Research Article
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Süte Uygulanan Termal Olmayan İşlemler

Year 2018, , 101 - 106, 31.12.2018


Yenilenen teknoloji beraberinde doğal ya da doğala daha yakın gıdaların talep edilmesini gündeme getirmiştir. Bu nedenle gıdalara uygulanan
işlemler de zamanla yeniliklere kapılarını açmış ve açmaya da devam etmektedir. Gıda sektöründeki ürünlerin işlem basamaklarında değişiklere
gidilmesi oldukça uzun zaman ve çokça uygulama gerektirmektedir. Süt teknolojisinde kullanılan en önemli iki teknoloji mikroorganizmaların
inaktivasyonunu sağlamak için pastörizasyon ve sterilizasyon işlemlerini içerir. Yapılan çalışmalar yüksek sıcaklıklarda mikroorganizma inaktivasyonu
sağlarken sütte var olan bileşenlerin yapısal özelliklerin değişmesine ve besin değerlerinin azalmasına sebep olmaktadır. Bu nedenledir ki yeni
yöntemler denenmeye gidilmiştir. Sütü korumak besin değerlerine zarar vermemek amacıyla sütte yine istenilen mikroorganizma inaktivasyonu
sağlamak amacıyla ısıl olmayan teknolojik işlemlerin uygulanabilmesi söz konusudur. Isıl olmayan teknolojik işlemler; mikrofiltrasyon (MF), darbeli
elektrik alan, yüksek basınç uygulaması, ultrason, ultraviole ve X ışınlarıdır. Mikrofiltrasyon, memran sistemine göre uygulanmakta olup gözenek
büyüklüklerine göre sınıflandırılmaktadır. Membranlardan geçirilen sütte bakterilerin ve sporlarının ayrılması söz konudur. Darbeli elektrik alan ve
Yüksek basınç uygulamasında mikroorganizmaların hücre zarlarına zarar verilerek inaktivasyon sağlanmaktadır. Bu derlemede uygulanan bu işlemler
anlatılmakta etkinlikleri avantajları ve dezavantajlarından bahsedilmektedir.


  • Abdel Baky AA, Farahat SM, Rabie AM, Mobasher SA (1986) The Manufacture of Ras Cheese from Gamma Irradiated Milk. Food Chemistry 20: 201-212.
  • Adeil Pietranera MS, Narvaiz P, Horak C, Kairiyama E (2003) Irradiated Ice creams for Immunosuppressed Patients. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 66: 357-365.
  • Anema SG, Lowe EK, Stockmann R (2005) Particle Size Changes and Casein Solubilisation in High-PressureTreated Skim Milk. Food Hydrocolloids 19: 257–267.
  • Anonim (1994) Raw Milk Standard. TS 1018. Turkish Standards Institute (TSE), Ankara.
  • Anonim (2000) Turkısh Food Codex Communıqué On Raw Milk And Heat Processed Drinking Milk (Communiqué Number: 2000/6) Official newspaper. 14.2.2000, Issue 23964.
  • Anonim (2003) Revision of the Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the Irradiation of Food, SCF/CS/NF/IRR/24SCF European Commission Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General Brussels, Belgium.
  • Anonim (2004) Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products (CAC/RCP 57). Codex Alimentarius Commission, Rome, Italy. (Accessed February,16,2017).
  • Aydoğan Y, Kılıçkan A (2012). Nonthermal Approach of Processing Agricultural Products, 27th Agricultural Mechanization National Congress 5-7 September 2012, Samsun, 358-363.
  • Bendicho S, Barbosa-Cánovas GV, Martín O (2002) Milk Processing by High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields. Trends in Food Science and Technology 13: 195-204.
  • Brans G, Schroën CGPH, Van der Sman RGM, Boom RM (2004) Membrane Fractionation of Milk: State of the Art and Challenges. Journal of Membrane Science 243: 263-272.
