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Kanserin erken teşhisi, prognozu ve tedavisinde mikroRNA-124’ün yeri

Yıl 2020, , 179 - 185, 30.09.2020


Beslenme, yaşam tarzı, genetik, kanserojen bir maddeye maruziyet gibi sebeplerle ortaya çıkan kanser yaygın ölüm nedenlerinden biridir. Kanser mortalitesini azaltmak için yapılan çalışmalardan bir kısmı son yıllarda özellikle erken teşhisi sağlayacak biyobelirteçler üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Bu biyobelirteçlerden biri olarak değerlendirilen mikroRNA’lar, son 25 yıl içerisinde keşfedilmiş yaklaşık 25 nükleotid uzunluğunda kodlanmayan RNA grubuna dâhildir. Kan ve doku örneklerinden geleneksel moleküler yöntemlerle tespit edilebiliyor oluşları sayesinde mikroRNA’ların belirteç olarak kullanılmasına yönelik çalışmalar son yıllarda hız kazanmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum



  • 1. Torre LA, Bray F, Siegel RL et al. Global cancer statistics, 2012. CA Cancer J Clin. 2015;65(2):87-108. doi: 10.3322/caac.21262.
  • 2. Clapp RW, Jacobs MM, Loechler EL. Environmental and occupational causes of cancer: new evidence 2005-2007. Rev Environ Health. 2008 ;23(1):1-37.
  • 3. Del Chiaro M, Segersvärd R, Lohr M, Verbeke C. Early detection and prevention of pancreatic cancer: is it really possible today? World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20(34):12118-31. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i34.12118.
  • 4. Bartel DP. MicroRNAs: target recognition and regulatory functions. Cell. 2009;136: 215-233. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2009.01.002.
  • 5. Lee RC, Feinbaum RL, Ambros V. The C. elegans heterochronic gene lin-4 encodes small RNAs with antisense complementarity to lin-14. Cell. 1993;75:843-854.
  • 6. Croce CM. Causes and consequences of microRNA dysregulation in cancer. Nat Rev Genet 2009;10:704-714. doi: 10.1038/nrg2634.
  • 7. Redova M, Poprach A, Nekvindova J et al. Circulating miR-378 and miR-451 in serum are potential biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma. J Transl Med. 2012;10:55. doi:10.1186/1479-5876-10-55.
  • 8. Silva-Santos RM, Costa-Pinheiro P, Luis A et al. MicroRNA profile: a promising ancillary tool for accurate renal cell tumour diagnosis. Br J Cancer. 2013;109(10):2646-53. doi:10.1038/bjc.2013.552.
  • 9. Li M, Wang Y, Song Y et al. MicroRNAs in renal cell carcinoma: a systematic review of clinical implications (Review). Oncol Rep. 2015;33(4):1571-8. doi: 10.3892/or.2015.3799.
  • 10. Yi R, Qin Y, Macara IG, Cullen BR. Exportin-5 mediates the nuclear export of pre-microRNAs and short hairpin RNAs. Genes Dev. 2003 Dec 15;17(24):3011-6.
  • 11. Zhang B, Pan X, Cobb GP, Anderson TA. microRNAs as oncogenes and tumor suppressors. Dev Biol. 2007;302(1):1-12.
  • 12. Mulrane L, McGee SF, Gallagher WM, O'Connor DP. miRNA dysregulation in breast cancer. Cancer Res. 2013;73(22):6554-62. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-13-1841.
  • 13. Winter J, Jung S, Keller S et al. Many roads to maturity: microRNA biogenesis pathways and their regulation. Nat Cell Biol. 2009;11(3):228-34. doi: 10.1038/ncb0309-228.
  • 14. Makeyev EV, Zhang J, Carrasco MA, Maniatis T. The MicroRNA miR-124 promotes neuronal differentiation by triggering brain-specific alternative pre-mRNA splicing. Mol Cell. 2007;27:435–448.
  • 15. Furuta M, Kozaki KI, Tanaka S et al. miR-124 and miR-203 are epigenetically silenced tumor-suppressive microRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma. Carcinogenesis. 2010;31(5):766-76. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgp250.
