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A research on factors affecting fresh fruit and vegetable producers' tendency to participate in cooperatives

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 62 Sayı: 1, 35 - 47, 14.03.2025


Objective: The main purpose of the study is to analyze the perspective of fresh fruit and vegetable producers in İzmir province towards cooperatives and their tendency to become partners.
Material and methods: Study data were obtained by proportional sampling and face-to-face survey method from 155 producers in İzmir province. Best-Worst and Fuzzy Paired Comparison methods were used to analyze the data.
Results: The average age of producers is 49.12 years, and the average education period is 7.86 years. The most important activities that producers expect from cooperatives are product collection, obtaining high sales prices and providing inputs at low prices. 76.77% of the producers stated that they could become partners in a fresh fruit and vegetable cooperative if it was established.
Conclusion: A cooperative established by producers in the region acting together will be effective, especially in marketing.

Etik Beyan

The study was found ethically appropriate with the decision of Ege University Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee numbered E-157153/2020.


  • Ahmed, M.H. & H.M. Mesfin, 2017. The impact of agricultural cooperatives membership on the wellbeing of smallholder farmers: empirical evidence from Eastern Ethiopia. Agricultural and Food Economics, 5 (6): 1-20. https: //
  • Akın, S. & G. Özdemir, 2010. “Viticulture of cermik district of Diyarbakir province and grape growers perspectives in organizational types, 526-533”. Proceeding of Türkiye IX. Agricultural Economics Congress (September 22-24, 2020, Sanliurfa-Türkiye), 556 pp.
  • Albayram Doğan, Z., 2019, A Research on the Factors Affecting Cooperative-Partner Relations in Agricultural Cooperatives: The Case of Izmir Province. Institute of Science and Technology of Ege University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Izmir-Türkiye, 142 pp.
  • Antonova, M., D. Ternovsky, W. Heijman, J. Bijman & L. Nigmatullina, 2021. Farmers’ willingness to cooperate: the case of Tatarstan. Economic Policy, 16 (5): 96-117. https: //
  • Arcas-Lario, N., J.F. Martín-Ugedo & A. Antonio Mínguez-Vera, 2014. Farmers’ satisfaction with fresh fruit and vegetable marketing Spanish cooperatives: an explanation from agency theory. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 17 (1): 127-146.
  • Artukoğlu, M.M. & A. Olgun, 2008. Cooperation tendencies and alternative milk marketing channels of dairy producers in Türkiye: A case of Menemen. Agricultural Economics - Czech 54 (1): 32-37. https: //
  • Atış, E. & M.M. Artukoğlu, 2005. “Fruit and vegetable common market organizations in the EU and evaluation of Türkiye in terms of harmonization, 43-56”. In: Harmonization of Turkish Agricultural Policy with the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (Eds. E. Oktay & R. Tunalioglu), Publications of Agricultural Economic Research Institute, No.134, Ankara, 165 pp.
  • Aydoğan, M. & A. Yulafçı, 2013, Determination of structural problems of agricultural producer organizations in Samsun province. Publication of Directorate of Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute, Samsun, 84 pp.
  • Balgah, R.A., 2019. Factors ınfluencing coffee farmers’ decisions to join cooperatives. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 8 (1): 42-58. https: // Bilgin, N., 1995, Method and practical studies in social psychology. System Publishing, Ankara-Türkiye, 178 pp.
  • Camanzi, L., G. Malorgio & T. García Azcárate, 2011. The role of producer organizations in supply concentration and marketing: a comparison between European Countries in the fruit and vegetable sector. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 17 (2-3): 327-354. https: //
  • Cebeci, N. & H. Yener, 2013. A research on the general status of vineyard erterprises’ marketing and organization in Sarigöl, Manisa. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 50 (2): 205-212.
  • Chen, X. & C. Sun, 2019. The effect of internal trust on the participation willingness of farmers’ professional cooperatives members. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 7: 325-333. https: //
  • Çukur, T.& F. Çukur, 2022. Determining factors affecting cooperative membership of the beekeepers using decision tree algorithms. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28 (1): 25-32. https: //
  • Değer, H.C., U. Özder, F. Kınıklı & M. Yercan, 2020. Determining cooperative tendencies of tomato farmers on marketing in Mugla. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 26 (2): 121-129.
  • Entehabu, T.G. & P.M.S. Rao, 2014. Experiences and challenges of cooperative marketing in Ethiopia: a case of Meki Batu Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Cooperative Union, Oromia Region. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research, 3 (10): 56-68.
  • Ergashev, R., 2023. The role of fruit-vegetable cluster-cooperative in providing food security in the Republic of Uzbekistan. E3S Web of Conferences (RSE-II-2023) 392: 1-8, https: //
  • Ergashev, R., 2024. Determining the prospects of the development of the cooperative of fruit and vegetable products. E3S Web of Conferences (EEA-II-2023), 480: 1-12, https: //
  • Ertan, A. & A. Turan, 2001. Analysis of Gülbirlik partners in terms of cooperative partner relationship. Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Süleyman Demirel University, 6 (2): 29-43.
  • Ertek, N., N. Demir & A. Aksoy, 2016. Analysis of the factors affecting the cooperative membership of the cattle enterprises: the case of TRA region. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 30 (1): 38-45.
