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Detection of Reaction of F1 Hybrid Pear Population Against Fire Blight Disease Caused By Erwinia amylovora

Yıl 2014, , 185 - 190, 01.06.2014


n this study, susceptibility levels of different hybrid pear individuals were determined against fire blight disease agent Erwinia amylovora by artificial inoculations. According to the pathogenity tests of 75 different E. amylovora


  • Arthur, J.C. 1985. Proof That Bacteria Are The Direct Cause Of The Disease in Trees Known As Pear Blight. eds: van der Zwet T. and Beer S.V., U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 631., Pp: 83.
  • Anonim. 2008. Research Project: Biological Integrated Management of Fire Blight of Pome Fruits. United States Department of Agriculture agricultural research service, Wenatchee, Washington, NO=411716& fy=2008.
  • Layne, E.C., and H.A. Quamme.1975. Pears.Eds: Janick J. and
  • Aysan, Y., S. Tokgönül, Ö. Çınar, A. Küden. 1999. Biological, Chemical, Cultural Control Methods and Determination Resistant Cultivars to Fire Blight in Pear Orchards in The Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Acta Horticulturae, 489: 549-553.
  • Aysan, Y., F. Sahin, H. Saygili, M. Mirik, R. Kotan. 2004. Phenotypic Characterization of Erwinia amylovora from Pome Fruits in Turkey. 10th International Workshop on Fire Blight, Bologna, Italy, ActaHorticulturae, 704: 459-463.
  • Bergamaschi, M., L. Rivalta, S. Sirri, E. Biondi, F. Ramili, and C. Bazzi. 2006. Reactivity to Fire Blight of New Promising Pear Selections. 10th International Workshop on Fire Blight, Bologna-Italy, Acta Horticulturae, 704: 571-577.
  • Durel, C.E., P. Guérif, A. Belouin, and M. Le Lezec. 2004. Estimation of Fire Blight Resistance Heritability in The French Pear Breeding Program Using a Pedigree-Based Approach. XI Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Acta Horticulturae, 663: 251-256.
  • Ellis, M.A. 2010. Fireblight of apples and Pears. The Ohio State University Extention, Agricultural and Natural Resources Fact Sheet, HYG-302-08, fact/3000/pdf/3002.pdf.
  • Hasler, T., and M. Kellerhals. 1997. Feuerbrandanfalligkeit Verschiedener Apfelund Birnensorten. Eds: Sobiczewski P., Deckers T., and Pulawska J., Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Skierniewice, Poland, 84 s.
  • Hevesi, M., M. Göndör, K. Kása, K. Honty, and M.G. Tóth. 2004. Ateş Yanıklığına Dayanıklılık Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Geleneksel ve Ticari Elma ve Armut Çeşitleri. EPPO/OEPP Bulletin, 34 (3): 377-380.
  • Honty, K., M. Göndör, M. Toth, K. Kasa, and M. Hevesi. 2006. Susceptibility of Pear Cultivars to Fire Blight in Hungary. 10th International Workshop on Fire Blight, Bologna-Italy, Acta Horticulturae, 704: 583-587.
  • Hunter, D.M., and R.E.C. Layne. 2004. Recent Pear and Apricot Introductions from The Aafc-Harrow Tree Fruit Breeding Programs. XI Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Acta Horticulturae, 663: 907-910. Moore J.N., Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana, 610 s.
  • McGraw, D. 2006. Pollination Requirements For Fruits and Nuts. Oklahama Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets, F-6229.
  • Momol, M.T., O. Yeğen, H. Basım, and K. Rudolph. 1992. Identification of Erwinia amylovora and The Occurrence of Fire Blight of Pear in Western Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 21 (1): 41-47.
  • Öztürk, G., E. Basım, H. Basım, R.A. Emre, Ö.F. Karamürsel, İ. Eren, M. İşçi ve E. Kaçal. 2011. Kontrollü Melezleme Yoluyla Ateş Yanıklığı (Erwinia amylovora) Hastalığına Karşı Dayanıklı Yeni Armut Çeşitlerinin Geliştirilmesi: İlk Meyve Gözlemleri. VI. Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, 04-08 Ekim, Şanlıurfa.
  • Quamme, H.A., T. Van Der Zwet, and V. Dirks. 1976. Relation of Fireblight Resistance of Young Pear Seedlings Inoculated in The Greenhouse to Mature Seedlings Trees Naturally Infected in The Field. Plant Dis. Reptr., 60: 660-664.
  • Rosati, C., L. Rivalta, M. Dradi, M. Le Lézec, A. Belouin, and R. Chartier. 2002. Fireblight Evaluation of Advanced Italian Selections and Cultivars of Pear. VIII International Symposium on Pear, Acta Horticulturae, 596: 279-282.
  • Ryugo, K. 1982. Breeding Resistance to Fire-Blight Bacteria, Erwinia amylovora, in Pears. III International Symposium on Pear Growing, Acta Horticulturae, 124: 33-36.
  • Saygılı, H., H. Türküsay, S. Hepaksoy, A. Ünal, and H.Z. Can. 1999. Investigation on Determining Some Pear Varieties Resistant to Fire Blight (Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al.). Acta Horticulturae, 489: 225-229.
  • Saygılı, H., Y. Aysan, M. Mirik, and F. Sahin. 2004. Severe Outbreak of Fire Blight on Quince in Turkey. 10th International Workshop On Fire Blight, July 5-9, 2004, Bologna, Italy, Acta Horticulturae, 704: 51-53.
  • Sestras, A., R. Sestras, A. Barbos, and M. Madalina. 2008. The Differences Among Pear Genotypes To Fire Blight (Erwinia amylovora) Attack, Based On Observations of Natural Infection. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 36 (2): 98-103.
  • Spotts, R.A., and E.A. Mielke. 1999. Resistance of Pear Cultivars in Oregon to Natural Fire Blight Infection. Fruit Varieties Journal, 53 (2): 110-115.
  • Thibault, B., P. Lecomp, L. Hermann, and A. Belouin. 1987. Assesment of the Susceptibility to Erwinia amylovora of the 90 Varieties or Selections of Pear. Acta Horticulturae, 217: 305- 309.
  • Thompson, S.S., J. Janick, and E.B. Williams.1962. Evaluation of Resistance to Fire Blight of Pear. In Advances in Fruit Breeding, Eds. Layne E.C. and Quamme H.A., Purdue Universty Press, West Lafayette, Indiana, 38-70.
  • Van Der Zwet, T., and S.V. Beer. 1991. Fire Blight -It’s Nature, Prevention and Control: A Practical Guide to Integrated Disease Management. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 631, Pp: 83.
  • Yılmaz, M.A. ve Y. Aysan. 2009. Erwinia amylovara’nın Neden Olduğu Ateş Yanıklığı Hastalığının Elmalardan İzolasyonu, Belirtileri, Yayılması ve Mücadelesi. I. Ulusal Elma Sempozyumu, 20-22 Ekim 2009, Karaman.
  • Yoder, K.S., and A.R. Biggs. 2010. Personal Observations, Table of Pear Cultivar Susceptibility to the Fire Blight Bacterium. Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design, Division of Plant and Soil Science, Kearneysville/tables/ pearfireblightsus.htm.

