Bugg, R. L.; F. L. Wackers; K. E. Brunson; J. D. Dutcher and S. C. Phatak, 1991. Cool-season cover crops relay intercropped with cantaloupe: Influence on a generalistic predator, Geocoris punctipes. J. of Econ. Ento., 84, 408-415.
Clark, A. J.; A. M. Decker and J. J. Meisinger, 1994. Seeding rate and kill date effects on hairy vetch-cereal rye cover crop mixtures for corn production. Agro. J., 86, 1065-1070.
Creamer, N. G.; M. A. Bennett; B. R. Stinner; J. Cardina and E. E. Regnier, 1996a. Mechanisms of weed suppression in cover crop-based production systems. Hort. Science, 31, 410-413.
Creamer, N. G.; M. A. Bennett; B. R. Stinner; J. Cardina and E. E. Regnier, 1996b. A comparison of four processing tomato production systems differing in cover crop and chemical inputs. J. of The Amer. Soc. of Hort. Sci., 121, 559-568.
Hanson, J. C.; E. Lichtenberg; A. M. , Decker and A. J. Clark, 1993. Profitability of no-tillage corn following a hairy vetch cover crop. J. of Prod. Agric., 6, 432- 437.
Ranells, N. N. and M. G. Wagger, 1997. Winter grass-legume bicultures for efficient nitrogen management in no-till corn. Agric., Ecosys. and Envir., 65, 23-32.
Sainju, U. M. and B. P. Singh, 1997. Winter cover crops for sustainable agricultural systems: Influence on soil properties, water quality and crop yields. Hort. Science, 32, 21-28.
Shennan, C. 1992. Cover crops, nitrogen cycling and soil properties in semi-irrigated vegetable production systems. Hort. Science, 27, 749-754.
Smeda, R. J. and S. C. Weller, 1996. Potential of rye (Secale cereale) for weed management in transplant tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum). Weed Sci., 44, 596-602.
Smith, M. S.; W. W. Frye and J. J. Varco, 1987. Legume winter cover crops. Advan. in Soil Sci., 7, 95-139.
Subbarao, K. V. and J. C. Hubbard, 1996. Interactive effects of broccoli residue and temperature on Verticillium dahliae microsclerotia in soil and on wilt in cauliflower. Phytopathology., 86, 1303-1310.
Wagger, 1989. Time of dessication effects on plant compositionand subsequent nitrogen release from several winter annual cover crops. Agro. J., 81, 236-241.
Bugg, R. L.; F. L. Wackers; K. E. Brunson; J. D. Dutcher and S. C. Phatak, 1991. Cool-season cover crops relay intercropped with cantaloupe: Influence on a generalistic predator, Geocoris punctipes. J. of Econ. Ento., 84, 408-415.
Clark, A. J.; A. M. Decker and J. J. Meisinger, 1994. Seeding rate and kill date effects on hairy vetch-cereal rye cover crop mixtures for corn production. Agro. J., 86, 1065-1070.
Creamer, N. G.; M. A. Bennett; B. R. Stinner; J. Cardina and E. E. Regnier, 1996a. Mechanisms of weed suppression in cover crop-based production systems. Hort. Science, 31, 410-413.
Creamer, N. G.; M. A. Bennett; B. R. Stinner; J. Cardina and E. E. Regnier, 1996b. A comparison of four processing tomato production systems differing in cover crop and chemical inputs. J. of The Amer. Soc. of Hort. Sci., 121, 559-568.
Hanson, J. C.; E. Lichtenberg; A. M. , Decker and A. J. Clark, 1993. Profitability of no-tillage corn following a hairy vetch cover crop. J. of Prod. Agric., 6, 432- 437.
Ranells, N. N. and M. G. Wagger, 1997. Winter grass-legume bicultures for efficient nitrogen management in no-till corn. Agric., Ecosys. and Envir., 65, 23-32.
Sainju, U. M. and B. P. Singh, 1997. Winter cover crops for sustainable agricultural systems: Influence on soil properties, water quality and crop yields. Hort. Science, 32, 21-28.
Shennan, C. 1992. Cover crops, nitrogen cycling and soil properties in semi-irrigated vegetable production systems. Hort. Science, 27, 749-754.
Smeda, R. J. and S. C. Weller, 1996. Potential of rye (Secale cereale) for weed management in transplant tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum). Weed Sci., 44, 596-602.
Smith, M. S.; W. W. Frye and J. J. Varco, 1987. Legume winter cover crops. Advan. in Soil Sci., 7, 95-139.
Subbarao, K. V. and J. C. Hubbard, 1996. Interactive effects of broccoli residue and temperature on Verticillium dahliae microsclerotia in soil and on wilt in cauliflower. Phytopathology., 86, 1303-1310.
Wagger, 1989. Time of dessication effects on plant compositionand subsequent nitrogen release from several winter annual cover crops. Agro. J., 81, 236-241.