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Prenatal ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica'nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 25 - 29, 01.06.2008



  • Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pober JS, (2000): Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Fourth edition, W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, USA.
  • Aldenborg F, Enerbeck L (1988): Histochemical heterogeneity
  • of dermal mast cells in a thymic and normal rats.
  • Histochemical Journal. 20: 19-28.
  • Bischoof SC (2000): Allergy, 2th edition. Mosby, London, England.
  • Carlson, FL (1997): Histotechnology: a self-instructional text, 2nd edition, American Society of Clinical Pathologists Press. Chicago, USA.
  • Chen XJ, Enerback L (1999): Immature peritoneal mast cells in neonatal rats express the CTMC phenotype, as well as functional IgE receptors. APMIS. Oct;107, (10): 957-65.
  • Cook HC (1961): A modified thionin technique for mast cells in tissue section. J Med. Lab. Technol. 18: 188– 192.
  • Crivellato E, Nico B, Battistig M, Beltrami CA, Ribatti D (2005):
  • The thymus is a site of mast cell development in chicken embryos. Anat Embryol 209: 243–249.
  • Csaba G (1990): Alcian Blue–Safranin method for mast cells (in) Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. JD Bancroft, A Stevens (Editörler), 639s, Livingstone, New York.
  • El Sayed SO, Dyson M (1993): Histochemical heterogenity of mast cells in rat dermis. Biotechnic and Histochemistry. 68: 326-332.
  • Enerback L (1986): Mast cell heterogeneity: the evolution of the concept of a specific mucosal mast cell (in) Mast cell differentiation and heterogeneity. AD Befus, J Bienenstock, JA Denburg (Editörler), 1-26s, Raven Pres, New York.
  • Eren Ü, Aştı RN, Kurtdede N, Sandıkçı M, Sur E (1999): İnek uterusunda mast hücrelerinin histolojik ve histokimyasal özellikleri ve mast hücre heterojenitesi. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 23: 193-201.
  • Erpek S (2004): Mast hücreleri. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 11: 109-120.
  • Hunt C, Campell AM, Robinson C, Holgate T (1991): Structural and secretory characteristics of bovine lung and skin mast cells: evidence for the existence of heterogeneity. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 21: 173- 182.
  • Jamur MC, Lunardi LO, Vugman I (1997): Mast cell maturation in young rats: a histofluorescence and cytochemical study. Acta histochem. 99: 379-389.
  • Karaca, T, Yörük M (2004): A Morphological and Histometrical Study on Distribution and Heterogeneity of Mast Cells of Chicken’s and Quail’s Digestive Tract. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 15, (1-2):115-121.
  • Karaca T, Yörük M, Uslu S (2006): Age-related Changes in the Number of Mast Cells in the Avian Lymphoid Organs. Anat. Histol. Embryol. 35: 375–379.
  • Luna LG (1997): Masson trichrome stain. (in) Histotechnology, A self Instructional Text. FL Carson (Editör), 134s, American Society for Clinical Pathology Press, Chicago.
  • Matsson L (1992): Mast cell heterogeneity in various oral mukosal sites in the rat. Archs. oral Biol. 37, (6): 445-450.
  • Maurer M, Theoharides T, Grandstein RD, Bischoff SC, Bienenstock J, Henz B, Kovanen P, Piliponsky AM, Kambe N, Vliagoftis H, Levi-Schaffer F, Metz M, Miyachi Y, Befus D, Forsythe P, Kitamura Y, Galli S (2003): What is the Physiollogical Function of mast cells?. Experimental Dermatology. 12: 886-910.
  • Metcalfe DD, Baram D, Mekori YA (1997): Mast cells. Physiological reviews. 77: 1033-1079.
  • Michaloudi HC, Papadopoulos GC (1999): Mast cells in the sheep, hedgehog and rat forebrain. J Anat. 195, ( Pt 4): 577-86.
