Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 6/27/23

Year: 2023

Politics Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal of Ahi Evran University (Ahi Evran Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi), which is published by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences since December of 2017, is a refereed academic journal with on-line publication that includes articles on economics, business administation, international relations, public finance, political science and, public administration sciences. It also includes a book-review section.
Politics Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal of Ahi Evran University aims at developing academic perspectives in economics and administrative sciences and all related social science fields. While it had prioritized contributing to economics and administrative sciences literature in Turkish and English languages, it has in time moved to the idea of contributing to the global social sciences litarature through engaging theoretical and/or regional works originated in Turkey as well as globally.
The journal of Politics Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal of Ahi Evran University is abstracted and indexed in the following databases and indexes:
I2OR Index
ASOS Index
CiteFactor Academic Scientific Journals
Journal Factor
ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
Google Scholar 

Politics Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal of Ahi Evran University (Ahi Evran Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi), which is published by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences since December of 2017, is a refereed academic journal with on-line publication that includes articles on economics, business administation, international relations, public finance, political science and, public administration sciences. It also includes a book-review section.
The journal of Politics Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal of Ahi Evran University involves multiple fields as shown below.

Accounting and Finance
Administration and Organisation
Quantitative Methods
Production Management and Marketing
Economic Development and International Economics
Economic History
Economic Policy
Economic Theory
Regional Studies
International Law
International Politics
Political History
Management Sciences
Politics and Social Sciences
Urbanisation and Environmental Problems
Budget and Fiscal Planning
Fiscal Economics
Fiscal Law
Public Finance Theory

Guideline for Authors
The manuscripts should be incompatible with the following rules to adhere high academic standards.

General Rules

The submitted manuscripts should not be published elsewhere in full or in part.
It is necessary to receive the permission of the authors or publisher if the article includes quotes, tables, pictures etc which were previously published in another work.
Papers presented at a conference but not published in the proceedings are welcome but it should be indicated in the article clearly.
The required style guide for references and in-text citations in APA format detailed in the reference writing rules of Politics, Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal of Ahi Evran University (The PEAJ).
The submitted articles are published only if the approval of at least two referees is obtained.
Scientific and Ethics Principles

All authors should have an academic or scientific contribution to the submitted article.
i. should plan or do the work

ii. write or revise the article

iii. should accept the last version

If an institution is involved in the financial funding or in the direct or indirect commercial support, authors should specify that they do not have any legal relationship. Otherwise, the extent of the relationship should be stated.
If the article requires an “approval of an ethical committee”, the corresponding document indicating the allowance of the treatments should be attached to the article when submitted.


if the submitted article is approved to be published in the journal, all of its rights are preserved by the PEAJ. Henceforth, the citation of these articles requires their inclusion in the reference section and it should also have the permission of the journal.
All views or suggestions in the articles belong to the authors and cannot be held responsible by the journal.
Manuscript Styles

The articles should consist of at least 4.000 and at most 8.000 words including the references.
The word count of the book reviews should be between 1.000-2.000 words.
Case studies should include 1.000-2.000 words.
Spelling Rules

The submitted articles should satisfy the following formal rules.

It should be in parenthesis starting from the first use of the word and this abbreviation should be the same in the rest of the article.
Figure, Picture, Table, and Graphs

Figure, picture, table, and graphs should be specified at the end of the sentence which cites the related one. If any of these has any further explanation, it should be stated at the end of the article.
The used abbreviations should be added to the statements below the figure, picture, table or graph.
The permission is required if the used figure, picture, table or graph is taken from another work and it should be added to the statements below the figure, picture, table or graph.
Pictures/Photos should be multicolored and their details should be seen clearly.
The presentation page to the editor

The category of the submitted article, the statement that it has not submitted to any other journal, the names of the people or the institutions who give financial support if exists and the relationship of the authors with these people and institutions if exists should be precisely specified.
Cover Page

The title of the article (in Turkish or English), the full names of all authors, their academic titles, institutions, work and (or) GSM numbers, e-mails and the email addresses should be stated. If the article is presented before as a proceeding, the place and the date should be specified.

It should be either in Turkish or in English and should have a minimum 150 and maximum 250 words.

