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Economics analysis of the use of modern and traditional methods in honey production among farmers in Enugu State Nigeria

Yıl 2022, , 611 - 619, 31.12.2022


Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the cost and returns on the use of traditional and modern methods of honey production and barriers faced by farmers.
Material and Methods: Primary data was collected from 100 beekeepers using both purposive and random selection techniques. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and cost and return analysis.
Results: The modern methods of apiculture had a higher honey yield (105.4 litres) than the traditional method (52.3 litres). Also, modern methods had a higher gross margin (₦123,434.54) and benefit-cost ratio (2.99) than traditional methods, with a gross margin of ₦73,055.46 and a benefit-cost ratio of 2.99. The major constraints faced in apiculture include pests, hive theft and vandalism, changing climatic conditions, lack of equipment, and lack of capital.
Conclusion: The modern method of beekeeping was more profitable and the best technique to use in honey production. This study recommends sensitization and training on modern apiculture, the provision of modern equipment, and credit facilities to beekeepers to enable them to adopt the modern method.


  • Abdullahi, A., J. Isekenegbe & U.S. Mohammed, 2014. Comparative economic analysis of modern and traditional bee-keeping in Lere and Zaria local government areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 3 (5): 989-999.
  • Achoja, F. O. & E. Ukwama, 2020. Adoption of Smart Strategies for Enhancing Productivity and Income of West African Dwarf (WAD) Goat Farmers in Southern Nigeria. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 57 (3): 343-350. https: //
  • Ajao, A. M. & Y.U. Oladimeji, 2015. Structure, production and constraints of honey hunting and traditional beekeeping activities in Patigi, Kwara state, Nigeria. Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences a Entomology, 8 (1): 41-52.
  • Akanbi, S.O., R. Mukaila & A. Adebisi, 2022. Analysis of rice production and the impacts of the usage of certified seeds on yield and income in Cote d’Ivoire. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, Article in Press https: //
  • Akinade, T.G., 2019. Prospects and challenges of beekeeping in Potiskum Local Government Area of Yobe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Agriculture & Biology Research, 7 (2): 19-25.
  • Akinmulewo, B.O., Y.U. Oladimeji & Z. Abdulsalam, 2017. Assessment of the profitability of improved apiculture in federal capital territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 19 (1): 23-35.
  • Amssalu, B.B., 2002. Multivariate Morphometric Analysis and Behaviour of Honeybees (Apis mellifera) in the Southern Regions of Ethiopia. Department of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, South Africa, 332 pp.
  • Asmiro, A.F., A.T. Kindye, A.M. Mulugeta & A.E. Lijalem, 2017. Adoption and Intensity of Use of Modern Beehives in Wag Himra and North Wollo Zones, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Economics, 26 (2): 1-30.
  • Assi, C.K., G.E. Bolou, S. Savadogo & N.G. Koffi, 2020. Traditional and modern beekeeping practices in the centre of Côte d'Ivoire: the case of the western part of Yamoussoukro. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 10 (11): 347-357. http: //
  • Bhatta, S., S. Baral & J.P. Datta, 2020. Economic analysis of honey production in Chitwan District, Nepal. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 15 (1): 132.137.
  • Boyacı, M., 2022. Factors affecting the adaptation of farmers to innovations according to extension workers: The case of Aegean Region. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 59 (1): 43-59. https: //
  • Chiemela, C.J., S.N. Chiemela, R. Mukaila, I.C. Ukwuaba & C.C. Nwokolo, 2021. Effects of covid-19 on small-scale agribusiness in Enugu State, Nigeria. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 21 (3): 255-263.
  • DeGrandi-Hoffman, G., H. Graham, F. Ahumada, M. Smart & N. Ziolkowski, 2019. The economics of honey bee (Hymenoptera apidae) management and overwintering strategies for colonies used to pollinate almonds. Journal of Economic Entomology, 112 (6): 2524-2533. https: //
  • Demirkaya, A. & A.G. Sagdicoglu Celep, 2022. Effects of royal jelly on obesity. Uludag Bee Journal, 22 (1): 87-95. https: //
