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Effects of charcoal and physical state of medium on micropropagation of black mulbery (Morus nigra L.)

Yıl 2023, , 53 - 60, 01.04.2023


Objective: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of charcoal and physical state of culture medium on growth of Morus nigra. L.
Material and Methods: For the study tree mature black mulbery (M. nigra) genotypes A5, T6 and T8 grown in vitro were used as the explant source in this study. To find out the possible effects of charcoal and culture physical state (culture medium) on culture growth used four) Liquid Nas and Read Medium (NRM) + 0.5 gl-1 activated charcoal, Liquid NRM containing no charcoal, Gelled NRM + 0.5 gl-1 activated charcoal, agar-gelled NRM containing no charcoal) medium were used in the study to find out the possible effects of the presence of charcoal and physical state of the culture medium on culture growth.
Results: Medium physical state and presence of activated charcoal in the medium greatly affected mean shoot number per cultured explants. Mean shoot numbers obtained per explants varied between 1.1 and 5.8. Medium containing no charcoal produced more shoots compared to medium containing charcoal and agar - gelled medium produced more shoots compared to liquid medium.
Conclusion: Agar- The gelled medium with agar gave better results for black mulbery (M. nigra) than the liquid medium.


  • Adelderg, J., M. Koroggel & J. Toler, 2000. Physical environment in vitro affects laboratory and nursery growth of micropropagated Hostas. HortTechnology, 10 (4): 754-757.
  • Altman, A., 2000. “Micropropagation of Plants, Principles and Practice, 916-929”. In: Encyclopedia of Cell Technology (Ed. R. E. Spier). NewYork: John Wiley & Sons, 1249 pp.
  • Bae, S.H. & H.J. Suh, 2007. Antioxidant activities of five different mulberry cultivars in Korea. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 40 (6): 955-962.
  • Baytop, T., 1996. Türkiye‟de Bitkiler ile Tedavi. I.U. Yayinlari No: 3255, Eczacilik Fak., 40:444. Baytop, T., 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul. 409s.
  • Bhau, B. S & A. K. Wakhlu, 2001. Effect of genotype, explant type and growth regulators on organogenesis in (Morus alba L.). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 66: 25-29.
  • Bhau, B.S. & A.K. Wakhlu, 2003. Rapid micropropagation of five cultivars of mulberry. Biologia Plantarum, 46 (3): 349-355.
  • Chandra, S., R. Bandopadhyay, V. Kumar & R. Chandra, 2010. Acclimatization of tissue cultured plantlets: from laboratory to land. Biotechnology letters, 32 (9): 1199-1205.
  • Chen, J., J. Kan, J. Tang, Z. Cai & J. Liu, 2012. The profile in polyphenols and volatile compounds in alcoholic beverages from different cultivars of mulberry. Journal of Food Science, 77 (4): C430-C436.
  • Chitra, D. S. V. & G. Padmaja, 1999. Clonal propagation of mulberry (Morus indica L. cultivar M-5) through in vitro culture of nodal explants. Scientia Horticulturae, 80 (3-4): 289-298. (98)00252-0
  • Dairas, M. J., G.R. Lobo & J.C. Hernandez, 2003. Alcoholic beverages obtained from black mulberry. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 41 (2): 173-176.
  • Das, B. C., 1983. Mulberry taxonomy, cytogenetics and breeding. In: National Seminar on Silk Research and Development (Vol. 10, p. 135).
  • Doğan, M., 2022. In Vitro Shoot Regeneration of Lysimachia nummularia L. in Solid and Liquid Culture Medium. Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP), 5 (1): 12-18.