  • Castro AJ, Swanson BG, Barbosa-Cánovas GV, Zhang QH (2001) Pulsed electric Field Modification of Milk Alkaline Phosphatase Activity. In G.V.BarbosaCánovas, Q.H. Zhang (Eds.), Pulsed Electric Fields in Food Processing. Fundamental aspects and applications. Technomic Publishing Company Inc. Lancaster, 65-82.
  • Considine T, Patel HA, Anema SG, Singh H, Creamer LK (2007) Interactions of Milk Proteins During Heat and High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatments-a Review. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 8: 1–23.
  • Cserhalmi ZS, Vidacs I, Beczner J, Czukor B (2002) Inactivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Bacillus cereus by Pulsed Electric Fields Technology. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 3: 41-45.
  • Dong FM, Lee CJ, Rasco BA, Hungate FP (1989) Effects of Gamma-Irradiation on the Contents of Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Vitamin B12 in Dairy Products For Low Microbial Diets. Journal of Food processing and Preservation 13: 233-244.
  • El-Shibiny S, Reuter H, Klobes H, Schmanke E (1994) Properties and Quality of Mikrofiltered Skimmilk. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 22: 177-185.
  • Fox PF, McWeeney PLH (2003) Advanced Dairy Chemistry. Volume 1. In Chapter 1: Milk Proteins: General and Historical Aspects. Third Edition. Part A. New York, Springer Verlag Publish.
  • Giffel MC, Van Der Horst HC (2004) Comparison Between Bactofugation and Microfiltration Regarding Efficiency of Somatic Cell and Bacteria Removal. BulletinInternational Dairy Federation, Brussels 389: 49-53.
  • Hajós Gy, Polgár M, Farkas J (2004) High-pressure Effects on IgE Immunoreactivity of Proteins in a Sausage Batter. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 5: 443-449.
  • Hashisaka AE, Einstein MA, Rasco BA, Hungate FP, Dong FM (1990) Sensory Analysis of Dairy Products Irradiated with Cobalt-60 at -78°C. Journal Food Science 55: 404-408.
  • Huppertz T, Fox PF, Kelly AL (2004) High-pressure Induced Dissociation of Caseins from Micelles. International Dairy Journal 14: 575–580.
  • Huppertz T, Smiddy MA, Upadhyay VK, Kelly AL (2006) High-pressure Induced Changes in Bovine Milk: a Review. International Journal of Dairy Technology 59: 58-66.
  • Juan B, Trujillo AJ, Guamis V, Bufa M, Ferragut V (2007) Rheological, Textural and Sensory Characteristics of High-Pressure Treated Semi-Hard Ewes’ Milk Cheese. International Dairy Journal 17: 248–254.
  • Ju-Woon L, Jae-Hun K, Jang-Ho K, Sang-Hee O, Ji-Hyun S, Cheon-Jei K, Sung-Hee C, Myung-Woo B (2005) Application of Gamma Irradiation for the Microbiological Safety of Fried-Frozen Cheese Ball. Journal Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 34: 729-733.
  • Kim HJ, Jang A, Ham JS, Jeong SG, Ahn JN, Byun MW, Jo C (2007) Development of Ice Cream with Improved Microbiological Safety and Acceptable Organoleptic Quality Using Irradiation. Journal Animal Science Technology (Korea) 49: 515-522.
  • Kim, HJ, Han IJ, Choi J, Song BS, Kim JH, Ham JS, Lee WK, Yook HS, Shin MH, Byun W, Lee JW (2008a) Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Vanilla Ice Cream Treated by Gamma Irradiation. Korean Journal Food Science Animal Resources 28: 69-75.
  • Kim HJ, Song HP, Ham JS, Lee JW, Kim K, Jo C (2008b) Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Overall Quality of A Commercial Plain-Type Yogurt Products. Korean Journal Food Science Animal Resources 28: 574-579.
  • Knorr D, Ade- Omowaye BIO, Heinz V (2002) Nutritional Improvement of Plant Foods by Non-Thermal Processing. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 61: 311-318.