  • Everest, B., 2015, A research on the analysis of factors affecting partners' perception of cooperative principles and their participation in management in Agricultural Credit Cooperatives: the case of Balikesir Regional Union. Institute of Science and Technology of Ege University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Izmir-Türkiye, 200 pp.
  • Everest, B., A. Gül Yavaş, E. Tatar, F. Çakar & I. Acar, 2019. Factors affecting the desire of farmers for cooperative training: Canakkale province example. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34 (2019): 40-46. https: //
  • Fongsamouth, S., H. Moonphoxay, T. Phaxaisithidet, V. Souvannasouk & T.H. Thi, 2024. Factors influencing farmers' decision to join Paksong Coffee Production Cooperative, Paksong District, Champasak Province, Lao PDR. Lao Journal of Economics and Business Management, 1 (1): 40-47. https: //
  • Gashaw, B. A. & S.M. Kibret, 2018. Factors influencing farmers’ membership preferences in agricultural cooperatives in Ethiopia. American Journal of Rural Development, 6 (3): 94-103 https: //
  • Gümüş, H., 2022. A research on determining the cooperative preferences of apple producers in a selected region in Nigde province. Institute of Science and Technology of Ege University, (Unpublished) Master's Thesis, Izmir-Türkiye, 103 pp.
  • Günden, C. & B. Miran, 2007. A research on the determination of farmers’ objectives hierarchy using fuzzy pairwise comparison. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 20 (2): 183-191.
  • Karlı, B., A. Bilgiç & Y. Çelik, 2006. Factors affecting farmers’ decision to enter agricultural cooperatives using random utility model in the South Eastern Anatolian Region of Türkiye. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 107 (2): 115-127.
  • Kaya, N., S. Çoker, F. Kınıklı & M. Yercan, 2019. A research on farmers' aspects of cooperation: a case of Agri and Eskisehir provinces. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 25 (2): 219-230. https: //
  • Kılıç Topuz, B., S. Özalp & M. Külekçi, 2022. Participation of members in the product marketing process of cooperatives: the case of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives in Igdir Province. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 57 (3): 2501-2518. https: //
  • Kınıklı, F., A. Uzmay, M. Yercan, M. Zeytin & C. Demirkaya, 2017. Determining the current organizatons of cotton farmers and their aspects of organization: a case of Aydin. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 52 (Special Issue): 922-951. https: //
  • Kızılaslan, H. & A. Yalçın, 2012. Marketing systems fresh fruits and vegetables of European Union and Türkiye. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 7 (2): 119-140.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (MAF), 2023. Agricultural organization statistics. (Web page: https:// ) (Date accessed: December, 2023).
  • Mustapha, Y. & I. Manu, 2022. Farmers’ attitude towards cooperative participation in irrigated vegetables production in Gombe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 6 (2): 233-239. https: //
  • Newbold, P., 1995, Statistics for Business and Economics. Prentice-hall International, New Jersey, 867 pp.
  • Ogunleye, A. A., Z.O. Oluwafemi, K.O. Arowolo & O.S. Odegbile, 2015. Analysis of socio economic factors affecting farmers participation in cooperative societies in Surulere Local Government Area of Oyo State. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 8 (5): 40-44. https: //
  • Özcan, H.I., 2022. A research on the agricultural organization tendencies of farmers engaged in crop production in Köprübasi district of Manisa province. Institute of Science and Technology of Ege University, (Unpublished) Master's Thesis, Izmir-Türkiye, 78 pp.
  • Palsule-Desai, O.D., 2015. Cooperatives for fruits and vegetables in emerging countries: Rationalization and impact of decentralization. Transportation Research, Part E 81 (2015): 114-140. https: // Pedrycz, W. & F. Gomide, 1998. An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets. The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 465 pp.
  • Qi, Y., Q. Ma & J. Hu, 2016. “Analysis on the influential factors of farmer’s willingness to join professional cooperative behavior in minority regions: based on the survey data of Ili Valley livestock farmers, 1115-1119”, Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Economy, Management and Education Technology (May 28-29, 2016, Chongqing-China). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol. 62, 2077 pp.
  • Rezaei, J., 2015. Best-worst multi-criteria decision-making method. Omega, 53: 49-57. http: //
  • Rezaei, J., 2016. Best-worst multi-criteria decision-making method: some properties and a linear model. Omega, 64: 126-130. http: //
  • Ross, T.J., 1995. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. McGraw-Hill, New York, 600 pp.
  • Sevinç, M.R., 2021. Farmers’ perception of agricultural cooperatives: the case of Sanliurfa, Türkiye. Ciencia Rural, 51 (3): 1-11. https: //
  • Şahin, A., M. Cankurt, C. Günden, B. Miran & Y. Meral, 2013. Analysis of effective factors for the success of cooperative and cooperatives partnership in Türkiye. Academic Agriculture Journal, 2 (1): 23-34.
  • Tanaka, K., 1997. An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic for Practical Applications. Springer Verlag, New York, 138 pp. Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT), 2023. Agricultural statistics. (Web page: https: // (Date accessed: December, 2023).
  • Vural, H., 2018, Marketing structure of fresh fruit and vegetable in Türkiye. Horticulture International Journal, 2 (5): 277-279. https: //
  • Yercan, M. & F. Kınıklı, 2018. A Research on the analysis of factors affecting member participation in agricultural cooperatives: a case of dairy cooperatives in Izmir province. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 24 (2): 159-173. https: //

