Magnetron Sputtering ile Ti6AL4V Üzerindeki Gümüş Kaplamaların Korozyon ve Antibakteriyel Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2023,
, 629 - 640, 31.08.2023
Emrah Meletlioğlu
Recep Sadeler
Bu çalışmanın amacı, dental implant malzemesi olarak kullanılan Ti6Al4V alaşımının yüzeyine PVD (Magnetron Sputtering) yöntemi ile biriktirilen gümüş tabakasının korozyon davranışını ve antimikrobiyal etkisini belirlemektir. Kaplamalar, aynı kaplama koşulları altında farklı biriktirme süreleri kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Kaplamaların kesit morfolojileri taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM), fazları ise X-ışını difraksiyonu (XRD) kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. PVD yöntemi ile kaplanmış ve işlemsiz Ti6Al4V numunelerin üzerinde korozyon deneyleri Kokubo'nun simüle edilmiş vücut sıvısı (SBF) pH 7.0 ve 36.5 °C çözeltisi içinde ve normal atmosfer şartlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buna ek olarak, in vitro anti-bakteriyel etkinlik deneylerinde numunelerin yüzeylerine E. coli (Escherichia coli) ve S. aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) mikroorganizmaları sürülerek kaplamanın antibakteriyel özelliği araştırılmıştır. Antibakteriyel özelliklerini ölçmek için ise plaka sayma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. XRD sonuçlarına göre numunelerin yüzeylerindeki kaplama tabakaların homojenliği, SEM analiziyle elde edilen kesit morfolojileri ile de desteklenmiştir. Potansiyodinamik polarizasyon test sonuçları, gümüş kaplamadan sonra korozyon direncinin arttığını göstermektedir. In vitro anti-bakteriyel etkinlik deneyleri sonucunda, PVD ile kaplanmış numunelerde E. Coli ve S.Aureus mikroorganizmalarının tutunumu, kaplanmamış numuneye göre daha az çıkması, kaplamanın anti-bakteriyellik yönünden uygun olduğunu göstermiştir.
Destekleyen Kurum
Atatürk Üniversitesi BAP
Bu çalışma FDK-2019-7393 kodlu proje kapsamında Atatürk Üniversitesi BAP (Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri) tarafından desteklenmiştir
- Andrade, J. E. D., Machado, R., Macêdo, M. A., & Cunha, F. G. C. (2013). AFM and XRD characterization of silver nanoparticles films deposited on the surface of DGEBA epoxy resin by ion sputtering. Polímeros, 23(1), 19-23. doi:10.1590/S0104-14282013005000009
- Bakhsheshi-Rad, H. R., Hamzah, E., Ismail, A. F., Aziz, M., Kasiri-Asgarani, M., Akbari, E., … & Hadisi, Z. (2017). Synthesis of a novel nanostructured zinc oxide/baghdadite coating on Mg alloy for biomedical application: In-vitro degradation behavior and antibacterial activities. Ceramics International, 43(17), 14842-14850. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.07.233
- Brobbey, K. J., Haapanen, J., Mäkelä, J. M., Gunell, M., Eerola, E., Rosqvist, E., … & Toivakka, M. (2019). Effect of plasma coating on antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles. Thin Solid Films, 672, 75-82. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2018.12.049
- Chrcanovic, B. R., Wennerberg, A., & Martins, M. D. (2015). Influence of temperature and acid etching time on the superficial characteristics of Ti. Materials Research, 18, 963-970. doi:10.1590/1516-1439.014115
- Chernousova, S., & Epple, M. (2013). Silver as antibacterial agent: ion, nanoparticle, and metal. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52(6), 1636-1653. doi:10.1002/anie.201205923
- Çomakli, O., Yazici, M., Yetim, T., Yetim, A. F., & Çelik, A. (2017). The effects of aging time on the structural and electrochemical properties of composite coatings on Cp-Ti substrate. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 14(3), 532-539. doi:10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60419-5
- Del Re, M., Gouttebaron, R., Dauchot, J. P., Leclere, P., Lazzaroni, R., Wautelet, M., & Hecq, M. (2002). Growth and morphology of magnetron sputter deposited silver films. Surface and Coatings Technology, 151, 86-90. doi:10.1016/S0257-8972(01)01592-4
