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Adölesanlarda dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile uykululuk durumları arasındaki ilişki: Kesitsel bir araştırma

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 98 - 104, 27.12.2024


Amaç: Adölesanlarda dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile uykululukları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu kesitsel çalışma, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde bir ilçe merkezinde bulunan üç lisede öğrenim gören ve araştırmayı kabul eden 263 adölesan ile yapıldı. Çalışma verileri Mart-Mayıs 2024 tarihleri arasında “Tanıtıcı bilgi formu”, “Dijital Oyun Bağımlılığı Ölçeği” ve “Epworth Uykululuk Ölçeği” ile toplandı.
Bulgular: Adölesanların Dijital Oyun Bağımlılığı Ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması 15.39±6.10 ve Epworth Uykululuk Ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması 7.37±4.42’ydi. Epworth Uykululuk Ölçeği’ne göre adölesanların %30.0’u gündüz uykululuk problemi yaşıyordu. Adölesanların Dijital Oyun Bağımlılığı Ölçeği ve Epworth Uykululuk Ölçeği puanları arasında pozitif yönde güçlü bir korelasyon vardı (r=0.400, p<0.001). Dijital Oyun Bağımlılığı Ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması daha yüksek olan adölesanların gündüz uykululuk yaşama olasılığı %51 kat daha fazlaydı. Dijital oyun oynama nedeniyle uykusuz kalmak adölesanların gündüz uykululuk durumunun oluşmasını %32 kat arttırmaktadır.
Sonuç: Bu araştırmada dijital oyun bağımlılığı yüksek yüksek olan adölesanların uykululuk durumlarının da yüksek olarak belirlendi. Adölesanlarda uykululuk üzerinde kontrolsüz ve aşırı dijital oyun oynamanın oluşturduğu olumsuz etkiler konusunda adölesanlar ve ebeveynleri bilgilendirmelidir.

Etik Beyan

Permission (Protocol no: 2024-SBB-0190, Date: 14.03.2024) was obtained from Bartın University Social and Human Sciences Ethics Committee in order to conduct the research and collect the data.


