Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 12/27/21

Year: 2021





SANAT VE TASARIM dergisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü tarafından yılda iki kez yayımlanır. 
SANAT VE TASARIM dergisi, Güzel Sanatlar alanlarındaki bilimsel yazıları yayımlayan hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılar,  editör tarafından incelendikten sonra konunun uzmanı iki hakem tarafından değerlendirilir.
Dergiye, Plastik Sanatlar, Tasarım, Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları alanında yapılmış çalışmalar kabul edilir.  
Önceden yayımlanmış, yayımlanmak için kabul edilmiş ve yayımlanmak için değerlendirilmekte olan yazılar değerlendirilmeye alınmaz. 
Derginin dili Türkçe ve İngilizcedir. 
Yayımlanan yazıların sorumluluğu tümüyle yazar/yazarlara aittir. 
Yazardan düzeltme istenilmesi durumunda, düzeltmenin en geç 1 ay içinde yapılarak Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü sekreterliğine ulaştırılması gerekmektedir.
Aynı sayıda bir yazarın birden fazla makalesi yayımlanamaz. 
Dergide aşağıda belirtilen özellikleri taşıyan yazılar yayımlanabilir :
 1. Derleme: Belli bir konuda yakın zamana kadar yapılmış bilimsel, sanatsal çalışmaların kapsamlı derlemesi.
 2. Araştırma Makalesi: Özgün araştırmaları tanıtan ve sonuçlarını sunan bilimsel formatta yazılmış makale.
 3. Editöre Mektup: Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü Hakemli Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi’nde yayımlanmış yazılar ile ilgili yorum, eleştiri ve düzeltmeler.
 4. Kitap Eleştirisi: Sanat alanında çıkmış kitapları tanıtmaya yönelik bilimsel formatta yazılmış yazı


SANAT VE TASARIM dergisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü tarafından yılda iki kez yayımlanır. 
SANAT VE TASARIM dergisi, Güzel Sanatlar alanlarındaki bilimsel yazıları yayımlayan hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılar,  editör tarafından incelendikten sonra konunun uzmanı iki hakem tarafından değerlendirilir.
Dergiye, Plastik Sanatlar, Tasarım, Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları alanında yapılmış çalışmalar kabul edilir.  
Önceden yayımlanmış, yayımlanmak için kabul edilmiş ve yayımlanmak için değerlendirilmekte olan yazılar değerlendirilmeye alınmaz. 
Derginin dili Türkçe ve İngilizcedir. 
Yayımlanan yazıların sorumluluğu tümüyle yazar/yazarlara aittir. 
Yazardan düzeltme istenilmesi durumunda, düzeltmenin en geç 1 ay içinde yapılarak Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü sekreterliğine ulaştırılması gerekmektedir.
Aynı sayıda bir yazarın birden fazla makalesi yayımlanamaz. 
Dergide aşağıda belirtilen özellikleri taşıyan yazılar yayımlanabilir :
 1. Derleme: Belli bir konuda yakın zamana kadar yapılmış bilimsel, sanatsal çalışmaların kapsamlı derlemesi.
 2. Araştırma Makalesi: Özgün araştırmaları tanıtan ve sonuçlarını sunan bilimsel formatta yazılmış makale.
 3. Editöre Mektup: Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü Hakemli Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi’nde yayımlanmış yazılar ile ilgili yorum, eleştiri ve düzeltmeler.
 4. Kitap Eleştirisi: Sanat alanında çıkmış kitapları tanıtmaya yönelik bilimsel formatta yazılmış yazı


