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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 72 - 87, 03.09.2019



  • Antony-Babu, S. & Goodfellow, M. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (2008) 94: 581.
  • Antony-Babu, S., Stach, JE., Goodfellow, M., “Computer-assisted numerical analysis of colour-group data for dereplication of streptomycetes for bioprospecting and ecological purposes”, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 97: 231–239, 2010.
  • Asamizu, S., Ozaki, T., Teramoto, K., Satoh, K., Onaka, H., “Killing of Mycolic Acid-Containing Bacteria Aborted Induction of Antibiotic Production by Streptomyces in Combined-Culture”, PLOSONE, November6, 2015.
  • Atalan , E., Manfio, G.P., Ward, A.C., Kroppenstedt, R.M. & Goodfellow, M. Biosystematic studies on novel Streptomycetes from soil. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 77: 337-353.
  • Atalan, E. (1995). Identification of Streptomyces isolated from environmental soil samples using rapid enzyme data. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 30-6: 1133-1143, 2000.
  • Atalan, E., Rapid characterisation of streptomycetes strains. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7: 11-15, 1997.
  • Atalan, E., “Selective Isolation, Characterisation and Identification of some Streptomyces species”, Thesis, Newcastle upon Tyne UK, Univ of Newcastle, England, 1993.
  • Atalan, E., Manfio, GP., Ward, AC., Kroppenstedt, RM., Goodfellow, M., “Biosystematic studies on novel streptomycetes from soil”, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 77: 337–353, 2000.
  • Becker, B., Lechevalier, MP., Lechevalier, HA., “Chemical composition of cell-wall preparations from strain of various form genera of aerobic actinomycetes”, Applied Microbiol 13: 236-243, 1965.
  • Coenye, T., Gevers, D., Van de Peer, Y., Vandamme, P., Swings, J., “Towards a prokaryotic genomic taxonomy” FEMS Microbiol Rev 29: 147-167, 2005.
  • Goodfellow, M., Fiedler, HP., “A guide to successful bio-prospecting: informed by actinobacterial systematics”, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 98: 119–142, 2010.
  • Goodfellow, M., O’Donnell, AG., “Search and discovery of industrially significant actinomycetes”, In Microbial Products: New Approaches, pp. 343–383, 2010. Edited by S. Baumberg, P. M. Rhodes & I. S. Hunter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  • Jia, FY., Liu, CX., Zhao, JW., Zhang, YJ., Li, LJ., Zhou, SY., Shen, Y., Wang, XJ., Xiang, WS., “Streptomyces vulcanius sp. nov. a novel actinomycete isolated from volcanic sediment”, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 107: 15–21, 2015.
  • Jones, KL., “Fresh isolates of actinomycetes in which the presence of sporogenous aerial mycelium is fluctuating characteristic”, Journal of Bacteriology 57: 141-146, 1949.
  • Küster, E., “Outline of comparative study of criteria used in characterization of actinomycetes”, International Bullettin Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxonomy 11: 91-98, 1959.
  • Küster, E., Williams ST., “Selection of Media for Isolation of Streptomycetes”, Nature 202: 928–929, 1964.
  • Küster, E., Williams, ST., “Production of hydrogen sulfide by Streptomycetes and methods for its detection”, J. Appl. Microbiol 12: 46–52, 1964b.
  • Küster, E., Williams, ST., “Selection of media for isolation of Streptomycetes”, Nature 202: 928–929, 1964a.
  • Lechevalier, HA., Lechevalier, MP., “A critical evaluation of the genera of aerobic actinomycetes”, In H. Prauser (ed.), The Actinomycetales. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. pp. 395-405, 1970b.
  • Lechevalier, MP., Lechevalier, HA., “Chemical composition as a criterion in the classification of aerobic actinomycetes”, Int J Syst Bacteriol 20: 435-444, 1970a.
  • Lewin, GR., Carlos, C., Chevrette, MG., Horn, HA., McDonald, BR., Stankey, RJ., Fox, BJ., Currie, CR., “Evolution and Ecology of Actinobacteria and Their Bioenergy Applications”, Annu.Rev.Microbiol 70: 235–54, 2016.
  • Manfio, G.P., Atalan, E., Zakrzewska-Czerwinska, J., Mordarski, M., Rodriguez, C., Collins, M.D. & Goodfellow, M. Classification of novel streptomyces as Streptomyces aureus sp.nov., Streptomyces laceyisp.nov. and Streptomyces sanglierii sp.nov. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 83:245-255, 2003.