F1 Melez Armut Populasyonunun Ateş Yanıklığı Hastalığı Etmeni Erwinia amylovora Karşı Reaksiyonunun Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2014, , 185 - 190, 01.06.2014


teş Yanıklığı hastalığına dayanıklı armut tiplerinin belirlenmesini amaçlayan bu çalışmada, melez armut bireylerin Ateş Yanıklığı hastalığı etmeni A


  • Arthur, J.C. 1985. Proof That Bacteria Are The Direct Cause Of The Disease in Trees Known As Pear Blight. eds: van der Zwet T. and Beer S.V., U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 631., Pp: 83.
  • Anonim. 2008. Research Project: Biological Integrated Management of Fire Blight of Pome Fruits. United States Department of Agriculture agricultural research service, Wenatchee, Washington, NO=411716& fy=2008.
  • Layne, E.C., and H.A. Quamme.1975. Pears.Eds: Janick J. and
  • Aysan, Y., S. Tokgönül, Ö. Çınar, A. Küden. 1999. Biological, Chemical, Cultural Control Methods and Determination Resistant Cultivars to Fire Blight in Pear Orchards in The Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Acta Horticulturae, 489: 549-553.
  • Aysan, Y., F. Sahin, H. Saygili, M. Mirik, R. Kotan. 2004. Phenotypic Characterization of Erwinia amylovora from Pome Fruits in Turkey. 10th International Workshop on Fire Blight, Bologna, Italy, ActaHorticulturae, 704: 459-463.
  • Bergamaschi, M., L. Rivalta, S. Sirri, E. Biondi, F. Ramili, and C. Bazzi. 2006. Reactivity to Fire Blight of New Promising Pear Selections. 10th International Workshop on Fire Blight, Bologna-Italy, Acta Horticulturae, 704: 571-577.
  • Durel, C.E., P. Guérif, A. Belouin, and M. Le Lezec. 2004. Estimation of Fire Blight Resistance Heritability in The French Pear Breeding Program Using a Pedigree-Based Approach. XI Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Acta Horticulturae, 663: 251-256.
  • Ellis, M.A. 2010. Fireblight of apples and Pears. The Ohio State University Extention, Agricultural and Natural Resources Fact Sheet, HYG-302-08, fact/3000/pdf/3002.pdf.
  • Hasler, T., and M. Kellerhals. 1997. Feuerbrandanfalligkeit Verschiedener Apfelund Birnensorten. Eds: Sobiczewski P., Deckers T., and Pulawska J., Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Skierniewice, Poland, 84 s.
  • Hevesi, M., M. Göndör, K. Kása, K. Honty, and M.G. Tóth. 2004. Ateş Yanıklığına Dayanıklılık Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Geleneksel ve Ticari Elma ve Armut Çeşitleri. EPPO/OEPP Bulletin, 34 (3): 377-380.
  • Honty, K., M. Göndör, M. Toth, K. Kasa, and M. Hevesi. 2006. Susceptibility of Pear Cultivars to Fire Blight in Hungary. 10th International Workshop on Fire Blight, Bologna-Italy, Acta Horticulturae, 704: 583-587.
  • Hunter, D.M., and R.E.C. Layne. 2004. Recent Pear and Apricot Introductions from The Aafc-Harrow Tree Fruit Breeding Programs. XI Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Acta Horticulturae, 663: 907-910. Moore J.N., Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana, 610 s.
  • McGraw, D. 2006. Pollination Requirements For Fruits and Nuts. Oklahama Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets, F-6229.
  • Momol, M.T., O. Yeğen, H. Basım, and K. Rudolph. 1992. Identification of Erwinia amylovora and The Occurrence of Fire Blight of Pear in Western Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 21 (1): 41-47.
