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Bazı Sebze Tohumlarında Viral Enfeksiyonların Bulunma Durumu

Yıl 2020, , 529 - 536, 30.12.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, ülkemiz üretiminde önemli yere sahip sebze tohumlarında viral etmenlerin son yıllardaki bulunma durumlarının hızlı ve etkili yöntemlerle ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır.
Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmada, 2014-2018 yılları arasında Ege Üniversitesi (EÜ) Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü ve EÜ Tohum Teknolojisi Merkezi (TOTEM)’ne farklı üreticilerden gelen toplam 430 adet tohum örneği materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Viral enfeksiyonların tohum örneklerindeki durumları DAS-ELISA (serolojik) ve Reverse Transcriptase PCR (moleküler) testlerden elde edilen sonuçlara göre belirlenmiştir.
Bulgular: Çeşitli sebze türlerinde yapılan serolojik ve moleküler testler sonucunda tohum örneklerinde tek ve birden fazla etmenin bulunduğu virüs enfeksiyonlarına rastlanmıştır. Sebze tohum örneklerinde viral etmenlerin bulunma durumları sebze türlerine göre %17-23 oranında (biber %23, domates %19, kabakgil %17) değişmektedir.
Sonuç: Yaptığımız çalışmada domates, biber ve kabakgil sebze türlerinden oluşan 430 tohum örneğinin %20’sinde çeşitli viral enfeksiyonlar saptanmıştır. Bölgemiz yetiştiriciliğinde ekonomik öneme sahip viral etmenlerin varlığını ortaya koymak gerekli koruma önlemlerinin alınması açısından önemlidir.