  • Mao, J., Wang, J., Dai, HQ., Zhang, ZD., Tang, QY., Ren, B., Yang, N., Goodfellow, M., Zhang LX., Liu, ZH., “Yuhushiella deserti gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the suborder Pseudonocardineae”, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 61: 621–630, 2011.
  • Metin Ertaş, Kerem Özdemir and Ekrem Atalan (2013) Isolation and characterization of Micromonospora bacteria from various soil samples obtained around Lake Van African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(21), pp. 3283-3287.
  • Okoro, K., Brown, R., Jones, AL., Andrews, BA., Asenjo, JA., Goodfellow, M., Bull, AT., “Cultivable actinomycete diversity in hyper-arid soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile”, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 95: 121–133, 2009.
  • Reed, JF., Cumming, RW., “Soil reaction glass electrodes and calorimetric methods for determining pH value of soil”, Soil science 59: 97-104, 1945.
  • Schlatter, DC., Fubuh, A., Xiao, K., Hernandez, D., Hobbie, S., Kinkel, LL., “Influence of carbon source amendments on population density, resource use, and antibiotic phenotypes of soilborne Streptomyces”, Phytopathology 98(6): S140-S141, 2008.
  • Sembiring, L., Ward, AC., Goodfellow, M., “Selective isolation and characterisation of members of the Streptomyces violaceusniger clade associated with the roots of Paraserianthes falcataria”, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 78: 353–366, 2000.
  • Shirling, EB., Gottlieb, D., “Methods for characterization of Streptomyces species”, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol 16: 313–340, 1966.
  • Sokal, RR., Michener, CD., “A statistical method for evaluating systematic relationships”, University of Kansas Bulletin 38: 1409-1438, 1958.
  • Staneck, JL., Roberts, GD., “Simplified approach to identification of aerobic actinomycetes by thin-layer chromatography”, Applied Microbiology 28: 122-131, 1974.
  • Vickers, JC., Williams, ST., “An assessment of plate inoculation procedures for the enumeration and soil isolation of soil streptomycetes”, Microbic Letters 35: 113-117, 1987.
  • Vickers, JC., Williams, ST., Ross, GW., “A taxonomic approach to selective isolation of Streptomyces”, In Biological, Biochemical and Biomedical aspects of actinomycetes 553-561. Edited by L. Ortiz-Ortiz, L. F. Bojalil and V. Yakoleff Academic press: Orlando, 1984
  • Williams, ST., Goodfellow, M., Alderson, G., Wellington, EMH., Sneath, PHA., Sackin, MJ., “Numerical classification of Streptomyces and related genera”, Journal of General Microbiology 129: 1743–1813, 1983a.
  • Williams, ST., Goodfellow, M., Alderson, G., Wellington, EMH., Sneath, PHA., Sackin, MJ., “A probability matrix for identification of some streptomycetes. Numerical classification of Streptomyces and related genera”, Journal of General Microbiology 129: 1815-1830, 1983b.

Biodiversity of Streptomyces of from soil samples of Halapja, Iraq

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 72 - 87, 03.09.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı özelde Streptomyces ve genelde actinomycetes
bakterilerini Irak Halabja’sinde toplanan topraklardan izole etmektir. Bu
amaçla, Halepçenin farklı 30 bölgesinde toprak numuneleri toplanarak
laboratuvara getirildi ve fizikokimyasal paramatreleri ölçüldü. İlk olarak
klasık izolasyon yöntemi kullanıldı. Toprak numunelerinden hazırlanan
dilüsyonlar içerisine cycloheximide, nystatine ve novobiocin eklenmiş
nişasta-kazein agar ve raffinoz-histidine agar petri kutularına ekim yapıldı ve
toplamda substrat ve havasal miselyomlara sahip 105 koloni seçildi ve
saflaştırıldı. Bütün izolatlar oatmeal agar besi ortamında havasal spor,
substrat miselyum renkleri ve diffüziye pigment renkleri ve ayrıca pepton-yeast
agar besi ortamında melanin üretimi dikate alınarak renk gruplandırılması
yapıldı ve sonuçta 105 izolat 10 renk grubuna ayrıldı. Renk gruplarını temsilen
seçilen 20 izolat 40 diagnostik teşhis testleri yapıldı ve sonrasında
bilgisayara dayalı programla sonuçlar analiz edildi ve dendrogram oluşturuldu.
Bu 20 test organisması 10 gruba ayrıldı ve sonuçlar renk gruplandırması ile
yaklaşık benzerlik gösterdi.

