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Effects of zeolite applications on the mineral elements and fatty acid composition of different olive cultivars

Yıl 2023, , 375 - 384, 13.10.2023


Objective: The objective of this study was to determine effect of different zeolite doses on plant macro nutrient concentrations, fatty acid contents and fruit weights of Gemlik and Manzanillo olive cultivars.
Material and Methods: The experiment was designed as randomized plots with three replications in Gemlik and Manzanillo olive cultivars at 7x7 m spacing. Increasing doses of zeolite (0, 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 g tree-1) were applied.
Results: In Gemlik and Manzanillo cultivars, the levels of N, P and Ca elements in the leaves were found to be at sufficient levels. Also K concentration in Z3 and Z4 applicatins, and Mg concentrations in Z2, Z3 and Z4 applications were found to be sufficient.
Conclusion: In general, fatty acid levels varied according to zeolite applications; the order followed: oleic acid > palmitic acid > linoleic acid > stearic acid. Gemlik and Manzanillo were included in the high class category according to their fruit weight. The Z4 dose (3000 g tree-1) was more effective in applications.

Destekleyen Kurum

Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination

Proje Numarası

BAP, Project No; 2011-ZRF-029


This study was financially supported by Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination (BAP, Project No; 2011-ZRF-029). The authors would like to thank for the financial support


