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Geostatistical Analysis and Mapping Spatial Distribution of Boron Concentration in Saline-Alkaline Soils

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 52 Sayı: 2, 191 - 202, 25.11.2015


igh level water soluble boron concentration in arid regions is an important factor limiting plant production along with salinity. The purpose of this H


  • Ardahanlıoğlu, O., T. Öztaş, S. Evren, H. Yılmaz ve Z. N. Yıldırım 2003. Spatial variability of exchangeable sodium, electrical conductivity, soil pH and boron content in salt- and sodium- affected areas of the Igdir plain (Turkey. Journal of Arid Environments (2003) 54: 495–503 doi:10.1006/jare.2002.1073
  • Ayers, R.S. and D. W. Westcot. 1994. Water Quality for Agriculture, Irrigation and Drainage
  • Paper 29, rev. 1, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
  • Cambardella, C. A., T. B. Moorman, J. M. Novak, T. B. Parkin, D. L. Karlen, R. F. Turco and A.E. Konopka. 1994. Field –Scale Variability Soil Properties in Central Iowa Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.J. 58:1501-1511.
  • Dent, D. and A. Young. 1981. Soil Survey and Land Evaluation: Allen & Unwin, London.
  • Driessen, P. M. 1970. Soil Salinity and Alkalinity in the Great Konya
  • Basin, Turkey. Department of Tropical Soil Science, Agricultural
  • University, Wageningen P: 45-46.
  • Elrashidi, M. A and G.A. O’connor. 1982. Boron Sorption And Desorption In Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46, 27–31.
  • Emadi, M., M. Baghernejad. M. Emadi and M. Maftoun. 2008. Assessment of Some Soil Properties by Spatial Variability In Saline And Sodic Affected Soils In Arsanjan Plain, Fars Provınce, Southern Iran. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11 (2): 238-243
  • Fleming, G. A. 1980. Essential Micronutrients. I: Boron and Molybdenum. In Applied Soil Trace Elements. Ed. B.E. Davies. Pp 155-197. John Willey and Sons, New York.
  • Gee, G. W. and J. W. Bouder. 1986. Particle Size Analysis. In: A. Clute (Ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part I Agronomy No: 9 Am Soc. of Agron. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Goldberg, S. 1997. Reactions of Boron With Soils Plant And Soil 193: 35-48, Kluwer Academic Publishers. USDA, US Salinity LaBoratory, 450 W Big Springs Road, Riverside, CA 92507,Usa.
  • Goovaerts, P. 1998. Geostatistical Tools for Characterizing the Spatial Variability of Microbiological and Physico-Chemical Soil Properties. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 27: 315-334.
  • Günal, E., H. Erdem, Y. Acir, C. Ç. Gence ve A. Polat. 2013.
  • Suluova ve Merzifon Ovaları Topraklarının Bitkiye Yarayışlı Bor
  • Konsantrasyonlarının Mesafeye Bağlı Dağılımı III. Ulusal Toprak
  • ve Su Kaynakları Kongresi 22-24 Ekim 2013 -TOKAT S: 615-625
  • Havlin, J. L., J. D. Beaton, S. L. Tisdale and W. L. Nelson. 2005. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • John, M. K., H. H. Chuah and J. H. Neufeld. 1975. Application of Improved Azomethine-H Method to the Determination of Boron in Soil and Plants. Anal.Lett. 8:559-568
  • Kalivas, D. P., D. P. Triantakonstantis and V. J. Kollias. 2002. Spatial Prediction of Two Soil Properties Using Topographic Information Agricultural. University of Athens. Laboratory of soils and Agricultural Chemistry75 Iera Odos, Botanikos, 11855 Athens, Greece.
  • Kelling, K. A. 2010. Soil and applied boron. From: 2522.pdf
  • Khan, M. J., M. Rashid, S. Ali, I. Khattak, S. Naveed and Z. Hanif. 2014. Mapping of Variability in Major and Micro Nutrients for Site-Specific Nutrient Management. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 3(3): 303-329, 2014; Article no. IJPSS.2014.008
  • Mulla, D. J. and A. B. Mc Bratney. 2001. Soil Spatial Variability. Handbook of Soil Science CRS. Pres: 321-352.
  • Nelson, D. W. and L. E. Sommer. 1982. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, and Organic Matter. p.539-579. In A.L. Page (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. 2nd Ed. ASA Monogr. 9(2). Amer. Soc.Agron. Madison, WI.
  • United States Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook No. 60. Washington: US Government Printer
  • Uygan, D. ve O. Çetin. 2012. Maping Boron Polution Usıng CBSfor Boron-Affected Soils in Western Turkey. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, February 2012. Vol 7., No 1. p: 89-94
  • Rashid, A. and J. Ryan. 2004. Micronutrient constraints to crop production in soils with Mediterranean-type characteristics: A review. Journal of Plant Nutrition 27: 959–975.
  • Shorrocks, V. M. 1997. The occurrence and correction of boron deficiency. Plant and Soil 193: 121–148.
  • Soil Survey Staff. 1999 Soil Taxonomy- A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. United States Dept of Agriculture (USDA) United States Printing Office, Washington DC, USA.
  • Su, C., and D. L. Suarez. 1995. Coordination of adsorbed boron: A FTIR spectroscopic study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29:302–311.
  • Su, C., and D. L. Suarez. 2004. Boron release from weathering of illites, serpentines, shales, and illitic/palygorskitic soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:96Y105.
  • Sürücü, A., H. Günal ve N. Acir. 2013. Importance of Spatial Distribution In Reclamation Of Boron Toxic Soils From Central Anatolia of Turkey. 2013. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin by PSP Volume 22 – No 11.
  • Trangmar, B. B., Yost, R. S. and G. Uehara. 1985. Application of Geostatistics to Spatial Studies of Soil Properties. Adv. Agron. 38: 45–94
  • Van Es, H. M., C. L. Van Es and D. K. Cassel. 1989. Application of Regionalized Variable Theory to Large-Plot Field Experiments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53,1178–1183.
  • Yang, F., G. Zhang, X. Yin and Z. Liu. 2011. Field-Scale Spatial Variation of Saline-Sodic Soil and Its Relation with Environmental Factors in Western Songnen Plain of China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ISSN 1660-4601
  • Yau, S. K., and J. Ryan. 2008. Boron toxicity tolerance in crops: A viable alternative to soil amelioration. Crop Science 48: 854– 865
  • Yates, S. R. and A. W. Warrick. 2002. 1.5 Geostatistics. Book Chapter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4, Physical Methods. J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.), SSSA, Madison, WI. Pp.81-118.
  • Xu, J. M., K. Wang, R. W. Bell, Y. A. Yang and L. B. Huang. 2001. Soil Boron Fractions And Their Relationships To Soil Properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65.133–138.
  • Webster, R. and M. A. Oliver. 2001. Geostatistics for Environmenntal Scientists. Statistics n practice. Willy, Chichester, p. 265.
  • Webster, R. 2001. Statistics to support soil research and their presentation. European Journal of Soil Science, 52: 331-340.