  • Konteles S, Sinanoglou VJ, Batrinou A, Sflomos K (2009) Effects of Gamma-Irradiation on Listeria monocytogenes Population, Colour, Texture and Sensory Properties of Feta Cheese During Cold Storage. Food Microbiology 26: 157-165.
  • Liu Z, Juliano P, Williams RPW, Niere J, Augustin MA (2014) Ultrasound Improves the Renneting Properties of Milk. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 21: 2131-2137.
  • López-Fandiño R, Carrascosa AV, Olano A (1996) The effects of High Pressure on Whey Protein Denaturation and Cheesemaking Properties of Raw Milk. Journal of Dairy Science 79: 929–936.
  • Lucey AJ, Tamehana M, Singh H, Munro PA (1998) Effect of Interactions Between Denatured Whey Proteins and Caseins Micelles on the Formation and Rheological Properties of Acid Skim Milk Gels. Journal of Dairy Research 65: 555-567.
  • Madec MN, Mejean S, Maubois JL (1992) Retention of Listeria and Salmonella Cells Contaminating Skim Milk by Tangential Membrane Microfiltration (Bactocatch Process) Lait 72: 327–332.
  • Merel-Rausch E (2006) Hydrostatic High Pressure Treatment of Casein To Generate Defined Particle and Gel Structures. Doctora Thesis. Fakultät Naturwissenschaften Universität Hohenheim.
  • Metin M (2001) Dairy Technology, Milk Composition and Processing. 4. Edition, Ege University Press, Izmir, 1-21.
  • Ordolff D (2001) Introduction of Electronics into Milking Technology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 30: 125–149.
  • Özcan T, Kurtuldu O (2011) Alternative Methods on Production of Extended Shelf Life Milk. Uludağ University, Journal of Agricultural Faculty 25: 119-129.
  • Özünlü BT, Koçak C (2010) Effect of Different Heat Treatments of Milk on Quality of Ayran. Journal of Food 35: 355-362.
  • Pedersen PJ (1992) Microfiltration for the Reduction of Bacteria in Milk and Brine, New Applications of Membrane Processes. International Dairy Federation Special Issue 9201: 33-50.
  • Piyasena P, Mohareb E, McKellar RC (2003) Inactivation of Microbes Using Ultrasound: a Review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 87: 207-216.
  • Potoroko I, Kalinina I, Botvinnikova V, Krasulya O, Fatkullin R, Bagale U, Sonawane SH (2018) Ultrasound Effects Based on Simulation of Milk Processing Properties. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 48: 463-472.
  • Qin B, Pothakamury U, Vega H, Martin O, Barbosa-Cánovas GV, Swanson B (1995) Food Pasteurization Using High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields. Food Technology 49: 55-60.
  • Rosenberg M (1995) Current and Future Applications for Membrane Processes in the Dairy Industry. Trends in Food and Technology 6: 12-19.
  • Saboya L, Maubois JL (2000) Current Developments of Microfiltration in Dairy Industry. Lait 80: 541-553.
  • Salji JP, Sawaya WN, Saadi SR, Safi WM (1984) The Effect of Heat Treatment on Quality and Shelf Life of Plain Liquid Yoghurt. Cultured Dairy Products Journal 19: 10-14.
  • San Martín-González MF, Rodríguez JJ, Gurram S, Clark S, Swanson BG, Barbosa-Cánovas GV (2007) Yield, Composition and Rheological Characteristics of Cheddar Cheese Made with High Pressure Processed Milk. Lebensmittel- Wissenschaft und-Technologie 40: 697–705.
  • Sepulveda-Ahumada DR, Ortega-Rivas E, Barbosa-Cánovas GV (2000). Quality Aspects of Cheddar Cheese Obtained with Milk Pasteurized by Pulsed Electric Fields. The Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 78: 65-71.
  • Sepulveda D, Góngora-Nieto M, Guerrero-Beltrán J, Barbosa-Cánovas GV (2003) Extension Of Milk ShelfLife By A Hurdle Combination of Pulsed Electric Fields and A Mild Thermal Treatment. Institute of Food Technologists, Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts 92C-6.