  • Aghaalikhani, M., M. Gholamhoseini, A. Dolatabadian, A. Khodaei-Joghan & K.S. Asilan, 2012. Zeolite influences on nitrate leaching, nitrogen-use efficiency, yield and yield components of canola in sandy soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 58 (10): 1149-1169.
  • Al-Tabbal, A., N.K. Al-Mefleh, K.K. Al-Zboon & M.J. Tadros, 2019. Effects of volcanic zeolite tuff on Olive (Olea Europaea L.) growth and soil chemistry under a constant water level: Five years monitoring experience. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 18: 44-54.
  • Anonymous, 1987. Standard methods for analysis of oils, fats and derivates. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 7th., Blackwell Scientific Publications, UIPAC Method 2.301.
  • Anonymous, 2000. World Catalogue Of Olive Varieties. International Olive Oil Council, Spain, 360 pp.
  • Borges, T.H., J.A. Pereira, C. Cabrera-Vique, L. Lara, A.F. Oliveira & I. Seiquer, 2017. Characterization of arbequina virgin olive oils produced in different regions of Brazil and Spain: Physicochemical properties, oxidative stability and fatty acid profile. Food Chemistry, 215: 454-462.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. Total nitrogen. Agronomy, 9: 1149-1178.
  • Canözer, Ö., 1991. Yerli ve yabancı zeytin çeşitlerinin özelliklerinin tespiti ve kolleksiyon zeytinliği tesisi (Sonuç raporu). Zeytincilik Araştırma Enstitüsü, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Cerri, G., M. Farina, A. Brundu, A. Dakovic, P. Giunchedi, E. Gavini & G. Rassu, 2016. Natural zeolites for pharmaceutical formulations: Preparation and evaluation of a clinoptilolite-based material. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 223: 58-67
  • Didin, M. S.Z. Sakarya, D.B. Konuşkan, M. Doğan, A.D. Duman & Z. Aydın, 2021. The effect on some quality properties and fatty acid composition of filtration with different materials of olive oil. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 26 (2): 443-451.
  • Douzane, M., A. Nouani, E. Dako & M. Bellal, 2012. Influence of the variety, the crop year and the growing on the fatty acid and tocopherols composition of some algerian virgin olive oils. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7 (34): 4738-4750.
  • Fernandez-Escobar, R., 2007. “Fertilization, 145-164”. In: Production Techniques In Olive Growing. international Olive Council, Madrid, Spain. ISBN 9788493166366.
  • Fernandez-Escobar, R., L. Marin, M.A. Sanchez-Zamora, J.M. Garcia-Novelo, C. Molina-Soria & M.A. Parra, 2009. Long-term effects of N fertilization on cropping and growth of olive trees and on N accumulation in soil profile. European Journal of Agronomy, 31(4): 223-232
  • Fernandez-Escobar, R., M.A. Sanchez-Zamora, M. Jorge, J.M. Garcia-Novelo & C. Molina-Soria, 2015. Nutrient removal from olive trees by fruit yield and pruning. Hortscience, 50 (3): 474-478.
  • Galeano Diaz, T., I. Duran Meras, J. Sanchez Casas & M.F. Alexandre Franco, 2005. Characterization of virgin olive oils according to its triglycerides and sterols composition by chemometric methods. Food Control, 16 (4): 339-347
  • Ghanbari, R., F. Anwar, K.M. Alkharfy, A.H. Gilani & N. Saari, 2012. Valuable nutrients and functional bioactives in different parts of olive (Olea europaea L.)-A review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13 (3): 3291-3340.
  • Guerfel, M., M.B. Masour, Y. Ouni, F. Guido, D. Boujnah & M. Zarrouk, 2012. Triacylglycerols composition and volatile compounds of virgin olive oil from Chemlali cultivar: comparison among different planting densities. The Scientific World Journal,
  • Gül, A., D. Eroğul & A.R. Ongun, 2005. Comparison of the use of zeolite and perlite as substrate for crisp-head lettuce. Scientia Horticulturae 106 (4): 464-471.
  • Guo, Z., X. Jia, Z. Zheng, X. Lu, Y. Zheng, B. Zheng & J. Xiao, 2018. Chemical composition and nutritional function of olive (Olea europaea L.): a review. Phytochem Reviews, 17: 1091-1110.
  • Hedström., A., 2001. Ion exchange of ammonium in zeolites: A literature review. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 127: 673-681.
  • Hernandez, M.L., M.N. Padilla, M.D. Sicardo, M. Mancha & J.M. Martínez-Rivas, 2011. Effect of different environmental stresses on the expression of oleate desaturase genes and fatty acid composition in olive fruit. Phytochemistry, 72 (2-3): 178-187
  • International Olive Council., 2022. Trade standard applying to olive oils and olive pomace oils. COI/T.15/NC No 3/Rev. 19. November 2022.
  • Irget, M.E., D. Anaç, C.C. Kılıç, M. Tepecik & K. Özer, 2010. Determination of nitrogen rates in olive (Olea europaea cv Memecik). Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22 (2): 1435-1444.
  • Jimenez-Lopez, C.; M. Carpena, C. Lourenço-Lopes, M. Gallardo-Gomez, J.M. Lorenzo, F.J. Barba, M.A. Prieto & J. Simal-Gandara, 2020. Bioactive compounds and quality of extra virgin olive oil. Foods, 9: 1014.
  • Jones, Jr.J.B., B. Wolf & H.A. Mills, 1991. Plant analysis handbook. Micro-Macro Publishing, Inc.213, USA
  • Kacar, B. & A. İnal, 2008. Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 892 s.
  • Kesen, S., A. Amanpour, S. Sonmezdag, H. Kelebek & S. Selli, 2017. Effects of cultivar, maturity ındex and growing region on fatty acid composition of olive oils. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1(2): 18-28.
  • Kurniawan, T., J. Jayanudin, I. Kustiningsih & M.A. Firdaus, 2018. Palm sap sources, characteristics, and utilization in Indonesia. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 6(9): 590-596
