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CTIM, Acıkta sebze yetistiriciligi uretimi.2009.Canakkale Tarım Il Mudurlugu,. http://www.canakkale-tarim.gov.tr. Erisim: Ocak 2010.
Damgaard, C, and J. Weiner, 2008. Modeling the growth of individuals in crowded plant populations. Journal of Plant Ecology, 1(2): 111-116.
Demirel, K., L. Genc., G. Camoglu., M. Sacan., B. Asar, and S. Asık, 2009. Estimation of yield and some quality parameters by chlorophyll readings for watermelon. Research People and Actual Tasks on Multidisciplinary Sciences. Lozonec, Bulgaria. June 10- 12. pp.242-247.
Doorenbos, J, and Kassam, A.H, 1979. Yield response to water. Irrigation and drainage paper no: 33. FAO-Rome p. 193.
Estrada-Luna, A.A., Jr. F.T. Davies, and J.N. Egilla, 2001. Physiological changes and growth of micropropagated chile ancho pepper plantlets during acclimatization and post- acclimatization. Plant Cell. Tissue and Organ Culture, 66: 17-24.
Gage, J.D, and P.A. Tyler, 1985. Growth and recruitment of the deep-sea urchin. Echinus affinis. Mar. Biol. 90: 41-53.
Glick, B.R., Z. Cheng., J. Czarny, and J. Duan, 2007. Promotion of plant growth by ACC deaminase-producing soil bacteria.Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 119: 329-339.
Hintze, J., 2001. NCSS and PASS. Number cruncher statistical systems. Kaysville, Utah. www. ncss.com.
Hocking, R.R., 1976. The analysis and selection of variables in linear regression. Biometrics, 32: 1-49.
Jenni, S., K.A Stewart., G. Bourgeois, and D.C Cloutier, 1997. Nondestructive volume estimation for growth analysis of eastern- type muskmelon ovarics. Hortscience, 32:342-343.
Lamare, M.D, and P.V. Mladenov, 2000. Modelling somatic growth in the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Echinoidea: Echinometridae). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 243: 17-43.
Lawrence, T.L.J, and V.R. Fowler, 2002. Growth of farm animals. Second Ed. CAB International, Wallingford. UK. p.347.
Mendes, M., E. Dincer, and E. Arslan, 2007. Profile analysis and growth curve for body mass index of broiler chickens reared under different feed restrictions in early age"Archıv für Tierzucht- Archıves of Anımal Breedıng, 50 (4): 403-411.
Ngouajio, M., W. Kirk, and R. Goldy, 2003. A simple model for rapid and nondestructive estimation of bell pepper fruit volume.HortScience,38(4): 509-511.
Poorter, H, and C. LEWIS, 1986. Testing differences in relative growth rate: A method avoiding curve fitting and pairing. Physıol. Plant. 67: 223-226.
Riga, P, and M. Anza, 2003. Effect of magnesium deficiency on pepper growth parameters: implications for determination of magnesium-critical value. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 26 (8): 1581- 1593.
Schwarz, G., 1978. Estimating the dimension of a model. The Annals of Statistics. 6: 461-464.
Yıldızbakan, A., 2003. Application of von bertalanffy height growth model on eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.). Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Insitute, Journal of DOA, 9:27- 45.
Werker, A.R, and K.W. Jaggard, 1997. Modelling asymmetrical growth curves that rise and then fall: Applications to foliage dynamics of sugar beet (Beta Vulgaris L.). Annals of Botany. 79:657-665.
Estimation of Growth Curve Parameters for Pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. kapija) under Deficit Irrigation Conditions
Abeles, F. B., P. W. Morgan, and M. E. JR. Saltveit. 1992. Ethylene in Plant Biology. New York: Academic Press. p.414.
Akaike, H., 1969. Fitting autoregressive models for prediction. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 21:243-247.
CTIM, Acıkta sebze yetistiriciligi uretimi.2009.Canakkale Tarım Il Mudurlugu,. http://www.canakkale-tarim.gov.tr. Erisim: Ocak 2010.
Damgaard, C, and J. Weiner, 2008. Modeling the growth of individuals in crowded plant populations. Journal of Plant Ecology, 1(2): 111-116.
Demirel, K., L. Genc., G. Camoglu., M. Sacan., B. Asar, and S. Asık, 2009. Estimation of yield and some quality parameters by chlorophyll readings for watermelon. Research People and Actual Tasks on Multidisciplinary Sciences. Lozonec, Bulgaria. June 10- 12. pp.242-247.
Doorenbos, J, and Kassam, A.H, 1979. Yield response to water. Irrigation and drainage paper no: 33. FAO-Rome p. 193.
Estrada-Luna, A.A., Jr. F.T. Davies, and J.N. Egilla, 2001. Physiological changes and growth of micropropagated chile ancho pepper plantlets during acclimatization and post- acclimatization. Plant Cell. Tissue and Organ Culture, 66: 17-24.
Gage, J.D, and P.A. Tyler, 1985. Growth and recruitment of the deep-sea urchin. Echinus affinis. Mar. Biol. 90: 41-53.
Glick, B.R., Z. Cheng., J. Czarny, and J. Duan, 2007. Promotion of plant growth by ACC deaminase-producing soil bacteria.Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 119: 329-339.
Hintze, J., 2001. NCSS and PASS. Number cruncher statistical systems. Kaysville, Utah. www. ncss.com.
Hocking, R.R., 1976. The analysis and selection of variables in linear regression. Biometrics, 32: 1-49.
Jenni, S., K.A Stewart., G. Bourgeois, and D.C Cloutier, 1997. Nondestructive volume estimation for growth analysis of eastern- type muskmelon ovarics. Hortscience, 32:342-343.
Lamare, M.D, and P.V. Mladenov, 2000. Modelling somatic growth in the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Echinoidea: Echinometridae). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 243: 17-43.
Lawrence, T.L.J, and V.R. Fowler, 2002. Growth of farm animals. Second Ed. CAB International, Wallingford. UK. p.347.
Mendes, M., E. Dincer, and E. Arslan, 2007. Profile analysis and growth curve for body mass index of broiler chickens reared under different feed restrictions in early age"Archıv für Tierzucht- Archıves of Anımal Breedıng, 50 (4): 403-411.
Ngouajio, M., W. Kirk, and R. Goldy, 2003. A simple model for rapid and nondestructive estimation of bell pepper fruit volume.HortScience,38(4): 509-511.
Poorter, H, and C. LEWIS, 1986. Testing differences in relative growth rate: A method avoiding curve fitting and pairing. Physıol. Plant. 67: 223-226.
Riga, P, and M. Anza, 2003. Effect of magnesium deficiency on pepper growth parameters: implications for determination of magnesium-critical value. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 26 (8): 1581- 1593.
Schwarz, G., 1978. Estimating the dimension of a model. The Annals of Statistics. 6: 461-464.
Yıldızbakan, A., 2003. Application of von bertalanffy height growth model on eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.). Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Insitute, Journal of DOA, 9:27- 45.
Werker, A.R, and K.W. Jaggard, 1997. Modelling asymmetrical growth curves that rise and then fall: Applications to foliage dynamics of sugar beet (Beta Vulgaris L.). Annals of Botany. 79:657-665.
Demirel, K., Genç, L., Mendeş, M., Saçan, M., vd. (2012). Estimation of Growth Curve Parameters for Pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. kapija) under Deficit Irrigation Conditions. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 49(1), 37-43.