- Elias, C. N., Lima, J. H. C., Valiev, R., & Meyers, M. A. (2008). Biomedical applications of titanium and its alloys. Jom, 60(3), 46-49. doi:10.1007/s11837-008-0031-1
- Franci, G., Falanga, A., Galdiero, S., Palomba, L., Rai, M., Morelli, G., & Galdiero, M. (2015). Silver nanoparticles as potential antibacterial agents. Molecules, 20(5), 8856-8874. doi:10.3390/molecules20058856
- Hongxi, L., Qian, X., Xiaowei, Z., Chuanqi, W., & Baoyin, T. (2012). Wear and corrosion behaviors of Ti6Al4V alloy biomedical materials by silver plasma immersion ion implantation process. Thin Solid Films, 521, 89-93. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2012.02.046
- Injeti, V. S. Y., Nune, K. C., Reyes, E., Yue, G., Li, S. J., & Misra, R. D. K. (2019). A comparative study on the tribological behavior of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn alloys in simulated body fluid. Materials Technology, 34(5), 270-284. doi:10.1080/10667857.2018.1550138
- Kokubo, T., & Takadama, H. (2006). How useful is SBF in predicting in vivo bone bioactivity?. Biomaterials, 27(15), 2907-2915. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2006.01.017
- Licausi, M. P., Muñoz, A. I., & Borrás, V. A. (2013). Influence of the fabrication process and fluoride content on the tribocorrosion behaviour of Ti6Al4V biomedical alloy in artificial saliva. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 20, 137-148. doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2013.01.019
- Liu, H., Yang, J., Zhao, X., Sheng, Y., Li, W., Chang, C. L., … & Wang, X. (2019). Microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviors of biomedical Ti-Zr-Mo-xMn alloys for dental application. Corrosion Science, 161, 108195. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108195
- Mao, C., Xiang, Y., Liu, X., Cui, Z., Yang, X., Yeung, K. W. K., ... & Wu, S. (2017). Photo-inspired antibacterial activity and wound healing acceleration by hydrogel embedded with Ag/Ag@ AgCl/ZnO nanostructures. ACS Nano, 11(9), 9010-9021. doi:10.1021/acsnano.7b03513
- Mihailescu, I. N., Bociaga, D., Socol, G., Stan, G. E., Chifiriuc, M. C., Bleotu, C., … & Miculescu, F. (2016). Fabrication of antimicrobial silver-doped carbon structures by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 515(1-2), 592-606. doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.10.041
- Patil, D., Wasson, M. K., Aravindan, S., Vivekanandan, P., & Rao, P. V. (2019). Antibacterial and cytocompatibility study of modified Ti6Al4V surfaces through thermal annealing. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 99, 1007-1020. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2019.02.058
- Phae-ngam, W., Chananonnawathorn, C., Lertvanithphol, T., Samransuksamer, B., Horprathum, M., & Chaiyakun, T. (2021). Effect of deposition time on nanocolumnar TiZrN films grown by reactive magnetron co-sputtering with the OAD technique. Materials and Technology, 55(1), 65-70. doi:10.17222/mit.2019.189
- Stuart, B. W., Stan, G. E., Popa, A. C., Carrington, M. J., Zgura, I., Necsulescu, M., & Grant, D. M. (2022). New solutions for combatting implant bacterial infection based on silver nano-dispersed and gallium incorporated phosphate bioactive glass sputtered films: A preliminary study. Bioactive Materials, 8, 325-340. doi:10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.05.055
- Subramanian, B., Ananthakumar, R., & Jayachandran, M. (2011). Structural and tribological properties of DC reactive magnetron sputtered titanium/titanium nitride (Ti/TiN) multilayered coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 205(11), 3485-3492. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.12.016
- Taddei, E. B., Henriques, V. A. R., Silva, C. R. M., & Cairo, C. A. A. (2004). Production of new titanium alloy for orthopedic implants. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 24(5), 683-687. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2004.08.011