  • Edessa, N., 2002. Survey on Honey Production System in West Shoa Zone: (unpublished) Holeta Bee Research Centre (HBRC), Ethiopia, 15 pp.
  • Elzaki, E. & G. Tian, 2020. Economic evaluation of the honey yield from four forest tree species and the future prospect of the forest beekeeping in Sudan. Agroforest System, 94: 1037-1045. https: //
  • Falola, A., R. Mukaila & J.O. Emmanuel, 2022a. Economic analysis of small-scale fish farms and fund security in North-Central Nigeria. Aquaculture International, 30 (6): 2937-2952. https: //
  • Falola, A., R. Mukaila & K.O. Abdulhamid, 2022b. Informal finance: its drivers and contributions to farm investment among rural farmers in Northcentral Nigeria. Agricultural Finance Review, 82 (5): 942-959. https: //
  • FAO, 2011. Beekeeping and Sustainable Livelihoods. FAO Diversification Booklet, Number: One, Second Edition, 72 pp.
  • Gbigbi, T.M. & G.O. Ndubuokwu, 2022. Determinants of agricultural insurance patronage among crop farmers in Delta north agricultural zone, Delta State, Nigeria. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 59 (2): 235-248, https: //
  • Gezahegne, K., 2001. “Marketing of honey and bees wax in Ethiopia: past, present and perspective feature, 78-88”. 3rd National Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Beekeeper’s Association (3-4 September, Addis Ababa). Ethiopian Beekeeper’s Association, 11 pp.
  • Gurung, M.B., 2005. “Improving the cash income of poor mountain households through Apis cerana beekeeping: an experience from Nepal, 1-18”. ICIMOD Newsletter from International Centre for International Mountain Development, Khumaltar, Nepal. No. 48 (Autumn 2005), 18 pp.
  • Holeta Bee Research Center, 2004. Bee-Keeping Training Manual. Holeta, Ethiopia, 23 pp.
  • Keralem, E., 2005. Honey Bee Production System, Opportunities and Challenges in Enebse Sarmidir Woreda (Amhara Region) and Amaro Special Weredo (Southern Nations, Nationalities and People Region), Ethiopia. Alemaya University, (Unpublished) M.Sc. Thesis, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, 133 pp.
  • Koşum, N., T. Taşkın, S. Engindeniz & C. Kandemir, 2019. Goat meat production and evaluation of its sustainability in Türkiye. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 56 (3): 395-407.
  • Mukaila, R., 2022. Agricultural entrepreneurship among the youth: The case of youth involvement in rabbit production in Nigeria. International Entrepreneurship Review, 8 (1): 35-46. https: //
  • Mukaila, R., A. Falola & L.O. Egwue, 2021. Income diversification and drivers of rural smallholder farmers’ income in Enugu State, Nigeria. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 21 (3): 585-592.
  • Ogunola A.A., M.O. Agunbiade & E.O. Oluwalana, 2019. Profitability of honey production in Ogun State, Nigeria. Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, 7 (12): 345-349.
  • Otim O.S., R. Kajobe, J.M. Kungu & R. Echodu, 2019. The socio-economic factors influencing honey production in Uganda. Global Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (2): 1-9.
  • Oyerinde, A.A. & A.T. Ande, 2006. Distribution and impact of honeybee pest on colony development in Kwara State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences, 5 (3): 85-88.
  • Popovska, S.D., L. Dimitrov, J. Danihlík, A. Uzunov, M. Golubovski, S. Andonov & R. Brodschneider, 2021. Direct economic impact assessment of winter honeybee colony losses in three European Countries. Agriculture, 11 (15): 1-15. https: //
  • Saner, G., S. Engindeniz, B.Tolon & F.Çukur, 2004, The economic analysis of beekeeping enterprise in sustainable development: a case study of Turkey. APIACTA 38: 342-351.
  • Verma, T.C., K.C. Meena, S. Aswal & D.K. Singh, 2018. Socio-personal and economic analysis of apiculture enterprise in Hadauoti Region of Rajasthan. Economic Affairs, 63 (1): 261-268. https: //
  • Vrabcová, P. & M. Hájek, 2020. The economic value of the ecosystem services of beekeeping in the Czech Republic. Sustainability, 12 (23): 1-11. https: //
  • Yeserah, S., A. Jenberie & D. Begna, 2019. Honey marketing, structure and conduct of honey market in Gozamen district, East Gojjam Zone, and Amhara Region. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 5 (1): 1620153. https: //

Nijerya, Enugu Eyaletindeki çiftçiler arasında bal üretiminde modern ve geleneksel yöntemlerin kullanımının ekonomik analizi