It should be at least 3, at most 5. It should be written in Turkish and English.
Page Layout

The articles should be written in Microsoft Word, the footnotes (if necessary) should be Times New Roman 10 font size, the main body should be Times New Roman 12 font size and the titles of sections, chapters and sub-chapters should be 14 font size.
The margins of the document should be as follows: Left=4 cm and others=2.5 cm. The footnotes are not included.
The first pages should have a top margin of 5 cm and “justified” option should be used.
The space used in the article should be 1.5 but the abbreviations, tables, figures and symbol lists, preface, abstracts, sources, attachments, the names and statements of in-text tables and figures and footnotes should be 1.
Sub-chapters cannot be put on the last line of a page. It should be on the next page if at least 2 more lines cannot be fit in.
A space of 6 font size should be left before and after paragraphs. Empty lines should not be put between two paragraphs.
The works should use 4 level titles.
1.1. Second Level
1.1.1. Third Level
(a) Forth Level

The submitted articles should not be paginated.
For APA Referencing system please take a look at http://www.apastyle.org/



1. Book
One author
Robertson, J. (2016). Diplomatic style and foreign policy: A case study of South Korea. Routledge.
in text citation:
(Robertson, 2016:122)
Double Author
Weiss, T. G., & Thakur, R. (2010). Global governance and the UN: an unfinished journey. Indiana University Press.
in text citation:
(Weiss & Thakur, 2016:135)

2. Book – editor
Cooper, A. F., Heine, J., & Thakur, R.C, (Eds.). (2013). The Oxford handbook of modern diplomacy. Oxford University Press.
in text citation:
(Cooper, Heine & Thakur, 2013:145)
Second and subsequent citation
(Cooper et al, 2013)

3. Chapter in an edited book
Cooper, A. F. (2016). The changing nature of diplomacy. In A. F. Cooper, J. Heine, & R. C. Thakur (Eds) The Oxford handbook of modern diplomacy, Oxford University Press, p. 35-53
in text citation:
(Cooper, 2016: 41)

4. Serial / journal article (one author)
Putnam, R. D. (1988). Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of two-level games. International organization, 42(3), 427-460.
in text citation:
(Putnam, 1988: 450)

5. Serial / journal article – more than one author (print)
Vasquez, J. A., Diehl, P. F., Flint, C., Scheffran, J., Chi, S. H., & Rider, T. J. (2011). The Conflict Space of cataclysm: The international system and the spread of war 1914–1917. Foreign Policy Analysis, 7(2), 143-168.
in text citation:
(Vasquez et al, 2011: 151)

6. Theses
Guilland, R. (2003), Dynamics of Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka, (Master’s Thesis), John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Seton Hall University, Retrieved from https://scholarship.shu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1820&context=dissertations
in text citation:
(Guilland, 2003:45)

7. Conference Paper
Naray, O. (2008). Commercial diplomacy: A conceptual overview. In 7th World Conference of TPOs, The Hague, The Netherlands.
in text citation:
(Narray, 2008)

8. Reports and Official Documents
Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2017, November), Sur le mouvement des navires a travers les detroits turcs, annual report, retrieved from http://www.mfa.gov.tr/site_media/html/montro-bogazlar-raporu-2017.pdf
in text citation:
First Citation
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs [MFA], 2017)
Second and Subsequent
(MFA, 2017)

9. Newspaper article
Mazzei, P. & Montague Z., (2019, May 9) Venezuelan Embassy’s Power Cut Off in Tense Washington Standoff, The New York Times, p.4
in text citation:
(Mazzei & Montague, 2019)

10. Newspaper article (no author)
Bahrain says no interruption to diplomatic ties with Syria (2018, December 28). Reuters, retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-bahrain/bahrain-says-no-interruption-to-diplomatic-ties-with-syria-iduskcn1or0fi
in text citation:
(“Bahrain says no interruption”, 2018).