  • Kutlu, E. & F. Şen, 2011. The effect of different harvest time on fruit and olive oil quality of olive (Olea europea L.) cv. Gemlik. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 48 (2): 85-93.
  • Leon, L., M. Uceda, A. Jimenez, L.M. Martin & L. Rallo, 2004. Variability of fatty acid composition in olive (Olea europaea L.) progenies. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2 (3): 353-359.
  • Lopez-Lopez, A., A. Cortes-Delgado & A. Garrido-Fernandez, 2015. Effect of green Spanish-style processing (Manzanilla and Hojiblanca) on the quality parameters and fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions of olive fat. Food Chemistry, 188: 37-45.
  • Lott, W.L., J.P. Nery, J.R. Gall & J.C. Medcoff, 1956. Leaf Analysis Technique in Coffe Research. New York, NY: IBEC Research Institute, Series: IBEC; No: 9.
  • Martins, S., E. Silva, C. Brito, C. Martins-Gomes, A. Gonçalves, M. Arrobas, M.A. Rodrigues, C.M Correia & F.M. Nunes, 2022. Zeolites and biochar modulate olive fruit and oil polyphenolic profile. Antioxidants, 11: 1332.
  • Martins, S., E. Silva, C. Brito, L. Pinto, C. Martins-Gomes, A. Gonçalves, M. Arrobas, M.A. Rodrigues, C.M. Correia & F.M. Nunes, 2023. Combining zeolites with early-maturing annual legume cover crops in rainfed orchards: effects on yield, fatty acid composition and polyphenolic profile of olives and olive oil. Molecules, 28: 2545. https://
  • Mazur, G.A., G.K. Medvid & T.I. Grigora, 1984. Use of natural zeolites for increasing the fertility of light textured soils. Pochvovedenie, 10: 73-75.
  • Menz, G. & F. Vriesekoop, 2010. Physical and chemical changes during the maturation of Gordal Sevillana olives (Olea europaea L. cv. Gordal Sevillana). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (8): 4934-4938.
  • Methamem, S., H. Gouta, A. Mougou, M. Mansour & D. Boujnah, 2015.Yield, fruit and oil content of some olive trees (Olea europaea L.) field-grown in Tunisia. Annals of Biological Research, 6 (9): 64-71.
  • Monfreda, M., L. Gobbi & A. Grippa, 2012. Blends of olive oil and sunflower oil: characterization and olive oil quantification using fatty acid composition and chemometric tools. Food Chemistry, 134 (4): 2283-2290.
  • Motilva, M.J., M.J. Tovar, M.P. Romero, S. Alegre & J. Girona, 2000. Influence of regulated deficit irrigation strategies applied to olive trees (Arbequina cultivar) on oil yield and oil composition during the fruit ripening period. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80: 2037-2043. 0010(200011)80:14<2037:AID-JSFA733>3.0.CO;2-0
  • Mumpton, F.A. 1999. La roca magica: uses of natural zeolites in agriculture and industry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96: 3463-3470.
  • Nakhli, S.A.A., M. Delkash, B.E. Bakhshayesh & H. Kazemian, 2017. Application of zeolites for sustainable agriculture: a review on water and nutrient retention. Water Air Soil Pollution, 228 (12): 464.
  • Ozdemir, Y., N.A. Tangul, A. Ozturk, M.E. Akcay & S. Ercisli, 2018. Fruit characteristics of six candidate olive cultivars. Folia Hort., 30 (1): 169-177.
  • Özel, E., 2019. Determination of Nutritional Status of Olive (Olea europaea L.) Orchards Grown in Bandırma District, by plant analysis. MSc thesis. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Univ., Turkey, 55 pp.
  • Pacheco, Y.M., B. Bermudez, S. Lopez, R. Abia, J. Villar & F.J.G. Muriana, 2006. Ratio of oleic to palmitic acid is a dietary determinant of thrombogenic and fibrinolytic factors during the postprandial state in men. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 84(2): 342-349.
  • Polat, E., M. Karaca, H. Demir & A.N. Onus, 2004. Use of natural zeolite (Clinoptilolite) in agriculture. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, 12: 183-189.
  • Primo, A. & H. Garcia, 2014. Zeolites as catalysts in oil refining. Chemical Society Reviews, 43 (22): 7548-7561.
  • Şen, F. & A. Esen Koşaran, 2021. The effects of different harvest maturity and methods on fruit and oil quality of olive (Olea europea L. cv. Ayvalık Yağlık). Ege Univ. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 58(4): 503-512.
  • Simopoulos, A.P., 2008. The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 233: 674-688.
  • Soyergin, S., 1993. Studies on Nutrient Contents and Seasonal Element Fluctuation of The Olive Variety Gemlik in Bursa Area. PhD thesis, Uludağ University, Turkey, 182 pp.
  • Sweeney, S., 2005. National Olive Variety Assessment (NOVA)-Stage 2. The national olive variety assessment project. A report for the rural Industries research and development corporation. Publication No. 05/155, Project No. SAR-47A.
  • Tanılgan, K., M.M. Özcan & A. Ünver, 2007. Physical and chemical characteristics of five Turkish olive (Olea europea L.) varieties and their oils. Grasas y Aceites, 58 (2): 142-147.
  • Toplu, C., 2000. The Research on The Yield Status, Phenological, Morphological, and Pomological Properties and Nutritional Status of Olive Orchards in Different Production Centers in Hatay. PhD thesis, Cukurova University, Turkey, 195 pp.
  • Torres, M.M. & D.M. Maestri, 2006. The effects of genotype and extraction methods on chemical composition of virgin olive oils from Traslasierra Valley (Cordoba. Argentina). Food Chemistry, 96 (4): 507-511.
  • Yorulmaz, A., H. Yavuz, A. Tekin, E.S. Poyrazoglu & M. Özcan, 2010. Regional characteristics of Turkish olive oils. 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, 121-122, Germany.