  • Allen, WR. 1969. Occurrence and seed transmission of Tomato bushy stunt virus in apple. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 49: 797.
  • Bhat, A.I., S. Devasahayam, M.N. Venugopal and R. Suseela Bhai. 2005. Distribution and incidence of viral diseases of black pepper in Karnataka and Kerala, India. Journal of Plantation Crops, 33: 59–64.
  • Candresse, T., T. Lanneau, F. Revers, N. Grasseau, G. Macquare, S. German, T. Malinowsky and J. Dunez. 1995. An immunocapture PCR assay adapted to the detection and the analysis of the molecular variability of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus. Acta Horticulture, 386: 136-147.
  • Cherif, C. 1981. Thèse Diplome Docteur Troisieme Cycle, Université P. & M. Curie, Paris, 84 pp.
  • Chung, B.N., J.S. Kim, J.D. Cho, S.R. Cheong and M.I. Jeong. 2007. Tobacco mosaic virus detected in vegetatively propagated petunia hybrids “Surfinia”. The Korean Society of Plant Pathology, Plant Pathology Journal, 23(1): 34-36.
  • Clark, M.F. and A.N. Adams. 1977. Characteristic of microplate method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of plant viruses. Journal of General Virology, 34: 475-483.
  • Desbiez, C. and H. Lecoq. 2004. The nucleotide sequence of Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV, Potyvirus) reveals interspecific recombination between two related potyviruses in the 5 part of the genome. Archives of Virology, 149: 1619–1632.
  • Erkan, S., M. Gümüş, Ü. Yorgancı ve T. Yoltaş. 1994. Sanayi domatesi tohum örneklerinde domates mozaik virüsü ve bakteriyel kanser etmenlerinin bulunma durumunun saptanması üzerinde araştırmalar. Sanayi Domatesi Üretimini Geliştirme Projesi Çalışma Raporu. İzmir. 47s.
  • Erkan, S. 1998. Tohum Patolojisi. E. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Bornova, İzmir. Gözdem Ofis, 275 s.
  • FAO, 2017. Dünyada Sebze Üretim Verileri. Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • Foissac, X., L. Svanella-Dumas, M.J. Dulucq, T. Candresse and P. Gentit. 2001. Polyvalent detection in fruit tree tricho, capillo and foveaviruses by nested RT-PCR using degenerated and inosine containing primers (PDO RT-PCR). Acta Horticulture, 550: 37-43.
  • Griesbach, J.A. 1995. Detection of Tomato ringspot virus by polymerase chain reaction. Plant Disease, 79: 1054-1056
  • ISF, 2016. Uluslararası Tohum Ticaretinde Söz Sahibi Ülkeler. Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • ISTA, 2014. Organizing and Analyzing Results of the Seed Health Proficiency Tests., Erişim: Eylül 2014.
  • Jacobi, V., G.D. Bachand, R.C. Hamelin and J.D. Castello. 1998. Development of a multiplex immunocapture RT-PCR assay for detection and differentiation of tomato and tobacco mosaic tobamoviruses. Journal of Virological Methods, 74: 164-178.
  • Le Gall, O., T. Candresse and J. Dunez. 1995. Transfer of the 31 non-translated region of grapevine chrome mosaic virus RNA-1 by recombination to tomato black ring virus RNA-2 in pseudorecombinant isolates. Journal of General Virology, 76: 1285-1289.
  • Lister, R.M. and A.F. Murant. 1967. Seed transmission of nematode-borne viruses. Annals Applied Biology, 59:49-62.
  • MacKenzie, D.J., M.A. McLean, S. Mukerji and M. Green. 1997. Improved RNA extraction from woody plants for the detection of viral pathogens by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Plant Disease, 81: 222-226.
  • Martínez-Priego, L.I., M.C. Córdoba, and C. Jordá. 2004. First report of Alfalfa mosaic virus in Lavandula officinalis. Plant Disease, 88 (8): 908.
  • Moreno, I.M., J.R. Thompson and F. Garcia-Arenal. 2004. Analysis of the systemic colonization of cucumber plants by Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus. Journal of General Virology, 85: 749–759.
  • Mumford, R.A., I. Barker and K.R. Wood. 1994. The detection of Tomato spotted wilt virus using the polymerase chain reaction. Journal Virological Methods, 46: 303- 311.
  • Nie, X. and R.P. Singh. 2002. A new approach for the simultaneous differentiation ofbiological and geographical strains of potato virus Y by uniplex and multiplex RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods, 104: 41-54.
  • Park, K., and B. Cha. 2002. Detection of TMV, ToMV and CMV from tomato seeds and plant. Research in Plant Disease, 8 (2): 101-106.
  • Paylan, İ. ve S. Erkan. 2013. Bazı sebze tohumlarındaki viral etmenlerin saptanması ve yaygınlık oranlarının belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 50 (3): 231-240.
  • Richardson, M.J. 1990. An Annotated List of Seed Borne Diseases. The International Seed Testing Assosiciation Zurich, Switzerland, 27p.
  • Riedle-Bauer, M., B. Suarez and H.J. Reinprecht. 2002. Seed transmission and natural reservoirs of patojen Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 109: 200-206.
  • Shukla, D.D., C.W. Ward and A.A. Brunt. 1994. The Potyviridae. CAB International, Wallingford, UK., 22-26.
  • Tomlinson, J.A. and A. Faithfull. 1984. Studies on the occurance of Tomato bushy stunt virus in English Rivers. Annals of Applied Biology, 104 (3): 485-495.
  • TUİK, 2018. Türkiye’de Sebze Üretim Değerleri. Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • van Winckel A. 1968. Natuurlijke inactivering van het tabakmozaiek virus (TMV) op tomatenzaad. Parasitica, XXIV, 1: 1-9.
  • Walkey, D.G.A. 1991. Applied Plant Virology. Great Britain by St Edmundsbury Press, 338p.
  • Walter, S.A. and T.A. Zitter. 2003. Compendium of cucurbit diseases. HortScience, 38 (65): Page 42.
  • Yoo, B.C., F. Kragler, E. Varkonyi-Gasic, V. Haywood, S. Archer-Evans, Y.M. Lee, T.J. Lough and W.J. Lucas. 2004. A systemic small RNA signaling system in plants. American Society of Plant Biologist, The Plant Cell, 16: 1979-2000.
  • Zeng, R., Q. Liao, J. Feng, D. Li and J. Chen. 2007. Synergy between Cucumber mosaic virus and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus on Cucurbitaceae hosts tested by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 39(6): 431–437.

