CRANNY, C.L., S M TH, P. and STONE F.F., (1992), Job Statisfaction: How People Feel About Their Job and How It Affects Their Performance, New York, Levingston Books.
DESSLER, G., (1997), Personnel Management, New Jersey, Seventh Edition, by Prentice Hall, Inc.
EISMAN, R., (1994), Who s The Boss? , Incentive, 168(10): 22-25.
ERDO AN, ., (1994), letmelerde Davran , Beta Yay nlar .
EREN, E., (1998), Örgütsel Davran ve Yönetim Psikolojisi, 5. Bask . stanbul: Beta Bas m Yay n Da t m.
EREN, E., ERD L, O., ZEH R, C., (2000), Türkiye de Büyük Ölçekli
letmelerde Uygulanan
Ücret ve Maa Politika ve Stratejileri 8. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi
Bildirileri 25-27 May s, Nev ehir. ERGENÇ, A., (1982),
Doyumunun Belirleyicileri Olarak Beklenti Alg lama Tutars zl ve
Çal ma De erleri Yönetim Psikolojisi II. Ulusal Sempozyumu TODA E., Ankara. EROL, V., (2003),
ESTR N, S. ve WILSON, N., (1989), Profit Sharing, the Marginal Cost of Labour and Employment Variability. Mimeo, London School of Economics.
http//www. Insan Kaynaklar .Com. Ekibi. 20.05.2003
GÜRSEL, M., IZGAR, H., ALTINOK, V., KES C , ., (2003), Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, Doyumu Star Ofset Bas m Konya.
KEEF, S. P., (1994), Opinions on the Benefits of Employee Share Ownership: A Comparison Between Managers of Two New Zealand Companies , Human Resource Management Journal, 4(4): 81-88.
KRUSE, D. L., (1984), Employee Ownership and Employee Attitudes: Two Case Studies. Pennsylvania: Norwood Editions, Norwood.
LEE, R. ve WILBUR, E. R., (1985), Age, education, job tenure, salary, job characteristics and job satisfaction: A multivariate analysis . Human Relations, 38: 781-791.
LOCKE, E. A., (1976), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago.
LUTHANS, F., (1992), Organizational Behaviours, 6.Ed. New York Mc Graw Hill Inc.
MARCH NGTON, M., WILKINSON, A., ACKERS, P., GOODMAN, J., (1994), Understanding the Meaning of Participation: Views from the Workplace . Human Relations, 47(8): 867- 894.
McCORMICK, E. J. ve ILGEN, D., (1997), Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Prentice-Hall Inc.
MOBLEY, W.H., LOCKE., E.A., (1970), The Reletionship of Value Importance to Satisfaction . Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, 463.
MUCH NSKY, P.M., (1990), Psychology Applied to Work, (3rd ed). California.
NIGHTINGALE, D. V., (1980), Does Profit Sharing Really Make A Difference? Ottawa: Conference Board inm Canada, Canada.
ÖZDEVEC O LU, M., (2003),
Tatmini ve Ya am Tatmini Aras ndaki li kinin Belirlenmesine
Yönelik Bir Ara t rma II. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Afyon.
ÖZGEN, H., ÖZTÜRK, A. ve YALÇIN, A., (2001), nsan Kaynaklar Yönetimi, Nobel Kitapevi, Adana.
PATR CSON, M., HARTMAN, L., (1997), Golden Oldies , Management Development Review, 10(3).
POOLE, M. ve JENKINS, G., (1988), How Employees Respond to Profit Sharing , Personnel Management, July, 31-34.
SALEH, S. D. ve OT S, J. L., (1964), Age and Levels of Job Satisfaction. Personnel Psychology, 17, 425-430.
SZILAGYI, A.D. ve WALLACE, M. J., (1983), Organizational Behaviour and Performance (3rd Edt.). Scott, Foresman and Company, Illinois.
TEVRÜZ, S., (1996), Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, Türk Psikologlar Derne i Yay n , Ankara.
T K C , M., (1994), Personel Yönetimi, Enstitü Yay nc l k, Malatya.
