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Ekogirişimcilik ve Yaratıcılık İlişkisi: Geri Dönüşüm Sektörü Üzerinde Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 77 - 90, 13.09.2014


In this study, the effect of individual creativity on ecopreneurship is discussed through the use of individual creativity scale and ecopreneurship. This study has especially made a broad contribution with regards to literature for ecopreneurship field. The sample of the research has been chosen from recycling sector in central districts of Izmir which have five and more than five businesses. Data taken from 83 questionnaires (5 points Likert Scale format) were analyzed and a positive relation was found between individual creativity and dimensions of ecopreneurship level. Also it was seen that there is a low level of individual creativity in the sample.


  • AL- ALAK, B. A. M. and ELETTER, S. (2010),“Islamic entrepreneurship: An Ongoing Driver for Social Change”,Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 1 (12): 81- 9
  • ALLEN, J. and MALIN, C. (2008), Sand Natural Resources, 21:828- 844.
  • AVERILL, J. R. (1999),“Individual Differences in Emotional Creativity: Structure and Correlates” Journal Of Personality, 67 (2): 331-371.
  • ÇAKAR, U. (2007),EkolojikÖrgütModeliÖnerisi: EpistemolojikYaklaşım, (YayınlanmamışDoktoraTezi). İzmir: DokuzEylülÜniversitesiSosyalBilimlerEnstitüsü.
  • ÇALGÜNER, T. (2003),Çevre mi EkolojiMi?, İstanbul: Nobel YayınDağıtım, 1. Edition.
  • CHEGINI M. and KHOSHTINAT, B. (2011),“Study of Relationship between Entrepreneurial Skills and Organizational Entrepreneurship”, Australian Journal Of Basic & Applied Sciences, 5(4): 165-172.
  • DOBREV, S. D. and BARNETT, W. P. (2005),“Organizational Roles and Transition To Entrepreneurship”, Academy Of Management Journal, 48(3): 433-449.
  • DUENK, L. G. (1963), A Study of the Concurrent Validity of the Minnesota Tests of Creative Thinking,USA: Publication of Minnesota University.
  • EREZ, M. and NOURI, R. (2010), “Creativity: The Influence of Cultural, Social and Work Contexts”, Management and Organization Review, 6(3): 351- 370 doi: 10.1111/j.17408782010.00191.x.
  • FILIPKOWSKI, A. (2011),“Introducing Future Engineers to Sustainable Ecology Problems: A Case Study”,European Journal of Engineering Education, 36(6): 537-546.
  • GUTH, W. D. and GINSBERG, A. (1990),“Guest editors’ introduction: Corporate entrepreneurship”,Strategic Management Journal, 11(4): 5–15.
  • HARBI, S. E., ANDERSON, A. R. and AMMAR, S. H. (2010), “Entrepreneurs and the environment: Towards a typology of Tunisian ecopreneurs”,International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 10(2): 181-204.
  • IRELAND, R. D., HITT, M. A., CAMP, S. M. and SEXTON, D. L. (2001),“Integrating Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Actions to Create Firm Wealth”,Academic of Management Executive, 15 (1): 49- 63.
  • ISAAK, R. (2002),“The Making of Ecopreneur”,Centre for Sustainability Management, 38:81- 91. KAINRATH, D. (2009),Ecopreneurship in Theory and Practice- A Proposed Emerging Framework for Ecopreneurship,(Published Master Dissertation). Umeå School of Business.
  • KUMAZAWA, R. and CALLAGHAN, M. S. (2012),“The Effect of Kyoto Protocol on Carbon dioxide Emissions”, Journal of Economics and Finance, 36: 201-210, doi: 1007/s12197-010-9164-5.
  • MUSLU, Y. (2000),EkolojiveÇevreSorunları / Ecology and Environmental Problems,İstanbul: Aktifyayınevi, 1. Basım.
  • ODUM, E. P. and BARRETT, G. W. (2004),“Fundamentals of Ecology”,United Kingdom: Thomson Brooks/ Cole Publishing,5th Edition.
  • RAUDSEPP, E. (1979),“How Creative Are You?”,Personnel Journal, 58: 218-222.
  • SANCHEZ, J. C. (2011), “Entrepreneurship: Introduction”,Psicothema, 23 (3): 424-426.
  • SCHAEFER, F., LUKSCH, U., STEINBACH, N., CABEÇA J. and HANAUER, J. (2006),Ecological Footprint and Biocapacit,European Communities, 2006 edition.
  • SCHALTEGGER, S. (2002), “A Framework for Ecopreneurship”,Centre for Sustainability Management, 38:45- 58.
  • SENGE, P. (2003), BeşinciDisiplin, İstanbul: YapıKrediYayınları
  • TAHEREH, R. and MAHNOUSH, S. (2012),“Creativity”,Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6 (2): 25-28.
  • TORRANCE, E. P. (1974),Norms and Technical manual: Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (Revised Edition), Bensenville, IL Scholastic Testing Service.
  • VEVETOULIS, J. and TALBERTH, J. (2008) “Refining The Ecological Footprint”,Environmental Development of Sustainability, 10:441-469 doi: 10.1007/s10668-006-9074-z.
  • Wackernagel, M. and REES, W. 1996,Our Ecological Footprint, Gabriola Island, BC: New Society. WACKERNAGEL, M., ONISTO, L., BELLO, P., LINARES, A. C., FALFAN, I. S. L., GARCIA, J. M., GUERRERO, A. I. S. and GUERRERO, C. S. (1999),“National natural capital accounting with the ecological footprint concept”,Ecological Economics 29 (3): 375- 390. WIDMANN, T. and BARRETT, J. (2010), “A Review of the Ecological Footprint Indicator— Perceptions and Methods”,Sustainability, 2:1645- 1693.doi: 10.3390/su2061645.
  • WILLIAMS, F. (1980),Creativity Assessment Packet, Examiner’s Manual,Pro. Ed. Texas.
  • ZAMPETAKIS, L. A., MANIOS, T. and MOUSTAKIS, V. (2006) “Greening the Entrepreneurship Syllabus: An Exploratory Approach”,Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 5 (2): 135-144.

