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Effect of foliar treatments of seaweed on fruit quality and yield in almond cultivation

Yıl 2022, , 591 - 600, 31.12.2022


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of foliar seaweed treatments on almond cultivation in practice.
Material and Method: The study material consisted of ‘Nonpareil’ and ’Texas' almond varieties grafted on GF-677 rootstock. 4000 ppm seaweed was applied in the form of foliar spraying on the 10th day after full blooming.
Results: While the nut weights were high in the fruits of the control group in both varieties, the kernel weights were the same in the fruits of the control group and seaweed-treated group. Compared with the control, the nut weights of seaweed-treated almonds were low, while kernel weights were high. Therefore, the kernel ratio of seaweed-treated fruits was found to be 6% higher in the ‘Texas’ variety and 14% higher in the ‘Nonpareil’ variety compared to the control group. In addition, seaweed applications increased the yield per tree by 11.18% in the ‘Texas’ variety and 12.12% in the ‘Nonpareil’ variety because of increasing the fruit set in almond trees.
Conclusion: According to the obtained results, it was concluded that 4000 ppm seaweed treatment applied in the form of foliar spraying on the 10th day after full blooming in almond cultivation can make positive contributions to almond cultivation.


  • Ahmadi, S.T., B. Abedy & S.F. Saberali, 2019. Effect of foliar spray with a fertilizer containing amino acids and seaweed extract on quality and yield components of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio. Pomology Research Scientific Journal, 4 (2): 95-106.
  • Akman, I., 1995. Studies on the Effects of Some Growth Regulators on Round Seedless Vineyards and American Vine Cuttings. E.U. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Bornova, İzmir, 52 pp.
  • Atasay, A. & N. Turemiş, 2008. A study on the applicability of organic strawberry cultivation in Egirdir conditions. Cukurova University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 18 (3): 72-81.
  • Aune, D., N. Keum, E. Giovannucci, L.T. Fadnes, P. Boffetta & D.C. Greenwood, 2016. Nut consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease, total cancer, all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. BMC Medicine, 14 (1): 1-14.
  • Barreca, D., S.M. Nabavi, A. Sureda, M. Rasekhian, R. Raciti & A.S. Silva, 2020. Almonds (Prunus Dulcis Mill. D. A. Webb): A source of nutrients and health-promoting compounds. Nutrients, 12 (3): 672 (1-22).
  • Battacharyya, D., M.Z. Babgohari, P. Rathor & B. Prithivraj, 2015. Seaweed extracts as biostimulants in horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae, 196:39-48.
  • Basak, A., 2008. Effect of preharvest treatment with seaweed Products, Kelpak® and Goëmar BM 86®, on fruit quality in apple. International Journal of Fruit Science, 8 (1-2): 1-14.
  • Blunden, G., C. Whapham & T. Jenkyns, 1992. Seaweed Extracts in Agriculture and Horticulture: Their Origins, Uses and Modes of Action. School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science and "School of Biological Sciences, University of Portsmouth, King Henry John Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire P01, U.K., 202 pp
  • Colavita, G.M., N. Spera, V. Blackhall & G.M. Sepulveda, 2014. Effect of seaweed extract on pear fruit quality and yield. XI International Pear Symposium, Acta Horticulturae, 9092: 601-607.
  • Colic, D.S., M.M.F. Asic., K.B. Lazarevic., G.N. Zec, U.M. Gasi, D.C.D. Zagorac& M.M. Natic, 2017. Fatty acid and phenolic profiles of almond grown in Serbia. Food Chemistry, 234: 455-463
  • Correia, S., Schouten, R., A.P. Silva & B. Gonçalves, 2017. Factors affecting quality and health promoting compounds during growth and postharvest life of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 2166.
  • Dede, OH., G. Dede & S. Ozdemir, 2011. Water retention effect of seaweed. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 15 (1): 30-35.
  • Dundar, A., 2019. The Effect of Different Soil Improvers on Tree Growth and Fruit Yield and Quality in Organic Olive Cultivation. Adnan Menderes University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, (Unpublished) Master Thesis, Aydın, 63 pp.
  • El-Miniawy, S.M., M.E. Ragab, S.M. Youssef & A.A Metwally, 2014. Influence of foliar spraying of seaweed extract on growth, yield and quality of strawberry plants. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 10 (2): 88-94.
  • Gite, S.S., J.A. Jadhav, G.A. Zalte & B.R. Saudagar, 2013. A review on oils used in herbal cosmetics research. J. Topical and Cosmetic Sciences. 4 (2): 61-64.