Yıl 2022, , 611 - 619, 31.12.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, geleneksel ve modern bal üretim yöntemlerinin kullanımının maliyet ve getirilerini ve çiftçilerin karşılaştığı engelleri incelemektir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Hem gayeli hem de rastgele seçim teknikleri kullanılarak 100 arıcıdan birincil veriler toplanmıştır. Veriler, tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve maliyet ve getiri analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.
Araştırma Bulguları: Modern arıcılık yöntemleri, geleneksel yönteme (52,3 litre) göre daha yüksek bal verimine (105.4 litre) sahiptir. Ayrıca, modern yöntemlerin brüt kâr (₦123,434.54) ve fayda-maliyet oranı (2,99), geleneksel yöntemlerin brüt kârından (74,055,46) ve fayda-maliyet oranından (2,98) daha yüksektir. Arıcılıkta karşılaşılan başlıca arasında zararlılar, kovan hırsızlığı ve vandalizm, değişen iklim koşulları, ekipman eksikliği ve sermaye eksikliği sayılabilir.
Sonuç: Modern arıcılık yöntemi daha kârlı ve bal üretiminde kullanılacak en iyi tekniktir. Bu çalışma, modern arıcılık konusunda eğitim verilmesini, modern ekipman temini ve çiftçilerin modern yöntemi benimseyebilmeleri için kredi kolaylıkları sağlanmasını önermektedir.