  • Söylemez M (2005) Operational Cost Minimization of Heat Pump for Milk Pasteurization in Dairy. Journal of Dairy Research 72: 482-485.
  • Tsiotsias A; Savvaidis I, Vassila A, Kontominas M, Kotzekidou R (2002) Control of Listeria monocytogenes by Low-Dose Irradiation in Combination with Refrigeration in the Soft Whey Cheese' Anthotyros'. Food Microbiology 19: 117-126.
  • WHO (1991) Food Irradiation – A Technique for Preserving and Improving the Safety of Food, WHO, Geneva
  • Yardımcıer Ü, Güven M (2011) The Effects of Pasteurization Process and Different Brine Concentrations on the Properties of Çeçil Cheese. Cukurova University Journal of Science and Engineering Science 26: 145-154.
  • Yeom HW, Streaker CB, ZhangQ H, Min DB (2000) Effects of Pulsed Electric Fields on The Quality Orange Juice and Comparison With Heat Pasteurization. Journal Food Chemistry 48: 4597-4605.
  • Yetişmeyen A, Yıldız F (2006) Use of Microfiltration in Milk Industry. 9th Food Congress, 24-26 May 2006, Bolu, 931-934.
  • Yu LJ, Ngadi M, Raghavan GSV (2009) Effect of Temperature and Pulsed Electric Field Treatment on Rennet Coagulation Properties of Milk. Journal of Food Engineering 95: 115-118.
  • Yüksel F (2013) Ultrasound Applications in Food Technology. Electronic Journal of Food Technologies 8: 29-38.
  • Zobrist MR, Huppertz T, Uniacke T, Fox PF, Kelly AL (2005) High-Pressure Induced Changes in Rennet Coagulation Properties of Bovine Milk. International Dairy Journal 15: 655–662.

Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment

Year 2018, , 101 - 106, 31.12.2018


Renewed technology created a demand for natural foods or foods with more natural properties. Therefore, the processes used in food production necessiated taking measures to establish innovations over time. It takes a long time and a lot of practice to change the processing steps of the products in the food sector. Two of the most important technology used in dairy technology involve pasteurization and sterilization processes to ensure the inactivation of microorganisms. Although the currently used processes are able to inactivate microorganisms at high temperatures, they change the structural properties of milk components and decrease its nutritional value. This has led to the search for new methods. To protect milk and not to damage its nutritional value, it is also possible to apply non-thermal technological processes, which provide the desired microorganism inactivation. Non-thermal technological processes are microfiltration (MF), impact electric field, high pressure application, ultrasound, ultraviolet and X rays. Microfiltration is applied by considering the membrane system used and are classified according to pore size. Separation of bacteria and spores in milk are carried out by filtration through membranes. In the pulsed electric field and high pressure applications, inactivation is achieved by damaging the cell membranes of microorganisms.. In this review, these processes are explained and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.


  • Abdel Baky AA, Farahat SM, Rabie AM, Mobasher SA (1986) The Manufacture of Ras Cheese from Gamma Irradiated Milk. Food Chemistry 20: 201-212.
  • Adeil Pietranera MS, Narvaiz P, Horak C, Kairiyama E (2003) Irradiated Ice creams for Immunosuppressed Patients. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 66: 357-365.
  • Anema SG, Lowe EK, Stockmann R (2005) Particle Size Changes and Casein Solubilisation in High-PressureTreated Skim Milk. Food Hydrocolloids 19: 257–267.
  • Anonim (1994) Raw Milk Standard. TS 1018. Turkish Standards Institute (TSE), Ankara.
  • Anonim (2000) Turkısh Food Codex Communıqué On Raw Milk And Heat Processed Drinking Milk (Communiqué Number: 2000/6) Official newspaper. 14.2.2000, Issue 23964.