  • Gulsoy. E. & F. Balta, 2014. Selected from Yenipazar, Bozdogan and Karacasu districts of Aydin province of almond (Prunus amygdalus Batch) genotypes, determination of fatty and fatty acid compositions. Journal of Igdir University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4 (1): 9-14.
  • Hussein, S.A., A.M. Noori, M.A. Lateef & C.R. Ismael, 2021. Effect of foliar spray of seaweed (Alga300) and licorice extracts on growth, yield and fruit quality of pomegranate trees Punica granatum L. cv. Salimi. Earth Environ. Sciences, 761 (1): 1-5.
  • Kafkas, S., I.T. Agar., N. Kaska & Y. Tatar, 1995. Pozantı-Kamisli valley and some domestic and foreign adaptation studies were carried out in Sanliurfa-Koruklu lipid content of almond (Amygdalus communis L.) cultivars studies on their characterization. Turkey II. Garden Plants Congress, 1: 398-402.
  • Kaya A., 2007. Effects of Different Organic Fertilizer Applications on Tree and Fruit Characteristics of Giant Plum Varieties. Gaziosmanpasa University Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Horticulture, (Unpublished) Master Thesis, Tokat, 101 pp.
  • Khan, A.S., M. Munir, T. Shaheen, T. Tassawar, M.A. Rafiq, S. Ali, R. Anwar, R.N.U. Rehman, M.U. Hasan & A.U. Malik, 2022. Supplemental foliar applied mixture of amino acids and seaweed extract improved vegetative growth, yield and quality of citrus fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 296: 10903.
  • Koc, M., 2020. The effects of Foliar Seaweed Applied at Different Times and Doses on the Phytochemical Properties of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Varieties. Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, (Unpublished) Master Thesis, Tekirdağ, 62 pp.
  • Kodad, O., G. Estopanán, T. Juan, J.M., Alonso, M.T. Espia & R.S.I. Socias, 2014. Oil content, fatty acid composition and tocopherol concentration in the Spanish Almond Genebank Collection. Scientia Horticulturae, 177: 99-107.
  • Kodad, O., M.S. Gracia Gomez, I. Socias & R. Company, 2004. Fatty acid composition as evaluation criterion for kernel quality in almond breeding. Acta Horticulturae, 663: 301-304.
  • Nanos. G.D., J. Kazantzis, P. Kefalas, C. Petrakis & G.G. Stavroulakis, 2002. Irrigation and harvest time affect almond kernel quality and composition. Scientia Horticulturae, 96: 249-256.
  • Okur, N., H.H. Kayikcioglu., G. Tunc & Y. Tuzel, 2007 The effect of some organic amendments using in organic agriculture on microbial activity in soil. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 44 (2): 65-80.
  • Omar, A.E.D.K., M.A. Ahmed & A.M. Al-Saif, 2017. Influences of seaweed extract and potassium nitrate foliar application on yield and fruit quality of date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. Sukary). Advances in Agricultural Science, 5 (3): 16-22.
  • Pascoalino, L.A., F.S. Reis, L. Barros, M.A. Rodrigues, C.M. Correia. L.A. Vieira. I.C.F.R. Ferreira & J.C.M. Barreira, 2021. Effect of plant biostimulants on nutritional and chemical profiles of almond and hazelnut. Applied Science, 11 (17): 7778.
  • Samur, G., 2006. Nutrition in Cardiovascular Diseases. ISBN: 975-590-181-7, Sinem Printing Press, Ankara, 20 pp.
  • Semma, M., 2002. Trans fatty acids: Properties, benefits and risks. Journal of Health Science, 48 (1): 7-13.
  • Sencopur, A., 1995. Effects of GA3 Foliar Fertilizer Liquid and Powder Seaweed Extract Applications on Yield and Quality in Clementine Mandarin. Akdeniz University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, (Unpublished) Master Thesis, Antalya, 69 pp.
  • Strik, W. A., M. S. Novak & J. Van Staden, 2003. Cytokinins in macroalgae. Plant Growth Regulation, 41: 13-24.
  • TRADEMAP, 2020. Trade Statistics for International Business Development. Monthly, quarterly and yearly trade data. Import&export values, volumes, growth rates, market shares, etc. (Web page: https: // (Date accessed: June, 2022).
  • Yildirim, F.A., A.N. Yildirim, F. Koyuncu & E. Tekintas, 2008. Almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch.) selected in the Isparta region. Some Chemical Properties of Genotypes and Compositions of Fatty Acids1. Adnan Menderes University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 5 (1): 19-25.
  • Zacheo, G., M.S. Cappello, A. Gallo, A. Santino & A.R. Cappello, 2000. Changes associated with post-harvest ageing in almond seeds. LWT Food Science and Technology, 33 (6): 415-423.
  • Zhu, Y., K.L. Wilkinson & M.G. Wirthensohn, 2015. Lipophilic antioxidant content of almonds (Prunus dulcis). A regional and varietal study. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 39: 120-127.
  • Zodape, S. T., Mukhopadhyay, S., Eswaran, K., M.P. Reddy & J. Chikara, 2010. Enhanced yield and nutritional quality in greengram (Phaseolus radiata) treated with seaweed (Kappapyucus alvarezii) extract. Journal of Industrial Research, 70: 215-219.