  • 16. Ando T, Yoshida T, Enomoto S et al. DNA methylation of microRNA genes in gastric mucosae of gastric cancer patients: its possible involvement in the formation of epigenetic field defect. Int J Cancer. 2009;124(10):2367-74. doi: 10.1002/ijc.24219.
  • 17. Agirre X, Vilas-Zornoza A, Jiménez-Velasco A et al. Epigenetic silencing of the tumor suppressor microRNA Hsa-miR-124a regulates CDK6 expression and confers a poor prognosis in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Res. 2009;69(10):4443-53. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-08-4025.
  • 18. GeneCards® Human Gene Database., Erişim Tarihi: 20.07.2018.
  • 19. Mirbase., Erişim Tarihi: 20.07.2018.
  • 20. Asghar U, Witkiewicz AK, Turner NC, Knudsen ES. The history and future of targeting cyclin-dependent kinases in cancer therapy. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2015;14(2):130-46. doi: 10.1038/nrd4504.
  • 21. Zhang YH, Wang QQ, Li H et al. miR-124 radiosensitizes human esophageal cancer cell TE-1 by targeting CDK4. Genet Mol Res. 2016;15(2). doi: 10.4238/gmr.15027893.
  • 22. Feng T, Xu D, Tu C et al. MiR-124 inhibits cell proliferation in breast cancer through downregulation of CDK4. Tumour Biol. 2015;36(8):5987-97. doi:10.1007/s13277-015-3275-8.
  • 23. Zhang T, Wang J, Zhai X et al. MiR-124 retards bladder cancer growth by directly targeting CDK4. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2014;46(12):1072-9. doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmu105.
  • 24. Butz H, Szabó PM, Khella HW et al. miRNA-target network reveals miR-124as a key miRNA contributing to clear cell renal cell carcinoma aggressive behaviour by targeting CAV1 and FLOT1. Oncotarget. 2015;6(14):12543-57. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.3815.
  • 25. Pierson J, Hostager B, Fan R, Vibhakar R. Regulation of cyclin dependent kinase 6 by microRNA 124 in medulloblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2008;90(1):1-7. doi: 10.1007/s11060-008-9624-3.
  • 26. Silber J, Hashizume R, Felix T et al. Expression of miR-124 inhibits growth of medulloblastoma cells. Neuro Oncol. 2013;15(1):83-90. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/nos281.
  • 27. Lang Q, Ling C. MiR-124 suppresses cell proliferation in hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting PIK3CA. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012;426(2):247-52. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.08.075.
  • 28. Shi XB, Xue L, Ma AH et al. Tumor suppressive miR-124 targets androgen receptor and inhibits proliferation of prostate cancer cells. Oncogene. 2013;32(35):4130-8. doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.425.
  • 29. Demircan T, Avşaroğlu ME, Öztürk G, Keskin İ. Aksolotl Rejenerasyonunun Farklı Evrelerinde miRNA Profilinin Bulunması ve Bulunan miRNA’ların Görevlerinin In-siliko Analizi. Haydarpasa Numune Med J. 2017;57(3):125–134. doi: 10.14744/hnhj.2017.50251.
  • 30. Jiang L, Lin T, Xu C et al. miR-124 interacts with the Notch1 signalling pathway and has therapeutic potential against gastric cancer. J Cell Mol Med. 2016;20(2):313–22. doi:10.1111/jcmm.12724.
  • 31. Wang B, Guo J, Feng L et al. MiR124 suppresses collagen formation of human tendon derived stem cells through targeting egr1. Exp Cell Res. 2016;347(2):360-6. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2016.08.018.
  • 32. Deng X, Ma L, Wu M et al. miR-124 radiosensitizes human glioma cells by targeting CDK4. J Neurooncol. 2013;114(3):263-74. doi: 10.1007/s11060-013-1179-2.
  • 33. Smith MT, Guyton KZ, Gibbons CF et al. Key Characteristics of Carcinogens as a Basis for Organizing Data on Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis. Environ Health Perspect. 2016;124(6):713-21. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1509912.
