Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 48 - 59, 27.04.2018



  • Aydın, M. E., Güllü, Ö. ve Yıldırım, N. (2008). Temperature dependence of current–voltage characteristics of Sn/p-Si Schottky contacts, Physica B, Vol. 403, pp. 131–138. Ayyildiz, E., Cetin, H. ve Horvath, Zs. J. (2005). Temperature dependent electrical characteristics of Sn/p-Si Schottky diodes, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 252, pp. 1153–1158. Barret, C., Vapaille A., 1979. Interface States in a Cleaved M-S Junction, J. Appl phys., 50(6): 4217-4222. Braun, K.F., 1874. Ann. Phys. Chem., 153: 556. Card, H.C., Rhoderick, E. H., 1973. The Effect of an İnterfasel Layer on Minority Carrier Injection in Forward Biased Silicon Schootky Diodes, Solid-State Electron., 16: 365-373. Chattopadhyay, P., Das, K., 1991. Control of Barrier Height of MIS Tunnel Diodes Using Deep Level Impurities, Solid-State Electron., 34(4): 367-371. Chattopadhyay, P., Raychaudhuri, B., 1993. Frequency dependence of Forwerd Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of Schottky Barrier Diodes, Solid-State Electron., 36(4): 605-610. Chattopadhyay, P., Raychaudhuri, B., 1992. Origin of The Anomalous Peak in The Forward C-V Plot of a Schottky Barrier diyote, Solid-State Electron., 35(6): 875-878. Cheung, S. K., Cheung, N. W., 1986. Extraction of Schottky Diode parameters from Forwerd Current-Voltage Characteristics, Appl. Phys. Lett., 49: 85-87. Cowley, A.M., Sze S.M., 1965. Surface States and Barrier Height of Metal-Semiconductor Systems, J.Appl. Phys. 36 (10): 3212-3220. Crowell, C.R., Sze, S.M., 1965. Electron-optical-phonon Scattering in the emitter and collector barriers of Semiconductor-Metal-Semiconductor Structures, Solid State Electronics, 8(12): 979-990. Crowell, C.R., Sze, S.M., 1966. Current Transport in Metal-Semiconductors Barriers, Solid State Electronics, 9: 1035-1048.Fonash, S. J., 1975. Role of the Interfacial Layer in Metal-Semiconductor Solar Cells, J. Appl. Phys., 46(3) :1286-1289. Dökme, İ. And Altındal, Ş. (2006). On the intersecting behaviour of experimental forward bias current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) Schottky diodes at low temperatures, Semicond. Sci. Technol. Vol. 21, pp. 1053–1058. Güllü, Ö. Demir, F., Cimilli, F. E., ve Biber, M. (2008). γ-Irradiation-induced changes at the electrical characteristics of Sn/p–Si Schottky contacts, Vacuum, Vol. 82 pp. 789–793. Hickmott, T. W., 1980. Dipole Layers at the Metal-SiO//2 Interface, J. Appl. Phys., 51(9): 4269-4281. Karataş, Ş., Altındal, Ş., Türüt, A., ve Özmen, A. (2003). Temperature dependence of characteristic parameters of the H-terminated Sn/p-Si (100) Schottky contacts, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 217, pp. 250–260. Karataş, Ş. (2005). Comparison of electrical parameters of Zn/p-Si and Sn/p-Si Schottky barrier diodes, Solid State Communications, Vol. 135 pp. 500–504. Karataş, Ş. (2010). Effect of series resistance on the electrical characteristics and interface state energy distributions of Sn/p-Si (MS) Schottky diodes, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 87, pp. 1935–1940. Karataş, Ş., Altındal, Ş., Türüt, A., ve Çakar, M. (2011). Electrical transport characteristics of Sn/p-Si schottky contacts revealed from I–V–T and C–V–T measurements, Physica B, Vol. 392, pp. 43–50. Karataş, Ş. ve Türüt, A., (2010). The frequency-dependent electrical characteristics of interfaces in the Sn/p-Si metal semiconductor structures, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 50, pp. 351–355. Karataş, Ş. ve Kara, Z., (2011). Temperature dependent electrical and dielectric properties of Sn/p-Si metal–semiconductor (MS) structures, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 51, pp. 2205–2209. Meirhaeghe, R. L., Cardon, F., Gomes, W. P., 1980. Effects of Thin Oxide Layers on the Characteristics of GaAs MIS Solar Cells, Phys. Status Solidi (a), 59(2): 477-484. Morgan, D. V., Frey, J., 1979. Schottky Barrier Height: A Design Parameter for Device Applications, Solid-State Electronics, 22(10): 865-873. Pandey, S., Kal, S., 1998. A simple approach to the capacitance technique for determination of interface state density of a metalsemiconductor contact, Solid-State Electronics, 42(6), 943-949. Polyakov, A.Y., Milnes, A.G., Smirnov, N.B., Kozhukhova, E.A., Druzhinina, L.V., Govorkov, A.V., Dolginov, L.M., Tunitskaya, I.V., 1994. Properties of MIS structures prepared on InGaAsSb quaternary solutions by anodic oxidation. Solid-State Electronics, 37 (10), 1691-1694. Rhoderick, E.H., 1970. The Physics of the Schottky Barriers, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 3: 1153-1167. Rhoderick., E.H., Williams,R.H., 1988. Metal-Semiconductors Contacs. Clarendon Pres, Oxford, USA. Rideout, V.L., 1978. A review of the theory, technology and applications of metal-semiconductor rectifiers, Thin Solid Films, 48(3): 261-291. Schottky, W., Spenke, E., 1939. Wiss. Veröff. Siemens-Werken, 18: 225. Schottky, W., 1938. Raumladungsschwächung beim schroteffekt und funkeleffekt, Physica, 4: 175. Singh, A., 1985. Characterization of Interface State at Ni/n-CdF2 Schottky Barrier Diodes and the Effect of CdF2 Surface Preparation, Solid-State Electron. 28(3): 223-232. Sze, S.M., Crowell, C.R., Kahng, D., 1964. Photoelectric Determination of the Image Force Dielectric Constant for Hot electrons in Schottky Barriers, J. Appl. Phys., 35(8): 2534-2536. Sze, S.M., 1981. Physics of Semiconductors Devices. John-Wiley and Sons, New York. Tataroğlu, A., Altındal S., 2006. Characterization of current–voltage (I–V ) and capacitance–voltage–frequency (C–V–f ) features of Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) Schottky diyotes, Microelectronic Engineering, 83: 582-588. Temirci, C., Batı, B., Sağlam, M., Türüt, A., 2001. High-Barrier height Sn/p-Si Schottky diodes with interfacial layer by anodizasyon process., Appl. Surf. Sci., 172: 1-7. Temirci, C. ve Ozkartal, A., (2016). Relationship between photovoltaic and diode characteristic parameters in the Sn/p-Si Schottky type photovoltaics, Solar Energy, Vol. 132, pp. 96–102. Torrey, H.C., Whitmer, C.A., 1948., Crystal Rectifiers. McGraw Hill, New York. Türüt A., Batı, B., Sağlam, M., Yalçın, N., 1996. The Bias-Dependence Change of Barrier Height of Schottky diyotes under Forward Bias by Including the Series Resistance Effect, Phys. Scr., 53(1): 118-122. Türüt, A., Yalçın, N., Sağlam, M., 1992., Parameter Extraction From Non-Ideal C-V Characteristics of a Schottky Diode with and without Interfacial Layer, Solid-State Electron., 35(6): 835-841. Türüt, A. and Sağlam, M., 1992. Determination of the Density of Si-metal Interface State and Excess Capacitance Caused by Them Phys. B., 179(4): 285-294. Werner, J., Levi, A.F.J., Tung R.T., 1988. Anzlovar M.and Pinto M.,1988. Origin of Excess Capacitance at Intimate Schottky Contacts, Phys. Review Lett., 60: 53-56. Werner, J.H., Ploog, K., Queisser, H. J., 1992. Interface-State Meassurements at Schottky Contact a New Admitance Technique, Phys. Review. Lett., 57(8): 1080-1083. Williams, R. H., 1985. Physics and Chemistry of III-V Compound Semiconductor Interfaces. (Edited by Wilmsen, C. W.), 57, Plenum Pres, New York and London. Wu, X., Yang, E. S., 1989. Interface Capacitance in Metal-Semiconductor Junctions, J. Appl. Phys., 65(9): 3560-3567. Ziel, A., 1968. Solid State Physical Electronics. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey

