Writing Rules

The articles to be sent to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the following explanations. In addition, there is an article template of our journal in the link below the instructions. Authors should prepare the articles in accordance with this template or copy them without changing the template in order to speed up the appraisal process of the article.                

  1. Articles to be sent to the journal should be prepared in MS Word program, Times New Roman with 11 font size and 1 line spacing, leaving a line space between paragraphs and 2,5 cm space on all sides in the page layout. Tables should be maximum 10 font size. The study should not exceed 20 pages, including references and appendix.
  2. The candidate article, prepared in accordance with the AEÜSBED article template to be sent to the journal, should be uploaded to the Dergipark system without adding author names and without expressing their identity. The uploaded filename must not contain the name of the authors and the author information must not be included in the file information.
  3. The "Copyright Form" must be signed by all authors and uploaded to the Dergipark system with the article submission. Names, corporate addresses, corporate e-mail addresses and signatures of all authors should be included in the “Copyright Form” in accordance with the order in the article.
  4. Sections of the work should be in the following order: Cover page (Title in Turkish, Abstract in Turkish, Title in English, Abstract in English), main text, references, extended abstract and (if any) appendix.
  5. It is crucial that the works to be sent to our journal have the following characteristics to ensure publication unity. 

Title: The title of the study should be written in 12 font size, Times New Roman, centred on the page, bold, single line spaced, only the initials of the words are capital, not exceeding 12 words and should be written clearly.

Author (s): The full name and surname of the author (s) should be written in capital letters, 11 font size, centred under the title and Times New Roman font. The address of the institution and the e-mail address should be written under the name, centered on the page, with a font size of 11, and in Times New Roman font.

Abstract: Times New Roman font and 9 font size, the right and left sides of the main text should be arranged 1 cm from the main text, single spaced, in a single paragraph, covering the purpose, method and results of the research and written between 150-300 words. If the language of the article is in Turkish, "Turkish Title" and "Öz"; in English, "English Title" and "Abstract" must be written first.

Key Words: In each article, there should be 9 font size, 1 line spaced and 3-5 words at the bottom of the Öz and Abstract to reflect the content of the study. Key words should be written in a sentence pattern, only the first letter of the first word should be written so that the others begin with lowercase letters.

Main Text: The main text should be written in 11 font size, single line spacing and Times New Roman font. Paragraphs should start from 1 tab inside; single line space should be left between paragraphs. The main titles of the work should be written in 12 font size, single line spaced, centred, initial letters are capital, bold and Times New Roman. Other subheadings should be written in 11 font size, left aligned, initial letters capital and Times New Roman font. Bullets and numbering should not be used in main title and subheadings.

Tables: Tables should be placed in the text, sequentially numbered and titled and prepared in accordance with APA 6 standards. No vertical gridlines should be used in the tables, the gridlines used in the tables should be at most 1.5 pt, and except for the category names in the tables at the beginning of the rows and columns; no gridlines should be used between the rows and columns. Table title should be above the table, including the table number; The name of the table should be written so that the first letters of the words are upper case, the next ones are lowercase and italic. The texts in the table should be maximum 10 font size and adjusted before and after the gridlines without any spaces.

Figures: (If any) Diagrams, pictures, figures and graphics should be printed and understandable on a white paper. Figure title should be positioned below the figure, by specifying the figure number; figure name, initial letters of the words should be uppercase and others should be lowercase, normal font. If there is a reference, it should be specified in parentheses. Figures that do not fit at the end of the page should be placed on the next page. If the figures are in numbers and shapes that will disrupt the integrity of the text, they should be placed in Appendix section after the references.

References: References should be arranged in accordance with APA 6 (American Psychological Association-6) standards. Detailed information about citation rules can be found in journal’s article template.

Extended Abstract: An extended abstract between 750 and 1000 words should be prepared for each article, including the titles in the template. An extended abstract should be in English for Turkish studies and in English for Turkish studies.

Appendix: (If any) It should be started from a new page. Scale, sample, etc., which is thought to be included in the appendix of the work by the author(s) should be included in this section.

Author Notes: If there is an author note, it should be indicated with *(asterisk) in the title, it should be written above the list of references at the end of the main text.

*** Important Note***

We kindly request you to prepare your candidate articles using the AEÜSBED article template.
You can use the text copied from the original document as "right click" + "keep text only" without formatting.

Click for the article template. 

Click for the Copyright Transfer Agreement.