Teşhisi yapılan bu 20 test suşu 10 kümeye ayrıldı ve bu kümeler renk
gruplandırması sonucunda elde edilenlerle hemen hemen aynı suşları içerdi. 4
test suşunun hücre duvar yapısındaki hem diamino pimelik asit çeşidi hem de
içerdiği şeker tipi tayin edildi. Bu suşlardan 3’ü Streptomyces bakterileri
için belirleyici olan LL-diaminopimelik asit (DAP) ve yine tüm hücre
hidrlizatlarında belirleyici olan şeker tiplerini (riboz, glukoz ve mannoz)
içerdiği belirlendi. Bir suş ise Nocardiopsis bakterileri için belirleyici olan
meso-A2pm DAP ve tüm hücre hidrolizatlarındagalaktoz ve riboz şeker tipini içerdiği
belirlendi. Kemotaksonomik çalışma sonuçları fenotipik analiz sonuçlarını
destekledi. Streptomyces koloni sayısı genelde düşük seviyede olduğu belirlendi
ve 30 toprak numunesinden 18’inde Streptomyces kolonisi gözetlenmedi. Bunun
muhtemel nedeni 1988’de Halepçe’nin Kimyasal bombalarla bombalanması olabilir. 


  • Antony-Babu, S. & Goodfellow, M. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (2008) 94: 581.
  • Antony-Babu, S., Stach, JE., Goodfellow, M., “Computer-assisted numerical analysis of colour-group data for dereplication of streptomycetes for bioprospecting and ecological purposes”, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 97: 231–239, 2010.
  • Asamizu, S., Ozaki, T., Teramoto, K., Satoh, K., Onaka, H., “Killing of Mycolic Acid-Containing Bacteria Aborted Induction of Antibiotic Production by Streptomyces in Combined-Culture”, PLOSONE, November6, 2015.
  • Atalan , E., Manfio, G.P., Ward, A.C., Kroppenstedt, R.M. & Goodfellow, M. Biosystematic studies on novel Streptomycetes from soil. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 77: 337-353.
  • Atalan, E. (1995). Identification of Streptomyces isolated from environmental soil samples using rapid enzyme data. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 30-6: 1133-1143, 2000.
  • Atalan, E., Rapid characterisation of streptomycetes strains. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7: 11-15, 1997.
  • Atalan, E., “Selective Isolation, Characterisation and Identification of some Streptomyces species”, Thesis, Newcastle upon Tyne UK, Univ of Newcastle, England, 1993.
  • Atalan, E., Manfio, GP., Ward, AC., Kroppenstedt, RM., Goodfellow, M., “Biosystematic studies on novel streptomycetes from soil”, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 77: 337–353, 2000.
  • Becker, B., Lechevalier, MP., Lechevalier, HA., “Chemical composition of cell-wall preparations from strain of various form genera of aerobic actinomycetes”, Applied Microbiol 13: 236-243, 1965.
  • Coenye, T., Gevers, D., Van de Peer, Y., Vandamme, P., Swings, J., “Towards a prokaryotic genomic taxonomy” FEMS Microbiol Rev 29: 147-167, 2005.
  • Goodfellow, M., Fiedler, HP., “A guide to successful bio-prospecting: informed by actinobacterial systematics”, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 98: 119–142, 2010.
  • Goodfellow, M., O’Donnell, AG., “Search and discovery of industrially significant actinomycetes”, In Microbial Products: New Approaches, pp. 343–383, 2010. Edited by S. Baumberg, P. M. Rhodes & I. S. Hunter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  • Jia, FY., Liu, CX., Zhao, JW., Zhang, YJ., Li, LJ., Zhou, SY., Shen, Y., Wang, XJ., Xiang, WS., “Streptomyces vulcanius sp. nov. a novel actinomycete isolated from volcanic sediment”, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 107: 15–21, 2015.
  • Jones, KL., “Fresh isolates of actinomycetes in which the presence of sporogenous aerial mycelium is fluctuating characteristic”, Journal of Bacteriology 57: 141-146, 1949.
  • Küster, E., “Outline of comparative study of criteria used in characterization of actinomycetes”, International Bullettin Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxonomy 11: 91-98, 1959.
  • Küster, E., Williams ST., “Selection of Media for Isolation of Streptomycetes”, Nature 202: 928–929, 1964.
  • Küster, E., Williams, ST., “Production of hydrogen sulfide by Streptomycetes and methods for its detection”, J. Appl. Microbiol 12: 46–52, 1964b.
