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Effects of Visual Field Changes on Gait and Balance

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 39 - 46, 08.09.2022


Introduction: The vision provides proprioceptive information about the relative positions of the movements of the body compared to the environment or a body portion. We aimed to see the effect of visual field changes on gait and balance to obtain results for proprioceptive power of vision and to determine whether there was any difference in visual information between the hemispheres. Material and Method: Our study was conducted with 50 male subjects. The dominant extremity of the subjects were questioned. To measure gait and stance, we used © FDM System Type FDM 1,5 and Win FDM computer program. First, the normal gait and balance were measured. Then, the subjects were given a trial frame, half covered with black cardboard paper; and the measurements were repeated with up, down, right and left closed. The statistical significance limit was set at p


  • Liutsko LN. Proprioception as a basis for individual differences. Psychology in Russia. 2013;6:107.
  • Sherrington C. The Integrative Action of the Nervous System. 1920.
  • Ghez C. The control of movement. In: Kandel E R SJH, Jessell T M, editors. Principles of Neural Science. 3rd ed. Elsevier Science; New York, NY: 1991. pp. 533–547.
  • Riemann BL, Lephart SM. The Sensorimotor System, Part I: The Physiologic Basis of Functional Joint Stability. Journal of Athletic Training 2002;37:71–79.
  • Touzalin-Chretien P, Ehrler S, Dufour A. Dominance of vision over proprioception on motor programming: evidence from ERP. Cerebral cortex 2009;20:2007-16.
  • Lee DN, Lishman J. Visual proprioceptive control of stance. J hum mov sci 1975.
  • Sarlegna FR, Sainburg RL. The roles of vision and proprioception in the planning of reaching movements. Progress in Motor Control: Springer; 2009. p. 317-35.
  • Graziano MS, Cooke DF, Taylor CS. Coding the location of the arm by sight. Science 2000;290:1782-6.
  • Hallemans A, Ortibus E, Meire F, Aerts P. Low vision affects dynamic stability of gait. Gait & posture 2010;32:547-51.
  • Pilgram LM, Earhart GM, Pickett KA. Impact of limiting visual input on gait: Individuals with Parkinson disease, age-matched controls, and healthy young participants. Somatosensory & motor research 2016;33:29-34.
  • Mullie Y, Duclos C. Role of proprioceptive information to control balance during gait in healthy and hemiparetic individuals. Gait & posture 2014;40:610- 5.
  • Graci V, Elliott DB, Buckley JG. Peripheral visual cues affect minimum-foot- clearance during overground locomotion. Gait & posture 2009;30:370-4.
  • Marigold DS, Patla AE. Visual information from the lower visual field is important for walking across multi-surface terrain. Exp Brain Res 2008;188:23- 31.
  • Nakamura T. Quantitative analysis of gait in the visually impaired. Disability and Rehabilitation 1997;19:194-7.
  • Duclos NC, Maynard L, Abbas D, Mesure S. Hemispheric specificity for proprioception: Postural control of standing following right or left hemisphere damage during ankle tendon vibration. Brain Res 2015;1625:159-70.
  • Le Clair K, Riach C. Postural stability measures: what to measure and for how long. Clinical Biomechanics 1996;11:176-8.
  • Nagymáté G, Orlovits Z, Kiss RM. Reliability analysis of a sensitive and independent stabilometry parameter set. PloS one 2018;13:e0195995.
  • da Silva ES, Fischer G, da Rosa RG, Schons P, Teixeira LBT, Hoogkamer W, et al. Gait and functionality of individuals with visual impairment who participate in sports. Gait & posture 2018;62:355-8.
  • Ray C, Horvat M, Williams M, Blasch B. Kinetic movement analysis in adults with vision loss. Adapt Phys Activ Q 2007;24:209-17.
  • Tomomitsu MS, Alonso AC, Morimoto E, Bobbio TG, Greve J. Static and dynamic postural control in low-vision and normal-vision adults. Clinics 2013;68:517-21.
  • Iosa M, Fusco A, Morone G, Paolucci S. Effects of visual deprivation on gait dynamic stability. Sci World J 2012;2012.
  • Pérennou D, Mazibrada G, Chauvineau V, Greenwood R, Rothwell J, Gresty M, et al. Lateropulsion, pushing and verticality perception in hemisphere stroke: a causal relationship? Brain 2008;131:2401-13.
  • Bohannon RW, Smith MB, Larkin PA. Relationship between independent sitting balance and side of hemiparesis. Physical therapy 1986;66:944-5.
  • Laufer Y, Sivan D, Schwarzmann R, Sprecher E. Standing balance and functional recovery of patients with right and left hemiparesis in the early stages of rehabilitation. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2003;17:207-13.
  • Bonan I, Marquer A, Eskiizmirliler S, Yelnik A, Vidal P. Sensory reweighting in controls and stroke patients. Clin Neurophysiol 2013;124:713-22.
  • Bonan IV, Colle FM, Guichard JP, Vicaut E, Eisenfisz M, Huy PTB, et al. Reliance on visual information after stroke. Part I: Balance on dynamic posturography. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85:268-73.
  • Marigold DS, Eng JJ, Tokuno CD, Donnelly CA. Contribution of muscle strength and integration of afferent input to postural instability in persons with stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2004;18:222-9.
  • Manor B, Hu K, Zhao P, Selim M, Alsop D, Novak P, et al. Altered control of postural sway following cerebral infarction: a cross-sectional analysis. Neurology 2010;74:458-64.
  • Jamal K, Leplaideur S, Rousseau C, Chochina L, Moulinet-Raillon A, Bonan I. Disturbances of spatial reference frame and postural asymmetry after a chronic stroke. Exp Brain Res 2018;236:2377-85.