  • 1. Restrepo A, Scheininger T, Clucas J, Alexander L, Salum GA, Georgiades K, et al. Problematic internet use in children and adolescents: associations with psychiatric disorders and impairment. BMC Psychiatry. 2020;20(1):1–11.
  • 2. Lee SY, Kim MS, Lee HK. Prevention strategies and interventions for internet use disorders due to addictive behaviors based on an integrative conceptual model. Curr Addict Rep. 2019;6(3):303–312.
  • 3. Iacolino C, Lombardo EMC, Cervellione B, Mannino G, Micieli S. Internet addiction disorder: internet gaming disorder in a nonclinical sample of Moba and Mmorpg videoplayers. World Futures. 2019;75(7):543–569.
  • 4. Liao Z, Huang Q, Huang S, Tan L, Shao T, Fang T, et al. Prevalence of internet gaming disorder and its association with personality traits and gaming characteristics among chinese adolescent gamers. Front Psychiatry. 2020;11:1–8.
  • 5. Trauma- and stressor-related disorders. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. Washington, DC.: American Psychiatric Association; 2013.
  • 6. Billieux J, Potenza MN, Maurage P, Brevers D, Brand M, King DL. Cognitive factors associated with gaming disorder. In: Cognition and Addiction: A Researcher’s Guide from Mechanisms Towards Interventions. Academic Press; 2020. p. 221–230.
  • 7. Odgers CL, Jensen MR. Annual research review: Adolescent mental health in the digital age: facts, fears, and future directions. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2020;61(3):336–348.
  • 8. Macur M, Pontes HM. Internet gaming disorder in adolescence: Investigating profiles and associated risk factors. BMC Public Health. 2021;21(1):1–9.
  • 9. Taş I, Güneş Z. Examination computer gaming addiction, alexithymia, social anxiety, age and gender among children aged 8–12. J Clin Psychiatry. 2019;22(1):83–92.
  • 10. Aydın M, Usta E, Kırımlı H, Çakıroğlu Ü. The more digital you are, the more your child is addicted to digital games: a correlational study. Psycho-Educational Res Rev. 2024;13(2023):60–76.
  • 11. Okan N, Zengin F. The origins, effects, and prevention strategies of digital and gaming addiction in the adolescent period: a review study. J Depress Anxiety. 2023;6(2):1–13.
  • 12. Yalçın Irmak A, Erdoğan S. Digital game addiction among adolescents and young adults: A current overview. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2016;27(2):1–10.
  • 13. Gülbetekin E, Güven E, Tuncel O. Factors affecting digital game addiction and physical activity attitudes and behaviors of adolescents. J Depend. 2021;22(2):148–160.
  • 14. Aslan H, Başcılar M, Karataş K. Relationship between digital game addiction and social skills in adolescents. J Depend. 2022;23(3):266–274.
  • 15. Savcı M, Aysan F. Technological addictions and social connectedness: predictor effect of internet addiction, social media addiction, digital game addiction and smartphone addiction on social connectedness. Dusunen Adam. 2017;30(3):202–216.
  • 16. Tomczyk Ł, Solecki R. Problematic internet use and protective factors related to family and free time activities among young people. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice. 2019;19(3):1–13.
  • 17. Mutlu C, Şenel A, İmat İİ, Ersöz İ, Özcan NB, Mutlu EK. Investigation of sleep quality and lifestyle behaviors in adolescents with internet gaming disorder: role of internet addiction. Turk J Child and Adolesc Ment Health. 2023;30(3):193–198.
  • 18. Brautsch LA, Lund L, Andersen MM, Jennum PJ, Folker AP, Andersen S. Digital media use and sleep in late adolescence and young adulthood: A systematic review. Sleep Med Rev. 2023;68:101742.
  • 19. Tuncay B, Göger B. Investigating the relationship between digital game addiction and sleep quality in adolescents. J Turk Sleep Med. 2022;9(1):79–84.
  • 20. Johnson JL, Edwards PM. Youth gaming addiction: implications for school nurses. NASN Sch Nurse. 2020;35(5):284–289.
  • 21. Lemmens JS, Valkenburg PM, Peter J. Development and validation of a game addiction scale for adolescents. Media Psychol. 2009;12(1):77–95.
  • 22. Yalçın Irmak A, Erdoğan S. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the digital game addiction scale. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2015;16(1):10–18.
  • 23. Johns MW. Sensitivity and specificity of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), the maintenance of wakefulness test and the Epworth sleepiness scale: failure of the MSLT as a gold standard. J Sleep Res. 2000;9(1):5–11.
  • 24. Ağargün MY, Çilli AS, Kara H, Bilici M, Telcioğlu M, Semiz ÜB, et al. Epworth uykululuk ölçeğinin geçerliği ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Derg.1999;10(4):261–267.
  • 25. Demir G, Kesgin MT. Daytime sleepiness and related risk factors in high school students. J Turk Sleep Med. 2020;7(3):181–188.
  • 26. Mander BA, Winer JR, Walker MP. Sleep and human aging. Neuron. 2017;94(1):19–36.
  • 27. Tekcan P, Çalışkan Z, Kocaöz S. Sleep quality and related factors in Turkish high school adolescents. J Pediatr Nurs. 2020;55:120–125.
  • 28. De Matos MG, Marques A, Peralta M, Gaspar T, Simões C, Pinto HR, et al. Sleep in adolescence: sex matters? Sleep Sci. 2019;12(3):138–146.
  • 29. Chen YL, Gau SSF. Sleep problems and internet addiction among children and adolescents: a longitudinal study. J Sleep Res. 2016;25(4):458–465.
  • 30. Küçükturan AG, Horzum MB, Korkmaz G, Üngören Y. Investigating the relationship between personality, chronotype, computer game addiction, and sleep quality of high school students: a structural equation modelling approach. Chronobiol Int. 2022;39(4):590–601. 2013252
  • 31. Hale L, Guan S. Screen time and sleep among school-aged children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Sleep Med Rev. 2015;21:50–58.
  • 32. Marufoğlu S, Kutlutürk S. The effect of digital game addiction on physical activity and sleep habits in secondary school students. J Depend. 2021;22(2):114–122.
  • 33. Fırat M, Kanbay Y, Utkan M, Demir Gökmen B. Examination of effective factors on fatigue in adolescents with structural equality model [Ergenlerde Yorgunluk Üzerine Etkili Faktörlerin Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ile İncelenmesi]. OPUS: Int J Society Res. 2021;18(40):2665–2682.
  • 34. Frölich J, Lehmkuhl G, Orawa H, Bromba M, Wolf K, Görtz-Dorten A. Computer game misuse and addiction of adolescents in a clinically referred study sample. Comput Human Behav. 2016;55:9–15.
  • 35. Noë B, Turner LD, Linden DEJ, Allen SM, Winkens B, Whitaker RM. Identifying indicators of smartphone addiction through user-app interaction. Comput Human Behav. 2019;99:56–65. chb.2019.04.023
  • 36. Illingworth G. The challenges of adolescent sleep. Interface Focus. 2020;10(3):20190080.
  • 37. Altintas E, Karaca Y, Hullaert T, Tassi P. Sleep quality and video game playing: effect of intensity of video game playing and mental health. Psychiatry Res. 2019;273:487–492.
  • 38. Kharisma AC, Fitryasari R, Rahmawati D. Online games addiction and the decline in sleep quality of college student gamers in the online game communitiesin Surabaya, Indonesia. Int J Psychosoc Rehabil. 2020;24(7):8987–8993.