  • 34. Lu Y, Yue X, Cui Y et al. MicroRNA-124 suppresses growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting STAT3. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013;441(4):873-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.10.157.
  • 35. Li W, Huang H, Su J et al. miR-124 Acts as a Tumor Suppressor in Glioblastoma via the Inhibition of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3. Mol Neurobiol. 2017;54(4):2555-2561. doi:10.1007/s12035-016-9852-z.
  • 36. Li KK, Pang JC, Ching AK et al. miR-124 is frequently down-regulated in medulloblastoma and is a negative regulator of SLC16A1. Hum Pathol. 2009;40(9):1234-43. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2009.02.003.
  • 37. Long QZ, Du YF, Liu XG et al. miR-124 represses FZD5 to attenuate P-glycoprotein-mediated chemo-resistance in renal cell carcinoma. Tumour Biol. 2015;36(9):7017-26. doi: 10.1007/s13277-015-3369-3.
  • 38. Zhang J, Lu Y, Yue X et al. MiR-124 suppresses growth of human colorectal cancer by inhibiting STAT3. PLoS One. 2013;8(8):e70300. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070300.
  • 39. Zhang H, Wang Q, Zhao Q, Di W. MiR-124 inhibits the migration and invasion of ovarian cancer cells by targeting SphK1. J Ovarian Res. 2013;6(1):84. doi:10.1186/1757-2215-6-84.
  • 40. Wan HY, Li QQ, Zhang Y et al. MiR-124 represses vasculogenic mimicry and cell motility by targeting amotL1 in cervical cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2014;355(1):148-58. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2014.09.005.
  • 41. Peng XH, Huang HR, Lu J et al. MiR-124 suppresses tumor growth and metastasis by targeting Foxq1 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Mol Cancer. 2014;13:186. doi:10.1186/1476-4598-13-186.
  • 42. Çaykara B. Renal Hücreli Karsinomda MikroRNA-124 Ekspresyonu. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizyoloji AD, İstanbul, 2017.
  • 43. Li L, Luo J, Wang B et al. Microrna-124 targets flotillin-1 to regulate proliferation and migration in breast cancer. Mol Cancer. 2013;12:163. doi: 10.1186/1476-4598-12-163.
  • 44. Li W, Zang W, Liu P et al. MicroRNA-124 inhibits cellular proliferation and invasion by targeting Ets-1 in breast cancer. Tumour Biol. 2014;35(11):10897-904. doi:10.1007/s13277-014-2402-2.
  • 45. Zhang W, Mao YQ, Wang H et al. MiR-124 suppresses cell motility and adhesion by targeting talin 1 in prostate cancer cells. Cancer Cell Int. 2015;15:49. doi: 10.1186/s12935-015-0189-x.
  • 46. Geng S, Zhang X, Chen J et al. The tumor suppressor role of miR-124 in osteosarcoma. PLoS One. 2014;9(6):e91566. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091566.
  • 47. Zhou L, Xu Z, Ren X et al. MicroRNA-124 (MiR-124) Inhibits Cell Proliferation, Metastasis and Invasion in Colorectal Cancer by Downregulating Rho-Associated Protein Kinase 1(ROCK1). Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016;38(5):1785-95. doi: 10.1159/000443117.
  • 48. Hu CB, Li QL, Hu JF et al. miR-124 inhibits growth and invasion of gastric cancer by targeting ROCK1. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(16):6543-6.
  • 49. Zhang Y, Zheng L, Huang J et al. MiR-124 Radiosensitizes human colorectal cancer cells by targeting PRRX1. PLoS One. 2014;9(4):e93917. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093917.
  • 50. Shi Z, Chen Q, Li C et al. MiR-124 governs glioma growth and angiogenesis and enhances chemosensitivity by targeting R-Ras and N-Ras. Neuro Oncol. 2014;16(10):1341-53. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/nou084.
  • 51. Xie L, Zhang Z, Tan Z et al. MicroRNA-124 inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis by directly repressing EZH2 in gastric cancer. Mol Cell Biochem. 2014;392(1-2):153-9.
