Bu çalışma rasyonda ticari vitamin ve iz mineral karmasının azaltılmasının büyüyen bıldırcınlarda performans, karkas ve serum parametreleri üzerine etkisini belirlemek için yürütülmüştür. Deneme, vitamin ve iz mineral karmasının önerilen seviyesinin kademeli olarak azaltılması ile oluşturulan ve her birinde 10 bıldırcın civcivinin bulunduğu (toplam 200 bıldırcın) dört tekerrürlü beş deneme grubundan (% 0, 20, 40, 60 ve 80) oluşturulmuştur. Genel olarak, rasyonda vitamin ve iz mineral karmasının % 40 veya daha fazla azaltılması, canlı ağırlığı, yem tüketimini ve yemden yararlanma oranını olumsuz etkilemiştir (P<0.01). Büyüyen bıldırcın rasyonlarında vitamin ve iz mineral karmasının önerilen seviyenin % 80'i kadar azaltılması ölüm oranını arttırmıştır (P<0.01). Muamelelerin göğüs oranı ve kreatin düzeyi dışında karkas ve serum parametreleri üzerine etkisi olmamıştır (P>0.05). Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, büyüyen bıldırcın rasyonlarında vitamin ve iz mineral karması seviyesinin performansı olumsuz yönde etkilemeden önerilen miktarın % 20 oranında azaltılabileceği söylenebilir.
Abudabos AM, Suliman GM, Hussien EO, Al-Ghadi MAQ, Al-Oweymer A 2013. Effect of mineral vitamin premix reduction on performance and certain hemato-biochemical values in broiler chickens. Asian J Anim Vet Adv. 8(5): 747-753.
Christmas RB, Harms RH, Sloan DR 1995. The absence of vitamins and trace minerals and broiler performance. J Appl Poult Res. 4(4): 407-410.
Khajali F, Khoshoei EA, Moghaddam AZ 2006. Effect of vitamin and trace mineral withdrawal from finisher diets on growth performance and immunocompetence of broiler chickens. Brit Poult Sci. 47(2): 159-162.
Nilipour AH, Fabrego R, Butcher BD 1994. Determine the effect of withdrawing various levels of vitamin and minerals from the broiler male finisher. Poult Sci. 73(Suppl 1): 153.
NRC 1994. Nutrient requirement of poultry. 9th Rev. Edn., National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Ogunwole OA, Kolade EO, Olumide MO, Akinsoyinu AO, Mako AA, Abiolu-Olagunju A, Adebiyi OA 2011. Evaluation of five proprietary vitaminmineral premixes in Ibadan, Nigeria for broiler prodcution. Proc Ann Meet Poult Sci Assoc, July 16-19 2011, St Louis, MO, USA pp:83-83.
Patel KP, Edwards MH, Baker DH 1997. Removal of vitamin and trace mineral supplements from broiler finisher diets. J Appl Poult Res. 6: 191-198.
Reza A, Hamid MA, Khatoon A 1983. Effect of using different types of vitamin-mineral premixes on the performance of broiler chicks. Bang J Anim Sci. 12: 1-7.
Sayadi AJ, Navidshad B, Abolghasemi A, Royan M, Seighalani R 2005. Effects of dietary mineral premix reduction or withdrawal on broilers performance. Inter J Poult Sci. 4(11): 896-899.
Shelton JL, Southern LL 2006. Effects of phytase addition with or without a trace mineral premix on growth performance, bone response variables, and tissue mineral concentrations in commercial broilers. J Appl Poult Res. 15: 94-102.
Skinner JT, Waldroup AL, Waldroup PW 1992. Effects of removal of vitamin and trace mineral supplements from grower and finisher diets on live performance and carcass composition of broilers. J Appl Poult Res., 1: 280–286.
SPSS 2016.SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 24. Armonk. NY. IBM Corp.
Waldroup PW, Bowen TE, Morrison HL, Hull SJ, Tollett VE 1968. The influence of EDTA on performance of chicks fed corn-soybean meal diets with and without trace mineral supplementation. Poult Sci. 47(3): 956-960.
The effect of reduced commercial vitamin and trace mineral mixture in diet on performance, carcass and blood parameters in growing quails
This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of reduced commercial vitamin and trace mineral mixture in diet on performance, carcass and serum parameters in growing quails. The trial was consisted of five treatment groups (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 %) with gradual reduction of the recommended amount of vitamin and trace mineral mixture, and four replicates, each containing 10 quail chicks per day (total 200 chicks). In general, 40 % or more reduction of vitamin and trace mineral mixture in the diet negatively affected body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (P<0.01). Reducing 80% of the recommended level of vitamin and trace mineral mixture to growing quail diets increased the mortality (P<0.01). Treatment had no effect on carcass and serum parameters except breast ratio (%) and creatine level (P>0.05). According to the results of this study, it can be said that the level of vitamin and trace element mixture in growing quail diets can be reduced by 20% of the recommended without adversely affecting performance.
Abudabos AM, Suliman GM, Hussien EO, Al-Ghadi MAQ, Al-Oweymer A 2013. Effect of mineral vitamin premix reduction on performance and certain hemato-biochemical values in broiler chickens. Asian J Anim Vet Adv. 8(5): 747-753.
Christmas RB, Harms RH, Sloan DR 1995. The absence of vitamins and trace minerals and broiler performance. J Appl Poult Res. 4(4): 407-410.
Khajali F, Khoshoei EA, Moghaddam AZ 2006. Effect of vitamin and trace mineral withdrawal from finisher diets on growth performance and immunocompetence of broiler chickens. Brit Poult Sci. 47(2): 159-162.
Nilipour AH, Fabrego R, Butcher BD 1994. Determine the effect of withdrawing various levels of vitamin and minerals from the broiler male finisher. Poult Sci. 73(Suppl 1): 153.
NRC 1994. Nutrient requirement of poultry. 9th Rev. Edn., National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Ogunwole OA, Kolade EO, Olumide MO, Akinsoyinu AO, Mako AA, Abiolu-Olagunju A, Adebiyi OA 2011. Evaluation of five proprietary vitaminmineral premixes in Ibadan, Nigeria for broiler prodcution. Proc Ann Meet Poult Sci Assoc, July 16-19 2011, St Louis, MO, USA pp:83-83.
Patel KP, Edwards MH, Baker DH 1997. Removal of vitamin and trace mineral supplements from broiler finisher diets. J Appl Poult Res. 6: 191-198.
Reza A, Hamid MA, Khatoon A 1983. Effect of using different types of vitamin-mineral premixes on the performance of broiler chicks. Bang J Anim Sci. 12: 1-7.
Sayadi AJ, Navidshad B, Abolghasemi A, Royan M, Seighalani R 2005. Effects of dietary mineral premix reduction or withdrawal on broilers performance. Inter J Poult Sci. 4(11): 896-899.
Shelton JL, Southern LL 2006. Effects of phytase addition with or without a trace mineral premix on growth performance, bone response variables, and tissue mineral concentrations in commercial broilers. J Appl Poult Res. 15: 94-102.
Skinner JT, Waldroup AL, Waldroup PW 1992. Effects of removal of vitamin and trace mineral supplements from grower and finisher diets on live performance and carcass composition of broilers. J Appl Poult Res., 1: 280–286.
SPSS 2016.SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 24. Armonk. NY. IBM Corp.
Waldroup PW, Bowen TE, Morrison HL, Hull SJ, Tollett VE 1968. The influence of EDTA on performance of chicks fed corn-soybean meal diets with and without trace mineral supplementation. Poult Sci. 47(3): 956-960.