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Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren rasyonlarlarla beslenen besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer apseleri

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2, 49 - 54, 15.06.2007


Besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer apsesi yüksek oranda tahıl içeren rasyonlarla beslemede ortaya çıkar. İnsidansı bakım ve beslenme şartlarına bağlı olarak ortalama %12-32’dir. Karaciğer apseleri büyük ekonomik kayıplara yol açar ve yem tüketimi, canlı ağırlık artışı, yemden yararlanmayı azaltır ve karkas kalitesini düşürür. Rumende bulunan anaerobik Fusobacterium necrophorum, karaciğer apsesinden birinci derecede sorumlu etiolojik ajandır. Actinomyces pyogenes ikinci derecede izole edilen patojen ajandır. Asidozisin neden olduğu ruminal lezyonlar karaciğer apsesinin predispoze faktörüdür. Ruminal epitele kolonize olan F. necrophorum karaciğere geçerek enfeksiyona neden olur. Karaciğer apsesine karşı korunmada antimikrobiyal yem katkı maddeleri kullanılır


  • Brink DR, Lowry SR, Stock RA, Parrott JP: Severity of liver abcsesses and effıciency of feed utilization of feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 68: 1201-1207, (1990).
  • Zinn RA, Placencia A: Effect of forage level on the comparative feeding value of supplemental fat in growing fınishing diets for feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 74: 1194-1201, (1996).
  • Kreikemeier KK, Harmon DL, Brandt RT, Nagaraja Jr TG, Cochran RC: Steam-rolled wheat dites for fınishing cattle: Effects of dietary roughage and feed intake on fınishing steer performance and ruminal metabolism. J Anim Sci, 68: 2130- 2141,(1990).
  • Stock RA, Sindt MH, Parrot JC, Goedeken FK: Effect of grain type, roughage level and monensin level on fınishing cattle performance. J Anim Sci, 68: 3441-3455, (1990).
  • Utley PR, Hellwing RE, Butler JL, McCormick WC: Comparasion unground, ground and pelleted peanut hulls as roughage sources in steer .fınishing diets. Anim Sci, 37: 608- 611,(1973).
  • Mader DL, Dahlquist JM, Britton RA, Krause VE: Type and mixture of haigh-moisture com in beef cattle fınishing diet. J Anim Sci, 69: 3480-3486, (1991).
  • Mader TL, Poppert GL, Stock RA: Evaluation of alfalfa type as a roughage source in feedlot adaptain and fınishing diets containing com type. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 42: 109-119, (1993).
  • Hale,WH:. Liver abcsesses and founder. Anim Nutr Health Sept, 12-20, (1985).
  • Stock RA, Brink DL, Brandt RT, Merrill JK, Smith KL: Feeding combination of high moisture com and dry com to fınishing cattle. J Anim Sci, 65: 282-289, (1987).
  • Nagaraja TG, Chengappa MM: Liver Abscesses in Feedlot Cattle. JAnim Sci, 76: 287-298, (1998).
  • Ladely S.R, Stock FK, Goedeken FK, Huffman RP: Effect of com hybrid and grain processing method on rate of starch disappearance and performance of fınishing cattle. J Anim Sci, 73: 360-364, (1995).
  • Stock RA, Sindt MH, Cleale RM, Britton RA: High-moisture com utilization in fınishing cattle. J Anim Sci, 68: 3441-3455, (1991).
  • Harman BR, Brinkman MH, Hoffman MP, Self HL: Factors affecting in-transit shrink and liver abscesses in feed steers. J Anim Sci, 67:311-317,(1989).
  • Brown H, Bing RF, Grueter HP, McAskill JW, Cooley CO, Rathmacher RP: Tylosin and chlortetracyclin for the prevention of liver abscesses, improved weight gains and feed effıciency in feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 40: 207-213, (1975).
  • Montgomery TH: The influence of liver abscesses upon beef carcass yield. Special Technical Bulletin. West Texas State University, Canyon. (1985).