Yaş meyve ve sebze üreticilerinin kooperatiflere ortak olma eğilimini etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir araştırma

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 62 Sayı: 1, 35 - 47, 14.03.2025


Amaç: Araştırmanın temel amacı İzmir ilindeki yaş meyve sebze üreticilerinin kooperatiflere bakış açısını ve ortak olma eğilimlerini analiz etmektir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Araştırma verileri, oransal örnekleme ile İzmir’deki 155 üreticiden yüz yüze anket yöntemiyle elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde Best-Worst ve Bulanık Eşli Karşılaştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Üreticilerin ortalama yaşı 49.12, ortalama eğitim süresi 7.86 yıldır. Üreticilerin kooperatiflerden beklediği en önemli faaliyetler ürün toplama ve yüksek satış fiyatı elde etmek ile düşük fiyatla girdi temin etmektir. Üreticilerin %76.77’si kurulması durumunda yaş meyve ve sebze kooperatifine ortak olabileceğini belirtmiştir.
Sonuç: Bölgedeki üreticilerin birlikte hareket ederek kuracakları bir kooperatif özellikle pazarlama konusunda etkinlik sağlayabilecektir.

Etik Beyan

The study was found ethically appropriate with the decision of Ege University Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee numbered E-157153/2020.


  • Ahmed, M.H. & H.M. Mesfin, 2017. The impact of agricultural cooperatives membership on the wellbeing of smallholder farmers: empirical evidence from Eastern Ethiopia. Agricultural and Food Economics, 5 (6): 1-20. https: //
  • Akın, S. & G. Özdemir, 2010. “Viticulture of cermik district of Diyarbakir province and grape growers perspectives in organizational types, 526-533”. Proceeding of Türkiye IX. Agricultural Economics Congress (September 22-24, 2020, Sanliurfa-Türkiye), 556 pp.
  • Albayram Doğan, Z., 2019, A Research on the Factors Affecting Cooperative-Partner Relations in Agricultural Cooperatives: The Case of Izmir Province. Institute of Science and Technology of Ege University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Izmir-Türkiye, 142 pp.
  • Antonova, M., D. Ternovsky, W. Heijman, J. Bijman & L. Nigmatullina, 2021. Farmers’ willingness to cooperate: the case of Tatarstan. Economic Policy, 16 (5): 96-117. https: //
  • Arcas-Lario, N., J.F. Martín-Ugedo & A. Antonio Mínguez-Vera, 2014. Farmers’ satisfaction with fresh fruit and vegetable marketing Spanish cooperatives: an explanation from agency theory. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 17 (1): 127-146.
  • Artukoğlu, M.M. & A. Olgun, 2008. Cooperation tendencies and alternative milk marketing channels of dairy producers in Türkiye: A case of Menemen. Agricultural Economics - Czech 54 (1): 32-37. https: //
  • Atış, E. & M.M. Artukoğlu, 2005. “Fruit and vegetable common market organizations in the EU and evaluation of Türkiye in terms of harmonization, 43-56”. In: Harmonization of Turkish Agricultural Policy with the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (Eds. E. Oktay & R. Tunalioglu), Publications of Agricultural Economic Research Institute, No.134, Ankara, 165 pp.
  • Aydoğan, M. & A. Yulafçı, 2013, Determination of structural problems of agricultural producer organizations in Samsun province. Publication of Directorate of Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute, Samsun, 84 pp.
  • Balgah, R.A., 2019. Factors ınfluencing coffee farmers’ decisions to join cooperatives. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 8 (1): 42-58. https: // Bilgin, N., 1995, Method and practical studies in social psychology. System Publishing, Ankara-Türkiye, 178 pp.
  • Camanzi, L., G. Malorgio & T. García Azcárate, 2011. The role of producer organizations in supply concentration and marketing: a comparison between European Countries in the fruit and vegetable sector. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 17 (2-3): 327-354. https: //
  • Cebeci, N. & H. Yener, 2013. A research on the general status of vineyard erterprises’ marketing and organization in Sarigöl, Manisa. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 50 (2): 205-212.