11. Internet – Organisation / Corporate author
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. (2019), What is NATO?, retrieved from https://www.nato.int/nato-welcome/index.html
in text citation:
First time citation: (North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO], 2019)
Second and subsequent citation (NATO, 2019)

Ahi Evran University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administration targets high standards in the issue of publication ethics and follows the standards and advices given by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and Üniversiteler Arası Kurul (ÜAK). The articles that do not comply with the mentioned ethical standards are rejected. It includes the case where the ethical violation is realized after the publication of an article.
It is necessary for the applicants to ensure that their articles are genuine and have not been published in any other journal including the evaluation process. Taking into consideration the issues of plagiarism, duplication, cheating, distortion, multiple publication, divided publication and unfair authorship;
- Taking ideas, methods, data or works from another without citation and using them as if they are partly or fully belongs to him/her,
- Using data that is either altered or does not exist,
- Applying with an article that is in fact completed with the contribution of certain individuals, institutions or foundations, but not mentioning about it,
- Manipulating results or literature, depicting some equipment as they are used in the research, changing the results in a way that supports interests of certain individuals or institutions.
- Using unfinished thesis or researches without the permission of the correspondent authors.
- Offering the same work to different journals.
- Dividing an article into several parts and offer each of them as an article even if this process hurts the integrity of the article.
- Putting some authors on the article even if they do not have any contribution or vice versa. Distorting the order of authors without any reason.
- Authors should follow the privacy of the data used in the article if the satisfying institutions require it to do so. Moreover, using universally accepted theories, basic knowledge and math theorems & proofs does not yield an ethical violation.
Research Ethics
Ahi Evran University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administration aims high standards in research ethics. The compliance of articles with the international research ethics principles that will be mentioned below are the responsibility of authors.
- The principles of integrity, quality and transperancy are prior in the formalization, evaluation and sustainability of a research.
- Studies on biomedical research should be in compatible with the preveailing legislations.
- Surveys in any scientific research require the consent of participants. If it is an institute, then the data collected cannot be presented in any article without the permission of that institute.
- The privacy of participants of any research should be satisfied. It should be designed according to conservation of dignity and autonomy of participants.
- Researches must base on voluntary participation.
The Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
- Suitability of articles with the ethical rules are the responsibility of authors.
- Authors should ensure that their articles are genuine and have not been published in any other journal. Moreover, they must not be in the evaluation process in any other journal.
- Sources and contributions must be used properly and mentioned in bibliography in a way that is compatible with the universal acedemic norms.
- Authors are obliged to present raw data if necessary in the evaluation process. Therefore, they need to hold the data before and after the publication of their works for a reasonable time.
- Offering the same work to different journals is not allowed.
- Contributors that are not authors should be mentioned in the “acknowledges”.
- All authors of an article should have direct contribution. Those who provide financial support or collecting data are not considered as authors.
- Authors are obliged to mention about the financial supports or conflict of interests if those affect the result of their works.
- Authors have to notice the editor of journal if they realize any mistake.
Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
- Referees have to notice the editor if they think that they are not capable of evaluating an article or of completing the referee report in the deadline.
- Refereeing must be objective, without any personal opinion on authors, on the basis of feedback, fair and kind.
- Referees must not evaluate the works if they have any kind of conflict of interest with the author.
- Referees must not share their reports and feedbacks on an article with anyone and contact the author without the permission of editor.
- Referees have to notice editor if they realize any kind of ethical violation.
- Referees are obliged to preserve the privacy of the articles and to not use any information for your own interest.
- By keeping the identity of the referees confidential, in some cases, with the decision of the editor, the relevant referees' comments on the article can be sent to other referees who have evaluated the same article, and the referees can be informed in this process.
Ethical Responsibilities of Editorial Board
- The editor should evaluate the articles submitted for publication regardless of the authors' ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious belief and political opinion.
- Editors of Ahi Evran University İİBD are responsible for evaluating the compliance of the articles submitted to the journal with the purpose and publication policies of the journal.
- The editor ensures that the articles submitted for publication are fairly reviewed by double-sided blind peer review. It should guarantee that all information about the articles submitted in this process will remain confidential until the article is published.
- The information contained in a submitted article should not be used in the editor's or editorial board's own research without the written permission of the author.
- The editor has full authority to appoint a referee and is responsible for making the final decision on the articles to be published in the journal.

For the articles published in Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Journal of FEAS (the PEAJ), no fee is paid to the author and no fee is charged from the author. Our journal does not charge any fees for article submission, article-editing processes or publication fees (page or color fees). Articles are freely available, digitally accessible.