Zeolit uygulamalarının farklı zeytin çeşitlerinin bitki besin elementleri ve yağ asidi kompozisyonu üzerine etkisi

Yıl 2023, , 375 - 384, 13.10.2023


Amaç: Bu araştırma, farklı zeolit dozlarının Gemlik ve Manzanilla zeytin çeşitlerinde makro besin elementi konsantrasyonları, yağ asidi içerikleri ile meyve ağırlıkları üzerindeki etkisini incelemek için yapılmıştır.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Deneme Gemlik ve Manzanilla zeytin çeşitlerinde 7x7 m aralıklarda ve tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Artan dozlarda zeolit (0, 500, 1000, 2000 ve 3000 g ağaç-1) uygulanmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Gemlik ve Manzalina çeşitlerinde yapraklardaki N, P ve Ca elementlerinin seviyeleri yeterli düzeyde bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, K konsantrasyonu Z3 ve Z4 uygulamalarında, Mg konsantrasyonu ise Z2, Z3 ve Z4 uygulamalarında yeterli bulunmuştur.
Sonuç: Genel olarak zeolit uygulamalarına göre yağ asidi farklılık göstermiş olup; oleik asit > palmitik asit > linoleik asit > stearik asit sırasını izlemiştir. Gemlik ve Manzanillo meyve ağırlıklarına göre yüksek sınıf kategorisi içerisinde yer almıştır. Uygulamalar içerisinde Z4 dozu (3000 g tree-1) daha etkin olmuştur..

Destekleyen Kurum

Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination (BAP)

Proje Numarası

BAP, Project No; 2011-ZRF-029


This study Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination (BAP) for providing financial support for Project No; 2011-ZRF-029. The authors would like to thank for support.