  • 52. Qiu Z, Guo W, Wang Q et al. MicroRNA-124 reduces the pentose phosphate pathway and proliferation by targeting PRPS1 and RPIA mRNAs in human colorectal cancer cells. Gastroenterology. 2015;149(6):1587-1598.e11. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.07.050.
  • 53. Sun Y, Zhao X, Zhou Y, Hu Y. miR-124, miR-137 and miR-340 regulate colorectal cancer growth via inhibition of the Warburg effect. Oncol Rep. 2012;28(4):1346-52. doi:10.3892/or.2012.1958.
  • 54. Sõber S, Laan M, Annilo T. MicroRNAs miR-124 and miR-135a are potential regulators of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C2) expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010;391(1):727-32. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2009.11.128.
  • 55. Zell S, Schmitt R, Witting S et al. Hypoxia Induces Mesenchymal Gene Expression in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells: An in vitro Model of Kidney Transplant Fibrosis. Nephron Extra. 2013;3(1):50-8. doi:10.1159/000351046.
  • 56. Li D, Lu Z, Jia J et al. MiR-124 is related to podocytic adhesive capacity damage in STZ-induced uninephrectomized diabetic rats. Kidney Blood Press Res. 2013;37(4-5):422-31. doi: 10.1159/000355721.

The role of microRNA-124 in early diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer

Yıl 2020, , 179 - 185, 30.09.2020


Nutrition, lifestyle, genetics, exposure to a carcinogenic substance causing cancer is one of the common causes of death. Especially in recent years some of the studies to reduce cancer mortality have focused on biomarkers that will provide early detection. MicroRNAs are included in the non-coding RNA groups containing about 25 nucleotides and discovered over the last 25 years, which are considered to be one of these biomarkers. Studies on the use of microRNAs as markers have gained momentum in recent years due to the fact that microRNAs can be detected by conventional molecular methods in blood and tissue samples.


  • 1. Torre LA, Bray F, Siegel RL et al. Global cancer statistics, 2012. CA Cancer J Clin. 2015;65(2):87-108. doi: 10.3322/caac.21262.
  • 2. Clapp RW, Jacobs MM, Loechler EL. Environmental and occupational causes of cancer: new evidence 2005-2007. Rev Environ Health. 2008 ;23(1):1-37.
  • 3. Del Chiaro M, Segersvärd R, Lohr M, Verbeke C. Early detection and prevention of pancreatic cancer: is it really possible today? World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20(34):12118-31. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i34.12118.
  • 4. Bartel DP. MicroRNAs: target recognition and regulatory functions. Cell. 2009;136: 215-233. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2009.01.002.
  • 5. Lee RC, Feinbaum RL, Ambros V. The C. elegans heterochronic gene lin-4 encodes small RNAs with antisense complementarity to lin-14. Cell. 1993;75:843-854.
  • 6. Croce CM. Causes and consequences of microRNA dysregulation in cancer. Nat Rev Genet 2009;10:704-714. doi: 10.1038/nrg2634.
  • 7. Redova M, Poprach A, Nekvindova J et al. Circulating miR-378 and miR-451 in serum are potential biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma. J Transl Med. 2012;10:55. doi:10.1186/1479-5876-10-55.
  • 8. Silva-Santos RM, Costa-Pinheiro P, Luis A et al. MicroRNA profile: a promising ancillary tool for accurate renal cell tumour diagnosis. Br J Cancer. 2013;109(10):2646-53. doi:10.1038/bjc.2013.552.
  • 9. Li M, Wang Y, Song Y et al. MicroRNAs in renal cell carcinoma: a systematic review of clinical implications (Review). Oncol Rep. 2015;33(4):1571-8. doi: 10.3892/or.2015.3799.
  • 10. Yi R, Qin Y, Macara IG, Cullen BR. Exportin-5 mediates the nuclear export of pre-microRNAs and short hairpin RNAs. Genes Dev. 2003 Dec 15;17(24):3011-6.
  • 11. Zhang B, Pan X, Cobb GP, Anderson TA. microRNAs as oncogenes and tumor suppressors. Dev Biol. 2007;302(1):1-12.