U UR, ., (2003), Çal anlar n Tatminleri ve Üretim Kalitesi , Çal ma ve Sos. Güv. Bakanl , Ba Müfetti i, www.Visioneurope. Com. 2003
ZA M, S., (1985), Çal ma Ekonomisi, Ankara.
ZA M, S., (2000), nsan Kaynaklar Yönetimi, Ezgi Yay nlar , Bursa.
WILSON, N., CABLE, J. R. Ve PEEL, M. J., (1988), Quit Rates and The Impact of Participation, Profit Sharing and Unionization, Empirical Evidince From UK Engeering Firms. The University of Bradford Management Centre, Occasional Paper No. 8806, Bradford.
WILSON, N., CABLE, J. R. Ve PEEL, M. J., (1988), Quit Rates and The Impact of Participation, Profit Sharing and Unionization, Empirical Evidince From UK Engeering Firms . British Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(2): 197.
ZEITS, G., (1990), Age and work satisfaction in a government agency: A situational perspective. Human Relations. 43: 419-438.
Çalışanların İş ve Ücret Tatmini Boyutlarıyla Demografik Özellikler Arasındaki İlişkiler: Bir Alan Çalışması
ARTHUR, A., (1999), 2000 e Do ru nsan Kaynaklar Ara t rmas . Hürriyet nsan Kaynaklar Gazetesi. stanbul: Do an Ofset Yay nc l k.
ARTI , Y., (1997), Ücret YönetimiHuman Resources, Aral k, 38.
BAKAN, ., (2002), Potential Effects of Job Satisfaction on Employees and Organizations: An International Review . International Management Development Association (IMDA) Eleventh World Business Congress Proceedings, July 10-14, Antalya, Turkey.
BAYSAL, A. C., ve PAKSOY, M., (1999), Mesle e Ba l l
n Çok Yönde ncelenmesinde Meyer-Allen Modeli
Ü. letme Fakültesi Dergisi 28(1),7-15.
BERRY, L. M., (1997), Psychlogy at Work, San Franscisco: Mc Graw Hill Companies nc.
BEER M., and SPECTOR M., (1985), Readings in Human Resource Management, New York, The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, Inc.
B NGÖL, D., (2001), letmelerde Davran , Beta Yay nlar , stanbul.
BRUSH, D.H., MOCH, M. K. ve POOYAN, A., (1987), Individual demographic differences and
job satisfaction . Journal of Occupational Behaviour. 8: 139.
BUCHKO, A. A., (1993), The Effects of Employee Ownership on Employee Attitudes: An Integrated Causal Modal and Path Analysis , Journal of Management Studies, 30(4), 633- 657.
CARRELL M.R., KUTM TZ F.E., ve ELBERT N.F., (1989), Personel Human Resource Management, Columbus, Ohio, Third Edition, Published by Merril Publishing Company.
CRANNY, C.L., S M TH, P. and STONE F.F., (1992), Job Statisfaction: How People Feel About Their Job and How It Affects Their Performance, New York, Levingston Books.
DESSLER, G., (1997), Personnel Management, New Jersey, Seventh Edition, by Prentice Hall, Inc.
EISMAN, R., (1994), Who s The Boss? , Incentive, 168(10): 22-25.
ERDO AN, ., (1994), letmelerde Davran , Beta Yay nlar .
EREN, E., (1998), Örgütsel Davran ve Yönetim Psikolojisi, 5. Bask . stanbul: Beta Bas m Yay n Da t m.
EREN, E., ERD L, O., ZEH R, C., (2000), Türkiye de Büyük Ölçekli
letmelerde Uygulanan
Ücret ve Maa Politika ve Stratejileri 8. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi
Bildirileri 25-27 May s, Nev ehir. ERGENÇ, A., (1982),
Doyumunun Belirleyicileri Olarak Beklenti Alg lama Tutars zl ve
Çal ma De erleri Yönetim Psikolojisi II. Ulusal Sempozyumu TODA E., Ankara. EROL, V., (2003),
ESTR N, S. ve WILSON, N., (1989), Profit Sharing, the Marginal Cost of Labour and Employment Variability. Mimeo, London School of Economics.
http//www. Insan Kaynaklar .Com. Ekibi. 20.05.2003
GÜRSEL, M., IZGAR, H., ALTINOK, V., KES C , ., (2003), Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, Doyumu Star Ofset Bas m Konya.