SANAT & TASARIM journal is being published twice a year by Anadolu University Institute for Fine Arts.
SANAT & TASARIM journal, is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of Fine Arts. Submitted manuscripts are evaluated by the editor or editors in terms of compliance with the publication principles of the journal. If the manuscripts are out of the scope of the journal, they may be rejected by the chief editor before sending them to the editor of the field or the author(s) may be asked to made necessary corrections according to the publication principles and writing rules. The manuscripts, which are sent to the Institute for publication in the journal, are sent to the person appointed as the editor of the field, if they are found eligible in the initial phase, and the process is started. The field editor determines the two academicians, who are experts on the subject, as judges and the evaluation process is carried out by double-blinded method. As a result of the reports received from the referees, the field editor sends the evaluation report to the institute, taking into account their own findings. At the end of the report, the positive article is included directly in the publishing process. However, in the editorial report, if the correction is requested from the author, the correction must be made within one month at the latest. In order to be published in the journal, the author should submit the final version of the manuscript only as a Word document.
The Transfer of Copyright Agreement must be signed and submitted by all authors. The authors are required to declare that the manuscript is an original work; that they take full responsibility for the manuscript; that the article is not published elsewhere and is not sent anywhere to be published; that the submitted manuscript is viewed by the author (s) and the results are approved. It is not possible to add or remove any authors after the manuscript is uploaded to the system. In case of such a condition, the evaluation process will be terminated by considering the manuscript withdrawn.

The responsibility of the published articles belongs entirely to the authors / authors. The journal assumes no responsibility. The publication and publication rights of the articles sent for publication by the author are transferred to the journal.

Fine Arts, such as Plastic Arts, Design, Music and Performing Arts, and the links of these fields with science are accepted to the journal. The manuscripts previously published in other journals or journals, accepted for publication and evaluated for publication are not taken into consideration.
The language of the journal is Turkish and English.
The journal is indexed in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), EBSCO and TR-index.

No more than one article of an author can be published in the same issue of the journal.
The manuscripts proposed by the author should be sent in two separate files, with the names of the authors deleted, together with the plagiarism report, via e-mail (sanattasarim@anadolu.edu.tr) or Dergipark.

Journal Websites;
https://std.anadolu.edu.tr/ https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/sanattasarim

In the application process, the authors should send the plagiarism reports of the manuscripts taken via iThenticate or Turnitin. Manuscripts over 15% of plagiarism screening are not taken into consideration. The journal does not charge any application for publishing fees.

Only below types referred manuscripts can be published on the journal:
1. Review: Comprehensive studies, where recently implemented scientific and artistic studies on a certain subject are employed as resources.
2. Research Paper: Papers, written in formal format and where unique researches are promoted and their results are being submitted.
3. Letter to the Editor: Remarks, critics and corrections related with manuscripts, published on Institute for Fine Arts Journal of Peer-Reviewed Sanat ve Tasarım.
4. Book Critic: Manuscripts in formal format for the purpose of presenting the books, published in the area of art.