  • 12. Mulrane L, McGee SF, Gallagher WM, O'Connor DP. miRNA dysregulation in breast cancer. Cancer Res. 2013;73(22):6554-62. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-13-1841.
  • 13. Winter J, Jung S, Keller S et al. Many roads to maturity: microRNA biogenesis pathways and their regulation. Nat Cell Biol. 2009;11(3):228-34. doi: 10.1038/ncb0309-228.
  • 14. Makeyev EV, Zhang J, Carrasco MA, Maniatis T. The MicroRNA miR-124 promotes neuronal differentiation by triggering brain-specific alternative pre-mRNA splicing. Mol Cell. 2007;27:435–448.
  • 15. Furuta M, Kozaki KI, Tanaka S et al. miR-124 and miR-203 are epigenetically silenced tumor-suppressive microRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma. Carcinogenesis. 2010;31(5):766-76. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgp250.
  • 16. Ando T, Yoshida T, Enomoto S et al. DNA methylation of microRNA genes in gastric mucosae of gastric cancer patients: its possible involvement in the formation of epigenetic field defect. Int J Cancer. 2009;124(10):2367-74. doi: 10.1002/ijc.24219.
  • 17. Agirre X, Vilas-Zornoza A, Jiménez-Velasco A et al. Epigenetic silencing of the tumor suppressor microRNA Hsa-miR-124a regulates CDK6 expression and confers a poor prognosis in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Res. 2009;69(10):4443-53. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-08-4025.
  • 18. GeneCards® Human Gene Database., Erişim Tarihi: 20.07.2018.
  • 19. Mirbase., Erişim Tarihi: 20.07.2018.
  • 20. Asghar U, Witkiewicz AK, Turner NC, Knudsen ES. The history and future of targeting cyclin-dependent kinases in cancer therapy. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2015;14(2):130-46. doi: 10.1038/nrd4504.
  • 21. Zhang YH, Wang QQ, Li H et al. miR-124 radiosensitizes human esophageal cancer cell TE-1 by targeting CDK4. Genet Mol Res. 2016;15(2). doi: 10.4238/gmr.15027893.
  • 22. Feng T, Xu D, Tu C et al. MiR-124 inhibits cell proliferation in breast cancer through downregulation of CDK4. Tumour Biol. 2015;36(8):5987-97. doi:10.1007/s13277-015-3275-8.
  • 23. Zhang T, Wang J, Zhai X et al. MiR-124 retards bladder cancer growth by directly targeting CDK4. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2014;46(12):1072-9. doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmu105.
  • 24. Butz H, Szabó PM, Khella HW et al. miRNA-target network reveals miR-124as a key miRNA contributing to clear cell renal cell carcinoma aggressive behaviour by targeting CAV1 and FLOT1. Oncotarget. 2015;6(14):12543-57. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.3815.
  • 25. Pierson J, Hostager B, Fan R, Vibhakar R. Regulation of cyclin dependent kinase 6 by microRNA 124 in medulloblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2008;90(1):1-7. doi: 10.1007/s11060-008-9624-3.
  • 26. Silber J, Hashizume R, Felix T et al. Expression of miR-124 inhibits growth of medulloblastoma cells. Neuro Oncol. 2013;15(1):83-90. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/nos281.
  • 27. Lang Q, Ling C. MiR-124 suppresses cell proliferation in hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting PIK3CA. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012;426(2):247-52. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.08.075.
  • 28. Shi XB, Xue L, Ma AH et al. Tumor suppressive miR-124 targets androgen receptor and inhibits proliferation of prostate cancer cells. Oncogene. 2013;32(35):4130-8. doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.425.
  • 29. Demircan T, Avşaroğlu ME, Öztürk G, Keskin İ. Aksolotl Rejenerasyonunun Farklı Evrelerinde miRNA Profilinin Bulunması ve Bulunan miRNA’ların Görevlerinin In-siliko Analizi. Haydarpasa Numune Med J. 2017;57(3):125–134. doi: 10.14744/hnhj.2017.50251.