  • Mierke CT, Ballmaier M, Werner U, Manns MP, Welte J, Bischoff SC (2000): Human Endothelial Cells Regulate Survival and Proliferation of Human Mast Cells. J. Exp. Med. 192: 801-812.
  • Müftüoğlu AÜ (1995): Lökosit hastalıkları, İstanbul Üniv. Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • Noviana D, KonoF, Nagakui Y, Shimizu H, Mannba K, Makimura S, Horii Y (2001): Distribution and enzyme histochemical characterisation of mast cells in cats. Histochem. J. 33: 597-603.
  • Oliani SM, Girol AP, Smith RT (1995): Gap junctions between mast cells and fibroblasts in the developing avian eye. Acta anat.(Basel). 154: 267-271.
  • Özbal Y (2000): Temel İmmunoloji, 2.baskı, Nobel kitapevi LTD. Ankara.
  • Parshad RK, Kathpalia K (1993): Distribution and characteristics of mast cells in the chick ovary. Br Poult Sci. 34,(1):65-71.
  • Ribatti D, Contino R, Quondamatteo F, Formica V, Tursi A (1992): Mast cell populations in the chick embryo lung and their response to compound 48/80 and dexamethasone. Anatomy and embryology. 186: 241-244.
  • Roitt I, Brostoff J, Male D (1997): Immunology, fifth edition, Mosby, Barcelona.
  • Rocha JS, Chiarini-Garcia H (2007): Mast cell heterogeneity between two different species of Hoplias sp. (Characiformes: Erythrinidae): Response to fixatives, anatomical distribution, histochemical contents and ultrastructural features. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 22: 218-229.
  • Ross MH, Romre JL, Kaye GI (1995): Histology text and atlas, 3th edition. Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • Sağlam M, Aştı RN, Özer A (2001): Genel Histoloji, 6.Baskı, Yorum Yayıncılık. Ankara. Valsala KV, Jarplid B, Hansen HJ (1986): Distribution and ultrastructure of mast cells in the duck. Avian Dis. 30: 653-7.
  • Wang T (1991a): Mast cell in the chick digestive tract. I.Development. Tokai J. Exp. Clin.Med. 16: 21-26.
  • Wang T (1991b): Mast cell in the chick digestive tract. II.Fixation, distribution, histochemistry and ultrastructure. Tokai.J. Exp. Clin.Med. 16: 27-32.
  • Wight, PAL, Mackenzie, GM (1970): The mast cell of Gallus domesticus. II.Histochemistry. Acta Anat. 75, 263-275.
  • Young B, Heath JW (2000): Wheater’s functional histology.
  • International edition. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburg, London, New York, Philadelphia, St.Louis, Sydney, Toronto.

Prenatal ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica'nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 25 - 29, 01.06.2008


Prenatal ve postnatal dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica’nın glandular midesindeki mast hücrelerinin dağılımı, yoğunluğu ve histokimyasal karakteri araştırıldı. Mast hücreleri ilk kez inkübasyonun 12. gününde gözlemlendi. Kuluçka dönemine yaklaştıkça, mast hücre yoğunluğunun düzenli olarak artmıştır, fakat kuluçkadan sonra 1 haftalık civcivlerde mast hücre mitarının önemli ölçüde azaldığı görüldü. Erişkin bireylerde mast hücre yoğunluğunun, 1haftalık civcivlerdekine benzer olduğu gözlendi. Mast hücrelerinin thionin ile metakromatik olarak işaretlendiği görüldü. Alcian Blue/Safranin O boyama yönteminde, mavi [AB(+)], kırmızı [SO(+)] ve karışık renkli [AB/SO(+)] olmak üzere üç tip mast hücre populasyonunun olduğu gözlendi. Gelişim ile birlikte, lamina propria’daki mast hücrelerinde SO(+) boyanma oranının artığı belirlendi


  • Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pober JS, (2000): Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Fourth edition, W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, USA.