Tuzlu-Alkali Topraklarda Bor Konsantrasyonunun Uzaysal Değişkenliğinin Jeoistatistiksel Analizi ve Haritalanması

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 52 Sayı: 2, 191 - 202, 25.11.2015


urak bölgelerde bitkisel üretimi sınırlandıran önemli unsurlardan biri tuzlulukla birlikte suda çözülebilir bor konsantrasyonunun yüksek K


  • Ardahanlıoğlu, O., T. Öztaş, S. Evren, H. Yılmaz ve Z. N. Yıldırım 2003. Spatial variability of exchangeable sodium, electrical conductivity, soil pH and boron content in salt- and sodium- affected areas of the Igdir plain (Turkey. Journal of Arid Environments (2003) 54: 495–503 doi:10.1006/jare.2002.1073
  • Ayers, R.S. and D. W. Westcot. 1994. Water Quality for Agriculture, Irrigation and Drainage
  • Paper 29, rev. 1, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
  • Cambardella, C. A., T. B. Moorman, J. M. Novak, T. B. Parkin, D. L. Karlen, R. F. Turco and A.E. Konopka. 1994. Field –Scale Variability Soil Properties in Central Iowa Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.J. 58:1501-1511.
  • Dent, D. and A. Young. 1981. Soil Survey and Land Evaluation: Allen & Unwin, London.
  • Driessen, P. M. 1970. Soil Salinity and Alkalinity in the Great Konya
  • Basin, Turkey. Department of Tropical Soil Science, Agricultural
  • University, Wageningen P: 45-46.
  • Elrashidi, M. A and G.A. O’connor. 1982. Boron Sorption And Desorption In Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46, 27–31.
  • Emadi, M., M. Baghernejad. M. Emadi and M. Maftoun. 2008. Assessment of Some Soil Properties by Spatial Variability In Saline And Sodic Affected Soils In Arsanjan Plain, Fars Provınce, Southern Iran. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11 (2): 238-243
  • Fleming, G. A. 1980. Essential Micronutrients. I: Boron and Molybdenum. In Applied Soil Trace Elements. Ed. B.E. Davies. Pp 155-197. John Willey and Sons, New York.
  • Gee, G. W. and J. W. Bouder. 1986. Particle Size Analysis. In: A. Clute (Ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part I Agronomy No: 9 Am Soc. of Agron. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Goldberg, S. 1997. Reactions of Boron With Soils Plant And Soil 193: 35-48, Kluwer Academic Publishers. USDA, US Salinity LaBoratory, 450 W Big Springs Road, Riverside, CA 92507,Usa.
  • Goovaerts, P. 1998. Geostatistical Tools for Characterizing the Spatial Variability of Microbiological and Physico-Chemical Soil Properties. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 27: 315-334.
  • Günal, E., H. Erdem, Y. Acir, C. Ç. Gence ve A. Polat. 2013.
  • Suluova ve Merzifon Ovaları Topraklarının Bitkiye Yarayışlı Bor
  • Konsantrasyonlarının Mesafeye Bağlı Dağılımı III. Ulusal Toprak
  • ve Su Kaynakları Kongresi 22-24 Ekim 2013 -TOKAT S: 615-625
  • Havlin, J. L., J. D. Beaton, S. L. Tisdale and W. L. Nelson. 2005. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • John, M. K., H. H. Chuah and J. H. Neufeld. 1975. Application of Improved Azomethine-H Method to the Determination of Boron in Soil and Plants. Anal.Lett. 8:559-568
  • Kalivas, D. P., D. P. Triantakonstantis and V. J. Kollias. 2002. Spatial Prediction of Two Soil Properties Using Topographic Information Agricultural. University of Athens. Laboratory of soils and Agricultural Chemistry75 Iera Odos, Botanikos, 11855 Athens, Greece.
  • Kelling, K. A. 2010. Soil and applied boron. From: 2522.pdf
  • Khan, M. J., M. Rashid, S. Ali, I. Khattak, S. Naveed and Z. Hanif. 2014. Mapping of Variability in Major and Micro Nutrients for Site-Specific Nutrient Management. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 3(3): 303-329, 2014; Article no. IJPSS.2014.008