The relationship between digital game addiction and sleepiness in adolescents: A cross-sectional study

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 98 - 104, 27.12.2024


Aim: To investigate the relationship between digital game addiction and sleepiness in adolescents.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 263 adolescents studying in three high schools in a district center in the Western Black Sea region, who consented to participate in the study. Data were collected between March and May 2024 using the "Descriptive Information Form," "Digital Game Addiction Scale," and "Epworth Sleepiness Scale."
Results: The mean total score of the Digital Game Addiction Scale was 15.39±6.10, while the mean total score of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale was 7.37±4.42. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale indicated that 30% of adolescents exhibited daytime sleepiness issues. A strong positive correlation was observed between the Digital Game Addiction Scale and Epworth Sleepiness Scale scores of adolescents (r=0.400, p<0.001). Adolescents with higher mean scores on the Digital Gaming Addiction Scale were 51% more likely to experience daytime sleepiness. The prevalence of daytime sleepiness was found to be 32% higher in adolescents who reported being sleep deprived due to digital game playing.
Conclusion: The study revealed that adolescents with high digital game addiction also exhibited high levels of sleepiness. It is recommended that adolescents and their parents be made aware of the adverse effects of unregulated and excessive digital game playing on sleep patterns in adolescents.


  • 1. Restrepo A, Scheininger T, Clucas J, Alexander L, Salum GA, Georgiades K, et al. Problematic internet use in children and adolescents: associations with psychiatric disorders and impairment. BMC Psychiatry. 2020;20(1):1–11.
  • 2. Lee SY, Kim MS, Lee HK. Prevention strategies and interventions for internet use disorders due to addictive behaviors based on an integrative conceptual model. Curr Addict Rep. 2019;6(3):303–312.
  • 3. Iacolino C, Lombardo EMC, Cervellione B, Mannino G, Micieli S. Internet addiction disorder: internet gaming disorder in a nonclinical sample of Moba and Mmorpg videoplayers. World Futures. 2019;75(7):543–569.
  • 4. Liao Z, Huang Q, Huang S, Tan L, Shao T, Fang T, et al. Prevalence of internet gaming disorder and its association with personality traits and gaming characteristics among chinese adolescent gamers. Front Psychiatry. 2020;11:1–8.
  • 5. Trauma- and stressor-related disorders. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. Washington, DC.: American Psychiatric Association; 2013.
  • 6. Billieux J, Potenza MN, Maurage P, Brevers D, Brand M, King DL. Cognitive factors associated with gaming disorder. In: Cognition and Addiction: A Researcher’s Guide from Mechanisms Towards Interventions. Academic Press; 2020. p. 221–230.
  • 7. Odgers CL, Jensen MR. Annual research review: Adolescent mental health in the digital age: facts, fears, and future directions. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2020;61(3):336–348.
  • 8. Macur M, Pontes HM. Internet gaming disorder in adolescence: Investigating profiles and associated risk factors. BMC Public Health. 2021;21(1):1–9.
  • 9. Taş I, Güneş Z. Examination computer gaming addiction, alexithymia, social anxiety, age and gender among children aged 8–12. J Clin Psychiatry. 2019;22(1):83–92.
  • 10. Aydın M, Usta E, Kırımlı H, Çakıroğlu Ü. The more digital you are, the more your child is addicted to digital games: a correlational study. Psycho-Educational Res Rev. 2024;13(2023):60–76.
  • 11. Okan N, Zengin F. The origins, effects, and prevention strategies of digital and gaming addiction in the adolescent period: a review study. J Depress Anxiety. 2023;6(2):1–13.
  • 12. Yalçın Irmak A, Erdoğan S. Digital game addiction among adolescents and young adults: A current overview. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2016;27(2):1–10.
  • 13. Gülbetekin E, Güven E, Tuncel O. Factors affecting digital game addiction and physical activity attitudes and behaviors of adolescents. J Depend. 2021;22(2):148–160.
  • 14. Aslan H, Başcılar M, Karataş K. Relationship between digital game addiction and social skills in adolescents. J Depend. 2022;23(3):266–274.
  • 15. Savcı M, Aysan F. Technological addictions and social connectedness: predictor effect of internet addiction, social media addiction, digital game addiction and smartphone addiction on social connectedness. Dusunen Adam. 2017;30(3):202–216.