  • Aghaalikhani, M., M. Gholamhoseini, A. Dolatabadian, A. Khodaei-Joghan & K.S. Asilan, 2012. Zeolite influences on nitrate leaching, nitrogen-use efficiency, yield and yield components of canola in sandy soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 58 (10): 1149-1169.
  • Al-Tabbal, A., N.K. Al-Mefleh, K.K. Al-Zboon & M.J. Tadros, 2019. Effects of volcanic zeolite tuff on Olive (Olea Europaea L.) growth and soil chemistry under a constant water level: Five years monitoring experience. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 18: 44-54.
  • Anonymous, 1987. Standard methods for analysis of oils, fats and derivates. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 7th., Blackwell Scientific Publications, UIPAC Method 2.301.
  • Anonymous, 2000. World Catalogue Of Olive Varieties. International Olive Oil Council, Spain, 360 pp.
  • Borges, T.H., J.A. Pereira, C. Cabrera-Vique, L. Lara, A.F. Oliveira & I. Seiquer, 2017. Characterization of arbequina virgin olive oils produced in different regions of Brazil and Spain: Physicochemical properties, oxidative stability and fatty acid profile. Food Chemistry, 215: 454-462.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. Total nitrogen. Agronomy, 9: 1149-1178.
  • Canözer, Ö., 1991. Yerli ve yabancı zeytin çeşitlerinin özelliklerinin tespiti ve kolleksiyon zeytinliği tesisi (Sonuç raporu). Zeytincilik Araştırma Enstitüsü, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Cerri, G., M. Farina, A. Brundu, A. Dakovic, P. Giunchedi, E. Gavini & G. Rassu, 2016. Natural zeolites for pharmaceutical formulations: Preparation and evaluation of a clinoptilolite-based material. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 223: 58-67
  • Didin, M. S.Z. Sakarya, D.B. Konuşkan, M. Doğan, A.D. Duman & Z. Aydın, 2021. The effect on some quality properties and fatty acid composition of filtration with different materials of olive oil. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 26 (2): 443-451.
  • Douzane, M., A. Nouani, E. Dako & M. Bellal, 2012. Influence of the variety, the crop year and the growing on the fatty acid and tocopherols composition of some algerian virgin olive oils. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7 (34): 4738-4750.
  • Fernandez-Escobar, R., 2007. “Fertilization, 145-164”. In: Production Techniques In Olive Growing. international Olive Council, Madrid, Spain. ISBN 9788493166366.
  • Fernandez-Escobar, R., L. Marin, M.A. Sanchez-Zamora, J.M. Garcia-Novelo, C. Molina-Soria & M.A. Parra, 2009. Long-term effects of N fertilization on cropping and growth of olive trees and on N accumulation in soil profile. European Journal of Agronomy, 31(4): 223-232
  • Fernandez-Escobar, R., M.A. Sanchez-Zamora, M. Jorge, J.M. Garcia-Novelo & C. Molina-Soria, 2015. Nutrient removal from olive trees by fruit yield and pruning. Hortscience, 50 (3): 474-478.
  • Galeano Diaz, T., I. Duran Meras, J. Sanchez Casas & M.F. Alexandre Franco, 2005. Characterization of virgin olive oils according to its triglycerides and sterols composition by chemometric methods. Food Control, 16 (4): 339-347
  • Ghanbari, R., F. Anwar, K.M. Alkharfy, A.H. Gilani & N. Saari, 2012. Valuable nutrients and functional bioactives in different parts of olive (Olea europaea L.)-A review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13 (3): 3291-3340.
  • Guerfel, M., M.B. Masour, Y. Ouni, F. Guido, D. Boujnah & M. Zarrouk, 2012. Triacylglycerols composition and volatile compounds of virgin olive oil from Chemlali cultivar: comparison among different planting densities. The Scientific World Journal,
  • Gül, A., D. Eroğul & A.R. Ongun, 2005. Comparison of the use of zeolite and perlite as substrate for crisp-head lettuce. Scientia Horticulturae 106 (4): 464-471.
  • Guo, Z., X. Jia, Z. Zheng, X. Lu, Y. Zheng, B. Zheng & J. Xiao, 2018. Chemical composition and nutritional function of olive (Olea europaea L.): a review. Phytochem Reviews, 17: 1091-1110.