Sn/p-Si Schottky Kontaklarda Elektriksel Karakteristiklerin Belirlenmesinde Frekans Optimizasyonu

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 48 - 59, 27.04.2018


Sn/p-Si Schottky kontakları üretildi. Numunelerin Akım-Voltaj (I-V), Kapasitans-Voltaj (C-V) ve Kapasitans-frekans (C-f) ölçümleri karanlıkta ve oda sıcaklığında alındı. Numunelerin idealite faktörleri (n) ve engel yükseklikleri (Φb) doğru beslem akım-voltaj (I-V) karakteristiklerinden ve ayrıca sonuçların uyumluluğunu kontrol etmek için Cheung Fonksiyonlarından hesaplandı. Numunelerin seri dirençleri (Rs) Cheung Fonksiyonlarından belirlendi. Diyot A’nın 100 kHz-20 MHz frekans aralığında C-V karakteristiklerinden difüzyon potansiyelini hesaplayarak, difüzyon potansiyeli-frekans değişimi gözlendi. İlave olarak, aynı numunenin 1 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz ve 20 MHz frekans değerlerinde C-V karakteristikleri kullanılarak engel yükseklikleri hesaplandı. Ölçümler ve hesaplamalar neticesinde, numunelerin engel yüksekliklerinin 1 MHz’den 5 MHz’e kadar çok az arttığı, ancak 5 MHz’den 20 MHz’e kadar sürekli olarak düştüğü tespit edildi. Elde edilen verilerden, üretilen Schottky diyotların engel yüksekliğini belirlemede C-V ölçümleri uygun bir frekansta alınırsa, C-V ve I-V verilerinden elde edilen engel yüksekliği değerlerinin, birbirleri ile iyi bir uyum içinde olacağı görüldü