- Taglietti, A., Arciola, C. R., D'Agostino, A., Dacarro, G., Montanaro, L., Campoccia, D., … & Visai, L. (2014). Antibiofilm activity of a monolayer of silver nanoparticles anchored to an amino-silanized glass surface. Biomaterials, 35(6), 1779-1788. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.11.047
- Yanovska, A. A., Stanislavov, A. S., Sukhodub, L. B., Kuznetsov, V. N., Illiashenko, V. Y., Danilchenko, S. N., & Sukhodub, L. F. (2014). Silver-doped hydroxyapatite coatings formed on Ti–6Al–4V substrates and their characterization. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 36, 215-220. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2013.12.011
- Vasilev, K., Cook, J., & Griesser, H. J. (2009). Antibacterial surfaces for biomedical devices. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 6(5), 553-567. doi:10.1586/erd.09.36
- Ye, S. H., Johnson Jr, C. A., Woolley, J. R., Oh, H. I., Gamble, L. J., Ishihara, K., & Wagner, W. R. (2009). Surface modification of a titanium alloy with a phospholipid polymer prepared by a plasma-induced grafting technique to improve surface thromboresistance. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 74(1), 96-102. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2009.06.032
- Yerokhin, A. L., Nie, X., Leyland, A., & Matthews, A. (2000). Characterisation of oxide films produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation of a Ti–6Al–4V alloy. Surface and Coatings Technology, 130(2-3), 195-206. doi:10.1016/S0257-8972(00)00719-2
- Yetim, T. (2016). Corrosion behavior of Ag-doped TiO2 coatings on commercially pure titanium in simulated body fluid solution. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 13(3), 397-405. doi:10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60311-6
- Zhu, Y., Cao, H., Qiao, S., Wang, M., Gu, Y., Luo, H., ... & Lai, H. (2015). Hierarchical micro/nanostructured titanium with balanced actions to bacterial and mammalian cells for dental implants. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 10(1), 6659. doi:10.2147%2FIJN.S92110
Comparison of Corrosion and Antibacterial Properties of Silver Coatings on Ti6AL4V by Magnetron Sputtering
Yıl 2023,
, 629 - 640, 31.08.2023
Emrah Meletlioğlu
Recep Sadeler
This study aims to determine the corrosion behavior and antimicrobial effect of the silver layer deposited on the surface of the Ti6Al4V alloy, which is used as a dental implant material, by the PVD (Magnetron Sputtering) method. Coatings were obtained using different deposition times under the same coating conditions. The cross-sectional morphologies of the coatings were determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the phases were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Corrosion experiments on PVD-coated and untreated Ti6Al4V samples were carried out in Kokubo's simulated body fluid (SBF) pH 7.4 and 36.5 °C solution and under normal atmospheric conditions. In addition, the antibacterial properties of the coating were investigated by applying E. coli (Escherichia coli) and S. aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) microorganisms on the surfaces of the samples in vitro antibacterial activity experiments. The plate counting method was used to measure its antibacterial properties. According to the XRD results, the homogeneity of the coating layers on the surfaces of the samples was also supported by the section morphologies obtained by SEM analysis. The potentiodynamic polarization test results show that corrosion resistance increases after silver plating. As a result of in vitro antibacterial activity tests, the adhesion of E. Coli and S. Aureus microorganisms in the PVD-coated samples and the less outgrowth of the uncoated samples showed that the coating was suitable in terms of antibacterial.