  • Anonim (2003) Revision of the Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the Irradiation of Food, SCF/CS/NF/IRR/24SCF European Commission Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General Brussels, Belgium.
  • Anonim (2004) Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products (CAC/RCP 57). Codex Alimentarius Commission, Rome, Italy. (Accessed February,16,2017).
  • Aydoğan Y, Kılıçkan A (2012). Nonthermal Approach of Processing Agricultural Products, 27th Agricultural Mechanization National Congress 5-7 September 2012, Samsun, 358-363.
  • Bendicho S, Barbosa-Cánovas GV, Martín O (2002) Milk Processing by High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields. Trends in Food Science and Technology 13: 195-204.
  • Brans G, Schroën CGPH, Van der Sman RGM, Boom RM (2004) Membrane Fractionation of Milk: State of the Art and Challenges. Journal of Membrane Science 243: 263-272.
  • Castro AJ, Swanson BG, Barbosa-Cánovas GV, Zhang QH (2001) Pulsed electric Field Modification of Milk Alkaline Phosphatase Activity. In G.V.BarbosaCánovas, Q.H. Zhang (Eds.), Pulsed Electric Fields in Food Processing. Fundamental aspects and applications. Technomic Publishing Company Inc. Lancaster, 65-82.
  • Considine T, Patel HA, Anema SG, Singh H, Creamer LK (2007) Interactions of Milk Proteins During Heat and High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatments-a Review. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 8: 1–23.
  • Cserhalmi ZS, Vidacs I, Beczner J, Czukor B (2002) Inactivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Bacillus cereus by Pulsed Electric Fields Technology. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 3: 41-45.
  • Dong FM, Lee CJ, Rasco BA, Hungate FP (1989) Effects of Gamma-Irradiation on the Contents of Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Vitamin B12 in Dairy Products For Low Microbial Diets. Journal of Food processing and Preservation 13: 233-244.
  • El-Shibiny S, Reuter H, Klobes H, Schmanke E (1994) Properties and Quality of Mikrofiltered Skimmilk. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 22: 177-185.
  • Fox PF, McWeeney PLH (2003) Advanced Dairy Chemistry. Volume 1. In Chapter 1: Milk Proteins: General and Historical Aspects. Third Edition. Part A. New York, Springer Verlag Publish.
  • Giffel MC, Van Der Horst HC (2004) Comparison Between Bactofugation and Microfiltration Regarding Efficiency of Somatic Cell and Bacteria Removal. BulletinInternational Dairy Federation, Brussels 389: 49-53.
  • Hajós Gy, Polgár M, Farkas J (2004) High-pressure Effects on IgE Immunoreactivity of Proteins in a Sausage Batter. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 5: 443-449.
  • Hashisaka AE, Einstein MA, Rasco BA, Hungate FP, Dong FM (1990) Sensory Analysis of Dairy Products Irradiated with Cobalt-60 at -78°C. Journal Food Science 55: 404-408.
  • Huppertz T, Fox PF, Kelly AL (2004) High-pressure Induced Dissociation of Caseins from Micelles. International Dairy Journal 14: 575–580.
  • Huppertz T, Smiddy MA, Upadhyay VK, Kelly AL (2006) High-pressure Induced Changes in Bovine Milk: a Review. International Journal of Dairy Technology 59: 58-66.
  • Juan B, Trujillo AJ, Guamis V, Bufa M, Ferragut V (2007) Rheological, Textural and Sensory Characteristics of High-Pressure Treated Semi-Hard Ewes’ Milk Cheese. International Dairy Journal 17: 248–254.
  • Ju-Woon L, Jae-Hun K, Jang-Ho K, Sang-Hee O, Ji-Hyun S, Cheon-Jei K, Sung-Hee C, Myung-Woo B (2005) Application of Gamma Irradiation for the Microbiological Safety of Fried-Frozen Cheese Ball. Journal Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 34: 729-733.