  • Lechtenberg KL, Nagaraja TG, Leipold HW, Chengappe MM: Bacteriologic and histologic studies of hapatic abscesses in cattle. Am. J Vet Res, 49: 58-62, (1988).
  • Nagaraja TG, Laudert SB, Parrott CJ: Liver abscesses in feedlot cattle. Part 1 Causes, pathogenesis, pathology and diagnosis. Comp Cont Edu Pract Vet, 18: 264-273, (1996a).
  • Tan ZL, Nagaraja TG, Chengappe MM: Fusobacterium necrophorum infections: virulence factors, pathogenic machanism and control measures. Vet Res Commun, 20: 113- 140,(1996).
  • Scanlan CM, Hathcock TL: Bovine rumenitis-liver abscess complex: A bacteriology review. Cornell Vet, 73: 288-297, (1983).
  • Berg JN, Scanlan CM: Studies of Fusobacterium necrophorum from bovine hepatic abscesses: Biotypes, quantitation, virulence and antibiotic susceptibility. Am J Vet Res, 43: 1580- 1586,(1982).
  • Lechtenberg KL, Nagaraja TG: Antimicrobial sensitivity of Fucobacterium necrophorum isolates from bovine hepatic abscesses. J Anim Sci, 67 (Suppl. 1): 544, (1989).
  • Spech H, Gedek W, Dirdsen G: Minimum inhibitory concentrations of different antibiotics for Pasteurella multocıdia, Pasteurella haemolytica and Corynebacterium pyogenes of bovine origin and therapeutic considerations. Bovine Pract, 23: 35-41, (1988).
  • Rogers JA, Branine ME, Miller CR, Wray MI, Bartle SJ, Preston RL, Gill DR: Effects of dietary virginiamycin on performance and liver abscess incidence in feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 73: 9-20, (1995).
  • Tan ZL, Lechtenberg KF, Nagaraja TG, Chengappa MM, Brant RT: Serum neutralizing antiboties against F. necrophorum leukotoxin in cattle whit experimentaly induced or naturally developed hepatic abscesses. J Anim Sci, 75: 502- 508, (1994).
  • Bauer ML, Herald D W, Britton RA, Stock RA, Klopfenstein TJ, Yetes YA: Effıcacy of laidlomycin propionate to reduce ruminal acidosis in cattle. J Anim Sci, 73: 3445-1586 (1995).
  • Nagaraja TG, Beharke AB, Chengappe MM, Carroll LH, Raun AP, Laudert SB, Parrot JC: Bacterial flora of liver abscesses from feedlot fed tylosin or no tylosin. J Anim Sci, 71 (suppl. 1): 81, (1993).
  • Vogel GJ, Laudert SB: The influence of Tylan on liver abscesses control and animal performance. J Anim Sci, 72 (Suppl. 1): 293,(1994).
  • Nagaraja TG, Laudert SB, Parrott JC: Liver abscesses in feedlot cattle. Part 2. incidence, economic importance and prevention. Comp Cont Edu Pract Vet, 18: 18-273, (1996). *Yazışma Adresi: Dr. Habip Muruz Gümüşhane Tarım İl Müdürlüğü GÜMÜŞHANE e-mail:

Liver abscesses in beef cattle feed diets containing high levels of grains

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2, 49 - 54, 15.06.2007


Liver abscesses in slaughtered beef cattle result from aggressive grain-feeding programs. The incidence, averaging from 12 to 32% in most beef cattle, is influenced by a number of dietary and management factors. Liver abscesses represent a majör economic liability. Besides liver condemnation, economic impact include reduced feed intake, reduced weight gain, decreased feed effıciency, and decreased carcass yield. Fusobacterium necrophorum, a member of the ruminal anaerobic bacterial flora, is the primary etiologic agent. Actinomyces pyogenes is the second most frequently isolated pathogen. Ruminal lesion resulting from acidosis generally are accepted as the predisposing factors for liver abscesses. F necrophorum possesses or produces a number of virulence factors that participate in the penetration and colonization of the ruminal epithelium and subseçuent entry and establishment of infection in the liver. Control of liver abscesses in beef cattle generally has depended on the use of antimicrobial compounds