  • Ercisli, S. & E. Orhan, 2007. Chemical composition of white (Morus alba), red (Morus rubra) and black (Morus nigra) mulberry fruits. Food chemistry, 103 (4): 1380-1384.
  • Gerasopoulos, D. & G. Stavroulakis, 1997. Quality characteristics of four mulberry (Morus spp.) cultivars in the area of Chania Greece. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 73 (2): 261-264. (SICI)1097-0010 (199702) 73:2<261::AID-JSFA724>3.0.CO;2-S
  • Hepaksoy, S., 2017. GF 677 (P. amygdalus x P. persica) klon anacının doku kültüründe sürgünucu tekniği ile çoğaltılması. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54 (4): 447-451.
  • Hossain, M., S.M. Rahman, A. Zaman, O.I. Joarder & R. Islam, 1992. Micropropagation of Morus laevigata Wall. from mature trees. Plant Cell Reports, 11 (10): 522-524.
  • Kapur, A., S. Bhatnagar & P. Khurana, 2001. Efficient regeneration from mature leaf explants of Indian mulberry via organogenesis. Sericologia (France), 41: 207-214.
  • Lalitha, N., S. Kih, R. Banerjee, S. Chattopadhya, A.K. Saha & B.B. Bindroo, 2013. High frequency multiple shoot induction and in vitro regeneration of mulberry (Morus indica L. cv. S-1635). International Journal of Advanced Research, 1: 22-26.
  • Lu, M., 2002. Micropropagation of Morus latifolia poilet using axillary buds from mature trees. Scientia Horticulturae, 96 (1-4): 329-341. (02)00120-6
  • Nas, M. N. & P.E. Read, 2004. A hypothesis for the development of a defined tissue cultu- re medium of higher plants and micropropagation of hazelnuts. Scientia Horticulturae, 101 (1-2): 189-200.
  • Nas, M. N., L. Gokbunar, N. Sevgin, M. Aydemir, M. Dagli & Z. Susluoglu, 2012. Micropropagation of mature Crataegus aronia L., a medicinal and ornamental plant with rootstock potential for pome fruit. Plant Growth Regulation, 67 (1): 57-63.
  • Ohyama, K. & S. Oka, 1987. "Mulberry." Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Springer, Dordrecht, 1987. 272-284.
  • Ouyang, Z., J. Chen & Y.H. Li, 2005. Separation, purification and composition analysis of polysaccharides in leaves of Morus alba L. Food Science (China), 26 (3): 181-184.
  • Pati, P. K., S.P. Rath, M. Sharma, A. Sood & P.S. Ahuja, 2006. In vitro propagation of rose: a review. Biotechnolgy Advances, 24: 94-114.
  • Rajore, S. & A. Batra, 2005. Efficient plant regeneration via shoot tip explant in Jatrophacurcas L. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 14 (1): 73-75.
  • Vijayan, K., B. Saratchandra, D.A. Teixeira & J.A. Silva, 2011. Germplasm conservation in mulberry (Morus spp.). Scientia Horticulturae, 128 (4): 371-379.
  • Wang, R. S., P.H. Dong, X.X. Shuai & M.S. Chen, 2022. Evaluation of different black mulberry fruits (Morus nigra L.) based on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Foods, 11 (9).
  • Wasano, N., K. Konno, M. Nakamura, C. Hirayama, M. Hattori & K. Tateishi, 2009. A unique latex protein, MLX56, defends mulberry trees from insects. Phytochemistry, 70 (7): 880-888.
  • Zainel, A. A. & S. Hepaksoy, 2018. Bir idris anacı ‘pontaleb’in doku kültürü ile çoğaltılma olanaklarının araştırılması. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 55 (1): 83-88.
  • Zaman, A., R. Islam & O.I. Joarder, 1997. Field performance and biochemical evaluation of micropropagated mulberry plants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 51 (1): 61-64.