  • Hedström., A., 2001. Ion exchange of ammonium in zeolites: A literature review. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 127: 673-681.
  • Hernandez, M.L., M.N. Padilla, M.D. Sicardo, M. Mancha & J.M. Martínez-Rivas, 2011. Effect of different environmental stresses on the expression of oleate desaturase genes and fatty acid composition in olive fruit. Phytochemistry, 72 (2-3): 178-187
  • International Olive Council., 2022. Trade standard applying to olive oils and olive pomace oils. COI/T.15/NC No 3/Rev. 19. November 2022.
  • Irget, M.E., D. Anaç, C.C. Kılıç, M. Tepecik & K. Özer, 2010. Determination of nitrogen rates in olive (Olea europaea cv Memecik). Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22 (2): 1435-1444.
  • Jimenez-Lopez, C.; M. Carpena, C. Lourenço-Lopes, M. Gallardo-Gomez, J.M. Lorenzo, F.J. Barba, M.A. Prieto & J. Simal-Gandara, 2020. Bioactive compounds and quality of extra virgin olive oil. Foods, 9: 1014.
  • Jones, Jr.J.B., B. Wolf & H.A. Mills, 1991. Plant analysis handbook. Micro-Macro Publishing, Inc.213, USA
  • Kacar, B. & A. İnal, 2008. Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 892 s.
  • Kesen, S., A. Amanpour, S. Sonmezdag, H. Kelebek & S. Selli, 2017. Effects of cultivar, maturity ındex and growing region on fatty acid composition of olive oils. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1(2): 18-28.
  • Kurniawan, T., J. Jayanudin, I. Kustiningsih & M.A. Firdaus, 2018. Palm sap sources, characteristics, and utilization in Indonesia. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 6(9): 590-596
  • Kutlu, E. & F. Şen, 2011. The effect of different harvest time on fruit and olive oil quality of olive (Olea europea L.) cv. Gemlik. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 48 (2): 85-93.
  • Leon, L., M. Uceda, A. Jimenez, L.M. Martin & L. Rallo, 2004. Variability of fatty acid composition in olive (Olea europaea L.) progenies. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2 (3): 353-359.
  • Lopez-Lopez, A., A. Cortes-Delgado & A. Garrido-Fernandez, 2015. Effect of green Spanish-style processing (Manzanilla and Hojiblanca) on the quality parameters and fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions of olive fat. Food Chemistry, 188: 37-45.
  • Lott, W.L., J.P. Nery, J.R. Gall & J.C. Medcoff, 1956. Leaf Analysis Technique in Coffe Research. New York, NY: IBEC Research Institute, Series: IBEC; No: 9.
  • Martins, S., E. Silva, C. Brito, C. Martins-Gomes, A. Gonçalves, M. Arrobas, M.A. Rodrigues, C.M Correia & F.M. Nunes, 2022. Zeolites and biochar modulate olive fruit and oil polyphenolic profile. Antioxidants, 11: 1332.
  • Martins, S., E. Silva, C. Brito, L. Pinto, C. Martins-Gomes, A. Gonçalves, M. Arrobas, M.A. Rodrigues, C.M. Correia & F.M. Nunes, 2023. Combining zeolites with early-maturing annual legume cover crops in rainfed orchards: effects on yield, fatty acid composition and polyphenolic profile of olives and olive oil. Molecules, 28: 2545. https://
  • Mazur, G.A., G.K. Medvid & T.I. Grigora, 1984. Use of natural zeolites for increasing the fertility of light textured soils. Pochvovedenie, 10: 73-75.
  • Menz, G. & F. Vriesekoop, 2010. Physical and chemical changes during the maturation of Gordal Sevillana olives (Olea europaea L. cv. Gordal Sevillana). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (8): 4934-4938.
  • Methamem, S., H. Gouta, A. Mougou, M. Mansour & D. Boujnah, 2015.Yield, fruit and oil content of some olive trees (Olea europaea L.) field-grown in Tunisia. Annals of Biological Research, 6 (9): 64-71.
  • Monfreda, M., L. Gobbi & A. Grippa, 2012. Blends of olive oil and sunflower oil: characterization and olive oil quantification using fatty acid composition and chemometric tools. Food Chemistry, 134 (4): 2283-2290.