Occurrence Status of Viral Infections in Some Vegetable Seeds

Yıl 2020, , 529 - 536, 30.12.2020


Objective: In this study, it has been aimed to determine the status of virus diseases in vegetable seeds which have important position for production of our country by rapid and efficient methods during the recent years.
Material and Methods: In the study, totally 430 seed samples come to Department of Plant Protection in Ege University (EU) Faculty of Agriculture and EU Seed Technology Center (TOTEM) from various farmers between the years of 2014-2018 were used as materials. The presence of viral infections in seed samples was determined according to the results obtained from DAS-ELISA (serological) and RT-PCR (molecular) tests.
Results: As a result of serological and molecular tests performed in various vegetable species, single and multiple virus infections were found in seed samples. Prevalence of virus infections in vegetable seed samples according to vegetable species varied in between 17% and 23% (23% in pepper, 19% in tomato and 17% in cucurbit seeds).
Conclusion: In our study, various viral infections have been detected in 20% of the 430 seed samples of tomato, pepper and Cucurbitaceae vegetable species. It is important to reveal the presence of viral agents of economic importance in the cultivation of our region in terms of taking necessary protection measures.


  • Allen, WR. 1969. Occurrence and seed transmission of Tomato bushy stunt virus in apple. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 49: 797.
  • Bhat, A.I., S. Devasahayam, M.N. Venugopal and R. Suseela Bhai. 2005. Distribution and incidence of viral diseases of black pepper in Karnataka and Kerala, India. Journal of Plantation Crops, 33: 59–64.
  • Candresse, T., T. Lanneau, F. Revers, N. Grasseau, G. Macquare, S. German, T. Malinowsky and J. Dunez. 1995. An immunocapture PCR assay adapted to the detection and the analysis of the molecular variability of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus. Acta Horticulture, 386: 136-147.
  • Cherif, C. 1981. Thèse Diplome Docteur Troisieme Cycle, Université P. & M. Curie, Paris, 84 pp.
  • Chung, B.N., J.S. Kim, J.D. Cho, S.R. Cheong and M.I. Jeong. 2007. Tobacco mosaic virus detected in vegetatively propagated petunia hybrids “Surfinia”. The Korean Society of Plant Pathology, Plant Pathology Journal, 23(1): 34-36.
  • Clark, M.F. and A.N. Adams. 1977. Characteristic of microplate method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of plant viruses. Journal of General Virology, 34: 475-483.
  • Desbiez, C. and H. Lecoq. 2004. The nucleotide sequence of Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV, Potyvirus) reveals interspecific recombination between two related potyviruses in the 5 part of the genome. Archives of Virology, 149: 1619–1632.
  • Erkan, S., M. Gümüş, Ü. Yorgancı ve T. Yoltaş. 1994. Sanayi domatesi tohum örneklerinde domates mozaik virüsü ve bakteriyel kanser etmenlerinin bulunma durumunun saptanması üzerinde araştırmalar. Sanayi Domatesi Üretimini Geliştirme Projesi Çalışma Raporu. İzmir. 47s.
  • Erkan, S. 1998. Tohum Patolojisi. E. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Bornova, İzmir. Gözdem Ofis, 275 s.
  • FAO, 2017. Dünyada Sebze Üretim Verileri. Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • Foissac, X., L. Svanella-Dumas, M.J. Dulucq, T. Candresse and P. Gentit. 2001. Polyvalent detection in fruit tree tricho, capillo and foveaviruses by nested RT-PCR using degenerated and inosine containing primers (PDO RT-PCR). Acta Horticulture, 550: 37-43.
  • Griesbach, J.A. 1995. Detection of Tomato ringspot virus by polymerase chain reaction. Plant Disease, 79: 1054-1056
  • ISF, 2016. Uluslararası Tohum Ticaretinde Söz Sahibi Ülkeler. Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • ISTA, 2014. Organizing and Analyzing Results of the Seed Health Proficiency Tests., Erişim: Eylül 2014.