  • Chen, X. & C. Sun, 2019. The effect of internal trust on the participation willingness of farmers’ professional cooperatives members. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 7: 325-333. https: //
  • Çukur, T.& F. Çukur, 2022. Determining factors affecting cooperative membership of the beekeepers using decision tree algorithms. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28 (1): 25-32. https: //
  • Değer, H.C., U. Özder, F. Kınıklı & M. Yercan, 2020. Determining cooperative tendencies of tomato farmers on marketing in Mugla. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 26 (2): 121-129.
  • Entehabu, T.G. & P.M.S. Rao, 2014. Experiences and challenges of cooperative marketing in Ethiopia: a case of Meki Batu Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Cooperative Union, Oromia Region. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research, 3 (10): 56-68.
  • Ergashev, R., 2023. The role of fruit-vegetable cluster-cooperative in providing food security in the Republic of Uzbekistan. E3S Web of Conferences (RSE-II-2023) 392: 1-8, https: //
  • Ergashev, R., 2024. Determining the prospects of the development of the cooperative of fruit and vegetable products. E3S Web of Conferences (EEA-II-2023), 480: 1-12, https: //
  • Ertan, A. & A. Turan, 2001. Analysis of Gülbirlik partners in terms of cooperative partner relationship. Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Süleyman Demirel University, 6 (2): 29-43.
  • Ertek, N., N. Demir & A. Aksoy, 2016. Analysis of the factors affecting the cooperative membership of the cattle enterprises: the case of TRA region. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 30 (1): 38-45.
  • Everest, B., 2015, A research on the analysis of factors affecting partners' perception of cooperative principles and their participation in management in Agricultural Credit Cooperatives: the case of Balikesir Regional Union. Institute of Science and Technology of Ege University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Izmir-Türkiye, 200 pp.
  • Everest, B., A. Gül Yavaş, E. Tatar, F. Çakar & I. Acar, 2019. Factors affecting the desire of farmers for cooperative training: Canakkale province example. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34 (2019): 40-46. https: //
  • Fongsamouth, S., H. Moonphoxay, T. Phaxaisithidet, V. Souvannasouk & T.H. Thi, 2024. Factors influencing farmers' decision to join Paksong Coffee Production Cooperative, Paksong District, Champasak Province, Lao PDR. Lao Journal of Economics and Business Management, 1 (1): 40-47. https: //
  • Gashaw, B. A. & S.M. Kibret, 2018. Factors influencing farmers’ membership preferences in agricultural cooperatives in Ethiopia. American Journal of Rural Development, 6 (3): 94-103 https: //
  • Gümüş, H., 2022. A research on determining the cooperative preferences of apple producers in a selected region in Nigde province. Institute of Science and Technology of Ege University, (Unpublished) Master's Thesis, Izmir-Türkiye, 103 pp.
  • Günden, C. & B. Miran, 2007. A research on the determination of farmers’ objectives hierarchy using fuzzy pairwise comparison. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 20 (2): 183-191.
  • Karlı, B., A. Bilgiç & Y. Çelik, 2006. Factors affecting farmers’ decision to enter agricultural cooperatives using random utility model in the South Eastern Anatolian Region of Türkiye. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 107 (2): 115-127.
  • Kaya, N., S. Çoker, F. Kınıklı & M. Yercan, 2019. A research on farmers' aspects of cooperation: a case of Agri and Eskisehir provinces. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 25 (2): 219-230. https: //
  • Kılıç Topuz, B., S. Özalp & M. Külekçi, 2022. Participation of members in the product marketing process of cooperatives: the case of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives in Igdir Province. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 57 (3): 2501-2518. https: //
  • Kınıklı, F., A. Uzmay, M. Yercan, M. Zeytin & C. Demirkaya, 2017. Determining the current organizatons of cotton farmers and their aspects of organization: a case of Aydin. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 52 (Special Issue): 922-951. https: //