  • Aydın, M. E., Güllü, Ö. ve Yıldırım, N. (2008). Temperature dependence of current–voltage characteristics of Sn/p-Si Schottky contacts, Physica B, Vol. 403, pp. 131–138. Ayyildiz, E., Cetin, H. ve Horvath, Zs. J. (2005). Temperature dependent electrical characteristics of Sn/p-Si Schottky diodes, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 252, pp. 1153–1158. Barret, C., Vapaille A., 1979. Interface States in a Cleaved M-S Junction, J. Appl phys., 50(6): 4217-4222. Braun, K.F., 1874. Ann. Phys. Chem., 153: 556. Card, H.C., Rhoderick, E. H., 1973. The Effect of an İnterfasel Layer on Minority Carrier Injection in Forward Biased Silicon Schootky Diodes, Solid-State Electron., 16: 365-373. Chattopadhyay, P., Das, K., 1991. Control of Barrier Height of MIS Tunnel Diodes Using Deep Level Impurities, Solid-State Electron., 34(4): 367-371. Chattopadhyay, P., Raychaudhuri, B., 1993. Frequency dependence of Forwerd Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of Schottky Barrier Diodes, Solid-State Electron., 36(4): 605-610. Chattopadhyay, P., Raychaudhuri, B., 1992. Origin of The Anomalous Peak in The Forward C-V Plot of a Schottky Barrier diyote, Solid-State Electron., 35(6): 875-878. Cheung, S. K., Cheung, N. W., 1986. Extraction of Schottky Diode parameters from Forwerd Current-Voltage Characteristics, Appl. Phys. Lett., 49: 85-87. Cowley, A.M., Sze S.M., 1965. Surface States and Barrier Height of Metal-Semiconductor Systems, J.Appl. Phys. 36 (10): 3212-3220. Crowell, C.R., Sze, S.M., 1965. Electron-optical-phonon Scattering in the emitter and collector barriers of Semiconductor-Metal-Semiconductor Structures, Solid State Electronics, 8(12): 979-990. Crowell, C.R., Sze, S.M., 1966. Current Transport in Metal-Semiconductors Barriers, Solid State Electronics, 9: 1035-1048.Fonash, S. J., 1975. Role of the Interfacial Layer in Metal-Semiconductor Solar Cells, J. Appl. Phys., 46(3) :1286-1289. Dökme, İ. And Altındal, Ş. (2006). On the intersecting behaviour of experimental forward bias current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) Schottky diodes at low temperatures, Semicond. Sci. Technol. Vol. 21, pp. 1053–1058. Güllü, Ö. Demir, F., Cimilli, F. E., ve Biber, M. (2008). γ-Irradiation-induced changes at the electrical characteristics of Sn/p–Si Schottky contacts, Vacuum, Vol. 82 pp. 789–793. Hickmott, T. W., 1980. Dipole Layers at the Metal-SiO//2 Interface, J. Appl. Phys., 51(9): 4269-4281. Karataş, Ş., Altındal, Ş., Türüt, A., ve Özmen, A. (2003). Temperature dependence of characteristic parameters of the H-terminated Sn/p-Si (100) Schottky contacts, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 217, pp. 250–260. Karataş, Ş. (2005). Comparison of electrical parameters of Zn/p-Si and Sn/p-Si Schottky barrier diodes, Solid State Communications, Vol. 135 pp. 500–504. Karataş, Ş. (2010). Effect of series resistance on the electrical characteristics and interface state energy distributions of Sn/p-Si (MS) Schottky diodes, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 87, pp. 1935–1940. Karataş, Ş., Altındal, Ş., Türüt, A., ve Çakar, M. (2011). Electrical transport characteristics of Sn/p-Si schottky contacts revealed from I–V–T and C–V–T measurements, Physica B, Vol. 392, pp. 43–50. Karataş, Ş. ve Türüt, A., (2010). The frequency-dependent electrical characteristics of interfaces in the Sn/p-Si metal semiconductor structures, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 50, pp. 351–355. Karataş, Ş. ve Kara, Z., (2011). Temperature dependent electrical and dielectric properties of Sn/p-Si metal–semiconductor (MS) structures, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 51, pp. 2205–2209. Meirhaeghe, R. L., Cardon, F., Gomes, W. P., 1980. Effects of Thin Oxide Layers on the Characteristics of GaAs MIS Solar Cells, Phys. Status Solidi (a), 59(2): 