  • Motilva, M.J., M.J. Tovar, M.P. Romero, S. Alegre & J. Girona, 2000. Influence of regulated deficit irrigation strategies applied to olive trees (Arbequina cultivar) on oil yield and oil composition during the fruit ripening period. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80: 2037-2043. 0010(200011)80:14<2037:AID-JSFA733>3.0.CO;2-0
  • Mumpton, F.A. 1999. La roca magica: uses of natural zeolites in agriculture and industry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96: 3463-3470.
  • Nakhli, S.A.A., M. Delkash, B.E. Bakhshayesh & H. Kazemian, 2017. Application of zeolites for sustainable agriculture: a review on water and nutrient retention. Water Air Soil Pollution, 228 (12): 464.
  • Ozdemir, Y., N.A. Tangul, A. Ozturk, M.E. Akcay & S. Ercisli, 2018. Fruit characteristics of six candidate olive cultivars. Folia Hort., 30 (1): 169-177.
  • Özel, E., 2019. Determination of Nutritional Status of Olive (Olea europaea L.) Orchards Grown in Bandırma District, by plant analysis. MSc thesis. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Univ., Turkey, 55 pp.
  • Pacheco, Y.M., B. Bermudez, S. Lopez, R. Abia, J. Villar & F.J.G. Muriana, 2006. Ratio of oleic to palmitic acid is a dietary determinant of thrombogenic and fibrinolytic factors during the postprandial state in men. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 84(2): 342-349.
  • Polat, E., M. Karaca, H. Demir & A.N. Onus, 2004. Use of natural zeolite (Clinoptilolite) in agriculture. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, 12: 183-189.
  • Primo, A. & H. Garcia, 2014. Zeolites as catalysts in oil refining. Chemical Society Reviews, 43 (22): 7548-7561.
  • Şen, F. & A. Esen Koşaran, 2021. The effects of different harvest maturity and methods on fruit and oil quality of olive (Olea europea L. cv. Ayvalık Yağlık). Ege Univ. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 58(4): 503-512.
  • Simopoulos, A.P., 2008. The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 233: 674-688.
  • Soyergin, S., 1993. Studies on Nutrient Contents and Seasonal Element Fluctuation of The Olive Variety Gemlik in Bursa Area. PhD thesis, Uludağ University, Turkey, 182 pp.
  • Sweeney, S., 2005. National Olive Variety Assessment (NOVA)-Stage 2. The national olive variety assessment project. A report for the rural Industries research and development corporation. Publication No. 05/155, Project No. SAR-47A.
  • Tanılgan, K., M.M. Özcan & A. Ünver, 2007. Physical and chemical characteristics of five Turkish olive (Olea europea L.) varieties and their oils. Grasas y Aceites, 58 (2): 142-147.
  • Toplu, C., 2000. The Research on The Yield Status, Phenological, Morphological, and Pomological Properties and Nutritional Status of Olive Orchards in Different Production Centers in Hatay. PhD thesis, Cukurova University, Turkey, 195 pp.
  • Torres, M.M. & D.M. Maestri, 2006. The effects of genotype and extraction methods on chemical composition of virgin olive oils from Traslasierra Valley (Cordoba. Argentina). Food Chemistry, 96 (4): 507-511.
  • Yorulmaz, A., H. Yavuz, A. Tekin, E.S. Poyrazoglu & M. Özcan, 2010. Regional characteristics of Turkish olive oils. 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, 121-122, Germany.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bitki Besleme ve Toprak Verimliliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Mahmut Tepecik 0000-0001-6609-4538

Neriman Tuba Barlas 0000-0002-2971-4977

Bihter Çolak Esetlili 0000-0001-5707-2011

Proje Numarası BAP, Project No; 2011-ZRF-029
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 12 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Şubat 2023
Kabul Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Tepecik, M., Barlas, N. T., & Çolak Esetlili, B. (2023). Effects of zeolite applications on the mineral elements and fatty acid composition of different olive cultivars. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 60(3), 375-384.

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