  • Jacobi, V., G.D. Bachand, R.C. Hamelin and J.D. Castello. 1998. Development of a multiplex immunocapture RT-PCR assay for detection and differentiation of tomato and tobacco mosaic tobamoviruses. Journal of Virological Methods, 74: 164-178.
  • Le Gall, O., T. Candresse and J. Dunez. 1995. Transfer of the 31 non-translated region of grapevine chrome mosaic virus RNA-1 by recombination to tomato black ring virus RNA-2 in pseudorecombinant isolates. Journal of General Virology, 76: 1285-1289.
  • Lister, R.M. and A.F. Murant. 1967. Seed transmission of nematode-borne viruses. Annals Applied Biology, 59:49-62.
  • MacKenzie, D.J., M.A. McLean, S. Mukerji and M. Green. 1997. Improved RNA extraction from woody plants for the detection of viral pathogens by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Plant Disease, 81: 222-226.
  • Martínez-Priego, L.I., M.C. Córdoba, and C. Jordá. 2004. First report of Alfalfa mosaic virus in Lavandula officinalis. Plant Disease, 88 (8): 908.
  • Moreno, I.M., J.R. Thompson and F. Garcia-Arenal. 2004. Analysis of the systemic colonization of cucumber plants by Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus. Journal of General Virology, 85: 749–759.
  • Mumford, R.A., I. Barker and K.R. Wood. 1994. The detection of Tomato spotted wilt virus using the polymerase chain reaction. Journal Virological Methods, 46: 303- 311.
  • Nie, X. and R.P. Singh. 2002. A new approach for the simultaneous differentiation ofbiological and geographical strains of potato virus Y by uniplex and multiplex RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods, 104: 41-54.
  • Park, K., and B. Cha. 2002. Detection of TMV, ToMV and CMV from tomato seeds and plant. Research in Plant Disease, 8 (2): 101-106.
  • Paylan, İ. ve S. Erkan. 2013. Bazı sebze tohumlarındaki viral etmenlerin saptanması ve yaygınlık oranlarının belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 50 (3): 231-240.
  • Richardson, M.J. 1990. An Annotated List of Seed Borne Diseases. The International Seed Testing Assosiciation Zurich, Switzerland, 27p.
  • Riedle-Bauer, M., B. Suarez and H.J. Reinprecht. 2002. Seed transmission and natural reservoirs of patojen Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 109: 200-206.
  • Shukla, D.D., C.W. Ward and A.A. Brunt. 1994. The Potyviridae. CAB International, Wallingford, UK., 22-26.
  • Tomlinson, J.A. and A. Faithfull. 1984. Studies on the occurance of Tomato bushy stunt virus in English Rivers. Annals of Applied Biology, 104 (3): 485-495.
  • TUİK, 2018. Türkiye’de Sebze Üretim Değerleri. Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • van Winckel A. 1968. Natuurlijke inactivering van het tabakmozaiek virus (TMV) op tomatenzaad. Parasitica, XXIV, 1: 1-9.
  • Walkey, D.G.A. 1991. Applied Plant Virology. Great Britain by St Edmundsbury Press, 338p.
  • Walter, S.A. and T.A. Zitter. 2003. Compendium of cucurbit diseases. HortScience, 38 (65): Page 42.
  • Yoo, B.C., F. Kragler, E. Varkonyi-Gasic, V. Haywood, S. Archer-Evans, Y.M. Lee, T.J. Lough and W.J. Lucas. 2004. A systemic small RNA signaling system in plants. American Society of Plant Biologist, The Plant Cell, 16: 1979-2000.
  • Zeng, R., Q. Liao, J. Feng, D. Li and J. Chen. 2007. Synergy between Cucumber mosaic virus and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus on Cucurbitaceae hosts tested by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 39(6): 431–437.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

İsmail Can Paylan 0000-0002-4815-5859

Ayşe Çandar 0000-0003-2385-5602

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ocak 2020
Kabul Tarihi 8 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Paylan, İ. C., & Çandar, A. (2020). Bazı Sebze Tohumlarında Viral Enfeksiyonların Bulunma Durumu. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 57(4), 529-536.

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