  • Abdullahi, A., J. Isekenegbe & U.S. Mohammed, 2014. Comparative economic analysis of modern and traditional bee-keeping in Lere and Zaria local government areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 3 (5): 989-999.
  • Achoja, F. O. & E. Ukwama, 2020. Adoption of Smart Strategies for Enhancing Productivity and Income of West African Dwarf (WAD) Goat Farmers in Southern Nigeria. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 57 (3): 343-350. https: //
  • Ajao, A. M. & Y.U. Oladimeji, 2015. Structure, production and constraints of honey hunting and traditional beekeeping activities in Patigi, Kwara state, Nigeria. Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences a Entomology, 8 (1): 41-52.
  • Akanbi, S.O., R. Mukaila & A. Adebisi, 2022. Analysis of rice production and the impacts of the usage of certified seeds on yield and income in Cote d’Ivoire. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, Article in Press https: //
  • Akinade, T.G., 2019. Prospects and challenges of beekeeping in Potiskum Local Government Area of Yobe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Agriculture & Biology Research, 7 (2): 19-25.
  • Akinmulewo, B.O., Y.U. Oladimeji & Z. Abdulsalam, 2017. Assessment of the profitability of improved apiculture in federal capital territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 19 (1): 23-35.
  • Amssalu, B.B., 2002. Multivariate Morphometric Analysis and Behaviour of Honeybees (Apis mellifera) in the Southern Regions of Ethiopia. Department of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, South Africa, 332 pp.
  • Asmiro, A.F., A.T. Kindye, A.M. Mulugeta & A.E. Lijalem, 2017. Adoption and Intensity of Use of Modern Beehives in Wag Himra and North Wollo Zones, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Economics, 26 (2): 1-30.
  • Assi, C.K., G.E. Bolou, S. Savadogo & N.G. Koffi, 2020. Traditional and modern beekeeping practices in the centre of Côte d'Ivoire: the case of the western part of Yamoussoukro. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 10 (11): 347-357. http: //
  • Bhatta, S., S. Baral & J.P. Datta, 2020. Economic analysis of honey production in Chitwan District, Nepal. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 15 (1): 132.137.
  • Boyacı, M., 2022. Factors affecting the adaptation of farmers to innovations according to extension workers: The case of Aegean Region. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 59 (1): 43-59. https: //
  • Chiemela, C.J., S.N. Chiemela, R. Mukaila, I.C. Ukwuaba & C.C. Nwokolo, 2021. Effects of covid-19 on small-scale agribusiness in Enugu State, Nigeria. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 21 (3): 255-263.
  • DeGrandi-Hoffman, G., H. Graham, F. Ahumada, M. Smart & N. Ziolkowski, 2019. The economics of honey bee (Hymenoptera apidae) management and overwintering strategies for colonies used to pollinate almonds. Journal of Economic Entomology, 112 (6): 2524-2533. https: //
  • Demirkaya, A. & A.G. Sagdicoglu Celep, 2022. Effects of royal jelly on obesity. Uludag Bee Journal, 22 (1): 87-95. https: //
  • Edessa, N., 2002. Survey on Honey Production System in West Shoa Zone: (unpublished) Holeta Bee Research Centre (HBRC), Ethiopia, 15 pp.
  • Elzaki, E. & G. Tian, 2020. Economic evaluation of the honey yield from four forest tree species and the future prospect of the forest beekeeping in Sudan. Agroforest System, 94: 1037-1045. https: //
  • Falola, A., R. Mukaila & J.O. Emmanuel, 2022a. Economic analysis of small-scale fish farms and fund security in North-Central Nigeria. Aquaculture International, 30 (6): 2937-2952. https: //
  • Falola, A., R. Mukaila & K.O. Abdulhamid, 2022b. Informal finance: its drivers and contributions to farm investment among rural farmers in Northcentral Nigeria. Agricultural Finance Review, 82 (5): 942-959. https: //
  • FAO, 2011. Beekeeping and Sustainable Livelihoods. FAO Diversification Booklet, Number: One, Second Edition, 72 pp.
  • Gbigbi, T.M. & G.O. Ndubuokwu, 2022. Determinants of agricultural insurance patronage among crop farmers in Delta north agricultural zone, Delta State, Nigeria. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 59 (2): 235-248, https: //
  • Gezahegne, K., 2001. “Marketing of honey and bees wax in Ethiopia: past, present and perspective feature, 78-88”. 3rd National Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Beekeeper’s Association (3-4 September, Addis Ababa). Ethiopian Beekeeper’s Association, 11 pp.
  • Gurung, M.B., 2005. “Improving the cash income of poor mountain households through Apis cerana beekeeping: an experience from Nepal, 1-18”. ICIMOD Newsletter from International Centre for International Mountain Development, Khumaltar, Nepal. No. 48 (Autumn 2005), 18 pp.
  • Holeta Bee Research Center, 2004. Bee-Keeping Training Manual. Holeta, Ethiopia, 23 pp.
  • Keralem, E., 2005. Honey Bee Production System, Opportunities and Challenges in Enebse Sarmidir Woreda (Amhara Region) and Amaro Special Weredo (Southern Nations, Nationalities and People Region), Ethiopia. Alemaya University, (Unpublished) M.Sc. Thesis, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, 133 pp.
  • Koşum, N., T. Taşkın, S. Engindeniz & C. Kandemir, 2019. Goat meat production and evaluation of its sustainability in Türkiye. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 56 (3): 395-407.
  • Mukaila, R., 2022. Agricultural entrepreneurship among the youth: The case of youth involvement in rabbit production in Nigeria. International Entrepreneurship Review, 8 (1): 35-46. https: //
  • Mukaila, R., A. Falola & L.O. Egwue, 2021. Income diversification and drivers of rural smallholder farmers’ income in Enugu State, Nigeria. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 21 (3): 585-592.
  • Ogunola A.A., M.O. Agunbiade & E.O. Oluwalana, 2019. Profitability of honey production in Ogun State, Nigeria. Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, 7 (12): 345-349.
  • Otim O.S., R. Kajobe, J.M. Kungu & R. Echodu, 2019. The socio-economic factors influencing honey production in Uganda. Global Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (2): 1-9.
  • Oyerinde, A.A. & A.T. Ande, 2006. Distribution and impact of honeybee pest on colony development in Kwara State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences, 5 (3): 85-88.
  • Popovska, S.D., L. Dimitrov, J. Danihlík, A. Uzunov, M. Golubovski, S. Andonov & R. Brodschneider, 2021. Direct economic impact assessment of winter honeybee colony losses in three European Countries. Agriculture, 11 (15): 1-15. https: //
  • Saner, G., S. Engindeniz, B.Tolon & F.Çukur, 2004, The economic analysis of beekeeping enterprise in sustainable development: a case study of Turkey. APIACTA 38: 342-351.
  • Verma, T.C., K.C. Meena, S. Aswal & D.K. Singh, 2018. Socio-personal and economic analysis of apiculture enterprise in Hadauoti Region of Rajasthan. Economic Affairs, 63 (1): 261-268. https: //
  • Vrabcová, P. & M. Hájek, 2020. The economic value of the ecosystem services of beekeeping in the Czech Republic. Sustainability, 12 (23): 1-11. https: //
  • Yeserah, S., A. Jenberie & D. Begna, 2019. Honey marketing, structure and conduct of honey market in Gozamen district, East Gojjam Zone, and Amhara Region. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 5 (1): 1620153. https: //
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Gıda Bilimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Chinedum Chiemela 0000-0002-8605-0871

Ridwan Mukaila 0000-0001-8584-0858

Ikenna Ukwuaba 0000-0002-3534-9785

Angela Obetta 0000-0002-0562-2648

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ağustos 2022
Kabul Tarihi 8 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Chiemela, C., Mukaila, R., Ukwuaba, I., Obetta, A. (2022). Economics analysis of the use of modern and traditional methods in honey production among farmers in Enugu State Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 59(4), 611-619.

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