477-484. Morgan, D. V., Frey, J., 1979. Schottky Barrier Height: A Design Parameter for Device Applications, Solid-State Electronics, 22(10): 865-873. Pandey, S., Kal, S., 1998. A simple approach to the capacitance technique for determination of interface state density of a metalsemiconductor contact, Solid-State Electronics, 42(6), 943-949. Polyakov, A.Y., Milnes, A.G., Smirnov, N.B., Kozhukhova, E.A., Druzhinina, L.V., Govorkov, A.V., Dolginov, L.M., Tunitskaya, I.V., 1994. Properties of MIS structures prepared on InGaAsSb quaternary solutions by anodic oxidation. Solid-State Electronics, 37 (10), 1691-1694. Rhoderick, E.H., 1970. The Physics of the Schottky Barriers, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 3: 1153-1167. Rhoderick., E.H., Williams,R.H., 1988. Metal-Semiconductors Contacs. Clarendon Pres, Oxford, USA. Rideout, V.L., 1978. A review of the theory, technology and applications of metal-semiconductor rectifiers, Thin Solid Films, 48(3): 261-291. Schottky, W., Spenke, E., 1939. Wiss. Veröff. Siemens-Werken, 18: 225. Schottky, W., 1938. Raumladungsschwächung beim schroteffekt und funkeleffekt, Physica, 4: 175. Singh, A., 1985. Characterization of Interface State at Ni/n-CdF2 Schottky Barrier Diodes and the Effect of CdF2 Surface Preparation, Solid-State Electron. 28(3): 223-232. Sze, S.M., Crowell, C.R., Kahng, D., 1964. Photoelectric Determination of the Image Force Dielectric Constant for Hot electrons in Schottky Barriers, J. Appl. Phys., 35(8): 2534-2536. Sze, S.M., 1981. Physics of Semiconductors Devices. John-Wiley and Sons, New York. Tataroğlu, A., Altındal S., 2006. Characterization of current–voltage (I–V ) and capacitance–voltage–frequency (C–V–f ) features of Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) Schottky diyotes, Microelectronic Engineering, 83: 582-588. Temirci, C., Batı, B., Sağlam, M., Türüt, A., 2001. High-Barrier height Sn/p-Si Schottky diodes with interfacial layer by anodizasyon process., Appl. Surf. Sci., 172: 1-7. Temirci, C. ve Ozkartal, A., (2016). Relationship between photovoltaic and diode characteristic parameters in the Sn/p-Si Schottky type photovoltaics, Solar Energy, Vol. 132, pp. 96–102. Torrey, H.C., Whitmer, C.A., 1948., Crystal Rectifiers. McGraw Hill, New York. Türüt A., Batı, B., Sağlam, M., Yalçın, N., 1996. The Bias-Dependence Change of Barrier Height of Schottky diyotes under Forward Bias by Including the Series Resistance Effect, Phys. Scr., 53(1): 118-122. Türüt, A., Yalçın, N., Sağlam, M., 1992., Parameter Extraction From Non-Ideal C-V Characteristics of a Schottky Diode with and without Interfacial Layer, Solid-State Electron., 35(6): 835-841. Türüt, A. and Sağlam, M., 1992. Determination of the Density of Si-metal Interface State and Excess Capacitance Caused by Them Phys. B., 179(4): 285-294. Werner, J., Levi, A.F.J., Tung R.T., 1988. Anzlovar M.and Pinto M.,1988. Origin of Excess Capacitance at Intimate Schottky Contacts, Phys. Review Lett., 60: 53-56. Werner, J.H., Ploog, K., Queisser, H. J., 1992. Interface-State Meassurements at Schottky Contact a New Admitance Technique, Phys. Review. Lett., 57(8): 1080-1083. Williams, R. H., 1985. Physics and Chemistry of III-V Compound Semiconductor Interfaces. (Edited by Wilmsen, C. W.), 57, Plenum Pres, New York and London. Wu, X., Yang, E. S., 1989. Interface Capacitance in Metal-Semiconductor Junctions, J. Appl. Phys., 65(9): 3560-3567. Ziel, A., 1968. Solid State Physical Electronics. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Reşit Özmenteş

Cabir Temirci

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Nisan 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özmenteş, R., & Temirci, C. (2018). Sn/p-Si Schottky Kontaklarda Elektriksel Karakteristiklerin Belirlenmesinde Frekans Optimizasyonu. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 23(1), 48-59.