  • Mulla, D. J. and A. B. Mc Bratney. 2001. Soil Spatial Variability. Handbook of Soil Science CRS. Pres: 321-352.
  • Nelson, D. W. and L. E. Sommer. 1982. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, and Organic Matter. p.539-579. In A.L. Page (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. 2nd Ed. ASA Monogr. 9(2). Amer. Soc.Agron. Madison, WI.
  • United States Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook No. 60. Washington: US Government Printer
  • Uygan, D. ve O. Çetin. 2012. Maping Boron Polution Usıng CBSfor Boron-Affected Soils in Western Turkey. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, February 2012. Vol 7., No 1. p: 89-94
  • Rashid, A. and J. Ryan. 2004. Micronutrient constraints to crop production in soils with Mediterranean-type characteristics: A review. Journal of Plant Nutrition 27: 959–975.
  • Shorrocks, V. M. 1997. The occurrence and correction of boron deficiency. Plant and Soil 193: 121–148.
  • Soil Survey Staff. 1999 Soil Taxonomy- A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. United States Dept of Agriculture (USDA) United States Printing Office, Washington DC, USA.
  • Su, C., and D. L. Suarez. 1995. Coordination of adsorbed boron: A FTIR spectroscopic study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29:302–311.
  • Su, C., and D. L. Suarez. 2004. Boron release from weathering of illites, serpentines, shales, and illitic/palygorskitic soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:96Y105.
  • Sürücü, A., H. Günal ve N. Acir. 2013. Importance of Spatial Distribution In Reclamation Of Boron Toxic Soils From Central Anatolia of Turkey. 2013. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin by PSP Volume 22 – No 11.
  • Trangmar, B. B., Yost, R. S. and G. Uehara. 1985. Application of Geostatistics to Spatial Studies of Soil Properties. Adv. Agron. 38: 45–94
  • Van Es, H. M., C. L. Van Es and D. K. Cassel. 1989. Application of Regionalized Variable Theory to Large-Plot Field Experiments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53,1178–1183.
  • Yang, F., G. Zhang, X. Yin and Z. Liu. 2011. Field-Scale Spatial Variation of Saline-Sodic Soil and Its Relation with Environmental Factors in Western Songnen Plain of China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ISSN 1660-4601
  • Yau, S. K., and J. Ryan. 2008. Boron toxicity tolerance in crops: A viable alternative to soil amelioration. Crop Science 48: 854– 865
  • Yates, S. R. and A. W. Warrick. 2002. 1.5 Geostatistics. Book Chapter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4, Physical Methods. J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.), SSSA, Madison, WI. Pp.81-118.
  • Xu, J. M., K. Wang, R. W. Bell, Y. A. Yang and L. B. Huang. 2001. Soil Boron Fractions And Their Relationships To Soil Properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65.133–138.
  • Webster, R. and M. A. Oliver. 2001. Geostatistics for Environmenntal Scientists. Statistics n practice. Willy, Chichester, p. 265.
  • Webster, R. 2001. Statistics to support soil research and their presentation. European Journal of Soil Science, 52: 331-340.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mesut Budak Bu kişi benim

Hikmet Günal Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Kasım 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Kasım 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 52 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Budak, M., & Günal, H. (2015). Tuzlu-Alkali Topraklarda Bor Konsantrasyonunun Uzaysal Değişkenliğinin Jeoistatistiksel Analizi ve Haritalanması. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 52(2), 191-202.

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