  • Küster, E., Williams, ST., “Selection of media for isolation of Streptomycetes”, Nature 202: 928–929, 1964a.
  • Lechevalier, HA., Lechevalier, MP., “A critical evaluation of the genera of aerobic actinomycetes”, In H. Prauser (ed.), The Actinomycetales. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. pp. 395-405, 1970b.
  • Lechevalier, MP., Lechevalier, HA., “Chemical composition as a criterion in the classification of aerobic actinomycetes”, Int J Syst Bacteriol 20: 435-444, 1970a.
  • Lewin, GR., Carlos, C., Chevrette, MG., Horn, HA., McDonald, BR., Stankey, RJ., Fox, BJ., Currie, CR., “Evolution and Ecology of Actinobacteria and Their Bioenergy Applications”, Annu.Rev.Microbiol 70: 235–54, 2016.
  • Manfio, G.P., Atalan, E., Zakrzewska-Czerwinska, J., Mordarski, M., Rodriguez, C., Collins, M.D. & Goodfellow, M. Classification of novel streptomyces as Streptomyces aureus sp.nov., Streptomyces laceyisp.nov. and Streptomyces sanglierii sp.nov. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 83:245-255, 2003.
  • Mao, J., Wang, J., Dai, HQ., Zhang, ZD., Tang, QY., Ren, B., Yang, N., Goodfellow, M., Zhang LX., Liu, ZH., “Yuhushiella deserti gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the suborder Pseudonocardineae”, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 61: 621–630, 2011.
  • Metin Ertaş, Kerem Özdemir and Ekrem Atalan (2013) Isolation and characterization of Micromonospora bacteria from various soil samples obtained around Lake Van African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(21), pp. 3283-3287.
  • Okoro, K., Brown, R., Jones, AL., Andrews, BA., Asenjo, JA., Goodfellow, M., Bull, AT., “Cultivable actinomycete diversity in hyper-arid soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile”, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 95: 121–133, 2009.
  • Reed, JF., Cumming, RW., “Soil reaction glass electrodes and calorimetric methods for determining pH value of soil”, Soil science 59: 97-104, 1945.
  • Schlatter, DC., Fubuh, A., Xiao, K., Hernandez, D., Hobbie, S., Kinkel, LL., “Influence of carbon source amendments on population density, resource use, and antibiotic phenotypes of soilborne Streptomyces”, Phytopathology 98(6): S140-S141, 2008.
  • Sembiring, L., Ward, AC., Goodfellow, M., “Selective isolation and characterisation of members of the Streptomyces violaceusniger clade associated with the roots of Paraserianthes falcataria”, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 78: 353–366, 2000.
  • Shirling, EB., Gottlieb, D., “Methods for characterization of Streptomyces species”, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol 16: 313–340, 1966.
  • Sokal, RR., Michener, CD., “A statistical method for evaluating systematic relationships”, University of Kansas Bulletin 38: 1409-1438, 1958.
  • Staneck, JL., Roberts, GD., “Simplified approach to identification of aerobic actinomycetes by thin-layer chromatography”, Applied Microbiology 28: 122-131, 1974.
  • Vickers, JC., Williams, ST., “An assessment of plate inoculation procedures for the enumeration and soil isolation of soil streptomycetes”, Microbic Letters 35: 113-117, 1987.
  • Vickers, JC., Williams, ST., Ross, GW., “A taxonomic approach to selective isolation of Streptomyces”, In Biological, Biochemical and Biomedical aspects of actinomycetes 553-561. Edited by L. Ortiz-Ortiz, L. F. Bojalil and V. Yakoleff Academic press: Orlando, 1984
  • Williams, ST., Goodfellow, M., Alderson, G., Wellington, EMH., Sneath, PHA., Sackin, MJ., “Numerical classification of Streptomyces and related genera”, Journal of General Microbiology 129: 1743–1813, 1983a.
  • Williams, ST., Goodfellow, M., Alderson, G., Wellington, EMH., Sneath, PHA., Sackin, MJ., “A probability matrix for identification of some streptomycetes. Numerical classification of Streptomyces and related genera”, Journal of General Microbiology 129: 1815-1830, 1983b.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Syamand Ahmed Qadır Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7986-392X

Ekrem Atalan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Eylül 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Qadır, S. A., & Atalan, E. (2019). Biodiversity of Streptomyces of from soil samples of Halapja, Iraq. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24(2), 72-87.