1. Manuscripts; It should be written via Word software and on an A4 size paper, in Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing and justified form (block).
2. Page margins should be set to as follows; right edge 2.5 cm, left edge 2.5 cm, upper edge 4 cm, and lower edge 3 cm.
3. Page numbers should be written in 10 font size in the lower right corner. Each paragraph must start 1 cm from the left (from the beginning of the line). No extra line spacing should be given between paragraphs.
4. The first page of the manuscript should include the title of the manuscript, the names of the author(s), the academic title(s), institution/institutions, mainstream/department, summary of the text and key words. On the second page of the manuscript all the information on the first page should be in English.
5. The address of the correspondence should be specified as footnote and the postal address, telephone number and e-mail address of the author should be written. In addition, the first page, if any, supporting institutions / organizations, etc. should be given as footnote.
Author(s) should include their ORCID numbers in addition to the imprint information on the summary page.
Title: All titles should be numbered except for the conclusion and bibliography. All titles should be left justified. Three different levels of titles that might be used in the manuscript should be arranged according to the following rules:
• First level titles: Left justified, bold and all uppercase
• Second level titles: Left justified, bold and each word capitalized
• Third level titles: Left justified, bold, and only the first letter uppercase.
Before the subtitles, one line space should be given.
6. Abstract: All abstracts, except for the letter to the editor, should be no more 200 words or less than 150 words. In the abstract, equation, citation, non-standard abbreviations, etc. should not be placed. The title, keyword and author's tag must be present in the English summary of the article. Turkish articles should have a summary in English, and English articles should have a summary in Turkish.
7. Key words: “Keywords” section, composed of min. 3 to max. 5 words, should be added below the abstract text. The first letter of each added keyword must be capitalized. The first letter of each keyword inserted after “Keywords:” related with the text should be capitalized.
8. Notation and abbreviations: There should be standard notation and abbreviations in the relevant art / science field and should be given as footnote on the related page.
9. Format of the article should be established in form of INTRODUCTION, RELATED TOPICS, and CONCLUSION. (If necessary, sub-headings can be opened to main headings).
10. Images, such as pictures, photographs, graphics, drawings, etc. to be used in articles: should be in 300 dpi resolution and in JPEG or TIFF format. Descriptions of the images should be given immediately below and complete. In addition, the visual list and the visual representation of the visuals should be placed on the bibliography page. The text / table should refer to the figure and visual before the text. (The reference can be given at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the sentence. For example: ... in the sentence; Visual / Table / Figure X; can be given in form of (Visual X), (Table X), (Figure X) in the parenthesis just after the relevant expression, sentence or the paragraph. Tables/charts and figures and visuals should be placed close to the location, where they are first mentioned in the text, provided that they should comply with the baseline layout. Visuals used in the text (photos, graphics, schema, formula, technical drawing, artist's work, etc.) and quotations from a work; should be centered to the page. (Images can be placed side by side if necessary). The visual identifier should be given below the image and written in Times New Roman font 10 pt. Imprint information for the work of art should be as follows:
11. Visual number (bold). Artist name, “Artwork’s Name”, Date, Technical Material, Size, Location.
Visual X. Vermeer, “İnci Küpeli Kız”, 1665, Oil painting on canvas, 44.5 cm × 39.0 cm, Oil Mauritshuis, The Hague.
It should be noted the visuals to be used in the manuscript are proportional to the text page.

9. References to other works within the text should be made using the The American Psychological Association (APA) system.
10. Footnote; A footnote can be used in cases where an in-text comment is required. The footnote should be located in the text area at the bottom of the page within the text line boundaries and separated from the text by footnote lines. Footnotes must be typed with a single line spacing and 10 points, the same as the typeface used in the text. Footnotes are numbered and no space is given between the footnote and the number.
11. Number of Pages; The text should be prepared with a maximum of 25 pages including bibliography.
12. Bibliography is a section where all the references in the text are cited and listed alphabetically by author surname. Each source (except the related legislation) must be included in the Bibliography. A reference in the Bibliography ın must also be cited within the text. The information of the source in the text and the information contained in the “Bibliography” should be consistent. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
Rules to be complied with while issuing a bibliography are as follows:
• The title of the bibliography is written on a new page, in capital letters, in the middle, in the centered form, in the same way as the font and size of the text.
• Bibliography is written starting from the left edge of the spelling space.
• If the same author (s) have more than one entry, they are sorted by starting with the oldest printing year.
• If one of several entries of the same author (s) is multi-authored, then multiple authoring resources are given later.
• If the same author(s) has/have more than one source published in the same year, then the name of the works are listed in alphabetical order, and the brackets are sorted by adding letters, such as “a, b, c, ç, d” respectively.
• If there are works of different authors who have the same genealogy, they are sorted by taking their initials into consideration.
• Entries, written by the institution authors, are listed in the Bibliography according to the initial letter of the institution/organization’s name.
• Entry without author’s name is sorted by initial letter of work.
• Unpublished sources are listed in the “Bibliography” in alphabetical order.
• Only entries with an Internet address are located at the end of the “Bibliography” with their access dates in the order they are included in the text.
• The legislation is not shown in the ”Bibliography •.
• The display of the books, articles and papers accessed through the Internet in the “Bibliography” is printed in the same way as the printed publications.
• For e-entries without all or some of the tag data, such as author, work’s name, publication date, institution name, only Internet full address and access date are given.
• TV programs, TV series, movies, music and sound recordings, or multimedia software type entries are shown in the “Bibliography”.
For the display formats of the references on the text, refer.
For the Bibliography display, please refer.

Note: Writing rules, data related with usage of APA within the text and bibliography, are taken from Anadolu University Master Dissertation Writing Guide.