Görme Alanı Değişimlerinin Yürüme Analizi Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 39 - 46, 08.09.2022


Giriş: Görme, çevreye veya bir vücut bölümüne kıyasla vücudun çeşitli kısımlarının hareketlerinin pozisyonları hakkında propriyoseptif bilgi sağlamaktadır. Çalışmamızda görme alanı değişikliklerinin yürüme ve denge üzerindeki etkisini görmek, görmenin propriyoseptif gücüne yönelik sonuçlar elde etmek ve her iki hemisfer arasında görsel bilgiyi değerlendirme yönünde fark olup olmadığını saptamayı hedefledik. Gereç ve Yöntem: Yaptığımız çalışma 18-25 yaş aralığında 50 erkek deneğin katılımı ile gerçekleştirildi. Deneklerin boy ve kilo ölçümleri yapıldı, dominant ekstremite tarafı sorgulandı. Deneklerin yürüme ve statik denge analizleri Zebris © FDM System Type FDM 1,5 ve WinFDM bilgisayar programı kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Deneklerin ilk olarak normal yürüyüşleri ve dengeleri ölçüldü. Sonra deneklere yarısı siyah mukavva kağıdı ile kapatılmış olan gözlük camı deneme çerçevesi verildi ve ölçümler aşağı, yukarı, sağ ve sol kapalı olarak tekrarlandı. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizi için SPSS 20 programı kullanıldı. İstatistiksel anlamlılık sınırı p