  • 30. Jiang L, Lin T, Xu C et al. miR-124 interacts with the Notch1 signalling pathway and has therapeutic potential against gastric cancer. J Cell Mol Med. 2016;20(2):313–22. doi:10.1111/jcmm.12724.
  • 31. Wang B, Guo J, Feng L et al. MiR124 suppresses collagen formation of human tendon derived stem cells through targeting egr1. Exp Cell Res. 2016;347(2):360-6. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2016.08.018.
  • 32. Deng X, Ma L, Wu M et al. miR-124 radiosensitizes human glioma cells by targeting CDK4. J Neurooncol. 2013;114(3):263-74. doi: 10.1007/s11060-013-1179-2.
  • 33. Smith MT, Guyton KZ, Gibbons CF et al. Key Characteristics of Carcinogens as a Basis for Organizing Data on Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis. Environ Health Perspect. 2016;124(6):713-21. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1509912.
  • 34. Lu Y, Yue X, Cui Y et al. MicroRNA-124 suppresses growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting STAT3. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013;441(4):873-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.10.157.
  • 35. Li W, Huang H, Su J et al. miR-124 Acts as a Tumor Suppressor in Glioblastoma via the Inhibition of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3. Mol Neurobiol. 2017;54(4):2555-2561. doi:10.1007/s12035-016-9852-z.
  • 36. Li KK, Pang JC, Ching AK et al. miR-124 is frequently down-regulated in medulloblastoma and is a negative regulator of SLC16A1. Hum Pathol. 2009;40(9):1234-43. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2009.02.003.
  • 37. Long QZ, Du YF, Liu XG et al. miR-124 represses FZD5 to attenuate P-glycoprotein-mediated chemo-resistance in renal cell carcinoma. Tumour Biol. 2015;36(9):7017-26. doi: 10.1007/s13277-015-3369-3.
  • 38. Zhang J, Lu Y, Yue X et al. MiR-124 suppresses growth of human colorectal cancer by inhibiting STAT3. PLoS One. 2013;8(8):e70300. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070300.
  • 39. Zhang H, Wang Q, Zhao Q, Di W. MiR-124 inhibits the migration and invasion of ovarian cancer cells by targeting SphK1. J Ovarian Res. 2013;6(1):84. doi:10.1186/1757-2215-6-84.
  • 40. Wan HY, Li QQ, Zhang Y et al. MiR-124 represses vasculogenic mimicry and cell motility by targeting amotL1 in cervical cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2014;355(1):148-58. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2014.09.005.
  • 41. Peng XH, Huang HR, Lu J et al. MiR-124 suppresses tumor growth and metastasis by targeting Foxq1 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Mol Cancer. 2014;13:186. doi:10.1186/1476-4598-13-186.
  • 42. Çaykara B. Renal Hücreli Karsinomda MikroRNA-124 Ekspresyonu. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizyoloji AD, İstanbul, 2017.
  • 43. Li L, Luo J, Wang B et al. Microrna-124 targets flotillin-1 to regulate proliferation and migration in breast cancer. Mol Cancer. 2013;12:163. doi: 10.1186/1476-4598-12-163.
  • 44. Li W, Zang W, Liu P et al. MicroRNA-124 inhibits cellular proliferation and invasion by targeting Ets-1 in breast cancer. Tumour Biol. 2014;35(11):10897-904. doi:10.1007/s13277-014-2402-2.
  • 45. Zhang W, Mao YQ, Wang H et al. MiR-124 suppresses cell motility and adhesion by targeting talin 1 in prostate cancer cells. Cancer Cell Int. 2015;15:49. doi: 10.1186/s12935-015-0189-x.
  • 46. Geng S, Zhang X, Chen J et al. The tumor suppressor role of miR-124 in osteosarcoma. PLoS One. 2014;9(6):e91566. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091566.
  • 47. Zhou L, Xu Z, Ren X et al. MicroRNA-124 (MiR-124) Inhibits Cell Proliferation, Metastasis and Invasion in Colorectal Cancer by Downregulating Rho-Associated Protein Kinase 1(ROCK1). Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016;38(5):1785-95. doi: 10.1159/000443117.
  • 48. Hu CB, Li QL, Hu JF et al. miR-124 inhibits growth and invasion of gastric cancer by targeting ROCK1. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(16):6543-6.