  • Öztürk, G., E. Basım, H. Basım, R.A. Emre, Ö.F. Karamürsel, İ. Eren, M. İşçi ve E. Kaçal. 2011. Kontrollü Melezleme Yoluyla Ateş Yanıklığı (Erwinia amylovora) Hastalığına Karşı Dayanıklı Yeni Armut Çeşitlerinin Geliştirilmesi: İlk Meyve Gözlemleri. VI. Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, 04-08 Ekim, Şanlıurfa.
  • Quamme, H.A., T. Van Der Zwet, and V. Dirks. 1976. Relation of Fireblight Resistance of Young Pear Seedlings Inoculated in The Greenhouse to Mature Seedlings Trees Naturally Infected in The Field. Plant Dis. Reptr., 60: 660-664.
  • Rosati, C., L. Rivalta, M. Dradi, M. Le Lézec, A. Belouin, and R. Chartier. 2002. Fireblight Evaluation of Advanced Italian Selections and Cultivars of Pear. VIII International Symposium on Pear, Acta Horticulturae, 596: 279-282.
  • Ryugo, K. 1982. Breeding Resistance to Fire-Blight Bacteria, Erwinia amylovora, in Pears. III International Symposium on Pear Growing, Acta Horticulturae, 124: 33-36.
  • Saygılı, H., H. Türküsay, S. Hepaksoy, A. Ünal, and H.Z. Can. 1999. Investigation on Determining Some Pear Varieties Resistant to Fire Blight (Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al.). Acta Horticulturae, 489: 225-229.
  • Saygılı, H., Y. Aysan, M. Mirik, and F. Sahin. 2004. Severe Outbreak of Fire Blight on Quince in Turkey. 10th International Workshop On Fire Blight, July 5-9, 2004, Bologna, Italy, Acta Horticulturae, 704: 51-53.
  • Sestras, A., R. Sestras, A. Barbos, and M. Madalina. 2008. The Differences Among Pear Genotypes To Fire Blight (Erwinia amylovora) Attack, Based On Observations of Natural Infection. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 36 (2): 98-103.
  • Spotts, R.A., and E.A. Mielke. 1999. Resistance of Pear Cultivars in Oregon to Natural Fire Blight Infection. Fruit Varieties Journal, 53 (2): 110-115.
  • Thibault, B., P. Lecomp, L. Hermann, and A. Belouin. 1987. Assesment of the Susceptibility to Erwinia amylovora of the 90 Varieties or Selections of Pear. Acta Horticulturae, 217: 305- 309.
  • Thompson, S.S., J. Janick, and E.B. Williams.1962. Evaluation of Resistance to Fire Blight of Pear. In Advances in Fruit Breeding, Eds. Layne E.C. and Quamme H.A., Purdue Universty Press, West Lafayette, Indiana, 38-70.
  • Van Der Zwet, T., and S.V. Beer. 1991. Fire Blight -It’s Nature, Prevention and Control: A Practical Guide to Integrated Disease Management. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 631, Pp: 83.
  • Yılmaz, M.A. ve Y. Aysan. 2009. Erwinia amylovara’nın Neden Olduğu Ateş Yanıklığı Hastalığının Elmalardan İzolasyonu, Belirtileri, Yayılması ve Mücadelesi. I. Ulusal Elma Sempozyumu, 20-22 Ekim 2009, Karaman.
  • Yoder, K.S., and A.R. Biggs. 2010. Personal Observations, Table of Pear Cultivar Susceptibility to the Fire Blight Bacterium. Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design, Division of Plant and Soil Science, Kearneysville/tables/ pearfireblightsus.htm.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Kasım 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Evrenosoğlu, Y., Mısırlı, A., Aysan, Y., Saygılı, H., vd. (2014). F1 Melez Armut Populasyonunun Ateş Yanıklığı Hastalığı Etmeni Erwinia amylovora Karşı Reaksiyonunun Belirlenmesi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 51(2), 185-190.

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