- Andrade, J. E. D., Machado, R., Macêdo, M. A., & Cunha, F. G. C. (2013). AFM and XRD characterization of silver nanoparticles films deposited on the surface of DGEBA epoxy resin by ion sputtering. Polímeros, 23(1), 19-23. doi:10.1590/S0104-14282013005000009
- Bakhsheshi-Rad, H. R., Hamzah, E., Ismail, A. F., Aziz, M., Kasiri-Asgarani, M., Akbari, E., … & Hadisi, Z. (2017). Synthesis of a novel nanostructured zinc oxide/baghdadite coating on Mg alloy for biomedical application: In-vitro degradation behavior and antibacterial activities. Ceramics International, 43(17), 14842-14850. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.07.233
- Brobbey, K. J., Haapanen, J., Mäkelä, J. M., Gunell, M., Eerola, E., Rosqvist, E., … & Toivakka, M. (2019). Effect of plasma coating on antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles. Thin Solid Films, 672, 75-82. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2018.12.049
- Chrcanovic, B. R., Wennerberg, A., & Martins, M. D. (2015). Influence of temperature and acid etching time on the superficial characteristics of Ti. Materials Research, 18, 963-970. doi:10.1590/1516-1439.014115
- Chernousova, S., & Epple, M. (2013). Silver as antibacterial agent: ion, nanoparticle, and metal. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52(6), 1636-1653. doi:10.1002/anie.201205923
- Çomakli, O., Yazici, M., Yetim, T., Yetim, A. F., & Çelik, A. (2017). The effects of aging time on the structural and electrochemical properties of composite coatings on Cp-Ti substrate. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 14(3), 532-539. doi:10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60419-5
- Del Re, M., Gouttebaron, R., Dauchot, J. P., Leclere, P., Lazzaroni, R., Wautelet, M., & Hecq, M. (2002). Growth and morphology of magnetron sputter deposited silver films. Surface and Coatings Technology, 151, 86-90. doi:10.1016/S0257-8972(01)01592-4
- Elias, C. N., Lima, J. H. C., Valiev, R., & Meyers, M. A. (2008). Biomedical applications of titanium and its alloys. Jom, 60(3), 46-49. doi:10.1007/s11837-008-0031-1
- Franci, G., Falanga, A., Galdiero, S., Palomba, L., Rai, M., Morelli, G., & Galdiero, M. (2015). Silver nanoparticles as potential antibacterial agents. Molecules, 20(5), 8856-8874. doi:10.3390/molecules20058856
- Hongxi, L., Qian, X., Xiaowei, Z., Chuanqi, W., & Baoyin, T. (2012). Wear and corrosion behaviors of Ti6Al4V alloy biomedical materials by silver plasma immersion ion implantation process. Thin Solid Films, 521, 89-93. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2012.02.046
- Injeti, V. S. Y., Nune, K. C., Reyes, E., Yue, G., Li, S. J., & Misra, R. D. K. (2019). A comparative study on the tribological behavior of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn alloys in simulated body fluid. Materials Technology, 34(5), 270-284. doi:10.1080/10667857.2018.1550138
- Kokubo, T., & Takadama, H. (2006). How useful is SBF in predicting in vivo bone bioactivity?. Biomaterials, 27(15), 2907-2915. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2006.01.017
- Licausi, M. P., Muñoz, A. I., & Borrás, V. A. (2013). Influence of the fabrication process and fluoride content on the tribocorrosion behaviour of Ti6Al4V biomedical alloy in artificial saliva. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 20, 137-148. doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2013.01.019
- Liu, H., Yang, J., Zhao, X., Sheng, Y., Li, W., Chang, C. L., … & Wang, X. (2019). Microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviors of biomedical Ti-Zr-Mo-xMn alloys for dental application. Corrosion Science, 161, 108195. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108195
- Mao, C., Xiang, Y., Liu, X., Cui, Z., Yang, X., Yeung, K. W. K., ... & Wu, S. (2017). Photo-inspired antibacterial activity and wound healing acceleration by hydrogel embedded with Ag/Ag@ AgCl/ZnO nanostructures. ACS Nano, 11(9), 9010-9021. doi:10.1021/acsnano.7b03513