  • 49. Zhang Y, Zheng L, Huang J et al. MiR-124 Radiosensitizes human colorectal cancer cells by targeting PRRX1. PLoS One. 2014;9(4):e93917. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093917.
  • 50. Shi Z, Chen Q, Li C et al. MiR-124 governs glioma growth and angiogenesis and enhances chemosensitivity by targeting R-Ras and N-Ras. Neuro Oncol. 2014;16(10):1341-53. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/nou084.
  • 51. Xie L, Zhang Z, Tan Z et al. MicroRNA-124 inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis by directly repressing EZH2 in gastric cancer. Mol Cell Biochem. 2014;392(1-2):153-9.
  • 52. Qiu Z, Guo W, Wang Q et al. MicroRNA-124 reduces the pentose phosphate pathway and proliferation by targeting PRPS1 and RPIA mRNAs in human colorectal cancer cells. Gastroenterology. 2015;149(6):1587-1598.e11. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.07.050.
  • 53. Sun Y, Zhao X, Zhou Y, Hu Y. miR-124, miR-137 and miR-340 regulate colorectal cancer growth via inhibition of the Warburg effect. Oncol Rep. 2012;28(4):1346-52. doi:10.3892/or.2012.1958.
  • 54. Sõber S, Laan M, Annilo T. MicroRNAs miR-124 and miR-135a are potential regulators of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C2) expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010;391(1):727-32. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2009.11.128.
  • 55. Zell S, Schmitt R, Witting S et al. Hypoxia Induces Mesenchymal Gene Expression in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells: An in vitro Model of Kidney Transplant Fibrosis. Nephron Extra. 2013;3(1):50-8. doi:10.1159/000351046.
  • 56. Li D, Lu Z, Jia J et al. MiR-124 is related to podocytic adhesive capacity damage in STZ-induced uninephrectomized diabetic rats. Kidney Blood Press Res. 2013;37(4-5):422-31. doi: 10.1159/000355721.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme / Review

Burcu Çaykara

Güler Öztürk

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Çaykara, B., & Öztürk, G. (2020). Kanserin erken teşhisi, prognozu ve tedavisinde mikroRNA-124’ün yeri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni, 51(3), 179-185.
AMA Çaykara B, Öztürk G. Kanserin erken teşhisi, prognozu ve tedavisinde mikroRNA-124’ün yeri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. Eylül 2020;51(3):179-185. doi:10.16948/zktipb.772480
Chicago Çaykara, Burcu, ve Güler Öztürk. “Kanserin Erken teşhisi, Prognozu Ve Tedavisinde MikroRNA-124’ün Yeri”. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 51, sy. 3 (Eylül 2020): 179-85.
EndNote Çaykara B, Öztürk G (01 Eylül 2020) Kanserin erken teşhisi, prognozu ve tedavisinde mikroRNA-124’ün yeri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 51 3 179–185.
IEEE B. Çaykara ve G. Öztürk, “Kanserin erken teşhisi, prognozu ve tedavisinde mikroRNA-124’ün yeri”, Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni, c. 51, sy. 3, ss. 179–185, 2020, doi: 10.16948/zktipb.772480.
ISNAD Çaykara, Burcu - Öztürk, Güler. “Kanserin Erken teşhisi, Prognozu Ve Tedavisinde MikroRNA-124’ün Yeri”. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 51/3 (Eylül 2020), 179-185.
JAMA Çaykara B, Öztürk G. Kanserin erken teşhisi, prognozu ve tedavisinde mikroRNA-124’ün yeri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 2020;51:179–185.
MLA Çaykara, Burcu ve Güler Öztürk. “Kanserin Erken teşhisi, Prognozu Ve Tedavisinde MikroRNA-124’ün Yeri”. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni, c. 51, sy. 3, 2020, ss. 179-85, doi:10.16948/zktipb.772480.
Vancouver Çaykara B, Öztürk G. Kanserin erken teşhisi, prognozu ve tedavisinde mikroRNA-124’ün yeri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 2020;51(3):179-85.