  • Brink DR, Lowry SR, Stock RA, Parrott JP: Severity of liver abcsesses and effıciency of feed utilization of feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 68: 1201-1207, (1990).
  • Zinn RA, Placencia A: Effect of forage level on the comparative feeding value of supplemental fat in growing fınishing diets for feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 74: 1194-1201, (1996).
  • Kreikemeier KK, Harmon DL, Brandt RT, Nagaraja Jr TG, Cochran RC: Steam-rolled wheat dites for fınishing cattle: Effects of dietary roughage and feed intake on fınishing steer performance and ruminal metabolism. J Anim Sci, 68: 2130- 2141,(1990).
  • Stock RA, Sindt MH, Parrot JC, Goedeken FK: Effect of grain type, roughage level and monensin level on fınishing cattle performance. J Anim Sci, 68: 3441-3455, (1990).
  • Utley PR, Hellwing RE, Butler JL, McCormick WC: Comparasion unground, ground and pelleted peanut hulls as roughage sources in steer .fınishing diets. Anim Sci, 37: 608- 611,(1973).
  • Mader DL, Dahlquist JM, Britton RA, Krause VE: Type and mixture of haigh-moisture com in beef cattle fınishing diet. J Anim Sci, 69: 3480-3486, (1991).
  • Mader TL, Poppert GL, Stock RA: Evaluation of alfalfa type as a roughage source in feedlot adaptain and fınishing diets containing com type. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 42: 109-119, (1993).
  • Hale,WH:. Liver abcsesses and founder. Anim Nutr Health Sept, 12-20, (1985).
  • Stock RA, Brink DL, Brandt RT, Merrill JK, Smith KL: Feeding combination of high moisture com and dry com to fınishing cattle. J Anim Sci, 65: 282-289, (1987).
  • Nagaraja TG, Chengappa MM: Liver Abscesses in Feedlot Cattle. JAnim Sci, 76: 287-298, (1998).
  • Ladely S.R, Stock FK, Goedeken FK, Huffman RP: Effect of com hybrid and grain processing method on rate of starch disappearance and performance of fınishing cattle. J Anim Sci, 73: 360-364, (1995).
  • Stock RA, Sindt MH, Cleale RM, Britton RA: High-moisture com utilization in fınishing cattle. J Anim Sci, 68: 3441-3455, (1991).
  • Harman BR, Brinkman MH, Hoffman MP, Self HL: Factors affecting in-transit shrink and liver abscesses in feed steers. J Anim Sci, 67:311-317,(1989).
  • Brown H, Bing RF, Grueter HP, McAskill JW, Cooley CO, Rathmacher RP: Tylosin and chlortetracyclin for the prevention of liver abscesses, improved weight gains and feed effıciency in feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 40: 207-213, (1975).
  • Montgomery TH: The influence of liver abscesses upon beef carcass yield. Special Technical Bulletin. West Texas State University, Canyon. (1985).
  • Lechtenberg KL, Nagaraja TG, Leipold HW, Chengappe MM: Bacteriologic and histologic studies of hapatic abscesses in cattle. Am. J Vet Res, 49: 58-62, (1988).
  • Nagaraja TG, Laudert SB, Parrott CJ: Liver abscesses in feedlot cattle. Part 1 Causes, pathogenesis, pathology and diagnosis. Comp Cont Edu Pract Vet, 18: 264-273, (1996a).
  • Tan ZL, Nagaraja TG, Chengappe MM: Fusobacterium necrophorum infections: virulence factors, pathogenic machanism and control measures. Vet Res Commun, 20: 113- 140,(1996).
  • Scanlan CM, Hathcock TL: Bovine rumenitis-liver abscess complex: A bacteriology review. Cornell Vet, 73: 288-297, (1983).
  • Berg JN, Scanlan CM: Studies of Fusobacterium necrophorum from bovine hepatic abscesses: Biotypes, quantitation, virulence and antibiotic susceptibility. Am J Vet Res, 43: 1580- 1586,(1982).
  • Lechtenberg KL, Nagaraja TG: Antimicrobial sensitivity of Fucobacterium necrophorum isolates from bovine hepatic abscesses. J Anim Sci, 67 (Suppl. 1): 544, (1989).
  • Spech H, Gedek W, Dirdsen G: Minimum inhibitory concentrations of different antibiotics for Pasteurella multocıdia, Pasteurella haemolytica and Corynebacterium pyogenes of bovine origin and therapeutic considerations. Bovine Pract, 23: 35-41, (1988).
  • Rogers JA, Branine ME, Miller CR, Wray MI, Bartle SJ, Preston RL, Gill DR: Effects of dietary virginiamycin on performance and liver abscess incidence in feedlot cattle. J Anim Sci, 73: 9-20, (1995).
  • Tan ZL, Lechtenberg KF, Nagaraja TG, Chengappa MM, Brant RT: Serum neutralizing antiboties against F. necrophorum leukotoxin in cattle whit experimentaly induced or naturally developed hepatic abscesses. J Anim Sci, 75: 502- 508, (1994).
  • Bauer ML, Herald D W, Britton RA, Stock RA, Klopfenstein TJ, Yetes YA: Effıcacy of laidlomycin propionate to reduce ruminal acidosis in cattle. J Anim Sci, 73: 3445-1586 (1995).
  • Nagaraja TG, Beharke AB, Chengappe MM, Carroll LH, Raun AP, Laudert SB, Parrot JC: Bacterial flora of liver abscesses from feedlot fed tylosin or no tylosin. J Anim Sci, 71 (suppl. 1): 81, (1993).
  • Vogel GJ, Laudert SB: The influence of Tylan on liver abscesses control and animal performance. J Anim Sci, 72 (Suppl. 1): 293,(1994).
  • Nagaraja TG, Laudert SB, Parrott JC: Liver abscesses in feedlot cattle. Part 2. incidence, economic importance and prevention. Comp Cont Edu Pract Vet, 18: 18-273, (1996). *Yazışma Adresi: Dr. Habip Muruz Gümüşhane Tarım İl Müdürlüğü GÜMÜŞHANE e-mail:
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Habip Muruz Bu kişi benim