  • Kızılaslan, H. & A. Yalçın, 2012. Marketing systems fresh fruits and vegetables of European Union and Türkiye. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 7 (2): 119-140.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (MAF), 2023. Agricultural organization statistics. (Web page: https:// ) (Date accessed: December, 2023).
  • Mustapha, Y. & I. Manu, 2022. Farmers’ attitude towards cooperative participation in irrigated vegetables production in Gombe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 6 (2): 233-239. https: //
  • Newbold, P., 1995, Statistics for Business and Economics. Prentice-hall International, New Jersey, 867 pp.
  • Ogunleye, A. A., Z.O. Oluwafemi, K.O. Arowolo & O.S. Odegbile, 2015. Analysis of socio economic factors affecting farmers participation in cooperative societies in Surulere Local Government Area of Oyo State. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 8 (5): 40-44. https: //
  • Özcan, H.I., 2022. A research on the agricultural organization tendencies of farmers engaged in crop production in Köprübasi district of Manisa province. Institute of Science and Technology of Ege University, (Unpublished) Master's Thesis, Izmir-Türkiye, 78 pp.
  • Palsule-Desai, O.D., 2015. Cooperatives for fruits and vegetables in emerging countries: Rationalization and impact of decentralization. Transportation Research, Part E 81 (2015): 114-140. https: // Pedrycz, W. & F. Gomide, 1998. An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets. The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 465 pp.
  • Qi, Y., Q. Ma & J. Hu, 2016. “Analysis on the influential factors of farmer’s willingness to join professional cooperative behavior in minority regions: based on the survey data of Ili Valley livestock farmers, 1115-1119”, Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Economy, Management and Education Technology (May 28-29, 2016, Chongqing-China). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol. 62, 2077 pp.
  • Rezaei, J., 2015. Best-worst multi-criteria decision-making method. Omega, 53: 49-57. http: //
  • Rezaei, J., 2016. Best-worst multi-criteria decision-making method: some properties and a linear model. Omega, 64: 126-130. http: //
  • Ross, T.J., 1995. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. McGraw-Hill, New York, 600 pp.
  • Sevinç, M.R., 2021. Farmers’ perception of agricultural cooperatives: the case of Sanliurfa, Türkiye. Ciencia Rural, 51 (3): 1-11. https: //
  • Şahin, A., M. Cankurt, C. Günden, B. Miran & Y. Meral, 2013. Analysis of effective factors for the success of cooperative and cooperatives partnership in Türkiye. Academic Agriculture Journal, 2 (1): 23-34.
  • Tanaka, K., 1997. An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic for Practical Applications. Springer Verlag, New York, 138 pp. Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT), 2023. Agricultural statistics. (Web page: https: // (Date accessed: December, 2023).
  • Vural, H., 2018, Marketing structure of fresh fruit and vegetable in Türkiye. Horticulture International Journal, 2 (5): 277-279. https: //
  • Yercan, M. & F. Kınıklı, 2018. A Research on the analysis of factors affecting member participation in agricultural cooperatives: a case of dairy cooperatives in Izmir province. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 24 (2): 159-173. https: //
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tarımsal Yönetimde Pazarlama
Bölüm Makaleler

Dilek Yücel Engindeniz 0000-0002-4652-6513

Murad Yercan 0000-0002-8061-0882

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 13 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 7 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 62 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yücel Engindeniz, D., & Yercan, M. (2025). A research on factors affecting fresh fruit and vegetable producers’ tendency to participate in cooperatives. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 62(1), 35-47.

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