Aktif karbon ve kültür ortamının fiziksel halinin Urmu dutu (Morus nigra L.) nun mikroçoğaltımı üzerine etkisi

Yıl 2023, , 53 - 60, 01.04.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Morus nigra L. nin in vitro mikro çoğaltımı üzerinde aktif kömür ve kültür ortamının fiziksel halinin araştırılmasıdır.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışmada Urmu dutun (M. nigra) 3 genotipi (A5, T6, T8) explant olarak kullanılmıştır. Kültür ortamında kömürün varlığı ve ortamın fiziksel halinin (sıvı veya jel) incelenmesi için sıvı Nas ve Read medium (NRM)+0,5 gr L-1 aktif kömür, aktif kömürsüz sıvı NRM ortamı, katı NRM ortamı+0,5 gL-1 aktif kömür ve aktif kömürsüz NRM ortamı kullanılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Kültür ortamında kömürün varlığı ve ortamın fiziksel hali (sıvı veya jel) bir eksplantten elde edilen ortalama sürgün sayısını önemli derecede etkilemiştir. Bir eksplantten elde edilen ortalama sürgün sayısı 1.1 ile 5.8 arasında olmuştur. Aktif kömür içermeyen ortam üzerinde daha fazla sürgün elde edilmiş ve sıvı ortama kıyasla jelleştirilmiş ortam üzerinde elde edilen sürgün sayısı daha yüksek olmuştur.
Sonuç: Urmu dutunun İn vitro mikroçoğaltımında agar ile katılaştırılmış NRM ortamı sıvı NRM ortamından daha iyi sonuç vermiştir.