KEEF, S. P., (1994), Opinions on the Benefits of Employee Share Ownership: A Comparison Between Managers of Two New Zealand Companies , Human Resource Management Journal, 4(4): 81-88.
KRUSE, D. L., (1984), Employee Ownership and Employee Attitudes: Two Case Studies. Pennsylvania: Norwood Editions, Norwood.
LEE, R. ve WILBUR, E. R., (1985), Age, education, job tenure, salary, job characteristics and job satisfaction: A multivariate analysis . Human Relations, 38: 781-791.
LOCKE, E. A., (1976), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago.
LUTHANS, F., (1992), Organizational Behaviours, 6.Ed. New York Mc Graw Hill Inc.
MARCH NGTON, M., WILKINSON, A., ACKERS, P., GOODMAN, J., (1994), Understanding the Meaning of Participation: Views from the Workplace . Human Relations, 47(8): 867- 894.
McCORMICK, E. J. ve ILGEN, D., (1997), Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Prentice-Hall Inc.
MOBLEY, W.H., LOCKE., E.A., (1970), The Reletionship of Value Importance to Satisfaction . Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, 463.
MUCH NSKY, P.M., (1990), Psychology Applied to Work, (3rd ed). California.
NIGHTINGALE, D. V., (1980), Does Profit Sharing Really Make A Difference? Ottawa: Conference Board inm Canada, Canada.
ÖZDEVEC O LU, M., (2003),
Tatmini ve Ya am Tatmini Aras ndaki li kinin Belirlenmesine
Yönelik Bir Ara t rma II. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Afyon.
ÖZGEN, H., ÖZTÜRK, A. ve YALÇIN, A., (2001), nsan Kaynaklar Yönetimi, Nobel Kitapevi, Adana.
PATR CSON, M., HARTMAN, L., (1997), Golden Oldies , Management Development Review, 10(3).
POOLE, M. ve JENKINS, G., (1988), How Employees Respond to Profit Sharing , Personnel Management, July, 31-34.
SALEH, S. D. ve OT S, J. L., (1964), Age and Levels of Job Satisfaction. Personnel Psychology, 17, 425-430.
SZILAGYI, A.D. ve WALLACE, M. J., (1983), Organizational Behaviour and Performance (3rd Edt.). Scott, Foresman and Company, Illinois.
TEVRÜZ, S., (1996), Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, Türk Psikologlar Derne i Yay n , Ankara.
T K C , M., (1994), Personel Yönetimi, Enstitü Yay nc l k, Malatya.
U UR, ., (2003), Çal anlar n Tatminleri ve Üretim Kalitesi , Çal ma ve Sos. Güv. Bakanl , Ba Müfetti i, www.Visioneurope. Com. 2003
ZA M, S., (1985), Çal ma Ekonomisi, Ankara.
ZA M, S., (2000), nsan Kaynaklar Yönetimi, Ezgi Yay nlar , Bursa.
WILSON, N., CABLE, J. R. Ve PEEL, M. J., (1988), Quit Rates and The Impact of Participation, Profit Sharing and Unionization, Empirical Evidince From UK Engeering Firms. The University of Bradford Management Centre, Occasional Paper No. 8806, Bradford.
WILSON, N., CABLE, J. R. Ve PEEL, M. J., (1988), Quit Rates and The Impact of Participation, Profit Sharing and Unionization, Empirical Evidince From UK Engeering Firms . British Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(2): 197.
ZEITS, G., (1990), Age and work satisfaction in a government agency: A situational perspective. Human Relations. 43: 419-438.
Güven, M., Bakan, İ., & Yeşil, S. (2005). Çalışanların İş ve Ücret Tatmini Boyutlarıyla Demografik Özellikler Arasındaki İlişkiler: Bir Alan Çalışması. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 12(1), 127-151.