Ekogirişimcilik ve Yaratıcılık İlişkisi: Geri Dönüşüm Sektörü Üzerinde Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 77 - 90, 13.09.2014


Bu çalışmada, bireysel yaratıcılığın ekogirişimcilik üzerindeki etkisi, bireysel yaratıcılık ölçeği ile ekogirişimcilik ölçeği kullanılarak ele alınmaktadır. Bu çalışma, özellikle ekogirişimcilik literatürüne ilişkin kapsamlı bir katkı sunmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi İzmir’in beş ya da daha fazla işletmeye sahip olan merkez ilçelerindeki geri dönüşüm sektöründen seçilmiştir. 83 soru formundan (5’li Likert Ölçeği Formatlı) alınan veriler analiz edilmiş ve bireysel yaratıcılık ve ekogirişimcilik düzeyinin boyutları arasında pozitif bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, araştırmanın yapıldığı örneklemde bireysel yaratıcılık düzeyi düşük çıkmıştır.


  • AL- ALAK, B. A. M. and ELETTER, S. (2010),“Islamic entrepreneurship: An Ongoing Driver for Social Change”,Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 1 (12): 81- 9
  • ALLEN, J. and MALIN, C. (2008), Sand Natural Resources, 21:828- 844.
  • AVERILL, J. R. (1999),“Individual Differences in Emotional Creativity: Structure and Correlates” Journal Of Personality, 67 (2): 331-371.
  • ÇAKAR, U. (2007),EkolojikÖrgütModeliÖnerisi: EpistemolojikYaklaşım, (YayınlanmamışDoktoraTezi). İzmir: DokuzEylülÜniversitesiSosyalBilimlerEnstitüsü.
  • ÇALGÜNER, T. (2003),Çevre mi EkolojiMi?, İstanbul: Nobel YayınDağıtım, 1. Edition.
  • CHEGINI M. and KHOSHTINAT, B. (2011),“Study of Relationship between Entrepreneurial Skills and Organizational Entrepreneurship”, Australian Journal Of Basic & Applied Sciences, 5(4): 165-172.
  • DOBREV, S. D. and BARNETT, W. P. (2005),“Organizational Roles and Transition To Entrepreneurship”, Academy Of Management Journal, 48(3): 433-449.
  • DUENK, L. G. (1963), A Study of the Concurrent Validity of the Minnesota Tests of Creative Thinking,USA: Publication of Minnesota University.
  • EREZ, M. and NOURI, R. (2010), “Creativity: The Influence of Cultural, Social and Work Contexts”, Management and Organization Review, 6(3): 351- 370 doi: 10.1111/j.17408782010.00191.x.
  • FILIPKOWSKI, A. (2011),“Introducing Future Engineers to Sustainable Ecology Problems: A Case Study”,European Journal of Engineering Education, 36(6): 537-546.
  • GUTH, W. D. and GINSBERG, A. (1990),“Guest editors’ introduction: Corporate entrepreneurship”,Strategic Management Journal, 11(4): 5–15.
  • HARBI, S. E., ANDERSON, A. R. and AMMAR, S. H. (2010), “Entrepreneurs and the environment: Towards a typology of Tunisian ecopreneurs”,International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 10(2): 181-204.
  • IRELAND, R. D., HITT, M. A., CAMP, S. M. and SEXTON, D. L. (2001),“Integrating Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Actions to Create Firm Wealth”,Academic of Management Executive, 15 (1): 49- 63.