- Mihailescu, I. N., Bociaga, D., Socol, G., Stan, G. E., Chifiriuc, M. C., Bleotu, C., … & Miculescu, F. (2016). Fabrication of antimicrobial silver-doped carbon structures by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 515(1-2), 592-606. doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.10.041
- Patil, D., Wasson, M. K., Aravindan, S., Vivekanandan, P., & Rao, P. V. (2019). Antibacterial and cytocompatibility study of modified Ti6Al4V surfaces through thermal annealing. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 99, 1007-1020. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2019.02.058
- Phae-ngam, W., Chananonnawathorn, C., Lertvanithphol, T., Samransuksamer, B., Horprathum, M., & Chaiyakun, T. (2021). Effect of deposition time on nanocolumnar TiZrN films grown by reactive magnetron co-sputtering with the OAD technique. Materials and Technology, 55(1), 65-70. doi:10.17222/mit.2019.189
- Stuart, B. W., Stan, G. E., Popa, A. C., Carrington, M. J., Zgura, I., Necsulescu, M., & Grant, D. M. (2022). New solutions for combatting implant bacterial infection based on silver nano-dispersed and gallium incorporated phosphate bioactive glass sputtered films: A preliminary study. Bioactive Materials, 8, 325-340. doi:10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.05.055
- Subramanian, B., Ananthakumar, R., & Jayachandran, M. (2011). Structural and tribological properties of DC reactive magnetron sputtered titanium/titanium nitride (Ti/TiN) multilayered coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 205(11), 3485-3492. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.12.016
- Taddei, E. B., Henriques, V. A. R., Silva, C. R. M., & Cairo, C. A. A. (2004). Production of new titanium alloy for orthopedic implants. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 24(5), 683-687. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2004.08.011
- Taglietti, A., Arciola, C. R., D'Agostino, A., Dacarro, G., Montanaro, L., Campoccia, D., … & Visai, L. (2014). Antibiofilm activity of a monolayer of silver nanoparticles anchored to an amino-silanized glass surface. Biomaterials, 35(6), 1779-1788. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.11.047
- Yanovska, A. A., Stanislavov, A. S., Sukhodub, L. B., Kuznetsov, V. N., Illiashenko, V. Y., Danilchenko, S. N., & Sukhodub, L. F. (2014). Silver-doped hydroxyapatite coatings formed on Ti–6Al–4V substrates and their characterization. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 36, 215-220. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2013.12.011
- Vasilev, K., Cook, J., & Griesser, H. J. (2009). Antibacterial surfaces for biomedical devices. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 6(5), 553-567. doi:10.1586/erd.09.36
- Ye, S. H., Johnson Jr, C. A., Woolley, J. R., Oh, H. I., Gamble, L. J., Ishihara, K., & Wagner, W. R. (2009). Surface modification of a titanium alloy with a phospholipid polymer prepared by a plasma-induced grafting technique to improve surface thromboresistance. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 74(1), 96-102. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2009.06.032
- Yerokhin, A. L., Nie, X., Leyland, A., & Matthews, A. (2000). Characterisation of oxide films produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation of a Ti–6Al–4V alloy. Surface and Coatings Technology, 130(2-3), 195-206. doi:10.1016/S0257-8972(00)00719-2
- Yetim, T. (2016). Corrosion behavior of Ag-doped TiO2 coatings on commercially pure titanium in simulated body fluid solution. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 13(3), 397-405. doi:10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60311-6
- Zhu, Y., Cao, H., Qiao, S., Wang, M., Gu, Y., Luo, H., ... & Lai, H. (2015). Hierarchical micro/nanostructured titanium with balanced actions to bacterial and mammalian cells for dental implants. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 10(1), 6659. doi:10.2147%2FIJN.S92110