  • Aldenborg F, Enerbeck L (1988): Histochemical heterogeneity
  • of dermal mast cells in a thymic and normal rats.
  • Histochemical Journal. 20: 19-28.
  • Bischoof SC (2000): Allergy, 2th edition. Mosby, London, England.
  • Carlson, FL (1997): Histotechnology: a self-instructional text, 2nd edition, American Society of Clinical Pathologists Press. Chicago, USA.
  • Chen XJ, Enerback L (1999): Immature peritoneal mast cells in neonatal rats express the CTMC phenotype, as well as functional IgE receptors. APMIS. Oct;107, (10): 957-65.
  • Cook HC (1961): A modified thionin technique for mast cells in tissue section. J Med. Lab. Technol. 18: 188– 192.
  • Crivellato E, Nico B, Battistig M, Beltrami CA, Ribatti D (2005):
  • The thymus is a site of mast cell development in chicken embryos. Anat Embryol 209: 243–249.
  • Csaba G (1990): Alcian Blue–Safranin method for mast cells (in) Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. JD Bancroft, A Stevens (Editörler), 639s, Livingstone, New York.
  • El Sayed SO, Dyson M (1993): Histochemical heterogenity of mast cells in rat dermis. Biotechnic and Histochemistry. 68: 326-332.
  • Enerback L (1986): Mast cell heterogeneity: the evolution of the concept of a specific mucosal mast cell (in) Mast cell differentiation and heterogeneity. AD Befus, J Bienenstock, JA Denburg (Editörler), 1-26s, Raven Pres, New York.
  • Eren Ü, Aştı RN, Kurtdede N, Sandıkçı M, Sur E (1999): İnek uterusunda mast hücrelerinin histolojik ve histokimyasal özellikleri ve mast hücre heterojenitesi. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 23: 193-201.
  • Erpek S (2004): Mast hücreleri. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 11: 109-120.
  • Hunt C, Campell AM, Robinson C, Holgate T (1991): Structural and secretory characteristics of bovine lung and skin mast cells: evidence for the existence of heterogeneity. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 21: 173- 182.
  • Jamur MC, Lunardi LO, Vugman I (1997): Mast cell maturation in young rats: a histofluorescence and cytochemical study. Acta histochem. 99: 379-389.
  • Karaca, T, Yörük M (2004): A Morphological and Histometrical Study on Distribution and Heterogeneity of Mast Cells of Chicken’s and Quail’s Digestive Tract. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 15, (1-2):115-121.
  • Karaca T, Yörük M, Uslu S (2006): Age-related Changes in the Number of Mast Cells in the Avian Lymphoid Organs. Anat. Histol. Embryol. 35: 375–379.
  • Luna LG (1997): Masson trichrome stain. (in) Histotechnology, A self Instructional Text. FL Carson (Editör), 134s, American Society for Clinical Pathology Press, Chicago.
  • Matsson L (1992): Mast cell heterogeneity in various oral mukosal sites in the rat. Archs. oral Biol. 37, (6): 445-450.
  • Maurer M, Theoharides T, Grandstein RD, Bischoff SC, Bienenstock J, Henz B, Kovanen P, Piliponsky AM, Kambe N, Vliagoftis H, Levi-Schaffer F, Metz M, Miyachi Y, Befus D, Forsythe P, Kitamura Y, Galli S (2003): What is the Physiollogical Function of mast cells?. Experimental Dermatology. 12: 886-910.
  • Metcalfe DD, Baram D, Mekori YA (1997): Mast cells. Physiological reviews. 77: 1033-1079.
  • Michaloudi HC, Papadopoulos GC (1999): Mast cells in the sheep, hedgehog and rat forebrain. J Anat. 195, ( Pt 4): 577-86.
  • Mierke CT, Ballmaier M, Werner U, Manns MP, Welte J, Bischoff SC (2000): Human Endothelial Cells Regulate Survival and Proliferation of Human Mast Cells. J. Exp. Med. 192: 801-812.