Badem yetiştiriciliğinde yapraktan deniz yosunu uygulamalarının meyve kalitesi ve verime etkisi

Yıl 2022, , 591 - 600, 31.12.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışma yapraktan deniz yosunu uygulamalarının pratikte badem yetiştiriciliğine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışma materyalini GF-677 anacına üzerine aşılı ‘Nonpareil’ ve ’Texas’ badem çeşitleri oluşturmuştur. Tam çiçeklenmeden 10 gün sonra yapraktan spreyleme şeklinde 4000 ppm deniz yosunu uygulaması yapılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Kabuklu badem ağırlıkları her iki çeşitte de kontrol grubundaki meyvelerde yüksek bulunurken, iç badem ağırlıkları ise kontrol grubu ve deniz yosunu uygulaması yapılan meyvelerde aynı değerde olmuştur. Kontrol ile karşılaştırıldığında, deniz yosunu uygulaması yapılan bademlerin kabuklu ağırlıkları düşük iken, iç ağırlıkları yüksek olmuştur. Bu nedenle deniz yosunu uygulaması yapılan meyvelerin iç doldurma oranları kontrol grubuna göre ‘Texas’ çeşidinde %6, ‘Nonpareil’ çeşidinde %14 daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Bunun yanında, deniz yosunu uygulamaları badem ağaçlarında meyve tutumunu artırarak; Texas çeşidinde %11.18, Nonpareil çeşidinde %12.12 oranında ağaç başına verimi artırmıştır.
Sonuç: Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, badem yetiştiriciliğinde tam çiçeklenmeden 10 gün sonra yapraktan spreyleme şeklinde 4000 ppm uygulanan deniz yosunu uygulamasının olumlu katkıları olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Ahmadi, S.T., B. Abedy & S.F. Saberali, 2019. Effect of foliar spray with a fertilizer containing amino acids and seaweed extract on quality and yield components of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio. Pomology Research Scientific Journal, 4 (2): 95-106.
  • Akman, I., 1995. Studies on the Effects of Some Growth Regulators on Round Seedless Vineyards and American Vine Cuttings. E.U. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Bornova, İzmir, 52 pp.
  • Atasay, A. & N. Turemiş, 2008. A study on the applicability of organic strawberry cultivation in Egirdir conditions. Cukurova University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 18 (3): 72-81.
  • Aune, D., N. Keum, E. Giovannucci, L.T. Fadnes, P. Boffetta & D.C. Greenwood, 2016. Nut consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease, total cancer, all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. BMC Medicine, 14 (1): 1-14.
  • Barreca, D., S.M. Nabavi, A. Sureda, M. Rasekhian, R. Raciti & A.S. Silva, 2020. Almonds (Prunus Dulcis Mill. D. A. Webb): A source of nutrients and health-promoting compounds. Nutrients, 12 (3): 672 (1-22).
  • Battacharyya, D., M.Z. Babgohari, P. Rathor & B. Prithivraj, 2015. Seaweed extracts as biostimulants in horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae, 196:39-48.
  • Basak, A., 2008. Effect of preharvest treatment with seaweed Products, Kelpak® and Goëmar BM 86®, on fruit quality in apple. International Journal of Fruit Science, 8 (1-2): 1-14.
  • Blunden, G., C. Whapham & T. Jenkyns, 1992. Seaweed Extracts in Agriculture and Horticulture: Their Origins, Uses and Modes of Action. School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science and "School of Biological Sciences, University of Portsmouth, King Henry John Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire P01, U.K., 202 pp