  • Liutsko LN. Proprioception as a basis for individual differences. Psychology in Russia. 2013;6:107.
  • Sherrington C. The Integrative Action of the Nervous System. 1920.
  • Ghez C. The control of movement. In: Kandel E R SJH, Jessell T M, editors. Principles of Neural Science. 3rd ed. Elsevier Science; New York, NY: 1991. pp. 533–547.
  • Riemann BL, Lephart SM. The Sensorimotor System, Part I: The Physiologic Basis of Functional Joint Stability. Journal of Athletic Training 2002;37:71–79.
  • Touzalin-Chretien P, Ehrler S, Dufour A. Dominance of vision over proprioception on motor programming: evidence from ERP. Cerebral cortex 2009;20:2007-16.
  • Lee DN, Lishman J. Visual proprioceptive control of stance. J hum mov sci 1975.
  • Sarlegna FR, Sainburg RL. The roles of vision and proprioception in the planning of reaching movements. Progress in Motor Control: Springer; 2009. p. 317-35.
  • Graziano MS, Cooke DF, Taylor CS. Coding the location of the arm by sight. Science 2000;290:1782-6.
  • Hallemans A, Ortibus E, Meire F, Aerts P. Low vision affects dynamic stability of gait. Gait & posture 2010;32:547-51.
  • Pilgram LM, Earhart GM, Pickett KA. Impact of limiting visual input on gait: Individuals with Parkinson disease, age-matched controls, and healthy young participants. Somatosensory & motor research 2016;33:29-34.
  • Mullie Y, Duclos C. Role of proprioceptive information to control balance during gait in healthy and hemiparetic individuals. Gait & posture 2014;40:610- 5.
  • Graci V, Elliott DB, Buckley JG. Peripheral visual cues affect minimum-foot- clearance during overground locomotion. Gait & posture 2009;30:370-4.
  • Marigold DS, Patla AE. Visual information from the lower visual field is important for walking across multi-surface terrain. Exp Brain Res 2008;188:23- 31.
  • Nakamura T. Quantitative analysis of gait in the visually impaired. Disability and Rehabilitation 1997;19:194-7.
  • Duclos NC, Maynard L, Abbas D, Mesure S. Hemispheric specificity for proprioception: Postural control of standing following right or left hemisphere damage during ankle tendon vibration. Brain Res 2015;1625:159-70.
  • Le Clair K, Riach C. Postural stability measures: what to measure and for how long. Clinical Biomechanics 1996;11:176-8.
  • Nagymáté G, Orlovits Z, Kiss RM. Reliability analysis of a sensitive and independent stabilometry parameter set. PloS one 2018;13:e0195995.
  • da Silva ES, Fischer G, da Rosa RG, Schons P, Teixeira LBT, Hoogkamer W, et al. Gait and functionality of individuals with visual impairment who participate in sports. Gait & posture 2018;62:355-8.
  • Ray C, Horvat M, Williams M, Blasch B. Kinetic movement analysis in adults with vision loss. Adapt Phys Activ Q 2007;24:209-17.
  • Tomomitsu MS, Alonso AC, Morimoto E, Bobbio TG, Greve J. Static and dynamic postural control in low-vision and normal-vision adults. Clinics 2013;68:517-21.
  • Iosa M, Fusco A, Morone G, Paolucci S. Effects of visual deprivation on gait dynamic stability. Sci World J 2012;2012.
  • Pérennou D, Mazibrada G, Chauvineau V, Greenwood R, Rothwell J, Gresty M, et al. Lateropulsion, pushing and verticality perception in hemisphere stroke: a causal relationship? Brain 2008;131:2401-13.
  • Bohannon RW, Smith MB, Larkin PA. Relationship between independent sitting balance and side of hemiparesis. Physical therapy 1986;66:944-5.
  • Laufer Y, Sivan D, Schwarzmann R, Sprecher E. Standing balance and functional recovery of patients with right and left hemiparesis in the early stages of rehabilitation. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2003;17:207-13.
  • Bonan I, Marquer A, Eskiizmirliler S, Yelnik A, Vidal P. Sensory reweighting in controls and stroke patients. Clin Neurophysiol 2013;124:713-22.
  • Bonan IV, Colle FM, Guichard JP, Vicaut E, Eisenfisz M, Huy PTB, et al. Reliance on visual information after stroke. Part I: Balance on dynamic posturography. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85:268-73.
  • Marigold DS, Eng JJ, Tokuno CD, Donnelly CA. Contribution of muscle strength and integration of afferent input to postural instability in persons with stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2004;18:222-9.
  • Manor B, Hu K, Zhao P, Selim M, Alsop D, Novak P, et al. Altered control of postural sway following cerebral infarction: a cross-sectional analysis. Neurology 2010;74:458-64.
  • Jamal K, Leplaideur S, Rousseau C, Chochina L, Moulinet-Raillon A, Bonan I. Disturbances of spatial reference frame and postural asymmetry after a chronic stroke. Exp Brain Res 2018;236:2377-85.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Kaan Neder Bu kişi benim

Bülent Sabri Cığalı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

AMA Neder K, Cığalı BS. Effects of Visual Field Changes on Gait and Balance. YIU Saglik Bil Derg. Eylül 2022;3(2):39-46. doi:10.51261/yiu.2022.00046