  • Müftüoğlu AÜ (1995): Lökosit hastalıkları, İstanbul Üniv. Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • Noviana D, KonoF, Nagakui Y, Shimizu H, Mannba K, Makimura S, Horii Y (2001): Distribution and enzyme histochemical characterisation of mast cells in cats. Histochem. J. 33: 597-603.
  • Oliani SM, Girol AP, Smith RT (1995): Gap junctions between mast cells and fibroblasts in the developing avian eye. Acta anat.(Basel). 154: 267-271.
  • Özbal Y (2000): Temel İmmunoloji, 2.baskı, Nobel kitapevi LTD. Ankara.
  • Parshad RK, Kathpalia K (1993): Distribution and characteristics of mast cells in the chick ovary. Br Poult Sci. 34,(1):65-71.
  • Ribatti D, Contino R, Quondamatteo F, Formica V, Tursi A (1992): Mast cell populations in the chick embryo lung and their response to compound 48/80 and dexamethasone. Anatomy and embryology. 186: 241-244.
  • Roitt I, Brostoff J, Male D (1997): Immunology, fifth edition, Mosby, Barcelona.
  • Rocha JS, Chiarini-Garcia H (2007): Mast cell heterogeneity between two different species of Hoplias sp. (Characiformes: Erythrinidae): Response to fixatives, anatomical distribution, histochemical contents and ultrastructural features. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 22: 218-229.
  • Ross MH, Romre JL, Kaye GI (1995): Histology text and atlas, 3th edition. Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • Sağlam M, Aştı RN, Özer A (2001): Genel Histoloji, 6.Baskı, Yorum Yayıncılık. Ankara. Valsala KV, Jarplid B, Hansen HJ (1986): Distribution and ultrastructure of mast cells in the duck. Avian Dis. 30: 653-7.
  • Wang T (1991a): Mast cell in the chick digestive tract. I.Development. Tokai J. Exp. Clin.Med. 16: 21-26.
  • Wang T (1991b): Mast cell in the chick digestive tract. II.Fixation, distribution, histochemistry and ultrastructure. Tokai.J. Exp. Clin.Med. 16: 27-32.
  • Wight, PAL, Mackenzie, GM (1970): The mast cell of Gallus domesticus. II.Histochemistry. Acta Anat. 75, 263-275.
  • Young B, Heath JW (2000): Wheater’s functional histology.
  • International edition. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburg, London, New York, Philadelphia, St.Louis, Sydney, Toronto.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdulkerim Aksoy Bu kişi benim

Kenan Çınar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aksoy, A., & Çınar, K. (2008). Prenatal ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 25-29.
AMA Aksoy A, Çınar K. Prenatal ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. Haziran 2008;19(2):25-29.
Chicago Aksoy, Abdulkerim, ve Kenan Çınar. “Prenatal Ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus Gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı Ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19, sy. 2 (Haziran 2008): 25-29.
EndNote Aksoy A, Çınar K (01 Haziran 2008) Prenatal ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19 2 25–29.
IEEE A. Aksoy ve K. Çınar, “Prenatal ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri”, YYU Vet Fak Derg, c. 19, sy. 2, ss. 25–29, 2008.
ISNAD Aksoy, Abdulkerim - Çınar, Kenan. “Prenatal Ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus Gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı Ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19/2 (Haziran 2008), 25-29.
JAMA Aksoy A, Çınar K. Prenatal ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2008;19:25–29.
MLA Aksoy, Abdulkerim ve Kenan Çınar. “Prenatal Ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus Gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı Ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 19, sy. 2, 2008, ss. 25-29.
Vancouver Aksoy A, Çınar K. Prenatal ve Postnatal Dönemlerde Gallus gallus domestica’nın Bezsel Midesinde Mast Hücrelerinin Ontogenisi,Dağılımı ve Histokimyasal Karakterleri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2008;19(2):25-9.