  • Kim HJ, Jang A, Ham JS, Jeong SG, Ahn JN, Byun MW, Jo C (2007) Development of Ice Cream with Improved Microbiological Safety and Acceptable Organoleptic Quality Using Irradiation. Journal Animal Science Technology (Korea) 49: 515-522.
  • Kim, HJ, Han IJ, Choi J, Song BS, Kim JH, Ham JS, Lee WK, Yook HS, Shin MH, Byun W, Lee JW (2008a) Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Vanilla Ice Cream Treated by Gamma Irradiation. Korean Journal Food Science Animal Resources 28: 69-75.
  • Kim HJ, Song HP, Ham JS, Lee JW, Kim K, Jo C (2008b) Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Overall Quality of A Commercial Plain-Type Yogurt Products. Korean Journal Food Science Animal Resources 28: 574-579.
  • Knorr D, Ade- Omowaye BIO, Heinz V (2002) Nutritional Improvement of Plant Foods by Non-Thermal Processing. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 61: 311-318.
  • Konteles S, Sinanoglou VJ, Batrinou A, Sflomos K (2009) Effects of Gamma-Irradiation on Listeria monocytogenes Population, Colour, Texture and Sensory Properties of Feta Cheese During Cold Storage. Food Microbiology 26: 157-165.
  • Liu Z, Juliano P, Williams RPW, Niere J, Augustin MA (2014) Ultrasound Improves the Renneting Properties of Milk. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 21: 2131-2137.
  • López-Fandiño R, Carrascosa AV, Olano A (1996) The effects of High Pressure on Whey Protein Denaturation and Cheesemaking Properties of Raw Milk. Journal of Dairy Science 79: 929–936.
  • Lucey AJ, Tamehana M, Singh H, Munro PA (1998) Effect of Interactions Between Denatured Whey Proteins and Caseins Micelles on the Formation and Rheological Properties of Acid Skim Milk Gels. Journal of Dairy Research 65: 555-567.
  • Madec MN, Mejean S, Maubois JL (1992) Retention of Listeria and Salmonella Cells Contaminating Skim Milk by Tangential Membrane Microfiltration (Bactocatch Process) Lait 72: 327–332.
  • Merel-Rausch E (2006) Hydrostatic High Pressure Treatment of Casein To Generate Defined Particle and Gel Structures. Doctora Thesis. Fakultät Naturwissenschaften Universität Hohenheim.
  • Metin M (2001) Dairy Technology, Milk Composition and Processing. 4. Edition, Ege University Press, Izmir, 1-21.
  • Ordolff D (2001) Introduction of Electronics into Milking Technology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 30: 125–149.
  • Özcan T, Kurtuldu O (2011) Alternative Methods on Production of Extended Shelf Life Milk. Uludağ University, Journal of Agricultural Faculty 25: 119-129.
  • Özünlü BT, Koçak C (2010) Effect of Different Heat Treatments of Milk on Quality of Ayran. Journal of Food 35: 355-362.
  • Pedersen PJ (1992) Microfiltration for the Reduction of Bacteria in Milk and Brine, New Applications of Membrane Processes. International Dairy Federation Special Issue 9201: 33-50.
  • Piyasena P, Mohareb E, McKellar RC (2003) Inactivation of Microbes Using Ultrasound: a Review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 87: 207-216.
  • Potoroko I, Kalinina I, Botvinnikova V, Krasulya O, Fatkullin R, Bagale U, Sonawane SH (2018) Ultrasound Effects Based on Simulation of Milk Processing Properties. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 48: 463-472.
  • Qin B, Pothakamury U, Vega H, Martin O, Barbosa-Cánovas GV, Swanson B (1995) Food Pasteurization Using High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields. Food Technology 49: 55-60.
  • Rosenberg M (1995) Current and Future Applications for Membrane Processes in the Dairy Industry. Trends in Food and Technology 6: 12-19.
  • Saboya L, Maubois JL (2000) Current Developments of Microfiltration in Dairy Industry. Lait 80: 541-553.