  • 16. Tomczyk Ł, Solecki R. Problematic internet use and protective factors related to family and free time activities among young people. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice. 2019;19(3):1–13.
  • 17. Mutlu C, Şenel A, İmat İİ, Ersöz İ, Özcan NB, Mutlu EK. Investigation of sleep quality and lifestyle behaviors in adolescents with internet gaming disorder: role of internet addiction. Turk J Child and Adolesc Ment Health. 2023;30(3):193–198.
  • 18. Brautsch LA, Lund L, Andersen MM, Jennum PJ, Folker AP, Andersen S. Digital media use and sleep in late adolescence and young adulthood: A systematic review. Sleep Med Rev. 2023;68:101742.
  • 19. Tuncay B, Göger B. Investigating the relationship between digital game addiction and sleep quality in adolescents. J Turk Sleep Med. 2022;9(1):79–84.
  • 20. Johnson JL, Edwards PM. Youth gaming addiction: implications for school nurses. NASN Sch Nurse. 2020;35(5):284–289.
  • 21. Lemmens JS, Valkenburg PM, Peter J. Development and validation of a game addiction scale for adolescents. Media Psychol. 2009;12(1):77–95.
  • 22. Yalçın Irmak A, Erdoğan S. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the digital game addiction scale. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2015;16(1):10–18.
  • 23. Johns MW. Sensitivity and specificity of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), the maintenance of wakefulness test and the Epworth sleepiness scale: failure of the MSLT as a gold standard. J Sleep Res. 2000;9(1):5–11.
  • 24. Ağargün MY, Çilli AS, Kara H, Bilici M, Telcioğlu M, Semiz ÜB, et al. Epworth uykululuk ölçeğinin geçerliği ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Derg.1999;10(4):261–267.
  • 25. Demir G, Kesgin MT. Daytime sleepiness and related risk factors in high school students. J Turk Sleep Med. 2020;7(3):181–188.
  • 26. Mander BA, Winer JR, Walker MP. Sleep and human aging. Neuron. 2017;94(1):19–36.
  • 27. Tekcan P, Çalışkan Z, Kocaöz S. Sleep quality and related factors in Turkish high school adolescents. J Pediatr Nurs. 2020;55:120–125.
  • 28. De Matos MG, Marques A, Peralta M, Gaspar T, Simões C, Pinto HR, et al. Sleep in adolescence: sex matters? Sleep Sci. 2019;12(3):138–146.
  • 29. Chen YL, Gau SSF. Sleep problems and internet addiction among children and adolescents: a longitudinal study. J Sleep Res. 2016;25(4):458–465.
  • 30. Küçükturan AG, Horzum MB, Korkmaz G, Üngören Y. Investigating the relationship between personality, chronotype, computer game addiction, and sleep quality of high school students: a structural equation modelling approach. Chronobiol Int. 2022;39(4):590–601. 2013252
  • 31. Hale L, Guan S. Screen time and sleep among school-aged children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Sleep Med Rev. 2015;21:50–58.
  • 32. Marufoğlu S, Kutlutürk S. The effect of digital game addiction on physical activity and sleep habits in secondary school students. J Depend. 2021;22(2):114–122.
  • 33. Fırat M, Kanbay Y, Utkan M, Demir Gökmen B. Examination of effective factors on fatigue in adolescents with structural equality model [Ergenlerde Yorgunluk Üzerine Etkili Faktörlerin Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ile İncelenmesi]. OPUS: Int J Society Res. 2021;18(40):2665–2682.
  • 34. Frölich J, Lehmkuhl G, Orawa H, Bromba M, Wolf K, Görtz-Dorten A. Computer game misuse and addiction of adolescents in a clinically referred study sample. Comput Human Behav. 2016;55:9–15.
  • 35. Noë B, Turner LD, Linden DEJ, Allen SM, Winkens B, Whitaker RM. Identifying indicators of smartphone addiction through user-app interaction. Comput Human Behav. 2019;99:56–65. chb.2019.04.023
  • 36. Illingworth G. The challenges of adolescent sleep. Interface Focus. 2020;10(3):20190080.
  • 37. Altintas E, Karaca Y, Hullaert T, Tassi P. Sleep quality and video game playing: effect of intensity of video game playing and mental health. Psychiatry Res. 2019;273:487–492.
  • 38. Kharisma AC, Fitryasari R, Rahmawati D. Online games addiction and the decline in sleep quality of college student gamers in the online game communitiesin Surabaya, Indonesia. Int J Psychosoc Rehabil. 2020;24(7):8987–8993.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Aylin Kurt 0000-0002-5521-0828

İsmail Berat Uzun 0000-0003-0095-0738

İrem Yılmaz 0009-0006-1646-8398

Onur Boran 0009-0000-1120-9246

Elif Pektaş 0009-0002-0291-1978

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Kurt A, Uzun İB, Yılmaz İ, Boran O, Pektaş E. The relationship between digital game addiction and sleepiness in adolescents: A cross-sectional study. YIU Saglik Bil Derg. Aralık 2024;5(3):98-104.