M. Akif Yörük Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Muruz, H., & Yörük, M. A. (2007). Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren rasyonlarlarla beslenen besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer apseleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(1-2), 49-54.
AMA Muruz H, Yörük MA. Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren rasyonlarlarla beslenen besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer apseleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. Haziran 2007;10(1-2):49-54.
Chicago Muruz, Habip, ve M. Akif Yörük. “Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren Rasyonlarlarla Beslenen Besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer Apseleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10, sy. 1-2 (Haziran 2007): 49-54.
EndNote Muruz H, Yörük MA (01 Haziran 2007) Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren rasyonlarlarla beslenen besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer apseleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10 1-2 49–54.
IEEE H. Muruz ve M. A. Yörük, “Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren rasyonlarlarla beslenen besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer apseleri”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 1-2, ss. 49–54, 2007.
ISNAD Muruz, Habip - Yörük, M. Akif. “Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren Rasyonlarlarla Beslenen Besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer Apseleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10/1-2 (Haziran 2007), 49-54.
JAMA Muruz H, Yörük MA. Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren rasyonlarlarla beslenen besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer apseleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007;10:49–54.
MLA Muruz, Habip ve M. Akif Yörük. “Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren Rasyonlarlarla Beslenen Besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer Apseleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 1-2, 2007, ss. 49-54.
Vancouver Muruz H, Yörük MA. Yüksek düzeyde tahıl içeren rasyonlarlarla beslenen besi sığırlarında görülen karaciğer apseleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007;10(1-2):49-54.