  • Salji JP, Sawaya WN, Saadi SR, Safi WM (1984) The Effect of Heat Treatment on Quality and Shelf Life of Plain Liquid Yoghurt. Cultured Dairy Products Journal 19: 10-14.
  • San Martín-González MF, Rodríguez JJ, Gurram S, Clark S, Swanson BG, Barbosa-Cánovas GV (2007) Yield, Composition and Rheological Characteristics of Cheddar Cheese Made with High Pressure Processed Milk. Lebensmittel- Wissenschaft und-Technologie 40: 697–705.
  • Sepulveda-Ahumada DR, Ortega-Rivas E, Barbosa-Cánovas GV (2000). Quality Aspects of Cheddar Cheese Obtained with Milk Pasteurized by Pulsed Electric Fields. The Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 78: 65-71.
  • Sepulveda D, Góngora-Nieto M, Guerrero-Beltrán J, Barbosa-Cánovas GV (2003) Extension Of Milk ShelfLife By A Hurdle Combination of Pulsed Electric Fields and A Mild Thermal Treatment. Institute of Food Technologists, Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts 92C-6.
  • Söylemez M (2005) Operational Cost Minimization of Heat Pump for Milk Pasteurization in Dairy. Journal of Dairy Research 72: 482-485.
  • Tsiotsias A; Savvaidis I, Vassila A, Kontominas M, Kotzekidou R (2002) Control of Listeria monocytogenes by Low-Dose Irradiation in Combination with Refrigeration in the Soft Whey Cheese' Anthotyros'. Food Microbiology 19: 117-126.
  • WHO (1991) Food Irradiation – A Technique for Preserving and Improving the Safety of Food, WHO, Geneva
  • Yardımcıer Ü, Güven M (2011) The Effects of Pasteurization Process and Different Brine Concentrations on the Properties of Çeçil Cheese. Cukurova University Journal of Science and Engineering Science 26: 145-154.
  • Yeom HW, Streaker CB, ZhangQ H, Min DB (2000) Effects of Pulsed Electric Fields on The Quality Orange Juice and Comparison With Heat Pasteurization. Journal Food Chemistry 48: 4597-4605.
  • Yetişmeyen A, Yıldız F (2006) Use of Microfiltration in Milk Industry. 9th Food Congress, 24-26 May 2006, Bolu, 931-934.
  • Yu LJ, Ngadi M, Raghavan GSV (2009) Effect of Temperature and Pulsed Electric Field Treatment on Rennet Coagulation Properties of Milk. Journal of Food Engineering 95: 115-118.
  • Yüksel F (2013) Ultrasound Applications in Food Technology. Electronic Journal of Food Technologies 8: 29-38.
  • Zobrist MR, Huppertz T, Uniacke T, Fox PF, Kelly AL (2005) High-Pressure Induced Changes in Rennet Coagulation Properties of Bovine Milk. International Dairy Journal 15: 655–662.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Erratum

Binnur Kaptan 0000-0002-6268-7245

Gökçe Keser 0000-0003-1611-7847

Publication Date December 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Kaptan, B., & Keser, G. (2018). Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(2), 101-106.
AMA Kaptan B, Keser G. Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. December 2018;15(2):101-106. doi:10.25308/aduziraat.412337
Chicago Kaptan, Binnur, and Gökçe Keser. “Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15, no. 2 (December 2018): 101-6.
EndNote Kaptan B, Keser G (December 1, 2018) Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 2 101–106.
IEEE B. Kaptan and G. Keser, “Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment”, ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 101–106, 2018, doi: 10.25308/aduziraat.412337.
ISNAD Kaptan, Binnur - Keser, Gökçe. “Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15/2 (December 2018), 101-106.
JAMA Kaptan B, Keser G. Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2018;15:101–106.
MLA Kaptan, Binnur and Gökçe Keser. “Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 2, 2018, pp. 101-6, doi:10.25308/aduziraat.412337.
Vancouver Kaptan B, Keser G. Non-Thermal Processes Used in Milk Treatment. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2018;15(2):101-6.