  • Adelderg, J., M. Koroggel & J. Toler, 2000. Physical environment in vitro affects laboratory and nursery growth of micropropagated Hostas. HortTechnology, 10 (4): 754-757.
  • Altman, A., 2000. “Micropropagation of Plants, Principles and Practice, 916-929”. In: Encyclopedia of Cell Technology (Ed. R. E. Spier). NewYork: John Wiley & Sons, 1249 pp.
  • Bae, S.H. & H.J. Suh, 2007. Antioxidant activities of five different mulberry cultivars in Korea. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 40 (6): 955-962.
  • Baytop, T., 1996. Türkiye‟de Bitkiler ile Tedavi. I.U. Yayinlari No: 3255, Eczacilik Fak., 40:444. Baytop, T., 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul. 409s.
  • Bhau, B. S & A. K. Wakhlu, 2001. Effect of genotype, explant type and growth regulators on organogenesis in (Morus alba L.). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 66: 25-29.
  • Bhau, B.S. & A.K. Wakhlu, 2003. Rapid micropropagation of five cultivars of mulberry. Biologia Plantarum, 46 (3): 349-355.
  • Chandra, S., R. Bandopadhyay, V. Kumar & R. Chandra, 2010. Acclimatization of tissue cultured plantlets: from laboratory to land. Biotechnology letters, 32 (9): 1199-1205.
  • Chen, J., J. Kan, J. Tang, Z. Cai & J. Liu, 2012. The profile in polyphenols and volatile compounds in alcoholic beverages from different cultivars of mulberry. Journal of Food Science, 77 (4): C430-C436.
  • Chitra, D. S. V. & G. Padmaja, 1999. Clonal propagation of mulberry (Morus indica L. cultivar M-5) through in vitro culture of nodal explants. Scientia Horticulturae, 80 (3-4): 289-298. (98)00252-0
  • Dairas, M. J., G.R. Lobo & J.C. Hernandez, 2003. Alcoholic beverages obtained from black mulberry. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 41 (2): 173-176.
  • Das, B. C., 1983. Mulberry taxonomy, cytogenetics and breeding. In: National Seminar on Silk Research and Development (Vol. 10, p. 135).
  • Doğan, M., 2022. In Vitro Shoot Regeneration of Lysimachia nummularia L. in Solid and Liquid Culture Medium. Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP), 5 (1): 12-18.
  • Ercisli, S. & E. Orhan, 2007. Chemical composition of white (Morus alba), red (Morus rubra) and black (Morus nigra) mulberry fruits. Food chemistry, 103 (4): 1380-1384.
  • Gerasopoulos, D. & G. Stavroulakis, 1997. Quality characteristics of four mulberry (Morus spp.) cultivars in the area of Chania Greece. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 73 (2): 261-264. (SICI)1097-0010 (199702) 73:2<261::AID-JSFA724>3.0.CO;2-S
  • Hepaksoy, S., 2017. GF 677 (P. amygdalus x P. persica) klon anacının doku kültüründe sürgünucu tekniği ile çoğaltılması. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54 (4): 447-451.
  • Hossain, M., S.M. Rahman, A. Zaman, O.I. Joarder & R. Islam, 1992. Micropropagation of Morus laevigata Wall. from mature trees. Plant Cell Reports, 11 (10): 522-524.
  • Kapur, A., S. Bhatnagar & P. Khurana, 2001. Efficient regeneration from mature leaf explants of Indian mulberry via organogenesis. Sericologia (France), 41: 207-214.
  • Lalitha, N., S. Kih, R. Banerjee, S. Chattopadhya, A.K. Saha & B.B. Bindroo, 2013. High frequency multiple shoot induction and in vitro regeneration of mulberry (Morus indica L. cv. S-1635). International Journal of Advanced Research, 1: 22-26.
  • Lu, M., 2002. Micropropagation of Morus latifolia poilet using axillary buds from mature trees. Scientia Horticulturae, 96 (1-4): 329-341. (02)00120-6
  • Nas, M. N. & P.E. Read, 2004. A hypothesis for the development of a defined tissue cultu- re medium of higher plants and micropropagation of hazelnuts. Scientia Horticulturae, 101 (1-2): 189-200.
  • Nas, M. N., L. Gokbunar, N. Sevgin, M. Aydemir, M. Dagli & Z. Susluoglu, 2012. Micropropagation of mature Crataegus aronia L., a medicinal and ornamental plant with rootstock potential for pome fruit. Plant Growth Regulation, 67 (1): 57-63.
  • Ohyama, K. & S. Oka, 1987. "Mulberry." Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Springer, Dordrecht, 1987. 272-284.
  • Ouyang, Z., J. Chen & Y.H. Li, 2005. Separation, purification and composition analysis of polysaccharides in leaves of Morus alba L. Food Science (China), 26 (3): 181-184.
  • Pati, P. K., S.P. Rath, M. Sharma, A. Sood & P.S. Ahuja, 2006. In vitro propagation of rose: a review. Biotechnolgy Advances, 24: 94-114.
  • Rajore, S. & A. Batra, 2005. Efficient plant regeneration via shoot tip explant in Jatrophacurcas L. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 14 (1): 73-75.
  • Vijayan, K., B. Saratchandra, D.A. Teixeira & J.A. Silva, 2011. Germplasm conservation in mulberry (Morus spp.). Scientia Horticulturae, 128 (4): 371-379.
  • Wang, R. S., P.H. Dong, X.X. Shuai & M.S. Chen, 2022. Evaluation of different black mulberry fruits (Morus nigra L.) based on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Foods, 11 (9).
  • Wasano, N., K. Konno, M. Nakamura, C. Hirayama, M. Hattori & K. Tateishi, 2009. A unique latex protein, MLX56, defends mulberry trees from insects. Phytochemistry, 70 (7): 880-888.
  • Zainel, A. A. & S. Hepaksoy, 2018. Bir idris anacı ‘pontaleb’in doku kültürü ile çoğaltılma olanaklarının araştırılması. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 55 (1): 83-88.
  • Zaman, A., R. Islam & O.I. Joarder, 1997. Field performance and biochemical evaluation of micropropagated mulberry plants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 51 (1): 61-64.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Nevzat Sevgin 0000-0001-5405-060X

Aveen Khorsheed Khalid 0000-0003-0544-8720

Merve Özkul 0000-0002-1769-6847

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Kasım 2022
Kabul Tarihi 3 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Sevgin, N., Khalid, A. K., & Özkul, M. (2023). Effects of charcoal and physical state of medium on micropropagation of black mulbery (Morus nigra L.). Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 60(1), 53-60.

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