  • Colavita, G.M., N. Spera, V. Blackhall & G.M. Sepulveda, 2014. Effect of seaweed extract on pear fruit quality and yield. XI International Pear Symposium, Acta Horticulturae, 9092: 601-607.
  • Colic, D.S., M.M.F. Asic., K.B. Lazarevic., G.N. Zec, U.M. Gasi, D.C.D. Zagorac& M.M. Natic, 2017. Fatty acid and phenolic profiles of almond grown in Serbia. Food Chemistry, 234: 455-463
  • Correia, S., Schouten, R., A.P. Silva & B. Gonçalves, 2017. Factors affecting quality and health promoting compounds during growth and postharvest life of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 2166.
  • Dede, OH., G. Dede & S. Ozdemir, 2011. Water retention effect of seaweed. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 15 (1): 30-35.
  • Dundar, A., 2019. The Effect of Different Soil Improvers on Tree Growth and Fruit Yield and Quality in Organic Olive Cultivation. Adnan Menderes University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, (Unpublished) Master Thesis, Aydın, 63 pp.
  • El-Miniawy, S.M., M.E. Ragab, S.M. Youssef & A.A Metwally, 2014. Influence of foliar spraying of seaweed extract on growth, yield and quality of strawberry plants. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 10 (2): 88-94.
  • Gite, S.S., J.A. Jadhav, G.A. Zalte & B.R. Saudagar, 2013. A review on oils used in herbal cosmetics research. J. Topical and Cosmetic Sciences. 4 (2): 61-64.
  • Gulsoy. E. & F. Balta, 2014. Selected from Yenipazar, Bozdogan and Karacasu districts of Aydin province of almond (Prunus amygdalus Batch) genotypes, determination of fatty and fatty acid compositions. Journal of Igdir University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4 (1): 9-14.
  • Hussein, S.A., A.M. Noori, M.A. Lateef & C.R. Ismael, 2021. Effect of foliar spray of seaweed (Alga300) and licorice extracts on growth, yield and fruit quality of pomegranate trees Punica granatum L. cv. Salimi. Earth Environ. Sciences, 761 (1): 1-5.
  • Kafkas, S., I.T. Agar., N. Kaska & Y. Tatar, 1995. Pozantı-Kamisli valley and some domestic and foreign adaptation studies were carried out in Sanliurfa-Koruklu lipid content of almond (Amygdalus communis L.) cultivars studies on their characterization. Turkey II. Garden Plants Congress, 1: 398-402.
  • Kaya A., 2007. Effects of Different Organic Fertilizer Applications on Tree and Fruit Characteristics of Giant Plum Varieties. Gaziosmanpasa University Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Horticulture, (Unpublished) Master Thesis, Tokat, 101 pp.
  • Khan, A.S., M. Munir, T. Shaheen, T. Tassawar, M.A. Rafiq, S. Ali, R. Anwar, R.N.U. Rehman, M.U. Hasan & A.U. Malik, 2022. Supplemental foliar applied mixture of amino acids and seaweed extract improved vegetative growth, yield and quality of citrus fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 296: 10903.
  • Koc, M., 2020. The effects of Foliar Seaweed Applied at Different Times and Doses on the Phytochemical Properties of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Varieties. Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, (Unpublished) Master Thesis, Tekirdağ, 62 pp.
  • Kodad, O., G. Estopanán, T. Juan, J.M., Alonso, M.T. Espia & R.S.I. Socias, 2014. Oil content, fatty acid composition and tocopherol concentration in the Spanish Almond Genebank Collection. Scientia Horticulturae, 177: 99-107.
  • Kodad, O., M.S. Gracia Gomez, I. Socias & R. Company, 2004. Fatty acid composition as evaluation criterion for kernel quality in almond breeding. Acta Horticulturae, 663: 301-304.
