Ayvaz, M.,2002, Bazı Arpa Çeşitlerinde Borun Büyüme ve Gelişme Üzerine Etkileri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, s.21-32.
Baltepe, Ş., Mert, H.H., 1972, Indol-3-Asetik Asit, Gibberellik Asit ve Absissik Asit’in Kromatografik Seperasyon ve Biyolojik Determinasyonları Hakkında Metodolojik Bir Çalışma, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi İlmi Raporlar Serisi No:147, Bornova-İZMİR.
Berglund, T., Ohlsson, A. B., 1995, Defensive and secondary metabolism in plant tissue cultures, with special reference to nicotinamide, glutathione and oxidative stress. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 43(2): 137-145.
Brown, P.H., Hu, H.,1997, Boron Mobility and Consequent Management in Different Crops. Better Crops with Plant Food 82(2): 28-31.
Brown, P.H., Shelp, B.T., 1997, Boron Mobility in Plants. Plant and Soil, 193, 85- 101.
Edreva, A., 1998, Stress physiology, definitions and concepts of Stress In ‘Symposium of molecular basis of stress physiology in plants’ 4-32. (22-26 June, EBİLTEM, Bornova-İzmir, Turkey).
Erd, R. C., 1980, The minerals of boron. In Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Suppl. To Vol. V. Ed. R. Thompson. 7- 71. Longman, New York.
Foroughi, M., Marschner, H., Doring, H.W., 1973, Auftreten von Bormengel bei Citrus Durantium L. (Bitterorangen) am Kaspischen Meer (Iran). Z.Poanzenernahr Bodenk, 136, 220-228.
Marschner, H., 2002, Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants (2nd ed.) ,390. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Mengel, K., Kirkby, E.A.,2001, Principles of Plant Nutrition. 5th ed., 635. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Mondy, N.I., Munshi, C.B., 1993, Effect of boron on enzymatic discoloration and phenolic and ascorbic acid content of potatoes. J. Agri. Food Chem. 41: 554- 56.
Murashige, T., Skoog F., 1962, A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures, Physiol Plant 15:473-497
Nable, R., Banuelos, G., Paul, G.J., 1997, Boron toxicity, Plant and Soil, 193: 181- 198.
Parr, A.J., Loughman, B.C.,1983, Boron and Membrane Functions in Plants. In D.A. Robb& W.S. Pierpoint, (Eds.), Metals and Micronutrients: Uptake and Utilization by Plants Annu. Proc. Phytochem. Soc. Eur. No. 21; 87-107. London: Academic Press.
Schon, M.K., Novacky, A., Blevins, D.G., 1990, Boron induces Hyperpolarization
on Sunflower Root Cell Membranes and Increases Membrane Permeability to
K+, Plant Physiol., 93: 566-571.
Witham, F.H., Blayles, D.F., Levlin, R.M., 1971, Experiments in Plant Physiology, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 55-56.
Yürekli, K., Güven, A., Görk, G., 1974, Spektrofotometre ile Hormonların Kantitatif Tayinleri Üzerinde Çalışmalar, Bitki, 1: 60-68.
Bor Elementi ve Niasinin Nantes Havuç (Daucus carota L.) Çeşidinin Büyümesi Üzerine Etkileri
Ayvaz, M.,2002, Bazı Arpa Çeşitlerinde Borun Büyüme ve Gelişme Üzerine Etkileri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, s.21-32.
Baltepe, Ş., Mert, H.H., 1972, Indol-3-Asetik Asit, Gibberellik Asit ve Absissik Asit’in Kromatografik Seperasyon ve Biyolojik Determinasyonları Hakkında Metodolojik Bir Çalışma, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi İlmi Raporlar Serisi No:147, Bornova-İZMİR.
Berglund, T., Ohlsson, A. B., 1995, Defensive and secondary metabolism in plant tissue cultures, with special reference to nicotinamide, glutathione and oxidative stress. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 43(2): 137-145.
Brown, P.H., Hu, H.,1997, Boron Mobility and Consequent Management in Different Crops. Better Crops with Plant Food 82(2): 28-31.
Brown, P.H., Shelp, B.T., 1997, Boron Mobility in Plants. Plant and Soil, 193, 85- 101.
Edreva, A., 1998, Stress physiology, definitions and concepts of Stress In ‘Symposium of molecular basis of stress physiology in plants’ 4-32. (22-26 June, EBİLTEM, Bornova-İzmir, Turkey).
Erd, R. C., 1980, The minerals of boron. In Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Suppl. To Vol. V. Ed. R. Thompson. 7- 71. Longman, New York.
Foroughi, M., Marschner, H., Doring, H.W., 1973, Auftreten von Bormengel bei Citrus Durantium L. (Bitterorangen) am Kaspischen Meer (Iran). Z.Poanzenernahr Bodenk, 136, 220-228.
Marschner, H., 2002, Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants (2nd ed.) ,390. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Mengel, K., Kirkby, E.A.,2001, Principles of Plant Nutrition. 5th ed., 635. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Mondy, N.I., Munshi, C.B., 1993, Effect of boron on enzymatic discoloration and phenolic and ascorbic acid content of potatoes. J. Agri. Food Chem. 41: 554- 56.
Murashige, T., Skoog F., 1962, A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures, Physiol Plant 15:473-497
Nable, R., Banuelos, G., Paul, G.J., 1997, Boron toxicity, Plant and Soil, 193: 181- 198.
Parr, A.J., Loughman, B.C.,1983, Boron and Membrane Functions in Plants. In D.A. Robb& W.S. Pierpoint, (Eds.), Metals and Micronutrients: Uptake and Utilization by Plants Annu. Proc. Phytochem. Soc. Eur. No. 21; 87-107. London: Academic Press.
Schon, M.K., Novacky, A., Blevins, D.G., 1990, Boron induces Hyperpolarization
on Sunflower Root Cell Membranes and Increases Membrane Permeability to
K+, Plant Physiol., 93: 566-571.
Witham, F.H., Blayles, D.F., Levlin, R.M., 1971, Experiments in Plant Physiology, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 55-56.
Yürekli, K., Güven, A., Görk, G., 1974, Spektrofotometre ile Hormonların Kantitatif Tayinleri Üzerinde Çalışmalar, Bitki, 1: 60-68.
Demiray, H., & Dereboylu, A. E. (2005). Bor Elementi ve Niasinin Nantes Havuç (Daucus carota L.) Çeşidinin Büyümesi Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 42(1), 191-201.