  • ISAAK, R. (2002),“The Making of Ecopreneur”,Centre for Sustainability Management, 38:81- 91. KAINRATH, D. (2009),Ecopreneurship in Theory and Practice- A Proposed Emerging Framework for Ecopreneurship,(Published Master Dissertation). Umeå School of Business.
  • KUMAZAWA, R. and CALLAGHAN, M. S. (2012),“The Effect of Kyoto Protocol on Carbon dioxide Emissions”, Journal of Economics and Finance, 36: 201-210, doi: 1007/s12197-010-9164-5.
  • MUSLU, Y. (2000),EkolojiveÇevreSorunları / Ecology and Environmental Problems,İstanbul: Aktifyayınevi, 1. Basım.
  • ODUM, E. P. and BARRETT, G. W. (2004),“Fundamentals of Ecology”,United Kingdom: Thomson Brooks/ Cole Publishing,5th Edition.
  • RAUDSEPP, E. (1979),“How Creative Are You?”,Personnel Journal, 58: 218-222.
  • SANCHEZ, J. C. (2011), “Entrepreneurship: Introduction”,Psicothema, 23 (3): 424-426.
  • SCHAEFER, F., LUKSCH, U., STEINBACH, N., CABEÇA J. and HANAUER, J. (2006),Ecological Footprint and Biocapacit,European Communities, 2006 edition.
  • SCHALTEGGER, S. (2002), “A Framework for Ecopreneurship”,Centre for Sustainability Management, 38:45- 58.
  • SENGE, P. (2003), BeşinciDisiplin, İstanbul: YapıKrediYayınları
  • TAHEREH, R. and MAHNOUSH, S. (2012),“Creativity”,Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6 (2): 25-28.
  • TORRANCE, E. P. (1974),Norms and Technical manual: Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (Revised Edition), Bensenville, IL Scholastic Testing Service.
  • VEVETOULIS, J. and TALBERTH, J. (2008) “Refining The Ecological Footprint”,Environmental Development of Sustainability, 10:441-469 doi: 10.1007/s10668-006-9074-z.
  • Wackernagel, M. and REES, W. 1996,Our Ecological Footprint, Gabriola Island, BC: New Society. WACKERNAGEL, M., ONISTO, L., BELLO, P., LINARES, A. C., FALFAN, I. S. L., GARCIA, J. M., GUERRERO, A. I. S. and GUERRERO, C. S. (1999),“National natural capital accounting with the ecological footprint concept”,Ecological Economics 29 (3): 375- 390. WIDMANN, T. and BARRETT, J. (2010), “A Review of the Ecological Footprint Indicator— Perceptions and Methods”,Sustainability, 2:1645- 1693.doi: 10.3390/su2061645.
  • WILLIAMS, F. (1980),Creativity Assessment Packet, Examiner’s Manual,Pro. Ed. Texas.
  • ZAMPETAKIS, L. A., MANIOS, T. and MOUSTAKIS, V. (2006) “Greening the Entrepreneurship Syllabus: An Exploratory Approach”,Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 5 (2): 135-144.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Erhan Aydın Bu kişi benim

Ulaş Çakar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, E., & Çakar, U. (2014). Ekogirişimcilik ve Yaratıcılık İlişkisi: Geri Dönüşüm Sektörü Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Journal of Management and Economics, 21(1), 77-90.

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