  • Nanos. G.D., J. Kazantzis, P. Kefalas, C. Petrakis & G.G. Stavroulakis, 2002. Irrigation and harvest time affect almond kernel quality and composition. Scientia Horticulturae, 96: 249-256.
  • Okur, N., H.H. Kayikcioglu., G. Tunc & Y. Tuzel, 2007 The effect of some organic amendments using in organic agriculture on microbial activity in soil. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 44 (2): 65-80.
  • Omar, A.E.D.K., M.A. Ahmed & A.M. Al-Saif, 2017. Influences of seaweed extract and potassium nitrate foliar application on yield and fruit quality of date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. Sukary). Advances in Agricultural Science, 5 (3): 16-22.
  • Pascoalino, L.A., F.S. Reis, L. Barros, M.A. Rodrigues, C.M. Correia. L.A. Vieira. I.C.F.R. Ferreira & J.C.M. Barreira, 2021. Effect of plant biostimulants on nutritional and chemical profiles of almond and hazelnut. Applied Science, 11 (17): 7778.
  • Samur, G., 2006. Nutrition in Cardiovascular Diseases. ISBN: 975-590-181-7, Sinem Printing Press, Ankara, 20 pp.
  • Semma, M., 2002. Trans fatty acids: Properties, benefits and risks. Journal of Health Science, 48 (1): 7-13.
  • Sencopur, A., 1995. Effects of GA3 Foliar Fertilizer Liquid and Powder Seaweed Extract Applications on Yield and Quality in Clementine Mandarin. Akdeniz University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, (Unpublished) Master Thesis, Antalya, 69 pp.
  • Strik, W. A., M. S. Novak & J. Van Staden, 2003. Cytokinins in macroalgae. Plant Growth Regulation, 41: 13-24.
  • TRADEMAP, 2020. Trade Statistics for International Business Development. Monthly, quarterly and yearly trade data. Import&export values, volumes, growth rates, market shares, etc. (Web page: https: // (Date accessed: June, 2022).
  • Yildirim, F.A., A.N. Yildirim, F. Koyuncu & E. Tekintas, 2008. Almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch.) selected in the Isparta region. Some Chemical Properties of Genotypes and Compositions of Fatty Acids1. Adnan Menderes University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 5 (1): 19-25.
  • Zacheo, G., M.S. Cappello, A. Gallo, A. Santino & A.R. Cappello, 2000. Changes associated with post-harvest ageing in almond seeds. LWT Food Science and Technology, 33 (6): 415-423.
  • Zhu, Y., K.L. Wilkinson & M.G. Wirthensohn, 2015. Lipophilic antioxidant content of almonds (Prunus dulcis). A regional and varietal study. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 39: 120-127.
  • Zodape, S. T., Mukhopadhyay, S., Eswaran, K., M.P. Reddy & J. Chikara, 2010. Enhanced yield and nutritional quality in greengram (Phaseolus radiata) treated with seaweed (Kappapyucus alvarezii) extract. Journal of Industrial Research, 70: 215-219.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Gıda Bilimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Deniz Eroğul 0000-0001-9559-7855

Hafize Karabıyık Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6623-721X

Dorukhan Çantal Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3655-5457

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2022
Kabul Tarihi 27 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Eroğul, D., Karabıyık, H., & Çantal, D. (2022). Effect of foliar treatments of seaweed on fruit quality and yield in almond cultivation. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 59(4), 591-600.

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